Deadpan Interview Roster

Mike J. Nelson. Star and Head Writer for the long-running Mystery Science Theater 3000 TV show. He’s also made numerous other DVD and TV appearances.

Tee Morris. Best known for his Morevi novels; co-author of Podcasting for Dummies (with Evo Terra), The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy, co-founder of, all-around good guy. Pioneering Podcast novelist.

John Buccigross. Longtime ESPN writer and on-air personality; host of ESPN2’s long-running NHL2Night program.

Scott Sigler. The most successful of the early podcast novelists. Author of Earthcore, Infection, Ancestor, and many others. He never orders the value meal.

John Joseph Adams. The Slush God. JJA is the esteemed, award-winning Assistant Editor at the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, also a noted blogger and MetaL m/ enthusiast.

Mark Forman. The Brooklyn Bluesman. The self-proclaimed Reigning Shogun of Taiwan; one of the most active online music podcasters, the man behind “Getting a Leg Up”, best known for podcasting Cory Doctorow’s “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom”.

Pete Allen. Editor-in-Chief of Creative Guy Publishing, best-known for the successful, critically-acclaimed Amityville House of Pancakes anthologies. They also published a little something called “Spherical Tomi”.

Mur Lafferty. It’s Mur Lafferty. The brilliant mind behind “Geek Fu Action Grip”, “I Should Be Writing”.

Jennifer Batten. Almost universally recognized as the greatest female guitarist of all time. Her finger-tapping technique is mind-boggling. Best known for her appearances (and her hair) on tour and in videos with Michael Jackson.

Adrienne Jones. Popular offbeat novelist, best-known for her appearance in the Amityville House of Pancakes anthology, as well as her novella, “Temple of Cod”, and her novel, “The Hoax”.

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Frequent NOVA host, Director of the Hayden Planetarium, incredibly nice, incredibly intelligent human being.

Ellen Datlow. Esteemed, monumentally influential Sci-Fi editor-in-chief for Omni Magazine, SCIFICTION, plus countless print anthologies. She’s responsible for discovering many of the most notable SF authors of the late 20th century.

Stephen King (not really). A mock interview was staged with Stephen King for Deadpan episode 15.

TD-0013. The stormtrooper behind the wildly popular and creative, “A Different Point of View” podcast.

Ravyn Crescent. YA Author of the “Predator Turned Prey” e-book, print novel, and manga.

John Jacobs. Editor-in-Chief of cutting-edge zine, Neometropolis. Notable Cyberpunk enthusiast. Really intelligent guy.

J.C. Hutchins. Author of the acclaimed, highly successful podcast “7th Son” novels. The Second Life release party for his second book managed to crash servers.

Christiana Ellis. Prolific podcaster/author, best-known for her Podiobook, “Nina Kimberly the Merciless”, as well as “Hey, Want to Watch a Movie?”. She’s also the driving force behind Podcast Pickle’s “Pickle Tales” contest.

Rusty Cooley. Guitar virtuoso for the band, Outworld. columnist for Guitar Player magazine; known for his unique 8-string guitar and his blinding speed. Guitar One dubbed him the “7th-Fastest Guitar Player in the World”.

John Shirley. Cyberpunk author, musician, lyricist, icon, founder, pioneer, legend.

Bill DeSmedt. Author of the award-winning post-Cold War techno-thriller, “Singularity”.