I’m taking desperation to a whole new level, off to see Bridesmaids.
However I will be seeing the new Terrence Malick movie tomorrow..
Based on The Thin Red Line, I’m betting I’m going to enjoy Bridesmaids a whole lot more…
Bridesmaids got good chick-flick reviews, Van!
Yeah wasn’t too bad.
Some of the head 2 head scenes between the main female protagonist and the guy from the IT crowd were a bit freaky though, looked liked he wasn’t in the same room as her at some poInts and this was really obvious when it shouldn’t have been.
Yeah yeah, I know this how movies are shot, but just too obvious in this case,
Morris Day and the Time were pretty good. wow that guy was trying to be smooth.
Tonic was good as always “the way she loves me” is so much better live. they change the song adding a little something that really adds some real depth.
Morning Pan!
Bye Pan! Headed south
Yeah Bridesmaids is supposed to be quite a good film. Will be definite Netflix for me.
Oh, Reaps, Morris Day dont have to try to be smoov… Morris Day be just smoov by bein’ Morris Day
You should have heard his speech on the difference between sweating and condensating. condensating like a champagne bottle the cool comes from with in. Were with sweating your just hot instead of letting the cool come to the surface. it was something else.
I want to BE Morris Day
I don’t know if any other person could handle that much cool.
Well may Chuck Norris. I know I couldn’t
It would be a great 5 minutes until I imploded from coolness.
It would be glorious!
Truly our only hope against global warming.
Made it to the airport. Realized I forgot my US money. The stupid currency exchane at the airpot charged me 15%!!! Don’t they know our dollar is above par? *humph*
Customs was uneventful. Never had my hands swabbed before though. Strange
Hay pan,
Sending the “we need to start the paper work” email.
I’m kinda nervous about the response.
Solidarity, reaper. You know what needs to be done. I know a thing or two about this, so feel free to email, if you have any questions or want some non-bitter advice.
Thanks Jack. I think it will go well I’m just nervous. I also very badly don’t want to be married to her any more and we need to start paper work do that.
*slides a cold beer down the bar to Reaper*
Yep, that’s definately beer worthy.
thanks going to need that
*Sends a shot of whiskey down to.*
Thought I’d send “back-up” as well.
CP: T.O.R.N.A.D.O. — The Go! Team
The bunny has landed and is fed. We’re happy
Ack! What did you feed the Bunny to !!!!!
An Aardvark?
Bunny ate at a salad bar place called Sweet Tomato
Were there sweet tomatoes?
wink wink nudge nudge
Funnily enough, no.
bunny is a sweet tomato
Asses :blush:
Istupid iPad. I meant to say awwwww
I just looked at Bunny’s words with friends game and her game with her husband has the words connected Hot Shafts Toy… this makes me giggle like a dirty school girl.
The second time I’ve watched Big Bang Theory and it’s a rerun.
It’s still good. Watch it twice. I always do.
I guess I’m broken, I just feel more bored watching it.
It has been a day. Glad to hear travelers arrived and were fed to the aardvarks.
Hmm, well….
You know, having gone through the four books in succession here since the beginning of the year, I cannot appreciate having to wait more than a decade to hear about what happens to Tyrion and all the others who weren’t addressed in “A Feast for Crows”.
While not quite as in your face as Game of Thrones, this guy was definitely influenced more by GRR Martin rather that Robert Jordan in terms of visceral descriptive story telling. I’m enjoying it.
I hadn’t considered MacBeth (or really, much of any Shakespeare) since high school, so I had memory of only a basic concept and a few key lines. Interestingly enough, I have not heard any of those lines used in this version.
CW: justa J0e’s link to nasatv
it kind of feels like sex. fun things happening building to an explosion
I’m glad sex doesn’t have a clock that stops all the time though
Never had a phone ring at just the wrong time?
good point but now that I think about it no. just kids knocking on the door.
Bunny called us lazy. I call myself “woman with a migraine” … whatever!
Now she’s trying to convince me that I need to eat something. Gah.. eat? in the morning!? Where’s my coffee!?
Personally I refuse to acknowledge the existence of mornings without coffer.
Most excellent launch!
I have now witnessed (via TV) the final launch of the Apollo program and the Shuttle program.
I am old. :pouty:
I missed it. T-5 and someone stopped in and need help. I get back and it is all done.
Ed: I seriously dig (That Scottish Play). It’s actually the only Shakespeare play I’ve seen performed live. I will check out that novel. If you like that, you might dig “King Hereafter” by Dorothy Dunnett.
Cj is sticking out her tongue and wiggling it suggestively :tongue:
What was that pearl of wisdom my wife used to say? Oh yeah, don’t start something you can’t finish. LOL
Um…. BTW Lo Pan and Lost Ralph and anyone else who might care – Avery New World Porter is not half-bad. (I’m not CD:, I had one last night)
But it’s noon somewhere
Youre in no way wrong, sir
I fuckin love it. One of the better anytime porters out there.
Is it true that the Harry Porter is brewed with the warts of a hog?
Well in the cinema, waiting for ‘Tree of Life’ to start, ahoy weirdness.
I’ll be interested in what you think of it Van. The only thing I know about it is how some strongly disliked it while others strongly loved it.
OOOOOOOh good luck with that one
Early reviews for Tree of Life: the acting was kind of wooden, the story never really branches out, and most of the audience leaves in the Fall.
*throws every coat possible at Jack*
We’ll see if that rings hollow…
I just hope the movie isn’t too sappy.
…or forgets its roots.
It’s probably for the birds.
Unless it’s too chopped up.
Then it’s mulch ado about nothing.
..and what a load of pretentacious teasels it was.
Bloody auto correct.
To clarify.
A barely coherent plot, wedged between formation and early history of presumably Earth and it’s destruction ..at the end of time (insert dramatic music here), most of the coherent bits set in 50’s childhood where it looked the director had just discovered zoom lenses and wanted to zoom in and out (with a bit of revolving for added effect) with wild abandon (yeah I’m sure it was meant to make it look like a dream of memories past but I found it bloody annoying).
So meh!
After 3 weeks, Green Lantern has grossed $138,925,810… WORLDWIDE
So…. so that’s not good at all. Minus Batman, DC seems to REALLY have trouble in the cinema, dont they?
Three quick things before I get into meeting mode:
We live in a world where $138,925,810 is not a lot of money to some…. while I agonize over $3.00 for a loaf of bread.
I guess the first 2 Superman films are too old to count?
I’m sure DVD sales will help the bottom line. I agree though, DC doesn’t have the market draw of Marvel, other than Mr. Wayne.
And the 3rd: I don’t have my laptop OR my USB drive with me, so I hope we can record tonight and dropbox me the files.
That was a great essay … aaand then it needed some editing.
Sad though, we can look at it 10 years later and see that Napster is basically dead and nothing has changed in the music industry except for the fact that their attitudes toward the Internet has lost them money.
“In a world without friction, the only friction people value is editing”.
Oh Courtney, can’t you just stay that 1-dimensional drugged-out dimwit that we all grew to despise?
Her references to Napster, Lars Ulrich, and record store shelves all feel about 10 years dated, though.
See seemed mostly on point with the article, Napster is so 1998 though. Seems like there is an opprotunity for a venture capitalist to start a music download site that is geared toward rewarding the musicians and maybe promote them with some free weekly MP3s.
You know what Lars was going to buy with all that money he lost from Napster? Yep, booze.
He gets plenty of boos.
and a few hisses.
but few kisses.
Essbee gets the SIGH Young award!
CW: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
I’m strangely fascinated by this Guy.
Possibly palpable pulchritude perhaps?
Potentially . . .
I just looked up “pulchritude”.
-Potentially . . .
Careful, your callous cough could cause crazy correspondence.
Jack and Dan S. Are getting cozy on the couch :blush:
Currenlt attending: Rhettro, Dan S. Cj, and of course, Jack :cheerful:
Cj’s showing sexy leg
… but WHOSE sexy leg!
(music sting) *Dun Dun DUUUUNNNN*
I am simultaneously researching chainsaws and reading about Kim Wilde.
Improved air filter system
After topping the charts in Australia and Canada and peaking at number two in the UK, it became a U.S. number one single in 1987.
Anti-vibration design with strategically placed rubber buffers.
Starting in 1998, while still active in music, she has branched into an alternative career as a landscape gardener.
I need go find more beer.
I just finished boring everybody with pictures of home
Here are the predictions for Sly B’s balloon payload launch tomorrow:
7 words:
Great Divide’s Belgian Style Yeti Imperial Stout
Oh boys and girls…. this should be a treat
Belgian style?!
Belgian style…
Sounds yummy!
ditto ditto
It’s HOT!
That is all
CD: Boddingtons
Hmm, I’m thinking of beer, something stoutish
Perhaps with some oak to it.
And I think it needs to be strong, imperial strength in fact.
CD: Coop’s Territorial Reserve Oak Aged Imperial Stout
This is a hard beer to define, it has all the characteristics of an imperial stout except the syrupy mouth feel and it’s kinda throwing me off.
The aroma is wonderful the vanilla from the oak combined with the roast and caramel malts to put me in mind of maple syrup and molasses. With a hint of cinnamon like spiceness.
The flavor has a strong hop bitterness with roast and oak, as if you had oak aged a dry stout. With the oaky tannins lingering in the mouth and palate in a kind of pleasant way. I get a hint of syrupiness on the back of the palate.
(quiet spellbot syrupiness is to a word, now.)
The mouth feel is thin for an imperial stout, more along the lines of a regular strength dry stout. This makes it odd yet gives the beer a surprising refreshingness, especially combined with the hops and oak. I will say the only way I can tell it has alot of alcohol is the warmth in my stomach as I drink it, and the way the beer clings to the side of my glass.
All in all a good beer, but I’m not sure if the new brewer over at Coop has the same flair Chase brought to the recipes.
Oh here comes the buzz, yep I guess this is an imperial strength beer.
I’m halfway through a 750 mL bottle and feeling nice…
“115 degree weather in OK. A Golden Ale in a frosty mug will cool you down nicely.”
Beer snob/geek says, ” Who would waste a good beer in a frosted mug?”
No really I’m trying to control it, please drink what you enjoy. Even if it is from a *shudder* frosty mug…
ok so Re: ditto’s post of Courtney Love taking on the music industry..although I TOTALLY agree with her, I have t doubt she actually wrote it. BUT, regardless of the author, she is totally right on.
Record labels are so evil. The only people who are losing money off illegal downloads are the labels. screw them I say!
Her idea is pretty cool if it could work. I mean couldn’t an artist basically create that “global village” through their own site? Have a log in for your fans to access a special place on your site to listen to previews or whatever else and offer the tip service through there.
Or create a separate site where bands have pages you can log in, save your favorite artists and access whatever it is they want to share, leave what you want. Make it be a direct contact between fans and the artists. As an obsessed music fan that would be awesome. I mean back in the day when everything was word of mouth or found reading every music zine out there, the connection to artists was so difficult. Today with the internet tubes we are all closer to bands then we ever were.
Being that its Courtney and I despise her, I would have to argue that what she is saying she COULD already do. Trent did it, Radiohead did it, Brand New did it. Does Courtney Love have enough fans who would care enough about her work?
There are bands i would sign up for something like that if it was available. I think its up to the band to make it happen. If enough bands went that way, if bigger bands helped out smaller bands… it would be pretty bad ass. I know there are artists like Greg Dulli (you knew he would come into the conversation eventually) who still is fighting with his old label over Afghan Whigs rights. Its sad. He has Afghan Whigs music that he can’t do anything with because of the old label. Very very sad.
Ok, sorry for taking over Deadpan with a music industry rant. 🙂
I only got halfway through that speech from Courtney, so I’m basing htis more on your response.
But I will say that I know of one artist who is completely supported by her fans, and did a 50 state plus Canada tour last year, and she is touring a large part of the US again. Just doing mostly small venues and house parties. Admittedly Marian Call is closer to Vanamonde’s tastes than the mighty Hugh and Dre’s rock preferences. But it is an interesting proof of a n artist succeeding only through social media.
Regardless of the genre, she did what Courtney was talking about. And her album is coming out on Bandcamp which I saw was a site that does EXACTLY what Courtney is sorta talking about.. you can see your music directly to your fans sans a record label.
and according to this little snippet cut from their site, some indie rock regulars use it too:
In the past 30 days alone, artists have made $627,373 USD using Bandcamp, and monthly sales growth since our launch looks like this:
To find out why forward thinkers like Sufjan Stevens, Amanda Palmer, and Zoë Keating call Bandcamp home sweet home, watch this
Now if some slightly larger names started.. that would be cool.
Hugh and i did some TV catching up last weekend- I was not liking the new series of Dr Who but those 2 episodes about “the flesh” might have made up for everything else. Even Neil Gaiman’s episode didn’t do it for me.. and I LOOOOOOOVE Neil Gaiman.
True Blood is AWESOME
Excited to watch Torchwood tomorrow maybe if we have time.
Also really looking forward to Harry Potter, New Dresden book.. lots of cool scifi stuff.
Umm, I thought all of the episodes were in Wales? And please avoid spoilers since it may be a year before netflix allows me to catch up.
I’m just wondering if they remove the UK bit on the UK release, like umm we know Wales is in the UK.
Silly Ban, I thought whales lived in the water :cheerful:
Stupid iPad!!!! -Ban +Van
ah, gotcha
kinda like saying New York City, New York, United States
for at least 50% of US citizens
hmm, so do I blame :ftb:, or beer, for the fact this wasn’t a reply to Van’s earlier post?
CW: Alice in Wonderland (3rd time, I guess I should consider buying it.)
“If it ain’t vorpal, it ain’t dead.”
One of the best quotes ever. IMO
“I shall futterwacking, vigorously.”
Will you be futterwacking with the comely Alice?
There are times I feel like I’ve lost my muchness…
“I make the path”
Ok, now Alice is starting to flirt with me.
“clothe this enormous girl.”
Why? I’d be quite happy if she wasn’t clothed.
“Why is it you’re always too small, or too tall?”
No comprende too tall, I don’t believe a woman can be too tall.
I wonder if they make a vorpal pocketknife, it would be much handier in this modern age than a vorpal sword.
“If it ain’t Alice, it ain’t dead.”
When did this become Resident Evil?
A pretty girl in plate armor. ROWR!
What kind of beer cellar has a bottle of Maudite just in case?
The best kind, my kind of beer cellar.
A tasty beer, but I have such difficulty pronouncing it properly…
I think it is like MA-ow-DEet
I have to say my one problem with this movie is that the jaberwocky looks like an underfed dragon. I consider that less than cool.
And now back to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Note for Van: this would be episode 4.
For future reference I wear a digital watch because I like the alarm and stopwatch functions.
And I like to be able to tell time 10 meters underwater.
or would that be 10 metres underwater?
What in 7.5 million years they couldn’t dust Deep Thought, maybe remove the cobwebs?
Terrible war as committed by Asteroid the video game.
Chillaxin at theTempe Marketplace with my peeps
Is there a whole lot of peeping going on?
Peeps include: Dan and Michelle, Jack and his two kids, CJ and her two kids and myself
I don’t remember any marshmallow chicks out there. Too hot and humid for them anyways.
I first read this as “Temple Marketplace”. I was going to warn you to be on the alert for angry messiahs trashing the place.
lol! 🙂
“what have men got to do with it?”
That’s what she said!
“It isn’t easy being a cop”
and looking like a body double for The Police.
Sunglasses with nose guards, why didn’t I think of that?
“You tell her!”
What that you’re a secretly gay couple and you’re breaking up with her>
I wonder how good the beer cellar is at Milliways. If they did it right they would have the ability to do the BEST vertical tastings.
“I don’t want to eat an animal that is sitting there inviting me to!” – Arthur Dent
Speaking for myself, if a girl wants to invite me to eat I’d be quite happy to oblige.
“I’ll be down in a minute”
I wish she’d said “I’ll be GOING down in a minute.”
“Any people you meet from time to time are merely products of a deranged imagination.”
But they get so upset when I tell them that.
Wow, look at the traffic! Ralph, you should never get yourself Lost again.
It was indeed a good evening, cut abruptly short by the mini-haboob.
Van, that Allan Taylor link is wonderful. Great sounding guitar and vocals.
goodnight :256:
what kind of boob is a haboob?
A haboob (Arabic ????) is a type of intense sandstorm commonly observed in arid regions throughout the world. They have been observed in the Sahara desert (typically Sudan), as well as across the Arabian Peninsula, throughout Kuwait, and in the most arid regions of Iraq.
goodnight pan
It is way way too early in the morning. Yet, here I am.
So, apparently there are some bad boobs running around out there.
A positive article about fanfic, I feel quite woozy:
Sounds like a good beer John, now if only Surly distributed down here.
They’re growing. I think they do distribute outside MN a little bit. Their newest project is constructing a Stone-style restaurant on site. It was illegal to do so, but the state legislature passed a bill nicknamed the “Surly Bill.”
Of course, the legislature failed MN in many other ways this year, so it was a small thing all-in-all…
Huge tracts of tumbleweeds.
He’s going to sing! (he’s going sing)
Slymenstra Hymen
Does anyone have a favorite “Mango Salsa” recipe they’d like to share?
Mango Avacado Salsa
1 each Mango, Avacado, diced 1/4″
1/4 cup minced onions (or 1 tbs dried)
1 tbs line juice
1 tbs cilantro
salt to taste
Combine & let sit for at least 30 minutes.
You can replace the mangoes with peaches or oranges. Peaches with mangoes also works well.
Swell, thanks!
Well, howse about that for Deadpan Power!!!
Can you sub glazed donuts for the mangoes?
It’s salsa! You can do anything you want! 🙂
Though I won’t guarantee it tastes good that way.
A glazed mongoose in a submarine?
Oh THAT can’t end well.
BTW, just had an awesome Chicken n Waffles lunch with Cj plus kids, Rhettro & Theresa plus kid, Bunny, and my kids. My stomach will hate me, but it was a great time.
I still have a hard time believing that is actually good.
Don”t look at me. I had half a chicken sandwich because I could’t get my head around chicken and waffles either
Slymenstra Hymen?
I think that is the lead singer/Tuba player from a late 80’s, obscure regional punk/polka band.
The region is obscure, not the band.
Youre real close!!!!!! She was from GWAR
I was watching an interesting program where one of the guys from
Top Gear on various subjects.
So after 40 your nervous system starts getting out if sync leading to indisgestation and constipation.
So yeah..
Did they demonstrate that in a highly impracticable but incredibly gorgeous, super car?
It’s a mix of band, hip-hop, and rock. Very catchy.
Now it’s time to figure out what to make for dinner.
And no, glazed donuts are not involved. 😉
CD: Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat
Current temp: 97
Heat index: 107
I’mma take Bunny to Sephora.
Oh please let that be a euphemism!
We’re gonna need a bigger bunk….
Better go back and get an even bigger one.
Well, it has been another productive weekend. And, even better, I think the end is in sight now on getting the old house ready to sell. It was a much bigger effort than I anticipated (and I anticipated a lot), but the place has turned out pretty well.
“Bigger effort”
Ha! You’ve done it now. You’ll be thinking, “Hey, this place looks pretty darn good! Why did we ever sell it?”
Belgian Yeti Stout….my god. Its full of win. Its a milder version of the Yeti Stout with Belgian lightness and sweetness inter-played throughout. Find it. Try it. (Or email me and Ill magically teleport you some. Its worth the 9.99 for the bomber for a try. It wont supplant my Chocolate Oak Aged or Oak Aged Yetis… but its a damn nice change up in-between.
Just wait until the do an Oak Aged Belgian Yeti
The waiting, dear Ralph, is the hardest part
Oak Aged Belgian Yeti … now with CHOCOLATE!
I just came a little…
After Sephora, we went for ice cream.
Bunny and I had dessert before dinner.
I’m gonna try to get Bunny to do a play by play with me… first we need to pick a movie.
Sorry, Bunny, it won’t have Zombies or murdering rampages.
Rep! The movie’s playing
ok, we’ve decided (Bunny let me choose actually more like) A Dirty Shame
2004 NC-17 88 minutes
Acclaimed filmmaker John Waters returns to his favorite city, Baltimore, for this side-splitting film starring Tracey Ullman as Sylvia Stickles, a convenience-store worker who becomes a raging sexaholic after a minor accident. But her newfound lust is more a hassle than a gift, igniting class warfare on her street, Harford Road. Johnny Knoxville, Chris Isaak and Selma Blair co-star. Waters’s muse, Patty Hearst, makes her usual cameo
Johnny Knoxville? Isn’t he that Asshole guy?
Er.. Jackass
Cooking in the kitchen. Hubba, hubba
The language in this film!
Fishnet boobs
Those are not real boobs.
Nude drunken driving
“something is the matter with your vagina”
I’m gonna use that line later.
Hey, it’s FFF!
Grr. Woof!
don’t you find it funny that every man in this neighborhood has a penis?
Trimming her bush
This movie is really scary
have you met my husbear?
Her bush was on fire, almost literally.
“let’s go sexing”
my name is ray ray and i’m here to service you.
(I’m done trying to make my shift key work)
Hey, what’s he doing down there between her legs?
It’s a sex addict squirrel
I hope you’ll be with us on the day of carnel rapture
Homosexuals eat life you know?
Mailmen beat off everywhere
only you can prevent fornication
someone left a dildo in my neighbor’s wishing well
What’s good about a morning with dildos in it?
The mailman keeps the Hustler magazines for himself instead of delivering them
it’s not safe out! People are shaving their crotches as we speak.
Aside: I wonder if Bunny will ever let me choose another movie.
Photos of the mailman’s “pig steel”
“sneezing in the cabbage”
i’m not a prude, i’m married to an italian
No blow jobs!
Bunny is wondering if this movie has subliminal messaging.
They were water marking the word vagina on the screen. What else am I suppose to think?
Humping the garbage can
Holy crap! Full frontal male nudity!
We paused the movie. Now it doesn’t want to restart. Please stand by…
Why are they doing the hokey pokey?
Now… Cj needs popcorn. I think she really just needed to cool off from this hot movie
Ok, where were we.. Oh yes, doing the hokey pokey
More subliminal messaging
So this is what happens when you two are left alone. o.O
Sylvia is stealing underwear off someone’s clothesline
Dumpster diving for whore’s clothing
Don’t blame us. it’s all tracy ullman’s fault
I blame Tracey Ullman for a lot of things — like The Simpsons.
It’s Big Ethel!
Big Ethel’s trying to start a decency rally but her daughter has turned into a sex addict… oh no!
A “full service” garage
Looking for the erotic orgasm like they’ve never experienced
A dirt fetish?
hurl hurl hurl…. omg… make it stop
Did he really just eat her booger filled tissue
Do you want to powder my chaffed butt
Sploshing is the erotic urge to dump food in your privates… apparently it’s an English fetish
I’m a horny woman with a head injury
“I’ve got a hard on of gold and my pants are on fire”
Nude woman!
Ok, everybody is getting full frontal naked in this movie
Getting hot on the bus
“Don’t go in there! Bears live there! Big fat hairy fags with dicks. ”
“I’m I bear hag and we call this… Bear soup!”
“I’m sorry I spoke so harshly about your vagina earlier.”
This is not a child friendly movie
Baby has shaved his balls, do you want to see them?
Ray Ray is magical. He dry humps trees and the tree’s flowers bloom. Neato.
Selma Blair is almost naked. Her real boobies are being hidden by ginormous fake balloon boobies.
She can be motorboated from a couple feet away…
Bar fight!
Oh no. What will a second head injury to her… she’s neuter again??? eeks..
The backwards alphabet
Being a whore is a disease!
“Don’t listen to them Mother! Sexual addiction is a privilege!”
“You let strangers put their germ-filled mouths on your uterus?”
Topless seesawing?
Meanwhile… At the squirrel orgy…
12 step program for sex addicts
Blind sex addict
“My clitoris is in crisis”
Make a list of all the people you fucked, and apologize to their parents
Try jerking off when your hand is asleep. It feels like somebody else is doing it
The sex apostles are crashing the sex-addict support group
I will never be nude again!!!
“It was a long hard road to this vagina!”
“Let my mother’s pussy be!”
What’s the matter with you? You’re wasting valuable sex time!
The couple that throws up on each other to get off … i think that’s just odd…
There’s no such thing as bad sex. Based on this movie, I have to disagree
The road to he’ll is sex
The road to he’ll? He’ll what/
Stupid auto correct
My chair is making strange noises. Really. This has nothing to do with the movie
Her nether regions talk. How strange
Her special parts are … talking to her?
Bunny is sitting on a Zhu Zhu pet… we had to figure out the mystery. It was distracting us from the movie. (we thanked it)
This is a school night!
Boing the British thing
“The Resurrsexction is about to happen”
Baby face!
Hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
It’s the bears!
It’s difficult to find words at this point.
There are a lot of people having a lot of sex on my tv.
And the song playing is ‘baby let me bang in your box’
Even the trees have become sex addicts
OMG! It’s David Hasslehoff!!
German loves David Hasselhoff!
It’s the Hoff!
Honey, can I have some munch?
headbutt is the new sex?
Old lady sex. Ewww!
They are all astrogasming from the headbutt sex
Whew. The movie is over. I’m kind of glad
Why was David Hasselhoff even in this?
Why was he in the Sponge Bob movie? He’s the Hoff
I’d apologize to Bunny for choosing such a bad movie, but I heard her giggle more than once and it had nothing to do with her sitting on the Zhu Zhu pet.
It was a cute movie. I wouldn’t go much beyond that, thouh
Also, crap. Now I think Johnny Knoxville is kinda hot.
Dammit. Do. Not. Want.
I did make real popcorn with real butter.
Bed time!
Thanks to Cj for a fun evening
Well done you dos!
Sounds like Ms. Ullman was trying to make a John Waters film.
I somehow missed the post that explained that film … until just now!
Some how I thought it was written by Tracy Ullman.
I think it is brilliant that just from reading the play by play … I recognized the “John Waters” in it.
Fuck, does anyone at all remember the wonderful early 90’s indie-noise band Vanilla Trainwreck from Madison, WI? Reaps? Anyone? A very important part of my growing up they were.
poor r ethan he is torn with his feelings of saddness that dc in its stupidty with the reboot canceled secret six. yet joy for catman is coming in plastic a pin most secret six fans are feeling.
*Makes like a monkey*
And flings poo?
Vanilla Trainwreck – no
Dirty Shame is a great Waters – loved it! You guys should do Pecker today.
I’m pretty sure I enjoyed the play by play more than I would have enjoyed the movie.
Hey pan
Morning time. In a couple of hours I’ll be on my way hame. It was great seeing everybody. Thanks to Cj, the hostess with the mostess
You know what …
“Attached to the email, however, was a spreadsheet listing the names and sizes of 91 officers, including the chest and waist sizes for 13 women whose vests needed special tailoring, Cunningham said.”
This was clearly a mistake, since a spreadsheet with 91 people (not JUST the 13 women) was on it. What we have is one of those internet, don’t quite gasp the technology “Oh WTF” moments.
For the love of Adrien Zmed … I’m just impressed they actually go to the trouble of custom fitting these vests to individual measurements.
Frankly, I’m guessing that there are 13 women who just wish this hadn’t gone viral.
… and yes. YES! I am liquored up at the moment.
Ralph likes Lord of the Rings – A Lot
(things I learned today)
And tonight I learned that Farscape watched on a HD TV makes it look like the lighting was done by an early 80s BBC tv show.
FArscape rocked!
Reason #42 I dont do BluRay/HD.
That’s why you get charged extra for HD…
I’m looking for a balcony and some muppets to harangue.
It’s time to start the music,
It’s time to light the lights.
I have balcony with some crumpets with meringue. Close enough?
Why do we always come here?
I guess we’ll never know.
It’s like a kind of torture,
To have to watch this show.
A Dance with Dragons is flowing into Ipod now. Just in time for the drive to work.
At 49 hours, this will be the second longest audiobook I’ve ever consumed.
Squee! My hard copy shipped from amazon yesterday. You’ll be ahead of me, Ed. I’m at one company’s sales meeting this week in Denver; at the other’s next week in Dallas (though I will get some quality reading time on the plane).
Wow, this place is overrun with tumbleweeds.
CP: Get Some (Remix by Beck) — Lykke Li
CP: TNT 281
Oh yea me! The wheels have fallen off and are going in opposite directions. This should be a fun day.
Morning Pan!
Spent last night cuddling my hubby and watching Torchwood. It was grand.
Today I go through my 131 e-mails that accumulated while I was away. *sigh*
Looks like a nice place. and sounds yummy!
I’m a big fan of elk
Elk, it’s what’s for dinner.
I love elk too. And Bison. And Venison. And… well, you get the idea.
I’m back at work. I like it here.
So, in the realm of personal stuff…
Luna moved into a nice new home yesterday. I think the owner I chose is a perfect match for her and I’ll get to keep up to date with pics and stuff.
More importantly, my kids are spending the next 3 days with their dad and I’ll be having a bit of empty nest syndrome I think. I’ve only cried once since dropping them off this morning, but I suppose it will get easier. I’m going to the movies 2 of the nights they are gone, so that should help keep my mind off it.
I never felt empty nest when the girls moved out. It was more like, “Thank God!” and promptly tore out one of their bedrooms. I must be a bad mom.
I split my grocery shopping between 3 different supermarkets after dropping off the kids last week, just to delay coming home to an empty house.
I was thinking exhaust kids not bad mom
Re: This Torchwood Business
Is there a new season out or have you guys been watching the last season.
I find putting the TV on helpful.
Time to go for my morning walk. Then it’s off the the bank. I think my mom must be feeling guilty about something she sent me a gross amount of money for my birthday instead of her usual $50.
Happy Birthday, Bunny!
Yes! Happy Birthday freals, Bunny!!!! :wub:
Happy birthday Bunny!
Happy birthday, Bunny!
ditto the ditto with a ditto, Bunny!!!
*grabs Van’s ditto”
Be careful with that!
Happy Birthday TEB!!!!!
Too many exclamation marks do you think?
CP: Undertow — Lush
I was a fiend. . . before I became a teen,
I melted microphones instead a cones of ice cream.
Step off the Microphine. Fiend.
Also “microphone”
CW SGU s2e18
I can’t, not watch the rest of them.
I cant not not blame you
It’s kind of like not finishing a sammich.
I just can’t do it
Happy happy joy joy – Bunny!
Im sorry… did the Flyers just sign JAROMIR FUCKING JAGR?????????
got to be the hair
Didn’t he sprout fully-formed in uniform from Mario Lemieux’s head?
Yeah I just got my email letting me know about that. I’m seriously thinking about cancelling my account in September. Maybe if it was closer to $5 a month, or put more available for streaming.
So you have an AI, do you:
A – Let it find a cure for Cancer
B – Solve Schroedinger’s equation for molecules
C – Get it to learn English so it can play Civilisation better
Will Netflix play chicken with their customer base?
This Netflix thing is kind of a watershed moment for the Internet consumer.
Netflix is betting that the consumer, while not liking this price hike, will simply role over and pay it.
If they do then you can expect to see all kinds of businesses who also use the internet, do the same or start to add a fee for that service.
I used to pay more for Netflix before they had streaming and I had to get more discs per month. I pay at least $60 a month for cable and don’t watch it as much as I watch Netflix. They have been offering more and more for less and less and are finally in a situation where they need to charge more in order to make a profit considering that streaming was FAR more popular than anyone thought it would be. $16 a month for all the streaming I can eat and a disc at a time is chump change. Let’s be honest about this and compare it to the cost of cable TV or renting or even buying DVDs (you can get maybe 4 if you are a really thrifty shopper). The price hike is a lot to handle in one shot, but I think it is justified in this case.
Funnily enough I wasn’t that happy paying $9 a month. Now with this big of a hike it makes me do the math of how much entertainment I get from Netflix, and primarily I use the streaming service, and whether I’m getting good value for my money.
I will say that since you are allowed to stream from multiple devices I share my account with my Dad and little sisters, so I may consider continuing to pay for it. But like many now my budget is tight, and I already put my account on hold once to save money.
I also have a problem believing that they need that big of a hike all of a sudden. It doesn’t seem likely that costs would have ballooned so much, so fast.
etc. Long story short (too late). Netflix managed to sign a ton of great contracts because no one thought they would do as well as they did. Now that Netflix is the shiznit, as contracts come up for renewal, everyone is demanding huge fees from them. If they lose Starz, they are up shit creek without a paddle and Starz knows it. So Netflix isn’t just being greedy. They really do need to hike up costs so fast or they are dead in the water. That is, at least, in my humble opinion. I fully admit that there could be more to the story that I just don’t know about. Calling any big company honest is about as naive as thinking a politician cares about people.
Hi… what is this place?
It’s one of the best kinds of bars.
It’s WNDRWOlfman Jack!
I am still working on my growly deep voice…
JOe, new season of Torchwood started last Friday. LOVE.
Not on my TiVo 🙁
It’s on one of the pay channels now, JOe – Starz? One of those.
Oh. Well, I guess I feel a little better about missing it then.
I don’t do pay channels.
Well … unless you consider how much I pay for the standard Internet/cable package. Then I guess I ONLY do pay channels.
CD: Avery’s 400lb Monkey
excellent IPA
Left Hand, no?
D’oh. Yes, I should have said Left Hand. 🙂
And it tastes very different from most IPAs.
One of my faves.
Kind of interesting story behind the creation of butterbeer for the themepark
A little over an hour into the new book. It’s nice to have Dotrice back, though I think he’s doing something very strange with Daenerys voice this time around.
And FB birthdays outta the way.
Wow Ed, that game looks incredible. Reminds me of the interface in Minority Report.
Bunny: Happy birthday! 🙂
My Netflix account is also shared with my sister. Currently, DVDs are being shipped to me. I watch so few of them that I think I might go streaming-only before September 1, too.
I’d better catch up on all the Pixar movies I’ve missed before then, in that case. Most of them are DVD-only on Netflix. 🙁
Nice alternative world scifi story at lightspeed this month;
Heading off to catch up with the rest of my family down at the coast after work today. So, once again, I’m counting on you guys to be Deadpan while I’m away.
Did anyone listen to StarShipSofa 190, from May? There is a short story, Mohammed’s Angel, that just perplexes me. Because I don’t understand how it is a “story”. I’d love for someone to explain it to me. :puzzled:
Didn’t catch that. For some reason Starship Sofa never caught on with me.
I suspect I should give it another chance.
It’s a bit of a mixed bag. Some fascinating fact articles, some great narrations, some boring as hell articles, and some simply bad readings. All wrapped in a specfic magazine that couldn’t possibly be expected to be consumed in one sitting.
Overall, I like the SSS fiction more often than I liked the Fantasy & Science Fiction stories (when I had a sub to it.)
Yes, but I can’t remember any details of the story.
spoilers: A stuck up woman calls her mother to find out if she’s survived the explosion at her house of worship. Turns out the mom is an even bigger: bleep:
over the course of their conversation, it comes out that the bomber was the moms neighbor. And, I think, that they’d slept together. The end.
A day late, Happy Bunny Day!
My arm is really killing me this morning. Well, not “Dr. Strangelove” killing me. At least, not yet. It’s actually been hurting for a few days. I thought it was better yesterday but today it’s worse.
I’m going to go see a trained medical professional in an hour and have him tell me that my elbow hurts.
They shoot horses don’t they?
Yes, but horses don’t have elbow’s so I think you are safe.
… or opposable thumbs which is why the National Sugar Cube repository is safe!
Uncle Jesse looks a little scary in that picture
and I had that mork and mindy card
I think I had the Hulk one.
One final Netflix thought (from me):
We’ve all read Animal Farm. The cool pigs always become the cruel humans in the end.
Who loves ya, baby!
Did his lollipop have its own card?
That comes in the X-Rated set. 😉
CP: Rootless — Marina and the Diamonds
Netflix – I switched to streaming only. With RedBox so readily available, makes Netflix sort of unnecessary although, if I have to watch a specific movie, I could see it being an issue MAYBE. The fact is, I can easily do an Amazon UnBox for just about any movie I want to see.. I think? With the changes in my life, I really need to cut back as much as I can everywhere. Cable TV is going to be the next to go.
I’ve already accepted the fact that my hair just simply won’t be as awesome as it’s been due to my inability to afford it. Groupon will save my hair, I’m thinking.
Oh, also…
Transformers 3.
Here’s the thing. I can realize clearly that it was tossed together somewhat. The special FX are amazing. Shia and BumbleBee still make me swoon. The pretty girl needs to eat something. Good grief, why do they have to be so THIN? Is it like… seriously? I go to the movie and just feel like I’m the size of Australia when I’m looking at this skinny girl. I suppose that is part of my not wanting to eat anything EVER thing right now. 🙁
I enjoyed being there for the fun of the movie. It lacked dialogue and the plot was interesting, but not enthralling. I did appreciate Sentinel Prime being played by Leonard Nimoy… I had no idea. I didn’t research anything before seeing it, obviously. There was, I thought, supposed to be a friend of mine in the movie, but I didn’t see him. I also admit that seeing it at the drive-in did make for less-lustery FX.
I still had fun though. I could have left earlier.. It was definitely too long.
haven’t seen the movie yet put from the pics
give that girl a sammich or 10.
women need curves. with out them they look like little boys and that is just creepy.
They keep them thin so that they can stack more into a trailer, makes it easier to pull out a model with a different paint job when they want variety.
An episode of “3’s Company” came on and all I could was “Lookout John Ritter is a crazy robot!”
Is that the one where Jack has a hilarious pratfall and the landlord suspects the 3 of them of hanky-panky? You know, the one where the sleazy neighbor stops by?
^Haven’t seen that one.
I do remember something about Suzzane Somers eating a slice of cake.
And John Ritter wearing a glow in the dark condom color like “Old Glory.”
Skin Deep?
No, it was just a condom.
Skin deep condom,
is that a new sort of fetish body mod?
John and Ed wearing a condom?
I’m not here.
Thanks for the well wishes all.
Heads up Dan S. Package sent today. Since I just sent it cheap mail, it may tKe a couple of weeks to show up
He’s got style, a groovy style..
I’m taking desperation to a whole new level, off to see Bridesmaids.
However I will be seeing the new Terrence Malick movie tomorrow..
Based on The Thin Red Line, I’m betting I’m going to enjoy Bridesmaids a whole lot more…
Bridesmaids got good chick-flick reviews, Van!
Yeah wasn’t too bad.
Some of the head 2 head scenes between the main female protagonist and the guy from the IT crowd were a bit freaky though, looked liked he wasn’t in the same room as her at some poInts and this was really obvious when it shouldn’t have been.
Yeah yeah, I know this how movies are shot, but just too obvious in this case,
Morris Day and the Time were pretty good. wow that guy was trying to be smooth.
Tonic was good as always “the way she loves me” is so much better live. they change the song adding a little something that really adds some real depth.
Morning Pan!
Bye Pan! Headed south
Yeah Bridesmaids is supposed to be quite a good film. Will be definite Netflix for me.
Oh, Reaps, Morris Day dont have to try to be smoov… Morris Day be just smoov by bein’ Morris Day
You should have heard his speech on the difference between sweating and condensating. condensating like a champagne bottle the cool comes from with in. Were with sweating your just hot instead of letting the cool come to the surface. it was something else.
I want to BE Morris Day
I don’t know if any other person could handle that much cool.
Well may Chuck Norris. I know I couldn’t
It would be a great 5 minutes until I imploded from coolness.
It would be glorious!
Truly our only hope against global warming.
Made it to the airport. Realized I forgot my US money. The stupid currency exchane at the airpot charged me 15%!!! Don’t they know our dollar is above par? *humph*
Customs was uneventful. Never had my hands swabbed before though. Strange
Probably checking for too much pulchitrude.
Watch the Pulchy hands!
Have a safe trip, bunny!
Ditto the ditto
times 2 or is that 4 now?
CP: Temptation Waits — Garbage
Have a safe trip Bunny!
TMBG cover Tubthumper
This is excellent, but I’m a GIANT fan of Wye Oak’s version of Danzig’s “Mother”. Probably the best Undercover to date IMO.
*Holds up mirror for Lo Pan*
I did what you see there…
/starts the countdown
Thou shalt count to three…
The Final Countdown?
This is good news. There is also a good chance that a former Deadpan guest may make an appearance on the album if my sources are correct.
Richard Hatch?
He blinks too much.
John Buccigross?
Neil Tyson deGrasse. Not only is he the sexiest man in science, he also plays a mean guitar lick.
Vancouver will likely get rid of a goalie:
I keep forgetting that they didn’t actually win…
Bunny’s arrival is imminent.
I cleaned stuff.. but.. yeah.. anyone coming to my place at this point, well… it’s a mess.
That is all.
CP: Bad As I Am — Great Big Sea
Let the fun begin…
Hay pan,
Sending the “we need to start the paper work” email.
I’m kinda nervous about the response.
Solidarity, reaper. You know what needs to be done. I know a thing or two about this, so feel free to email, if you have any questions or want some non-bitter advice.
Thanks Jack. I think it will go well I’m just nervous. I also very badly don’t want to be married to her any more and we need to start paper work do that.
*slides a cold beer down the bar to Reaper*
Yep, that’s definately beer worthy.
thanks going to need that
*Sends a shot of whiskey down to.*
Thought I’d send “back-up” as well.
CP: T.O.R.N.A.D.O. — The Go! Team
The bunny has landed and is fed. We’re happy
Ack! What did you feed the Bunny to !!!!!
An Aardvark?
Bunny ate at a salad bar place called Sweet Tomato
Were there sweet tomatoes?
wink wink nudge nudge
Funnily enough, no.
bunny is a sweet tomato
Asses :blush:
Istupid iPad. I meant to say awwwww
I just looked at Bunny’s words with friends game and her game with her husband has the words connected Hot Shafts Toy… this makes me giggle like a dirty school girl.
The second time I’ve watched Big Bang Theory and it’s a rerun.
It’s still good. Watch it twice. I always do.
I guess I’m broken, I just feel more bored watching it.
It has been a day. Glad to hear travelers arrived and were fed to the aardvarks.
Hmm, well….
You know, having gone through the four books in succession here since the beginning of the year, I cannot appreciate having to wait more than a decade to hear about what happens to Tyrion and all the others who weren’t addressed in “A Feast for Crows”.
CW: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy BBC TV show
Flash we only have 5 hours and 46 minutes to save the Earth!
Oh wait wrong movie.
My sister lent me her “Community” DVD box set.
It is growing on me.
“I never could get the hang of Thursdays”
Obviously you should start listening to Deadpan.
Glad you’ve arrived and are happy, Bunny. I love Sweet Tomatoes 🙂
Those probability scientists are really rocking the facial hair and eyebrows
Wake me up when you get to episode 4…
I’m thinking the Tomato is spicy!
FYI – Dinner tonight was a Homebrew Porter and a fistful of almonds.
Does it get any better then this?
No, really.
J0e, you have a community growing on you!
Goodnight :cats n bags:
Ten years, Ed!
And once the newest book comes out next week, it might be another 10!
If ever…..
You have the fickled finger of fate’s piano poised to fall on Mr Jordan?
Oh dear, getting my genre authors mixed up, I’ll never live that one down.
At least we’ll get to find out the next chapter in Dani and Tyrion’s lives.
We got almost 3 tenths of rain last night – yes!
We got destroyed for about 10 minutes… there’s debris and flooding and streetlights falling down. It was… unexpected.
I’ve been listening to this to hold me until Tuesday:
While not quite as in your face as Game of Thrones, this guy was definitely influenced more by GRR Martin rather that Robert Jordan in terms of visceral descriptive story telling. I’m enjoying it.
I hadn’t considered MacBeth (or really, much of any Shakespeare) since high school, so I had memory of only a basic concept and a few key lines. Interestingly enough, I have not heard any of those lines used in this version.
Astronauts being strapped in now.
Morning Pan!
This house is full of lazy bums! 😉
Everybody s up now. Currently we’re watching Snagglepuss cartoons
CP: The First Time I Saw Jupiter — Fall On Your Sword
Well, if you’ve been enjoying “Falling Skies”, it has been renewed for a second season. I’ve enjoyed it so far, though it certainly has had its meh moments.
CW: justa J0e’s link to nasatv
it kind of feels like sex. fun things happening building to an explosion
I’m glad sex doesn’t have a clock that stops all the time though
Never had a phone ring at just the wrong time?
good point but now that I think about it no. just kids knocking on the door.
Bunny called us lazy. I call myself “woman with a migraine” … whatever!
Now she’s trying to convince me that I need to eat something. Gah.. eat? in the morning!? Where’s my coffee!?
Personally I refuse to acknowledge the existence of mornings without coffer.
Most excellent launch!
I have now witnessed (via TV) the final launch of the Apollo program and the Shuttle program.
I am old. :pouty:
I missed it. T-5 and someone stopped in and need help. I get back and it is all done.
Ed: I seriously dig (That Scottish Play). It’s actually the only Shakespeare play I’ve seen performed live. I will check out that novel. If you like that, you might dig “King Hereafter” by Dorothy Dunnett.
Cj is sticking out her tongue and wiggling it suggestively :tongue:
What was that pearl of wisdom my wife used to say? Oh yeah, don’t start something you can’t finish. LOL
Um…. BTW Lo Pan and Lost Ralph and anyone else who might care – Avery New World Porter is not half-bad. (I’m not CD:, I had one last night)
But it’s noon somewhere
Youre in no way wrong, sir
I fuckin love it. One of the better anytime porters out there.
Is it true that the Harry Porter is brewed with the warts of a hog?
Well in the cinema, waiting for ‘Tree of Life’ to start, ahoy weirdness.
I’ll be interested in what you think of it Van. The only thing I know about it is how some strongly disliked it while others strongly loved it.
OOOOOOOh good luck with that one
Early reviews for Tree of Life: the acting was kind of wooden, the story never really branches out, and most of the audience leaves in the Fall.
*throws every coat possible at Jack*
We’ll see if that rings hollow…
I just hope the movie isn’t too sappy.
…or forgets its roots.
It’s probably for the birds.
Unless it’s too chopped up.
Then it’s mulch ado about nothing.
..and what a load of pretentacious teasels it was.
Bloody auto correct.
To clarify.
A barely coherent plot, wedged between formation and early history of presumably Earth and it’s destruction ..at the end of time (insert dramatic music here), most of the coherent bits set in 50’s childhood where it looked the director had just discovered zoom lenses and wanted to zoom in and out (with a bit of revolving for added effect) with wild abandon (yeah I’m sure it was meant to make it look like a dream of memories past but I found it bloody annoying).
So meh!
After 3 weeks, Green Lantern has grossed $138,925,810… WORLDWIDE
So…. so that’s not good at all. Minus Batman, DC seems to REALLY have trouble in the cinema, dont they?
Three quick things before I get into meeting mode:
We live in a world where $138,925,810 is not a lot of money to some…. while I agonize over $3.00 for a loaf of bread.
I guess the first 2 Superman films are too old to count?
I’m sure DVD sales will help the bottom line. I agree though, DC doesn’t have the market draw of Marvel, other than Mr. Wayne.
And the 3rd: I don’t have my laptop OR my USB drive with me, so I hope we can record tonight and dropbox me the files.
We’ve got Bunny’s iPad and the “cloud.”
CP: Supermodel — The Juliana Hatfield Three
Fuck me. I knew the web tracking was extensive, but this is very unsettling.
Does my iPad record. Now I’m going to have to expiriment and find out
I do have my iPhone too. I have recorded voice notes on that
I think you’re full of balogna. I can’t do audio on my iPad without a mic connector, which I don’t have
Um, I kinda have a laptop and a snowball mic…
iPad I’m thinking isn’t necessary?
I still think you’re full of balogna :tongue:
Lebanon bologna maybe.
iBologna ?
Courtney Love in a moment of frightening sanity regarding the business side of music:
Speaking of the frightening side of music…
i think i’m going to be sick
Already did that. GO ahead, youll feel better.
I can’t believe that post got blocked by :ftb:
That was a great essay … aaand then it needed some editing.
Sad though, we can look at it 10 years later and see that Napster is basically dead and nothing has changed in the music industry except for the fact that their attitudes toward the Internet has lost them money.
“In a world without friction, the only friction people value is editing”.
Oh Courtney, can’t you just stay that 1-dimensional drugged-out dimwit that we all grew to despise?
Her references to Napster, Lars Ulrich, and record store shelves all feel about 10 years dated, though.
See seemed mostly on point with the article, Napster is so 1998 though. Seems like there is an opprotunity for a venture capitalist to start a music download site that is geared toward rewarding the musicians and maybe promote them with some free weekly MP3s.
You know what Lars was going to buy with all that money he lost from Napster? Yep, booze.
He gets plenty of boos.
and a few hisses.
but few kisses.
Essbee gets the SIGH Young award!
CW: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
I’m strangely fascinated by this Guy.
Possibly palpable pulchritude perhaps?
Potentially . . .
I just looked up “pulchritude”.
-Potentially . . .
Careful, your callous cough could cause crazy correspondence.
Jack and Dan S. Are getting cozy on the couch :blush:
Currenlt attending: Rhettro, Dan S. Cj, and of course, Jack :cheerful:
Cj’s showing sexy leg
… but WHOSE sexy leg!
(music sting) *Dun Dun DUUUUNNNN*
I am simultaneously researching chainsaws and reading about Kim Wilde.
Improved air filter system
After topping the charts in Australia and Canada and peaking at number two in the UK, it became a U.S. number one single in 1987.
Anti-vibration design with strategically placed rubber buffers.
Starting in 1998, while still active in music, she has branched into an alternative career as a landscape gardener.
I need go find more beer.
I just finished boring everybody with pictures of home
Here are the predictions for Sly B’s balloon payload launch tomorrow:
Good Luck SlyB!
In honar of Sly B –
Just finished watching Cj unwrap a sausage
did she do so with great pulchritude?
wait a minute she is CJ of course she did.
now all I need is a flying saucer and the coordinates to a planet that hasn’t made interstellar contact and I could be a teaser.
Did you remember to buy the aluminium foil?
It was a pulchritudinous night.
Full of comeliness. :nods sagely:
Hmmmm, some people on Twitter commenting that Pike’s decision to choose the illusion over the reality in ST:TOS was morally weird.
Someone people have their head too far up their arse it seems.
The tumbleweeds are strong today.
I think the Pike’s decision from the documentary “Trekkies” was a little odd.
This film still scares the hell out of me for various reasons.
Moose Drool Brown Alevis an excellent brunch beer. Paired with coffee its quite fantastic
Ah, once upon a time I sent a Moose Drool in the mail to a certain podcast, along with a Surly Furious…
Packed in packing peanuts with a bag of frozen peas
1min and 26sec of why I adore the MSG
7 words:
Great Divide’s Belgian Style Yeti Imperial Stout
Oh boys and girls…. this should be a treat
Belgian style?!
Belgian style…
Sounds yummy!
ditto ditto
It’s HOT!
That is all
CD: Boddingtons
Hmm, I’m thinking of beer, something stoutish
Perhaps with some oak to it.
And I think it needs to be strong, imperial strength in fact.
CD: Coop’s Territorial Reserve Oak Aged Imperial Stout
This is a hard beer to define, it has all the characteristics of an imperial stout except the syrupy mouth feel and it’s kinda throwing me off.
The aroma is wonderful the vanilla from the oak combined with the roast and caramel malts to put me in mind of maple syrup and molasses. With a hint of cinnamon like spiceness.
The flavor has a strong hop bitterness with roast and oak, as if you had oak aged a dry stout. With the oaky tannins lingering in the mouth and palate in a kind of pleasant way. I get a hint of syrupiness on the back of the palate.
(quiet spellbot syrupiness is to a word, now.)
The mouth feel is thin for an imperial stout, more along the lines of a regular strength dry stout. This makes it odd yet gives the beer a surprising refreshingness, especially combined with the hops and oak. I will say the only way I can tell it has alot of alcohol is the warmth in my stomach as I drink it, and the way the beer clings to the side of my glass.
All in all a good beer, but I’m not sure if the new brewer over at Coop has the same flair Chase brought to the recipes.
Oh here comes the buzz, yep I guess this is an imperial strength beer.
I’m halfway through a 750 mL bottle and feeling nice…
I’ll see what I can do.
Name your price…
This a 200th comment.
Everyone gets a cookie.
(note: shipping and handling not included.)
This shirt says “Get off my iceflow bitch!”
Oh. My. Gosh!
Bunny tired me out so much, I had to take a nap!
*** S T R E T C H***
I’m up. Now we wait for a phone call from Jack.
*** Story of my life: waiting for a hot guy to call me. *sigh*
Hi Deadpan 🙂 hope all are well
I was told about an interesting article that mr ditto swoon posted on here? I will search for it.
Hello again Hugh and Dre!
Is this the link you might be looking for?
It was LostRalph! thank you! 🙂 I chanced searching for Courtney Love and found it right away. Good stuff.
Jack called.
I swooooned.
My phone did NOT play White and Nerdy as the ring tone.
Saw this guy playing tonight:
really cool Van, thanks for the link.
“115 degree weather in OK. A Golden Ale in a frosty mug will cool you down nicely.”
Beer snob/geek says, ” Who would waste a good beer in a frosted mug?”
No really I’m trying to control it, please drink what you enjoy. Even if it is from a *shudder* frosty mug…
ok so Re: ditto’s post of Courtney Love taking on the music industry..although I TOTALLY agree with her, I have t doubt she actually wrote it. BUT, regardless of the author, she is totally right on.
Record labels are so evil. The only people who are losing money off illegal downloads are the labels. screw them I say!
Her idea is pretty cool if it could work. I mean couldn’t an artist basically create that “global village” through their own site? Have a log in for your fans to access a special place on your site to listen to previews or whatever else and offer the tip service through there.
Or create a separate site where bands have pages you can log in, save your favorite artists and access whatever it is they want to share, leave what you want. Make it be a direct contact between fans and the artists. As an obsessed music fan that would be awesome. I mean back in the day when everything was word of mouth or found reading every music zine out there, the connection to artists was so difficult. Today with the internet tubes we are all closer to bands then we ever were.
Being that its Courtney and I despise her, I would have to argue that what she is saying she COULD already do. Trent did it, Radiohead did it, Brand New did it. Does Courtney Love have enough fans who would care enough about her work?
There are bands i would sign up for something like that if it was available. I think its up to the band to make it happen. If enough bands went that way, if bigger bands helped out smaller bands… it would be pretty bad ass. I know there are artists like Greg Dulli (you knew he would come into the conversation eventually) who still is fighting with his old label over Afghan Whigs rights. Its sad. He has Afghan Whigs music that he can’t do anything with because of the old label. Very very sad.
Ok, sorry for taking over Deadpan with a music industry rant. 🙂
I only got halfway through that speech from Courtney, so I’m basing htis more on your response.
But I will say that I know of one artist who is completely supported by her fans, and did a 50 state plus Canada tour last year, and she is touring a large part of the US again. Just doing mostly small venues and house parties. Admittedly Marian Call is closer to Vanamonde’s tastes than the mighty Hugh and Dre’s rock preferences. But it is an interesting proof of a n artist succeeding only through social media.
Regardless of the genre, she did what Courtney was talking about. And her album is coming out on Bandcamp which I saw was a site that does EXACTLY what Courtney is sorta talking about.. you can see your music directly to your fans sans a record label.
and according to this little snippet cut from their site, some indie rock regulars use it too:
In the past 30 days alone, artists have made $627,373 USD using Bandcamp, and monthly sales growth since our launch looks like this:
To find out why forward thinkers like Sufjan Stevens, Amanda Palmer, and Zoë Keating call Bandcamp home sweet home, watch this
Now if some slightly larger names started.. that would be cool.
Hugh and i did some TV catching up last weekend- I was not liking the new series of Dr Who but those 2 episodes about “the flesh” might have made up for everything else. Even Neil Gaiman’s episode didn’t do it for me.. and I LOOOOOOOVE Neil Gaiman.
True Blood is AWESOME
Excited to watch Torchwood tomorrow maybe if we have time.
Also really looking forward to Harry Potter, New Dresden book.. lots of cool scifi stuff.
In other music news, I just started reading Ozzy’s autobiography, so far it is oztastic: http://www.amazon.com/I-Am-Ozzy-Osbourne/dp/B004X8W42M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1310252893&sr=8-1
CW: Torchwood S4E1
Wales UK…oh dear oh dear
Umm, I thought all of the episodes were in Wales? And please avoid spoilers since it may be a year before netflix allows me to catch up.
I’m just wondering if they remove the UK bit on the UK release, like umm we know Wales is in the UK.
Silly Ban, I thought whales lived in the water :cheerful:
Stupid iPad!!!! -Ban +Van
ah, gotcha
kinda like saying New York City, New York, United States
for at least 50% of US citizens
hmm, so do I blame :ftb:, or beer, for the fact this wasn’t a reply to Van’s earlier post?
CW: Alice in Wonderland (3rd time, I guess I should consider buying it.)
“If it ain’t vorpal, it ain’t dead.”
One of the best quotes ever. IMO
“I shall futterwacking, vigorously.”
Will you be futterwacking with the comely Alice?
There are times I feel like I’ve lost my muchness…
“I make the path”
Ok, now Alice is starting to flirt with me.
“clothe this enormous girl.”
Why? I’d be quite happy if she wasn’t clothed.
“Why is it you’re always too small, or too tall?”
No comprende too tall, I don’t believe a woman can be too tall.
I wonder if they make a vorpal pocketknife, it would be much handier in this modern age than a vorpal sword.
“If it ain’t Alice, it ain’t dead.”
When did this become Resident Evil?
A pretty girl in plate armor. ROWR!
What kind of beer cellar has a bottle of Maudite just in case?
The best kind, my kind of beer cellar.
A tasty beer, but I have such difficulty pronouncing it properly…
I think it is like MA-ow-DEet
I have to say my one problem with this movie is that the jaberwocky looks like an underfed dragon. I consider that less than cool.
And now back to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Note for Van: this would be episode 4.
For future reference I wear a digital watch because I like the alarm and stopwatch functions.
And I like to be able to tell time 10 meters underwater.
or would that be 10 metres underwater?
What in 7.5 million years they couldn’t dust Deep Thought, maybe remove the cobwebs?
Terrible war as committed by Asteroid the video game.
Chillaxin at theTempe Marketplace with my peeps
Is there a whole lot of peeping going on?
Peeps include: Dan and Michelle, Jack and his two kids, CJ and her two kids and myself
I don’t remember any marshmallow chicks out there. Too hot and humid for them anyways.
I first read this as “Temple Marketplace”. I was going to warn you to be on the alert for angry messiahs trashing the place.
lol! 🙂
“what have men got to do with it?”
That’s what she said!
“It isn’t easy being a cop”
and looking like a body double for The Police.
Sunglasses with nose guards, why didn’t I think of that?
“You tell her!”
What that you’re a secretly gay couple and you’re breaking up with her>
I wonder how good the beer cellar is at Milliways. If they did it right they would have the ability to do the BEST vertical tastings.
“I don’t want to eat an animal that is sitting there inviting me to!” – Arthur Dent
Speaking for myself, if a girl wants to invite me to eat I’d be quite happy to oblige.
“I’ll be down in a minute”
I wish she’d said “I’ll be GOING down in a minute.”
“Any people you meet from time to time are merely products of a deranged imagination.”
But they get so upset when I tell them that.
Wow, look at the traffic! Ralph, you should never get yourself Lost again.
It was indeed a good evening, cut abruptly short by the mini-haboob.
Van, that Allan Taylor link is wonderful. Great sounding guitar and vocals.
goodnight :256:
what kind of boob is a haboob?
A haboob (Arabic ????) is a type of intense sandstorm commonly observed in arid regions throughout the world. They have been observed in the Sahara desert (typically Sudan), as well as across the Arabian Peninsula, throughout Kuwait, and in the most arid regions of Iraq.
goodnight pan
It is way way too early in the morning. Yet, here I am.
So, apparently there are some bad boobs running around out there.
A positive article about fanfic, I feel quite woozy:
I drank a Surly Bender last night while rewatching some Buffy on Netflix. Season 5, my DVD’s have been on loan for about a year.
Sounds like a good beer John, now if only Surly distributed down here.
They’re growing. I think they do distribute outside MN a little bit. Their newest project is constructing a Stone-style restaurant on site. It was illegal to do so, but the state legislature passed a bill nicknamed the “Surly Bill.”
Of course, the legislature failed MN in many other ways this year, so it was a small thing all-in-all…
Huge tracts of tumbleweeds.
He’s going to sing! (he’s going sing)
Slymenstra Hymen
Does anyone have a favorite “Mango Salsa” recipe they’d like to share?
Mango Avacado Salsa
1 each Mango, Avacado, diced 1/4″
1/4 cup minced onions (or 1 tbs dried)
1 tbs line juice
1 tbs cilantro
salt to taste
Combine & let sit for at least 30 minutes.
You can replace the mangoes with peaches or oranges. Peaches with mangoes also works well.
Swell, thanks!
Well, howse about that for Deadpan Power!!!
Can you sub glazed donuts for the mangoes?
It’s salsa! You can do anything you want! 🙂
Though I won’t guarantee it tastes good that way.
A glazed mongoose in a submarine?
Oh THAT can’t end well.
CP: Curtains — Dead When I Found Her
BTW, just had an awesome Chicken n Waffles lunch with Cj plus kids, Rhettro & Theresa plus kid, Bunny, and my kids. My stomach will hate me, but it was a great time.
I still have a hard time believing that is actually good.
Don”t look at me. I had half a chicken sandwich because I could’t get my head around chicken and waffles either
Slymenstra Hymen?
I think that is the lead singer/Tuba player from a late 80’s, obscure regional punk/polka band.
The region is obscure, not the band.
Youre real close!!!!!! She was from GWAR
I was watching an interesting program where one of the guys from
Top Gear on various subjects.
So after 40 your nervous system starts getting out if sync leading to indisgestation and constipation.
So yeah..
Did they demonstrate that in a highly impracticable but incredibly gorgeous, super car?
Would you be disappointed if I said an armchair?
Depends, did it have satnav?
The Go! Team’s newest album for $5.
It’s a mix of band, hip-hop, and rock. Very catchy.
Now it’s time to figure out what to make for dinner.
And no, glazed donuts are not involved. 😉
CD: Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat
Current temp: 97
Heat index: 107
I’mma take Bunny to Sephora.
Oh please let that be a euphemism!
We’re gonna need a bigger bunk….
Better go back and get an even bigger one.
Well, it has been another productive weekend. And, even better, I think the end is in sight now on getting the old house ready to sell. It was a much bigger effort than I anticipated (and I anticipated a lot), but the place has turned out pretty well.
“Bigger effort”
Ha! You’ve done it now. You’ll be thinking, “Hey, this place looks pretty darn good! Why did we ever sell it?”
Belgian Yeti Stout….my god. Its full of win. Its a milder version of the Yeti Stout with Belgian lightness and sweetness inter-played throughout. Find it. Try it. (Or email me and Ill magically teleport you some. Its worth the 9.99 for the bomber for a try. It wont supplant my Chocolate Oak Aged or Oak Aged Yetis… but its a damn nice change up in-between.
Just wait until the do an Oak Aged Belgian Yeti
The waiting, dear Ralph, is the hardest part
Oak Aged Belgian Yeti … now with CHOCOLATE!
I just came a little…
After Sephora, we went for ice cream.
Bunny and I had dessert before dinner.
I’m gonna try to get Bunny to do a play by play with me… first we need to pick a movie.
Sorry, Bunny, it won’t have Zombies or murdering rampages.
Rep! The movie’s playing
ok, we’ve decided (Bunny let me choose actually more like)
A Dirty Shame
2004 NC-17 88 minutes
Acclaimed filmmaker John Waters returns to his favorite city, Baltimore, for this side-splitting film starring Tracey Ullman as Sylvia Stickles, a convenience-store worker who becomes a raging sexaholic after a minor accident. But her newfound lust is more a hassle than a gift, igniting class warfare on her street, Harford Road. Johnny Knoxville, Chris Isaak and Selma Blair co-star. Waters’s muse, Patty Hearst, makes her usual cameo
Johnny Knoxville? Isn’t he that Asshole guy?
Er.. Jackass
Cooking in the kitchen. Hubba, hubba
The language in this film!
Fishnet boobs
Those are not real boobs.
Nude drunken driving
“something is the matter with your vagina”
I’m gonna use that line later.
Hey, it’s FFF!
Grr. Woof!
don’t you find it funny that every man in this neighborhood has a penis?
Trimming her bush
This movie is really scary
have you met my husbear?
Her bush was on fire, almost literally.
“let’s go sexing”
my name is ray ray and i’m here to service you.
(I’m done trying to make my shift key work)
Hey, what’s he doing down there between her legs?
It’s a sex addict squirrel
I hope you’ll be with us on the day of carnel rapture
Homosexuals eat life you know?
Mailmen beat off everywhere
only you can prevent fornication
someone left a dildo in my neighbor’s wishing well
What’s good about a morning with dildos in it?
The mailman keeps the Hustler magazines for himself instead of delivering them
it’s not safe out! People are shaving their crotches as we speak.
Aside: I wonder if Bunny will ever let me choose another movie.
Photos of the mailman’s “pig steel”
“sneezing in the cabbage”
i’m not a prude, i’m married to an italian
No blow jobs!
Bunny is wondering if this movie has subliminal messaging.
They were water marking the word vagina on the screen. What else am I suppose to think?
Humping the garbage can
Holy crap! Full frontal male nudity!
We paused the movie. Now it doesn’t want to restart. Please stand by…
Why are they doing the hokey pokey?
Now… Cj needs popcorn. I think she really just needed to cool off from this hot movie
Ok, where were we.. Oh yes, doing the hokey pokey
More subliminal messaging
So this is what happens when you two are left alone. o.O
Sylvia is stealing underwear off someone’s clothesline
Dumpster diving for whore’s clothing
Don’t blame us. it’s all tracy ullman’s fault
I blame Tracey Ullman for a lot of things — like The Simpsons.
It’s Big Ethel!
Big Ethel’s trying to start a decency rally but her daughter has turned into a sex addict… oh no!
A “full service” garage
Looking for the erotic orgasm like they’ve never experienced
A dirt fetish?
hurl hurl hurl…. omg… make it stop
Did he really just eat her booger filled tissue
Do you want to powder my chaffed butt
Sploshing is the erotic urge to dump food in your privates… apparently it’s an English fetish
I’m a horny woman with a head injury
“I’ve got a hard on of gold and my pants are on fire”
Nude woman!
Ok, everybody is getting full frontal naked in this movie
Getting hot on the bus
“Don’t go in there! Bears live there! Big fat hairy fags with dicks. ”
“I’m I bear hag and we call this… Bear soup!”
“I’m sorry I spoke so harshly about your vagina earlier.”
This is not a child friendly movie
Baby has shaved his balls, do you want to see them?
Ray Ray is magical. He dry humps trees and the tree’s flowers bloom. Neato.
Selma Blair is almost naked. Her real boobies are being hidden by ginormous fake balloon boobies.
She can be motorboated from a couple feet away…
Bar fight!
Oh no. What will a second head injury to her… she’s neuter again??? eeks..
The backwards alphabet
Being a whore is a disease!
“Don’t listen to them Mother! Sexual addiction is a privilege!”
“You let strangers put their germ-filled mouths on your uterus?”
Topless seesawing?
Meanwhile… At the squirrel orgy…
12 step program for sex addicts
Blind sex addict
“My clitoris is in crisis”
Make a list of all the people you fucked, and apologize to their parents
Try jerking off when your hand is asleep. It feels like somebody else is doing it
The sex apostles are crashing the sex-addict support group
I will never be nude again!!!
“It was a long hard road to this vagina!”
“Let my mother’s pussy be!”
What’s the matter with you? You’re wasting valuable sex time!
The couple that throws up on each other to get off … i think that’s just odd…
There’s no such thing as bad sex. Based on this movie, I have to disagree
The road to he’ll is sex
The road to he’ll? He’ll what/
Stupid auto correct
My chair is making strange noises. Really. This has nothing to do with the movie
Her nether regions talk. How strange
Her special parts are … talking to her?
Bunny is sitting on a Zhu Zhu pet… we had to figure out the mystery. It was distracting us from the movie. (we thanked it)
This is a school night!
Boing the British thing
“The Resurrsexction is about to happen”
Baby face!
Hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
It’s the bears!
It’s difficult to find words at this point.
There are a lot of people having a lot of sex on my tv.
And the song playing is ‘baby let me bang in your box’
Even the trees have become sex addicts
OMG! It’s David Hasslehoff!!
German loves David Hasselhoff!
It’s the Hoff!
Honey, can I have some munch?
headbutt is the new sex?
Old lady sex. Ewww!
They are all astrogasming from the headbutt sex
Whew. The movie is over. I’m kind of glad
Why was David Hasselhoff even in this?
Why was he in the Sponge Bob movie? He’s the Hoff
I’d apologize to Bunny for choosing such a bad movie, but I heard her giggle more than once and it had nothing to do with her sitting on the Zhu Zhu pet.
It was a cute movie. I wouldn’t go much beyond that, thouh
Also, crap. Now I think Johnny Knoxville is kinda hot.
Dammit. Do. Not. Want.
I did make real popcorn with real butter.
Bed time!
Thanks to Cj for a fun evening
Well done you dos!
Sounds like Ms. Ullman was trying to make a John Waters film.
I somehow missed the post that explained that film … until just now!
Some how I thought it was written by Tracy Ullman.
I think it is brilliant that just from reading the play by play … I recognized the “John Waters” in it.
Fuck, does anyone at all remember the wonderful early 90’s indie-noise band Vanilla Trainwreck from Madison, WI? Reaps? Anyone? A very important part of my growing up they were.
No, but I’ll give them a listen after work.
Dont patronize me.
This is my first post from my new office in my new house.
Wow, I’m tired.
Good night, Pan.
Enjoy the new place!
Newness, how swell!
Thanks, j0e and ditto! 🙂
Occurro gets an update and goes free on the app store:
poor r ethan he is torn with his feelings of saddness that dc in its stupidty with the reboot canceled secret six. yet joy for catman is coming in plastic a pin most secret six fans are feeling.
*Makes like a monkey*
And flings poo?
Vanilla Trainwreck – no
Dirty Shame is a great Waters – loved it! You guys should do Pecker today.
I’m pretty sure I enjoyed the play by play more than I would have enjoyed the movie.
Hey pan
Morning time. In a couple of hours I’ll be on my way hame. It was great seeing everybody. Thanks to Cj, the hostess with the mostess
Have a safe trip back.
Ditto the ditto
Didn’t I already say that?
Cool illusion!
This is the end of a musical era for me. I’m sure most of you don’t know who this guy is, but the article pretty much covers everything you need to know.
CP: Get It Daddy — Sleeper Agent
Good morning.
Where is :jack: ?
I think he was on the road last night and what with the storm, and his lack of presence here, I’m a little worried.
Jack needs to check in.
I’m going tO be be boring and say the TARDIS.
w00t on the shiny new, Amy!
:jack: checking in.
Thanks! 🙂
And – – importantly – – safe and happy travel wishes to Bunny! I didn’t see enough of you when you were here! er… well, you know what I mean.
Happy and safe travels Ryah.
CP: Everything For Free — K’s Choice
At the airport doing the waiting thing.
I’m all hot and sweaty
I dropped Bunny off at the airport all hot and sweaty. *snicker*
Just what were you two doing?
and are there pictures?
Were there Snickers?
That’s s till a fresh wound..it’s Marathons!
CW: Latest Trueblood
Ooooooh! At Erik circumstances
sorry if this was posted already. I just saw this on Pitchfork.
RIP Würzel
CR: The Middleman : The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse
What a fine season finale for the TV series it would have been.
Wise words:
Well the T3 bit anyway.
Home again, home again, jiggity jog
Enjoying the coolness?
Wow, 61 is too young.
But in Motörhead years…
Thank you Lo Pan
Great Divide’s Rumble is the beer I needed after a long sweaty day today.
Sir! Yes sir. Im glad you found it in your part o’ the country
Also…”long sweaty”
oh if only the day could have been that good.
“Long Sweaty” would have been my name if I’d been one of Robin Hood’s merry men.
(I didn’t do the band name joke)
… or in Motorhead.
(see how I’m tying threads together?)
Something for the other LOTR fans out there
You know what …
“Attached to the email, however, was a spreadsheet listing the names and sizes of 91 officers, including the chest and waist sizes for 13 women whose vests needed special tailoring, Cunningham said.”
This was clearly a mistake, since a spreadsheet with 91 people (not JUST the 13 women) was on it. What we have is one of those internet, don’t quite gasp the technology “Oh WTF” moments.
For the love of Adrien Zmed … I’m just impressed they actually go to the trouble of custom fitting these vests to individual measurements.
Frankly, I’m guessing that there are 13 women who just wish this hadn’t gone viral.
… and yes. YES! I am liquored up at the moment.
Ralph likes Lord of the Rings – A Lot
(things I learned today)
And tonight I learned that Farscape watched on a HD TV makes it look like the lighting was done by an early 80s BBC tv show.
FArscape rocked!
Reason #42 I dont do BluRay/HD.
That’s why you get charged extra for HD…
I’m looking for a balcony and some muppets to harangue.
It’s time to start the music,
It’s time to light the lights.
I have balcony with some crumpets with meringue. Close enough?
Why do we always come here?
I guess we’ll never know.
It’s like a kind of torture,
To have to watch this show.
This is the actual reason I wandered in:
A Dance with Dragons is flowing into Ipod now. Just in time for the drive to work.
At 49 hours, this will be the second longest audiobook I’ve ever consumed.
Squee! My hard copy shipped from amazon yesterday. You’ll be ahead of me, Ed. I’m at one company’s sales meeting this week in Denver; at the other’s next week in Dallas (though I will get some quality reading time on the plane).
Wow, this place is overrun with tumbleweeds.
CP: Get Some (Remix by Beck) — Lykke Li
CP: TNT 281
Oh yea me! The wheels have fallen off and are going in opposite directions. This should be a fun day.
Morning Pan!
Spent last night cuddling my hubby and watching Torchwood. It was grand.
Today I go through my 131 e-mails that accumulated while I was away. *sigh*
Tonight we’re going here for dinner http://www.heritagepark.ca/townSelkirk.htm
I’m going to have elk :cheerful:
Looks like a nice place. and sounds yummy!
I’m a big fan of elk
Elk, it’s what’s for dinner.
I love elk too. And Bison. And Venison. And… well, you get the idea.
I’m back at work. I like it here.
So, in the realm of personal stuff…
Luna moved into a nice new home yesterday. I think the owner I chose is a perfect match for her and I’ll get to keep up to date with pics and stuff.
More importantly, my kids are spending the next 3 days with their dad and I’ll be having a bit of empty nest syndrome I think. I’ve only cried once since dropping them off this morning, but I suppose it will get easier. I’m going to the movies 2 of the nights they are gone, so that should help keep my mind off it.
I never felt empty nest when the girls moved out. It was more like, “Thank God!” and promptly tore out one of their bedrooms. I must be a bad mom.
I split my grocery shopping between 3 different supermarkets after dropping off the kids last week, just to delay coming home to an empty house.
I was thinking exhaust kids not bad mom
Re: This Torchwood Business
Is there a new season out or have you guys been watching the last season.
I find putting the TV on helpful.
Time to go for my morning walk. Then it’s off the the bank. I think my mom must be feeling guilty about something she sent me a gross amount of money for my birthday instead of her usual $50.
Happy Birthday, Bunny!
Yes! Happy Birthday freals, Bunny!!!! :wub:
Happy birthday Bunny!
Happy birthday, Bunny!
ditto the ditto with a ditto, Bunny!!!
*grabs Van’s ditto”
Be careful with that!
Happy Birthday TEB!!!!!
Too many exclamation marks do you think?
CP: Undertow — Lush
I was a fiend. . . before I became a teen,
I melted microphones instead a cones of ice cream.
Step off the Microphine. Fiend.
Also “microphone”
CW SGU s2e18
I can’t, not watch the rest of them.
I cant not not blame you
It’s kind of like not finishing a sammich.
I just can’t do it
Happy happy joy joy – Bunny!
Im sorry… did the Flyers just sign JAROMIR FUCKING JAGR?????????
got to be the hair
Didn’t he sprout fully-formed in uniform from Mario Lemieux’s head?
Which one?
Yeah, I went there. 😉
CP: Lazy — Love & Rockets
Who died?
Surprised it’s took that long, the format has been on life support for years now.
How will I ever play all of my minidiscs??
CP: Little Lovin’ — Lissie
re-post ‘cuase I don’t know why.
Re: This Torchwood Business
Is there a new season out or have you guys been watching the last season.
That was Children of Earth. This is Miracle Day, and yes, it is a new season that just started on Starz on Friday.
Any chance it is also airing on BBC America
Oh, … and this is FUN!
Looks fun! I must watch at home.
I’m so ill right now.
Do NOT let me order the Sweet and Sour ANYTHING ever again. meh.
As long as we’re reposting, did you watch the video I linked last night?
July 11, 2011 at 9:52 pm · Reply
This is the actual reason I wandered in:
Highly satisfying.
I did.
It was swell.
Love to see that played at Dragon Con. Ha!
Fascinating. Netflix streaming accounts for 22% of North American internet traffic, 30% at peak hours.
Of course, Deadpan accounts for the remaining 70-78%. . . Just not this afternoon.
Maybe this bit of news will make a dint in the traffic:
Yeah I just got my email letting me know about that. I’m seriously thinking about cancelling my account in September. Maybe if it was closer to $5 a month, or put more available for streaming.
So you have an AI, do you:
A – Let it find a cure for Cancer
B – Solve Schroedinger’s equation for molecules
C – Get it to learn English so it can play Civilisation better
C it is:
Darn, that was far too facetious for a Tuesday night.
Want . to . play . a . game ?
Since the announcement I’ve been thinking of going to “stream only” and buying used DVDs from Amazon as the mood strikes me.
Will Netflix play chicken with their customer base?
This Netflix thing is kind of a watershed moment for the Internet consumer.
Netflix is betting that the consumer, while not liking this price hike, will simply role over and pay it.
If they do then you can expect to see all kinds of businesses who also use the internet, do the same or start to add a fee for that service.
I used to pay more for Netflix before they had streaming and I had to get more discs per month. I pay at least $60 a month for cable and don’t watch it as much as I watch Netflix. They have been offering more and more for less and less and are finally in a situation where they need to charge more in order to make a profit considering that streaming was FAR more popular than anyone thought it would be. $16 a month for all the streaming I can eat and a disc at a time is chump change. Let’s be honest about this and compare it to the cost of cable TV or renting or even buying DVDs (you can get maybe 4 if you are a really thrifty shopper). The price hike is a lot to handle in one shot, but I think it is justified in this case.
Funnily enough I wasn’t that happy paying $9 a month. Now with this big of a hike it makes me do the math of how much entertainment I get from Netflix, and primarily I use the streaming service, and whether I’m getting good value for my money.
I will say that since you are allowed to stream from multiple devices I share my account with my Dad and little sisters, so I may consider continuing to pay for it. But like many now my budget is tight, and I already put my account on hold once to save money.
I also have a problem believing that they need that big of a hike all of a sudden. It doesn’t seem likely that costs would have ballooned so much, so fast.
etc. Long story short (too late). Netflix managed to sign a ton of great contracts because no one thought they would do as well as they did. Now that Netflix is the shiznit, as contracts come up for renewal, everyone is demanding huge fees from them. If they lose Starz, they are up shit creek without a paddle and Starz knows it. So Netflix isn’t just being greedy. They really do need to hike up costs so fast or they are dead in the water. That is, at least, in my humble opinion. I fully admit that there could be more to the story that I just don’t know about. Calling any big company honest is about as naive as thinking a politician cares about people.
Hi… what is this place?
It’s one of the best kinds of bars.
It’s WNDRWOlfman Jack!
I am still working on my growly deep voice…
JOe, new season of Torchwood started last Friday. LOVE.
Not on my TiVo 🙁
It’s on one of the pay channels now, JOe – Starz? One of those.
Oh. Well, I guess I feel a little better about missing it then.
I don’t do pay channels.
Well … unless you consider how much I pay for the standard Internet/cable package. Then I guess I ONLY do pay channels.
CD: Avery’s 400lb Monkey
excellent IPA
Left Hand, no?
D’oh. Yes, I should have said Left Hand. 🙂
And it tastes very different from most IPAs.
One of my faves.
Kind of interesting story behind the creation of butterbeer for the themepark
no recipe though…
Happy Birthday, Bunny!
A little over an hour into the new book. It’s nice to have Dotrice back, though I think he’s doing something very strange with Daenerys voice this time around.
Yes, please!
Happy Birthday Bunny!
…sorry didn’t mean to delay.
And FB birthdays outta the way.
Wow Ed, that game looks incredible. Reminds me of the interface in Minority Report.
Bunny: Happy birthday! 🙂
My Netflix account is also shared with my sister. Currently, DVDs are being shipped to me. I watch so few of them that I think I might go streaming-only before September 1, too.
I’d better catch up on all the Pixar movies I’ve missed before then, in that case. Most of them are DVD-only on Netflix. 🙁
Nice alternative world scifi story at lightspeed this month;
…and for the more soppy of the deadpan crew, nice story on Podcastle this week:
Life’s a beach…or a journey to one anyway.
Heading off to catch up with the rest of my family down at the coast after work today. So, once again, I’m counting on you guys to be Deadpan while I’m away.
Now, time for Mr. Dotrice to join me on the road.
Skyforce is free today on the app store:
Did anyone listen to StarShipSofa 190, from May? There is a short story, Mohammed’s Angel, that just perplexes me. Because I don’t understand how it is a “story”. I’d love for someone to explain it to me. :puzzled:
Didn’t catch that. For some reason Starship Sofa never caught on with me.
I suspect I should give it another chance.
It’s a bit of a mixed bag. Some fascinating fact articles, some great narrations, some boring as hell articles, and some simply bad readings. All wrapped in a specfic magazine that couldn’t possibly be expected to be consumed in one sitting.
Overall, I like the SSS fiction more often than I liked the Fantasy & Science Fiction stories (when I had a sub to it.)
Yes, but I can’t remember any details of the story.
spoilers: A stuck up woman calls her mother to find out if she’s survived the explosion at her house of worship. Turns out the mom is an even bigger: bleep:
over the course of their conversation, it comes out that the bomber was the moms neighbor. And, I think, that they’d slept together. The end.
A day late, Happy Bunny Day!
My arm is really killing me this morning. Well, not “Dr. Strangelove” killing me. At least, not yet. It’s actually been hurting for a few days. I thought it was better yesterday but today it’s worse.
I’m going to go see a trained medical professional in an hour and have him tell me that my elbow hurts.
They shoot horses don’t they?
Yes, but horses don’t have elbow’s so I think you are safe.
… or opposable thumbs which is why the National Sugar Cube repository is safe!
In other news, I have tennis elbow. Yea.
CP: Still Right Here — Mankind Is Obsolete
Well, at least she takes getting dumped on in stride. 🙂
I remember a number of these trading cards.
Uncle Jesse looks a little scary in that picture
and I had that mork and mindy card
I think I had the Hulk one.
One final Netflix thought (from me):
We’ve all read Animal Farm. The cool pigs always become the cruel humans in the end.
Who loves ya, baby!
Did his lollipop have its own card?
That comes in the X-Rated set. 😉
CP: Rootless — Marina and the Diamonds
Netflix – I switched to streaming only. With RedBox so readily available, makes Netflix sort of unnecessary although, if I have to watch a specific movie, I could see it being an issue MAYBE. The fact is, I can easily do an Amazon UnBox for just about any movie I want to see.. I think? With the changes in my life, I really need to cut back as much as I can everywhere. Cable TV is going to be the next to go.
I’ve already accepted the fact that my hair just simply won’t be as awesome as it’s been due to my inability to afford it. Groupon will save my hair, I’m thinking.
Oh, also…
Transformers 3.
Here’s the thing. I can realize clearly that it was tossed together somewhat. The special FX are amazing. Shia and BumbleBee still make me swoon. The pretty girl needs to eat something. Good grief, why do they have to be so THIN? Is it like… seriously? I go to the movie and just feel like I’m the size of Australia when I’m looking at this skinny girl. I suppose that is part of my not wanting to eat anything EVER thing right now. 🙁
I enjoyed being there for the fun of the movie. It lacked dialogue and the plot was interesting, but not enthralling. I did appreciate Sentinel Prime being played by Leonard Nimoy… I had no idea. I didn’t research anything before seeing it, obviously. There was, I thought, supposed to be a friend of mine in the movie, but I didn’t see him. I also admit that seeing it at the drive-in did make for less-lustery FX.
I still had fun though. I could have left earlier.. It was definitely too long.
haven’t seen the movie yet put from the pics
give that girl a sammich or 10.
women need curves. with out them they look like little boys and that is just creepy.
They keep them thin so that they can stack more into a trailer, makes it easier to pull out a model with a different paint job when they want variety.
Maybe it just needed more Larry the Cable Guy.
or maybe more cow bell
Where’s my freeze ray?
On layaway with my sharks :drevil:
CP: Monoliths — Maserati
Cool Dwayne Wade article, passed on to me by EssBee. Now I feel bad for rooting against his team in the Finals.
Thanks for the article, Jack. Still, I’m rather happy Miami lost. 🙂
CW: Alphas
got some time to kill
CP: In the Morning – The Corals
CP: Kung Fu Girls – Blondie
An episode of “3’s Company” came on and all I could was “Lookout John Ritter is a crazy robot!”
Is that the one where Jack has a hilarious pratfall and the landlord suspects the 3 of them of hanky-panky? You know, the one where the sleazy neighbor stops by?
^Haven’t seen that one.
I do remember something about Suzzane Somers eating a slice of cake.
And John Ritter wearing a glow in the dark condom color like “Old Glory.”
Skin Deep?
No, it was just a condom.
Skin deep condom,
is that a new sort of fetish body mod?
John and Ed wearing a condom?
I’m not here.
Thanks for the well wishes all.
Heads up Dan S. Package sent today. Since I just sent it cheap mail, it may tKe a couple of weeks to show up
Now… We’re going to watch Do. No
The James BOnd film?
A sad song from a horribly depressing anime series:
CP: Uninstall — Chiaki Ishikawa
does the sad song make it better?
Ask me again after a few good beers. 🙂
See interwebs, I told you I didn’t need a break from deadpan.
Now no more of this not responding bs.
CW: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Lets see if I like it as much as when I was in high school.
Yep still like it.