Van made a good point on the previous thread. We should finalize plans for the 2019 MMMmmmeetup. I’ve posted in the dedicated Facebook event.
We’ll have a grand time.
That is why you titled this new thread, right? 🙂
Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones.
Hello, hello
Have a super birthday Lo Pan!
Have a great one, Lo Pan! Here’s hoping you haven’t been sent to The Hell of Cakes Made from Ketchup!
Hope this is a grand birthday Lo Pan!
Wow, I got a lot more done this morning than I expected.
I’m never quite sure how I feel about tax refunds. On the one hand, it’s nice to get a chunk of money once a year. However, it also means too much tax is being taking from our pay cheques so, if a little less was taken from our pay cheques, we’d have that money to spend right now instead of waiting a year.
It’s a conundrum.
And if you estimated perfectly, and your tax refund/debt is close to zero, you feel like “I just went through all of this stupid effort doing my taxes for nothing.”
Ah the benefit of PAYE, much less paperwork.
May you shake the pillars of heaven today, Lo Pan. Or at least have a moment of quiet and relaxation.
Enjoy your day Lo!
CP: Graveyard — Blue Rodeo
If you have a little extra scratch on hand, Nomad Scry and fam could use a bit o’ help.
I love it when Scientists get pissy with one another.
According to an article in a recent Scientific American –
Apparently there has been a battle between those who say the “randomized controlled trial” (in which a random sorting leads to only some subjects getting the real intervention being tested) is the ONLY true way to prove effectiveness VS. those who say that you don’t need RCT to make reasonable conclusions about certain effects of certain actions.
To back up their point of view, in 2003 supporters of the later group published a paper in the British Medical Journal entitled, “Parachute Use to Prevent Death and Major Trauma Related to Gravitational Challenge: Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials.”
In which they said results of parachute use was CLEARLY observable and the paper went on to suggest “We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of evidence based medicine should organize and participated in a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute.”
OOOOoooooooo! Major NERD BURN there!
Not to be outdone though (because NERDS), proponents of RCT from Harvard, the University of Michigan and U.C.L.A. joined with skydivers to publish a paper where they did JUST THAT!
“The team enlisted and randomized 23 volunteers. Twelve participants wore parachutes while the other 11 donned backpacks that contained no parachutes. All 23 leapt from either a plane or a helicopter. The jumpers were assessed shortly after hitting the ground for death or major trauma, and most were reevaluated 30 days later.”
Around here that would be a lazy man’s “Nacho’s”. Only it is usually made with Tostedos (or similur pre-packaged chip) covered in cheese and heated in anything from a toaster oven to a microwave oven. What ever is convenant.
This is kinda like a pizza, just with a crust of hard tortilla and Mexican cheese.
I’m tired of winter
It’s snowing. I have to go into town today. I’m trying to decide if I want to cancel my appointments in favour of not going out on the roads
Decided not to go into town today. As a result, I kind of have the day off
Tiffany did me a favor this morning. As a result, I overslept 20 minutes. Thanks a lot, honey!!
How do I make that imoji with the really WIDE eyes?
Boy, I must be slipping. That angle hadn’t even occurred to me.
Am I still allowed to like the music of MJ ?
I was never an MJ “fan”. It was/is not him I liked (or really cared anything about one way or another), it was some of his music.
So am I still allowed to like the music if it turns out he was a monster?
He’s dead so it’s not like he’s benefiting in any way from me listening to one of his tunes. Any MJ music I liked enough to buy was bought years ago and even before the latest allegations I was never likely to spend money on anything else MJ related.
The tunes I like don’t push any agendas or take any political stances. If someone who had been born yesterday and had no idea who he was heard one of his tunes and didn’t know the name of the artist … would it be ok if THAT person liked it?
I am conflicted.
I fully believe in separating art from artist. I love the Roman Polanski movies I’ve seen, but he’s an unrepentant monster.
I haven’t seen Leaving Neverland, but I think those questions ahave lingered around him for decades now.
And I have no idea how that comment ended up on that thread.
We’re going with our fellow libtards tonight! Looking forward to it.
I have also acquired tix for tonite’s showing of the Captain Leftist Agenda show
After 11 years of movies led by male heroes, with only 2 female hero characters I can think of, only 1 with actual powers, I really feel like Marvel are cramming their leftist agenda down our throats with Captain Marvel.
(In the theater now!)
Just came out of theatre. Film had too many strong female characters and too many people of color also on strong leads. When will the left stop this male white privilege bashing??!!!!
Holy cow! Where did the time go?
I have errands to run.
When the Doctor asks if you talked about resuscitation with your Mum..that.
This shit is hard, my friend. I know you’re tough and will handle it like a pro, but it’s still hard. Your friends across the pond are always here for you.
Seconded. We act tough but we’re a bunch of softies when it comes to you and yours. Anything we can do..
So sorry man.
Of all things in life (real or manufactured) that there is to be afraid of … THIS is what I fear.
Van *hugs*
So there were Charmed reruns on the TV during the 30 seconds I was in the break room with no sound or subtitles and I think it might be my favorite show of all time thank you.
Very Very VERY important question – Was this the Shannon Daugherty Charmed or the Rose McGowan Charmed?
Rose McGowan was talking to Alyssa Milano and one other person.
Ah yes the dreaded 3rd actress whom no one remembers her name…
Maybe my favorite comic as a kid long now forgotten by my cold dead adult self. This… This is a fucking blessing
Finished Umbrella Academy on Netflix. I only read the first 6 of the comics, which is basically covered in the miniseries.
Lotta differences. I enjoyed a lot of things about the show, but there were a few characters and one big subplot that I kinda hated. Overall good though! Was season 2 confirmed?
Crap joke for the day;
A man goes into the pub with a newt on his shoulder.
“What do you call him?” asks the barman.
“Tiny” answers the man.
“Why Tiny? the barman responds.
“Because he’s my-newt”, says the man.
Moning Pan
We too watched and enjoyed umbrella academy. There better be a second season since they didn’t really finish anything in the first.
Animal poetry, huh? Wish me luck on that one later today.
Alright, I’m back in the house. So, I expect much more tomfoolery and carrying-on around here. Y’all have been slacking.
Florida was fun with my daughter’s band group. Another one of those “lasts” that I’m going through this year with her.
Welcome back, Ed! It looks like it was a great trip.
Well got the call from the hospital, just a matter of time now for my Mum.
Thank you all.
Oh Van 🙁
We love ya Vanny baby. Always have.
So sorry Van.
Hugs from the both of us. Let us know how we can help you.
Van!!!!! I am so deeply sorry to hear this, as I was hoping for a different outcome.
We are all with you in spirit. Big hug!
Words are inadequate, Van. I’m so sorry. We’re here for whatever support we can offer.
Ok Pan, it’s movie time
Today’s movie is First Born
A young couple fights supernatural foes in an attempt to save their daughter from the dark and mysterious forces that follow her every move
Animal poetry?
We hear birds Twitter in the trees
Along with spooky music and a breeze
The rabbit says no, all is well
She sighs with relief, all is swell
The hounds drink much
Pregnancy’s not a crutch
The hound is happy to hear the news
She doesn’t share his views
The light bursts, the rabbit is scared
Laughter ensues, then skin is bared
Time passes, a child is born
They promise to keep her safe and warm
Mom told grandpa bear
The hound says, beware
The little bird yells and yells
The overtired hound thinks she smells
The hound says go for a walk
The rabbit just wants to talk
The playground moves, no one is there
The rabbit is creeped by this scare
The baby bird cries and cries
The rabbit sighs and sighs
The rabbit is scratched, how did it happen?
Things in the house are also tappen’
(You try it and see how easy it is)
She yells at the bird and is thrown from the room
Something chokes her, is this her doom?
Something supernatural, should they call grandpa bear
No, no, No! The hound says beware
Grandpa bear wants to cleanse the house
The hound still thinks he’s a louse
Grandpa bear say grandma after she died
The hound says he lied
Say = saw
Runt sage is the order of the day
The hound just wants him to go away
Runt = burnt *sigh*
Wax the baby, grandpa bear cries
The hound does it, still thinking it’s lies
Time passes, the child grows
Of her supernatural beginning, nothing shows
Thea waxes herself, she’s a big girl now
It seems to still work, but how?
The bird waxes herself, she’s a big girl now…
Come. Isn’t, the house does creak
The bird is scared, and starts to freak
Yeah, I’m just letting this one go
The bird has a doll, which is forbidden
Things with faces must be hidden
The bird missed, and got wax on herself
She says nothing, as quiet as a mouse
The rabbit sleeps with the bird, a bit of a habit
But the bird is hidden, scaring the rabbit
The missed wax is taking its toll
The place is fulfilling its haunted role
Grandpa bear, says go away
To the owl, who’ll know the way
The owl say nothing just opens the door
They have no idea what’s in store
The owl marks them, not saying a word
They drink fowl liquid, then she talks to the bird
I know you, says the hound with a shock
At the hospital, the bird was born, my world was rocked
Don’t question my methods, says the owl
Now go wash up, dry your hands on a towel
The bird and the owl start to train
The hound thinks this is all insane
Drink thr tea
It will help you see
Don’t leave the circle the owl tells the bird
But did she listen, has she heard?
The bird is being hunted by forces unknown
She must be protected, until she’s grown
The owl skins a rabbit, the birds not happy
She finds the owl’s actions quite crappy
Never call for mommy and daddy, she tells the bird
I think the owl’s a bit of a turd
Grandpa bear scolds the owl
He thinks her methods are quite foul
The owl then berates grandpa bear
You took too long, you didn’t care
Divide and conquer does the spirit
The bird does her best to clear it
Beaten and bruised is the hound
Now he is hospital bound
To the owl the rabbit does run
I can’t take this. It’s no fun
The owl show the rabbit what is unseen
The hound is more scared than he’s ever been
The hospital is no safe place
Just perfect for entities to give chase
The owl poisons the rabbit, you’re not a good mom
She then takes the bird, who just wants to run
The bird fight back, says the owl is bad
The owl is eaten, making the bird mad
The bird tells the rabbit what she sees
She needs to push it through the trees
It’s gone, says the bird, everything’s ok
We’ve lived to fight another day
The end of the movie we have reached
Still many questions, but at least life’s a peach
No more rhymes now, and I mean it!
Well Im glad
To hear of an owl being eaten vs a human eating another human
(Did ai follow the interpretation correctly)
Well done DJ Bunny on this PBP Animal style.
Mmmmmmmm, animal fries
Hang in there, Colorado peeps!
So here I am, a middle-aged man sitting alone in the bleachers while the girls skate, and I realize my fly is open.
How do I fix this without approaching Aqualung levels of creepy?
As long as you don’t have a runny nose, you should be fine.
Just a note: Van, we’re thinking of you. No updates needed, just know we’re here for you.
My Mum is still hanging on.
Saw capt Marvel with the eldest. (Her second go-around).
Fun movie.
Morning Pan
Hubby is going to be home later than usual tonight but not as late as his other late nights. I’m so confused
*Not directed at anyone here, but I just need to say it in a public place:
OMG, you fucking failed hipster, you were posting fake-deep bullshit recently about how you’re so tired of the Marvel movies, while rattling off your faux-film-school snob list of lamentations for the state of modern cinema because of the Marvel movies, replete with some lip service nonsense about storytelling – – but now you’re professing love for the Captain Marvel movie? Get over yourself, you pretentious dimwit.
Link to the movie trailer at the bottom of the article.
The first astronomy book my Dad bought me had that View from Titan painting by Bonestell.
Top o the mornin to ya!
RIP Dick Dale. King of Surf Music.
Morning Pan
It was a busy weekend so didn’t go shopping. Will have to sneak out later this morning to fill my larder.
There. My cupboards are full for another week
Kitty is particularly playful this morning
I remember the days when this would have set off an hour of snickering.
Are we all growing up?
Van, know that you have friends pulling for you and sending love, while you’re dealing with the difficult days this week.
What Jack said. *hugs*
Thank you all.
Still feeling lost and numb but was busy today doing stuff.
I finished watching the flat earth documentary on Netflix. I feel like I need a shower
So what do they say is on the bottom side of the. . . disc(or pan? Plate?)?
Four elephants standing on a turtle
Actually, what I did find interesting, to prove their theory, some did scientific experiments. The idea being, if a happened, the earth was flat, if b happened, the earth is round. In the experiments, b happened, showing the earth was round. In each case, instead of accepting the findings, they would find some way to brush it off as flawed and change the parameters. Thus showing they were less interested in using the scientific method, than in looking for confirmation biases
It’s on my watchlist. I’ve encountered a couple of “flat earthers” on Quora. They make a big deal about how fast the Earth is spinning at “1000 MILES PER HOUR!!!!!” Lots of all caps and exclamation points, trying for an emotional response. I always tell them to look at the hour hand of an analog clock. It’s “spinning” at twice the rate of the Earth.
As powerful as she is, I assume we’re going to see much more powerful bad guys in the future. Do they have the rights back to Galactus?
As powerful as she is she still can’t beat Thanos by herself as currently constructed. Let’s start there first.
Rhett mentioned David Moldawer over the weekend, which prompted me to look him up. He’s dropped off of FB, but a bunch of folks recently linked to this blogpost, which is brilliant:
It’s a long read, but chock full of awesome.
Morning Pan
Had brunch with the boss
On an unrelated note, it’s pretty much guaranteed I won’t be travelling this year
Huge bummer. It won’t be the same without you!
End of guilt trip.
Understood, Bunny. I hope 2020 is more accommodating.
What Jack said.
CP: Sun Baby — The High Violets
You don’t know, you know, you don’t know.
Crap joke for the day:
This man is in the hospital for a series of tests. One of the last test has left his system upset. Upon making several false alarms to the bathroom he decided the latest was another. He completely filled his bed up with human waste and was embarrassed beyond anything he could possibly
face. Losing his presence of mind, he jumped up, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window. A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling, cussing and swinging his arms which drew the attention of the security guard.The security guard ask:”What’s going on?” To which the drunk replied: “I just beat the shit out of a ghost.”
Bracing for disappointment. In honesty, I’ll be happy to learn that an independent council found that Russia’s corruption attempts had failed.
My expectation: there was wrongdoing, but corruption, bureaucracy, and partisan bullshit will win the day.
Political blue balls at the ready
At this moment it sounds as if we will never know what the findings were.
He has packed the Supreme Court with his sycophants, the Republican controlled Senate has abdicated it’s authority and power to him.
Our system of democratic government based on three equal, INDEPENDANT branches of government providing checks and balances on one another has by all appearances, fallen.
It’s not clear that the house can restore “checks and balances” to the legislative branch by itself.
So … yeh.
Goodnight mush.
Shhhh. Hubby’s asleep
Ok, we’re both awake now. Continue with your normal noise level 😉
*Clanging pots and pans* *incoherent yelling* *bagpipes* *Animal from the Muppets*
U.S. Treasury Department: “We are announcing tougher sanctions on North Korea and the regime of Kim Jong Un.”
Asshole assuming the current role of President: “Um. No umkay? I’m gonna, like, rescind them bigly”
Right wing sheep: “It’s the art of the deal you stupid Libtards. He has a plan and he’s executing it to perfection. He CAN’T tell you what it is cause you Tardlibs will put it on the front of the NYT and ruin it!”*
*paraphrased from actual comments
A year ago I read a quote that said the “Adults” in the Republican Party wouldn’t stand up against trump until he had done something so damaging to the country that it simply couldn’t be undone.
At the time, even I thought that was a bit hyperbolic. Now I see it was an underestimation of what it would take to find those “adults”.
Gaze not into the abyss, lest the abyss gaze back at you.
Since we are playing billiards, I read the following summary this morning.
Justice Department policy is that the department does not indict a sitting executive.
Justice Department policy is that the department does not reveal any “derogatory information” about someone not under indictment.
The two things together would seem to guarantee that a report following all department guidelines would filter out all mention of Trump.
In other news … I am spending quality time with my daughter. Which in this case means I am sitting at a table in a shopping mall in Denver while she, her room mate and her mother shop for under garments … or yoga stuff … or something.
I do remember that cat. Beloved by one parent, hated by the other. Also one of the first podcast novelists!
I may be getting my Morrises mixed up.
Didn’t he sing with The Smiths?
I am feline and I need to be fed. Just like everybody else does
I can’t even tell you how fast I flew through Love, Death, and Robots. There is some great great stuff in there. Highly recommended
That’s up next for us.
Ep 4 is like Hillbilly Pacific Rim.
Digest that for a second.
Went through half of them in two days. It is really what “Heavy Metal 2000” wanted to be but failed short miserably. I guess now I know what graphics on the PS5 will look like.
Mind-blowing. Now they need to add the man-made elements created in a super collider.
One of Werewolf’s greatest appeal factors is that it’s quick and lighthearted. It seems like a mistake to turn it into a big time commitment.
That’s what I was thinking. Werewolf plays fast and free and doesn’t need to get bogged down in additional mechanics. We did buy, but have yet to play, the “Legacy” edition of Betrayal on the House on the Hill though.
The whole family went to see Amaluna under the Big Top today.
Cirque always brings it! It was a fun show and Hollygirl made it, actually watched it, about 95% of the show before she got antsy enough to have to get down and walk.
First circus!
Morning Pan
Grocery shopping day today
We need to better organize. That’s a few days a week for us.
Crap joke for the day:
Schick is walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City, runs into a hooker,and he says, “How much?”She says, “Twenty bucks.”…He says, “All right.”They climb down under the boardwalk, and he bangs her. The next night, he runs into the same hooker, they go under the boardwalk, only this time while he’s banging her, she blasts two incredible farts. When they get done, he hands her twenty-FIVE dollars.She says, “What the extra five?”…He says, “That’s for blowing the sand off my balls.”
This makes me sad.
I have always enjoyed his stuff.
The (English) Beat and General Public were among the bands whose music I never owned but every time I heard their music it got me really pumped.
Morning Pan
Today I visit the vampires
Well, today is off to a rollicking start. Stupid work stuff.
The art images throughout the article are pretty damn cool.
Interesting article. Basically, it is a breakdown of how senses can share information to create a richer cognitive reality. What is missing, and the article admits this as well, is that is a model of how information is processed, but not for how information is experienced. In other words, we could make a computer react in a human way to stimulus, but we still don’t know how to make the computer “experience” the stimulus.
Bookmarked for when I have time, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy reading that.
It’s fandamntastic. You will!
And don’t forget that William the Conqueror one!
Bookmarked and up next!
“That’s when William I, ruler of Normandy and King of England, exploded. “
Look I know this is hockey deep cuts, but low seeded American International University beating #1 St. Cloud State in the first round of the NCAA tourney is astounding. It was the first tourney game in their history
That is pretty fantastic. Where are you tracking the tourney?
No where good. ESPN seems to be the best
Hey KC Pannites!
Are any of you attending the Panet Comic Con tbis weekens? If you are, HMU.
We won’t. We have guests from out of town visiting.
So Netflix’s “The Dirt” movie about Motley Crue is fun. It focuses more on the drama and debauchery than the music – – but then, I suppose it is called “The Dirt,” and not “A Thoughtful Contemplation on the Deeper Meaning of ‘Girl Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away).'”
“Why Shout at the Devil Marks a Key Turning Point in the Tonal Paradigm Shift in Hair Metal”
“Kickin Ass on the Wild Side and it’s Reflections on the Duality of the Modern Male Identity”
This is fun.
IT really is.
“The Cause and Effect and Eventual Vindication of the American Health Care System V. the Tobacco Industry Pertaining to Smoking in the Boys Room”
Ha! x2
A Meditation on the Unfortunate Irony of Same Ol Situation in the Context of an Era that Paradigmatically Shifted Away From Hair Metal
The culture of “Dr. Feelgood” and its culpability to the opioid crisis.
That’s the idea!
“Live Wire: A Modern Telling of the ‘Angry Young Man’ Syndrome of the 1950’s”
I can’t believe this played on American TV in 1956.
What the fuck…
Holy Buckets of Seawater, Batman!
Aquaman is a giant POS!
Aquaman is a bad, bad movie. Not enjoyable dumb cheese like Venom. Just a crap movie. There are occasional cool images that make no sense, but it’s just awful. I’m not sure if it’s worse than Suicide Squad, but it’s easily worse than any other DC flick.
The score literally goes “Dun dun dunnnnn” for the bad guy when he says or does evil shit. And he looks like Eminem.
Every one-on-one fight is Tekken.
I get that Jason Momoa is pretty, but this guy has no business in any leading role.
I’m so glad that I don’t seem alone in my opinion of Aquaman then. The special effects were atrocious and I had to stop the film and laugh for about 5 minutes straight when I saw the octopus playing drums. I get that it was an easter egg for a comic book character, but it was still too stupid to exist in the movie.
Wow! Glad I missed that one.
On the other side of the coin (if you haven’t seen it):
I’ve somehow gotten a reputation for being a cranky movie critic. And Matt Zoller Seitz, who left AVClub to be chief hipster at, called it revolutionary, and talked about how progressive it is with its male and female roles – – and even cited scenes where they talked it out instead of fighting. . . . I have no idea how he saw that in this turd. I think he was watching an old episode of the Superfriends cartoon and got confused.
While I agree it was a hot mess, I still enjoyed it as a strictly popcorn flick.
And look, I sometimes aggressively rag stuff I don’t like to comedic effect, but there’s no shaming if you did enjoy Aquaman. Whatever. Like what you like.
Oh and that terrible Ariel-like wig Amber Heard wore.
I swear I hear this in Johnny’s voice from Airplane. “Where did you get that dress? It’s awful. And those shoes and that coat. Jeez.”
Oh. My. God. Look at her butt.
People loved it and it made a shit ton of money. The sequel is in the works. Expect much much more in the future of your favorite underwater hero…
Morning Pan
Hubby still has some time off. Me, I’m putting in a bit of work today. Then tomorrow, it’s off to the zoo.
Hott punk show tonite with Essbee… Laura Jane Grace and the Devouring Mothers. Small club! Early show for us oldies! Doin’ it up!!!
Rockin’ Monday night!! Give EssBee hugs.
Do it!!!!
April 1. Root beers raised. Brilliant.
Fuck cancer
Goodbye to Vonda N McIntyre, I glad I finally got around to reading a Dreamsnake last year after seeing ads for the book in other books in the early 80s:
So watched the first episode of the new Twlight Zone.
Yeah, nicely done but rather predicatble and left me with an overwhelming feel of ‘well it was ok’.
The original is one of the most brilliant TV shows of all time, but even that run had plenty of dud episodes.
Many attempts have been made to recreate that template in the years since, including a couple of actual Twilight Zone reboots. Many were pretty good, but none were major successes (Tales from the Crypt? Black Mirror?).
I hope Jordan Peele figures out how to really make this blow up.
Episode 2 (based on the William Shatner episode from the original series) was far superior.
Endgame tickets onsale today. Fandango has apparently crashed.
I just learned that Matt Mango’s brother* wants to use one of our old songs, “The Land of Broken Hearts,” in his wedding. Which just tickles me to no end.
The only problem is that all of the wedding guests will surely be distracted by the amazing lead guitar melody, and won’t be able to focus on anything else.
*actual brother or from another mother wasn’t specified.
One thing about holidays, it’s Wednesday and we have people coming over for gaming. We never game on a week day
Well, hubby and I just had an interesting event.
We were going to get hubby’s new glasses. Suddenly, a vehicle, going the other direction, crosses three lanes of highway in front of us, goes into the ditch, rolls his vehicle, and ends up upside down in water. While we called 911, he had to be pulled from the vehicle, and then, because he was unresponsive, first aid had to be administered until EMS arrived. EMS managed to revive him, although he was still unconscious when they loaded him up in the ambulance.
Hubby and I had to stick around and give police statements.
We figure he was in distress before he crossed the highway because he didn’t even slow down all the way to the ditch.
It could have actually been a lot worse. He did cross three lanes of highway at 110k, and didn’t hit any other vehicles on the way.
We went to get glasses and ended up having an adventure. Let’s never do that again.
Yikes! I’m glad that it wasn’t worse and you were able to offer great assistance.
Hubby and I didn’t do much other than call ems. Other people bigger and stronger than us did the actual rescuing and manhandled him out of the waterlogged vehicle
That is an incredible story, TEB! Holy shit!!
I’m glad you were both unharmed. Was it just crazy driving, or was something else going on?
Here’s the news story about what we saw. And the guy was more than blue when he was pulled out. He wasn’t breathing
Morning Pan
We didn’t make it to the zoo on Tuesday so we are going this morning instead. We are also picking up my new glasses on the way home. Hubby and I agree, getting my glasses better be less interesting than getting his was yesterday.
I have a few issues with the article, but the overall point is spot on.
Bear in mind, it’s from Medium, so you’re only allowed so many Medium clicks per month.
I get that the article is tongue in cheek, but Ross is the hero of “Friends”, the rest of the cast are antagonists. That would explain the conflicts. The advice at the end is spot on though.
Ima jinx it but I finally finally finally get to see Ghost in Sep. Would have rather seen em a few years ago in a small venue but Ill take it
You know, it’s really depressing to see the studio that delivered modern classics like KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age brought down to such a state:
It’s a very long and in depth read, but an amazing look at just how much chaos there has been at Bioware that resulted in the unfortunate disasters of Mass Effect: Andromeda and now Anthem.
I’ve been working 20 years (!!!) in the software field. I would never go to a major playing in the video game industry.
That was indeed a long read. There is a lot of online hate for EA lately and I can’t say it isn’t undeserved. I’m not as likely to throw money at an unproven game anymore, I wait until there is enough user feedback to know it isn’t a turd. But I feel for the makers of video games. The process keeps getting more complex and corporate meddling just removes the heart of what could be really good compelling games. My hope is that in the future, A.I. will be able to assist in the art asset and programming issues. Then there won’t be so much heavy lifting to change ideas or mock out interesting ones for testing. I’ve never played any Dragon Age games beyond the first one. I wonder if there are any PS4 remasters.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is available on PS4.
No one expects the Dragon Age Inquisition!
Morning Pan
It’s royalty season again. They off to the city for an hour or so.
I can drive a stick. Hubby can’t. When Boo was young, I made her take some lessons on manual transmission driving as we had one vehicle of each at the time. She came back from one lesson and proclaimed I could be dying and she would still never drive me to the hospital in my car. After that, we only got automatics so everybody could drive either car
I haven’t looked at this in quite a long time, but I must say, I’m pretty proud of what I remember of it. It’s a shame that Pendragon Press completely dropped the ball with it.
(I never received a copy. I actually paid for one off of their website a few years back, just to have it, and never received it).
Now that I’ve made the conversation about me. . . .
My ex coughed up some money from them and then heard nothing.
And here I am looking forward to the day when our cars no longer have steering wheels.
My current car is the first automatic Ive ever had. I hate it. Sticks handle so very much better, especially in the snow.
Useless fact No.345:
I know many bus drivers who preferred semi automatics (you still stick shift but no clutch) over automatic because of control in bad weather.
Shift without a clutch! Impossible man! That defies the very nature of being!
I learned on a stick and it was a lot of fun and my old 1993 Ford Probe was a blast for fast drives, but not so much for the stop and go of a daily commute.
I was once barely competent driving a stick shift. I imagine I’d embarrass myself now, if I made the attempt.
I drive a stick shift like a boss …if I do say so myself 😀
It is hard on the legs in bumper to bumper commuter traffic though.
I grew up on stick shift and kept stick shift into the mid 2000’s. I love driving stick; except in So Cal.
That sucked.
I now have driven automatics for nearly 15 years. wowza.
Once Sophie starts driving, I wish for her to practice on stick shift. But, I don’t think it will happen.
I drove a stick for a few months. I would compare that skill to my computer use skills. I can do it better than many people my age. But I wouldn’t say in any way shape or form that I can do it well.
Ticket booked to see Shazam, off I Go.
Good luck. I hope for the best but expect Aquaman.
It may not make as much money as Aquaman but it’s a better film in my view.
That was fun, two post credit scenes.
Ugh. I was just sitting down for a little snack; but then….
The house is clean, the baby is napping and this Pixie wants to snack while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5. (It’s best season.)
I grabbed my Fritos Bean dip and bag of organic corn chips from Teader Joes. (Their version of Fritos.) took out the first chip, dipped it, and brought it to my awaiting mouth. To my surprise… a spicy, citrus-y taste. Not bad, just unexpected. I look at the Bean dip label – not hot bean dip. (Phew)
Look at the corn chips bag and there it is:
Trader Joes Organic Elote Corn Chip Dippers
with a Mexican-style Street Corn flavored seasoning.
Meh. I wish it was just plain Fritos.
We also have that $12 jar of salsa from the farmer’s market.
Which is delicious with tortilla chips
Jesus Christ 12$ delish tho?
We fell victim to sales pressure awkwardness. No salsa is $12/jar good.
As it turns out, April 5 is the grim anniversary of the deaths of both Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley.
Cobain was 25 years ago today. I remember where I was when I heard.
I remember where I was when I heard both. I completely forgot it was on the same day. Layne was just a month-ish after my daughter, who I named after him, was born.
Asshole is too kind of a word, this guy is just evil:
Fascinating, unapologetic, unflatterinf examination of Nu-Metal, its roots, and its influence today.
I’m considering posting it at, but the other 2 guys there are pretty severely allergic to the stuff (which is fine). It may not be in line with the theme.
I’ll be listening to this later for sure. Seems like there are a lot of “nu-metal” fans that aren’t happy about this review in the comments.
Morning Pan
Actually at my desk all morning today. The world may faint
I have to have some tests in a couple of weeks. As part of the tests, I have to be off my meds for the next two weeks. Let’s see how well that works.
Good luck to you Bunny. Take care of yourself.
What Rhettro said, Bunny. We’re here in whatever ways we can be.
I was suppose to have breakfast with the boss today but we had enough snow that the highway between here and Calgary are rather slick. RCMP have said, if you don’t have to travel the highway, don’t, so I won’t.
If passing on your phone remember to disable iCloud:
Sheesh. I’d never even heard of this guy before today. As great as the Marvel ride has been, it seems like it could have been even better without this piece-of-shit at the helm.
I don’t think this cocksore really made the product less great as it really is all Kevin Feige dotting the T’s and crossing the I’s. Still tho it sucks having this guy as chairman. What a fuckstick
Squeeeeee(I haven’t watched yet)eeeeeeee(I might not)eeeeeeeeee(I avoided trailers for the previous Star Wars movies and was always glad I’d waited)eeeeeeeee(Although I’ve already seen some of the chatter about this and really want to see Billy Dee)eeeeee
It’s early yet.
Not an uncommon business model. Suck you in with an introductory price. Then a year or so from now, jack up prices hoping that once they “have you” you will be too lazy (or addicted) to walk away.
I’m still on the introductory Netflix rate as i’m Happy with standard resolution streaming.
In other news, water is wet, and crash cymbals are loud.
While Apple TV isn’t even going to get a look from me, if I have to be honest about it, between Disney and Netflix – I’d probably drop Netflix and pick up Disney. I’m honestly trying to remember the last time I actually watched something on Netflix streaming. Since “House of Cards” collapse like, well a house of cards in its final season, I can’t think of anything that Netflix is producing anymore. Which, given their focus on original content, is not a good sign.
Hmm, just went browsing Netflix. Certainly “A Series of Unfortunate Events” was magnificent – but finished. “The Crown” was fantastic in its first two seasons, but I’m less enthusiastic that they’ll be able to keep the momentum going with a whole new cast with the time jump.
Most of my series streaming is done on Amazon. But this week I’ve actually watched two films on Netflix. Earlier I watched “Train to Busan” (Korean zombie flick.) which was pretty good and then last night I watched ”In Bruges” (a British gangster film of sorts. It too was good.
… but yeah. More streaming services? Maybe not.
Well in the UK we get Discovery on Netflix, so worth keeping it for that alone.
We watch Netflix more than anything else.
We watched Pacific Rim: Uprising last night. It wasn’t that bad.
Yeah, I’m not sure what the haters were expecting of a movie about giant robots fighting. I’m not saying it’s high-quality cinema, but it’s enjoyable dumb fun. As opposed to dumb dumb not-all-that fun. *cough Aquaman*.
PR2 is definitely better than any Transformers movie I’ve seen.
Sorry. I hated it. If I wanted to watch Power Rangers, I’d watch it. They took everything I found fun in the original movie, and threw it out, to make some stupid slap-stick crap around teen robot jocks. Why even call it Pacific Rim at that point?
I don’t disagree with a word of your criticism. And your brilliant “Robot Jox” reference scores 10 million points for your house.
The new Cellar Darling record is highly recommended. Lush, sweeping, and hard (stop it).
I’m digging it! I might point out that it’s more Tori Amos than Metal.
I saw some critical trashing of it last week – – and their complaints seemed legit. . . . but the one actual human (as opposed to film critic) I know who saw it loved it.
I’ve never even seen the 2nd one with Ron Perlman, or read any of the comics, so I’m good with giving this one a pass.
Well audiences are staying away in droves so expect this to be it.
The Golden Army is a real gem and the comics are required reading, tho there’s such a volume of them now I’m not sure where I’d begin if I were to start.
Hellboy 2 and Pans Labyrinth are what made Tiffany a Guillermo Del Toro fan. I should see it.
It’s still amazing to me that the NHL allows this.
As I said on FB, I loved loved loved all four volumes of his Book of the New Sun. Sad news indeed. In fairness, though, I tried to move on to the followup book, but couldn’t get into it.
Also, with no disrespect meant to the dead, when I first met the Slice of Sci-Fi guys, they told me he was cranky and pretty unpleasant to interview.
Anyway, I can’t recommend “Shadow of the Torturer” strongly enough. RIP
Hello world
Hello Darkness.van
Hello me
Good morning, starshine. The earth says hello.
Van made a good point on the previous thread. We should finalize plans for the 2019 MMMmmmeetup. I’ve posted in the dedicated Facebook event.
We’ll have a grand time.
That is why you titled this new thread, right? 🙂
Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones.
Hello, hello
Have a super birthday Lo Pan!
Have a great one, Lo Pan! Here’s hoping you haven’t been sent to The Hell of Cakes Made from Ketchup!
Hope this is a grand birthday Lo Pan!
Wow, I got a lot more done this morning than I expected.
I’m never quite sure how I feel about tax refunds. On the one hand, it’s nice to get a chunk of money once a year. However, it also means too much tax is being taking from our pay cheques so, if a little less was taken from our pay cheques, we’d have that money to spend right now instead of waiting a year.
It’s a conundrum.
And if you estimated perfectly, and your tax refund/debt is close to zero, you feel like “I just went through all of this stupid effort doing my taxes for nothing.”
Ah the benefit of PAYE, much less paperwork.
May you shake the pillars of heaven today, Lo Pan. Or at least have a moment of quiet and relaxation.
Enjoy your day Lo!
CP: Graveyard — Blue Rodeo
If you have a little extra scratch on hand, Nomad Scry and fam could use a bit o’ help.
I love it when Scientists get pissy with one another.
According to an article in a recent Scientific American –
Apparently there has been a battle between those who say the “randomized controlled trial” (in which a random sorting leads to only some subjects getting the real intervention being tested) is the ONLY true way to prove effectiveness VS. those who say that you don’t need RCT to make reasonable conclusions about certain effects of certain actions.
To back up their point of view, in 2003 supporters of the later group published a paper in the British Medical Journal entitled, “Parachute Use to Prevent Death and Major Trauma Related to Gravitational Challenge: Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials.”
In which they said results of parachute use was CLEARLY observable and the paper went on to suggest “We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of evidence based medicine should organize and participated in a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute.”
OOOOoooooooo! Major NERD BURN there!
Not to be outdone though (because NERDS), proponents of RCT from Harvard, the University of Michigan and U.C.L.A. joined with skydivers to publish a paper where they did JUST THAT!
“The team enlisted and randomized 23 volunteers. Twelve participants wore parachutes while the other 11 donned backpacks that contained no parachutes. All 23 leapt from either a plane or a helicopter. The jumpers were assessed shortly after hitting the ground for death or major trauma, and most were reevaluated 30 days later.”
HA! Take that!!! Wait … what!?!
Myself and Ching Dai thank you all for the birthday wishes.
Now where’d my green eyed lady go…
CP: I Wanna Be Your Friend Again — Concrete Blonde
100Grand Day, Lo Pan
CW: Free Solo
*butt is puckered*
I simultaneously really WANT and DON’T WANT to see that documentary.
Really impressive. i want to watch a behind the scenes now- I bet that will be equally impressive
And here I thought it had something to do with incels and the latest Solo movie.
Still too much Solo.
Either shut him up or shut him down!
T Cat watched it and I caught parts as I did other things. Pretty impressive.
Wow, this looks like fun.
Yeah, they’ve been pushing it here in Canada since before Christmas. I look forward to when it finally comes out.
Fun indeed!
This would only make sense if you’ve read “Gotham Academy” but now I can imagine Maps from Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs being sung by Olive.
May 31st! I’m actually the 900th person in line right now for the Millenium Falcon ride.
Let’s go!
CP: Hanuman — Rodrigo y Gabriela
..and it’s good bye to Airwolf:
This thing is bizarre. I had to look – – it’s only 5 thousand! TEB, maybe you can get John a few of these for his birthday.
Yeah, I’ll get right on that
I’ve only ever had one of these: I didn’t know it was a thing. It was OK, but it shouldn’t really be a thing. I’d classify it as a hard quesadilla.
Around here that would be a lazy man’s “Nacho’s”. Only it is usually made with Tostedos (or similur pre-packaged chip) covered in cheese and heated in anything from a toaster oven to a microwave oven. What ever is convenant.
This is kinda like a pizza, just with a crust of hard tortilla and Mexican cheese.
I’m tired of winter
It’s snowing. I have to go into town today. I’m trying to decide if I want to cancel my appointments in favour of not going out on the roads
Decided not to go into town today. As a result, I kind of have the day off
Tiffany did me a favor this morning. As a result, I overslept 20 minutes. Thanks a lot, honey!!
How do I make that imoji with the really WIDE eyes?
Boy, I must be slipping. That angle hadn’t even occurred to me.
Am I still allowed to like the music of MJ ?
I was never an MJ “fan”. It was/is not him I liked (or really cared anything about one way or another), it was some of his music.
So am I still allowed to like the music if it turns out he was a monster?
He’s dead so it’s not like he’s benefiting in any way from me listening to one of his tunes. Any MJ music I liked enough to buy was bought years ago and even before the latest allegations I was never likely to spend money on anything else MJ related.
The tunes I like don’t push any agendas or take any political stances. If someone who had been born yesterday and had no idea who he was heard one of his tunes and didn’t know the name of the artist … would it be ok if THAT person liked it?
I am conflicted.
I fully believe in separating art from artist. I love the Roman Polanski movies I’ve seen, but he’s an unrepentant monster.
I haven’t seen Leaving Neverland, but I think those questions ahave lingered around him for decades now.
And I have no idea how that comment ended up on that thread.
Life’s mysteries abound.
RIP, JMV *Airwolf theme*
Awww. Yes it was cheesy, but I liked Airwolf.
I honestly thought he died years ago from a similar thing.
Best opening theme song ever
I first saw him in the Burt Reynolds film
‘Hooper’ where he played the up and coming stuntman.
Yeah, I know Airwolf was his big thing, but he just seemed to be all over the place when I was a kid.
And now I present to you, Ministry doing a cover of Amy Winehouse’s ‘Rehab’.
It’s exactly how you think it would be…
I said no, no, no.
I enjoyed Captain Marvel, that is all.
What a controversial statement!
Meg Myers covers Kate Bush’s ‘Running Up That Hill’ (very very well I might add).
I’ll have to give it a listen. 🙂
So The new Spiderman film is subtitled Far from Home.
So we have an English guy playing an American in a film set partly in England, so he’s actually not that far from home.
That some fucked up shit right there…
But if he’s British, then isn’t he automatically the villain?
For a simple game it sounds complicated:
That’s a lof of SJW cucks.
We’re going with our fellow libtards tonight! Looking forward to it.
I have also acquired tix for tonite’s showing of the Captain Leftist Agenda show
After 11 years of movies led by male heroes, with only 2 female hero characters I can think of, only 1 with actual powers, I really feel like Marvel are cramming their leftist agenda down our throats with Captain Marvel.
(In the theater now!)
Just came out of theatre. Film had too many strong female characters and too many people of color also on strong leads. When will the left stop this male white privilege bashing??!!!!
(I enjoyed Captain Marvel!!!! That is all.)
That’s a pretty great movie. That is all.
I kinda envy this, but then I don’t. I enjoy the variety and the adventure of exciting new meals.
Where Mr Bland here has the same breakfast every day, switching between porridge and weetabix on alternate days.
Hubby eats the same thing for lunch every (work) day. I don’t see a problem with it.
A brief history of wifi protocols:
CP: Nervous Mary — The Breeders
Holy cow! Where did the time go?
I have errands to run.
When the Doctor asks if you talked about resuscitation with your Mum..that.
This shit is hard, my friend. I know you’re tough and will handle it like a pro, but it’s still hard. Your friends across the pond are always here for you.
Seconded. We act tough but we’re a bunch of softies when it comes to you and yours. Anything we can do..
So sorry man.
Of all things in life (real or manufactured) that there is to be afraid of … THIS is what I fear.
Van *hugs*
So there were Charmed reruns on the TV during the 30 seconds I was in the break room with no sound or subtitles and I think it might be my favorite show of all time thank you.
Very Very VERY important question – Was this the Shannon Daugherty Charmed or the Rose McGowan Charmed?
Rose McGowan was talking to Alyssa Milano and one other person.
Ah yes the dreaded 3rd actress whom no one remembers her name…
Holly Marie Combs
you’re welcome
Will forget again right after I close the page
CP: Cradle — The Joy Formidable
This is fantastic. Not a fan of LoG’s music, but I love this.
He was one of those behind-the-scenes legends.
“Thanos is fucked”
Morning Pan
Lunch with my Boo today
I think tomorrow will be a good day for a pbp.
If anybody has suggestions on how they want it done, I may be open to that.
Your rhymes have always been fun – – though probably a bit of work for you.
Limit each post to 3 words?
Do your descriptions in Shakespearian or Renfairean language?
Change the character names to types of animals?
:the thought sounds interesting in my head. I dunno:
I’m literally ready for America’s second Civil War between the elite and everyone else. Where do I sign up?
Let’s start sharpening those guillotines.
I haven’t watched but figured I’d save this link here for latter.
There was a bar in NYC where he and his band used to play weekly(?), and I never went to see them because I was/am a fucking moron.
I was also going to say that Stan Lee’s cameo in Captain Marvel was possibly my favorite.
I’m looking forward to it. On a related side note, I was surprised to happen upon two separate Stan Lee cameos in Marvel games on the PS4.
As seen here:
And here:
We own that PS4 Spider-Man game! Maybe I’ll play it and get to the cameo on my own.
And maybe I’m a Chinese jet pilot.
*************************Sorry, there’s link name spoilers below for the Stan Lee Captain Marvel cameo (sorta)****************************************You’ve read about the ENORMOUS paradox this cameo opens in the universe right ? It’s wonderful and astounding and spoilers abound.
Anyone ever played the Virulence card/dice game?
This seems to be a sign that Marvel have become invincible.
What If? is some seriously deep geeking.
Maybe my favorite comic as a kid long now forgotten by my cold dead adult self. This… This is a fucking blessing
Finished Umbrella Academy on Netflix. I only read the first 6 of the comics, which is basically covered in the miniseries.
Lotta differences. I enjoyed a lot of things about the show, but there were a few characters and one big subplot that I kinda hated. Overall good though! Was season 2 confirmed?
Crap joke for the day;
A man goes into the pub with a newt on his shoulder.
“What do you call him?” asks the barman.
“Tiny” answers the man.
“Why Tiny? the barman responds.
“Because he’s my-newt”, says the man.
Moning Pan
We too watched and enjoyed umbrella academy. There better be a second season since they didn’t really finish anything in the first.
Animal poetry, huh? Wish me luck on that one later today.
Alright, I’m back in the house. So, I expect much more tomfoolery and carrying-on around here. Y’all have been slacking.
Florida was fun with my daughter’s band group. Another one of those “lasts” that I’m going through this year with her.
Welcome back, Ed! It looks like it was a great trip.
Well got the call from the hospital, just a matter of time now for my Mum.
Thank you all.
Oh Van 🙁
We love ya Vanny baby. Always have.
So sorry Van.
Hugs from the both of us. Let us know how we can help you.
Van!!!!! I am so deeply sorry to hear this, as I was hoping for a different outcome.
We are all with you in spirit. Big hug!
Words are inadequate, Van. I’m so sorry. We’re here for whatever support we can offer.
Ok Pan, it’s movie time
Today’s movie is First Born
A young couple fights supernatural foes in an attempt to save their daughter from the dark and mysterious forces that follow her every move
Animal poetry?
We hear birds Twitter in the trees
Along with spooky music and a breeze
The rabbit says no, all is well
She sighs with relief, all is swell
The hounds drink much
Pregnancy’s not a crutch
The hound is happy to hear the news
She doesn’t share his views
The light bursts, the rabbit is scared
Laughter ensues, then skin is bared
Time passes, a child is born
They promise to keep her safe and warm
Mom told grandpa bear
The hound says, beware
The little bird yells and yells
The overtired hound thinks she smells
The hound says go for a walk
The rabbit just wants to talk
The playground moves, no one is there
The rabbit is creeped by this scare
The baby bird cries and cries
The rabbit sighs and sighs
The rabbit is scratched, how did it happen?
Things in the house are also tappen’
(You try it and see how easy it is)
She yells at the bird and is thrown from the room
Something chokes her, is this her doom?
Something supernatural, should they call grandpa bear
No, no, No! The hound says beware
Grandpa bear wants to cleanse the house
The hound still thinks he’s a louse
Grandpa bear say grandma after she died
The hound says he lied
Say = saw
Runt sage is the order of the day
The hound just wants him to go away
Runt = burnt *sigh*
Wax the baby, grandpa bear cries
The hound does it, still thinking it’s lies
Time passes, the child grows
Of her supernatural beginning, nothing shows
Thea waxes herself, she’s a big girl now
It seems to still work, but how?
The bird waxes herself, she’s a big girl now…
Come. Isn’t, the house does creak
The bird is scared, and starts to freak
Yeah, I’m just letting this one go
The bird has a doll, which is forbidden
Things with faces must be hidden
The bird missed, and got wax on herself
She says nothing, as quiet as a mouse
The rabbit sleeps with the bird, a bit of a habit
But the bird is hidden, scaring the rabbit
The missed wax is taking its toll
The place is fulfilling its haunted role
Grandpa bear, says go away
To the owl, who’ll know the way
The owl say nothing just opens the door
They have no idea what’s in store
The owl marks them, not saying a word
They drink fowl liquid, then she talks to the bird
I know you, says the hound with a shock
At the hospital, the bird was born, my world was rocked
Don’t question my methods, says the owl
Now go wash up, dry your hands on a towel
The bird and the owl start to train
The hound thinks this is all insane
Drink thr tea
It will help you see
Don’t leave the circle the owl tells the bird
But did she listen, has she heard?
The bird is being hunted by forces unknown
She must be protected, until she’s grown
The owl skins a rabbit, the birds not happy
She finds the owl’s actions quite crappy
Never call for mommy and daddy, she tells the bird
I think the owl’s a bit of a turd
Grandpa bear scolds the owl
He thinks her methods are quite foul
The owl then berates grandpa bear
You took too long, you didn’t care
Divide and conquer does the spirit
The bird does her best to clear it
Beaten and bruised is the hound
Now he is hospital bound
To the owl the rabbit does run
I can’t take this. It’s no fun
The owl show the rabbit what is unseen
The hound is more scared than he’s ever been
The hospital is no safe place
Just perfect for entities to give chase
The owl poisons the rabbit, you’re not a good mom
She then takes the bird, who just wants to run
The bird fight back, says the owl is bad
The owl is eaten, making the bird mad
The bird tells the rabbit what she sees
She needs to push it through the trees
It’s gone, says the bird, everything’s ok
We’ve lived to fight another day
The end of the movie we have reached
Still many questions, but at least life’s a peach
No more rhymes now, and I mean it!
Well Im glad
To hear of an owl being eaten vs a human eating another human
(Did ai follow the interpretation correctly)
Well done DJ Bunny on this PBP Animal style.
Mmmmmmmm, animal fries
Hang in there, Colorado peeps!
So here I am, a middle-aged man sitting alone in the bleachers while the girls skate, and I realize my fly is open.
How do I fix this without approaching Aqualung levels of creepy?
As long as you don’t have a runny nose, you should be fine.
Just a note: Van, we’re thinking of you. No updates needed, just know we’re here for you.
My Mum is still hanging on.
Saw capt Marvel with the eldest. (Her second go-around).
Fun movie.
Morning Pan
Hubby is going to be home later than usual tonight but not as late as his other late nights. I’m so confused
Listen up, Scalzi fans! Two days left on a free book.
I have not yet watched it.
One more link, then /procrastination.
A new Jerky Boys album? A new Jerky Boys album.
*Not directed at anyone here, but I just need to say it in a public place:
OMG, you fucking failed hipster, you were posting fake-deep bullshit recently about how you’re so tired of the Marvel movies, while rattling off your faux-film-school snob list of lamentations for the state of modern cinema because of the Marvel movies, replete with some lip service nonsense about storytelling – – but now you’re professing love for the Captain Marvel movie? Get over yourself, you pretentious dimwit.
What a failed hipster might look like:
Afraid I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Jack, but the opportunity could not be missed.
I can’t believe that’s a real story, and not something from The Onion.
Oh, and the fake hipster I’m venting about is no one from the podcast scene. I’m most likely not grumping about anyone you know.
Set on ground
Light fuse
Get away
At least they properly liked Captain Marvel?
BTW going to see it again. Lerve it
An awesome timeline for the Tesseract. (Multiple MCU spoilers)
Thanks for this!
Here’s an alternate TesseracT timeline.
I guess New Zealand has crazy bigots with guns too. 🙁
Good fucking god.
I definitely need to fix my sleep. This week has been brutal.
My Mam just passed.
Thank you all for you kind thoughts.
I will miss her.
I love you all.
Loving thought, Van
So sorry man.
Love you too buddy. Take care of you and yours.
Hugz from the both of us. We love you Van. This is hard to go through. If you need anything, let us know.
*hugs* Van.
Hugs, Van.
We are here for you.
Love to you and your family, Van. We’re here in whatever way we can help you through this time.
James Gunn is back for GotG#:
I think that was the right call.
I’m sure our metal fans will appreciate these comics. 😀
I got a review copy of that book. It combines cute and evil.
A day at the Pops with friends – – including Rhett!!
Star Wars Episode IV at the Symphony. That’s the way to see it.
Please just call it ‘Star Wars ‘
It was great!
Rebel scum!
Quiet day around the Pan.
Link to the movie trailer at the bottom of the article.
Link to the movie trailer at the bottom of the article.
The first astronomy book my Dad bought me had that View from Titan painting by Bonestell.
Top o the mornin to ya!
RIP Dick Dale. King of Surf Music.
Morning Pan
It was a busy weekend so didn’t go shopping. Will have to sneak out later this morning to fill my larder.
There. My cupboards are full for another week
Kitty is particularly playful this morning
I remember the days when this would have set off an hour of snickering.
Are we all growing up?
Van, know that you have friends pulling for you and sending love, while you’re dealing with the difficult days this week.
What Jack said. *hugs*
Thank you all.
Still feeling lost and numb but was busy today doing stuff.
I finished watching the flat earth documentary on Netflix. I feel like I need a shower
So what do they say is on the bottom side of the. . . disc(or pan? Plate?)?
Four elephants standing on a turtle
Actually, what I did find interesting, to prove their theory, some did scientific experiments. The idea being, if a happened, the earth was flat, if b happened, the earth is round. In the experiments, b happened, showing the earth was round. In each case, instead of accepting the findings, they would find some way to brush it off as flawed and change the parameters. Thus showing they were less interested in using the scientific method, than in looking for confirmation biases
It’s on my watchlist. I’ve encountered a couple of “flat earthers” on Quora. They make a big deal about how fast the Earth is spinning at “1000 MILES PER HOUR!!!!!” Lots of all caps and exclamation points, trying for an emotional response. I always tell them to look at the hour hand of an analog clock. It’s “spinning” at twice the rate of the Earth.
Love it
As powerful as she is, I assume we’re going to see much more powerful bad guys in the future. Do they have the rights back to Galactus?
As powerful as she is she still can’t beat Thanos by herself as currently constructed. Let’s start there first.
Rhett mentioned David Moldawer over the weekend, which prompted me to look him up. He’s dropped off of FB, but a bunch of folks recently linked to this blogpost, which is brilliant:
It’s a long read, but chock full of awesome.
Morning Pan
Had brunch with the boss
On an unrelated note, it’s pretty much guaranteed I won’t be travelling this year
Huge bummer. It won’t be the same without you!
End of guilt trip.
Understood, Bunny. I hope 2020 is more accommodating.
What Jack said.
CP: Sun Baby — The High Violets
You don’t know, you know, you don’t know.
Crap joke for the day:
This man is in the hospital for a series of tests. One of the last test has left his system upset. Upon making several false alarms to the bathroom he decided the latest was another. He completely filled his bed up with human waste and was embarrassed beyond anything he could possibly
face. Losing his presence of mind, he jumped up, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window. A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling, cussing and swinging his arms which drew the attention of the security guard.The security guard ask:”What’s going on?” To which the drunk replied: “I just beat the shit out of a ghost.”
I cant even.
I’ll get your sheet.
Butterflies everywhere!!
Not how I remember the song.
I had dinner with Mark Forman, the Brooklyn Bluesman in town from Taiwan.
Dude hasn’t aged a bit. Still the same wisecracker from 2006.
There’s a blast from the past!
It will be April soon, if we are still going to do the meet-up then should try and nail details down soon.
I believe we have the weekend and destination finalized.
I think we still need to figure out hotels/Air-BnB/etc.
While I always encourage most discussions here instead of FB, that Facebook page is probably the best place to hammer out those details.
I’m lucky my Mam left enough money in a joint bank account to afford to pay for her funeral, but the system is fucked up.
Ugh. Van, I’m so sorry. *hugs*
I am sorry, Van. You’d think this system could be made easy on grieving families.
The system IS fucked up.
Happy Spring, Deadpan!
It’s suppose to be nice today. I might go for a walk later this morning.
Stranger Things S3 trailer.
Kitty and I are sharing a chicken sandwich for lunch
Party on dude:
I hate to be bogus, but “actually – hopefully” doesn’t = confirmed.
Oh hell yes.
How have I lived this long and never before heard of the Super Worm Moon?
Too cloudy to see it though.
OK the clouds cleared. It was pretty damn impressive. One of the brightest whitest moons I’ve ever seen.
Clickbait bullshit!
Ha! I saw Jeremy’s ranting. It was legit bright as a. . . worm. . . ?
The Googles tell me this is the moon that comes before the worms come out of the ground.
Very disappointing but beta amyloid theory needs to die it’s just not providing useful treatments:
Morning Pan
A waiting for reports day today
I cleaned the washrooms.
The tub was rather dusty.
This just shows hubby and I are shower people more than bath people
Don’t trust bath people.
I have seen many people doing a freakout via FB post, when it comes to wndgame trailers.
Maybe this can help to settle them down.
Get The game Tacoma for free:
Facebook is just awful.
And yet another reason to have 2FA turned on.
Well it would look nice on the wall but at almost three grand I don’t think so:
Morning Pan
Two week holiday coming up!
Nice! Are you going anywhere, or just chillin’?
I have a bunch of things to do next week, then we’re just chilling
What are the youths of today going to do when they realize the only culture they had growing up was weak copies of the cultures of other generations?
P.S. I know this is an exaggeration. Just venting steam.
This may be the first time anyone has ever used the terms “Toxic Avenger” and “culture” in the same sentence.
My culture may be garbage. But it’s my garbage and I like it 🙂
Oh, I love Troma films for what they are.
Just got back from a long walk. I’m glad the weather is nice again, even if it’s temporary. (they are predicting snow this weekend)
Another good Age of Heroes column – – this one about Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman.
This may be the one Age that I agree with the most.
Crap joke for the day:
A Russian spy, a sexual predator and a fake billionaire walk into a bar.
The bartender says:
What can I get you, Mr. president??
This joke isn’t crap at all.
Help digitise old weather data:
Bracing for disappointment. In honesty, I’ll be happy to learn that an independent council found that Russia’s corruption attempts had failed.
My expectation: there was wrongdoing, but corruption, bureaucracy, and partisan bullshit will win the day.
Political blue balls at the ready
At this moment it sounds as if we will never know what the findings were.
He has packed the Supreme Court with his sycophants, the Republican controlled Senate has abdicated it’s authority and power to him.
Our system of democratic government based on three equal, INDEPENDANT branches of government providing checks and balances on one another has by all appearances, fallen.
It’s not clear that the house can restore “checks and balances” to the legislative branch by itself.
So … yeh.
Goodnight mush.
Shhhh. Hubby’s asleep
Ok, we’re both awake now. Continue with your normal noise level 😉
*Clanging pots and pans* *incoherent yelling* *bagpipes* *Animal from the Muppets*
U.S. Treasury Department: “We are announcing tougher sanctions on North Korea and the regime of Kim Jong Un.”
Asshole assuming the current role of President: “Um. No umkay? I’m gonna, like, rescind them bigly”
U.S Treasury Department: Blank stare. Slow turn around. Walks away
Right wing sheep: “It’s the art of the deal you stupid Libtards. He has a plan and he’s executing it to perfection. He CAN’T tell you what it is cause you Tardlibs will put it on the front of the NYT and ruin it!”*
*paraphrased from actual comments
A year ago I read a quote that said the “Adults” in the Republican Party wouldn’t stand up against trump until he had done something so damaging to the country that it simply couldn’t be undone.
At the time, even I thought that was a bit hyperbolic. Now I see it was an underestimation of what it would take to find those “adults”.
Gaze not into the abyss, lest the abyss gaze back at you.
Since we are playing billiards, I read the following summary this morning.
Justice Department policy is that the department does not indict a sitting executive.
Justice Department policy is that the department does not reveal any “derogatory information” about someone not under indictment.
The two things together would seem to guarantee that a report following all department guidelines would filter out all mention of Trump.
In other news … I am spending quality time with my daughter. Which in this case means I am sitting at a table in a shopping mall in Denver while she, her room mate and her mother shop for under garments … or yoga stuff … or something.
Do you remember Morris:
… or this
I do remember that cat. Beloved by one parent, hated by the other. Also one of the first podcast novelists!
I may be getting my Morrises mixed up.
Didn’t he sing with The Smiths?
I am feline and I need to be fed. Just like everybody else does
I can’t even tell you how fast I flew through Love, Death, and Robots. There is some great great stuff in there. Highly recommended
That’s up next for us.
Ep 4 is like Hillbilly Pacific Rim.
Digest that for a second.
Went through half of them in two days. It is really what “Heavy Metal 2000” wanted to be but failed short miserably. I guess now I know what graphics on the PS5 will look like.
‘Us’ was creepy as hell and well worth checking out at the cinema.
This thing opened to MASSIVE numbers here. I may have to not wait until Redbox to check it out
Nicked from Van on Facebook:
Mind-blowing. Now they need to add the man-made elements created in a super collider.
One of Werewolf’s greatest appeal factors is that it’s quick and lighthearted. It seems like a mistake to turn it into a big time commitment.
That’s what I was thinking. Werewolf plays fast and free and doesn’t need to get bogged down in additional mechanics. We did buy, but have yet to play, the “Legacy” edition of Betrayal on the House on the Hill though.
This is actually pretty cool.
The whole family went to see Amaluna under the Big Top today.
Cirque always brings it! It was a fun show and Hollygirl made it, actually watched it, about 95% of the show before she got antsy enough to have to get down and walk.
First circus!
Morning Pan
Grocery shopping day today
We need to better organize. That’s a few days a week for us.
Crap joke for the day:
Schick is walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City, runs into a hooker,and he says, “How much?”She says, “Twenty bucks.”…He says, “All right.”They climb down under the boardwalk, and he bangs her. The next night, he runs into the same hooker, they go under the boardwalk, only this time while he’s banging her, she blasts two incredible farts. When they get done, he hands her twenty-FIVE dollars.She says, “What the extra five?”…He says, “That’s for blowing the sand off my balls.”
Oof. Rough.
OK, this is a crap joke.
Wow. Now that is how you do a cover. 😀
CP: Crazy, Classic, Life — Janelle Monae
Does Cookies n’ Cream yogurt count as healthy eating?
You should this with your pinky raised. But you should still read it.
I will be glad when today is done.
me too.
Massive hugs, Van.
Thank you.
It went well, Mam had a good send off.
That’s more important than I think any of us realize. I hope it was everything you and your family needed.
I second this firmly.
Morning Pan
This morning is some tests, this afternoon is the optometrist.
I didn’t want to get out of bed.
That is the first test.
Get to have my favourite drink today. Barium
Oh no. Rough day for you too, Bunny.
At least the blast of air in your eye will be a relief?
This seems to have been the talk of the day.
AVClub should be safe, but in general, you should avoid the comments.
With the wifi outage at home tonight, it is Star Trek (2009) on DVD for this pixie at bedtime.
Ahhhh an oldie but a goodie
:goodnight light flares:
Queensryche! On a Tuesday night! Amazing.
Also: I’m gettin too old for this shit.
Goodnight, NM156.
This makes me sad.
I have always enjoyed his stuff.
The (English) Beat and General Public were among the bands whose music I never owned but every time I heard their music it got me really pumped.
Morning Pan
Today I visit the vampires
Well, today is off to a rollicking start. Stupid work stuff.
Skimmed, but I’d like to give it a real read.
The art images throughout the article are pretty damn cool.
Interesting article. Basically, it is a breakdown of how senses can share information to create a richer cognitive reality. What is missing, and the article admits this as well, is that is a model of how information is processed, but not for how information is experienced. In other words, we could make a computer react in a human way to stimulus, but we still don’t know how to make the computer “experience” the stimulus.
CP: Micro Boogie 2.0 — 8 Bit Weapon
Bloody Hell:
Yeah, the news is full of awful right now. Even if you avoid the comments.
I’ve been exhausted all week, I should really get to bed early.
12:37!?? Not tonight!
Goodnight, comb and brush.
Morning Pan
Today we purchase new glasses.
Even on holidays, my life isn’t very exciting.
Another deep, half-read link for your souls.
Nothing like discovering a bug in a game that the developer has not bothered to fix in any release of the game on various systems.
Looking at you Bomber Crew team
This is a great article. One of the most fascinating villains in history.
Ditto will be glad to know I’m playing “Horizon Zero Dawn.”
I hope you enjoy it. It was one of my favorite games from 2017!
It’s a lot of fun.
Well done. Funny, but not funny.
“This town needs a better class of criminal.”
The great Garfield mystery is finally solved:
That ship captain died for a noble cause.
Goodbye to Scott Tracy:
A good innings, I’d say.
I haven’t even clicked the link yet, and I’m already shaking my head at their choices. Damn Pitchfork hipsters!
Bookmarked for when I have time, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy reading that.
It’s fandamntastic. You will!
And don’t forget that William the Conqueror one!
Bookmarked and up next!
“That’s when William I, ruler of Normandy and King of England, exploded. “
Look I know this is hockey deep cuts, but low seeded American International University beating #1 St. Cloud State in the first round of the NCAA tourney is astounding. It was the first tourney game in their history
That is pretty fantastic. Where are you tracking the tourney?
No where good. ESPN seems to be the best
Hey KC Pannites!
Are any of you attending the Panet Comic Con tbis weekens? If you are, HMU.
We won’t. We have guests from out of town visiting.
Hopefully they will do a better job this time:
The NHL hockey games on the Sega Genesis were a big deal. PRobably haven’t aged all that well, but they changed everything.
Other than that – – Master of Monsters had my all-time favorite video game music.
I remember getting into the first John Madden game and not having a clue about American Football.
No surprise, it’s gaming day today Eldritch Horror is on tap for tonight.
Ah their farmers market. Where customer service ranges from aggressive sales pitch for a $12 jar of something to cranky indifference.
Eddy Grant FTW!
I don’t remember this happening.
Bring back the Edison cylinders!
And his medicine!
So Netflix’s “The Dirt” movie about Motley Crue is fun. It focuses more on the drama and debauchery than the music – – but then, I suppose it is called “The Dirt,” and not “A Thoughtful Contemplation on the Deeper Meaning of ‘Girl Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away).'”
“Why Shout at the Devil Marks a Key Turning Point in the Tonal Paradigm Shift in Hair Metal”
“Kickin Ass on the Wild Side and it’s Reflections on the Duality of the Modern Male Identity”
This is fun.
IT really is.
“The Cause and Effect and Eventual Vindication of the American Health Care System V. the Tobacco Industry Pertaining to Smoking in the Boys Room”
Ha! x2
A Meditation on the Unfortunate Irony of Same Ol Situation in the Context of an Era that Paradigmatically Shifted Away From Hair Metal
The culture of “Dr. Feelgood” and its culpability to the opioid crisis.
That’s the idea!
“Live Wire: A Modern Telling of the ‘Angry Young Man’ Syndrome of the 1950’s”
I was always told that Shadow if the Colossus was a great game.
I can’t believe this played on American TV in 1956.
What the fuck…
Holy Buckets of Seawater, Batman!
Aquaman is a giant POS!
Aquaman is a bad, bad movie. Not enjoyable dumb cheese like Venom. Just a crap movie. There are occasional cool images that make no sense, but it’s just awful. I’m not sure if it’s worse than Suicide Squad, but it’s easily worse than any other DC flick.
The score literally goes “Dun dun dunnnnn” for the bad guy when he says or does evil shit. And he looks like Eminem.
Every one-on-one fight is Tekken.
I get that Jason Momoa is pretty, but this guy has no business in any leading role.
I’m so glad that I don’t seem alone in my opinion of Aquaman then. The special effects were atrocious and I had to stop the film and laugh for about 5 minutes straight when I saw the octopus playing drums. I get that it was an easter egg for a comic book character, but it was still too stupid to exist in the movie.
Wow! Glad I missed that one.
On the other side of the coin (if you haven’t seen it):
I’ve somehow gotten a reputation for being a cranky movie critic. And Matt Zoller Seitz, who left AVClub to be chief hipster at, called it revolutionary, and talked about how progressive it is with its male and female roles – – and even cited scenes where they talked it out instead of fighting. . . . I have no idea how he saw that in this turd. I think he was watching an old episode of the Superfriends cartoon and got confused.
While I agree it was a hot mess, I still enjoyed it as a strictly popcorn flick.
And look, I sometimes aggressively rag stuff I don’t like to comedic effect, but there’s no shaming if you did enjoy Aquaman. Whatever. Like what you like.
Oh and that terrible Ariel-like wig Amber Heard wore.
I swear I hear this in Johnny’s voice from Airplane. “Where did you get that dress? It’s awful. And those shoes and that coat. Jeez.”
Oh. My. God. Look at her butt.
People loved it and it made a shit ton of money. The sequel is in the works. Expect much much more in the future of your favorite underwater hero…
Morning Pan
Hubby still has some time off. Me, I’m putting in a bit of work today. Then tomorrow, it’s off to the zoo.
Hott punk show tonite with Essbee… Laura Jane Grace and the Devouring Mothers. Small club! Early show for us oldies! Doin’ it up!!!
Rockin’ Monday night!! Give EssBee hugs.
Do it!!!!
April 1. Root beers raised. Brilliant.
Fuck cancer
Goodbye to Vonda N McIntyre, I glad I finally got around to reading a Dreamsnake last year after seeing ads for the book in other books in the early 80s:
Yeah, her name was everywhere when I was a kid. I recall that book making waves. RIP.
I was too busy to follow this or share yesterday. But, it (I hope) is a great April fools joke.
Love the acronym.
Trying not to take this personally.
I’d posted this before finishing it – – but I must come back and say, wow. This article really nails it. Required reading.
Some good news for fans who enjoyed S1:
So watched the first episode of the new Twlight Zone.
Yeah, nicely done but rather predicatble and left me with an overwhelming feel of ‘well it was ok’.
The original is one of the most brilliant TV shows of all time, but even that run had plenty of dud episodes.
Many attempts have been made to recreate that template in the years since, including a couple of actual Twilight Zone reboots. Many were pretty good, but none were major successes (Tales from the Crypt? Black Mirror?).
I hope Jordan Peele figures out how to really make this blow up.
Episode 2 (based on the William Shatner episode from the original series) was far superior.
Endgame tickets onsale today. Fandango has apparently crashed.
I just learned that Matt Mango’s brother* wants to use one of our old songs, “The Land of Broken Hearts,” in his wedding. Which just tickles me to no end.
The only problem is that all of the wedding guests will surely be distracted by the amazing lead guitar melody, and won’t be able to focus on anything else.
*actual brother or from another mother wasn’t specified.
This is a neat place to visit. About 2 hours out from Phoenix. Something to think about, the next time you guys are in town.
Morning Pan
Have a little work to do this morning, then off to cut my hair.
My Boo is on holidays in Japan right now. Judging by the pictures she’s posting, she’s having way too much fun. I might be a little jealous
A motorcycle gang made up of ancient bisexual Norse monarchs: the bikings.
Thanks Van!
Joker movie trailer.
OK, this was 7 years ago…. but still pretty awesome. I wasn’t aware that George had done Pink Floyd – Animals in its entirety:
Hey Jack! Let my comments go!
One thing about holidays, it’s Wednesday and we have people coming over for gaming. We never game on a week day
Well, hubby and I just had an interesting event.
We were going to get hubby’s new glasses. Suddenly, a vehicle, going the other direction, crosses three lanes of highway in front of us, goes into the ditch, rolls his vehicle, and ends up upside down in water. While we called 911, he had to be pulled from the vehicle, and then, because he was unresponsive, first aid had to be administered until EMS arrived. EMS managed to revive him, although he was still unconscious when they loaded him up in the ambulance.
Hubby and I had to stick around and give police statements.
We figure he was in distress before he crossed the highway because he didn’t even slow down all the way to the ditch.
It could have actually been a lot worse. He did cross three lanes of highway at 110k, and didn’t hit any other vehicles on the way.
We went to get glasses and ended up having an adventure. Let’s never do that again.
Yikes! I’m glad that it wasn’t worse and you were able to offer great assistance.
Hubby and I didn’t do much other than call ems. Other people bigger and stronger than us did the actual rescuing and manhandled him out of the waterlogged vehicle
That is an incredible story, TEB! Holy shit!!
I’m glad you were both unharmed. Was it just crazy driving, or was something else going on?
Here’s the news story about what we saw. And the guy was more than blue when he was pulled out. He wasn’t breathing
Happy early birthday to Amy, our eternal Deadpan Ambassador!
Yes, happy birthday Amy! May the force be with you!
And happy birthday to Dani as well!
I don’t know the Hank Williams Jr original, but I know the John Lennon tune. Jebus. These are both beautiful acoustic renditions.
The world lost a treasure when it lost Elliott Smith.
Happy birthday Amy!
Happy Birthday Dani (Lo-Pan’s beautiful wife)
Morning Pan
We didn’t make it to the zoo on Tuesday so we are going this morning instead. We are also picking up my new glasses on the way home. Hubby and I agree, getting my glasses better be less interesting than getting his was yesterday.
Here’s hoping.
And no selfies with the animals! (timely)
I have a few issues with the article, but the overall point is spot on.
Bear in mind, it’s from Medium, so you’re only allowed so many Medium clicks per month.
I get that the article is tongue in cheek, but Ross is the hero of “Friends”, the rest of the cast are antagonists. That would explain the conflicts. The advice at the end is spot on though.
Good choice:
Couldn’t they have gotten a white actor and made him look Asian?
Close cause as we all know John Cho is the only Asian actor in Hollywood.
I’m not a fan of the casting as a whole. But, I’ll give it a chance. I didn’t think The Umbrella Academy would be a good show. I was wrong.
These are fantastic
They look so young:
Heavy metal planet! \m/ !!
Manowar held that fragment together.
Ima jinx it but I finally finally finally get to see Ghost in Sep. Would have rather seen em a few years ago in a small venue but Ill take it
You know, it’s really depressing to see the studio that delivered modern classics like KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age brought down to such a state:
It’s a very long and in depth read, but an amazing look at just how much chaos there has been at Bioware that resulted in the unfortunate disasters of Mass Effect: Andromeda and now Anthem.
I’ve been working 20 years (!!!) in the software field. I would never go to a major playing in the video game industry.
That was indeed a long read. There is a lot of online hate for EA lately and I can’t say it isn’t undeserved. I’m not as likely to throw money at an unproven game anymore, I wait until there is enough user feedback to know it isn’t a turd. But I feel for the makers of video games. The process keeps getting more complex and corporate meddling just removes the heart of what could be really good compelling games. My hope is that in the future, A.I. will be able to assist in the art asset and programming issues. Then there won’t be so much heavy lifting to change ideas or mock out interesting ones for testing. I’ve never played any Dragon Age games beyond the first one. I wonder if there are any PS4 remasters.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is available on PS4.
No one expects the Dragon Age Inquisition!
Morning Pan
It’s royalty season again. They off to the city for an hour or so.
I can drive a stick. Hubby can’t. When Boo was young, I made her take some lessons on manual transmission driving as we had one vehicle of each at the time. She came back from one lesson and proclaimed I could be dying and she would still never drive me to the hospital in my car. After that, we only got automatics so everybody could drive either car
I haven’t looked at this in quite a long time, but I must say, I’m pretty proud of what I remember of it. It’s a shame that Pendragon Press completely dropped the ball with it.
(I never received a copy. I actually paid for one off of their website a few years back, just to have it, and never received it).
Now that I’ve made the conversation about me. . . .
My ex coughed up some money from them and then heard nothing.
And here I am looking forward to the day when our cars no longer have steering wheels.
My current car is the first automatic Ive ever had. I hate it. Sticks handle so very much better, especially in the snow.
Useless fact No.345:
I know many bus drivers who preferred semi automatics (you still stick shift but no clutch) over automatic because of control in bad weather.
Shift without a clutch! Impossible man! That defies the very nature of being!
I learned on a stick and it was a lot of fun and my old 1993 Ford Probe was a blast for fast drives, but not so much for the stop and go of a daily commute.
I was once barely competent driving a stick shift. I imagine I’d embarrass myself now, if I made the attempt.
I drive a stick shift like a boss …if I do say so myself 😀
It is hard on the legs in bumper to bumper commuter traffic though.
I grew up on stick shift and kept stick shift into the mid 2000’s. I love driving stick; except in So Cal.
That sucked.
I now have driven automatics for nearly 15 years. wowza.
Once Sophie starts driving, I wish for her to practice on stick shift. But, I don’t think it will happen.
I drove a stick for a few months. I would compare that skill to my computer use skills. I can do it better than many people my age. But I wouldn’t say in any way shape or form that I can do it well.
Ticket booked to see Shazam, off I Go.
Good luck. I hope for the best but expect Aquaman.
It may not make as much money as Aquaman but it’s a better film in my view.
That was fun, two post credit scenes.
Ugh. I was just sitting down for a little snack; but then….
The house is clean, the baby is napping and this Pixie wants to snack while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5. (It’s best season.)
I grabbed my Fritos Bean dip and bag of organic corn chips from Teader Joes. (Their version of Fritos.) took out the first chip, dipped it, and brought it to my awaiting mouth. To my surprise… a spicy, citrus-y taste. Not bad, just unexpected. I look at the Bean dip label – not hot bean dip. (Phew)
Look at the corn chips bag and there it is:
Trader Joes Organic Elote Corn Chip Dippers
with a Mexican-style Street Corn flavored seasoning.
Meh. I wish it was just plain Fritos.
We also have that $12 jar of salsa from the farmer’s market.
Which is delicious with tortilla chips
Jesus Christ 12$ delish tho?
We fell victim to sales pressure awkwardness. No salsa is $12/jar good.
As it turns out, April 5 is the grim anniversary of the deaths of both Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley.
Cobain was 25 years ago today. I remember where I was when I heard.
I remember where I was when I heard both. I completely forgot it was on the same day. Layne was just a month-ish after my daughter, who I named after him, was born.
Asshole is too kind of a word, this guy is just evil:
Ah yes, Doug Ford. The brother of the once infamous Rob Ford. Known for being a terrible, drug addicted, Toronto mayor
I dunno Charlize, be like that agent you played in Atomic Blond and go and ask them out:
My score was low:
17/20. The trick is the hair
That was hard Beautiful, indeed.
Someone didn’t pass her skating test today. 🙁
Aww man
Shit 🙁
On a happier note, our Hollygirl walked the entire circumference of our neighborhood on her own two feet!
Did she then promptly ask to borrow the car?
You cut that out.
Some of these look really incredible!
For a slice of weird gaming I urge you to check out Bacon the Game on iOS and Android.
Maybe Shazam today. We’ll see.
Cool to see that Queensryche mentioned me by name on FB for my show review.
Can’t you hear it calling?
Strange drinking matcha tea and spitting a weird green.
Shazam! was good. No really, it’s good.
Probably the 2nd best of the DCs.
Shush you.
They had me at Chuck as a super hero so I’m glad the film itself supports that.
Morning Pan
Back to work for me. Getting my butt out of bed was quite the effort this morning
I think it may be too cold to go for a walk tomorrow. They are predicting snow tomorrow.
I think I finished my work for the day.
Time for lunch
CP: Home — Roger Waters
Definitely a memorable “that guy” character actor.
Cue the twilight zone music:
Contains Shazam! spoilers:
Daughter got her license! Insurance immediately tripled! No I’m not exaggerating! Not sure what I’m gonna do!
The first part of that is great!
The triples insurance thing: not so much.
This is a Hard No for me
I’m curious to taste it, but what would you put it on? Also, who puts mayonnaise on waffles?
I’d rather eat the Eastroturf in the basket.
Oh goodness no, not a great fan of mayonnaise at the best of times.
I love mayo and one of the best chocolate cake recipes I’ve had uses mayo. I would definitely try it.
The fiends:
Morning Pan
Headed to the city this morning
So today I learned I’m not going to get chucked out of the house.
So that was a thing.
So here’s a crap joke:
What’s the difference between a Genealogist and a Gynecologist?
A Genealogist looks up your family tree, and a Gynecologist looks up your
family bush.
Actually good! On the crap joke and the lack of chucking.
Playing the waiting game. I seem to have done that a lot the last fee weeks. It’s a good thing I like to read
CP: I Can’t Hide This Anymore — Blue Rodeo
I bet The Hoff could whip up a sick circle pit.
Washing the car
What about moving the meetup discussion to email?
might progress faster that way
Let’s do that.
First thing to do would be to get a head count.
That will involve you actually sending an email Jack.
/runs off to hide
I can do emails! I have the AOL. I just need to put the CD in my CD-ROMs.
New book about Joy Division:
Fascinating, unapologetic, unflatterinf examination of Nu-Metal, its roots, and its influence today.
I’m considering posting it at, but the other 2 guys there are pretty severely allergic to the stuff (which is fine). It may not be in line with the theme.
I’ll be listening to this later for sure. Seems like there are a lot of “nu-metal” fans that aren’t happy about this review in the comments.
Morning Pan
Actually at my desk all morning today. The world may faint
I have to have some tests in a couple of weeks. As part of the tests, I have to be off my meds for the next two weeks. Let’s see how well that works.
Good luck to you Bunny. Take care of yourself.
What Rhettro said, Bunny. We’re here in whatever ways we can be.
This is an incredible achievement, one I wouldn’t have thought possible 10 years ago.
Ignorant people get a lot of press these days, but science continues. This is awesome.
Am I the only one who saw this and immediately thought of The Eye of Sauron ?
I got a lot more work done than I expected this morning.
Now it’s time to think about lunch
Trending in my Twitter feed.
Ruin a movie by adding “in the ass” the the movie title.
My contribution: “Strange Creatures and Where to Find Them”
Which leads me to think of “Stranger Things” (not a movie, I know).
I’d vote for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or the The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.
“Blazing Saddles”
That’s gotta hurt! 😀
Something Wicked This Way Comes
True Grit
Mamma Mia!
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Twelve Angry Men
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Morning Pan
Another hubbiless evening
Finding Nemo
28 Days
The Man With the Golden Gun
The Land Before Time
Rambo: First Blood
When Henry Met Sally
Days of Thunder
Jumping Jack Flash
Batman Begins
Watership Down
The Secret of NIHM
This isn’t a fun post, so:
Kiki’s Delivery Service
The Seventh Seal
Blood Simple
Mortal Kombat
I see this is taking on a life of it’s own, so
“The Search for Spock”
“The Empire Strikes Back”
“Iron Man”
and, of course
“Rogue One”
Well, Lo, it’s you and me on the hockey rink tonight
I have failed to put forth the hockey playoff predictions for this year. I don’t even know.
San Jose in the West, Pittsburgh in the East.
I admit, I haven’t been following hockey much this year. I’d have to look it up to see who else is playing besides Calgary and Colorado
It’s not gonna be much of a battle. Your team is amazing this year. My team went int a giant fuck mid-year and never recovered
It’s snowing
Today’s Google doodle actually inspired me to click through and learn more.
No mention of Bela Lugosi, though.
Morning Pan
I was suppose to have breakfast with the boss today but we had enough snow that the highway between here and Calgary are rather slick. RCMP have said, if you don’t have to travel the highway, don’t, so I won’t.
If passing on your phone remember to disable iCloud:
Sheesh. I’d never even heard of this guy before today. As great as the Marvel ride has been, it seems like it could have been even better without this piece-of-shit at the helm.
I don’t think this cocksore really made the product less great as it really is all Kevin Feige dotting the T’s and crossing the I’s. Still tho it sucks having this guy as chairman. What a fuckstick
You may “squee”
Squeeeeee(I haven’t watched yet)eeeeeeee(I might not)eeeeeeeeee(I avoided trailers for the previous Star Wars movies and was always glad I’d waited)eeeeeeeee(Although I’ve already seen some of the chatter about this and really want to see Billy Dee)eeeeee
That’s not all I did…
Oh go and change your armor.
$7/month for Disney+
Welp, I *was* expecting like $15-17/month.
It’s early yet.
Not an uncommon business model. Suck you in with an introductory price. Then a year or so from now, jack up prices hoping that once they “have you” you will be too lazy (or addicted) to walk away.
I’m still on the introductory Netflix rate as i’m Happy with standard resolution streaming.
CP: Recognizer (3SOJJD’s Club Edit) — Daft Punk
Another Friday night.
In other news, water is wet, and crash cymbals are loud.
While Apple TV isn’t even going to get a look from me, if I have to be honest about it, between Disney and Netflix – I’d probably drop Netflix and pick up Disney. I’m honestly trying to remember the last time I actually watched something on Netflix streaming. Since “House of Cards” collapse like, well a house of cards in its final season, I can’t think of anything that Netflix is producing anymore. Which, given their focus on original content, is not a good sign.
Hmm, just went browsing Netflix. Certainly “A Series of Unfortunate Events” was magnificent – but finished. “The Crown” was fantastic in its first two seasons, but I’m less enthusiastic that they’ll be able to keep the momentum going with a whole new cast with the time jump.
Most of my series streaming is done on Amazon. But this week I’ve actually watched two films on Netflix. Earlier I watched “Train to Busan” (Korean zombie flick.) which was pretty good and then last night I watched ”In Bruges” (a British gangster film of sorts. It too was good.
… but yeah. More streaming services? Maybe not.
Well in the UK we get Discovery on Netflix, so worth keeping it for that alone.
We watch Netflix more than anything else.
We watched Pacific Rim: Uprising last night. It wasn’t that bad.
Yeah, I’m not sure what the haters were expecting of a movie about giant robots fighting. I’m not saying it’s high-quality cinema, but it’s enjoyable dumb fun. As opposed to dumb dumb not-all-that fun. *cough Aquaman*.
PR2 is definitely better than any Transformers movie I’ve seen.
Sorry. I hated it. If I wanted to watch Power Rangers, I’d watch it. They took everything I found fun in the original movie, and threw it out, to make some stupid slap-stick crap around teen robot jocks. Why even call it Pacific Rim at that point?
I don’t disagree with a word of your criticism. And your brilliant “Robot Jox” reference scores 10 million points for your house.
The new Cellar Darling record is highly recommended. Lush, sweeping, and hard (stop it).
I’m digging it! I might point out that it’s more Tori Amos than Metal.
My interest is piqued!
Jack’s not really wrong
Mike Smith is a goddamned beast in net
This is why we don’t deserve good things:
But we do. We’ve earned every scientific advance. We just pay too much attention to fringe whack jobs.
100% agree. Every time these fuckholes are in the news it’s a win for them – no matter how small and fringe it is
Spoilers for GoT!
But damn funny.
Not spoilers for tonight’s GoT, I presume.
Oof. Hellboy looks like a dud
I saw some critical trashing of it last week – – and their complaints seemed legit. . . . but the one actual human (as opposed to film critic) I know who saw it loved it.
I’ve never even seen the 2nd one with Ron Perlman, or read any of the comics, so I’m good with giving this one a pass.
Well audiences are staying away in droves so expect this to be it.
The Golden Army is a real gem and the comics are required reading, tho there’s such a volume of them now I’m not sure where I’d begin if I were to start.
Hellboy 2 and Pans Labyrinth are what made Tiffany a Guillermo Del Toro fan. I should see it.
It’s still amazing to me that the NHL allows this.
I am NOT complaining!!!….
All respect to Van, Ep 1 of the new Twilight Zone was fucking exquisite. Kumail Nanjiani was terrific. Really excited for this reboot.
Morning Pan
Today I plan to not just stare at my screen but actually press keys on the keyboard too.
Look at that. If I actually put my mind to it, I can get a lot done.
How many keys were pressed??!!
I wonder if I’ll have time to do a PBP tomorrow.
..and it’s goodbye to Gene Wolfe:
Not an author whose works I enjoyed.
As I said on FB, I loved loved loved all four volumes of his Book of the New Sun. Sad news indeed. In fairness, though, I tried to move on to the followup book, but couldn’t get into it.
Also, with no disrespect meant to the dead, when I first met the Slice of Sci-Fi guys, they told me he was cranky and pretty unpleasant to interview.
Anyway, I can’t recommend “Shadow of the Torturer” strongly enough. RIP
Oh I cant even watch it or read about it. What a tremendous tragedy.
True loss to/of history.
The roof has apparently just collapsed. Just an awful loss of history and culture.
“…when I first met the Slice of Sci-Fi guys, they told me he was cranky and pretty unpleasant to interview”.
I mean….