It was time for a fresh new page. Please do keep the conversation going.
457 thoughts on “Take my time”
“This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow’s getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain’t even lucky
Got to make your own breaks”
I tried Van’s Judge Dredd link, but my attempts to register have resulted in “Internal errors.”
I think they are getting overloaded, try again later.
I was wrong about the Judge Death story, it’s the second story (where Judge Anderson gets released from being encased in Boing plastic).
Drokk it!
I have nothing to contribute, I just wanted to join the new conversations
Deadpan is the Spacer’s Choice.
It’s not the best choice, it’s Spacer’s choice
CW: Dredd
Karl Urban is fantastic in this.
I agree. I liked his version.
You are correct!
We don’t speak of the other big studio Dredd film.
Morning Pan
Off to the city later this morning
Technically spring break starts next week. Hubby fully expects to put in some hours. He is bringing home his work computer though, hoping most of what needs to be done can be done from home.
Well since I cannot go to the cinema for at least a month I splashed on Disney+
Hopefully the animated Aladdin can be the first film I get to watch on the service.
Animated Aladdin -*Like*
So here I am.
I can report that in the Destin, Florida area, they would seem to have clamped down on the madness by closing the beaches.
So far it seems to be pretty effective.
I can see for a mile or so up and down the beach and I count about 20 people. Largest group I see is 4, most are couples or singles walking.
Really easy to social distance on an empty beach.
Of course it is a cool overcast morning, so that might change.
I guess I will spend the day trying to get my inbox to zero.
So…. how are they enforcing the beach closures? Or are they not?
They are shutting down roads that lead to the beaches in some cases. Although I’m not sure how that would work in a case like Cocoa Beach where the road is a main street chock full of businesses. Florida Governor also just ordered all restaurants closed except for take out and all gyms closed.
Yeh. So the drive up and down the beach and the story is you have to be out of the water and off any “wet” sand as that is public area and closed by the county sheriff’s department.
That was today at least.
Most food can still be purchased at grocery stores … no TP, moist wipes or tissue paper to be found.
Crap joke for the day:
Well I finally lost it!!!!
I was just in CVS and saw a guy whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soap, toilet paper, everything people need right now!! I called him selfish and a few other names and gave him the low down about the elderly, moms, and everyone else who need these things. I told him he should be ashamed of himself! He said: “Are you done? I really need to get back to restocking the shelves!!”
Well the PM has just announced pubs and restaurants have to close. Shut cut down on a lot of idiots spreading the virus around.
How is it effecting bus and train service?
For now, reduced service.
So we’re a bunch of episodes into season 1 of the Clone Wars TV series.
A little childish sometimes, but definitely action-packed, and it’s loaded with wonderful Star Wars moments. The youngest seems intrigued, the teenager was a little resistant, but she’s being won over (I think).
My biggest struggle with it: the battledroids “comic relief” moments are always always always painful. And speaking of painful comic relief, the next episode is called “Bombad Jedi.” I have a bad feeling about this.
Universal’s Dark Universe is still a thing. Sort of.
Crossposting here and in the Facebook group:
Several of us in the Dog Days of Podcasting challenge community have decided to do a sort of “bonus round” of the 30-day podcasting challenge to keep ourselves sane during this time. Subscribe to the master feed at (it’s also on podcast directories), or just my episodes at my website (my name is a link to it; my personal master feed and the one just for Amy Talks About Stuff still aren’t on any directories, mostly because I’ve been too lazy to get art done for them).
Awesome awesome, you guys!
Dog Days of Quearantine is enough to get Deadpanites working in podcasting not related to other media properties. Well one in particular.
Well, me, in point of fact…
Well, I applaud Disney+ for doing these little things.
I said it in facebook and I’ll say it here, the Mom reminded me of Cj.
I broke my “no politics on Facebook” rule because Tiffany asked a simple question and got trolled by dipshits.
CW: Midsommar
That was one weird film.
… and here it is
“The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States.”
No, JustaJoe, you’re mistaken. That’s not current, that’s a news brief from Germany, 1935.
Speaking of. . . this situation has got the trump trolls very amped up. As I said, I felt compelled to comment on a FB post of Tiffany’s – – not to argue with anyone, just to assert some sanity against “he’s still your president” stupidity.
An other troll attempted (unsuccessfully) to goad me for my Nazi Germany correlation on this DOJ news item.
I was told offline by another person (who I do like) that this is all just the CDC blowing things out of proportion because no one listens to them anymore.
Trolls are not worth your time … give to us … US, I SAY!!!! Give give give.
(I may be getting a bit needy)
Went grocery shopping today. I was confused by some of the items that were sold out. Like margarine. Seriously, why do we need to stock up on that?
But, on the up side, there were mushrooms available this week, unlike last.
JW – Only Yesterday
Another Studio Ghibli film watched, one I had not seen before.
A 27 year old woman takes a trip out to the country on a working holiday and reflects on her childhood. A film best described as pleasant.
There’s no pleasing some people.
That’s what Jesus said, sir!
Hubby just set up our D&D group to be on line so we can still play in two weeks but be the good people and not be physically together.
The funny thing is it uses the Grabatar so my bloody bunny is also my personal avatar. (not my character avatar which uses a pic of my Tiefling)
Crap joke for the day:
“What do you do for a living?”
Me. “I’m a spy”
“Why are you dressed as a shepherd?”
Me. “I’m a shepherd spy”
Nom, nom
He’s on the lamb.
How dare ewe
Look, I know it’s not just us. But seriously. . . . fuccccchhhhhkkkkkk, this has been trying.
Ok, a board game adaption called Tokaido is currently free on iOS, go and get it.
An old couple is in a taxi in America.
The taxi driver says “So which part of England are you folks from?”
The old man replies “From Yorkshire”
The old lady says “What did he say?”
The old man says “He asked which part of England we are from and I said Yorkshire”
The taxi driver says “I’ve been to Yorkshire once. I stayed with an old couple. The woman was horrible, a right bitch, it put me off going to England forever.”
The old lady says “What did he say?”
The old man says “I think the driver knows you!”
I post this here because you filthy animals will keep the discourse civil. I wouldn’t post it within shouting distance of any MAGA cultists. I admit ignorance about the particulars of the Senate relief bill, but here’s Robert Reich’s take:
“The disastrous Senate GOP bill:
— Creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that *only* Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over
— Doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months
— Provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit
— Has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses
— Provides only a one-time $1200 check and just $600 for those who need it most”
Is he misrepresenting facts or leaving anything out?
He goes on to say:
“Instead of a $500 billion blank check to corporations, here’s what should be in the Senate bill:
— $2000 every two weeks to every adult for at least two months
— Universal unemployment insurance, with checks sent to *everyone* as early as next week
— Subsidize the states so they can get the unemployment checks out immediately
— Expanded Medicaid so that anybody who needs to go to the hospital is covered
— Money to help hospitals buy masks, ICUs, and ventilators
Don’t believe anybody who says this is complicated. Bail out people, not corporations.”
There is simply no reason to believe that a large percentage of that money wouldn’t end up in trump’s pockets.
Why wouldn’t it? He has been laughing in the face of every regulation and law that says the President can’t profit off his office … now there will be a giant pile of cash with NO laws governing how it gets spent and NO public accounting. trump of 4 years ago would have publicly stated you’d have to be stupid not to take advantage of that.
Add that to HIS DOJ quietly asking for the power to have THEIR federal judges order anyone they choose, locked up indefinitely without a trail … this is all quickly coming to an end. One way or another, something is about to end.
Important!!! This bill has nothing to do with Tammy Wynette’s marriages.
The Dark Knight is #38? I concur with Bunny’s assessment.
I often see internet ranked lists and realize, “Oh, that person is from an entirely different generation.”
Even though I took today off, I still did some work. What’s that about?
I was going to work on that inbox issue … but instead, I read that comic book movie list.
Researched some of the films.
Got lost down some rabbit holes and am now having some lunch.
I’m jealous of anybody with the required hardware to play this:
Speaking of CBS Star Trek shows: We have 3 episodes left in ST: Discovery, season 2.
CW: Ironman
Nothing dAtes a movie like mentioning MySpace.
Today I started American Horror Story. Until recently, we haven’t been able to get it. I think I have a bajillion seasons to catch up on.
Venom isn’t any better on the 2nd viewing. But it’s still awesomely goofy B-movie schlock. I still recommend you make yourself sit through it at least once.
Terminator, Aliens, and now a Star Wars property. Helluva resume.
Back to work for the Bunny house. Spring Break lasted two days for both of us.
Darn, our website hosting service seems to be down. Doesn’t affect the website, I just can’t go in and make changes this morning.
US only (I bought a copy ages ago), but Subterranean Press have made Aliette de Bodard’s rather excellent novella; ‘The Tea Master and the Detective’ free:
Weird Al playing “Classical Gas” solo on his accordion.
Got my inbox down to 1500 msg
That’s enough of that for today.
CP: Ride On Shooting Star — The Pillows
I love the original FLCL soundtrack.
I’ve also jumped into watching Clone Wars for the first time. I’m enjoying it so far.
I’ve watched a ton of Star Wars stuff, but never got into Clone Wars (other than the quick set of episodes done by Genndy Tartokovsky). People that tell me they like it tend to be watching it with their kids. I’m curious if it’s something I should check out with no kids around to watch it with. Is it descent for adults well? The quick bits I’ve seen seem more aimed at kids than the movies.
Last nights film was “Scott Pilgram vs The World.”
My first viewing.
It is the sort of quirky film I really like …but I just couldn’t warm to it. Don’t know why. Could be that the lead guy just bugs me too much. He’s just not good.
Be cautious saying that in the presence of Van or Cj. They both absolutely love this movie.
Wanted to watch “Shazam” but you have to sign up for HBO’s streaming service!!!
What’s the deal with THAT!
Times are hitting the daughter the hardest in the family. Not only is prom cancelled as is most likely graduation, but the national drum corps she was awarded a position in and was going to tour the country with in June has also been cancelled. While im the grand scheme of life this is not the worst that could ever happen, understand your teens. Get where they are coming from. “Oh it’s no big deal” isn’t appropriate to tell them. Because it is a big deal.
Agreed x10000%
Teens are dealing with a hell of a lot right now. Sometimes we can’t actually get where they’re coming from, so we need to just acknowledge that this is really, really hard for them to accept. Parents need to just be there and supportive.
I certainly hope no one is telling your teen that kind of bullshit.
LoPan- which drum corp?! What exciting news for her to be accepted. I am so sorry about all of the important milestones that she is missing. 🙁
In the UK one teenager killed herself because she couldn’t stand the social isolation.
Yes. This happened/is happening here too.
Thanks Pixie! It was The Battalion based out of SLC
We are going thru similar here.
Just found out yesterday that the rest of the year will be all teleclassroom.
No Sr. Prom. No graduation ceremony. No Band awards dinner with its Sr. Skit, no any of the stuff your life has been leading up to at this point. Today mine will probably learn that her very long shot hope of getting into the very hard to get into college she really really wants, has been crushed. Tough under normal circumstances.
I saw the notice yesterday about the Drum Corps summer tour being canceled. That really sucks for your daughter but tell her you have friends that will ALWAYS be impressed that she made a corps! I know Pixie is a big fan as well.
In some cases, the parents are more upset than the kids about the cancelled proms, graduations, etc. – – but that’s a different topic. Still incredibly disappointing for the kids.
Thanks JJ. Sorry for your daughter as well. This whole thing is just ass.
Apparently you can get free access for a limited time to a bunch of concert recordings from over the years.
“Montreux Jazz Festival would like to bring a little magic into your home! We have made over 50 Festival concerts available to stream for free, including performances by Ray Charles, Wu-Tang Clan, Johnny Cash, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Deep Purple, Carlos Santana, and more. We hope that a little music and soul will brighten up your day!”
Morning Pan
I think hubby is going a little stir crazy. He’s not use to being home so much. We went and did a tiny bit of grocery shopping just so he could get out of the house.
Last nights movie was “Shutter Island”.
What were we thinking?
It had Good performances, sure but not exactly up lifting.
I was unimpressed with the book. The movie was less frustrating. But yeah, not quite the party film.
It was an okay..ish movie. Good acting, good visuals, a little dark. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the movie thought it was deeper than it actually was.
Think I’m going to watch The Cat from Outer a Space tonight. I film I last saw back in 1978..
That’s a good way to put it.
What Rhet said.
What Van said … I don’t know so much about.
Cute alien cat escapes from military base and Shenanigans ensure.
This could have been faked. I’m still not convinced that he truly exists. 😉
– – – Oh, and Van’s testimony is dubious, at best. His word also isn’t proof.
Well that person on the right looked like the person I saw unless he was a replicant..
I’m always bemused by fans of Liverpool FC who live so far away geographically from the UK that they have very little chance of going to an actual match.
Ryan Reynolds is in talks to play Dirk in a live action adaption of Dragon’s Lair.
Fucking A
That should be a blast!
To truly match my experience, he should die three times on the first encounter and he should turn into a skeleton within the first 30 seconds.
This sounds fun!
All the scripts for films Rian Johnson directed except that blue milk one:
This makes me feel like we’re not being careful enough. Curious to get input from medical professionals (and anyone).
Well, I wish he didnt use the term, “sterile technique.” His sterile technique was mediocre. She shouldve not used the clorox-soaked poer towel over and over again.
I appreciate the message he was saying. I had not yet heard about the new cdc info, saying that coronavirus was found on surfaces 17 days later. Hard to say if that is true or not, without a control study.
I marvel at the wonder and splendor of the microscopic world, while being vehemently opposed to the underlying concept of the film in “exploring the tight link between the microscopic world and immensity of the universe”. The concept that what we visually see in the microscopic world is linked to the what we see in photographs of the vastness of the cosmos comes off childish and lacking in scientific perspective. But, again, the video is awesome in and of itself.
The video was more “whoooooaaaaa” and less educational than I expected, but still fun to look at.
I made cookie. Peanut butter chip cookies. Just saying.
Watched the first episode of Vagrant Queen (new space opera from SyFy). The first episode didn’t hook me, not sure if I will watch any more episodes.
A note of JohnBoze trivia (most of you know his true identity): the dude is quite tall IRL. Which makes JohnBoze himself, a Rally Big Thing.
I’d use my real name, but it just wouldn’t feel right…
JW: Ironman 2
Yeah, a second viewing did not change my opinion on it not being very good.
I disliked it less on the second viewing, but still disliked it. In hindsight, it serves some important purposes for the MCU.
How the fuck does Netflix have The Two fucking Towers and Return of the fucking King but not the fucking Fellowship of the fucking Ring??
So we watched fucking Yesterday instead, which we’d borrowed on DVD from the fucking library.
It was pretty fucking good!
They had incomplete seasons of Steven Universe and episodes in the wrong running order..
The bastards!
You watched people fucking yesterday? Didn’t know you were a voyeur…
One cock ring to rule them all!
Wait, does it make it disappear?
My precioussssssss
No wonder Gollum was so upset about Bilbo taking it.
Morning Pan
A bit of a late start this morning.
So this pause in the world has resulted in me having now read two books in 4 days.
Novels really and one was just frothy “beach pulp”. Found them in the place I am staying.
Embarrassing to admit … but while I listen to quite a bit of short fiction, audio …I probably haven’t read a book in two years.
Are the titles worth sharing?
Probably not.
Something called “Seven Up” by Janet Evanovich – story about a hard talking, not so tough woman working as a bail bondsmen in her New Jersey community. Hit pretty much every “Jersey Mob” cliche’ available. More humor than drama.
And “UnNatural Acts” by Stuart Woods.
Not sure what genre to put this one in. Follow multiple characters and their own plots in NYC until they resolve at the end. Financial advisors, computer startup genus, lawyers, cops, cops turned detectives, Sexy FBI agent turned serial killer, sociopathic trust fund kid … and and it seems like everyone is a millionaire except for the billionaire with the drug dealing son at Yale.
Just stuff to read when you don’t want to think too much.
CP: Together — NIN
Speaking of book. . . I saw this on ditto’s FB feed this morning. Very sad 🙁
Man: ”Bartender Quick give me a drink before the fight”
Man: “quick, another before the fight starts”
Bartender: “ok ok… wait… What fight?”
Man: “The fight between you and me. I can’t afford to pay you for these drinks”
Oh? A crap joke?
Is this really a road you want to go down?
Mangan TV update:
We finished ST: Disco season 2. Excellent. As soon as Spock appeared, it improved drastically.
Still doing 1 ep of Clone Wars per night.
We started Watchmen tonight. First ep was strong. They need to explain Nite Oel’s ship.
I see disappointment in your future on that last point.
They do explain it, but it isn’t important in the scheme of things.
You are in for a great ride Jack.
PS: you probably want to listen to the podcast and check out these:
Don’t read ahead. Read one section per episode.
It won’t mean the show is bad if they never explain why Nite Owl’s ship was there in episode 1. . . . It would just bug me if they dropped in a major vehicle if for no other reason than to say “Look, it’s Watchmen!”
It’s a slightly better explanation than that, though there are other things not explained. I didn’t mind much since the story that was told was fantastic.
TBH, I had a lot of trepidation going into this because of Lindelof connection to Lost. I think the writer’s room kept him on a good path.
Ditto, did you join our Leftovers discussion a few months back?
That show was also Lindelof. It was plenty bonkers, but brilliant.
Wow is that a tiny list. Out of our 286 games (including expansions) there are very few you can’t play with just two players.
CP: Drone — Chastity Belt
Lost in the haze of all the Covid-19 news, there is a good chance that the comet Atlas may be a more dramatic appearance that Hale-Bopp sometime in late April, early May.
Ed, I hope your son had a fun lockdown birthday!
how did you manage the birthday celebration?
Well, he stayed up until 6am, slept until a bit after noon, then played games online with his friends – so, best. birthday. ever.
Since we’re on “home school” without specific class times, we made him a deal that he worked ahead some over the weekend so he could “skip” school for his birthday.
My son was pretty much born to be quarantined 🙂
So watched Thor last night, Chris Hemsworth looks so young.
So watched Thor last night, Chris Hemsworth looks so young.
After the lows of Ironman 2 this was a definite step up in quality.
Hubby has been on Zoom meetings all morning. You’d think he was working or something.
CP: Stuck In The Middle With You — Stealers Wheel
If I could buy that song a drink I would.
Well, looks like I won’t be working this week. If you didn’t see my Facebook post, I’m out of a day job, as of today.
I will not talk shit on Facebook, but since this page is relatively private, I will say: it was always a shit company. I was very unhappy there last year. They’d moved me to a decent team in January, so I was OK with my situation, but even then – – one of my co-workers had called it “moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.” I knew that I would eventually move on from this company, but I’d intended to do it on my own terms. This is crap.
Sorry to hear that Jack. That is crap, indeed.
And a such a crappy time to be looking for something else. So sorry!
Really sorry to hear that, Jack. You probably already have your own ideas, but I’m sure Chuck and Kreg would love to have you at ServiceNow. 🙂
Some will try to rationalize this as “Well, he was old.” … but he was fine this time last week. He was still contributing in a positive way to the world.
Well not celebrities but close to home, one neighbour is seriously ill in hospital with Covid-19 and her daughter is also ill but still at home.
I do hope for the best for your neighbors, Van.
Terrible losses and terrible suffering. Our hearts are going to continue to be broken in the weeks ahead.
The Wizard of Speed and Time, 3-minute short film from 1979. I’d never seen this one. Charming! And very 1979.
I was introduced to this back in the late 80s / early 90s when I was an undergraduate. I had a great set of friends with insanely impressive knowledge of random quirky things. There is also a full movie. If memory serves, it is good but not great.
Watched the first episode of ‘Tales from the Loop’
On Amazon Prime.
Not too bad, don’t think we are are going to much answers with this tv series, but thoughtful sci-fi is a rare beast so I will watch more episodes.
Yesterday, hubby had the fun job of telling a few people they were being laid off.
Fun times.
The company I work for is asking for a government bailout so maybe in that situation very soon if that doesn’t happen.
Hubby had the opposite. Because he works in education, the government is cutting funding on all staff that aren’t a direct part of the new on line learning program. That means secretaries, ESL, Librarians, etc.
The first season of Clone Wars has been enjoyable so far. Well, except for Bombad Jedi. That was every bit as horrible as I expected.
We’re not quite finished with the season, but yeah, there are a few Gungan appearances. Every moment they’re onscreen is terrible. And TBH, the battle-droids are almost as painful with their “comic relief.”
Those 2 complaints aside, there are many wonderful Star Wars moments. I’m also digging it.
After this is all over, I don’t think shit like this will be forgotten:
Oh, it will get swept under the rug, just like the rest of the atrocities against children, LGBTQ citizens, the media, science. . . .
We’re too goddamn complacent and pacified.
That includes me, btw.
Not sure about Jack’s plans, but I’m still futzing with Roll20. I’m planning on having Discord and Roll20 up to do an Episode Zero were we can get all the kinks worked out. I’ll post something to the Game page on Facebook. I should be online at 8pm Arizona time. 3:00AM UTC.
CW: The Spaceman and King Arthur on Disney +
The last time I saw this film was in the 70s.
It’s not called that on Disney+ though, it known by the silly US name which I cannot Bring myself to state.
The actress who plays Sandi also played Messalina in I, Claudius.
King Arthur is played by Kenneth More, an actress who my Dad knew claimed he was a bit too hands on with young women actors.
And here I’d thought you were talking about “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.”
I’m not familiar with “Unidentified Flying Oddball” (ugh, you’re right about that title), which is surprising, because we watched “World of Disney” on ABC every Sunday night without fail, back in the late 70s/early 80s.
Those were good times!
So many of the actors are dead now, yet this film looks like it was shot yesterday.
I love that King Arthur is old in this and rather jaded.
Jim Dale makes a good cartoonish villiain in this. I prefer his voice to Stephen Fry for the Harry Potter audio books,
Lots of 70S sexism on display.
Merlin is evil and played By Ron Moody of Fagan fame and also the from the Indy rip off tv series with the actor who played Decker in ST:TMP
I try to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever click articles from The National Review. I’m not anti-Conservative – – not by a long shot, but they *almost* make foxnews look fair and balanced.
No offense, Van. I know you were just posting an interesting take on “Foundations.”
Yeah I had no idea they were that bad, found the link on Twitter.
There’s a game in development on Steam called ‘Sex with Stalin’.
So apparently, if you tell Alexa to “Play Dungeon Adventure,” it runs a RPG-type game.
I don’t know the mechanics or if it’s any good, because after setting up the scenario, when Alexa said, “Do you want to save the village?” elder daughter said, “No.”
So Halo: The Master Chief Collection was on sale on Steam so I bought it.
So far only the first game and Reach have been released (other games in the series coming out later).
But man, that first game is still a class act, looking forward to playing through it all over again.
I could never get into the Halo games, although hubby has played a few of them
HALO never really hooked me the way Half-Life did. I’m sure part of the reason was I was playing HALO on consoles and the mouse/keyboard combination is superior on the PC for first-person shooters.
I actually prefer the Xbox controller for playing FPS on a PC and will be playing Halo that way.
Much as I love the Half Life games, throwing grenades was always a pain in the ass compared to Halo.
If it’s hurting your ass … you may not be doing it correctly.
Morning Pan
I have a question for work. It may seem silly but, who is your favourite Hollywood Chris (or Kris)?
It can be male or female, living or dead. I have a list of some of them if you want, but I don’t want to limit your choices.
Does “Kristy” count? If so, Kristy McNichol. If not, then it would be Kris Kristofferson.
Yes Kris(ty) counts. We have a Kris(ten) Bell already.
Christopher Lloyd and Christopher Lee are my favorite answers so far. It’s also hard to hate on Christopher Walken or Kris Kristofferson.
Does Krispy Kreme count?
CP: Suffer — Bad Religion
I’ve come here to complain. But I won’t.
Well where is the fun in that?
Crap joke for the day:
A blonde teenager, wanting to earn some extra money for the summer, decided to hire herself out as a “handy-woman”
She started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house, and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do.
“Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint my porch,” he said, “How much will you charge me?”
Delighted, the girl quickly responded, “How about $50?”
The man agreed and told her that the paint brushes and everything she would need was in the garage.
The man’s wife, hearing the conversation said to her husband, “Does she realize that our porch goes ALL the way around the house?”
He responded, “That’s a bit cynical, isn’t it?”
The wife replied, “You’re right. I guess I’m starting to believe all those dumb blonde jokes we’ve been getting by email lately.”
Later that day, the blonde teenager came to the door to collect her money.
“You’re finished already?” the startled husband asked.
“Yes, she replied, and I even had paint left over, so I gave it two coats.”
Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the $50.00 and handed it to her along with a $10.00 tip.
“And, by the way,” the teenager added, “it’s not a Porch, it’s a Lexus.”
Okay, that wasn’t a good crap joke because it actually made me chuckle.
Morning Pan
Back to spreadsheets.
The times are crazy.
Hubby isn’t feeling right, (not covid-19, more like he’s getting old), so he called to make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor will call him today and do a telephone consultation and then determine if hubby should come in. That’s never happen before.
On a hubby is silly note, when he left for work today, he kissed me on the cheek instead of a normal kiss. I told him he was silly because what he has I can’t get. He just shrugged.
Let me know if your hubby’s doctor gives him the cure for getting old.
Also if he discovers a reason your hubby gets old but you don’t.
I have fond memories of the Palooza. Not so much the movie.
I rewatched it in the last 12 months and found I had a better appreciation for it’s “all over the place, gonzo appocolypse-ness”
So John KrasinskIe has a Covid you tube show called “Some Good News”.
It’s fun. If you haven’t seen it, watch this one.
If you have seen it, watch this one anyway.
… and,
Just received an automated, robotic message from the high school that said in essence, “Congratulations, your student has met the requirements for graduation. So long.”
12 years of working hard to get all A’s and top marks in AP courses and it ends in a robo call.
Nobody likes those “hours long” graduation ceremonies … so why does this feel so heart breaking? 🙁
Cultural differences, didn’t do graduation ceremonies when I was at school. It was goodbye and you’ll get your exam results in the post.
Yeah, the cap and gown is a big deal over here, even just for graduating high school.
Sorry for you and yours, Joe. 🙁
That sucks Joe. My own teen is disappointed that she can wear the dress she bought specifically for prom this year. Although I am hopeful that her high school graduation ceremony will happen next year. Teens have had it pretty rough. 🙁
Getting the new Spock to unbox an old bit of ST merchandising:
Apple TV is joining the “Free while we’re shut-in” advertising band wagon.
Any recommendations on what to watch?
I enjoyed Dickinson, The Servant and For All Mankind.
Was nice to see ED portrayed as a young person although don’t expect historical accuracy.
The Servant was really creepy, a slow build up to the conclusion.
I’m a sucker for an alternative history space program and For All Mankind was great. Seeing how the different timeline plays out, the women getting into the space program and NASA having a moonbase..all good.
Oh and Amazing Stories is very twilight zoneish..well if TZ has a big budget.
But the stories have not been as good as the best TZ stories.
Pretty much lines up with what I remember of previous incarnations of AS.
I’ve only watched Snoopy in Space on Apple TV.
…. Probably not the recommendation you were looking for.
Along these lines – – It’s bizarre that the late Lemmy Kilmeister (of Motorhead and giant face moles) used to love to wear Nazi SS uniforms. When people would say “WTF!?” he’d reply, “I know the Nazis were terrible. They’re the just the sharpest. If the Israeli army had the sharpest uniforms, I’d wear theirs.” I never understood why he got a pass about that, but he absolutely did.
It’s just weird. Not many people could get away with such insensitivity, yet still be so widely loved and revered. I guess people just went, “Ahhh, that’s just Lemmy.”
JW: Ironman 3.
Now that was good.
We finished Watchmen S1. Just excellent. Damon Lindelof is a damn genius.
Great cast helped.
I was extremely skeptical before watching it, but I was won over. Those last 3 episodes were awesome.
Agreed on all counts.
I have a rule: a sequel truly succeeds when it gets you to look at the original in a new light. Lindelof has indicated that he probably won’t make a second season. Honestly, I’m fine with that. This show is pretty much perfect.
I do have an exciting new unpaid writing gig. I’ll announce more details this upcoming week.
It’s only tangentially related to Am I Evil? – – which is also gonna be mad busy for me this week.
Happy Yuri Day to you all.
Watch Lilo and Stitch yesterday after a blow up on Twitter about someone hating the film.
Enjoyed it.
You got into a Twitter blow up over LILO and Stitch? Or you observed one?
Happy Eostre!
Observed one.
Trivia: Tia Carrere, Wayne’s gorgeous love interest from the Wayne’s World movies voices Lilo’s older sister.
David Ogden Stiers of MASH fame voices one of the aliens.
Btw, we watched The Dark Knight Rises this evening, completing the Christian Bale Batman’s. A much better movie than I’d remembered.
Tom Hardy and the film really make Bane into a great villain. And that Marion Cotillard is nice to look at.
Agreed. But her death scene is still probably some of the worst acting in cinema
Discovered a new podcast about the history of computing and failures, episode 27 covers the Vectrex console:
I mean new to me, obviously if it got to episode 27 it’s not a new podcast as such.
Vectrex was obviously kind of a poor little system, but everyone who ever played it (including me) recalls it very fondly.
Morning Pan
Watched the new Cats. Live last night. It was interesting. It wasn’t bad, but it was definitely … off. I don’t think it was (just) the CGI. I actually thought the ears were quite cute. The added music as ok. The Added McCavity storyline was, ok. But combined, it didn’t work in some … intangible way.
I still have this version on DVD, which I quite enjoy so I may have to watch it again to see if I can figure out what made the new one wrong.
Speaking of anthropomorphized fuzzy creatures, it was a low-key but happy visit from the Easter Bunny. We – – I mean he – – had to hide more eggs after the first egg hunt was done.
I started reading. I’d really like to get back to it and finish it.
Van is right. Outward is goddamn wonderful. It’s low ratings confounds me
The trailers were terrible, but it’s Pixar. I’ll still give it a chance.
Inside Out looked awful, and that movie was fantastic.
Not sure what movie Lo Pan is talking about, but “Onward” was pretty good.
There’s no accounting for goddamn autocorrect is there
None, none accounting.
I stumbled across “Love, Death and Robots” on Netflix. A bunch of animated shorts.
I like it. Some stories more than others but over all I like it.
We liked the show too. We’re hoping for a second season.
If you’re looking for a NetFlix show to binge, we also liked Better Than Us when it came out. It wasn’t what you’d expect from a Russian show
I’ll have to give it a look.
I am also finally watching the 2nd season of Altered Carbon. Pretty much more of the same the first season gave us. Which is ok by me because I liked the first season.
Also, continuing to work my way through “The Expanse”.
The Expanse = great TV.
I liked a bunch of the Love, Death, and Robots episodes quite a bit. My main complaint was that it got very juvenile. As in, teenagers ramping up the animated boobies, cursing, and gore to ridiculous levels.
I finally watched Bohemian Rhapsody over the weekend, and I quite enjoyed it.
Had to go to the bank today. That was a surreal experience
Everyone inside the bank terrified of the one person *without* a mask?
The bank was actually hella busy. It’s the line up outside and the way physical distancing was done.
I mentioned to the guy behind me that it was surreal, his reply “at least there are no zombies”
I laughed
Nothing attracts zombies, like making the statement “At least there are no Zombies.”
Not live. Here is the preview page. I’ll announce on larger social media tomorrow.
Thank you!!!!!!
!!!!! !!!!!
Pandemic life:
Last night I spent three hours guiding Wander around the world of Shadow of the Colossus praying at every shrine just so I could earn a trophy for completing that.
Right now I’m going to spend hours killing people that I think shouldn’t really be killed because, I feel, my character is in the wrong, even if he’s suppose to be the good guy
CP: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
I just wanted to remind you all that I have total authority.
Like, totally.
Or, in the words of Cartman, “You will respect my authoritah!”
CP: The Next Big Thing — Jesus Jones
JW: From Up On Poppy Hill
A Studio Ghibli film I had not seen before. No genre elements but the story was slight but charming.
Reconnected with some old friends tonight on Zoom and BoardGameArena. Lots of fun and some good old memories.
Taking about games and a shout out to Rhettto, any progress on doing a Star Wars RPG session with the deadpan gang?
It’s basically setup, we just need to establish a time. I believe Amy had some specific requirements on that front.
Work day is done!
I’m afraid of how much has piled up and what I will need to do once I can actually get physical paperwork from my boss
It can stop snowing any time now
The author has Alliette de Bodard had released a mini collection of stories set in the Xuya universe for free:
“This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow’s getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain’t even lucky
Got to make your own breaks”
I tried Van’s Judge Dredd link, but my attempts to register have resulted in “Internal errors.”
I think they are getting overloaded, try again later.
I was wrong about the Judge Death story, it’s the second story (where Judge Anderson gets released from being encased in Boing plastic).
Drokk it!
I have nothing to contribute, I just wanted to join the new conversations
Deadpan is the Spacer’s Choice.
It’s not the best choice, it’s Spacer’s choice
CW: Dredd
Karl Urban is fantastic in this.
I agree. I liked his version.
You are correct!
We don’t speak of the other big studio Dredd film.
Morning Pan
Off to the city later this morning
Technically spring break starts next week. Hubby fully expects to put in some hours. He is bringing home his work computer though, hoping most of what needs to be done can be done from home.
Well since I cannot go to the cinema for at least a month I splashed on Disney+
Hopefully the animated Aladdin can be the first film I get to watch on the service.
Animated Aladdin -*Like*
So here I am.
I can report that in the Destin, Florida area, they would seem to have clamped down on the madness by closing the beaches.
So far it seems to be pretty effective.
I can see for a mile or so up and down the beach and I count about 20 people. Largest group I see is 4, most are couples or singles walking.
Really easy to social distance on an empty beach.
Of course it is a cool overcast morning, so that might change.
I guess I will spend the day trying to get my inbox to zero.
So…. how are they enforcing the beach closures? Or are they not?
They are shutting down roads that lead to the beaches in some cases. Although I’m not sure how that would work in a case like Cocoa Beach where the road is a main street chock full of businesses. Florida Governor also just ordered all restaurants closed except for take out and all gyms closed.
Yeh. So the drive up and down the beach and the story is you have to be out of the water and off any “wet” sand as that is public area and closed by the county sheriff’s department.
That was today at least.
Most food can still be purchased at grocery stores … no TP, moist wipes or tissue paper to be found.
Crap joke for the day:
Well I finally lost it!!!!
I was just in CVS and saw a guy whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soap, toilet paper, everything people need right now!! I called him selfish and a few other names and gave him the low down about the elderly, moms, and everyone else who need these things. I told him he should be ashamed of himself! He said: “Are you done? I really need to get back to restocking the shelves!!”
Well the PM has just announced pubs and restaurants have to close. Shut cut down on a lot of idiots spreading the virus around.
How is it effecting bus and train service?
For now, reduced service.
So we’re a bunch of episodes into season 1 of the Clone Wars TV series.
A little childish sometimes, but definitely action-packed, and it’s loaded with wonderful Star Wars moments. The youngest seems intrigued, the teenager was a little resistant, but she’s being won over (I think).
My biggest struggle with it: the battledroids “comic relief” moments are always always always painful. And speaking of painful comic relief, the next episode is called “Bombad Jedi.” I have a bad feeling about this.
Minor spoiler for me, but seems to be cool news:
I guess given the timeframes of the two different shows, she’s a good age to play Ahsoka. And she’s awesome in just about every role.
Love the Clone Wars series! It gets really, really good later on. I’m off to watch the newest episode now. 🙂
CP: Title Holder — The Interrupters
My LOTR Director’s Cut boxed set has gone missing. 🙁
Have you checked down the back of your sofa?
We must leave the Shire in search of it!
..and it’s goodbye to Kenny Rogers:
Sad boi hours
Sad news. It felt like he was on every radio, every TV show, everywhere when we were kids – – even more than John Denver.
Universal’s Dark Universe is still a thing. Sort of.
Crossposting here and in the Facebook group:
Several of us in the Dog Days of Podcasting challenge community have decided to do a sort of “bonus round” of the 30-day podcasting challenge to keep ourselves sane during this time. Subscribe to the master feed at (it’s also on podcast directories), or just my episodes at my website (my name is a link to it; my personal master feed and the one just for Amy Talks About Stuff still aren’t on any directories, mostly because I’ve been too lazy to get art done for them).
Awesome awesome, you guys!
Dog Days of Quearantine is enough to get Deadpanites working in podcasting not related to other media properties. Well one in particular.
Well, me, in point of fact…
Well, I applaud Disney+ for doing these little things.
I said it in facebook and I’ll say it here, the Mom reminded me of Cj.
I broke my “no politics on Facebook” rule because Tiffany asked a simple question and got trolled by dipshits.
CW: Midsommar
That was one weird film.
… and here it is
“The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States.”
No, JustaJoe, you’re mistaken. That’s not current, that’s a news brief from Germany, 1935.
Speaking of. . . this situation has got the trump trolls very amped up. As I said, I felt compelled to comment on a FB post of Tiffany’s – – not to argue with anyone, just to assert some sanity against “he’s still your president” stupidity.
An other troll attempted (unsuccessfully) to goad me for my Nazi Germany correlation on this DOJ news item.
I was told offline by another person (who I do like) that this is all just the CDC blowing things out of proportion because no one listens to them anymore.
Trolls are not worth your time … give to us … US, I SAY!!!! Give give give.
(I may be getting a bit needy)
Went grocery shopping today. I was confused by some of the items that were sold out. Like margarine. Seriously, why do we need to stock up on that?
But, on the up side, there were mushrooms available this week, unlike last.
JW – Only Yesterday
Another Studio Ghibli film watched, one I had not seen before.
A 27 year old woman takes a trip out to the country on a working holiday and reflects on her childhood. A film best described as pleasant.
There’s no pleasing some people.
That’s what Jesus said, sir!
Hubby just set up our D&D group to be on line so we can still play in two weeks but be the good people and not be physically together.
The funny thing is it uses the Grabatar so my bloody bunny is also my personal avatar. (not my character avatar which uses a pic of my Tiefling)
Crap joke for the day:
“What do you do for a living?”
Me. “I’m a spy”
“Why are you dressed as a shepherd?”
Me. “I’m a shepherd spy”
Nom, nom
He’s on the lamb.
How dare ewe
Look, I know it’s not just us. But seriously. . . . fuccccchhhhhkkkkkk, this has been trying.
Ok, a board game adaption called Tokaido is currently free on iOS, go and get it.
Check out the list of free games here:
How to turn off UWB tracking on iPhone 11:
Crap joke for the day:
**TAXI DRIVER** ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
An old couple is in a taxi in America.
The taxi driver says “So which part of England are you folks from?”
The old man replies “From Yorkshire”
The old lady says “What did he say?”
The old man says “He asked which part of England we are from and I said Yorkshire”
The taxi driver says “I’ve been to Yorkshire once. I stayed with an old couple. The woman was horrible, a right bitch, it put me off going to England forever.”
The old lady says “What did he say?”
The old man says “I think the driver knows you!”
Did I post this on the last page? Who can remember?? Free music tools for your device.
We’ve been playing around with this. The two-year-old’s beat was far better than mine.
Note: that’s Korg the music device manufacturer, not Korg, the soft-spoken, rock-skinned friend of Miek.
I was just told that this App was most likely going to lead to mass Homicide amongst everyone who is sheltering with you.
Guess I need to find my earbuds.
Are you implying that 4-second techno loops on repeat could get irritating?
4 second techno loops controlled by an old white dude.
And Yes.
That’s enough Facebook for today. . .
That’s enough Facebook for EVER.
… and I have no idea how long you were even on, but I stand by my post!
CP: Echoes in Rain — Enya
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the pound/dollar exchange rate so low, well on it’s way to being 1 to 1.
Wait…. oh,yeh. pandemic 🙁
Lock down:
Coronavirus: PM announcing strict new curbs on life in UK
CP: Stand By Your Man — Tammy Wynette
Fun fact: Tammy Wynette was married 5 times.
I post this here because you filthy animals will keep the discourse civil. I wouldn’t post it within shouting distance of any MAGA cultists. I admit ignorance about the particulars of the Senate relief bill, but here’s Robert Reich’s take:
“The disastrous Senate GOP bill:
— Creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that *only* Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over
— Doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months
— Provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit
— Has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses
— Provides only a one-time $1200 check and just $600 for those who need it most”
Is he misrepresenting facts or leaving anything out?
He goes on to say:
“Instead of a $500 billion blank check to corporations, here’s what should be in the Senate bill:
— $2000 every two weeks to every adult for at least two months
— Universal unemployment insurance, with checks sent to *everyone* as early as next week
— Subsidize the states so they can get the unemployment checks out immediately
— Expanded Medicaid so that anybody who needs to go to the hospital is covered
— Money to help hospitals buy masks, ICUs, and ventilators
Don’t believe anybody who says this is complicated. Bail out people, not corporations.”
There is simply no reason to believe that a large percentage of that money wouldn’t end up in trump’s pockets.
Why wouldn’t it? He has been laughing in the face of every regulation and law that says the President can’t profit off his office … now there will be a giant pile of cash with NO laws governing how it gets spent and NO public accounting. trump of 4 years ago would have publicly stated you’d have to be stupid not to take advantage of that.
Add that to HIS DOJ quietly asking for the power to have THEIR federal judges order anyone they choose, locked up indefinitely without a trail … this is all quickly coming to an end. One way or another, something is about to end.
Important!!! This bill has nothing to do with Tammy Wynette’s marriages.
Or does it. . . ?
Goodbye to the man who drew Asterix:
We recently watched one of the animated movies.
It’s morning. I’m tired. Coincidence?
Meh, Like all lists, it’s subjective.
The Dark Knight is #38? I concur with Bunny’s assessment.
I often see internet ranked lists and realize, “Oh, that person is from an entirely different generation.”
Even though I took today off, I still did some work. What’s that about?
I was going to work on that inbox issue … but instead, I read that comic book movie list.
Researched some of the films.
Got lost down some rabbit holes and am now having some lunch.
I’m jealous of anybody with the required hardware to play this:
My son was downloading this yesterday.
I have the PC capabilities but don’t have VR
Another list:
For those with time.
CP: The Fishmonger’s Daughter — Sonya Belousova, Giona Ostinelli, & Joe Batey
Well if you have not watched Picard yet, now is your chance:
Yay for free Picard!
A Cj sighting in the wild!
Speaking of CBS Star Trek shows: We have 3 episodes left in ST: Discovery, season 2.
CW: Ironman
Nothing dAtes a movie like mentioning MySpace.
Today I started American Horror Story. Until recently, we haven’t been able to get it. I think I have a bajillion seasons to catch up on.
Venom isn’t any better on the 2nd viewing. But it’s still awesomely goofy B-movie schlock. I still recommend you make yourself sit through it at least once.
RIP Stuart Gordon. No one did as much to put Lovecraft on film as he did.
Just leave this here:
Terminator, Aliens, and now a Star Wars property. Helluva resume.
Back to work for the Bunny house. Spring Break lasted two days for both of us.
Darn, our website hosting service seems to be down. Doesn’t affect the website, I just can’t go in and make changes this morning.
US only (I bought a copy ages ago), but Subterranean Press have made Aliette de Bodard’s rather excellent novella; ‘The Tea Master and the Detective’ free:
Well worth picking up.
Intrigued. Downloaded.
I was kind of meh on this story.
Dammit! Too late.
I enjoyed it. I wouldn’t mind reading more.
It was free Jack, even if you end up hating it was bloody free.
My time isn’t free!!!
I’m kidding. I’m down to give it a shot.
Posted to the Facebooks, reposting here:
Weird Al playing “Classical Gas” solo on his accordion.
Got my inbox down to 1500 msg
That’s enough of that for today.
CP: Ride On Shooting Star — The Pillows
I love the original FLCL soundtrack.
I’ve also jumped into watching Clone Wars for the first time. I’m enjoying it so far.
I’ve watched a ton of Star Wars stuff, but never got into Clone Wars (other than the quick set of episodes done by Genndy Tartokovsky). People that tell me they like it tend to be watching it with their kids. I’m curious if it’s something I should check out with no kids around to watch it with. Is it descent for adults well? The quick bits I’ve seen seem more aimed at kids than the movies.
Last nights film was “Scott Pilgram vs The World.”
My first viewing.
It is the sort of quirky film I really like …but I just couldn’t warm to it. Don’t know why. Could be that the lead guy just bugs me too much. He’s just not good.
Be cautious saying that in the presence of Van or Cj. They both absolutely love this movie.
Wanted to watch “Shazam” but you have to sign up for HBO’s streaming service!!!
What’s the deal with THAT!
JW: Stargirl
Coming of age teen drama that left me disappointed that they explained her gmail of knowing things.
Oh and that she wasn’t an alien.
You can tell I wasn’t the target audience can’t you?
Still I enjoyed it.
This is the movie on Disney+ and not the CW tv series.
Gnack not gmail
I liked gmail
No g-knack is good g-knack with Gary G-nu.
You have no idea how wonderful I find it to see a Great Space Coaster reference. At times I think I’m the only one who watched that show.
So The Black Hole is on Disney+ and I love that they included the overture that played before the film started in the cinema back in 1979.
I mean there was a second I thought my TV was broke as I could only hear the audio…
The opening overture is kind of a snore. Which is even mire of a shame, because the actual “Black Hole Theme” is gorgeous.
Tonight was game night.
Donner Dinner Party
Followed by
Ticket To Ride.
This week I’ve mostly been playing the remastered Second Spyro game and Shadow of Colossus.
In the latter game I’m destroying a colossus a day to stretch the game out.
I’m still playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Trying to level up 30 plus characters takes a lot of time.
Morning Pan
I love my hubby dearly, but him being at home messes with my routine.
So you are more of a cat than a bunny.
I’ve owned bunnies, they prefer routine too. Most animals do.
CP: Fear Inoculum — Tool
I was today years old when I learned that the name Lipps, Inc. was a pun.
New free nine inch nails:
One more link for you, possibly a repeat:
Rudy Ruck and Bruce Sterling narrate their short stories.
*Rudy Rucker.
I was hoping for Rita Rudner.
I see what you did there.
CP: “Frankenstein” – The Edgar Winter Group
CP: Gravedigger — Dave Matthews
CP: (Enola Gay) Drop the Bomb – Grave Digger
Misplaced post (ignore the one above)
I see what you did there.
CP: “Frankenstein” – The Edgar Winter Group
Times are hitting the daughter the hardest in the family. Not only is prom cancelled as is most likely graduation, but the national drum corps she was awarded a position in and was going to tour the country with in June has also been cancelled. While im the grand scheme of life this is not the worst that could ever happen, understand your teens. Get where they are coming from. “Oh it’s no big deal” isn’t appropriate to tell them. Because it is a big deal.
Agreed x10000%
Teens are dealing with a hell of a lot right now. Sometimes we can’t actually get where they’re coming from, so we need to just acknowledge that this is really, really hard for them to accept. Parents need to just be there and supportive.
I certainly hope no one is telling your teen that kind of bullshit.
LoPan- which drum corp?! What exciting news for her to be accepted. I am so sorry about all of the important milestones that she is missing. 🙁
In the UK one teenager killed herself because she couldn’t stand the social isolation.
Yes. This happened/is happening here too.
Thanks Pixie! It was The Battalion based out of SLC
We are going thru similar here.
Just found out yesterday that the rest of the year will be all teleclassroom.
No Sr. Prom. No graduation ceremony. No Band awards dinner with its Sr. Skit, no any of the stuff your life has been leading up to at this point. Today mine will probably learn that her very long shot hope of getting into the very hard to get into college she really really wants, has been crushed. Tough under normal circumstances.
I saw the notice yesterday about the Drum Corps summer tour being canceled. That really sucks for your daughter but tell her you have friends that will ALWAYS be impressed that she made a corps! I know Pixie is a big fan as well.
In some cases, the parents are more upset than the kids about the cancelled proms, graduations, etc. – – but that’s a different topic. Still incredibly disappointing for the kids.
Thanks JJ. Sorry for your daughter as well. This whole thing is just ass.
Apparently you can get free access for a limited time to a bunch of concert recordings from over the years.
“Montreux Jazz Festival would like to bring a little magic into your home! We have made over 50 Festival concerts available to stream for free, including performances by Ray Charles, Wu-Tang Clan, Johnny Cash, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Deep Purple, Carlos Santana, and more. We hope that a little music and soul will brighten up your day!”
CP: Deep Purple with Orchestra
Thanks Jack!
Yeah, I gotta get in and browse some of these.
Monument Valley 2 goes free on Android:
Morning Pan
I think hubby is going a little stir crazy. He’s not use to being home so much. We went and did a tiny bit of grocery shopping just so he could get out of the house.
Last nights movie was “Shutter Island”.
What were we thinking?
It had Good performances, sure but not exactly up lifting.
I was unimpressed with the book. The movie was less frustrating. But yeah, not quite the party film.
It was an okay..ish movie. Good acting, good visuals, a little dark. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the movie thought it was deeper than it actually was.
Think I’m going to watch The Cat from Outer a Space tonight. I film I last saw back in 1978..
That’s a good way to put it.
What Rhet said.
What Van said … I don’t know so much about.
Cute alien cat escapes from military base and Shenanigans ensure.
What’s not to love?
Wasn’t that Hayley Mills?
No Hayley was in That Darned Cat.
Five minutes with my hubby (technically for his staff but I have the secret link)
This could have been faked. I’m still not convinced that he truly exists. 😉
– – – Oh, and Van’s testimony is dubious, at best. His word also isn’t proof.
Well that person on the right looked like the person I saw unless he was a replicant..
I’m always bemused by fans of Liverpool FC who live so far away geographically from the UK that they have very little chance of going to an actual match.
Ryan Reynolds is in talks to play Dirk in a live action adaption of Dragon’s Lair.
Fucking A
That should be a blast!
To truly match my experience, he should die three times on the first encounter and he should turn into a skeleton within the first 30 seconds.
This sounds fun!
All the scripts for films Rian Johnson directed except that blue milk one:
All the scripts for films Rian Johnson directed except that blue milk one:
Some updated info from an AZ healthcare system
A friend posted this (I don’t know the guy in the video). Two months ago, he’d have seemed like a crackpot.
This makes me feel like we’re not being careful enough. Curious to get input from medical professionals (and anyone).
Well, I wish he didnt use the term, “sterile technique.” His sterile technique was mediocre. She shouldve not used the clorox-soaked poer towel over and over again.
I appreciate the message he was saying. I had not yet heard about the new cdc info, saying that coronavirus was found on surfaces 17 days later. Hard to say if that is true or not, without a control study.
We all just need to do the best we can.
Unreleased N64 game gets released to the public:
I’ve been meaning to watch this:
I marvel at the wonder and splendor of the microscopic world, while being vehemently opposed to the underlying concept of the film in “exploring the tight link between the microscopic world and immensity of the universe”. The concept that what we visually see in the microscopic world is linked to the what we see in photographs of the vastness of the cosmos comes off childish and lacking in scientific perspective. But, again, the video is awesome in and of itself.
The video was more “whoooooaaaaa” and less educational than I expected, but still fun to look at.
I made cookie. Peanut butter chip cookies. Just saying.
Watched the first episode of Vagrant Queen (new space opera from SyFy). The first episode didn’t hook me, not sure if I will watch any more episodes.
Well that is disturbing:
Mark Twain’s eccentricity and edgy paranoia were there as early as his Thriller album, and much moreso in his later releases.
I’m tempted:
Last night’s movie –
“The Fundamentals of Caring”.
Pretty good film.
CP: C’mon C’mon — The Von Bondies
I’m just going to leave this here…
Will listen!
A note of JohnBoze trivia (most of you know his true identity): the dude is quite tall IRL. Which makes JohnBoze himself, a Rally Big Thing.
I’d use my real name, but it just wouldn’t feel right…
JW: Ironman 2
Yeah, a second viewing did not change my opinion on it not being very good.
I disliked it less on the second viewing, but still disliked it. In hindsight, it serves some important purposes for the MCU.
How the fuck does Netflix have The Two fucking Towers and Return of the fucking King but not the fucking Fellowship of the fucking Ring??
So we watched fucking Yesterday instead, which we’d borrowed on DVD from the fucking library.
It was pretty fucking good!
They had incomplete seasons of Steven Universe and episodes in the wrong running order..
The bastards!
You watched people fucking yesterday? Didn’t know you were a voyeur…
One cock ring to rule them all!
Wait, does it make it disappear?
My precioussssssss
No wonder Gollum was so upset about Bilbo taking it.
Morning Pan
A bit of a late start this morning.
So this pause in the world has resulted in me having now read two books in 4 days.
Novels really and one was just frothy “beach pulp”. Found them in the place I am staying.
Embarrassing to admit … but while I listen to quite a bit of short fiction, audio …I probably haven’t read a book in two years.
Are the titles worth sharing?
Probably not.
Something called “Seven Up” by Janet Evanovich – story about a hard talking, not so tough woman working as a bail bondsmen in her New Jersey community. Hit pretty much every “Jersey Mob” cliche’ available. More humor than drama.
And “UnNatural Acts” by Stuart Woods.
Not sure what genre to put this one in. Follow multiple characters and their own plots in NYC until they resolve at the end. Financial advisors, computer startup genus, lawyers, cops, cops turned detectives, Sexy FBI agent turned serial killer, sociopathic trust fund kid … and and it seems like everyone is a millionaire except for the billionaire with the drug dealing son at Yale.
Just stuff to read when you don’t want to think too much.
CP: Together — NIN
Speaking of book. . . I saw this on ditto’s FB feed this morning. Very sad 🙁
There are 2 B&N locations here. I am hopeful that one of them survived. I’m certain that both didn’t.
Good news:
That’s cool. We like the show
I double Facebook posted! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Kickstarter for a retro inspired computer RPG:
Proving even astrophysicists can be dumb
Man: ”Bartender Quick give me a drink before the fight”
Man: “quick, another before the fight starts”
Bartender: “ok ok… wait… What fight?”
Man: “The fight between you and me. I can’t afford to pay you for these drinks”
Oh? A crap joke?
Is this really a road you want to go down?
Mangan TV update:
We finished ST: Disco season 2. Excellent. As soon as Spock appeared, it improved drastically.
Still doing 1 ep of Clone Wars per night.
We started Watchmen tonight. First ep was strong. They need to explain Nite Oel’s ship.
I see disappointment in your future on that last point.
They do explain it, but it isn’t important in the scheme of things.
You are in for a great ride Jack.
PS: you probably want to listen to the podcast and check out these:
Don’t read ahead. Read one section per episode.
It won’t mean the show is bad if they never explain why Nite Owl’s ship was there in episode 1. . . . It would just bug me if they dropped in a major vehicle if for no other reason than to say “Look, it’s Watchmen!”
It’s a slightly better explanation than that, though there are other things not explained. I didn’t mind much since the story that was told was fantastic.
TBH, I had a lot of trepidation going into this because of Lindelof connection to Lost. I think the writer’s room kept him on a good path.
Ditto, did you join our Leftovers discussion a few months back?
That show was also Lindelof. It was plenty bonkers, but brilliant.
No, I haven’t. I’ll add it to my list. Thx.
Forgotten concentration camp:
Board games that can be played with two players only:
Wow is that a tiny list. Out of our 286 games (including expansions) there are very few you can’t play with just two players.
CP: Drone — Chastity Belt
Lost in the haze of all the Covid-19 news, there is a good chance that the comet Atlas may be a more dramatic appearance that Hale-Bopp sometime in late April, early May.
Oo! Let’s make an Atlas Doomsday Cult!
Atlas Shrugged?
It’s legal:
Was that statement for me?
Drive-in movies! Maybe we can take the family to see Onward in Espanol.
Other ideas to keep busy:
Re: “Mangan TV” (see above)
Lookathat lookathat.
That ain’t workin’
Very well-written.
Ed, I hope your son had a fun lockdown birthday!
how did you manage the birthday celebration?
Well, he stayed up until 6am, slept until a bit after noon, then played games online with his friends – so, best. birthday. ever.
Since we’re on “home school” without specific class times, we made him a deal that he worked ahead some over the weekend so he could “skip” school for his birthday.
My son was pretty much born to be quarantined 🙂
So watched Thor last night, Chris Hemsworth looks so young.
So watched Thor last night, Chris Hemsworth looks so young.
After the lows of Ironman 2 this was a definite step up in quality.
Hubby has been on Zoom meetings all morning. You’d think he was working or something.
CP: Stuck In The Middle With You — Stealers Wheel
If I could buy that song a drink I would.
Well, looks like I won’t be working this week. If you didn’t see my Facebook post, I’m out of a day job, as of today.
I will not talk shit on Facebook, but since this page is relatively private, I will say: it was always a shit company. I was very unhappy there last year. They’d moved me to a decent team in January, so I was OK with my situation, but even then – – one of my co-workers had called it “moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.” I knew that I would eventually move on from this company, but I’d intended to do it on my own terms. This is crap.
Sorry to hear that Jack. That is crap, indeed.
And a such a crappy time to be looking for something else. So sorry!
Really sorry to hear that, Jack. You probably already have your own ideas, but I’m sure Chuck and Kreg would love to have you at ServiceNow. 🙂
JW: Vivarium
A very strange film, very strange.
Another tragedy:
That sucks.
I suspect the suckage has only just started.
Lara Croft Go is currently free on Android and iOS , well worth picking up:
I am not into my work today.
Well damn.
Some will try to rationalize this as “Well, he was old.” … but he was fine this time last week. He was still contributing in a positive way to the world.
Well not celebrities but close to home, one neighbour is seriously ill in hospital with Covid-19 and her daughter is also ill but still at home.
I do hope for the best for your neighbors, Van.
Terrible losses and terrible suffering. Our hearts are going to continue to be broken in the weeks ahead.
CP: Sanctuary — Annette Ducharme
The Wizard of Speed and Time, 3-minute short film from 1979. I’d never seen this one. Charming! And very 1979.
I was introduced to this back in the late 80s / early 90s when I was an undergraduate. I had a great set of friends with insanely impressive knowledge of random quirky things. There is also a full movie. If memory serves, it is good but not great.
I 100% believe that. A full-length Hardware Wars would have been awful.
It wasn’t like a full length version of a spoof. There were scenes in the movie similar to the short, but there was a descent movie put around it.
Maybe if we had an admin that fucking respected science and legit experts, then we wouldn’t see so many policy and adviosry contradictions and reversals. This ia fairly big one:
Jesus’ll pull us thru!
One more link: this is brilliant:
“Yeah….. next time, just yell duck.”
JW: Bloodshot
One of those ok films
Watched the first episode of ‘Tales from the Loop’
On Amazon Prime.
Not too bad, don’t think we are are going to much answers with this tv series, but thoughtful sci-fi is a rare beast so I will watch more episodes.
Yesterday, hubby had the fun job of telling a few people they were being laid off.
Fun times.
The company I work for is asking for a government bailout so maybe in that situation very soon if that doesn’t happen.
Hubby had the opposite. Because he works in education, the government is cutting funding on all staff that aren’t a direct part of the new on line learning program. That means secretaries, ESL, Librarians, etc.
When an old, old game gets a remake for a switch:
..and it.’a goodbye to Bill Withers:
Very sad news. 🙁
ICYMI: the video I posted yesterday is just brilliant.
“Yeah….. next time, just yell duck.”
I hope Jack already knows about this one.
Wh. . . .
Kitty and I are sharing a cookie
CP: Sweet Rhode Island Red — Ike & Tina Turner
JW: Captain America: The First Avenger
Stil love it.
The first season of Clone Wars has been enjoyable so far. Well, except for Bombad Jedi. That was every bit as horrible as I expected.
We’re not quite finished with the season, but yeah, there are a few Gungan appearances. Every moment they’re onscreen is terrible. And TBH, the battle-droids are almost as painful with their “comic relief.”
Those 2 complaints aside, there are many wonderful Star Wars moments. I’m also digging it.
After this is all over, I don’t think shit like this will be forgotten:
Oh, it will get swept under the rug, just like the rest of the atrocities against children, LGBTQ citizens, the media, science. . . .
We’re too goddamn complacent and pacified.
That includes me, btw.
Before you put on that mask:
Happy birthday to Amy, the Deadpan Ambassador!
Happy birthday Amy!
And Happy Birthday to LoPan’s better half!
Happy Birthday, Amy!
Any! hope you had a happy Birthday!
Were we suppose to be RPGing today?
We were?
Well you said the weekend!
Well you said the weekend!
Not sure about Jack’s plans, but I’m still futzing with Roll20. I’m planning on having Discord and Roll20 up to do an Episode Zero were we can get all the kinks worked out. I’ll post something to the Game page on Facebook. I should be online at 8pm Arizona time. 3:00AM UTC.
CW: The Spaceman and King Arthur on Disney +
The last time I saw this film was in the 70s.
It’s not called that on Disney+ though, it known by the silly US name which I cannot Bring myself to state.
The actress who plays Sandi also played Messalina in I, Claudius.
King Arthur is played by Kenneth More, an actress who my Dad knew claimed he was a bit too hands on with young women actors.
And here I’d thought you were talking about “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.”
I’m not familiar with “Unidentified Flying Oddball” (ugh, you’re right about that title), which is surprising, because we watched “World of Disney” on ABC every Sunday night without fail, back in the late 70s/early 80s.
Those were good times!
So many of the actors are dead now, yet this film looks like it was shot yesterday.
I love that King Arthur is old in this and rather jaded.
Jim Dale makes a good cartoonish villiain in this. I prefer his voice to Stephen Fry for the Harry Potter audio books,
Lots of 70S sexism on display.
Merlin is evil and played By Ron Moody of Fagan fame and also the from the Indy rip off tv series with the actor who played Decker in ST:TMP
Bring ‘Em Back Alive, wasn’t it?
This was the Indy rip-off show I was thinking of:
This one had Bruce Boxleitner. I recall watching them both.
Anachronistic Churchill quote
Oh bloody hell, the big guy who Indy kills in the first three films is
Merlin’s oaf.
If Sandi was modern day Lady she probably still wouldn’t understand US football,
Another anachronistic Churchill quote
My eyes are rolling hard.
This medieval battle is very U rated.
Electromagnets save the day.
It’s a little bit sad that I know the model of the Polaroid camera used by the astronaut.
Well that was fun.
Huzzah for a Vanamonde Play by Play
Hubby decided he was doing the grocery shopping this morning. It will be interesting to see what he comes home with, despite the list I gave him
Nothing I can’t work around. Although I’m pretty sure I didn’t put Wine Gums on the shopping list
In Asimov’s Foundation series:
I try to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever click articles from The National Review. I’m not anti-Conservative – – not by a long shot, but they *almost* make foxnews look fair and balanced.
No offense, Van. I know you were just posting an interesting take on “Foundations.”
Yeah I had no idea they were that bad, found the link on Twitter.
There’s a game in development on Steam called ‘Sex with Stalin’.
I’ve got nothing…
So apparently, if you tell Alexa to “Play Dungeon Adventure,” it runs a RPG-type game.
I don’t know the mechanics or if it’s any good, because after setting up the scenario, when Alexa said, “Do you want to save the village?” elder daughter said, “No.”
Villain origin story right there 🙂
You can also play Starfinder on an Echo.
We just finished a round of D & D with friends.
Dark Horse have made a bunch of digital comics available for free:
These titles are apparently also free through ComiXology too.
Hubby went in to work for a few hours this morning.
The Oregon exploded whale:
The USA’s lost state:
I’ll check my couch cushions.
TL;DR: The South has always been a little screwy.
CP: Magnolia — Alberta Cross
She was the first kick ass woman on British TV, or at least the first to go mainstream.
Last nights movie was “Shazam”.
It was fun.
I would say more but I don’t want to spoil.
Good fun, for sure. I was kinda shocked at how terrifying some of the bad guys were for a PG (PG-13?) movie.
Gorgeous cover of my favorite George Michael song from the singer for Shumaun.
Reposted from Facebook.
So Halo: The Master Chief Collection was on sale on Steam so I bought it.
So far only the first game and Reach have been released (other games in the series coming out later).
But man, that first game is still a class act, looking forward to playing through it all over again.
I could never get into the Halo games, although hubby has played a few of them
HALO never really hooked me the way Half-Life did. I’m sure part of the reason was I was playing HALO on consoles and the mouse/keyboard combination is superior on the PC for first-person shooters.
I actually prefer the Xbox controller for playing FPS on a PC and will be playing Halo that way.
Much as I love the Half Life games, throwing grenades was always a pain in the ass compared to Halo.
If it’s hurting your ass … you may not be doing it correctly.
Morning Pan
I have a question for work. It may seem silly but, who is your favourite Hollywood Chris (or Kris)?
It can be male or female, living or dead. I have a list of some of them if you want, but I don’t want to limit your choices.
Does “Kristy” count? If so, Kristy McNichol. If not, then it would be Kris Kristofferson.
Yes Kris(ty) counts. We have a Kris(ten) Bell already.
Christopher Lloyd and Christopher Lee are my favorite answers so far. It’s also hard to hate on Christopher Walken or Kris Kristofferson.
Does Krispy Kreme count?
CP: Suffer — Bad Religion
I’ve come here to complain. But I won’t.
Well where is the fun in that?
Crap joke for the day:
A blonde teenager, wanting to earn some extra money for the summer, decided to hire herself out as a “handy-woman”
She started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house, and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do.
“Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint my porch,” he said, “How much will you charge me?”
Delighted, the girl quickly responded, “How about $50?”
The man agreed and told her that the paint brushes and everything she would need was in the garage.
The man’s wife, hearing the conversation said to her husband, “Does she realize that our porch goes ALL the way around the house?”
He responded, “That’s a bit cynical, isn’t it?”
The wife replied, “You’re right. I guess I’m starting to believe all those dumb blonde jokes we’ve been getting by email lately.”
Later that day, the blonde teenager came to the door to collect her money.
“You’re finished already?” the startled husband asked.
“Yes, she replied, and I even had paint left over, so I gave it two coats.”
Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the $50.00 and handed it to her along with a $10.00 tip.
“And, by the way,” the teenager added, “it’s not a Porch, it’s a Lexus.”
Okay, that wasn’t a good crap joke because it actually made me chuckle.
Morning Pan
Back to spreadsheets.
The times are crazy.
Hubby isn’t feeling right, (not covid-19, more like he’s getting old), so he called to make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor will call him today and do a telephone consultation and then determine if hubby should come in. That’s never happen before.
On a hubby is silly note, when he left for work today, he kissed me on the cheek instead of a normal kiss. I told him he was silly because what he has I can’t get. He just shrugged.
Let me know if your hubby’s doctor gives him the cure for getting old.
Also if he discovers a reason your hubby gets old but you don’t.
As posted on Facebook:
I have fond memories of the Palooza. Not so much the movie.
I rewatched it in the last 12 months and found I had a better appreciation for it’s “all over the place, gonzo appocolypse-ness”
So John KrasinskIe has a Covid you tube show called “Some Good News”.
It’s fun. If you haven’t seen it, watch this one.
If you have seen it, watch this one anyway.
CW: The Avengers
The Bluetooth headsets that Fury and some members of Shield wear really date this film.
Well, on one hand, there are Bluetooth headsets in Avengers, on the other, there is Elroy holding a 5 1/2″ floppy disk in the Jetsons.
And I love Galaga. . . . but that felt like a dated reference in 2010.
Still. Pretty flawless superhero movie.
My favorite futuristic movie anachronism:
COBOL, the language for computer systems that refuse to die:
Mornign Pna
Loosk liek thers’e a logn weekedn comign pu.
Fnu Timse
CP: Anthem — Rush
Nothing says things are getting bad when the local hospitals run out of storage space for the people who have died:
Ko, I thikn is’t tiem ot plya.
I see Stra Wasr Jeid ni ym futuer
Is Yoda typing for you today?
The best way to be Rick Rolled.
… and,
Just received an automated, robotic message from the high school that said in essence, “Congratulations, your student has met the requirements for graduation. So long.”
12 years of working hard to get all A’s and top marks in AP courses and it ends in a robo call.
Nobody likes those “hours long” graduation ceremonies … so why does this feel so heart breaking? 🙁
Cultural differences, didn’t do graduation ceremonies when I was at school. It was goodbye and you’ll get your exam results in the post.
Yeah, the cap and gown is a big deal over here, even just for graduating high school.
Sorry for you and yours, Joe. 🙁
That sucks Joe. My own teen is disappointed that she can wear the dress she bought specifically for prom this year. Although I am hopeful that her high school graduation ceremony will happen next year. Teens have had it pretty rough. 🙁
Getting the new Spock to unbox an old bit of ST merchandising:
Much as I loved Sonequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh, Ethan Peck is my favorite thing about Star Trek: Disco.
RIP Mort Drucker of MAD Magazine. :'(
CP: Run So Fast — Birds Fly South
Actually, the artist is Echo Slightly, the album is Birds Fly South.
Apple TV is joining the “Free while we’re shut-in” advertising band wagon.
Any recommendations on what to watch?
I enjoyed Dickinson, The Servant and For All Mankind.
Was nice to see ED portrayed as a young person although don’t expect historical accuracy.
The Servant was really creepy, a slow build up to the conclusion.
I’m a sucker for an alternative history space program and For All Mankind was great. Seeing how the different timeline plays out, the women getting into the space program and NASA having a moonbase..all good.
Oh and Amazing Stories is very twilight zoneish..well if TZ has a big budget.
But the stories have not been as good as the best TZ stories.
Pretty much lines up with what I remember of previous incarnations of AS.
I’ve only watched Snoopy in Space on Apple TV.
…. Probably not the recommendation you were looking for.
CP: Ants — Starcrawler
Your daily dose of cuteness:
In my youth I was fascinated by Nazi tech (Had a poster of an Me262 on my wall), the horrors they perpetrated I found out much later:
Along these lines – – It’s bizarre that the late Lemmy Kilmeister (of Motorhead and giant face moles) used to love to wear Nazi SS uniforms. When people would say “WTF!?” he’d reply, “I know the Nazis were terrible. They’re the just the sharpest. If the Israeli army had the sharpest uniforms, I’d wear theirs.” I never understood why he got a pass about that, but he absolutely did.
It’s just weird. Not many people could get away with such insensitivity, yet still be so widely loved and revered. I guess people just went, “Ahhh, that’s just Lemmy.”
JW: Ironman 3.
Now that was good.
We finished Watchmen S1. Just excellent. Damon Lindelof is a damn genius.
Great cast helped.
I was extremely skeptical before watching it, but I was won over. Those last 3 episodes were awesome.
Agreed on all counts.
I have a rule: a sequel truly succeeds when it gets you to look at the original in a new light. Lindelof has indicated that he probably won’t make a second season. Honestly, I’m fine with that. This show is pretty much perfect.
I do have an exciting new unpaid writing gig. I’ll announce more details this upcoming week.
It’s only tangentially related to Am I Evil? – – which is also gonna be mad busy for me this week.
Happy Yuri Day to you all.
Watch Lilo and Stitch yesterday after a blow up on Twitter about someone hating the film.
Enjoyed it.
You got into a Twitter blow up over LILO and Stitch? Or you observed one?
Happy Eostre!
Observed one.
Trivia: Tia Carrere, Wayne’s gorgeous love interest from the Wayne’s World movies voices Lilo’s older sister.
David Ogden Stiers of MASH fame voices one of the aliens.
Btw, we watched The Dark Knight Rises this evening, completing the Christian Bale Batman’s. A much better movie than I’d remembered.
Tom Hardy and the film really make Bane into a great villain. And that Marion Cotillard is nice to look at.
Agreed. But her death scene is still probably some of the worst acting in cinema
Discovered a new podcast about the history of computing and failures, episode 27 covers the Vectrex console:
I mean new to me, obviously if it got to episode 27 it’s not a new podcast as such.
Vectrex was obviously kind of a poor little system, but everyone who ever played it (including me) recalls it very fondly.
Morning Pan
Watched the new Cats. Live last night. It was interesting. It wasn’t bad, but it was definitely … off. I don’t think it was (just) the CGI. I actually thought the ears were quite cute. The added music as ok. The Added McCavity storyline was, ok. But combined, it didn’t work in some … intangible way.
I still have this version on DVD, which I quite enjoy so I may have to watch it again to see if I can figure out what made the new one wrong.
So not the butthole edit?
No that was the Psycho remake starring Anne Heshe
Speaking of anthropomorphized fuzzy creatures, it was a low-key but happy visit from the Easter Bunny. We – – I mean he – – had to hide more eggs after the first egg hunt was done.
When they want more… it is always a success 🙂
JW: Howl’s Moving Castle
Sometimes you just want a happy ending.
I started reading. I’d really like to get back to it and finish it.
Van is right. Outward is goddamn wonderful. It’s low ratings confounds me
The trailers were terrible, but it’s Pixar. I’ll still give it a chance.
Inside Out looked awful, and that movie was fantastic.
Not sure what movie Lo Pan is talking about, but “Onward” was pretty good.
There’s no accounting for goddamn autocorrect is there
None, none accounting.
I stumbled across “Love, Death and Robots” on Netflix. A bunch of animated shorts.
I like it. Some stories more than others but over all I like it.
We liked the show too. We’re hoping for a second season.
If you’re looking for a NetFlix show to binge, we also liked Better Than Us when it came out. It wasn’t what you’d expect from a Russian show
I’ll have to give it a look.
I am also finally watching the 2nd season of Altered Carbon. Pretty much more of the same the first season gave us. Which is ok by me because I liked the first season.
Also, continuing to work my way through “The Expanse”.
The Expanse = great TV.
I liked a bunch of the Love, Death, and Robots episodes quite a bit. My main complaint was that it got very juvenile. As in, teenagers ramping up the animated boobies, cursing, and gore to ridiculous levels.
I finally watched Bohemian Rhapsody over the weekend, and I quite enjoyed it.
Had to go to the bank today. That was a surreal experience
Everyone inside the bank terrified of the one person *without* a mask?
The bank was actually hella busy. It’s the line up outside and the way physical distancing was done.
I mentioned to the guy behind me that it was surreal, his reply “at least there are no zombies”
I laughed
Nothing attracts zombies, like making the statement “At least there are no Zombies.”
CP: Sleepy Head — the pillows
Free D&D stuff from Wizards of the Coast. Hmmmmm
She’s late to the party. Wizards started releasing stuff closer to the beginning of the month
Not live. Here is the preview page. I’ll announce on larger social media tomorrow.
Thank you!!!!!!
!!!!! !!!!!
Pandemic life:
Last night I spent three hours guiding Wander around the world of Shadow of the Colossus praying at every shrine just so I could earn a trophy for completing that.
Right now I’m going to spend hours killing people that I think shouldn’t really be killed because, I feel, my character is in the wrong, even if he’s suppose to be the good guy
CP: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
I just wanted to remind you all that I have total authority.
Like, totally.
Or, in the words of Cartman, “You will respect my authoritah!”
CP: The Next Big Thing — Jesus Jones
JW: From Up On Poppy Hill
A Studio Ghibli film I had not seen before. No genre elements but the story was slight but charming.
Reconnected with some old friends tonight on Zoom and BoardGameArena. Lots of fun and some good old memories.
Taking about games and a shout out to Rhettto, any progress on doing a Star Wars RPG session with the deadpan gang?
It’s basically setup, we just need to establish a time. I believe Amy had some specific requirements on that front.
Work day is done!
I’m afraid of how much has piled up and what I will need to do once I can actually get physical paperwork from my boss
It can stop snowing any time now
The author has Alliette de Bodard had released a mini collection of stories set in the Xuya universe for free:
We’re live. We’re live!
Thanks everyone who has already contributed and helped to spread the word. I am gonna cut this thread short to do a main post on my main page here.
Started the new page here:
I found this doctor’s approach and opinions to be align with my thoughts on alot of things “covid-related” these days.
Let the next wave of anxiety hit us all like a tsunami, over the next couple of weeks.