So the day is drawing closer. The Spherical Tomi chapbook is at the printer. The e-book and the podiobook will still be available — but you’ll soon also have access to the dead-tree-and-ink version!
I don’t have a release date yet, but we’re closing in fast. Stay tuned for more info as it develops…. Best guesstimate: first week of June.
That real cool, Jack, but Im afraid Ive already downloaded the Chapbook from BitTorrent. It looks real nice and…
Er, I mean I flew to Britain and obtained a copy.
Hey Jack, if I email you back my copy of Spherical Tomi would you sign it?
Hey, it’s me Ally! 😀 Personally I like the feel of the dead trees beneath my finger tips and the smell of a good new book. Eventhough I already have an internet copy I’ll still be looking for your book in my neck of the woods. I’ve also been working on designs all this week and I will be next week too. 😉
I have a confession….I havent finished ST. I keep starting but then life gets in the way. One of these days I will finish the book.
I also have a confession. The fifth element is love.
There I said it! Live with it.
Also Spock dies.
Oh THATS the fifth element!! After watching that movie hundreds of times I never made that connection.
Well the 6th element is cheese or dead people right?
Right, Jason, right. And the 7th element is something about Demi Moore and a demon baby.
I can’t wait to see the Spherical chapbook! Cod came out so beautiful, I don’t think you’ll be dissapointed. How’s the sequel coming?
So Jack, how do we go about getting a signed copy? If we send you a S.A.S.E. will you mail us a signature plate/sticker? Or do you want us all to drive down to the Draco Vista Studios for the Pool Party and you can sign them there?
Dear Mr. Mangrum,
I didert no how to reed so jimmee from denfer sed he wood hepl me. he toled me to put my peepee in the wall outlet. it hurt very bad and i still kant read, but at leest i can rap mo better. spherical tomi is my favoitest book and brekfust cereal.
Thanks everyone!!
JR — Thanks for the interest, man. I’m flattered and humbled.
If you really want a signed copy, I know that I’m going to get a stack to sign for one of the distributors. I’ll post all of the necessary info when the book is released.
Spock dies??? I hope they can still search for him.