Having skimmed through the text of this, I would say there is a lot of “woo” and vague language here.
Chapter 8: Be leery of red suits dropped off by UFOs in the middle of the desert – by William Katt
GAH for the win!
CP: Latchkey Kids — Silversun Pickups
I know June is normally our rainiest month, but did it all have to be put in to this one day?
It *is* its last chance to be part of the tally.
Debbie Harry is 75 today.
Feeling old yet punk??
The song has been updated to “Hip of Glass.”
I’m getting reports of strange events going on around here. . .
I got a security alert from my Chrome browser and when I logged into the page there was a website asking for log-in information and stating that this website was the future home of something “cool”. Seemed like a hacker was trying to set up a fishing scam. Anyway, a few moments later, no issues at all. My only guess is there was an issue at my end or the web hosting site automatically squashed the intruder. *shrug*
Although Chrome is reporting this site as “not secure”.
Ah, Tony clarified this is to be expected. Nothing to see here, move along.
Call me an old Fuddy Duddy, but ai’m sticking to using the standard controller:
As I said on FB, I’ve never played animal crossing before but now, may have to check it out 😉
I wonder if it would be the same feeling using a mouse and keyboard…
I wouldn’t recommend inserting the mouse and keyboard. That sounds uncomfortable.
Speaking of which …(?)
Last night we watched “Escape from LA”
Amazing how much of it was the SAME exact movie as Escape from NY.
Except they tried throwing more money at it.
They needn’t have bothered.
I don’t want to know how you connected Escape From LA to Van’s Animal Crossing post.
There are many, many, many dumb parts of that train wreck of a movie. Most people cite the awful surfing scene, but I think the basketball trial is the worst.
No context, no explanation; he just magically hits these impossible shots because the plot requires it.
The most cynical part of me thinks that some film executive noticed that the NBA was trendy in the 90s, so they insisted on this garbage.
EFLA is such a cash grab. None of the charm from the original.
Ewoks Foil Last Attack?
Ernest Fries Los Alamos?
I’d totally watch “Ernest Fries Los Alamos” 🙂
I’d never seen Community. The first 2 episodes were funny. That is all.
That is one of those shows that grows into itself. As it went along it seemed to become one of those “we are going to do what we find funny and if you want to come along for the ride, that’s up to you.”
And personally, I thought it worked.
Morning Pan
I actually have work to do today. What’s that about?
Neuromancer reread. I can’t even remember how long it’s been since the last reread. . .
I’m interested in how they pull this off. Could be good, could be really bad.
This has potential
“ It’ll only feel like Fallout if it crashes halfway through every scene and loses all your progress”
So, “Groundhog Day: The Series” then?
At what point is it ok to unfriend your own mother on FaceBook?
Asking for a friend.
I think if it will improve your stress level hrm right now is the perfect time.
If you don’t want to block, unfollow or setting your post settings so she won’t see your posts.
Her seeing my posts isn’t the problem.
I talked to hubby last night and he agreed with Jack, So I took the plunge this morning and unfriended her. Let’s see how long it takes her to figure out I’ve done that.
I just don’t have time for her racist BS.
I think you did the right thing.
Family stuff is the hardest.
I suppose Snooze is also an option for these situations. You remain friends, you just don’t see their posts for 30 days.
Yeah. That doesn’t stop her PM’ing me her latest conspiracy links
I had a friend call me yesterday because they just needed a few minutes of sanity.
Their mother had died a few hours earlier of COVID-19. A few other ladies in the mom’s church circle are sick with it now.
Oh Jack. *hugs*
That’s hard. I’m afraid we’ll be dealing with more and more stories like this in the coming days.
In happier news, we finished season 3 of Mrs Maisel. Very good – – probably the best season yet.
I’m not sure which show is up next for us. Hearing good things about Dark and also Things We Do in the Shadows.
Hubby and I decided to add an extra half click to our walk and picked up lunch at Subway to take home. We haven’t done that in months.
I actually feel a little guilty as, since is was a spur of the moment decision, we didn’t have masks on us.
This is the kind of thing I think a sane society can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about.
You should feel ashamed, though, because there are undoubtedly better sandwich places nearby.
I have finally seen Hamilton.
Today I learnt Hamilton got shot by Burr.
I also learnt I know more about WW2 than the War of Independence.
I blame all that fancy German tech.
I believe there’s a 200-year statute on spoilers, so we’ll let this one slide, Van.
Just skip this post and keep scrolling if you’ve already met your daily quotient of COVID-19 dread. Pasted from a local friend:
After a “brief” visit to a Banner ER last night, I have a diagnosis: early stage Covid-19. My symptoms are bad, bad enough to go to the ER, but not bad enough to be admitted. The magic symptoms for admission are a steady fever of 100+ and or oxygen levels below 92.
My fever has never gone above 100 and isn’t steady. My oxygen levels vary between 96-99. I have tightness in my chest and lungs that daily asthma meds don’t touch. It feels like I’m wearing close fitting chain mail….tight and heavy but able to still take nearly full breaths. When coughing, which is most of the time, it’s unproductive and painful. My ribs hurt. I have sharp stabbing pains happening from mid to lower ribs / back. My throat is nearly raw from coughing and have almost lost my voice.
Here’s the thing…..I know I’m in at risk group (before this diagnosis) . I’ve been home quarantining since early March. I wear masks anytime I have to go anywhere. About a month ago, just before AZ started spiking again, [husband] and I went out. We were having a little bit of stir craziness and had a list of places we wanted to go. We wore masks the entire time. We touched only those things we were interested in buying. We washed our hands and masks immediately when we got home. We haven’t been out since. That being said……masks do help! As bad as I feel right now, I am positive that I would be worse if I hadn’t been wearing one. I know that the flu like symptoms (husband) had would be this awful if they had not been wearing one. Now We are home quarantining again, this time with even stricter standards, until all of my symptoms are gone plus 4 days. Because of my diagnosis that may be a couple weeks or months. I may get better. I may stay the same same. I may get worse. The doctor doesn’t know. This is scary.
Be safe.
I love you.
Wear your fucking masks!
Sometimes it helps to put it in a personal way to people.
I did the math and was sharing this with some “It’s just a bad flu” folks-
Based on our state’s 14 day, new case average and the states overall morbidity rate AND assuming something magical happens and things don’t get worse…
By the end of August, 1080 of your friends and family who are perfectly fine at this very moment … will be dead. They will not live to see Christmas.
This doesn’t factor in what will happen when we run out of ICU beds.
Wear your damn masks.
What? There’s a new Doctor Aphra comic series????
I saw something about “Doctor Aphra” casting news, but it was just for the audiobook. Still cool, but it got my hopes up for a live action series or special.
Just got a message from my sister.
The husband of a long time friend of hers died from Covid yesterday.
He was 50-60 years of age and in good physical shape.
Started showing symptoms about a week ago.
His test came back positive today. The day after he died.
:'( This shit is going to get more and more real and continue to hit closer and closer to home.
Yes, it’s a zombie flick, but wow – – infuriating and impressive, and it doesn’t go for cheap grossout effects. I can’t say anything more without giving spoilers.
It was a pleasant surprise when it was shown at film night at the cinema bar last year.
I too was caught by surprise with that film.
I had lowered my expectations because it was a zombie flick but also (I’m ashamed to admit) because who knows anything about the S. Korean film industry.
I also won’t spoiler but would add that it is just good, solid film making.
My daughter simultaniously loved and hated it.
Morning Pan
I think I exist this morning.
Therefore you might.
Hearing another Covid close to my family.
Our county finally past a mask ordinance yesterday and for that I applaud them … but for many, I fear it is several weeks too late.
Back in late March I read an article that quoted one researcher as saying, “It’s not a mater of “if” you will get it but “when”. And that your goal is to do everything you can to put it off long enough for the government to stockpile supplies(he never dreamed our gov would abandon us) and for the Hospitals/science to figure out how to effectively treat you.
History will not look kindly on us. It’s not even a lack of compassion – – it’s actually an anti-compassionate culture that’s been fostered. . .
Good news: George Miller is making another film in the Mad Max setting, featuring its best character.
Bad news: No Charlize Theron.
Well, I can’t really argue that it would be tough to de-age her for a prequel. Though it might be nice to do a sequel first with Theron, then a prequel with a younger actress.
This seems like a whole lot of musing out loud – – but I’m all in for more Tron.
I like the fact that they have a script they really like. I’m a little puzzled why they are hyping to get Daft Punk on board, I mean I like Daft Punk, but the article spends a great deal of time on them. Also, with Legacy being so lackluster, I’m not sure why they are trying to get the old director back as well. As a Disney property, I’d like to see them get Waititi, Favreau, or the Russo’s involved.
Morning Pan
Facebook changed their look. It’s freaking me out.
I’ve heard the grumbling about it, but I think they’re rolling it out in phases. I haven’t been hit yet.
Facebook presents an interesting challenge for me this summer. I’m going to need Facebook to promote Am I Evil? – – and I like keeping up with friends and playing on a few pages I’m connected to – – but the rest of it is just a toxic tar pit. I need to just get in and get out and avoid the scroll.
It’s fine. It still seems to act the same, just a different look… too bad they can’t change their toxicity at the same time.
Oh. The spinning square. Yeah, that’s already gotten old.
I haven’t done a PbP in a while. I don’t have time this week, but I think I’ll do one next week.
I finally watched S2E1 of Legion last night. I recall really enjoying the rampant quirkiness and creativity of S1. This first episode of S2 felt like it was just doubling down on the weirdness, and trying to artificially inject some fun. The “Beat It” style dance battle nearly lost me.
It gets better.
Yes! We quite liked Legion.
We watched the Eurovision movie on Netflix. It took us a bit to realize the main rival is the lead from Legion.
Only watched the first few episodes of S3, so much other stuff to watch.
But not much better. Too bad you stopped
CW: Terminator: Dark Fate
In 4K!! Which is overkill for my 40inch 4Ktv hard to tell the difference between this and a film in standard HD.
Still bloody great film and pity it was a bit of a damp squib at the box office.
Never saw this one.
Where does it fall in the “sequel” order?
It’s the latest one, released last year.
But it basically ignores all the films after T2
Stairway to Gilligan’s Island – by Puddles the Clown.
I did something I rarely do. . . I told someone that their “live in fear…. tinfoil hats… economy…” Ted Nugent quote was irresponsible and stupid, then unfriended them.
Only 1 of their loony friends came at me with a “fake numbers… you wanna put your head in the sand” response, but the unfriendee liked that response.
Really, 99 times out of 1000, I unfriend and move on. The original post just caught me in a moment. Obviously, I’m not going to respond any further.
Their poor mental health is contagious.
I mean that with all sincerity.
If you spend much time in their “shallow end” of the pool it won’t be long before you have a nagging unhappiness.
Getting clear, is necessary for survival.
Just make sure you’re getting clear and not “going clear”. That could also be bad.
I will remain Everclear and avoid ze Wango ze Tango.
Cleaned two washrooms, backed up my computer, have my first of two loads of laundry in the wash, and went for a 5k walk. All in all, a good morning.
In happier news – – Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Desert Pixie! I love you, I love our family, I love our home!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary:
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Babbies,
got you on our
Happy Anniversary!
It was a lovely day and evening, capped off with homemade chocolate layered cake and vanilla ice cream then late night gaming – Dominion was on tap tonight.
I love you.
I love Deadpan
I love Jack Mangan and his Deadpan
Today I made toad in the hole for the first time using way out of date flour.
Turned out ok.
Follow Van for more recipes!
Consider me confused.
I went to the liquor store and 7-11.
There were three or four people at the liquor store, everybody, including myself, had a mask on.
There were eight or nine people at 7-11. With the exception of myself and the staff, nobody was wearing a mask. Also, there was a line up of three or four people waiting to use the washroom. Is there something about 7-11 I’m missing?
You forgot to carry the “1”.
(wait…I thought this was an algebra problem)
The 1 should be able to carry itself.
Hubby’s watching an esport. The commentator said, “she pounced on the opportunity like a shark”
I think that’s going to be my new saying from now on
We watched some virtual Tour de France coverage last night. All the competing cyclists were women on stationary bikes at home.
-Scientist in Singapore have developed a small, pocket portable, solar generator that produces power when a shadow is cast across it. It is the differential between the light and dark that generate the current. It allows power production in much lower lighting situations. Enough to power a small electronic device.
-A certain type of sea worm, when threatened, exudes a blue bioluminescent goo. Lots of things bioluminesce but that takes energy and this stuff is outside the worm so it doesn’t get “power” from the creature and it can continue to flow from 16 to 72 hours. It seems the goo emits ions that cause a blue glow. That glow causes the goo to release even more ions. So it produces more light and the cycle repeats.
In the food chain of the ocean depths this is a devious defense. If you mess with the worm you are tagged with this glowing goo which leaves you attracting preditors to yourself for hours.
– Excavations and airborn LIDAR have uncovered the oldest and largest known Mayan structure ever built, at a previously unknown site in Mexico. Built somewhere around 1000 BC. Lots of other stuff about that culture has been genes from this site.
The 2-year-old has a temp today. This kind of thing just happens with 2-year-olds – – and 2-year-olds are generally not being affected by the big evil thing in the same ways – – but I can’t help being terrified.
This is not the kind of conversation I intend to open up to the FB world. Just had to type it somewhere.
/hugs Jack and fingers crossed it is just what happens to a 2 year old.
Thank you very much, sir.
Raising a kid is tough. It’s one worry after another. Hopefully yours is just a normal kid thing.
Bloody hell Ed was right about that episode of The Galley covering the tech used in The Mandalorian.
If anything, I was probably too restrained about it 🙂
Though, not nearly as restrained as Favreau and company talking out it.
JW: Palm Springs
It’s on Hulu
It’s a romcom that uses the Time loop trope.
It’s fun, go and watch it.
You lost me at romcom
Well Groundhog Day was also
A rom com:
You lost me at Hulu.
I just had a great interview recording with Ben and Keith for the TGGEEKS podcast. They’re really a lot of fun.
I’me still moving through Legion, stopped most of the way through episode 3.
So far, I’m not watching it full episode by full episode, just stopping when I feel the need, like putting a bookmark in a book.
Some good stuff. I still can’t help but feel like some of the things in the show are weird only for the sake of being weird. Like the android girls with the mustaches and the autotuned voices (maybe they’ll get a better explanation later).
I don’t recall them ever getting an explanation. That whole show was definitely a trippy ride. I probably appreciated it more following some of the “making of” type bits that they put out for each episode.
Man, that reminds me – he was supposed to be putting out a fourth season of Fargo. I need to go see if that ever actually came out.
So…. tonight was our first movie night in awhile. Part 5 in the chronological Star Wars rewatch. Solo. I hadn’t seen it since the theater. Kinda telling that I was struggling to find my enthusiasm.
Anyway. The first half of the movie is just terrible. Much worse than I remembered. The 2nd half redeems it, though. Mostly. The movie still serves no real purpose. It’s fine.
Rogue One next!
Happy birthday, Ryah!
What the man said.
Way late Birthday wishes.
Hope it was swell!
JW: Greyhound
Can’t argue about the film being entirely plot driven but I enjoyed it.
The posh English voices you never got to see were annoying though.
Dammit, COVID – well, at least I haven’t missed Fargo season 4 yet:
“The upcoming fourth season is set in 1950 in Kansas City, Missouri, and features a cast led by Chris Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Jessie Buckley, Ben Whishaw, and Timothy Olyphant. The season was scheduled to premiere on April 19, 2020, but it was delayed indefinitely after production was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Bicentennial Man is probably the worst film of Robin Williams’ career. I could never watch this dreck again.
I think it has a kooky charm. It’s overproduced, cutesy, and predictable, but stylistically consistent throughout. A film that does it better is “Mom and Dad Save the World.”
Neat article about the great Princess Bride swordfight.
The book that Cary Elwes put together chronicling the making of The Princess Bride went into pretty extensive detail about how much he and Mandy Patinkin prepared for that fight.
Along with a lot of other great history – “As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride” is definitely worth checking out.
Watched the first 15 minutes of the Rankin-Bass Hobbit. I’m not sure if I should be concerned that the 2-year-old is insisting that Smaug is a nice dragon.
I realize that the end of the movie would be especially tragic for her, if we watched it today.
What a killjoy that Bard was.
My latest tattoo is of Smaug from the Rankin & Bass Hobbit.
The Rankin-Bass Hobbit got many, many, many details exactly right. Including Smaug. He looked and sounded great.
Have you posted pics of this tattoo, TRA?
Just shared a video of it (wraps around the elbow) to the Fans of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Facebook page. Not aware of another good way to share it here.
Deleting emails from 2012 about my first deadpan meet-up.
That is a large number of women.
It seems like a celebrity/groupie situation – – except in this case, the celebrity led each of the groupies to believe there was something like a relationship there. Shitty behavior. . . no doubt, no defense.
The article covers the whole f-ed up situation with clarity.
A little PSA:
According to chemistry, alcohol is a solution.
Just stumbled across this from a few days ago. Seems to have been announced in a very low key fashion.
The World Health Organization has expanded its coronavirus guidance to include the possibility in certain circumstances of airborne transmission, in which the virus could be spread through tiny droplets that linger in the air among people in crowded, indoor settings for prolonged periods of time.
Sure sounds like they are describing (amount other places) a school setting.
I actually knew him best from his Tabletop appearance(s?). Super smart, witty, and likable. The universe is throwing some shitty dice these days.
We rematches Dragonheart last night. While it was ok, it did not hold up as well as our memory of it had hoped
sigh rematches = rewatched.
Somethings are best left in memory
I avoided this one back in the day, but was considering it now for a movie with an actual *nice* dragon.
So listening to a podcast about the development of the 8080 and Z80 processor chips and how the Z80 (or clones of it) are still used in embedded controllers to this day.
Pretty cool for a CPU developed in the 70s.
I finally got around to watching Ghost Rider last night. I remember it getting a lot of bad reviews. It had some wonky special effects here and there, but I don’t get the bad reviews. It was a good popcorn superhero movie.
If I’d been a Ghost Rider fan as a kid, I might have checked this one out.
There are also times when I trust Nick Cage, and times when I don’t. . .
Just now realising that Truman’s friend is played by the actor who played Stan in The Americans. Also the slobby cop in Brooklyn 99 is one of Shows audience being interviewed.
As a fellow hater of raw tomatoes I approve of this article:
Speaking of tomatoes, there is a world of difference between the store bought ones and garden ripened on the vine variety. The breeding effort to make tomatoes easy to transport has resulted in them tasting like card board.
I’m not buying it, people say that about strawberries and I still find them yuk when picked.
I wouldn’t say “hate” – – but I never eat raw tomatoes, not even on burgers. I do enjoy tomato sauce, ketchup, and I’m a big fan of sundried tomatoes.
Finished the Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin. Only 3 books, but it took me a long time to get through, mainly due to library digital availability (TEB explained it, but I think she’s just in on the big conspiracy).
So, I get why people rave. . . She is a genius. The world is brilliant, the characterization is brilliant. I didn’t love the 3rd book, but I liked it; it had some great moments.
I do recommend this series. The 2nd book was the best in the trilogy.
I haven’t seen any of the Fletch movies in 20 years. Do they seem dated now? Hard to imagine anyone else besides Chevy Chase as Fletch.
My memory of it even after the first viewing was that the film itself was nothing more than a vehicle for Chevy to be Chevy.
I liked it but can’t imaging how it would be of any value played by someone else.
Tiffny tells me that place is impressive. No plans to visit Kentucky any time soon, so I’ll take her word for it. . . .
I was happy to find, via Wikipedia, that William Crowther remarried in 1980.
My dad has done some cave mapping for the National Speliological Society and I can tell you it presents some interesting challanges. It turns out to be a real 3 demential problem. Just trying to get a point of reference is difficult. Compasses aren’t always reliable. It’s dark. It’s strenuous. All your gear can get covered in mud.
The folks that do it seem to love it though.
So watched the last two episodes of Snowpiercer tv series on Netflix.
I enjoyed the series but it’s not as bonkers as the film and the plot development in the season finale literally comes out of nowhere.
Since cirque du soleil declared bankruptcy here in Canada, I wonder what will be replacing them in Vegas.
I think they hope to come out of bankruptcy if the pandemic ever subsides and get their shows back up and running.
A lot of those Cirque venues in Vegas are pretty specifically design for the show that’s hosted there. I’m betting the hotels are going to want to try to get going with Cirque again rather than try to convert those theaters to some other kind of show.
But, who can say. While I’m glad we’re not operating in a pure survival/subsistence mode, I think it’s going to be a long time before enough people are comfortable traveling and gathering to make places like Vegas viable.
Of course, clubs and beaches keep getting packed unless they physically get shut down…which is both a hopeful sign for an eventual recovery….and a grim reminder that we’re a long way from starting that recovery.
The video of the guys handing out free masks in Huntington Beach (CA!!) was bit disheartening.
So just watched episode 6 S2 of Doom Patrol
Still very weird and still bloody great.
British Airways retires entire 747 fleet after travel downturn:
I must confess, as a man whose swapped a massive number of floppy disks to install the original release of “Betrayal and Krondor” back in the early 90’s, a 10 DVD install package brings a smile to my face.
It’d be cool if they released a USB stick option or a Blu-Ray option sans that.
I don’t even have a CD (DVD or Blu-Ray) in my computer
Neither do I, but I do have a plugin external Blu-Ray drive.
CW: Treasure Planet
Haven’t seen this since 2002.
It deserved more success, pretty good film.
Pretty cool little instrumental tune. Not what I was expecting.
I’m not completely sure what I just watched with those two….but I liked it!
I’m pretty sure that is how all medical research is done.
Or 175 floppy disks.
For a second I thought you had wrote dicks.
1. Yeah, this was supposed to be a reply to the flight simulator comments up above.
2. No more hentai for you.
I think it is important that everyone is aware what is going on in Portland.
Heavily armed, unidentified men in military fatigues and un-marked cars started snatching people off the streets 2 days ago.
One who was released reported it was a secret federal goon squad.
At first it was denied. Then homeland security said they were federal agents being sent to protect federal property.
Except this was happening away from federal property.
HS then changed their answer to just, we answer to the President.
Now both the Mayor and the Governor have told the White House to remove their secret police from Portland and the response was that not only would they NOT remove their squads … they were going to expand these tactics to other states.
That is some 3rd world dictator $@&# right there!
Wanted to know how he was going to stay in power with ratings plummeting?
Que the voter suppression tactics of secret police squads, answerable to no one but themselves, who can “disappear” you right off a public street.
Yeah, rump is going to commit a number of atrocities between now and November.
And I truly believe that he will get re-elected, in spite of everything.
Possibly because of tampering and meddling, or possibly just because of social conditioning.
Can you imagine any other time in history where a president committed so many acts of treason and remained in power? Can you imagine any other president knowingly overlooking an enemy leader putting boutnies out for our troops in the field?
Changing topics completely …
I watched “The Man Who Fell to Earth” last night.
I don’t care if it was a book that was written when David Bowie was only 16… I feel certain it is autobiographical of him. 🙂
REALLY weird film. I think it is a great example of that sort of abstract, disorienting imagery, experimental film making but as a straight up “entertaining film”… maybe not so much.
I had seen a bit of it back in the day but this was the first time to watch it all the way through.
I just wrapped up a 2-hour(!) recording session with Nutty Nuchtchas and Jason for the Nutty Bites podcast. The topic was anti-heroes and villains we love. Lots of fun!
Van, in case you had any doubts you’re an old man:
Introduced the teenager tonight to the original Leeroy Jenkins!!!! video. I was shocked she’d never heard of it.
Never say I don’t have my education priorities in order.
I think it’s pretty much a given now that as the limit of new memes heads toward infinity, the chances of knowing about a given one anymore approach zero, except for the case where the virality of said meme also asymptotically approaches infinity.
Yeah, I certainly can’t/ wouldn’t wanna keep up. But re: Leeroy Jenkins: kids gotta know their history.
Fascinating read. My Great gramma had polio. I remember her being tired often and she oscillated between a wheelchair and a walker. She had a horrific, chronic cough. She did live a long life, however.
So, I’ve never read Elric (yeah, yeah, I know). I know a bit about him (albino, badass sword), but I figured I ought to get familiar.
So Elric fans, help me out. I’ve heard that “Elric of Melnibone” is the place to start, but that’s not easy to find, so I borrowed “Stealer of Souls” from the library. It contains “Dreaming City,” “While the Gods Laugh,” “Stealer of Souls,” “Kings in Darkness,” and “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams.” I read the first story over the weekend. Am I getting the right Elric intro?
(Cue the Moorcock jokes)
I must confess, I gave up after the first book, which is “Elric of Melnibone” as I recall. I don’t remember exactly why, but I just didn’t find it very compelling after all the hype.
That would have been back when I still read physcial books, but I think it was a library checkout, I don’t believe I own a copy.
The first few books are good. After that it gets kind of weird with the whole dimension travelling and dealing with nazi-like era
The first story was fine. I’m kinda approaching it more as an historical document study than as a read for entertainment.
The writing style and content really feel like a super-nerd teenager telling me about how his favorite D&D character was the toughest, coolest warrior dude who got all the elf babes. . . etc.. . . But. . . I acknowledge that it’s unfair to make these critiques about a story that was written 60+ years ago.
I’ve heard that Gygax was more inspired by Moorcock than even Tolkien to create D&D, which so far, makes sense.
I’ve never read Elric either.
Although StarShipSofa did run an Elric story many moons ago.
I’ve found some peace with it. . . I’ve read plenty of Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories. I just need to look at this from the same perspective, through the same lens.
I want to tell you about a girl who only eats plants.
You’ve probably never herd of herbivore
She was an obvious plant.
Told Siri to set timer for one hour. It did what I asked, it also said at the same time, “point two miles, turn left onto main street”
Do you make the cat do the vacuuming or scrub the sinks?
No, but I do move all the furniture, including her posts.
Quick Poll-
I was raised in a house where it was referred to as a “vacuume cleaner” … you vacuumed the carpet.
I do have relatives from Ohio though, who referred to it as a carpet sweeper.
I also know someone who always referred to it as hoovering the carpets.
Question- What do you guys call that chore of using the portable electrical appliance that sucks up dust?
Carbon reclamation.
We called it the “howling maw of fibrous cleansing.”
Or sometimes just the “vacuum.”
. . . .
My grandparents ALSO had a different contraption that we called the carpet sweeper, but it had no cables or power. It was almost like a broom with wheels.
My answer is the same as Jack’s. We Vacuum our carpets, but I’ve seen a carpet sweeper that doesn’t plug in
I have seen a carpet sweeper, but I dont recall what my grandparents called it.
I’ve never read the book (I know, I know) and have vague memories of the 80s mini series which actually had a more diverse cast.
Wikipedia says the 1980 adaption was a film but pretty sure the BBC split it up into mutiole episodes.
I read the book – – but it’s been long enough that I probably wouldn’t be able to cry foul over the differences. And I guarantee there will be many, many changes.
I do recall that the novel was pretty damn smart, if a bit dated. I sometimes refer to myself as an Epsilon, on my bad days.
If I recall, the book was set around the 1970s and the mini-series had a more futuristic setting. I know I skimmed the book, not sure if I read it cover to cover.
You know what you shouldn’t do?
Shotgun a shot of scotch
Do you know how I’m feeling?
I do not envy you the headache you shall have when you awake. But for now, rest well, and dream of large women.
I did not wake up with a headache. I actually feel pretty good this morning.
Today when I asked Siri to set timer for one hour he said, “at the traffic lights, turn right on North Decatur Boulevard”
We don’t have one of those here in Airdrie. Where does Siri think I am?
If he does this again tomorrow, I might start to get a little freaked out.
Maybe it’s because you have a man’s voice.
Remember, men don’t need driving directions.
Maybe it is good that SIRI DOESN’T know where you are?
My computer did not like that link. Could you do a different one? Who are we mourning?
“THE world of quirky indie music was left a little darker this morning with the news that Tim Smith, singer with eternally loved, eternal outsiders the Cardiacs, has died at the age of 59.”
I frequently find that my coffee cup contains 1 less sip of coffee than I desire.
Me too. Although, Birdbox made my butthole pucker a bit.
I’ve seen one.
I’ve only seen 6 Underground and enjoyed in spite of myself. I’m surprised that several of those I’ve never even heard of.
I’ve watched “Tripple Frontier”.
It was alright. Sort of a slowly building, action, suspense, “buddy road-trip” sort of thing.
I had already forgotten about it til Inread the list.
Tried watching “The Irishman”. Fell sleep, woke up and fell asleep again durring this one. Maybe I was just tired.
If you fell asleep during The Irishman it must be because you have become addicted to a constant need for over the top action and special effects in Marvel Movies. True film making like Scorsese can pull off with actual drama and characterization just doesn’t tip off those pleasure and motivation sensors that Marvel has hijacked.
Before anyone gets really upset with me, that’s satire up there.
Yeh. I’m gonna go with, “I had a long day and a big dinner and too much wine.”
At least that’s what I hope.
Sorry if this is old news, but I think it’s a cool team name and a bitchin logo!
Hopefully I’m not setting up for disappointment from EA, but EckhartsLadder is pretty stoked after the playing time he was able to get, so I think Star Wars: Squadrons is going to be a winner.
Fingers crossed. I don’t buy EA games on day-one anymore, but I’ll keep my eyes out for favorable reviews. If there are good reviews two weeks after release, I’ll pick it up.
Yeah, might be a game I actually buy a physical copy of for the PS4.
The FMV game Erica was one of the games on PS plus this month.
This genre of games does have not a stellar record for fun games but this one was well done.
Played through twice to see two different endings, well worth a try if you pay for PS Plus.
How physical traits of men and women described in literature:
I think I’ll pass on the death cheese. But I was inspired to track down some Wednesdale. Strangle, I found one mixed with fig and honey for $15, but the least expensive pure version I could find was $150.
-strangle +strangely
Did you spend the $150? No judgement if you did!! I’m just curious what $150 cheese tastes like.
Oh, and “Death Cheese” is my new band.
No, I figured I’d try the honey and fig for $15 first. And then it would have to be really remarkable for me to fork-out $150 for the plain article. Especially considering you can get a can of CheeseWiz for lets than a fiver.
I can only hear Wensleydale in my head in Wallace’s voice.
Better than me… my head just went into the Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch.
Other than that Monty Python skit, I’ve never even heard Wensleydale mentioned in polite company.
We’re playing D & D tomorrow. I told hubby I’m killing off my character. While he’s not happy, at least he understands my reasoning and is going with it.
Do tell! May your character Rest In Peace.
Yeah, what’s up with that?
In very short terms, because of, reasons, I was “given” a character I don’t normally play and was never comfortable with. Since I could never “act” the role, it didn’t really work.
She’s going to die spectacularly by jumping into a big hole at the Yawning Portal Inn.
Ok, today I learnt that Calgary is not as far North as Kirkwall is on the Orkney Islands?
I’m not even sure what to say to that.
That damn jetstream keeping the U.K. relatively warmer than it should be.
I’ve decided to work my way through that Netflix list.
Last night we watched “Murder Mystery”.
If “Knives Out” was a brilliant study in tightly scripted “who done it”, portrayed by talented actors giving a class in characture development and produced by talented direction and editing … “Murder Mystery” was a high school theater class’ attempt at doing the same.
That said, I enjoyed it.
So maybe I was a bit harsh. It is actually a fun bit of fluff with only about 1/3 the number of Adam Sandler “cringeworthy” scenes.
Honestly, this is the first time I watched something with him in it and thought “Hey…he actually has some range as an actor!”
Granted, that range goes from playing “Adam Sandler as annoying” to “Adam Sandler as really REALLY annoying” but still, that’s range.
…but I’m rambling, because I have nothing on my schedule.
Short (is it too late to be short?): Fun movie. Don’t expect much and you will be pleasantly surprised.
JW: You Should Have Left
A predictable horror that is probably better seen after imbibing booze.
Sad news for sure. He is often overlooked when people talk about Fleetwood Mac.
Without having ever watched “The Shining” completely and having a passing familiarity with the story (much of which came from the Deadpan Colorado adventure), we watched “Dr. Sleep” last evening.
Ewan MacGregor and Rebecca Furgeson were enough of a draw to get me to tune in in spite of knowing little of what I was getting into.
That said, overall I greatly enjoyed it. Especially the way it overturned the trope of the big bad keeps defeating the hero until the last minute when the hero finds a way to turn the tide. Great performances all around
I didn’t recall that you’d never seen The Shining, Ed. I’ve talked to my daughter about that movie. It’s been sooooo widely parodied and referenced across soooo many tv shows – – even kids movies and shows, that the effectively creepy moments won’t have as much power for her, when she eventually does see it.
I’m a little surprised that Doctor Sleep works as a stand-alone. I have not yet seen it.
We visited the hotel Stephen King wrote the novel in during the deadpan meetup in Colorado.
I’m sure I would have picked up and appreciated more if I had been more familiar with the details of The Shining. However, there are enough flashbacks and references that I think someone who only has the pop culture references (some of which are called back to in this movie) can pick up pretty easily.
I recall some neat posters and stuff on the walls of the hotel.
The Doctor Sleep movie was well done in that it walked a fine line really well. The Shining book and movie ended extremely differently and the Doctor Sleep movie had to combine elements of both to get it to work right. I’m far too familiar with the book and movie versions of the original and sequel to get my head around seeing it as a standalone. I’m glad it can be followed well that way. Also glad that you got out of it a sense that the hero wasn’t always being defeated by the baddie and the baddie wasn’t always in control. It was a great point you made and it was a great aspect of the book and movie.
I know that no one here believes the narrative that everyone protesting in Portland is a violent thug, but this helps dispel that bullshit:
It’s a lovely song, featuring narration from Tom Baker (yes, that Tom Baker), and the amazing Cammie Gilbert on vox. She’s a fucking superstar, and she looks and sounds amazing in this video. And seriously, look at those FX and guest stars; someone is putting some money into this.
And to make it all about me, I got to hang out with Cammie and Dobber and all the guys in Oceans of Slumber a few years back. Awesome people.
Tonights movie from the NetFlix list was “Extraction”.
Two thumbs up.
Old school, “roller coaster ride” action adventure but with a little depth.
Lovely day with the family hitting some trails in Sedona, especially as the afternoon more on and cooled down. A nice escape from the heat – – and from the house.
It was encouraging to see so many masks too.
I find it amusing we both spent the weekend in Sedona.
Along with EVERYONE else in the Valley. :-/
There was quite the crowd downtown, but when we hiked Brin’s Mesa, we encountered only 8 other people over the 3 hours we were out.
Morning Pan
We rewatched the first AVP last night. I was a decent movie. As I recall, 1 and 3 were good, 2 was atrocious.
I saw the first 2, and recall them both being pretty bad.
There was not a 3rd AVP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s suppose to be stupid warm all week. I fully expect to spend time in the basement where it’s cooler.
Went to the pub for a meal for the first time since March.
I now get to wait two weeks to see if I’ve been a moron.
I don;t know if it’s adding to the infonoise, or if it’s valid. I tend to trust The Atlantic. . . but don’t take it as gospel.
Masks, social distancing, and moving activities outdoors sound like smart things to do. I still wash my hands after touching public doorknobs etc. I don’t see myself eating inside a restaurant for a while.
I do look forward to being able to do outdoorsy stuff again. Phoenix is just too darn hot right now.
You’re not wrong.
Your knot rong.
But there are several links to his sources, including medical journal article.
Annnnnd a bunch of Major League Baseball players and staff have tested positive.
Sigh. Even if they somehow got everything behind the scenes handled properly, the sports requires contact and interaction. It only takes a few non-compliants to wreck things for everyone.
Tonight’s movie from theNetflix list –
“6 Underground”
I think Van summed it up.
Action and fun.
So thanks to an app I now know how to play Sudoku.
It’s already quite warm. Hubby and I have agreed to forego our walk this morning. It it’s already warm, it will be too hot to go on a 5k hike in a couple of hours. Instead we will do a workout in the basement where it’s nice and cool.
(Yes I know this is considered mild in Arizona, I’m a heat weather wimp.)
JW: The Rental
Not really into slasher films but this was not half bad.
so…hot. The office is the hottest room in the house.
That’s it, I’m moving to a cooler floor.
So I did finish season 2 of Legion. Some bold steps. . . Definitely a lot of style over substance. Eh. It’s never dull, always interesting to look at. I maintain that it’s often weird without justification. I don’t love it, but I’ll watch the 3rd to see how it ends.
I agree with all points. It is hard to binge as Teresa gets annoyed with all the psychedelics and continues to ask questions throughout each episode. I’ll probably have to finish it on my own. I too want to find out how it ends.
Rhett, it’s the same in my house. We can watch it together. With popcorn… Snuggled next to each other on the couch…
… or just… you know… separately, on our own…
OK, when Community is funny, it’s really damn funny.
Morning Pan
Another hot one today.
Mine was ok but a reminder that these sort of batteries may not be safe to leave in your cupboard for years:
1)Much of the media and the public is focused on the services for John Lewis with featured Speakers Pres. Obama, Bush and Clinton.
THAT is just not the sort of loss of attention he can tolerate.
2)” legal experts quoted by NBC said that even if Congress did agree to delay the election, Mr Trump’s own term as president would still expire by 20 January 2021 under the constitution’s 20th Amendment.”
So Senate Republicans are not likely to support this because election or not, t/p term comes to an absolute end Jan 20 and if there has been no election the office automatically goes to (drum roll) Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi!
Number 1 is 100% correct. This is an attempted distraction from many things.
We were shocked that Moscow McConnell got away with refusing to vet Obama’s last supreme court nominee. But he did. And trump’s presidency has been a daily succession of “He’ll never get away with that” moments. Checks and balances have not applied to any of these shits for a long time.
So the interesting differrence with scenario #2 is –
At the moment trump does what ever he wants because his party rules the roost and doesn’t care what laws he breaks.
As of Jan 20th, if there has been no election… the Dems will (with the full weight of the constitution behind them) get to claim that THEY are now in charge. Because the Republicans right now own the rest of the Gov the Dems make a few noises and back off. But if the Dems believe that THEY now hold the reigns of power… I suspect they will fight tooth and nail to keep it.
Can say I am more concerned at how trump and Co are actively sabatoging the US Postal Service.
A clear attempt to suppress votes.
I don’t have the same confidence that the Democrats will take any action beyond some strong words.
One can assume he’s saying these kinds of things to gauge what kind of support he’ll get if he refuses to leave in Nov (if our broken election system doesn’t hand him another suspect win).
Anyway. I realize that Deadpan is a tucked away pocket of the web, but I’m still done giving him oxygen.
CW: Commando
An Arnie film I’ve never seen before.
The seen of Arnie and his ‘daughter’ near the beginning is grade A cringeworthy.
James Olson!
From Ragtime and the original Andromeda Strain
Apparently muscles help you smell the bad guys coming.
Turn a truck into a go kart.
Does that string vest make the Australian bad guy gay?
I’ll be back Bennett
Dead tired…boom boom!
Pretty sure you wouldn’t survive that fall unless you were an Terminator
Airport security was lax in 1985
We even laughed at this movie for being a pile of turds back in 1985(?).
Come out to play guy from Warriors is a creeper
John Matrix!!!
What a name.
Sexist security guards.. I’m shocked!
Run away from the shooter!!
This film wouldn’t work in 2020 as the Warriors guy would just use a mobile phone to warn his boss.
So many one liners!
Arnie’s digital watch looks as tacky as this film.
Cooke didn’t last long.
So convenient that the lass Arnie takes hostage is taking flying lessons.
Lots and lots of army surplus
Well that’s one way to rob a store.
You know I wouldn’t be surprised if a supermarket did stock a rocket launcher in the US.
Bill Paxton as air traffic controller!
These soldiers all look old.
Those binocs looks neat
Slicing and dicing
Lots of explosions
This feels like playing Operation Wolf at the arcades
The arm chopping seems a bit gratuitous
These guys are worse shots than Stormtroopers
The want to dictator exits stage left out if the window
Well this is all rather homoerotic
The bad guy throwing his gun away to fight is a rookie mistake
Where’s the steam coming from? He ripped the pipe from the wall.
John Matrix wins!
What a pile of crap.
You mean, you couldn’t rip a pipe from the wall with your bare hands?
Commando is a Rated R movie made for 8-year-olds.
As stated on the Fbook: it’s 100 degrees at midnight.
Speaking of Bill Paxton, his son takes up his role as the younger version of the same character in this week’s “Agents of SHIELD”, for those of us still keeping up with this final season.
It started itching at my brain pretty early in the episode that the actor had to be Paxton’s son from his look and manners.
I only caught a bit of his episodes peripherally, while Tiffany was watching, but it seemed like he was having a blast with his character. I do heart me some Bill Paxton. Good for his son stepping into that role. Must have been lots of feels on set.
My feet are damp from seawater.
If you are in a boat, you may not be doing it right.
If you read carefully, it’s actually just a guy saying that he’s afraid of what could happen if there are errors in the code for these robots. It hasn’t actually happened. Sad really. I would have liked it if there really were sex robots on the revolt. Imagine the blow to your ego if even a machine programmed to have sex with you thinks so little of you that it would rather get violent.
I’ve seen a lot of grumbling about the ceremony and especially about the Retro Hugos this year. Eh, I’ll stay happily on the sidelines.
I am one with The Force and The Force is with me.
Rogue One is the best of modern Star Wars.
I just wished they had got a decent Peter Cushing impersonator for the CGI Tarkin.
I agree that the CGI Tarkin and Leia were terrible. Interesting now that we’ve been watching Clone Wars to see the little nods. The biggest, of course, being Saw Gerrera.
There was a shot in the trailer of Jyn high up on the tower catwalk with a TIE fighter in front of her that wasn’t in the final cut of the movie; I do wonder how that would have fit.
I am 1000% in agreement on this. It was the first time since Empire Strikes Back that I felt the film wasn’t specifically made for children and I was just along for the ride.
I you missed was Neville from I Am Legend, coded as a hero till you find out he’s the monster.
Neville is an interesting one. And yes, it’s true that Tarkin is guilty of murdering everyone on Alderaan – – he gave the order, but Vader is at least an accomplice.
The one I realized I forgot was Brandon Lee’s Eric Draven (The Crow).
I wrote up a commentary last night on what I’ve seen about the Hugo Awards and backlash, but I deleted it. With all of the qualifiers, acknowledgements, explanations, pre-emotive defenses, etc., it got to be novella-length.
So in short: “White male” should not be used as an epithet.
I’ve lost all respect for the surviving old guard of scifi. They just come over as elitist pigs these days
They are the past and not the future.
I won’t speak in generalizations. Some of the elders are truly great people.
Many have disappointed or been exposed as awful people.
JW: Summerland
Set in WW2 where a writer has to take in a child who has been evacuated from London and reflects on a lost love. It was all very pleasant and not in a bad way.
Sweet story. I’d never heard of the original viral video.
This is a sweet story-
But a little sour as I am sure he is doing. PR blitz to recover from his coronavirus tourney debackle that sickened many, many people a couple of months ago.
This is why I have a hard time watching horror any more.
Did you watch it? Cos it’s coming over you just hate because it was done over zoom.
This looks like my kind of movie.
I’d have believed this was the next Paranormal Activities sequel. Is it found footage fatigue?
I didn’t watch it and I do dislike the concept of a movie made over zoom. The whole found footage things gets to me because I can’t stand shaky/vomit cam. I’ve also not been actually scared by a horror movie since I was about 10 years old. So, the modern fad of horror movies like the paranormal activities movies that rely on just trying to scare you don’t really work for me at all. They just seem like a cheap way to use horrible effects to “create a scary ambiance”. Creating a horror movie on Zoom seems to be the ultimate extension of this concept to me. Just creating the atmosphere of horror without any actual horror and with zero budget and special effects. Call it being a teen in the 80s and getting used to slasher type horror movies. But I just don’t see this as anything but a cheap out.
So Mulan and Black Widow switching to Disney+ for release but it will cost 30 dollars per film.
Umbrella Academy S2 rocks (in plot and soundtrack), limiting myself to one episode a day to stream has it out a bit.
We’re watching the last episode tonight. I’d almost say it was better than the first season.
S1 was OK while watching, but a little light in retro. The comic was a little better.
We watched the first episode of season 2, then we decided to re-watch season 1 as we forgot much of the plot. We’re actually enjoying season 1 more on the second viewing.
Stretch not stream
CW: webinar with Randall Munro (xkcd) and Katie Mack (Astrophysicist)
I did not know Randall had attained degree in physics.
He’s a pretty sharp one. I recommend his book if you haven’t already:
OK, speak up! I’ve only seen season 1 of Westworld, which was pretty good.
The author of that article is so wrong that I cannot even comprehend the magnitude of their wrongness.
Well, that article was a rambling mess.
That said, Picard was an utter disappointment and Season 3 of Westworld really did waste the potential that it has built up in the first two seasons. It’s hard to believe that the folks that gave us the excellent slow burn of “Person of Interest” are the same ones behind Westworld.
I’ve not seen, or quite frankly, heard of Devs before this article. Which means Hulu is really bad at pushing its own content since that’s my major cable alternative.
Well I enjoyed Picard and S3 of Westworld.
Devs is slow paced but has a great scifi premise that you don’t really get till the final episode.
I thought Picard and the first season of West World were quite good. Seasons 2 and 3 of WW were a bit of a snooze. I haven’t watched Devs.
Don’t mind if I do!
Ok, I’ll scroll & drag my butt across the floor
The next dance craze to sweep the nation?
(could be a response to both Ed and/or TEB)
Stolen from ditto’s Facebook feed.
Maybe it’s down to not being American, but the George Washington revelations did not induce an extreme emotional reaction.
I was just scrolling by. . .
Keeping my physical distance
the & sign just looks like someone sitting on the floor to me.
reading a book
It’s raining.
Here as well.
a Goodbye to Carl Reiner:
Hell of a life. Hell of a great contribution to the world. RIP
He was apparently part of this in 2017.
He made me laugh.
Fuck 2020:
Hubby’s gone into work. I don’t think he understands the word holidays
How to achieve superpowers. From your friendly neighborhood CIA.
Having skimmed through the text of this, I would say there is a lot of “woo” and vague language here.
Chapter 8: Be leery of red suits dropped off by UFOs in the middle of the desert – by William Katt
GAH for the win!
CP: Latchkey Kids — Silversun Pickups
I know June is normally our rainiest month, but did it all have to be put in to this one day?
It *is* its last chance to be part of the tally.
Debbie Harry is 75 today.
Feeling old yet punk??
The song has been updated to “Hip of Glass.”
I’m getting reports of strange events going on around here. . .
I got a security alert from my Chrome browser and when I logged into the page there was a website asking for log-in information and stating that this website was the future home of something “cool”. Seemed like a hacker was trying to set up a fishing scam. Anyway, a few moments later, no issues at all. My only guess is there was an issue at my end or the web hosting site automatically squashed the intruder. *shrug*
Although Chrome is reporting this site as “not secure”.
Ah, Tony clarified this is to be expected. Nothing to see here, move along.
Call me an old Fuddy Duddy, but ai’m sticking to using the standard controller:
(cough) bluetooth dongles (cough)
As I said on FB, I’ve never played animal crossing before but now, may have to check it out 😉
I wonder if it would be the same feeling using a mouse and keyboard…
I wouldn’t recommend inserting the mouse and keyboard. That sounds uncomfortable.
Speaking of which …(?)
Last night we watched “Escape from LA”
Amazing how much of it was the SAME exact movie as Escape from NY.
Except they tried throwing more money at it.
They needn’t have bothered.
I don’t want to know how you connected Escape From LA to Van’s Animal Crossing post.
There are many, many, many dumb parts of that train wreck of a movie. Most people cite the awful surfing scene, but I think the basketball trial is the worst.
No context, no explanation; he just magically hits these impossible shots because the plot requires it.
The most cynical part of me thinks that some film executive noticed that the NBA was trendy in the 90s, so they insisted on this garbage.
EFLA is such a cash grab. None of the charm from the original.
Ewoks Foil Last Attack?
Ernest Fries Los Alamos?
I’d totally watch “Ernest Fries Los Alamos” 🙂
I’d never seen Community. The first 2 episodes were funny. That is all.
That is one of those shows that grows into itself. As it went along it seemed to become one of those “we are going to do what we find funny and if you want to come along for the ride, that’s up to you.”
And personally, I thought it worked.
Morning Pan
I actually have work to do today. What’s that about?
Neuromancer reread. I can’t even remember how long it’s been since the last reread. . .
Every page of this book just blows my mind.
Somewhat related:
Even now it’s just a fucking cool story.
No cell phones though, what was that about?
I’m interested in how they pull this off. Could be good, could be really bad.
This has potential
“ It’ll only feel like Fallout if it crashes halfway through every scene and loses all your progress”
So, “Groundhog Day: The Series” then?
At what point is it ok to unfriend your own mother on FaceBook?
Asking for a friend.
I think if it will improve your stress level hrm right now is the perfect time.
If you don’t want to block, unfollow or setting your post settings so she won’t see your posts.
Her seeing my posts isn’t the problem.
I talked to hubby last night and he agreed with Jack, So I took the plunge this morning and unfriended her. Let’s see how long it takes her to figure out I’ve done that.
I just don’t have time for her racist BS.
I think you did the right thing.
Family stuff is the hardest.
I suppose Snooze is also an option for these situations. You remain friends, you just don’t see their posts for 30 days.
Yeah. That doesn’t stop her PM’ing me her latest conspiracy links
Once was enough:
Well I went and bought Black Mesa to play over the weekend.
Time to step into Gordon Freeman’s shows one more time.
Shoes even
I don’t know. I kind of liked thinking of it as “The Gordon Freedman Show”.
Ack! No full controller support, playing a mouse controlled game on a trackpad is an exercise in frustration.
For further consideration.
I had a friend call me yesterday because they just needed a few minutes of sanity.
Their mother had died a few hours earlier of COVID-19. A few other ladies in the mom’s church circle are sick with it now.
Oh Jack. *hugs*
That’s hard. I’m afraid we’ll be dealing with more and more stories like this in the coming days.
In happier news, we finished season 3 of Mrs Maisel. Very good – – probably the best season yet.
I’m not sure which show is up next for us. Hearing good things about Dark and also Things We Do in the Shadows.
Hubby and I decided to add an extra half click to our walk and picked up lunch at Subway to take home. We haven’t done that in months.
I actually feel a little guilty as, since is was a spur of the moment decision, we didn’t have masks on us.
This is the kind of thing I think a sane society can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about.
You should feel ashamed, though, because there are undoubtedly better sandwich places nearby.
I have finally seen Hamilton.
Today I learnt Hamilton got shot by Burr.
I also learnt I know more about WW2 than the War of Independence.
I blame all that fancy German tech.
I believe there’s a 200-year statute on spoilers, so we’ll let this one slide, Van.
Just skip this post and keep scrolling if you’ve already met your daily quotient of COVID-19 dread. Pasted from a local friend:
After a “brief” visit to a Banner ER last night, I have a diagnosis: early stage Covid-19. My symptoms are bad, bad enough to go to the ER, but not bad enough to be admitted. The magic symptoms for admission are a steady fever of 100+ and or oxygen levels below 92.
My fever has never gone above 100 and isn’t steady. My oxygen levels vary between 96-99. I have tightness in my chest and lungs that daily asthma meds don’t touch. It feels like I’m wearing close fitting chain mail….tight and heavy but able to still take nearly full breaths. When coughing, which is most of the time, it’s unproductive and painful. My ribs hurt. I have sharp stabbing pains happening from mid to lower ribs / back. My throat is nearly raw from coughing and have almost lost my voice.
Here’s the thing…..I know I’m in at risk group (before this diagnosis) . I’ve been home quarantining since early March. I wear masks anytime I have to go anywhere. About a month ago, just before AZ started spiking again, [husband] and I went out. We were having a little bit of stir craziness and had a list of places we wanted to go. We wore masks the entire time. We touched only those things we were interested in buying. We washed our hands and masks immediately when we got home. We haven’t been out since. That being said……masks do help! As bad as I feel right now, I am positive that I would be worse if I hadn’t been wearing one. I know that the flu like symptoms (husband) had would be this awful if they had not been wearing one. Now We are home quarantining again, this time with even stricter standards, until all of my symptoms are gone plus 4 days. Because of my diagnosis that may be a couple weeks or months. I may get better. I may stay the same same. I may get worse. The doctor doesn’t know. This is scary.
Be safe.
I love you.
Wear your fucking masks!
Sometimes it helps to put it in a personal way to people.
I did the math and was sharing this with some “It’s just a bad flu” folks-
Based on our state’s 14 day, new case average and the states overall morbidity rate AND assuming something magical happens and things don’t get worse…
By the end of August, 1080 of your friends and family who are perfectly fine at this very moment … will be dead. They will not live to see Christmas.
This doesn’t factor in what will happen when we run out of ICU beds.
Wear your damn masks.
What? There’s a new Doctor Aphra comic series????
I saw something about “Doctor Aphra” casting news, but it was just for the audiobook. Still cool, but it got my hopes up for a live action series or special.
Just got a message from my sister.
The husband of a long time friend of hers died from Covid yesterday.
He was 50-60 years of age and in good physical shape.
Started showing symptoms about a week ago.
His test came back positive today. The day after he died.
:'( This shit is going to get more and more real and continue to hit closer and closer to home.
*hugs* Joe.
Decent song from a guy who has nothing left to prove to anyone. It turns out Romany Gilmour is the youngest of his 8 children.
That’s David Gilmour, btw.
So apparently, I’m the only ne who finds the Holderness family and their videos kind of grating.
NO. Fuck that family. I don’t hate a lot of people. But them….
Too harsh?
This is fun!
Disneyland rides available virtually.
What a life:
Legend. RIP
A fantastic life and body of work. A great deal of his music and brought me joy over the years. I hadn’t appreciated just how prolific it all was.
Dragoncon goes virtual for 2020:
Yeah, WWC is doing the same thing here.
I had no idea Rick Wakeman played on “Space Oddity.”
Watched Train to Busan over the past 2 nights.
Yes, it’s a zombie flick, but wow – – infuriating and impressive, and it doesn’t go for cheap grossout effects. I can’t say anything more without giving spoilers.
It was a pleasant surprise when it was shown at film night at the cinema bar last year.
I too was caught by surprise with that film.
I had lowered my expectations because it was a zombie flick but also (I’m ashamed to admit) because who knows anything about the S. Korean film industry.
I also won’t spoiler but would add that it is just good, solid film making.
My daughter simultaniously loved and hated it.
Morning Pan
I think I exist this morning.
Therefore you might.
Hearing another Covid close to my family.
Our county finally past a mask ordinance yesterday and for that I applaud them … but for many, I fear it is several weeks too late.
Back in late March I read an article that quoted one researcher as saying, “It’s not a mater of “if” you will get it but “when”. And that your goal is to do everything you can to put it off long enough for the government to stockpile supplies(he never dreamed our gov would abandon us) and for the Hospitals/science to figure out how to effectively treat you.
History will not look kindly on us. It’s not even a lack of compassion – – it’s actually an anti-compassionate culture that’s been fostered. . .
Good news: George Miller is making another film in the Mad Max setting, featuring its best character.
Bad news: No Charlize Theron.
Well, I can’t really argue that it would be tough to de-age her for a prequel. Though it might be nice to do a sequel first with Theron, then a prequel with a younger actress.
This seems like a whole lot of musing out loud – – but I’m all in for more Tron.
I like the fact that they have a script they really like. I’m a little puzzled why they are hyping to get Daft Punk on board, I mean I like Daft Punk, but the article spends a great deal of time on them. Also, with Legacy being so lackluster, I’m not sure why they are trying to get the old director back as well. As a Disney property, I’d like to see them get Waititi, Favreau, or the Russo’s involved.
DnD for the over 40s:
*pushes up her nerd glasses*
While there is crossover, LARPing is not the same as playing D & D
(It was cute and applies to D&D too)
Ha! I had the same reaction. *throws bean bag spell*
…and some more actual good news!
This is a neat thing I did recently.
Jack IS our one way ticket to midnight.
A Sammy Hagar quote!
remember Star Control? well do ya punk? the creators are interviewed:
Morning Pan
Facebook changed their look. It’s freaking me out.
I’ve heard the grumbling about it, but I think they’re rolling it out in phases. I haven’t been hit yet.
Facebook presents an interesting challenge for me this summer. I’m going to need Facebook to promote Am I Evil? – – and I like keeping up with friends and playing on a few pages I’m connected to – – but the rest of it is just a toxic tar pit. I need to just get in and get out and avoid the scroll.
It’s fine. It still seems to act the same, just a different look… too bad they can’t change their toxicity at the same time.
Oh. The spinning square. Yeah, that’s already gotten old.
I haven’t done a PbP in a while. I don’t have time this week, but I think I’ll do one next week.
I finally watched S2E1 of Legion last night. I recall really enjoying the rampant quirkiness and creativity of S1. This first episode of S2 felt like it was just doubling down on the weirdness, and trying to artificially inject some fun. The “Beat It” style dance battle nearly lost me.
It gets better.
Yes! We quite liked Legion.
We watched the Eurovision movie on Netflix. It took us a bit to realize the main rival is the lead from Legion.
Only watched the first few episodes of S3, so much other stuff to watch.
But not much better. Too bad you stopped
CW: Terminator: Dark Fate
In 4K!! Which is overkill for my 40inch 4Ktv hard to tell the difference between this and a film in standard HD.
Still bloody great film and pity it was a bit of a damp squib at the box office.
Never saw this one.
Where does it fall in the “sequel” order?
It’s the latest one, released last year.
But it basically ignores all the films after T2
Stairway to Gilligan’s Island – by Puddles the Clown.
Better than it has any right to be.
The song is EPIC!
Haven’t watched Puddles version. Hope it is worthy.
It is.
Puddles remains my hero.
I don’t like clowns, but that song is excellent so long as I don’t watch the video.
I never knew this, ditto. It’s worth an audio-only listen. Puddles truly has a voice of gold.
I hope you can work from home Ed. Stay in, stay safe, spend quality time with your kids.
I did something I rarely do. . . I told someone that their “live in fear…. tinfoil hats… economy…” Ted Nugent quote was irresponsible and stupid, then unfriended them.
Only 1 of their loony friends came at me with a “fake numbers… you wanna put your head in the sand” response, but the unfriendee liked that response.
Really, 99 times out of 1000, I unfriend and move on. The original post just caught me in a moment. Obviously, I’m not going to respond any further.
Their poor mental health is contagious.
I mean that with all sincerity.
If you spend much time in their “shallow end” of the pool it won’t be long before you have a nagging unhappiness.
Getting clear, is necessary for survival.
Just make sure you’re getting clear and not “going clear”. That could also be bad.
I will remain Everclear and avoid ze Wango ze Tango.
Cleaned two washrooms, backed up my computer, have my first of two loads of laundry in the wash, and went for a 5k walk. All in all, a good morning.
In happier news – – Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Desert Pixie! I love you, I love our family, I love our home!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary:
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Babbies,
got you on our
Happy Anniversary!
It was a lovely day and evening, capped off with homemade chocolate layered cake and vanilla ice cream then late night gaming – Dominion was on tap tonight.
I love you.
I love Deadpan
I love Jack Mangan and his Deadpan
Today I made toad in the hole for the first time using way out of date flour.
Turned out ok.
Follow Van for more recipes!
Consider me confused.
I went to the liquor store and 7-11.
There were three or four people at the liquor store, everybody, including myself, had a mask on.
There were eight or nine people at 7-11. With the exception of myself and the staff, nobody was wearing a mask. Also, there was a line up of three or four people waiting to use the washroom. Is there something about 7-11 I’m missing?
You forgot to carry the “1”.
(wait…I thought this was an algebra problem)
The 1 should be able to carry itself.
Hubby’s watching an esport. The commentator said, “she pounced on the opportunity like a shark”
I think that’s going to be my new saying from now on
We watched some virtual Tour de France coverage last night. All the competing cyclists were women on stationary bikes at home.
But did they pounce like a shark?
I haven’t watched yet.
I enjoyed it … but … but …
you’ll just have to watch it.
Not with your kids though.
Oh, we watched season 1. It was fun, though like the comic, sometimes going there and beyond just for the sake of going there and beyond.
I did watch the trailer. Looks a bit more serious, which would be a good way to go in season 2.
Wow, I kinda love this groovy Hammond organ German version of PAranoid:
GoGo boots make EVERYTHING better.
Well you can just bugger off with that:
The bit about putting your hand above the cheese spread so the maggots don’t escape made me gag.
That’s a pass from me.
Today’s Science tidbits:
-Scientist in Singapore have developed a small, pocket portable, solar generator that produces power when a shadow is cast across it. It is the differential between the light and dark that generate the current. It allows power production in much lower lighting situations. Enough to power a small electronic device.
-A certain type of sea worm, when threatened, exudes a blue bioluminescent goo. Lots of things bioluminesce but that takes energy and this stuff is outside the worm so it doesn’t get “power” from the creature and it can continue to flow from 16 to 72 hours. It seems the goo emits ions that cause a blue glow. That glow causes the goo to release even more ions. So it produces more light and the cycle repeats.
In the food chain of the ocean depths this is a devious defense. If you mess with the worm you are tagged with this glowing goo which leaves you attracting preditors to yourself for hours.
– Excavations and airborn LIDAR have uncovered the oldest and largest known Mayan structure ever built, at a previously unknown site in Mexico. Built somewhere around 1000 BC. Lots of other stuff about that culture has been genes from this site.
The 2-year-old has a temp today. This kind of thing just happens with 2-year-olds – – and 2-year-olds are generally not being affected by the big evil thing in the same ways – – but I can’t help being terrified.
This is not the kind of conversation I intend to open up to the FB world. Just had to type it somewhere.
/hugs Jack and fingers crossed it is just what happens to a 2 year old.
Thank you very much, sir.
Raising a kid is tough. It’s one worry after another. Hopefully yours is just a normal kid thing.
CW: The Old Guard on Netflix
Interview with there director here:
Not too bad at all. Check it out if you have Netflix.
The buzz is good. Plus Charlize Theron.
Dregs of humanity:
I’ve become convinced that about 40% of hte human population are significantly, dangerously mentally ill.
And 75% can’t type the word “the” properly.
For the Downtown Abbey fans:
AI coughs up cat names:
Bloody hell Ed was right about that episode of The Galley covering the tech used in The Mandalorian.
If anything, I was probably too restrained about it 🙂
Though, not nearly as restrained as Favreau and company talking out it.
JW: Palm Springs
It’s on Hulu
It’s a romcom that uses the Time loop trope.
It’s fun, go and watch it.
You lost me at romcom
Well Groundhog Day was also
A rom com:
You lost me at Hulu.
I just had a great interview recording with Ben and Keith for the TGGEEKS podcast. They’re really a lot of fun.
I’me still moving through Legion, stopped most of the way through episode 3.
So far, I’m not watching it full episode by full episode, just stopping when I feel the need, like putting a bookmark in a book.
Some good stuff. I still can’t help but feel like some of the things in the show are weird only for the sake of being weird. Like the android girls with the mustaches and the autotuned voices (maybe they’ll get a better explanation later).
I don’t recall them ever getting an explanation. That whole show was definitely a trippy ride. I probably appreciated it more following some of the “making of” type bits that they put out for each episode.
Man, that reminds me – he was supposed to be putting out a fourth season of Fargo. I need to go see if that ever actually came out.
So…. tonight was our first movie night in awhile. Part 5 in the chronological Star Wars rewatch. Solo. I hadn’t seen it since the theater. Kinda telling that I was struggling to find my enthusiasm.
Anyway. The first half of the movie is just terrible. Much worse than I remembered. The 2nd half redeems it, though. Mostly. The movie still serves no real purpose. It’s fine.
Rogue One next!
Happy birthday, Ryah!
What the man said.
Way late Birthday wishes.
Hope it was swell!
JW: Greyhound
Can’t argue about the film being entirely plot driven but I enjoyed it.
The posh English voices you never got to see were annoying though.
Dammit, COVID – well, at least I haven’t missed Fargo season 4 yet:
“The upcoming fourth season is set in 1950 in Kansas City, Missouri, and features a cast led by Chris Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Jessie Buckley, Ben Whishaw, and Timothy Olyphant. The season was scheduled to premiere on April 19, 2020, but it was delayed indefinitely after production was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
I need to dive into Fargo.
You need to dive into Fargo.
Bring a jacket.
Bicentennial Man is probably the worst film of Robin Williams’ career. I could never watch this dreck again.
I think it has a kooky charm. It’s overproduced, cutesy, and predictable, but stylistically consistent throughout. A film that does it better is “Mom and Dad Save the World.”
Neat article about the great Princess Bride swordfight.
The book that Cary Elwes put together chronicling the making of The Princess Bride went into pretty extensive detail about how much he and Mandy Patinkin prepared for that fight.
Along with a lot of other great history – “As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride” is definitely worth checking out.
He narrates the audiobook version himself.
I love this guy!
Watched the first 15 minutes of the Rankin-Bass Hobbit. I’m not sure if I should be concerned that the 2-year-old is insisting that Smaug is a nice dragon.
I realize that the end of the movie would be especially tragic for her, if we watched it today.
What a killjoy that Bard was.
My latest tattoo is of Smaug from the Rankin & Bass Hobbit.
The Rankin-Bass Hobbit got many, many, many details exactly right. Including Smaug. He looked and sounded great.
Have you posted pics of this tattoo, TRA?
Just shared a video of it (wraps around the elbow) to the Fans of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Facebook page. Not aware of another good way to share it here.
Deleting emails from 2012 about my first deadpan meet-up.
Morning Pan
Another quiet day at work today.
More on Warren Ellis allegations:
That is a large number of women.
It seems like a celebrity/groupie situation – – except in this case, the celebrity led each of the groupies to believe there was something like a relationship there. Shitty behavior. . . no doubt, no defense.
The article covers the whole f-ed up situation with clarity.
A little PSA:
According to chemistry, alcohol is a solution.
Yes… but is it THE solution?
Bloody hell this young lass is a ninja:
Just stumbled across this from a few days ago. Seems to have been announced in a very low key fashion.
The World Health Organization has expanded its coronavirus guidance to include the possibility in certain circumstances of airborne transmission, in which the virus could be spread through tiny droplets that linger in the air among people in crowded, indoor settings for prolonged periods of time.
Sure sounds like they are describing (amount other places) a school setting.
Bloody Hollywood :
Seems like all the R-rated Scooby-Doo content made it into the “Jay and Silent Bob” movie.
The Scooby-Doo movie is a Cult Classic?
Yeah, I was scratching my head about that too.
If you want a little time waster of a game, Missile Command Recharged is on the App Store:
You can pay to remove the ads on iOS or just watch a video every three games.
It’s a couple of quid on Steam as well.
Maybe tomorrow we’ll watch this.
Watched “The Old Guard” tonight.
Very good film.
Two thumbs up.
Fuck 2020
I actually knew him best from his Tabletop appearance(s?). Super smart, witty, and likable. The universe is throwing some shitty dice these days.
We rematches Dragonheart last night. While it was ok, it did not hold up as well as our memory of it had hoped
sigh rematches = rewatched.
Somethings are best left in memory
I avoided this one back in the day, but was considering it now for a movie with an actual *nice* dragon.
So listening to a podcast about the development of the 8080 and Z80 processor chips and how the Z80 (or clones of it) are still used in embedded controllers to this day.
Pretty cool for a CPU developed in the 70s.
I finally got around to watching Ghost Rider last night. I remember it getting a lot of bad reviews. It had some wonky special effects here and there, but I don’t get the bad reviews. It was a good popcorn superhero movie.
If I’d been a Ghost Rider fan as a kid, I might have checked this one out.
There are also times when I trust Nick Cage, and times when I don’t. . .
Ok Deadpan, you were warned. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is, The Nun
In this haunted abbey, the moment you stop praying is the moment you become prey
Bwa ha ha ha ha
We don’t want Nun!
Oh, this is a sequel (prequal) to another movie we watched (the conjuring 2) I thought it felt familiar
God ends here
The crucifix is spinning
Wagon of food
Well, that’ll turn you off your lunch
A not-quite nun
Yeah, I’ve had that dream too
He’s French Canadian
The horse is scared
He put the body in the ice house
The body has been moved
A key
Burying the nun
Why is the blood still wet?
I like how his luggage has a giant-ass cross on them
The gate will be closing soon
Travelling deserted paths at night. That’ll end well
Told you
She had visions as a child
Exorcism gone bad
Radio turns on by itself. True signs of a haunting
Chasing shadows
Everybody has live snakes come out of their mouths, right?
Ah, the old mirror trope
Which grave is it?
He is not alone in his coffin
The blood stain is growing
Never stop praying
The evil is leaking
Nice drawings
Built by a dark duke
Bombs of war broke the seals
The gates of closed
Locking her in
We repent
Alice doesn’t live here anymore
There goes the cross again
I don’t know if I would be good or bad at these things. I know I certainly wouldn’t walk around a creepy place in the dark
The evil grows stronger
But I saw her earlier
Mass prayer
You were told to keep your eyes forward
Follow the bell
She is alone
Attack of the nuns
Why does a shotgun work on a ghost
Taking her vows
Mary points the way
Side bar: the cat has decided to join me for the last bit of the movie
Looking for the gateway
They split up.
The circle of light
Of course
I’m pretty sure I saw this scene in Silent Hill
I’m French Canadian biatch
I’m French Canadian biatch
I spy blood at thee
Spy = spit
The twist
Well, that was a movie
The littlest one’s very first Matchbox “car” arrived yesterday: the Mars Curiosity Rover.
She was delighted.
Moment noted for posterity.
I approve!!!!
Fascinating article about Phoenix’s heat problem. Written in a positive light, but I see a lot of concerning trends.
This also applies to Phoenix, but has resources for anyone wanting to catch NEOWISE as it flies past.
CW: The Truman Show
Just now realising that Truman’s friend is played by the actor who played Stan in The Americans. Also the slobby cop in Brooklyn 99 is one of Shows audience being interviewed.
As a fellow hater of raw tomatoes I approve of this article:
Speaking of tomatoes, there is a world of difference between the store bought ones and garden ripened on the vine variety. The breeding effort to make tomatoes easy to transport has resulted in them tasting like card board.
I’m not buying it, people say that about strawberries and I still find them yuk when picked.
I wouldn’t say “hate” – – but I never eat raw tomatoes, not even on burgers. I do enjoy tomato sauce, ketchup, and I’m a big fan of sundried tomatoes.
save the sand worms!
Finished the Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin. Only 3 books, but it took me a long time to get through, mainly due to library digital availability (TEB explained it, but I think she’s just in on the big conspiracy).
So, I get why people rave. . . She is a genius. The world is brilliant, the characterization is brilliant. I didn’t love the 3rd book, but I liked it; it had some great moments.
I do recommend this series. The 2nd book was the best in the trilogy.
It’s actually a RPG you can buy:
Great ad! It half-fooled me.
Don’t we have some Fletch fans around here?
I haven’t seen any of the Fletch movies in 20 years. Do they seem dated now? Hard to imagine anyone else besides Chevy Chase as Fletch.
My memory of it even after the first viewing was that the film itself was nothing more than a vehicle for Chevy to be Chevy.
I liked it but can’t imaging how it would be of any value played by someone else.
Tiffny tells me that place is impressive. No plans to visit Kentucky any time soon, so I’ll take her word for it. . . .
I was happy to find, via Wikipedia, that William Crowther remarried in 1980.
My dad has done some cave mapping for the National Speliological Society and I can tell you it presents some interesting challanges. It turns out to be a real 3 demential problem. Just trying to get a point of reference is difficult. Compasses aren’t always reliable. It’s dark. It’s strenuous. All your gear can get covered in mud.
The folks that do it seem to love it though.
So watched the last two episodes of Snowpiercer tv series on Netflix.
I enjoyed the series but it’s not as bonkers as the film and the plot development in the season finale literally comes out of nowhere.
Hobbs & Me
This sounds adorable. I now want to watch.
The videos are great.
I’m disturbed.
Rockfish Horror Picture Show?
Let there be fish lips.
OK, Trekkies. What’s missing from this list? I think it hits all of the ones I remember.
The only ones I can think are:
The one where the two planets are at war but no shots get fired the computers work out casualties and this people must kill themselves.
Kirk breaks the prime directive and destroys a computer that is keeping a tribe primitive.
Actually a pretty good list and I agree with Van’s choices too.
Glad to see “Spock’s Brain” on the list.
I know that “Spock’s Brain” is generally considered to be the worst Star Trek episode of all time – – for any series.
Henry Cavill builds a gaming PC:
Somehow, I’m guessing this isn’t about the computer.
It left many nerds lips a trembling.
Waiting for Vegas to reopen:
Since cirque du soleil declared bankruptcy here in Canada, I wonder what will be replacing them in Vegas.
I think they hope to come out of bankruptcy if the pandemic ever subsides and get their shows back up and running.
A lot of those Cirque venues in Vegas are pretty specifically design for the show that’s hosted there. I’m betting the hotels are going to want to try to get going with Cirque again rather than try to convert those theaters to some other kind of show.
But, who can say. While I’m glad we’re not operating in a pure survival/subsistence mode, I think it’s going to be a long time before enough people are comfortable traveling and gathering to make places like Vegas viable.
Of course, clubs and beaches keep getting packed unless they physically get shut down…which is both a hopeful sign for an eventual recovery….and a grim reminder that we’re a long way from starting that recovery.
The video of the guys handing out free masks in Huntington Beach (CA!!) was bit disheartening.
So just watched episode 6 S2 of Doom Patrol
Still very weird and still bloody great.
British Airways retires entire 747 fleet after travel downturn:
They expelled Darth Vader from the darkness club for being too bright:
CP: Polk Salad Annie (Ford v Ferrari Remix) — James Burton
Just finished “Treasure Island” from Audible. I recommend it if you haven’t read the book, like me.
I’ve fallen into the black hole of Cracking The Cryptic youtube channel. Great stuff if you like puzzles.
I must confess, as a man whose swapped a massive number of floppy disks to install the original release of “Betrayal and Krondor” back in the early 90’s, a 10 DVD install package brings a smile to my face.
It’d be cool if they released a USB stick option or a Blu-Ray option sans that.
I don’t even have a CD (DVD or Blu-Ray) in my computer
Neither do I, but I do have a plugin external Blu-Ray drive.
CW: Treasure Planet
Haven’t seen this since 2002.
It deserved more success, pretty good film.
Pretty cool little instrumental tune. Not what I was expecting.
Ooo this one and the video are even better:
Youve found something here….
I’m not completely sure what I just watched with those two….but I liked it!
I’m pretty sure that is how all medical research is done.
Or 175 floppy disks.
For a second I thought you had wrote dicks.
1. Yeah, this was supposed to be a reply to the flight simulator comments up above.
2. No more hentai for you.
I think it is important that everyone is aware what is going on in Portland.
Heavily armed, unidentified men in military fatigues and un-marked cars started snatching people off the streets 2 days ago.
One who was released reported it was a secret federal goon squad.
At first it was denied. Then homeland security said they were federal agents being sent to protect federal property.
Except this was happening away from federal property.
HS then changed their answer to just, we answer to the President.
Now both the Mayor and the Governor have told the White House to remove their secret police from Portland and the response was that not only would they NOT remove their squads … they were going to expand these tactics to other states.
That is some 3rd world dictator $@&# right there!
Wanted to know how he was going to stay in power with ratings plummeting?
Que the voter suppression tactics of secret police squads, answerable to no one but themselves, who can “disappear” you right off a public street.
Yeah, rump is going to commit a number of atrocities between now and November.
And I truly believe that he will get re-elected, in spite of everything.
Possibly because of tampering and meddling, or possibly just because of social conditioning.
Can you imagine any other time in history where a president committed so many acts of treason and remained in power? Can you imagine any other president knowingly overlooking an enemy leader putting boutnies out for our troops in the field?
Changing topics completely …
I watched “The Man Who Fell to Earth” last night.
I don’t care if it was a book that was written when David Bowie was only 16… I feel certain it is autobiographical of him. 🙂
REALLY weird film. I think it is a great example of that sort of abstract, disorienting imagery, experimental film making but as a straight up “entertaining film”… maybe not so much.
I had seen a bit of it back in the day but this was the first time to watch it all the way through.
I just wrapped up a 2-hour(!) recording session with Nutty Nuchtchas and Jason for the Nutty Bites podcast. The topic was anti-heroes and villains we love. Lots of fun!
Van, in case you had any doubts you’re an old man:
Me, I’m still a spring chicken
Welp. Time to sail off to the Grey Havens
Introduced the teenager tonight to the original Leeroy Jenkins!!!! video. I was shocked she’d never heard of it.
Never say I don’t have my education priorities in order.
I think it’s pretty much a given now that as the limit of new memes heads toward infinity, the chances of knowing about a given one anymore approach zero, except for the case where the virality of said meme also asymptotically approaches infinity.
Yeah, I certainly can’t/ wouldn’t wanna keep up. But re: Leeroy Jenkins: kids gotta know their history.
Fascinating read. My Great gramma had polio. I remember her being tired often and she oscillated between a wheelchair and a walker. She had a horrific, chronic cough. She did live a long life, however.
It’s easier to just whine and cry that it’s all fake than to face reality.
Is the US just a conspiracy movie now:
Yeah, the conspiracy mooks are going to run amok with this one. . . . because. . . . it is super suspicious.
Yes… but poorly written and badly acted.
Morning Pan
Another warm morning. Hopefully it won’t be too warm to go for a walk later this morning.
I saw beans and a video link, therefore I was completely expecting this at about :27.
This is what I was expecting:
Fingers crossed it’s true:
So, I’ve never read Elric (yeah, yeah, I know). I know a bit about him (albino, badass sword), but I figured I ought to get familiar.
So Elric fans, help me out. I’ve heard that “Elric of Melnibone” is the place to start, but that’s not easy to find, so I borrowed “Stealer of Souls” from the library. It contains “Dreaming City,” “While the Gods Laugh,” “Stealer of Souls,” “Kings in Darkness,” and “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams.” I read the first story over the weekend. Am I getting the right Elric intro?
(Cue the Moorcock jokes)
I must confess, I gave up after the first book, which is “Elric of Melnibone” as I recall. I don’t remember exactly why, but I just didn’t find it very compelling after all the hype.
That would have been back when I still read physcial books, but I think it was a library checkout, I don’t believe I own a copy.
The first few books are good. After that it gets kind of weird with the whole dimension travelling and dealing with nazi-like era
The first story was fine. I’m kinda approaching it more as an historical document study than as a read for entertainment.
The writing style and content really feel like a super-nerd teenager telling me about how his favorite D&D character was the toughest, coolest warrior dude who got all the elf babes. . . etc.. . . But. . . I acknowledge that it’s unfair to make these critiques about a story that was written 60+ years ago.
I’ve heard that Gygax was more inspired by Moorcock than even Tolkien to create D&D, which so far, makes sense.
I’ve never read Elric either.
Although StarShipSofa did run an Elric story many moons ago.
I’ve found some peace with it. . . I’ve read plenty of Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories. I just need to look at this from the same perspective, through the same lens.
I want to tell you about a girl who only eats plants.
You’ve probably never herd of herbivore
She was an obvious plant.
Told Siri to set timer for one hour. It did what I asked, it also said at the same time, “point two miles, turn left onto main street”
What’s that about?
Siri is practicing her free-form, word Jazz.
You secret instructions from the Kremlin..
The cat hates house cleaning day.
Do you make the cat do the vacuuming or scrub the sinks?
No, but I do move all the furniture, including her posts.
Quick Poll-
I was raised in a house where it was referred to as a “vacuume cleaner” … you vacuumed the carpet.
I do have relatives from Ohio though, who referred to it as a carpet sweeper.
I also know someone who always referred to it as hoovering the carpets.
Question- What do you guys call that chore of using the portable electrical appliance that sucks up dust?
Carbon reclamation.
We called it the “howling maw of fibrous cleansing.”
Or sometimes just the “vacuum.”
. . . .
My grandparents ALSO had a different contraption that we called the carpet sweeper, but it had no cables or power. It was almost like a broom with wheels.
My answer is the same as Jack’s. We Vacuum our carpets, but I’ve seen a carpet sweeper that doesn’t plug in
I have seen a carpet sweeper, but I dont recall what my grandparents called it.
CP: Burn The Witch — Radiohead
This was one of the more fascinating “American Experience” episodes on PBS that I’ve seen:
Mr. Fujita was a remarkable and persistent man.
CW: Brave New World E2
I’ve never read the book (I know, I know) and have vague memories of the 80s mini series which actually had a more diverse cast.
Wikipedia says the 1980 adaption was a film but pretty sure the BBC split it up into mutiole episodes.
I read the book – – but it’s been long enough that I probably wouldn’t be able to cry foul over the differences. And I guarantee there will be many, many changes.
I do recall that the novel was pretty damn smart, if a bit dated. I sometimes refer to myself as an Epsilon, on my bad days.
If I recall, the book was set around the 1970s and the mini-series had a more futuristic setting. I know I skimmed the book, not sure if I read it cover to cover.
The Russians do Quatermas:
You know what you shouldn’t do?
Shotgun a shot of scotch
Do you know how I’m feeling?
I do not envy you the headache you shall have when you awake. But for now, rest well, and dream of large women.
I did not wake up with a headache. I actually feel pretty good this morning.
Today when I asked Siri to set timer for one hour he said, “at the traffic lights, turn right on North Decatur Boulevard”
We don’t have one of those here in Airdrie. Where does Siri think I am?
If he does this again tomorrow, I might start to get a little freaked out.
Maybe it’s because you have a man’s voice.
Remember, men don’t need driving directions.
Maybe it is good that SIRI DOESN’T know where you are?
Sounds like your Siri is turning into Tom Waits.
My computer did not like that link. Could you do a different one? Who are we mourning?
“THE world of quirky indie music was left a little darker this morning with the news that Tim Smith, singer with eternally loved, eternal outsiders the Cardiacs, has died at the age of 59.”
I frequently find that my coffee cup contains 1 less sip of coffee than I desire.
Different bad news:
This is cool stuff.
I’ve only seen one of these:
I’ve seen two.
Three, well three and a half I DNF Birdbox
Bird Box is the only one I’ve seen. It was fine.
Me too. Although, Birdbox made my butthole pucker a bit.
I’ve seen one.
I’ve only seen 6 Underground and enjoyed in spite of myself. I’m surprised that several of those I’ve never even heard of.
I’ve watched “Tripple Frontier”.
It was alright. Sort of a slowly building, action, suspense, “buddy road-trip” sort of thing.
I had already forgotten about it til Inread the list.
Tried watching “The Irishman”. Fell sleep, woke up and fell asleep again durring this one. Maybe I was just tired.
If you fell asleep during The Irishman it must be because you have become addicted to a constant need for over the top action and special effects in Marvel Movies. True film making like Scorsese can pull off with actual drama and characterization just doesn’t tip off those pleasure and motivation sensors that Marvel has hijacked.
Before anyone gets really upset with me, that’s satire up there.
Yeh. I’m gonna go with, “I had a long day and a big dinner and too much wine.”
At least that’s what I hope.
Sorry if this is old news, but I think it’s a cool team name and a bitchin logo!
I hadn’t heard that this was official. Interesting also that it’s the Seattle Kraken and not the Seattle Krakens.
There can only be one.
I mean. . . a team with only 1 player is going to struggle in the NHL.
“With the NHL on pause since March 12, the league and players’ association have come up with a return-to-play format featuring 24 teams.”
I first read that as “coughed up with”.
CP: It Coulda Been Me — Social Distortion
We watched season 1. It was aaiight.
I’d never read the books or seen the feature film.
S2 is coming:
Hopefully I’m not setting up for disappointment from EA, but EckhartsLadder is pretty stoked after the playing time he was able to get, so I think Star Wars: Squadrons is going to be a winner.
Fingers crossed. I don’t buy EA games on day-one anymore, but I’ll keep my eyes out for favorable reviews. If there are good reviews two weeks after release, I’ll pick it up.
Yeah, might be a game I actually buy a physical copy of for the PS4.
The FMV game Erica was one of the games on PS plus this month.
This genre of games does have not a stellar record for fun games but this one was well done.
Played through twice to see two different endings, well worth a try if you pay for PS Plus.
How physical traits of men and women described in literature:
Oh, I’m not ready yet to be an active participant in articles. But that alone is pretty cool.
Well this is good news:
Morning Pan
I slept in this morning. I think I needed it
Do crabs think fish fly?
Article posted mainly for the title:
“The Valley of the Cheese of the Dead”
I think I’ll pass on the death cheese. But I was inspired to track down some Wednesdale. Strangle, I found one mixed with fig and honey for $15, but the least expensive pure version I could find was $150.
-strangle +strangely
Did you spend the $150? No judgement if you did!! I’m just curious what $150 cheese tastes like.
Oh, and “Death Cheese” is my new band.
No, I figured I’d try the honey and fig for $15 first. And then it would have to be really remarkable for me to fork-out $150 for the plain article. Especially considering you can get a can of CheeseWiz for lets than a fiver.
I can only hear Wensleydale in my head in Wallace’s voice.
Better than me… my head just went into the Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch.
Other than that Monty Python skit, I’ve never even heard Wensleydale mentioned in polite company.
File this under: “What the hell did I just watch?”
I stopped watching at about the forty second mark.
Bottom line is: if you need treatment for covid-19, do not allow them to give you hydrochloroquine (and azithromycin).
We’re playing D & D tomorrow. I told hubby I’m killing off my character. While he’s not happy, at least he understands my reasoning and is going with it.
Do tell! May your character Rest In Peace.
Yeah, what’s up with that?
In very short terms, because of, reasons, I was “given” a character I don’t normally play and was never comfortable with. Since I could never “act” the role, it didn’t really work.
She’s going to die spectacularly by jumping into a big hole at the Yawning Portal Inn.
Ok wow. A Take 5/Fur Elise mashup performed live. Brilliant. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=klh6V9ltNHM
Ok, today I learnt that Calgary is not as far North as Kirkwall is on the Orkney Islands?
I’m not even sure what to say to that.
That damn jetstream keeping the U.K. relatively warmer than it should be.
I’ve decided to work my way through that Netflix list.
Last night we watched “Murder Mystery”.
If “Knives Out” was a brilliant study in tightly scripted “who done it”, portrayed by talented actors giving a class in characture development and produced by talented direction and editing … “Murder Mystery” was a high school theater class’ attempt at doing the same.
That said, I enjoyed it.
So maybe I was a bit harsh. It is actually a fun bit of fluff with only about 1/3 the number of Adam Sandler “cringeworthy” scenes.
Honestly, this is the first time I watched something with him in it and thought “Hey…he actually has some range as an actor!”
Granted, that range goes from playing “Adam Sandler as annoying” to “Adam Sandler as really REALLY annoying” but still, that’s range.
…but I’m rambling, because I have nothing on my schedule.
Short (is it too late to be short?): Fun movie. Don’t expect much and you will be pleasantly surprised.
JW: You Should Have Left
A predictable horror that is probably better seen after imbibing booze.
So, my kind then.
Yeah, definitely worth a play by play.
Goodbye to Peter Green:
Sad news for sure. He is often overlooked when people talk about Fleetwood Mac.
Without having ever watched “The Shining” completely and having a passing familiarity with the story (much of which came from the Deadpan Colorado adventure), we watched “Dr. Sleep” last evening.
Ewan MacGregor and Rebecca Furgeson were enough of a draw to get me to tune in in spite of knowing little of what I was getting into.
That said, overall I greatly enjoyed it. Especially the way it overturned the trope of the big bad keeps defeating the hero until the last minute when the hero finds a way to turn the tide. Great performances all around
I didn’t recall that you’d never seen The Shining, Ed. I’ve talked to my daughter about that movie. It’s been sooooo widely parodied and referenced across soooo many tv shows – – even kids movies and shows, that the effectively creepy moments won’t have as much power for her, when she eventually does see it.
I’m a little surprised that Doctor Sleep works as a stand-alone. I have not yet seen it.
We visited the hotel Stephen King wrote the novel in during the deadpan meetup in Colorado.
I’m sure I would have picked up and appreciated more if I had been more familiar with the details of The Shining. However, there are enough flashbacks and references that I think someone who only has the pop culture references (some of which are called back to in this movie) can pick up pretty easily.
I recall some neat posters and stuff on the walls of the hotel.
The Doctor Sleep movie was well done in that it walked a fine line really well. The Shining book and movie ended extremely differently and the Doctor Sleep movie had to combine elements of both to get it to work right. I’m far too familiar with the book and movie versions of the original and sequel to get my head around seeing it as a standalone. I’m glad it can be followed well that way. Also glad that you got out of it a sense that the hero wasn’t always being defeated by the baddie and the baddie wasn’t always in control. It was a great point you made and it was a great aspect of the book and movie.
I know that no one here believes the narrative that everyone protesting in Portland is a violent thug, but this helps dispel that bullshit:
And here’s the link to the chat we had with Mike LePond of Symphony X, plus Alan Tecchio, who I’ve been listening to since I was a kid.
And the final video of my afternoon linkblast, a video from Ayreon’s upcoming album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeeVX6rbVMc
It’s a lovely song, featuring narration from Tom Baker (yes, that Tom Baker), and the amazing Cammie Gilbert on vox. She’s a fucking superstar, and she looks and sounds amazing in this video. And seriously, look at those FX and guest stars; someone is putting some money into this.
And to make it all about me, I got to hang out with Cammie and Dobber and all the guys in Oceans of Slumber a few years back. Awesome people.
..and it’s goodbye to John Saxon:
Such a presence. A big part of my youth in Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and 3. And of course, that Bruce Lee film. RIP
Olivia De Havilland has passed:
Tonights movie from the NetFlix list was “Extraction”.
Two thumbs up.
Old school, “roller coaster ride” action adventure but with a little depth.
Lovely day with the family hitting some trails in Sedona, especially as the afternoon more on and cooled down. A nice escape from the heat – – and from the house.
It was encouraging to see so many masks too.
I find it amusing we both spent the weekend in Sedona.
Along with EVERYONE else in the Valley. :-/
There was quite the crowd downtown, but when we hiked Brin’s Mesa, we encountered only 8 other people over the 3 hours we were out.
Morning Pan
We rewatched the first AVP last night. I was a decent movie. As I recall, 1 and 3 were good, 2 was atrocious.
I saw the first 2, and recall them both being pretty bad.
There was not a 3rd AVP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s suppose to be stupid warm all week. I fully expect to spend time in the basement where it’s cooler.
Went to the pub for a meal for the first time since March.
I now get to wait two weeks to see if I’ve been a moron.
Many of you have already seen this: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/scourge-hygiene-theater/614599/
I don;t know if it’s adding to the infonoise, or if it’s valid. I tend to trust The Atlantic. . . but don’t take it as gospel.
Masks, social distancing, and moving activities outdoors sound like smart things to do. I still wash my hands after touching public doorknobs etc. I don’t see myself eating inside a restaurant for a while.
I do look forward to being able to do outdoorsy stuff again. Phoenix is just too darn hot right now.
You’re not wrong.
Your knot rong.
But there are several links to his sources, including medical journal article.
About time:
CP: Sick & Beautiful — Artificial Joy Club
Annnnnd a bunch of Major League Baseball players and staff have tested positive.
Sigh. Even if they somehow got everything behind the scenes handled properly, the sports requires contact and interaction. It only takes a few non-compliants to wreck things for everyone.
Tonight’s movie from theNetflix list –
“6 Underground”
I think Van summed it up.
Action and fun.
So thanks to an app I now know how to play Sudoku.
That game don’t impress me much.
Expert level is a fun mental challenge, imo.
The big local AZ news today: https://abc11.com/tempe-arizona-bridge-collapse-train-derailment/6340256/
The good news: no injuries.
Everybody needs a hobby.
It’s already quite warm. Hubby and I have agreed to forego our walk this morning. It it’s already warm, it will be too hot to go on a 5k hike in a couple of hours. Instead we will do a workout in the basement where it’s nice and cool.
(Yes I know this is considered mild in Arizona, I’m a heat weather wimp.)
JW: The Rental
Not really into slasher films but this was not half bad.
so…hot. The office is the hottest room in the house.
That’s it, I’m moving to a cooler floor.
So I did finish season 2 of Legion. Some bold steps. . . Definitely a lot of style over substance. Eh. It’s never dull, always interesting to look at. I maintain that it’s often weird without justification. I don’t love it, but I’ll watch the 3rd to see how it ends.
I agree with all points. It is hard to binge as Teresa gets annoyed with all the psychedelics and continues to ask questions throughout each episode. I’ll probably have to finish it on my own. I too want to find out how it ends.
Rhett, it’s the same in my house. We can watch it together. With popcorn… Snuggled next to each other on the couch…
… or just… you know… separately, on our own…
OK, when Community is funny, it’s really damn funny.
Morning Pan
Another hot one today.
Mine was ok but a reminder that these sort of batteries may not be safe to leave in your cupboard for years:
I’ll have to check mine, but if I’m remote gaming I’m using a Switch.
The mp3 turned 25 years old on Monday.
(Not sure why my first post of this went up above, under Van’s Sudoku comment)
The big local AZ news today: https://abc11.com/tempe-arizona-bridge-collapse-train-derailment/6340256/
The good news: no injuries.
The podcast this article refers to is well worth a listen:
JW: Yes, God, Yes
A charming film about a young lass in a strict catholic school discovering her sexuality.
I think I saw that one on Cinemax one late night, back in the early 90s.
This. Is. Amazing
Spinal Tap left a lasting legacy.
Fun is fun. I do want to know what “Feuerschwanz” translates to. . . .
Melissa Bonny’s primary band, Ad Infinitum, is a tiny bit less hokey, but just as theatrical.
Tonight’s movie From the Netflix list-
“Spencer Confidential”
It was fine.
“Dirty Cop” genre.
Could have been a made for TV movie.
Welp. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53597975
2 thoughts.
1)Much of the media and the public is focused on the services for John Lewis with featured Speakers Pres. Obama, Bush and Clinton.
THAT is just not the sort of loss of attention he can tolerate.
2)” legal experts quoted by NBC said that even if Congress did agree to delay the election, Mr Trump’s own term as president would still expire by 20 January 2021 under the constitution’s 20th Amendment.”
So Senate Republicans are not likely to support this because election or not, t/p term comes to an absolute end Jan 20 and if there has been no election the office automatically goes to (drum roll) Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi!
Number 1 is 100% correct. This is an attempted distraction from many things.
We were shocked that Moscow McConnell got away with refusing to vet Obama’s last supreme court nominee. But he did. And trump’s presidency has been a daily succession of “He’ll never get away with that” moments. Checks and balances have not applied to any of these shits for a long time.
So the interesting differrence with scenario #2 is –
At the moment trump does what ever he wants because his party rules the roost and doesn’t care what laws he breaks.
As of Jan 20th, if there has been no election… the Dems will (with the full weight of the constitution behind them) get to claim that THEY are now in charge. Because the Republicans right now own the rest of the Gov the Dems make a few noises and back off. But if the Dems believe that THEY now hold the reigns of power… I suspect they will fight tooth and nail to keep it.
Can say I am more concerned at how trump and Co are actively sabatoging the US Postal Service.
A clear attempt to suppress votes.
I don’t have the same confidence that the Democrats will take any action beyond some strong words.
One can assume he’s saying these kinds of things to gauge what kind of support he’ll get if he refuses to leave in Nov (if our broken election system doesn’t hand him another suspect win).
Anyway. I realize that Deadpan is a tucked away pocket of the web, but I’m still done giving him oxygen.
CW: Commando
An Arnie film I’ve never seen before.
The seen of Arnie and his ‘daughter’ near the beginning is grade A cringeworthy.
James Olson!
From Ragtime and the original Andromeda Strain
Apparently muscles help you smell the bad guys coming.
Turn a truck into a go kart.
Does that string vest make the Australian bad guy gay?
I’ll be back Bennett
Dead tired…boom boom!
Pretty sure you wouldn’t survive that fall unless you were an Terminator
Airport security was lax in 1985
We even laughed at this movie for being a pile of turds back in 1985(?).
Come out to play guy from Warriors is a creeper
John Matrix!!!
What a name.
Sexist security guards.. I’m shocked!
Run away from the shooter!!
This film wouldn’t work in 2020 as the Warriors guy would just use a mobile phone to warn his boss.
So many one liners!
Arnie’s digital watch looks as tacky as this film.
Cooke didn’t last long.
So convenient that the lass Arnie takes hostage is taking flying lessons.
Lots and lots of army surplus
Well that’s one way to rob a store.
You know I wouldn’t be surprised if a supermarket did stock a rocket launcher in the US.
Bill Paxton as air traffic controller!
These soldiers all look old.
Those binocs looks neat
Slicing and dicing
Lots of explosions
This feels like playing Operation Wolf at the arcades
The arm chopping seems a bit gratuitous
These guys are worse shots than Stormtroopers
The want to dictator exits stage left out if the window
Well this is all rather homoerotic
The bad guy throwing his gun away to fight is a rookie mistake
Where’s the steam coming from? He ripped the pipe from the wall.
John Matrix wins!
What a pile of crap.
You mean, you couldn’t rip a pipe from the wall with your bare hands?
Commando is a Rated R movie made for 8-year-olds.
As stated on the Fbook: it’s 100 degrees at midnight.
Speaking of Bill Paxton, his son takes up his role as the younger version of the same character in this week’s “Agents of SHIELD”, for those of us still keeping up with this final season.
It started itching at my brain pretty early in the episode that the actor had to be Paxton’s son from his look and manners.
I only caught a bit of his episodes peripherally, while Tiffany was watching, but it seemed like he was having a blast with his character. I do heart me some Bill Paxton. Good for his son stepping into that role. Must have been lots of feels on set.
My feet are damp from seawater.
If you are in a boat, you may not be doing it right.
Man the bilges, ye swabs! arrr
I haven’t read it yet, but who can resist a New Yorker article about the return of The Far Side?
Well that’s awkward:
If you read carefully, it’s actually just a guy saying that he’s afraid of what could happen if there are errors in the code for these robots. It hasn’t actually happened. Sad really. I would have liked it if there really were sex robots on the revolt. Imagine the blow to your ego if even a machine programmed to have sex with you thinks so little of you that it would rather get violent.
..and it’s goodbye to Alan Parker:
We’re all just bricks in The Wall. RIP
Space is big, really big:
If you want some background noise:
Hugo Winners:
I’ve seen a lot of grumbling about the ceremony and especially about the Retro Hugos this year. Eh, I’ll stay happily on the sidelines.
I am one with The Force and The Force is with me.
Rogue One is the best of modern Star Wars.
I just wished they had got a decent Peter Cushing impersonator for the CGI Tarkin.
I agree that the CGI Tarkin and Leia were terrible. Interesting now that we’ve been watching Clone Wars to see the little nods. The biggest, of course, being Saw Gerrera.
There was a shot in the trailer of Jyn high up on the tower catwalk with a TIE fighter in front of her that wasn’t in the final cut of the movie; I do wonder how that would have fit.
I am 1000% in agreement on this. It was the first time since Empire Strikes Back that I felt the film wasn’t specifically made for children and I was just along for the ride.
Wow, that is some forward to a book
Yes, that’s disgusting.
Cool me news: I recently guested with Nutty Nuchtchas and Jason Gregory Banks on the Nutty Bites podcast:
It was a fun discussion! Super geeky.
It was Tarkin that wiped out the planet FFS!
I you missed was Neville from I Am Legend, coded as a hero till you find out he’s the monster.
Neville is an interesting one. And yes, it’s true that Tarkin is guilty of murdering everyone on Alderaan – – he gave the order, but Vader is at least an accomplice.
The one I realized I forgot was Brandon Lee’s Eric Draven (The Crow).
Wilford Brimley has died:
I wrote up a commentary last night on what I’ve seen about the Hugo Awards and backlash, but I deleted it. With all of the qualifiers, acknowledgements, explanations, pre-emotive defenses, etc., it got to be novella-length.
So in short: “White male” should not be used as an epithet.
I’ve lost all respect for the surviving old guard of scifi. They just come over as elitist pigs these days
They are the past and not the future.
I won’t speak in generalizations. Some of the elders are truly great people.
Many have disappointed or been exposed as awful people.
JW: Summerland
Set in WW2 where a writer has to take in a child who has been evacuated from London and reflects on a lost love. It was all very pleasant and not in a bad way.
The co-inventor of the mouse has died:
Squeak in peace.
Maybe they just need to take out the ball and clean out the lint?
Happy anniversary, Ryah!
Hey, you lazy musicians! Just keep cranking out product! Let htis billionaire dipshit dictate the terms of your art!
Beatallica are lots of fun. Here’s their story in a 23-minute documentary:
Ah, the beauty of nature.
This is why I don’t eat live Japanese beetles.
That’s how I plan to survive an attack of Giant frogs.
I’m thinking there is a million-dollar business opportunity to sell a new cleansing procedure to the Hollywood elite.
Gwyneth Paltrow on line 1 for you, sir.
Sweet story. I’d never heard of the original viral video.
This is a sweet story-
But a little sour as I am sure he is doing. PR blitz to recover from his coronavirus tourney debackle that sickened many, many people a couple of months ago.
This is why I have a hard time watching horror any more.
Did you watch it? Cos it’s coming over you just hate because it was done over zoom.
This looks like my kind of movie.
I’d have believed this was the next Paranormal Activities sequel. Is it found footage fatigue?
I didn’t watch it and I do dislike the concept of a movie made over zoom. The whole found footage things gets to me because I can’t stand shaky/vomit cam. I’ve also not been actually scared by a horror movie since I was about 10 years old. So, the modern fad of horror movies like the paranormal activities movies that rely on just trying to scare you don’t really work for me at all. They just seem like a cheap way to use horrible effects to “create a scary ambiance”. Creating a horror movie on Zoom seems to be the ultimate extension of this concept to me. Just creating the atmosphere of horror without any actual horror and with zero budget and special effects. Call it being a teen in the 80s and getting used to slasher type horror movies. But I just don’t see this as anything but a cheap out.
Best left for a rainy day afternoon:
I actually have work to do today. What’s that about?
This sounds lovely and impossible.
So Mulan and Black Widow switching to Disney+ for release but it will cost 30 dollars per film.
Umbrella Academy S2 rocks (in plot and soundtrack), limiting myself to one episode a day to stream has it out a bit.
We’re watching the last episode tonight. I’d almost say it was better than the first season.
S1 was OK while watching, but a little light in retro. The comic was a little better.
We watched the first episode of season 2, then we decided to re-watch season 1 as we forgot much of the plot. We’re actually enjoying season 1 more on the second viewing.
Stretch not stream
CW: webinar with Randall Munro (xkcd) and Katie Mack (Astrophysicist)
I did not know Randall had attained degree in physics.
He’s a pretty sharp one. I recommend his book if you haven’t already:
Yeah, he’s one of those off-the-charts intelligent guys.
Was this a live webinar?
Yup, part of Katie Mack’s promotion ‘tour’ for her book ‘The End of Everything’
I read What If. It was a fun book.
Are Westworld, Devs, and Picard awful?
OK, speak up! I’ve only seen season 1 of Westworld, which was pretty good.
The author of that article is so wrong that I cannot even comprehend the magnitude of their wrongness.
Well, that article was a rambling mess.
That said, Picard was an utter disappointment and Season 3 of Westworld really did waste the potential that it has built up in the first two seasons. It’s hard to believe that the folks that gave us the excellent slow burn of “Person of Interest” are the same ones behind Westworld.
I’ve not seen, or quite frankly, heard of Devs before this article. Which means Hulu is really bad at pushing its own content since that’s my major cable alternative.
Well I enjoyed Picard and S3 of Westworld.
Devs is slow paced but has a great scifi premise that you don’t really get till the final episode.
I thought Picard and the first season of West World were quite good. Seasons 2 and 3 of WW were a bit of a snooze. I haven’t watched Devs.
“Now don’t be a pussy, laser my fucking tits”:
Roll on September.
Man, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told THAT!
This is my ear worm today. Now it’s yours
Yeah, I’ve never known of another band with a Fantasy world Dwarf image.