As terrible as last week’s X-Files was , this week’s was a damn fine X-Files. Old school to the max. The kind that’s a joy to watch. Know why? Because it’s a one off and not part of the shitty cock knockery that the mythology episodes have become
A couple of big thinkers, led by Bruce Sterling, have made an annual tradition of starting the year with “State of the World” discussions at The Well, one of the longest-running electronic gathering places in existence.
They don’t ignore the orange disaster in the White House, but they also don’t get bogged down in his swamp. It’s a lot of reading from a number of contributors, but it’s fun to tag along.
Left-handedness Is one of the many things Jack and my hubby have in common
Hartlepool Marina is a nice e place to potter around.
It’s still rather cold outside
The neighbors might think. . .
Say what’s in this drink?
Seriously, trading Duclair, Yotes?
Just for that, Baby M will *not* wear any Coyotes gear this year; in protest.
He was disliked by coaches Tippet and Tocchet, but showed amazing flashes of talent on the ice, and was popular with the fans. I was eager to see him become a superstar – – but it looks like that will now happen elsewhere.
Note to Coyotes management: he wasn’t the problem. This trade isn’t going to fix your disaster of a season.
Well said
The skating rink consistently has hockey on a few TVs, Foxnews on the rest. The caption : “We are all created equal by God, Trump echoes King after s**hole comments” is there now under dipshit talking heads.
Earlier, it was “Obama’s obsession with Foxnews.”
just making America great again. 🙁
… and since we’re playing billiards –
couldn’t help but notice that a Pennsylvania coal mine shut down today with 400 jobs lost.
– After a big media splash 2 days ago about bonuses to Walmart employees, with no fan fare or notice to employees – overnight they shut down “Sam’s Clubs” all across America resulting in thousands of lost jobs.
-Oh also saw where that the Carrier plant in Indiana that got millions of tax dollars in a well advertised, Trump push “to save jobs” … has laid off another 215 people. They laid off 300 shortly after they got their Trump deal. They have also announced that they plan to spend their 16 million “investment” on automation which should lead to further layoffs.
There you go Trump supporters. Feeling the greatness yet?
JJ its real simple…. This could DIRECTLY (and it will) affect staunch Trump supporters and they wouldn’t bat an eyelash blaming anyone but him. They’d blame Obama, blame congress, blame other Republicans, blame Democrats, blame the Tea Party, blame China, blame “shithole illegals from shithole countries”. Anyone but him. That’s how he stays. That’s why he’s not going anywhere. That’s why they’ll never change their minds. We’ve got 3 more years of this no matter what….
Hey let’s be fair here, there’s a good chance they actually want to blame “shithouse illegals from shithouse countries.”
It’s a good day to stay inside, drink hot tea and watch c++ tutorials.
Baby Shower Day! It’s actually gonna be a little bit too hot at the park, but we’ll manage. With zero sympathy from anyone else.
Looks like you picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue.
What a fun day with some of the people I love!
These old legs are feeling a big stiff this morning. Group of friends from work had our sort of annual “Great Walkabout” yesterday. Almost a 19 mile hike. Came home, had dinner and a shower…and crashed at 8pm. Now it’s 2am and I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.
Ed, between all of the biking and hiking, you must look like a young Jack Lalanne.
A bit of an amendment…while eating and gathering the strength to stumble to bed, we did watch the first two episodes of the new “Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams” on Amazon Prime. Enjoyed them both. I don’t know the exact nature of the connection to Philip K. Dick – presumably inspired by writing. The first episode felt like it was inspired by Total Recall. I haven’t read enough of his work to say that it was tied to something else more directly.
Any list of funny words that doesn’t include “kerfuffle” just isn’t up to snuff. Someday I will name one of my dogs kerfuffle. Mrs. Asshat gets the next naming and has her heart set on “shazbot”. I’ll have to be content with “woofles” for quite some time.
Jack and I were there about five years ago. It was super fun!!!!
The guy who ran the place looked like a Scooby Doo villain come to life. I almost didn’t believe he was real.
and he would have gotten away with it too …
A trip here is now added to my list.
Morning Pan
Still waiting for reports, which means still twiddling my thumbs. I hate being rushed to get my stuff done my a certain deadline when I don’t get what I need to do my job.
Lately M.A.D.D. Have been running ads about not drinking if you’re going to be operating a boat. I wonder if, in the summer, ads will run about not drinking while operating a snowmobile
*shakes head*
Aren’t they Inspector Gadget’s enemy organization?
Hubby just left for work. He’s working late again so I won’t see him for 15 or so hours 🙁
Queue the “I was always a Cranberries fan” from people who hadn’t listened to them for 15 years.
In other sad news I finally saw WW. I don’t get the love. Really don’t. I get the love of the character in this film as well as Gal’s portrayal ( brilliant) but this this acts just like an upper mid tier Marvel film complete with unmemorable big bad and great middle action piece.
Just because this is light years above the other DC films don’t make it great. It’s fine and I’m sure I’ll watch it again and I know I will see any film which she’s the main focus.
What confounds me is Jack’s (yeah I’m calling you out buddy!) love for this one while hating Captain America. IT IS THE SAME FILM. SAME! FILM! Now if you wanna say the character of WW is more enjoyable than the character of CA in that film, I could get behind that.
But this is all just one man’s opinion. Bring on Van calling me a misogynist.
It’s not a perfect movie. The villain is awful (as bad as Red Skull in Cap), and her companions are straight from the “generic side characters bin.” But it’s definitely good. It also doesn’t have a guy’s big head awkwardly CGI’ed onto the wrong body.
I think the “Girl Power” aspect is great, and a huge part of its appeal. And the scenes in No Man’s Land and in the village are fantastic. And Gal Gadot.
It’s that second paragraph I’ll agree with wholeheartedly.
Like I said, they are exactly the same film in comparable quality and enjoyment.
I think if CA was done today, that CG head thing wouldn’t be an issue. But hey it’s still light years beyond Tron Legacy’s bad young Jeff Bridges
I justified the bad CGI Jeff Bridges as the graphics of that world.
How did you justify the rest of the film being terrible?
Gawd I sound like you now… *cough*
I can’t justify the rest of Tron: Legacy. Except the soundtrack (hat tip to Ed for introducing me to its wonders).
I’m glad to hear someone else was underwhelmed by WW. It wasn’t a bad movie, but I’ve become very “meh” about most superhero movies anymore. Think I’ve been over saturated with them. WW seemed like every other superhero movie I’ve seen (including the same rehashed patterns I keep seeing over and over again).
I’m not going to call you a women hater Lo, well not over WW.
The big thing was this was a film with a woman lead and directed by a woman. It deserves the praise it got. Hopefully it will lead to many more women superhero centred films getting the green light.
I enjoyed WW, it was the only film (along with GOTG2 and TLJ) that I saw twice last year at the cinema.
Oh and Red Skull was bloody great in the first CA film and arguably the only decent villain in the Marvel films so far.
I was (friendly) trolling a bit with that crack about Red Skull, although I did really dislike him – aside from his one moment of henchman mercy.
Loki and Hela have been good Marvel big bads.
Disagree Van. As Jack said, Loki and Hela are great and I’d argue Baron Zemo from Civil War has been the most complex and sympathetic so far. Even tho Red Skull is a tried and true Marvel villain, he did kind of get tossed into the Marvel villain throw away pile
I think I said it at the time and will chime in again to say I was underwhelmed with WW. Not bad film but over all I’ve never had a desire to see it again. CA however I have seen again (on video) and enjoy it every time. It is just somehow more fun.
AS for the “girl power” thing. Sadly, I don’t really care what the gender or sexual preference is of the people who make my movies. I just want them to make a good movie. I guess by the same reasoning … I think it’s stupid to deny someone the right to make film based on their sexual identity or preference.
So with that as my baseline, I’ll cheer for “girl power” films getting made … but I won’t give them any more of “a pass” then I would any other film. (I’m looking at you, last THOR movie!).
I’m finally going to see The Last Jedi this afternoon.
Wash dies.
THANKS JACK! Butthole. *sells tickets*
“Wash dies” is an actual minor spoiler for Rogue One.
That’s kind of very funny actually
LOL me too! Hey man it pays to be late. No crowds…
Huzzah. (most of) my reports are in. Now I actually have to do some work.
Justin Macumber, who some of you may know from the podcast world, passed away today. I only knew him through FB and the Podcast World, but he seemed like a good guy. One of us. RIP.
Update: He appeared alongside me in the TOC of Dragon Moon’s “Podthology” anthology.
Brunch with the boss this morning
Good morning, Deadpan. It’s 7 degrees outside here in Omaha.
I spent most of Sunday afternoon cleaning the house so I could get my carpets cleaned yesterday. They were cleaned while I was out doing good (see the top few posts on my Twitter page).
An, the news said today was appreciate a dragon day
Stupid iPad An = Van
My Dragon is happy with the new washing machine, thank goodness for that.
Is that what you call it?
Late to chime in (been away from the interwebs til today) but I hope you had a swell Birthday Jack.
Thank you, sir! I didn’t have to use my AK.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s car goes in for some recall work today. Tomorrow it’s my car.
Say 2 of no school around here.
Not much snow/ice on roads but apparently no one wants to be the guy who approved classes when a bus finds that one, small patch of ice out in the county and slides down a ravine.
I will say 7 degrees was cold last night but the 4degree wind chill this morning is actually painful on exposed skin.
Guess it serves one right for exposing oneself.
There are some good movies on that this, but some of the positioning is far off the mark.
While I’m not sure which movies I’d kick out of there list (and I haven’t seen a few of them, so I can’t knock them just due to my ignorance). But these ones missing seems wrong:
Blade Runner 2049
Edge of Tomorrow
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Moon – YES!
Inception – YES!
I’d take either of the last two Captain America’s over WW just purley as a film.
Civil War (aka Avengers 2.5) is my number 3 Captain America movie.
Yeah I really don’t understand you sometimes ol Ed ol pal….
I’d agree with all of these, Ed.
The only one on their list that I haven’t seen is The Girl With All the Gifts.
Van, you should see Attack the Block – – it’s fun. But I’m not even sure if it was in the Top 10 of films that came out in 2011, let alone a whole 10-year span.
It wasnt. IT was a lot of fun but not top ten. I’d actually recommend another similar film that came out around that time called Grabbers
A list of movies from the past 10 years that makes me seem superhip and knowledgeable and tuned in!
I’m more depressed I saw every film on that list at the cinema except for Attack the Block which I still haven’t seen.
Member in the 80’s when parents freaked out about the band W.A.S.P and their overt Satanism? Who could blame them! Get a load of these unholy lyrics…
I’m a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart’s in exile I need you to touch me
‘Cause I want what you do…
*shudder* Thats eeeeeevil
And now kids are eating soap voluntarily….
Maybe today’s kids just need more W.A.S.P. in their lives to set them straight.
I’m all for it. Except maybe not the one called “Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)
The claims were that W.A.S.P. stood for either “We Are Satanic People” or “We Are Sexually Perverted.” The reality was probably more like one drunken band member said to the other, “Hey, let’s add dots to our name.”
“Cool, man.”
I’m pretty sure I read in “Hit Parader” (looks around the room at people with quizzical looks on their faces) that Blackie Lawless was quoted as saying it stood for “We Are Sexual Perverts.”
A kid that starts listening to W.A.S.P. is endanger of becoming a wild child.
At least they’ll wanna be somebody b
I actually think one of them said that was the reason.
“In a February 2010 interview, Lawless stated the main reason for the name was the periods. He claimed no band had ever used them before (although R.E.M. formed two years earlier) and, in essence, the periods created a “question mark of uncertainty” to make W.A.S.P. stand out more. “
I decided to wait for the car. I got a lot of reading done so I was ok with it
AZ Senator Jeff Flake takes a stand.
I applaud him and hope that it is honest.
Credit where it’s due, and I hope he does some good, but that guy is the prototype oily, untrustworthy politician.
Agreed, I am happy he is principled and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. On the other hand he is a ideological zealot, who uses the mantra of conservationism in place of studied and informed statesmanship.
And yep, there he is bragging to Christiane Amanpour about voting 30 times to repeal Obamacare.
The hits for Insurance changes of 2018 just. keep. coming. Ughhhhhhh
HA!!! — professional athletes who are the same
Size as 45.
I heard about him this morning. It’s alarming just how many serial killers are active all over the US, at any given time, especially when they’re found in your home state.
And the guy’s name was Cleophus Cooksey. It’s like a deranged Lemony Snicket character come to life.
My wife is awesome, and brought me a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf drink at work, while she was in the neighborhood. She’s done this on multiple occasions, and I will miss these little midday rendezvous when my office moves across town.
The carseat installation *almost* defeated me.
Orange dipshit was right! I’m tired of winning.
I don’t even have enough energy to roll my eyes
Winning is exhausting!
Bunny, did you ever pick up any of the Evolution tabletop games?
No. We got Escape From 100 Million BC instead. The Evolution games are on our want to buy list though. The problem is, there are too many shinies in games.
We buy a lot less games since we’ve moved to Airdrie as there are no places here that sell games. We only buy about one game a month now. Easier on our pocketbook but doesn’t do much to shorten our list
We don’t have a free weekend. Someone we were going to game with next weekend asked if he could switch it to this. We will be playing Lords of Waterdeep followed by Caverna
This is how exciting my life is. I installed the program today to start on my taxes.
Van, what’s the deal with BBC Radio 4’s online content? They have a lot of great stuff, but it seems like when it’s gone, you have to wait until some indefinite time in the future to be able to access it again. And it’s all streaming – – no downloads. WTF, Van? WTF?
The Last Jedi even better the second time. God damn I love this movie. And now that the government has shut down I’ll even have more time to see it! LOL hahaha
The more Volbeat songs that I hear the more i realize they are this generation’s papa roach. Gross.
I’m proud that I’ve somehow avoided Volbeat.
On this date in 1793, Louis XVI went to the guillotine.
… and got Volbeat.
Thank you very much!!!
*sigh*. At some point, I’m going to have to go through my list and see what emoticons still work
:blog template changes:
And allow me to echo Pixie’s “thank you” to the Bunny!
No this isn’t alt-rock from the 80s, it’s extreme gratitude. 🙂 Thank you!
And, Star Trek: Discovery proves once again to be some of the most mind blowing television being produced today. And considering what all is being produced, it is no small thing.
Anyone else here watching the new Trek?
I keep seeing the raves. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to wait until it’s available somewhere else, aside from super-lockdown CBS.
Ditto. And while I believe you Ed it’s not on my must watch list at all.
/raises hand
Enjoying the show, not so keen
On the POC Death list.
I admit I’ve been kind of meh on STD but last night’s show was the best of the series by far.
I do wonder if the good version of the mirror one is still alive or beenmurdered by them.
104F? The classes I took were way hotter than that.
Well of course … YOU were in them.
Hips don’t lie.
BTW, I suppose I should also tout my defeat of the changing table. It got assembled this weekend. It was a PITA to put together, but no worse than I anticipated.
Ahhh. Javier Bardem and Johnny Depp are in there repeatedly for the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie as well. Seems it’s less about the quality of acting and more about them just picking on movies they didn’t like or find unoriginal.
Yes, it would seem that the snark of the Razzies is eating itself.
I’d completely forgotten seeing that PotC movie. Some clever visuals, but obviously pretty forgettable.
Johnny Depp definitely phoned it in, but Javier Bardem was good in his role.
I found Mother! To be rather tedious. I didn’t get the bible analogy on first viewing.
Morning Pan
Today is reports day. I have four reports to compile for my boss.
Call Me By Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape Of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Not Star Wars.
I’ve only seen two of those movies
I’ve only seen Not Star Wars.
Dunkirk, Get Out, and The Shape of Water.
All 3 were excellent, but of those, I’d give the trophy to Shape of Water.
of course, they couldn’t GET OUT of DUNKIRK because of the SHAPE OF WATER.
Coincidence? … I DON’T THINK SO!!!!
I’ve only not seen one of those films.
Clever Post! err…
I missed out on the chance to see Blade Runner 2049 at the theater, but bought the Blu-Ray and watched it this weekend. I’ll add my full review to the Blade Runner thread, even though it is probably dead at this point. LOL
This is truly terrible news. I’ve reread A Wizard of Earthsea and the Tombs of Atuan a couple of times. The Left Hand of Darkness is the book I got for Xmas; I’d read it years ago and found it brilliant, was looking forward to revisiting.
She was such a feminist powerhouse; it’s tragic she didn’t live long enough to see us emerge out of the trump dark age.
Morning Pan
Lunch with my Boo today.
Happy birthday, Cynful!
Huzzah Cynful!
Said it on Facebook, I’ll say it here. Happy Birthday Cynful!!!
So, here is a tale from the “odd” file.
I know several people who attended the Kentucky High School that was the scene of the most recent mass shooting. Of course, they attended more than 30 years ago and it was a different building (they had since built a new HS) but this is relatively a very small community.
Anyway … I personally know 2 women who, when comparing notes, discovered that they both had classmates from that school who are now currently serving time for murdering their wives. Other than being from that community and that school, these two men are not related.
Weird huh?
I would imagine it is a case of cool incidence rather than statistically relevant, but yes, that is weird.
I blame Kentucky. As beautiful as that state is, having no running water can make any lerson go insane.
Coincidentally, I discovered BBC Radio abridged audio drama versions of the first 3 Earthsea books, a few years back. Maybe they’ll re-release them now.
Good lord. I’m glad I planned two years ahead to get mine. I hopped online “early” Monday because I got greedy and wanted more. I was #76209 in line. Sweet tits.
Thank you for those who passed on wishes. I appreciate the thoughts.
I got a head cold last Saturday and it is just . not . getting better.
We’re to the “coughing fits” stage now.
Everyone wash your hands after talking to J0e.
Also, no *hugs* for J0e until he gets better. 😉
i nedz da hugz
I have to get better soon. I am down to my last 2 Earl Gray Tea, k-cups.
I realize that every time I refer to this stuff as a cup of tea, somewhere an Englishman cries.
Just don’t call it a cuppa.
Clever boy…..
Moning Pan!
It’s a beautiful day here in America’s attic.
Ok, let’s see how many of these still work
Not many 🙁
Crap mini joke:
“Float like an elephant, sting like a clock”
Muhammad Dali
You giggled didn’t You?
Oh he giggled it. You know HE did!
I coughed.
SPEAKING of :colonoscopy: –
after spending 2 hours and 3 minutes on the phone last night (I know because timer on my phone) with Verizon tech support we determined that a software glitch on their end had put my phone in “automatic call forwarding to voice mail” mode … but not to MY voice mail.
Then eventually … our “troubleshooting” to try and get data and text messaging working corrupted my SIM card and the SIM card from another phone, even though I SPECIFICALLY ask … “this isn’t going to damage THIS SIM card will it?”
All of this while I was enduring a low grade fever.
It was a special time.
Now I am off to the Verizon store where the misses Tech support lady promised me they would give me new SIM cards and make everything better.
And you can give her the plague, as your revenge. :evil laugh:
Today’s “TECH PBP”
– back from store with new iPhone.
– try restoring it from “back-up” of previous phone.
– Get told that I have to update iTunes before I can do this.
– Begin hearing ominous music in the background.
– Push the “ok, update iTunes button” and get a message telling me that an error has occurred and the operation is canceled.
– Background music begins to increase in volume.
– Close App Store and re-open, Try iTunes update again and receive “jump scare” as error message pops back up.
– restart computer
-go to App Store and try again
– success? It says it is installed. Try opening i tunes.
– iTunes opens. Plug in iPhone. Get told iPhone cannot be used without a newer version of iTunes. WTF????
– go to iTunes menu, “check for updates” – receive message “This version of iTunes is the current version.
screaming at sky, fists clenched “KHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”
– go to Apple website and begin research
*Buys an Android*
Works for this caveman.
– discovers that in order to get a later version of iTunes … I must UPGRADE MY LAPTOP TO A NEW OS!!! This will have an effect on at least 16 non-apple software programs that I run not to mention my entire Microsoft Office suite. Time to place your bets. I’m guessing the easy money will be on “This doesn’t end well”.
– takes a moment to reflect … remembers that all of this hassle (and last night’s wasted 2 hours) is all JUST in an attempt to get my communications capability back to what it was yesterday morning.
– Installation of new OS has begun.
– computer restarting
– “Installing: About 43 minutes remaining”
– Buckle up … here we go.
– updating iTunes software
– well, the progress bar froze just near completion. I gave up and went ahead and launched the program. Seems to be working – version
– It see’s the iPhone! Now to try and restore.
– “The backup “iPhone” cannot be restored to this iPhone because the software on the iPhone is too old.”
iTunes says it is downloading new software for the phone. I don’t see anything happening so … we wait.
– aaaand finally … “Restoring from backup”. Fingers crossed.
– So, success. A day gone and I’ve achieved what I already had.
50 shades of Steve Jobs
I hope Apple at least offered you a cigarette after that….
We have e-cigarettes, does this mean Apple will be releasing i-Cigarette’s?
Question: in the movies and shows I watch, often there is a “cleanse”, where sage is burned and the Lord’s Prayer is recited. Or, an exorcism using passages from the bible. What happens if the spirit/demon isn’t catholic? Or an atheist? I need to find a movie where the banishing is from a different religion
Well, in the atheistic religions evil spirits can be exorcised by River Dancing in clogs. Although that will ward of most spirits regardless of alignment. And probably most people and animals. Basically anything that can hear or see.
I must confess, I watched it last week….seemed a great waste of J. K. Simmons talent.
We should have gotten more Charlie Jade instead.
Ed you are seriously becoming the new Jack…. and it’s gorgeous
I always wanted someone to dislike things with!
Hmm, so what version of Evo does that make me?
Depends on what giant spoiler you want to give away…
Megadeth finally won a fucking Grammy.
Fittingly, the AV Club gave the album a D. *hipstersigh*
The fact that AV Club actually gave The Last Jedi a proper B+ confounds me
If you have other smart-phone wielding humans on a Wi-Fi network with you, then you should really get the Spaceteam app on every phone and play a few rounds together. Fun fun.
Are the android and iOS versions cross playable?
This is either brilliant — or taking this regional food obsession too far.
I thought the “Pork Roll” was an X-Wing maneuver that Porkens failed to execute properly.
I like how you Wedged that in there! 😀
It worked Biggs time.
I need you both to Dak away from these puns
It’s seriously a terrible Hobbie to have
Can we stop with the terrible puns? That would be Biggs of you.
Already used Rhett!!!! Youre Skywalking a thin line…
Dammit I think we have to go into deep EU now
Don’t try to Cotton Horn in that Legends stuff.
That would be . . .
. . . Lowering the Ackbar.
God Dameron it, Jack.
Besides, I think J0e was confusing the Pork Roll maneuver with Taylor Ham Solo’s Parsec Run.
Oof! That one was a Mon Mouthful!
Is there a Rey of hope this will end?
Are you eager for the Finn-ish?
Okay I think it’s time for everyone to Leia off.
… and yes, I will have the Han and Cheese on Rey even if it is a little Chewie.
Oh, and could you add some Luke warm Jarr-Jarr sauce but put it on the side. The Dark Side.
I guess it’s done! I dunno what else Jawant.
All’s squill that ends squill
OMFG ditto with the deepest cut yet. I can’t Holdo my applause for this one
Boy, y’all managed to Jabba about this for several hours. I see three possible outcomes.
Yep. All this got Thrawn up here in less than a day.
Yoda never believed it if you hadn’t seen it.
Thought we were done here, Bith i guess not. Should have Fingrin we weren’t
Oh, come Mon, Mothma.
Morning Pan.
Kitty and I are curled up in front of the fireplace
Meh. It’s like music. Every riff has already been done so once in a while there will be one too similar to one before. I highly doubt Guillermo needs to plagiarize. Dude’s full of ideas
I’d think Universal would have more of a complaint about the likeness to the Creature From the Black Lagoon.
Shouldn’t we have heard back from TEB by now about what was freaking the cat out?
Van, go outside and check on her.
Was just gonna say !!!
I’ll just pop over via the fourth dimension.
Holy…shit. this week’s X-Files was a fucking blessing from heaven. Seriously up there with classics like Jose Chung’s It Came From Outer Space. And yes… that Richard Nixon campaign poster in the background DID say “You can’t lick our dick”.
Goddamn pleasure this one.
Teaching the girl to play the Rainbow in the Dark keyboard part. One of those times that justify the universe.
I know what I’m doing tonight.
I would have thought the temp would at least have to hit fifty before…
It got a little over 40 today, earlier, while the sun was still up. Tonight, a little while ago, around 2:20am I got off work and drove straight home. Down the block was a big white pickup truck. The guy was parked there in the middle of a residential neighborhood, getting roadside assistance. No scratch that, more like curbside servicing. The… let’s call her the good samaritan, I guess. The good samaritan was standing on the pavement leaning into the cab, which I found an odd choice. I didn’t slow down or honk or anything, just drove home shaking my head at life in a college town.
I hope she was also getting hazard pay.
Given the neighborhood I’m reasonably sure this was an afterbar freebie. So many college rentals on these blocks. Either that or the professionals blend in remarkably well.
And hail hail the return of JohnBoze! Who’s now doing a literary podcast with his kids?
All hail the leaving of John Boze!
Nah, think I’ll stick around a bit. Maybe get fisties on the next board.
You did say FISTIES, didnt you….
I’m out. I’m promised to Van
I slept 11 hours. I never do that. I want to do it again
The monster didn’t eat the bunny.
Cat is still hanging out by the door and pacing the windows. We still can’t see anything. There’s a bunny that hangs out in the back yard regularly, hubby and I figure it must have something to do with that
I shall be booking my flight for the meetup tomorrow.
I won’t be booking until March or so.
Are we thinking the same hotel as usual? Or is ther one closer to the Mangan’s (newish) address
Oh yeah. . . . different hotel. We’re on it.
Think I will be going to a hotel this year in Phoenix so let me know as well please.
There’s a meetup tomorrow?
Friends. The sitcom. It hurts.
Why are you doing that?
Depends where you put it.
As they say in the theme song, “I’ll put it there for you.”
Yeah, that’s what I’ve downloaded. I managed to get Audacity back into a functioning state, but I’ll never trust it again. Time for this old dog to learn some new tricks.
It’ll be worth your while. Once you get Reaper set up, it is a joy to use.
No, the video worked fine. Just the content didn’t. I found it rather meh.
I like the Scotty parts.
Schindler’s List. I’ve managed to avoid it for nearly 25 years— until today. The realism
of its violence and genocide is too much for me to handle.
I remember watching it with my Movie Night Crew a while back. It was, indeed, quite intense.
I also would like to be kept in the loop re: hotels and dates for the MMMMeetup, please. (Has Van, Jack, Pixie, or Bunny started the usual email chain yet?)
No, ma’am. It’s probably somewhat safer to discuss hotels in email, rather than in public.
Hey Amy
We have the dates, and Van has already booked his flight. Since it’s in July, I wasn’t going to worry about booking my flight, or hotel, until late March/early April.
Jack said he was looking into hotels so there probably won’t be an email thread until then.
I haven’t watched the Grammys in a long time as it seems to be a bunch of industry insiders trying to hype their established acts to drive sales. The article makes some valid points, but is Hip Hop really being snubbed? It’s not often that I would site Simon Cowell, but what he said about Hip Hop seems accurate. To paraphrase “Hip Hop” singers are usually also dancer/performers because the music doesn’t stand on its own.” Ouch. I would say that there are probably more musically adept “Hip Hop” groups out there, but for the most part, the ones given air play are the “safe” and “accessible” versions.
Probably saying the same thing but I feel like the Grammys represent what used to be called “Top 40”. That is (was?) the singers/groups/song that “the industry” had decided it would push on the market. It was “popular” music because it was all the bulk of the radio listeners ever got to hear.
While sometimes, over-produced “product” can actually be fun to listen too … I usually don’t dig it.
Suffice it to say, I did not watch the Grammys.
I lost my faith in the Grammies at a young age, when Hall & Oates beat out Def Leppard and Quiet Riot for Best Group.
My sediment mirrors JOe’s pretty closely.
sentiment even.
Speaking of sediment, you too can have a piece of the KT layer.
Yes, when I fired up the CBS app last night, the Grammy’s were prominently displayed for viewing.
It stood no chance against Star Trek: Discovery. And, after last night’s episode, it was easily the right call. Holy cow!
X-Files. I have so many questions.
I’ve not been an avid fan, but have watched over the years and feel like I know most of the main points, but now, as I watch the season opener, I have two big burning questions.
The problem started when you watched the season opener. I don’t know a single person who liked that. The following episodes are better.
Crap joke for the day:
A Border Collie walks into a butchers shop and the butcher asks “What do you want?”.
The Collie points to some steak in a glass case and the butcher says “How many pounds?”,
the Collie barks twice
“Anything else?” asks the butcher.
The dog points at some pork chops and barks four times.
The butcher wraps up the steak and chops and puts them in the dogs mouth.
He takes the money from a purse around the Collies neck and shows him out.
A customer who has been watching in amazement follows the dog to a house where he jumps up and rings the bell.
The owner comes to the door and the customer says “What a remarkable dog you have there”
” Remarkable my ass” says the owner.
“That’s the second time this week he’s forgotten his keys.”
Review –
Last Sunday I went to a Norman Rockwell exhibit and was surprised at my lack of knowledge about this American Icon.
Turns out that for his most famous works he would more aptly be describe as a Commercial Illustrator” rather than what we would traditionally think of as a “Painter”
Not to take anything away from his artistic ability but his work for the Saturday Evening Post was all incredibly scripted and laid out. He made extensive use of photography, often shooting hundreds of images of actors in costumes, props and even backgrounds before putting all the pieces together in sketches that would have to be approved by the “Post”.
While the end “product” may have in fact been “product” he still had great artistic skill in how he put it all together, how he captured expressions and his overall painting style.
Interesting is that he finally left the post because they wouldn’t let him grow beyound there product and in fact put censorship on him. His famous “4 Freedoms” for example.
His original painting for “Freedom to worship” showed people of several faiths. The magazine axed that and had him go with some old white people praying in church.
They also refused to let him show African American’s in scenes of “Normal America”. If they were included they were shown in positions such as a train porter.
Some of the first pieces he did when he left the post was the very gripping “The Problem We All Live With ” , “Southern Justice” and “New Kids in the Neighborhood”.
I enjoyed the exhibition. I appreciate Rockwell’s artistic ability and love it anytime I learn more about something I thought I already knew about.
I also couldn’t escape the irony that his work is often used as an example for those who want to “take us back to a better time”. “When America was like it is pictured in the Rockwell paintings.” … except it was never like that. All those images were very carefully and skillfully “made-up”, to sell a magazine.
All the more interesting, because his name has become synonymous with cluelessly privileged McCarthy white America.
My commute jumped up from 10-15 minutes each way to 35+ minutes each way. Yay.
I’ve had worse commutes before, but it’s the sudden loss of an hour from my day that hurts.
Welcome to the club. I average 35 to 45 lately. Wouldn’t it be great if someone made a podcast that you could listen to during that commute?
Yeah, I’m mainly whining about the sudden drastic change. It sucks to abruptly lose 1 hour of your day.
I kid, I feel your pain. I try and fill the time with music and podcasts, but I know you already had experience with long commutes in the past.
Hubby listens to audiobooks on his commute
I used to listen to Audiobooks, before I landed the 15-minute commute. I definitely plan to start that up again.
Welp, a pedophile is dead by suicide. We should all be grateful; however, he is the second star of the tv show Glee to die at a young age. That show was fantastic on many levels. It was nerdy, it put a spotlight on bullying in school, being gay, and just being a nerd. All of the kids were talented singers and the show just gave me the feels every time I watched it.
I’m saddened by the pitfalls of fame. I do wonder if Mark Salling would have been a pedophile even if he was never famous and was just some working schmuck. Probably so.
Whatever good came from Glee, I hope his victims get some comfort and progress in their recovery, knowing this piece of shit can never hurt them again.
CP: Drumming Song — Florence + The Machine
Today I saw ‘The Commuter’.
Liam Neelson is looking a bit frayed around the edges.
If you look carefully you will realise it was mostly shot in the U.K.
I’ve seen worse action flicks
“I have a very particular set of train skills…”
Speaking of Neeson: his performance in Schindler’s List is about as good as it gets. The subtlety and nuance is incredible.
I don’t condone all of his publicity stunts, but I still approve of Bill Nye. I agree 100% with the main complaint of the article, however.
I think Bill Nye is a fine human being, but I also agree that his appearance is bad move for exactly the reasons the article mentions. Space exploration is important, but not at the expense of the integrity of the scientific community.
And along these lines, I will not be watching the State of the Funyun. Y’all are welcome to comment on and discuss it here, and I’ll gladly join the discussion, but I get no knowledge or value out of watching the orange hutt blather.
If anything memorable happens (like Bill Nye stands up and tells him off), then I’ll catch the highlights afterwards.
I agree with everything you and Rhettro said. Nye pisses me off sometimes, but I think he means well. This is a massive tone-deaf move on his part.
On a different note, I wasn’t expecting much from this video talking about the upcoming Battle Angel Alita, but it was remarkably good, imo.
Just in case, you should know there are a lot of spoilers for the manga series. It’s worth watching for both its insightful analysis of the failures of other anime adaptations and especially for the analysis of the treatment of female characters in movies in general.
Really looking forward. Wanna get familiar with the source material
You can read all of the original manga on ComiXology, if you have that.
Watching some highlights of TSOTU I WILL give Trump credit, and this hurts to say, but I will give him credit for being a two face no truth fucker face shitty fuck.
Cool. He reversed Obama’s Guantanamo ruling. It’s gonna stay reopen!! Torture and death without trial for everyone!
Oy! Being at the mercy of third party appliance vendors with zero control is not easy for my Type A ass.
Let’s see what Netflix recommends today
Netflix recommends Open House
The write up: following a tragedy, a mother and her teen son move to a relative’s vacant home, where eerie and unexplained forces conspire against them
Gotta look out for those eerie and unexplained forces
My cat is staring at me. It’s freaking me out.
Has nothing to do with the movie, just saying
On to the Movie!
He did 5:07
When I use to wear contacts, hubby hated watching me take them out or put them in
They need eggs and milk
Rip van winkle playing on the radio
Well that didn’t end well
Stay at our mountain house
Pretty scenery
No cell service. What a surprise
Man on the road
Creepy neighbour
Holy crap that’s a nice “second” house
He old timey telephone
He = ye
Once again, people who don’t turn on lights. Seriously, you’ve never been there before. I know you don’t expect eerie forces but at least think of your shins!
Creepy basement
Cool passageway that leads to nowhere
Bed time
Hubby would hate what they’ve done
Again, with the light
Nobody’s there
Yeah, I wouldn’t do that
Creepy neighbour again
For whatever reason, the fact he doesn’t know what a light switch is, seems particularly bothersome to me today
Do not come back until after five
C is for cookie…
That’s a busy open house
If you won the lottery…
He’s never going to the olympics
You have seven hours to kill, maybe a book?
The door wasn’t locked
The realtor is spooked
Plugging in his phone
Oh no, they ate all the popcorn
Things better pick up soon. So far, this movie is pretty boring
Shower time
His phone is missing
Bare bottom!
Ok, now they’re just messing with him
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me…
Really? You’re going into the creepy basement with nothing on except a towel wrapped around you?
Wow, lighting a pilot light with a match. You know, for a giant ass, modern house, that seems rather old school
Creepy store manager
Naomi, Chris. Chris, Naomi
Chris is checking out the creepy basement
Getting out the camera
I watched a series called Paranormal Survivor. Basically it was a serialized version of the type of movies I watched trying to pass itself off as real
Anyway, cameras were often used to capture images of spirits.
Creepy neighbour is being creepy again
Side boob!
Hot water tanks do not work that way. The water doesn’t suddenly go cold if the pilot light goes out in the middle of your shower. It’s a tank! The water will stay warm until you use the tank up.
Seriously. Instead of using a flashlight, maybe invest in a new lightbulb
So this movie is half way through and nothing has happened. Really. My commentary is more exciting than the movie. People are being creepy but that’s about it
Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands
He didn’t wash his hands
You’ll never make the olympics that way
Death moves in and never leaves
Seriously? Now you’re making the poor plumber use a flashlight?
The plumber found his cell phone
She thinks Logan did it
She’s losing it
If I think someone might be in my house, I’d TURN ON THE LIGHT!
He’s having bad dreams
A real photographer has their own darkroom
Running down the middle of the road seems like a bad idea
Isn’t that sweet
The cops think they’re crazy
Kids get bored and do weird things
They can’t afford a hotel
Chris is stalking them
That snow is so fake
Chris is spending the night
Chris is leaving
Finally, some action
He’s joining her in bed
Wow, is she not paying attention
Seriously, how stupid is she?
Tied to a chair
Logan to the rescue?
Don’t leave her alone
Loud music
No phone
Told you not to leave mom alone
Again with the lights when chasing a killer, they would be easier to see of you turn on a light
Oh please. I could have told you that
Stabbed the wrong person
Some people pay big bucks for that
Wow, what a dumb movie
Glad it’s over
My mom just sent me an email. The content was pretty bland. It was just to update me on how my grandmother was doing. The background however… it’s basically breasts, over and over.
Sometimes my mother is just strange.
Fappy February First fuckers
Trump D.O.L. rule that would let employers take all of their employee’s tips and then divide them among all of the employees both in the front and back of house … was carefully written so that employers could collect all of the tips – and legally pocket the money themselves if they wanted to.
One of a myriad of reports that the White House has had buried because the data does not match the stories they are telling.
Apparently, he also called for Congress to grant anyone in his admin the power to fire anyone any time?
Note: I’m repeating an unresearched anecdote here, among friends, so please do correct me if I’m spreading disinformation.
That may be eluding to something he said in his State of the Dumpster Fire address.
He called for congress to give “every cabinet secretary” the power to fire ANY federal employee who they deem to offer dissent.
Some are calling this “The First Purge”, comparing it to the movie franchise.
Experts however, point out that this comparison is way off base as this purge would be EVERY day of the year.
So much scary. . .
That we elected a POS who would even consider this.
That he’ll get a bunch of support for the idea. I don’t *think* it will pass.
… and as I read this, a news alert popped up on my phone saying that trump had approved to do something “dismissing objections from FBI, Justice Dept. and intelligence community”
Where to begin – That he is paying no attention to legions of career professionals whose job is to protect this country? … or skip right to the fact that if it has “intelligence” in the name, he is already out of his depth.
..Babe…. I got you Babe…
That will do Babe, that will do.
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan , February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan, February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 , 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 ,2018 at 9:34 am
Stop that! You are being silly.
We started out with a nice skit about biker grandmas, but then it just got silly.
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 ,2018 at 9:34 am
Itll stop when someone creates a pretty ice sculpture of my head
Do you have life insurance? Cuz if you do, you could always use a little more. Am I right or am I right or am I right, right, right, right
I knew I could count on you!
Dumb question but I dont know the answer, and maybe some of you do.
Why does my cell phone receive spam texts? How did I make myself vulnerable?
Too much Monty Python?
Bloody vikings.
Someone sold your info. Could be a school loan company. Could be a private loan you have. Could have been a number of places you ordered a product from online. Hell you could have just registered to win something perhaps. There’s a number of ways for companies that don’t give two shits about you to gain profit from selling your info. Dani got hit by Nelnet of all places. As if we don’t owe them enough in student loans they sold her info (which was wrong info of all things) and now she gets a shit ton of junk main send to her parents house. Just takes one fuckin place.
Hubby went to bed around 2am last night. Let’s see which gets up first, the sun, or him.
The sun won. Hubby’s still asleep
Hubby finally dragged his butt out of bed
We seem to have a bit of a blizzard happening outside
TLJ just surpassed 1.3billion. *sigh*. I guess those alt-right trolls really did succeed in tanking the film…
Wait until Black Panther comes out. I’m sure haters will show their faces then, too.
I mean, does Black Panther have to be so. . . black?
My #FirstWorldProblem for today, well the past 10 days, has been not having a working washing machine. Issue resolved today! Woot
Fox competed in the NE Minnesota Regional Science Fair today and won 1st prize in microbiology. Next up is State.
w00t! What was the experiment?
Way to go Fox!
Late to chime in here but WAHOO!!!
Good for him! The Science Fair circuit was VERY good to me. I hope he has similar or even better results!
So, this Facebook GIF thing just might end up being the biggest thread in Deadpan history…and I’m OK with that.
These guys are fighting for your right to party. I LOL’ed multiple times.
So booked to go and see ‘The Phantom Thread’ today and now I’m like “WTF you have never liked any film Daniel Day Lewis has been in”…that.
Oh bloody hell, it was rather good.
Surely Gangs of New York or Last of the Mohicans?
This one looks stuffy beyond belief.
Morning Pan
Taking my Boo out for her birthday dinner tonight. Every year, she asks to go to the same place
Given the prices, I’m glad it’s only once a year
If i’m Ever back in Canada I will suggest MacDs..
We did that last time you were here. It’s what we had after our trip to Banff.
You have a better memory than me.
jack and I encountered this issue last night. My niece’s birthday dinner was at The Melting Pot – a four course fondue experience.
I’ll have to disagree with Ed on this one, i’m Loving the show.
Great acting from JK Simmons as he plays two roles, the subtle way differences between the parallel worlds are being revealed and then there is the conspiracy being played out.
Low on CGI and all the better for it.
Actually I should say low on obvious cgi.
I must confess, for the first time that I can remember, we didn’t watch the Super Bowl this time.
I must also confess that I don’t regret it one bit. Perhaps I’m just becoming a curmudgeon.
The latest Star Trek: Discovery tonight was again quite excellent, btw.
You missed a really great one this year, Ed.
Apparently they instituted a “No Defense Allowed” rule and it really livened things up.
Other than that –
The ads were pretty lame.
Half time was a grey, tasteless mush.
I only watch for the sportsball
We only half-watched the feetball game.
Morning Pan
Another chilly morning here in Airdrie
Anyone catch the Solo teaser yet?
Also anyone know why Disney is releasing it in May instead of the new usual Christmas Star Wars slot? In the same month as Infinity War no less?!? That seems like dumb business sense.
May next year.
Wait… it is next year. Never mind. lol 🙂
I don’t know. Avengers 4 release date is May 3rd, and Solo is May 24th. That’s only 3 weeks for two franchises that Disney owns. I agree that doesn’t seem smart.
I did watch the Solo teaser. Apparently the full first trailer drops this week?
Fun fact:
Ozzy Osbourne replaced lead vocals by Madonna on a Was (Not Was) song from 1983 which was then re recorded in 1991 adding vocals by Kim Basinger to make a true duet with Ozzy. While Madonna’s lead vocals were cut out she her voice was kept in the choir.
Cliff note’s version: There is a song out there by Was (Not Was) that has Madonna backing up vocals by Ozzy and Kim Basinger.
??? good grief. I am intrigued.
I heard somewhere about Madonna doing backing vocals for Ozzy a long time ago, but never knew which song. Cool.
So … Black Panther. The previews are really leaving me un-interested. 🙁 It just looks like an un-inspired rehash of everything we’ve ever seen before in a super hero movie(right down to the “THOR, put one knee down and smash the ground knocking everyone away from you” shot) … only with an African American lead.
I find myself committing to go see it ONLY because it is Marvel and because I want a superhero movie with an African American lead to do well in the box office.
I am hoping it is just being poorly previewed.
There is a lot of positive buzz from people who have pre-screened it. I’ve heard it described as a Marvel movie with Game of Thrones levels of intrigue. Time will tell.
Agreed. This one’s gonna be different. Granted youll probably have to have the big bad final fight as per usual, but it sounds like everything just has a different feel here.
You know I avoid trailers. . . Black Panther is a great character, so I’m looking forward to it, and hoping for the best. Sure, the few glimpses I have seen look like generic superhero CGI stuff, but the Marvel movie machine has been pretty consistent.
Of course, I won’t be seeing it until it’s available at home anyway.
“Of course, I won’t be seeing it until it’s available at home anyway.”
You’ve had a good run of seeing film in theaters. Welcome to my world. Settle down and sit a spell, won’t you?
This Time article talks about the early pre-screen buzz. Hopefully it pans out.
Hmmm I’m stuck in murgatory again
Is murgatory code for Van’s arse?
Hoooooooooooooo boy
Ok Van’s arse broke me
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
Maybe Van’s arse isnt the way to go
No place like home
So glad I wore the armoured underpants today.
Oh that’s what that was
So, on the way home from birthday dinner with Boo last night, hubby and I were discussing dining places here in Airdrie. It was then we both realized, i’ll Be on a plane to Arizona on my birthday. Hubby says I can have two celebrations, one before I leave and one when I get back. I’m ok with that. :happy:
Looks like the release is this year, at least in the US.
I liked the trailer. I’m happy there’s still a connection to the Extended Universe material even if Disney threw all that out. I agree with T Cat that the actor is trying too hard to walk in Harrison Ford’s shoes. It feels a bit forced.
Oh hi Steve
In music news, Urge Overkill’s classic ‘Saturation’ album turns 25 this year.
Old…here I am.
You’ll be a woman soon.
Watching the history of gi joe. It’s quite interesting
The Barbie one is interesting too.
We found all four interesting. Finding out what goes on behind the scenes was neat
I’m running through naked…
Flasher Ed
Ed flagrante dilicto.
In metal news this happened
Intrigued! I will give it a listen.
As terrible as last week’s X-Files was , this week’s was a damn fine X-Files. Old school to the max. The kind that’s a joy to watch. Know why? Because it’s a one off and not part of the shitty cock knockery that the mythology episodes have become
A couple of big thinkers, led by Bruce Sterling, have made an annual tradition of starting the year with “State of the World” discussions at The Well, one of the longest-running electronic gathering places in existence.
They don’t ignore the orange disaster in the White House, but they also don’t get bogged down in his swamp. It’s a lot of reading from a number of contributors, but it’s fun to tag along.
This article is clearly left-leaning.
Left-handedness Is one of the many things Jack and my hubby have in common
Hartlepool Marina is a nice e place to potter around.
It’s still rather cold outside
The neighbors might think. . .
Say what’s in this drink?
Seriously, trading Duclair, Yotes?
Just for that, Baby M will *not* wear any Coyotes gear this year; in protest.
He was disliked by coaches Tippet and Tocchet, but showed amazing flashes of talent on the ice, and was popular with the fans. I was eager to see him become a superstar – – but it looks like that will now happen elsewhere.
Note to Coyotes management: he wasn’t the problem. This trade isn’t going to fix your disaster of a season.
Well said
The skating rink consistently has hockey on a few TVs, Foxnews on the rest. The caption : “We are all created equal by God, Trump echoes King after s**hole comments” is there now under dipshit talking heads.
Earlier, it was “Obama’s obsession with Foxnews.”
just making America great again. 🙁
… and since we’re playing billiards –
couldn’t help but notice that a Pennsylvania coal mine shut down today with 400 jobs lost.
– After a big media splash 2 days ago about bonuses to Walmart employees, with no fan fare or notice to employees – overnight they shut down “Sam’s Clubs” all across America resulting in thousands of lost jobs.
-Oh also saw where that the Carrier plant in Indiana that got millions of tax dollars in a well advertised, Trump push “to save jobs” … has laid off another 215 people. They laid off 300 shortly after they got their Trump deal. They have also announced that they plan to spend their 16 million “investment” on automation which should lead to further layoffs.
There you go Trump supporters. Feeling the greatness yet?
JJ its real simple…. This could DIRECTLY (and it will) affect staunch Trump supporters and they wouldn’t bat an eyelash blaming anyone but him. They’d blame Obama, blame congress, blame other Republicans, blame Democrats, blame the Tea Party, blame China, blame “shithole illegals from shithole countries”. Anyone but him. That’s how he stays. That’s why he’s not going anywhere. That’s why they’ll never change their minds. We’ve got 3 more years of this no matter what….
Hey let’s be fair here, there’s a good chance they actually want to blame “shithouse illegals from shithouse countries.”
All the difference, you see?
Hubby says, after watching the newest Taco Bell commercial, “I don’t think they understand what food Is” 😆
Ha! Is that the Illuminati one? I don’t think they understand food, but they do understand stoners.
Just look at their faces:
It’s a good day to stay inside, drink hot tea and watch c++ tutorials.
Baby Shower Day! It’s actually gonna be a little bit too hot at the park, but we’ll manage. With zero sympathy from anyone else.
Looks like you picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue.
What a fun day with some of the people I love!
These old legs are feeling a big stiff this morning. Group of friends from work had our sort of annual “Great Walkabout” yesterday. Almost a 19 mile hike. Came home, had dinner and a shower…and crashed at 8pm. Now it’s 2am and I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.
Ed, between all of the biking and hiking, you must look like a young Jack Lalanne.
A bit of an amendment…while eating and gathering the strength to stumble to bed, we did watch the first two episodes of the new “Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams” on Amazon Prime. Enjoyed them both. I don’t know the exact nature of the connection to Philip K. Dick – presumably inspired by writing. The first episode felt like it was inspired by Total Recall. I haven’t read enough of his work to say that it was tied to something else more directly.
To Jack….
-From Blinky
Happity Birthiday, Jack!!
Well, I never USED TO be afraid of them. . . .
Happy birthday, Jack!
Thanks everyone!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Mangan!
Love you Always,
Enjoy your day. xoxo
Thanks, Love.
This man is married to Cate Blanchett×349.13lf65.png/1424647596580.jpg
No No. Just gives single men out there hope. Seriously look at that guy. That’s me in a decade but without the hair and money. Gross.
But yeah she’s goddamn stunning
Inspiration for regular guys everywhere.
And Van.
Any list of funny words that doesn’t include “kerfuffle” just isn’t up to snuff. Someday I will name one of my dogs kerfuffle. Mrs. Asshat gets the next naming and has her heart set on “shazbot”. I’ll have to be content with “woofles” for quite some time.
If you are in Las Vegas:
Jack and I were there about five years ago. It was super fun!!!!
The guy who ran the place looked like a Scooby Doo villain come to life. I almost didn’t believe he was real.
and he would have gotten away with it too …
A trip here is now added to my list.
Morning Pan
Still waiting for reports, which means still twiddling my thumbs. I hate being rushed to get my stuff done my a certain deadline when I don’t get what I need to do my job.
Lately M.A.D.D. Have been running ads about not drinking if you’re going to be operating a boat. I wonder if, in the summer, ads will run about not drinking while operating a snowmobile
*shakes head*
Aren’t they Inspector Gadget’s enemy organization?
Hubby just left for work. He’s working late again so I won’t see him for 15 or so hours 🙁
OH fuck no
Terrible news.
Fuckashitpiss! She wasn’t even as old as me. That really sucks.
FUCK!!!! Are you fucking kidding me 🙁
Terrible news.
Queue the “I was always a Cranberries fan” from people who hadn’t listened to them for 15 years.
In other sad news I finally saw WW. I don’t get the love. Really don’t. I get the love of the character in this film as well as Gal’s portrayal ( brilliant) but this this acts just like an upper mid tier Marvel film complete with unmemorable big bad and great middle action piece.
Just because this is light years above the other DC films don’t make it great. It’s fine and I’m sure I’ll watch it again and I know I will see any film which she’s the main focus.
What confounds me is Jack’s (yeah I’m calling you out buddy!) love for this one while hating Captain America. IT IS THE SAME FILM. SAME! FILM! Now if you wanna say the character of WW is more enjoyable than the character of CA in that film, I could get behind that.
But this is all just one man’s opinion. Bring on Van calling me a misogynist.
It’s not a perfect movie. The villain is awful (as bad as Red Skull in Cap), and her companions are straight from the “generic side characters bin.” But it’s definitely good. It also doesn’t have a guy’s big head awkwardly CGI’ed onto the wrong body.
I think the “Girl Power” aspect is great, and a huge part of its appeal. And the scenes in No Man’s Land and in the village are fantastic. And Gal Gadot.
It’s that second paragraph I’ll agree with wholeheartedly.
Like I said, they are exactly the same film in comparable quality and enjoyment.
I think if CA was done today, that CG head thing wouldn’t be an issue. But hey it’s still light years beyond Tron Legacy’s bad young Jeff Bridges
I justified the bad CGI Jeff Bridges as the graphics of that world.
How did you justify the rest of the film being terrible?
Gawd I sound like you now… *cough*
I can’t justify the rest of Tron: Legacy. Except the soundtrack (hat tip to Ed for introducing me to its wonders).
I’m glad to hear someone else was underwhelmed by WW. It wasn’t a bad movie, but I’ve become very “meh” about most superhero movies anymore. Think I’ve been over saturated with them. WW seemed like every other superhero movie I’ve seen (including the same rehashed patterns I keep seeing over and over again).
I’m not going to call you a women hater Lo, well not over WW.
The big thing was this was a film with a woman lead and directed by a woman. It deserves the praise it got. Hopefully it will lead to many more women superhero centred films getting the green light.
I enjoyed WW, it was the only film (along with GOTG2 and TLJ) that I saw twice last year at the cinema.
Oh and Red Skull was bloody great in the first CA film and arguably the only decent villain in the Marvel films so far.
I was (friendly) trolling a bit with that crack about Red Skull, although I did really dislike him – aside from his one moment of henchman mercy.
Loki and Hela have been good Marvel big bads.
Disagree Van. As Jack said, Loki and Hela are great and I’d argue Baron Zemo from Civil War has been the most complex and sympathetic so far. Even tho Red Skull is a tried and true Marvel villain, he did kind of get tossed into the Marvel villain throw away pile
I think I said it at the time and will chime in again to say I was underwhelmed with WW. Not bad film but over all I’ve never had a desire to see it again. CA however I have seen again (on video) and enjoy it every time. It is just somehow more fun.
AS for the “girl power” thing. Sadly, I don’t really care what the gender or sexual preference is of the people who make my movies. I just want them to make a good movie. I guess by the same reasoning … I think it’s stupid to deny someone the right to make film based on their sexual identity or preference.
So with that as my baseline, I’ll cheer for “girl power” films getting made … but I won’t give them any more of “a pass” then I would any other film. (I’m looking at you, last THOR movie!).
I’m finally going to see The Last Jedi this afternoon.
Wash dies.
THANKS JACK! Butthole. *sells tickets*
“Wash dies” is an actual minor spoiler for Rogue One.
That’s kind of very funny actually
LOL me too! Hey man it pays to be late. No crowds…
Huzzah. (most of) my reports are in. Now I actually have to do some work.
Justin Macumber, who some of you may know from the podcast world, passed away today. I only knew him through FB and the Podcast World, but he seemed like a good guy. One of us. RIP.
Update: He appeared alongside me in the TOC of Dragon Moon’s “Podthology” anthology.
Brunch with the boss this morning
Good morning, Deadpan. It’s 7 degrees outside here in Omaha.
I spent most of Sunday afternoon cleaning the house so I could get my carpets cleaned yesterday. They were cleaned while I was out doing good (see the top few posts on my Twitter page).
An, the news said today was appreciate a dragon day
Stupid iPad An = Van
My Dragon is happy with the new washing machine, thank goodness for that.
Is that what you call it?
Late to chime in (been away from the interwebs til today) but I hope you had a swell Birthday Jack.
Thank you, sir! I didn’t have to use my AK.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s car goes in for some recall work today. Tomorrow it’s my car.
queue up your jibes. Though, penalty points will be assigned for easy Game of Thrones snark.
20°F at my house right now. Coldest I can remember in my adult life down here.
No jibe… just a heavy and loud eye roll
Texas rolled a natural 20! (how was that one?)
10 points to Gryffindor .
No Lord of the Rings talk around here please
Say 2 of no school around here.
Not much snow/ice on roads but apparently no one wants to be the guy who approved classes when a bus finds that one, small patch of ice out in the county and slides down a ravine.
I will say 7 degrees was cold last night but the 4degree wind chill this morning is actually painful on exposed skin.
Guess it serves one right for exposing oneself.
Say = Day
We have another flasher 😛
A list to disagree with. GO!
There are some good movies on that this, but some of the positioning is far off the mark.
While I’m not sure which movies I’d kick out of there list (and I haven’t seen a few of them, so I can’t knock them just due to my ignorance). But these ones missing seems wrong:
Blade Runner 2049
Edge of Tomorrow
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Moon – YES!
Inception – YES!
I’d take either of the last two Captain America’s over WW just purley as a film.
Civil War (aka Avengers 2.5) is my number 3 Captain America movie.
Yeah I really don’t understand you sometimes ol Ed ol pal….
I’d agree with all of these, Ed.
The only one on their list that I haven’t seen is The Girl With All the Gifts.
Van, you should see Attack the Block – – it’s fun. But I’m not even sure if it was in the Top 10 of films that came out in 2011, let alone a whole 10-year span.
It wasnt. IT was a lot of fun but not top ten. I’d actually recommend another similar film that came out around that time called Grabbers
A list of movies from the past 10 years that makes me seem superhip and knowledgeable and tuned in!
I’m more depressed I saw every film on that list at the cinema except for Attack the Block which I still haven’t seen.
Member in the 80’s when parents freaked out about the band W.A.S.P and their overt Satanism? Who could blame them! Get a load of these unholy lyrics…
I’m a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart’s in exile I need you to touch me
‘Cause I want what you do…
*shudder* Thats eeeeeevil
And now kids are eating soap voluntarily….
Maybe today’s kids just need more W.A.S.P. in their lives to set them straight.
I’m all for it. Except maybe not the one called “Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)
The claims were that W.A.S.P. stood for either “We Are Satanic People” or “We Are Sexually Perverted.” The reality was probably more like one drunken band member said to the other, “Hey, let’s add dots to our name.”
“Cool, man.”
I’m pretty sure I read in “Hit Parader” (looks around the room at people with quizzical looks on their faces) that Blackie Lawless was quoted as saying it stood for “We Are Sexual Perverts.”
A kid that starts listening to W.A.S.P. is endanger of becoming a wild child.
At least they’ll wanna be somebody b
I actually think one of them said that was the reason.
“In a February 2010 interview, Lawless stated the main reason for the name was the periods. He claimed no band had ever used them before (although R.E.M. formed two years earlier) and, in essence, the periods created a “question mark of uncertainty” to make W.A.S.P. stand out more. “
I decided to wait for the car. I got a lot of reading done so I was ok with it
AZ Senator Jeff Flake takes a stand.
I applaud him and hope that it is honest.
Credit where it’s due, and I hope he does some good, but that guy is the prototype oily, untrustworthy politician.
Agreed, I am happy he is principled and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. On the other hand he is a ideological zealot, who uses the mantra of conservationism in place of studied and informed statesmanship.
And yep, there he is bragging to Christiane Amanpour about voting 30 times to repeal Obamacare.
The hits for Insurance changes of 2018 just. keep. coming. Ughhhhhhh
HA!!! — professional athletes who are the same
Size as 45.
Because he’s known for his healthy eating and exercise routine.
On the less funny side, North Korean media does the same thing with their vain tyrant.
Morning Pan
Another day, another block heater being replaced.
Bloody hell:
I heard about him this morning. It’s alarming just how many serial killers are active all over the US, at any given time, especially when they’re found in your home state.
And the guy’s name was Cleophus Cooksey. It’s like a deranged Lemony Snicket character come to life.
In better news. Willie Oree
Jonathan Fuckin Bernier
I didn’t know he’d landed in Colorado.
Thank Christ he did. He’s be beyond terrific in place of Varley
God damn teasing son of a bitch. I thought for a minute that there was another John Varley reader out there.
Morning Pan
Back to a regular work day for this bunny.
Let’s see if I can convince a manuscript it wants to be formatted into a book.
Be careful with the commute today, Bunny.
There. Not only did I get the book formatted, I put a good dent in royalties. Now it’s time to do some housework
CP: Mota — Russian Circles
This is one of our rare company free weekends. Sometimes you need that
It’s not as if I don’t already have a backlog of books to read
Happy birthday, Edgar Allen Poe!
My wife is awesome, and brought me a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf drink at work, while she was in the neighborhood. She’s done this on multiple occasions, and I will miss these little midday rendezvous when my office moves across town.
The carseat installation *almost* defeated me.
Orange dipshit was right! I’m tired of winning.
I don’t even have enough energy to roll my eyes
Winning is exhausting!
Bunny, did you ever pick up any of the Evolution tabletop games?
No. We got Escape From 100 Million BC instead. The Evolution games are on our want to buy list though. The problem is, there are too many shinies in games.
We buy a lot less games since we’ve moved to Airdrie as there are no places here that sell games. We only buy about one game a month now. Easier on our pocketbook but doesn’t do much to shorten our list
We don’t have a free weekend. Someone we were going to game with next weekend asked if he could switch it to this. We will be playing Lords of Waterdeep followed by Caverna
This is how exciting my life is. I installed the program today to start on my taxes.
Van, what’s the deal with BBC Radio 4’s online content? They have a lot of great stuff, but it seems like when it’s gone, you have to wait until some indefinite time in the future to be able to access it again. And it’s all streaming – – no downloads. WTF, Van? WTF?
In actual frustration:
Fuck motherfucking evil selfish shits.
I have idea, the iPlayer Service is getting better with boxsets of tv series available to stream but that for uk only unless you use a vpn
Fuck ‘em!
Note: these are two separate conversations :). I have no real anger toward BBC Radio 4.
The Last Jedi even better the second time. God damn I love this movie. And now that the government has shut down I’ll even have more time to see it! LOL hahaha
The more Volbeat songs that I hear the more i realize they are this generation’s papa roach. Gross.
I’m proud that I’ve somehow avoided Volbeat.
On this date in 1793, Louis XVI went to the guillotine.
… and got Volbeat.
Thank you very much!!!
*sigh*. At some point, I’m going to have to go through my list and see what emoticons still work
:blog template changes:
And allow me to echo Pixie’s “thank you” to the Bunny!
No this isn’t alt-rock from the 80s, it’s extreme gratitude. 🙂 Thank you!
And, Star Trek: Discovery proves once again to be some of the most mind blowing television being produced today. And considering what all is being produced, it is no small thing.
Anyone else here watching the new Trek?
I keep seeing the raves. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to wait until it’s available somewhere else, aside from super-lockdown CBS.
Ditto. And while I believe you Ed it’s not on my must watch list at all.
/raises hand
Enjoying the show, not so keen
On the POC Death list.
I admit I’ve been kind of meh on STD but last night’s show was the best of the series by far.
I do wonder if the good version of the mirror one is still alive or beenmurdered by them.
I’m kind of meh on STD’s in general.
Herpes is in I hear.
Space Herpes was Ice Pirates.
Now there’s one we should have done a Palooza on.
I hope this doesn’t extend to other Billy Joel songs. Not even Lovecraft could have dreamed up a horror to equal “Uptown Girl.”
I liked the first on the best.
Only Elder Gods can explain him hooking up with Binkley.
No we can’t.
Morning Pan
All royalties, all day for this bunny.
Your not so random wiki article for the day:
Sorry sweaty yoga fans:
104F? The classes I took were way hotter than that.
Well of course … YOU were in them.
Hips don’t lie.
BTW, I suppose I should also tout my defeat of the changing table. It got assembled this weekend. It was a PITA to put together, but no worse than I anticipated.
CP: Go Out a Winner — David Wingo & Jeff McIlwain
Rudolf Diesel’s mysterious history. For later.
(No relation to Vin.)
My house smells like roast beef and peppercorns. I’m starting to get hungry
Jennifer Lawrence is up for a Razzie for Mother! I heard mixed things about the movie, but nothing bad enough to expect that.
Ahhh. Javier Bardem and Johnny Depp are in there repeatedly for the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie as well. Seems it’s less about the quality of acting and more about them just picking on movies they didn’t like or find unoriginal.
Yes, it would seem that the snark of the Razzies is eating itself.
I’d completely forgotten seeing that PotC movie. Some clever visuals, but obviously pretty forgettable.
Johnny Depp definitely phoned it in, but Javier Bardem was good in his role.
I found Mother! To be rather tedious. I didn’t get the bible analogy on first viewing.
Morning Pan
Today is reports day. I have four reports to compile for my boss.
reports done.
Now the kitty wants me to play before I move on to the next item on my list.
CP: Surfin’ Bird — The Ramones
Yo Lo! I got you Christmas card in today’s mail. 😆
Fucking Christ. Merry January!
I don’t think “Fucking Christ” is really in the spirit of Christmas.
Speaking of movie awards:
Best picture:
Call Me By Your Name
Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape Of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Not Star Wars.
I’ve only seen two of those movies
I’ve only seen Not Star Wars.
Dunkirk, Get Out, and The Shape of Water.
All 3 were excellent, but of those, I’d give the trophy to Shape of Water.
of course, they couldn’t GET OUT of DUNKIRK because of the SHAPE OF WATER.
Coincidence? … I DON’T THINK SO!!!!
I’ve only not seen one of those films.
Clever Post! err…
I missed out on the chance to see Blade Runner 2049 at the theater, but bought the Blu-Ray and watched it this weekend. I’ll add my full review to the Blade Runner thread, even though it is probably dead at this point. LOL
Link to Rhett’s mind:
..and it’s Goodbye to Ursula Le Guin:
Oh. Jack just got one of her novels for xmas….
This is truly terrible news. I’ve reread A Wizard of Earthsea and the Tombs of Atuan a couple of times. The Left Hand of Darkness is the book I got for Xmas; I’d read it years ago and found it brilliant, was looking forward to revisiting.
She was such a feminist powerhouse; it’s tragic she didn’t live long enough to see us emerge out of the trump dark age.
Morning Pan
Lunch with my Boo today.
Happy birthday, Cynful!
Huzzah Cynful!
Said it on Facebook, I’ll say it here. Happy Birthday Cynful!!!
So, here is a tale from the “odd” file.
I know several people who attended the Kentucky High School that was the scene of the most recent mass shooting. Of course, they attended more than 30 years ago and it was a different building (they had since built a new HS) but this is relatively a very small community.
Anyway … I personally know 2 women who, when comparing notes, discovered that they both had classmates from that school who are now currently serving time for murdering their wives. Other than being from that community and that school, these two men are not related.
Weird huh?
I would imagine it is a case of cool incidence rather than statistically relevant, but yes, that is weird.
I blame Kentucky. As beautiful as that state is, having no running water can make any lerson go insane.
*I tease*
CP: Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) — Arcade Fire
We found a light!
Happy birthday Cynful!
If you prefer Le Guinnin radio format:
Coincidentally, I discovered BBC Radio abridged audio drama versions of the first 3 Earthsea books, a few years back. Maybe they’ll re-release them now.
Happy Birthday, Cynful!!
Good lord. I’m glad I planned two years ahead to get mine. I hopped online “early” Monday because I got greedy and wanted more. I was #76209 in line. Sweet tits.
Thank you for those who passed on wishes. I appreciate the thoughts.
I got a head cold last Saturday and it is just . not . getting better.
We’re to the “coughing fits” stage now.
Everyone wash your hands after talking to J0e.
Also, no *hugs* for J0e until he gets better. 😉
i nedz da hugz
I have to get better soon. I am down to my last 2 Earl Gray Tea, k-cups.
I realize that every time I refer to this stuff as a cup of tea, somewhere an Englishman cries.
Just don’t call it a cuppa.
Clever boy…..
Moning Pan!
It’s a beautiful day here in America’s attic.
Ok, let’s see how many of these still work
Not many 🙁
Crap mini joke:
“Float like an elephant, sting like a clock”
Muhammad Dali
You giggled didn’t You?
Oh he giggled it. You know HE did!
I coughed.
SPEAKING of :colonoscopy: –
after spending 2 hours and 3 minutes on the phone last night (I know because timer on my phone) with Verizon tech support we determined that a software glitch on their end had put my phone in “automatic call forwarding to voice mail” mode … but not to MY voice mail.
Then eventually … our “troubleshooting” to try and get data and text messaging working corrupted my SIM card and the SIM card from another phone, even though I SPECIFICALLY ask … “this isn’t going to damage THIS SIM card will it?”
All of this while I was enduring a low grade fever.
It was a special time.
Now I am off to the Verizon store where the misses Tech support lady promised me they would give me new SIM cards and make everything better.
And you can give her the plague, as your revenge. :evil laugh:
Today’s “TECH PBP”
– back from store with new iPhone.
– try restoring it from “back-up” of previous phone.
– Get told that I have to update iTunes before I can do this.
– Begin hearing ominous music in the background.
– Push the “ok, update iTunes button” and get a message telling me that an error has occurred and the operation is canceled.
– Background music begins to increase in volume.
– Close App Store and re-open, Try iTunes update again and receive “jump scare” as error message pops back up.
– restart computer
-go to App Store and try again
– success? It says it is installed. Try opening i tunes.
– iTunes opens. Plug in iPhone. Get told iPhone cannot be used without a newer version of iTunes. WTF????
– go to iTunes menu, “check for updates” – receive message “This version of iTunes is the current version.
screaming at sky, fists clenched “KHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”
– go to Apple website and begin research
*Buys an Android*
Works for this caveman.
– discovers that in order to get a later version of iTunes … I must UPGRADE MY LAPTOP TO A NEW OS!!! This will have an effect on at least 16 non-apple software programs that I run not to mention my entire Microsoft Office suite. Time to place your bets. I’m guessing the easy money will be on “This doesn’t end well”.
– takes a moment to reflect … remembers that all of this hassle (and last night’s wasted 2 hours) is all JUST in an attempt to get my communications capability back to what it was yesterday morning.
– Installation of new OS has begun.
– computer restarting
– “Installing: About 43 minutes remaining”
– Buckle up … here we go.
– updating iTunes software
– well, the progress bar froze just near completion. I gave up and went ahead and launched the program. Seems to be working – version
– It see’s the iPhone! Now to try and restore.
– “The backup “iPhone” cannot be restored to this iPhone because the software on the iPhone is too old.”
iTunes says it is downloading new software for the phone. I don’t see anything happening so … we wait.
– aaaand finally … “Restoring from backup”. Fingers crossed.
– So, success. A day gone and I’ve achieved what I already had.
50 shades of Steve Jobs
I hope Apple at least offered you a cigarette after that….
We have e-cigarettes, does this mean Apple will be releasing i-Cigarette’s?
Question: in the movies and shows I watch, often there is a “cleanse”, where sage is burned and the Lord’s Prayer is recited. Or, an exorcism using passages from the bible. What happens if the spirit/demon isn’t catholic? Or an atheist? I need to find a movie where the banishing is from a different religion
Well, in the atheistic religions evil spirits can be exorcised by River Dancing in clogs. Although that will ward of most spirits regardless of alignment. And probably most people and animals. Basically anything that can hear or see.
Yodeling causes Martians’ heads to explode.
It’s “Puberty Love” if they’re killer tomatoes.
Hey, I was in that movie. LOL
That’s right! You were cast for your yodeling skills.
For you North Americans, you can watch the first episode of Counterpart for free:
I must confess, I watched it last week….seemed a great waste of J. K. Simmons talent.
We should have gotten more Charlie Jade instead.
Ed you are seriously becoming the new Jack…. and it’s gorgeous
I always wanted someone to dislike things with!
Hmm, so what version of Evo does that make me?
Depends on what giant spoiler you want to give away…
Megadeth finally won a fucking Grammy.
Fittingly, the AV Club gave the album a D. *hipstersigh*
The fact that AV Club actually gave The Last Jedi a proper B+ confounds me
If you have other smart-phone wielding humans on a Wi-Fi network with you, then you should really get the Spaceteam app on every phone and play a few rounds together. Fun fun.
Are the android and iOS versions cross playable?
This is either brilliant — or taking this regional food obsession too far.
And besides, it’s not Pork Roll, it’s taylor ham
I thought the “Pork Roll” was an X-Wing maneuver that Porkens failed to execute properly.
I like how you Wedged that in there! 😀
It worked Biggs time.
I need you both to Dak away from these puns
It’s seriously a terrible Hobbie to have
Can we stop with the terrible puns? That would be Biggs of you.
Already used Rhett!!!! Youre Skywalking a thin line…
Dammit I think we have to go into deep EU now
Don’t try to Cotton Horn in that Legends stuff.
That would be . . .
. . . Lowering the Ackbar.
God Dameron it, Jack.
Besides, I think J0e was confusing the Pork Roll maneuver with Taylor Ham Solo’s Parsec Run.
Oof! That one was a Mon Mouthful!
Is there a Rey of hope this will end?
Are you eager for the Finn-ish?
Okay I think it’s time for everyone to Leia off.
… and yes, I will have the Han and Cheese on Rey even if it is a little Chewie.
Oh, and could you add some Luke warm Jarr-Jarr sauce but put it on the side. The Dark Side.
I guess it’s done! I dunno what else Jawant.
All’s squill that ends squill
OMFG ditto with the deepest cut yet. I can’t Holdo my applause for this one
Boy, y’all managed to Jabba about this for several hours. I see three possible outcomes.
Yep. All this got Thrawn up here in less than a day.
Yoda never believed it if you hadn’t seen it.
Thought we were done here, Bith i guess not. Should have Fingrin we weren’t
Oh, come Mon, Mothma.
Morning Pan.
Kitty and I are curled up in front of the fireplace
CP: The Sky is so Blue — Jane Siberry
Whopper meutrality, if you haven’t seen it:
I hadn’t. Pretty cool.
Did you know that babies are super cute in utero, on ultrasound? Imagine how cute they are outside of the womb?!?!
I mean are you actually asking or is this rhetorical?
90% of babies (including my own) look like potatoes with limbs when they are first born.
Yeh, most dads won’t admit it (if they’re smart) but for about the first year most babies look like Winston Churchill to them.
Nah. They’re only potato Churchills the first few months.
We will poop in the fields, in the hills, and in the streets. We shall never surrender!
Baby Churchill
A fact that is pointed out in “Darkest Hour.” I wasn’t expecting it and then there it was…
I don’t see it, but something outside has really got my cat’s attention. She’s really freaking out.
Monsters from the iD!
Meh. It’s like music. Every riff has already been done so once in a while there will be one too similar to one before. I highly doubt Guillermo needs to plagiarize. Dude’s full of ideas
I’d think Universal would have more of a complaint about the likeness to the Creature From the Black Lagoon.
Shouldn’t we have heard back from TEB by now about what was freaking the cat out?
Van, go outside and check on her.
Was just gonna say !!!
I’ll just pop over via the fourth dimension.
Holy…shit. this week’s X-Files was a fucking blessing from heaven. Seriously up there with classics like Jose Chung’s It Came From Outer Space. And yes… that Richard Nixon campaign poster in the background DID say “You can’t lick our dick”.
Goddamn pleasure this one.
Teaching the girl to play the Rainbow in the Dark keyboard part. One of those times that justify the universe.
I know what I’m doing tonight.
I would have thought the temp would at least have to hit fifty before…
It got a little over 40 today, earlier, while the sun was still up. Tonight, a little while ago, around 2:20am I got off work and drove straight home. Down the block was a big white pickup truck. The guy was parked there in the middle of a residential neighborhood, getting roadside assistance. No scratch that, more like curbside servicing. The… let’s call her the good samaritan, I guess. The good samaritan was standing on the pavement leaning into the cab, which I found an odd choice. I didn’t slow down or honk or anything, just drove home shaking my head at life in a college town.
I hope she was also getting hazard pay.
Given the neighborhood I’m reasonably sure this was an afterbar freebie. So many college rentals on these blocks. Either that or the professionals blend in remarkably well.
And hail hail the return of JohnBoze! Who’s now doing a literary podcast with his kids?
All hail the leaving of John Boze!
Nah, think I’ll stick around a bit. Maybe get fisties on the next board.
You did say FISTIES, didnt you….
I’m out. I’m promised to Van
I slept 11 hours. I never do that. I want to do it again
The monster didn’t eat the bunny.
Cat is still hanging out by the door and pacing the windows. We still can’t see anything. There’s a bunny that hangs out in the back yard regularly, hubby and I figure it must have something to do with that
I shall be booking my flight for the meetup tomorrow.
I won’t be booking until March or so.
Are we thinking the same hotel as usual? Or is ther one closer to the Mangan’s (newish) address
Oh yeah. . . . different hotel. We’re on it.
Think I will be going to a hotel this year in Phoenix so let me know as well please.
There’s a meetup tomorrow?
Friends. The sitcom. It hurts.
Why are you doing that?
Depends where you put it.
As they say in the theme song, “I’ll put it there for you.”
Good stuff
Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to “The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac
I may not love my children as much as I love this 30 seconds.
Ha! Looks like she’s done a bunch of songs.
I hadn’t heard that he’d died. R.I.P. Beetle Bailey.
Huge bucket of win
Audacity was sketchy at first, but eventually its quirks were either repaired, or became tolerable.
I’ve run into a new one recently, which has become really disruptive, and which may permanently end my longterm relationship with it.
Something a little more robust.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve downloaded. I managed to get Audacity back into a functioning state, but I’ll never trust it again. Time for this old dog to learn some new tricks.
It’ll be worth your while. Once you get Reaper set up, it is a joy to use.
So this happened:
Sorry, that didn’t work for me
Region lock?
Works fine on my iPad.
No, the video worked fine. Just the content didn’t. I found it rather meh.
I like the Scotty parts.
Schindler’s List. I’ve managed to avoid it for nearly 25 years— until today. The realism
of its violence and genocide is too much for me to handle.
I remember watching it with my Movie Night Crew a while back. It was, indeed, quite intense.
I also would like to be kept in the loop re: hotels and dates for the MMMMeetup, please. (Has Van, Jack, Pixie, or Bunny started the usual email chain yet?)
No, ma’am. It’s probably somewhat safer to discuss hotels in email, rather than in public.
Hey Amy
We have the dates, and Van has already booked his flight. Since it’s in July, I wasn’t going to worry about booking my flight, or hotel, until late March/early April.
Jack said he was looking into hotels so there probably won’t be an email thread until then.
I watched a couple of these Lost in Vegas cold reaction videos to Metal tunes. They’re a hoot.
This one is for Gojira:
I guess it helps to know the music, but some commenters say they enjoy discovering the stuff with them.
Hey. Hey thanks, asshole. I’ve been watching these guys for 3 hours now. I have to work in the morning. Thaaaaanks Jack….
They are one of my all-time favorite internet rabbit holes.
Aye, Aye Kapitan:
I’d feel safe on a boat held together with zip ties.
Don’t run it on any body of water that may have waves present.
Morning Pan
It’s cold again.
The weatherman says a Chinook is rolling in. We are suppose to go from our present -16 to +3 this afternoon.
That’s one cold salmon.
So I noticed the high temp for my home town next weekend will be 31F. High for Glendale? 82F.
rub it in
I haven’t watched the Grammys in a long time as it seems to be a bunch of industry insiders trying to hype their established acts to drive sales. The article makes some valid points, but is Hip Hop really being snubbed? It’s not often that I would site Simon Cowell, but what he said about Hip Hop seems accurate. To paraphrase “Hip Hop” singers are usually also dancer/performers because the music doesn’t stand on its own.” Ouch. I would say that there are probably more musically adept “Hip Hop” groups out there, but for the most part, the ones given air play are the “safe” and “accessible” versions.
Probably saying the same thing but I feel like the Grammys represent what used to be called “Top 40”. That is (was?) the singers/groups/song that “the industry” had decided it would push on the market. It was “popular” music because it was all the bulk of the radio listeners ever got to hear.
While sometimes, over-produced “product” can actually be fun to listen too … I usually don’t dig it.
Suffice it to say, I did not watch the Grammys.
I lost my faith in the Grammies at a young age, when Hall & Oates beat out Def Leppard and Quiet Riot for Best Group.
My sediment mirrors JOe’s pretty closely.
sentiment even.
Speaking of sediment, you too can have a piece of the KT layer.
Just surf those iridium blues.
What I said I meant.
Yes, when I fired up the CBS app last night, the Grammy’s were prominently displayed for viewing.
It stood no chance against Star Trek: Discovery. And, after last night’s episode, it was easily the right call. Holy cow!
X-Files. I have so many questions.
I’ve not been an avid fan, but have watched over the years and feel like I know most of the main points, but now, as I watch the season opener, I have two big burning questions.
The problem started when you watched the season opener. I don’t know a single person who liked that. The following episodes are better.
Crap joke for the day:
A Border Collie walks into a butchers shop and the butcher asks “What do you want?”.
The Collie points to some steak in a glass case and the butcher says “How many pounds?”,
the Collie barks twice
“Anything else?” asks the butcher.
The dog points at some pork chops and barks four times.
The butcher wraps up the steak and chops and puts them in the dogs mouth.
He takes the money from a purse around the Collies neck and shows him out.
A customer who has been watching in amazement follows the dog to a house where he jumps up and rings the bell.
The owner comes to the door and the customer says “What a remarkable dog you have there”
” Remarkable my ass” says the owner.
“That’s the second time this week he’s forgotten his keys.”
I fully support this:
So it’s basically a day celebrating poutine
Well cheese rather than cheese curds, but yeah, bring it on.
Someone has too much time on their hands:
Review –
Last Sunday I went to a Norman Rockwell exhibit and was surprised at my lack of knowledge about this American Icon.
Turns out that for his most famous works he would more aptly be describe as a Commercial Illustrator” rather than what we would traditionally think of as a “Painter”
Not to take anything away from his artistic ability but his work for the Saturday Evening Post was all incredibly scripted and laid out. He made extensive use of photography, often shooting hundreds of images of actors in costumes, props and even backgrounds before putting all the pieces together in sketches that would have to be approved by the “Post”.
While the end “product” may have in fact been “product” he still had great artistic skill in how he put it all together, how he captured expressions and his overall painting style.
Interesting is that he finally left the post because they wouldn’t let him grow beyound there product and in fact put censorship on him. His famous “4 Freedoms” for example.
His original painting for “Freedom to worship” showed people of several faiths. The magazine axed that and had him go with some old white people praying in church.
They also refused to let him show African American’s in scenes of “Normal America”. If they were included they were shown in positions such as a train porter.
Some of the first pieces he did when he left the post was the very gripping “The Problem We All Live With ” , “Southern Justice” and “New Kids in the Neighborhood”.
I enjoyed the exhibition. I appreciate Rockwell’s artistic ability and love it anytime I learn more about something I thought I already knew about.
I also couldn’t escape the irony that his work is often used as an example for those who want to “take us back to a better time”. “When America was like it is pictured in the Rockwell paintings.” … except it was never like that. All those images were very carefully and skillfully “made-up”, to sell a magazine.
All the more interesting, because his name has become synonymous with cluelessly privileged McCarthy white America.
My commute jumped up from 10-15 minutes each way to 35+ minutes each way. Yay.
I’ve had worse commutes before, but it’s the sudden loss of an hour from my day that hurts.
Welcome to the club. I average 35 to 45 lately. Wouldn’t it be great if someone made a podcast that you could listen to during that commute?
Yeah, I’m mainly whining about the sudden drastic change. It sucks to abruptly lose 1 hour of your day.
I kid, I feel your pain. I try and fill the time with music and podcasts, but I know you already had experience with long commutes in the past.
Hubby listens to audiobooks on his commute
I used to listen to Audiobooks, before I landed the 15-minute commute. I definitely plan to start that up again.
Welp, a pedophile is dead by suicide. We should all be grateful; however, he is the second star of the tv show Glee to die at a young age. That show was fantastic on many levels. It was nerdy, it put a spotlight on bullying in school, being gay, and just being a nerd. All of the kids were talented singers and the show just gave me the feels every time I watched it.
I’m saddened by the pitfalls of fame. I do wonder if Mark Salling would have been a pedophile even if he was never famous and was just some working schmuck. Probably so.
Whatever good came from Glee, I hope his victims get some comfort and progress in their recovery, knowing this piece of shit can never hurt them again.
CP: Drumming Song — Florence + The Machine
Today I saw ‘The Commuter’.
Liam Neelson is looking a bit frayed around the edges.
If you look carefully you will realise it was mostly shot in the U.K.
I’ve seen worse action flicks
“I have a very particular set of train skills…”
Speaking of Neeson: his performance in Schindler’s List is about as good as it gets. The subtlety and nuance is incredible.
I don’t condone all of his publicity stunts, but I still approve of Bill Nye. I agree 100% with the main complaint of the article, however.
I think Bill Nye is a fine human being, but I also agree that his appearance is bad move for exactly the reasons the article mentions. Space exploration is important, but not at the expense of the integrity of the scientific community.
And along these lines, I will not be watching the State of the Funyun. Y’all are welcome to comment on and discuss it here, and I’ll gladly join the discussion, but I get no knowledge or value out of watching the orange hutt blather.
If anything memorable happens (like Bill Nye stands up and tells him off), then I’ll catch the highlights afterwards.
I agree with everything you and Rhettro said. Nye pisses me off sometimes, but I think he means well. This is a massive tone-deaf move on his part.
On a different note, I wasn’t expecting much from this video talking about the upcoming Battle Angel Alita, but it was remarkably good, imo.
Just in case, you should know there are a lot of spoilers for the manga series. It’s worth watching for both its insightful analysis of the failures of other anime adaptations and especially for the analysis of the treatment of female characters in movies in general.
Really looking forward. Wanna get familiar with the source material
You can read all of the original manga on ComiXology, if you have that.
Watching some highlights of TSOTU I WILL give Trump credit, and this hurts to say, but I will give him credit for being a two face no truth fucker face shitty fuck.
Cool. He reversed Obama’s Guantanamo ruling. It’s gonna stay reopen!! Torture and death without trial for everyone!
He reversed an Obama ruling? The devil you say!
And the devil he did say
I slept in, did anyone see it?
It was lovely.
I saw people’s pictures of it.
It was too overcast here to see it
Today is.
That it is.
How did I not know about this book?
And you call yourself a fan! Scoff!
Saw he pulled the plug on DTP. Really glad I got to see them before this.
Did he? Glad I got to see him as well.
Yes, this incarnation of DTP is done, but he has a bunch of irons in the fire.
An interesting list. I confess I’ve only read #2 and “The Killing Joke”. I did order #7.
I’ve only read their Top 3 – – and The Killing Joke. And 2/3 of Knightfall (not listed).
I’d agree that #7 is the most intriguing of the ones I haven’t read.
CP: Man In Black — Johnny Cash
If you want to sword fight in a dress, the tips:
Morning Pan
I am hubbiless this evening. Shocking, I know.
Today is the first of the month. That means I backup my computer,
Maybe this afternoon i’ll Subject us all to a movie
Got my TDap booster yesterday! Got my bleah side effects!
Google Fu says “tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis” . I was able to guess the first two, pertussis is whooping cough. *cough*
Yeah. Parents are recommended to get their TDap before the birth of a child.
stealing from ditto’s FB feed:
Oy! Being at the mercy of third party appliance vendors with zero control is not easy for my Type A ass.
Let’s see what Netflix recommends today
Netflix recommends Open House
The write up: following a tragedy, a mother and her teen son move to a relative’s vacant home, where eerie and unexplained forces conspire against them
Gotta look out for those eerie and unexplained forces
My cat is staring at me. It’s freaking me out.
Has nothing to do with the movie, just saying
On to the Movie!
He did 5:07
When I use to wear contacts, hubby hated watching me take them out or put them in
They need eggs and milk
Rip van winkle playing on the radio
Well that didn’t end well
Stay at our mountain house
Pretty scenery
No cell service. What a surprise
Man on the road
Creepy neighbour
Holy crap that’s a nice “second” house
He old timey telephone
He = ye
Once again, people who don’t turn on lights. Seriously, you’ve never been there before. I know you don’t expect eerie forces but at least think of your shins!
Creepy basement
Cool passageway that leads to nowhere
Bed time
Hubby would hate what they’ve done
Again, with the light
Nobody’s there
Yeah, I wouldn’t do that
Creepy neighbour again
For whatever reason, the fact he doesn’t know what a light switch is, seems particularly bothersome to me today
Do not come back until after five
C is for cookie…
That’s a busy open house
If you won the lottery…
He’s never going to the olympics
You have seven hours to kill, maybe a book?
The door wasn’t locked
The realtor is spooked
Plugging in his phone
Oh no, they ate all the popcorn
Things better pick up soon. So far, this movie is pretty boring
Shower time
His phone is missing
Bare bottom!
Ok, now they’re just messing with him
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me…
Really? You’re going into the creepy basement with nothing on except a towel wrapped around you?
Wow, lighting a pilot light with a match. You know, for a giant ass, modern house, that seems rather old school
Creepy store manager
Naomi, Chris. Chris, Naomi
Chris is checking out the creepy basement
Getting out the camera
I watched a series called Paranormal Survivor. Basically it was a serialized version of the type of movies I watched trying to pass itself off as real
Anyway, cameras were often used to capture images of spirits.
Creepy neighbour is being creepy again
Side boob!
Hot water tanks do not work that way. The water doesn’t suddenly go cold if the pilot light goes out in the middle of your shower. It’s a tank! The water will stay warm until you use the tank up.
Seriously. Instead of using a flashlight, maybe invest in a new lightbulb
So this movie is half way through and nothing has happened. Really. My commentary is more exciting than the movie. People are being creepy but that’s about it
Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands
He didn’t wash his hands
You’ll never make the olympics that way
Death moves in and never leaves
Seriously? Now you’re making the poor plumber use a flashlight?
The plumber found his cell phone
She thinks Logan did it
She’s losing it
If I think someone might be in my house, I’d TURN ON THE LIGHT!
He’s having bad dreams
A real photographer has their own darkroom
Running down the middle of the road seems like a bad idea
Isn’t that sweet
The cops think they’re crazy
Kids get bored and do weird things
They can’t afford a hotel
Chris is stalking them
That snow is so fake
Chris is spending the night
Chris is leaving
Finally, some action
He’s joining her in bed
Wow, is she not paying attention
Seriously, how stupid is she?
Tied to a chair
Logan to the rescue?
Don’t leave her alone
Loud music
No phone
Told you not to leave mom alone
Again with the lights when chasing a killer, they would be easier to see of you turn on a light
Oh please. I could have told you that
Stabbed the wrong person
Some people pay big bucks for that
Wow, what a dumb movie
Glad it’s over
My mom just sent me an email. The content was pretty bland. It was just to update me on how my grandmother was doing. The background however… it’s basically breasts, over and over.
Sometimes my mother is just strange.
Fappy February First fuckers
Trump D.O.L. rule that would let employers take all of their employee’s tips and then divide them among all of the employees both in the front and back of house … was carefully written so that employers could collect all of the tips – and legally pocket the money themselves if they wanted to.
One of a myriad of reports that the White House has had buried because the data does not match the stories they are telling.
Apparently, he also called for Congress to grant anyone in his admin the power to fire anyone any time?
Note: I’m repeating an unresearched anecdote here, among friends, so please do correct me if I’m spreading disinformation.
That may be eluding to something he said in his State of the Dumpster Fire address.
He called for congress to give “every cabinet secretary” the power to fire ANY federal employee who they deem to offer dissent.
Some are calling this “The First Purge”, comparing it to the movie franchise.
Experts however, point out that this comparison is way off base as this purge would be EVERY day of the year.
So much scary. . .
That we elected a POS who would even consider this.
That he’ll get a bunch of support for the idea. I don’t *think* it will pass.
… and as I read this, a news alert popped up on my phone saying that trump had approved to do something “dismissing objections from FBI, Justice Dept. and intelligence community”
Where to begin – That he is paying no attention to legions of career professionals whose job is to protect this country? … or skip right to the fact that if it has “intelligence” in the name, he is already out of his depth.
..Babe…. I got you Babe…
That will do Babe, that will do.
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan , February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan, February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2, 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 , 2018 at 9:34 am
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 ,2018 at 9:34 am
Stop that! You are being silly.
We started out with a nice skit about biker grandmas, but then it just got silly.
Oh I get it! Groundhog Day!
Jack Mangan ,February 2 ,2018 at 9:34 am
Itll stop when someone creates a pretty ice sculpture of my head
Do you have life insurance? Cuz if you do, you could always use a little more. Am I right or am I right or am I right, right, right, right
I knew I could count on you!
Dumb question but I dont know the answer, and maybe some of you do.
Why does my cell phone receive spam texts? How did I make myself vulnerable?
Too much Monty Python?
Bloody vikings.
Someone sold your info. Could be a school loan company. Could be a private loan you have. Could have been a number of places you ordered a product from online. Hell you could have just registered to win something perhaps. There’s a number of ways for companies that don’t give two shits about you to gain profit from selling your info. Dani got hit by Nelnet of all places. As if we don’t owe them enough in student loans they sold her info (which was wrong info of all things) and now she gets a shit ton of junk main send to her parents house. Just takes one fuckin place.
Hubby went to bed around 2am last night. Let’s see which gets up first, the sun, or him.
The sun won. Hubby’s still asleep
Hubby finally dragged his butt out of bed
We seem to have a bit of a blizzard happening outside
TLJ just surpassed 1.3billion. *sigh*. I guess those alt-right trolls really did succeed in tanking the film…
Wait until Black Panther comes out. I’m sure haters will show their faces then, too.
I mean, does Black Panther have to be so. . . black?
My #FirstWorldProblem for today, well the past 10 days, has been not having a working washing machine. Issue resolved today! Woot
Fox competed in the NE Minnesota Regional Science Fair today and won 1st prize in microbiology. Next up is State.
w00t! What was the experiment?
Way to go Fox!
Late to chime in here but WAHOO!!!
Good for him! The Science Fair circuit was VERY good to me. I hope he has similar or even better results!
So, this Facebook GIF thing just might end up being the biggest thread in Deadpan history…and I’m OK with that.
These guys are fighting for your right to party. I LOL’ed multiple times.
So booked to go and see ‘The Phantom Thread’ today and now I’m like “WTF you have never liked any film Daniel Day Lewis has been in”…that.
Oh bloody hell, it was rather good.
Surely Gangs of New York or Last of the Mohicans?
This one looks stuffy beyond belief.
Morning Pan
Taking my Boo out for her birthday dinner tonight. Every year, she asks to go to the same place
Given the prices, I’m glad it’s only once a year
If i’m Ever back in Canada I will suggest MacDs..
We did that last time you were here. It’s what we had after our trip to Banff.
You have a better memory than me.
jack and I encountered this issue last night. My niece’s birthday dinner was at The Melting Pot – a four course fondue experience.
I think he underestimates how deeply Nirvana changed modern songwriting, but it’s still an interesting read. Also exceeds your daily recommended allowance of smarm.
JW: Counterpart E3
I’ll have to disagree with Ed on this one, i’m Loving the show.
Great acting from JK Simmons as he plays two roles, the subtle way differences between the parallel worlds are being revealed and then there is the conspiracy being played out.
Low on CGI and all the better for it.
Actually I should say low on obvious cgi.
I must confess, for the first time that I can remember, we didn’t watch the Super Bowl this time.
I must also confess that I don’t regret it one bit. Perhaps I’m just becoming a curmudgeon.
The latest Star Trek: Discovery tonight was again quite excellent, btw.
You missed a really great one this year, Ed.
Apparently they instituted a “No Defense Allowed” rule and it really livened things up.
Other than that –
The ads were pretty lame.
Half time was a grey, tasteless mush.
I only watch for the sportsball
We only half-watched the feetball game.
Morning Pan
Another chilly morning here in Airdrie
Anyone catch the Solo teaser yet?
Also anyone know why Disney is releasing it in May instead of the new usual Christmas Star Wars slot? In the same month as Infinity War no less?!? That seems like dumb business sense.
May next year.
Wait… it is next year. Never mind. lol 🙂
I don’t know. Avengers 4 release date is May 3rd, and Solo is May 24th. That’s only 3 weeks for two franchises that Disney owns. I agree that doesn’t seem smart.
Speaking of Star Wars:
I did watch the Solo teaser. Apparently the full first trailer drops this week?
Fun fact:
Ozzy Osbourne replaced lead vocals by Madonna on a Was (Not Was) song from 1983 which was then re recorded in 1991 adding vocals by Kim Basinger to make a true duet with Ozzy. While Madonna’s lead vocals were cut out she her voice was kept in the choir.
Cliff note’s version: There is a song out there by Was (Not Was) that has Madonna backing up vocals by Ozzy and Kim Basinger.
??? good grief. I am intrigued.
I heard somewhere about Madonna doing backing vocals for Ozzy a long time ago, but never knew which song. Cool.
So … Black Panther. The previews are really leaving me un-interested. 🙁 It just looks like an un-inspired rehash of everything we’ve ever seen before in a super hero movie(right down to the “THOR, put one knee down and smash the ground knocking everyone away from you” shot) … only with an African American lead.
I find myself committing to go see it ONLY because it is Marvel and because I want a superhero movie with an African American lead to do well in the box office.
I am hoping it is just being poorly previewed.
There is a lot of positive buzz from people who have pre-screened it. I’ve heard it described as a Marvel movie with Game of Thrones levels of intrigue. Time will tell.
Agreed. This one’s gonna be different. Granted youll probably have to have the big bad final fight as per usual, but it sounds like everything just has a different feel here.
You know I avoid trailers. . . Black Panther is a great character, so I’m looking forward to it, and hoping for the best. Sure, the few glimpses I have seen look like generic superhero CGI stuff, but the Marvel movie machine has been pretty consistent.
Of course, I won’t be seeing it until it’s available at home anyway.
“Of course, I won’t be seeing it until it’s available at home anyway.”
You’ve had a good run of seeing film in theaters. Welcome to my world. Settle down and sit a spell, won’t you?
Yeah, it’s all good. Not a real problem.
This Time article talks about the early pre-screen buzz. Hopefully it pans out.
Hmmm I’m stuck in murgatory again
Is murgatory code for Van’s arse?
Hoooooooooooooo boy
Ok Van’s arse broke me
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
Maybe Van’s arse isnt the way to go
No place like home
So glad I wore the armoured underpants today.
Oh that’s what that was
So, on the way home from birthday dinner with Boo last night, hubby and I were discussing dining places here in Airdrie. It was then we both realized, i’ll Be on a plane to Arizona on my birthday. Hubby says I can have two celebrations, one before I leave and one when I get back. I’m ok with that. :happy:
And one while you’re here! That makes 3.
Speaking of b-days — I hope Boo’s was fun.
Solo trailer is out:
Looks like the release is this year, at least in the US.
I liked the trailer. I’m happy there’s still a connection to the Extended Universe material even if Disney threw all that out. I agree with T Cat that the actor is trying too hard to walk in Harrison Ford’s shoes. It feels a bit forced.