Earth below us
drifting, falling
floating weightless
calling, calling home
Like 99 Red Balloons, it sounds better in German.
I didn’t even realize there was a German version. I can’t say that I like either of those songs better in German. But I did have the 99 Luftballons album at the time and equally like the German and English songs on the album.
Morning Pan
tomorrow is a stat holiday. Because the husband and I believe in the cause, we will spend at least a little bit of time watching some of the ceremonies on tv, and not just goof off the whole day.
So for no apparent reason the catch up player for the main commercial terrestrial tv channel has recently dropped a load of 60s and 70s British sci-fi/fantasy shows.
So slowly going through Sapphire and Steel, a show I only ever caught the odd episode of when it originally aired. It’s a very low budget and creepy sci-fi show from the 70s. Bloody great it is too.
This could be an interesting new trend. I get the excitement of being able to still be out there while retired. Just not sure how comfortable I would be with not having final say in what my likeness was associated with.
If you haven’t already watch it, there is a little documentary on Netflix about the filming of The Queen’s Gambit, well worth 15 minutes of your time.
Finally watched the first Andor episode!
It’s good. All setup. I’m looking forward to seeing where all of this goes.
There’s a bit of a nip in the air this morning. It’s about time.
My friends back in the NYC area have said that this is a non-story. I do have a hard time believing that any Renfaire event would intentionally exclude anyone, but maybe I’m being naive.
Ok, I’m watching the latest House of the Dragon episode and wondering if it will ever be explained why the King is ageing much faster than his brother.
Alicent is clearly sucking the life force out of him…
Tue elder daughter was down to go see Zeal & Ardor tonight. She had a blast. It was great to see her cut loose and have fun.
Oh, and the show was great too. This is a band that I thought were going to take over the world – – but here they were in a tiny club. But they were amazing.
They’re about as heavy as I get.
Morning Pan
I might need more sleep this morning.
I put in my first, “independent” quote yesterday. It was part of a bidding contract so I don’t actually expect anything to come of it but still, it was a strange feeling.
If it was a quote from “The Wrath of Khan” you can’t go wrong.
Sign the KHAAAAAANNNNN! …tract.
I hope you get it! Don’t hesitate to ask if you can benefit from a customer testimonial.
Even though the mornings start chilly, we’ve been getting above average days, weather wise. Normally we’d turn on the fireplace by now but it’s too hot to even have the pilot light going.
I can’t decide if I like this or not.
I’m hoping Canada heats up enough to be an option in case we have to flee fascism down here.
Just as long as it doesn’t reach Arizona temperatures.
So just watched the season finale of Kevin Can F**k Himself. I loved S1 of the show, S2 was was the last and boy did they stick the ending..just great.
I wonder if they’re constantly chasing LARPers off of the property.
There’s a non-zero chance.
Not trying to vaguepost, but I don’t think it’s my news to share in detail.
I’ve just learned that the wife of an east coast podcast power couple is at the end with her cancer battle. They’ve been off Facebook for awhile, so I had no idea. Absolutely gutted by this news.
I will share more as it becomes appropriate.
Argle Bargle
Walgreens is apparently employing an existentialist AI as I just received the following message
“we are calling to inform you that you have prescriptions that are ready to be picked up or have been delayed.”
I now know exactly the same amount of information I knew before I received their phone call.
Schrodinger’s prescriptions.
The important point is that you do in fact have prescriptions. Whether you can pick them up or not…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, we have tix for the little one to see Disney on Ice show with her BFF tomorrow, but now she’s sick and will probably miss out.
Murphy’s Law appears to be the constant here.
Big events planned or no, I hate these days.
Is it wrong that, being a DC film, I have lowered expectations for Blac Adam?
Not to mention that it stars Dwayne Johnson.
(Does he have a GREAT movie to his name? Come at me!)
He does not make “great” films. He makes extremely fun, rewatchable films.
Dwayne Johnson gets a bad rap. He’s not Vin Diesel.
Actually, Moana WAS pretty great.
Moana is definitely his best. Well, aside from Southland Tales.
I actually have no problem with Dwayne or Vin Diesel, but neither will convince me to watch any movie.
I… dont think either is trying to convince. Either you wanna have fun at a film or you don’t.
Yes, they care very much what movies I watch!
How can you not see the brilliance that was Tooth Fairy???!!! It was, literally, the best movie ever made. There is no way that Dwayne Johnson didn’t see that right off the bat on seeing the title alone.
Well the DC track record has been pretty dismal so far, with the first WW film and Shazam being any good, so no.
Birds of Prey was fantastic. The Suicide Squad (shut up Jack) was great.
WW is maybe the most overrated film of all time. People wanted to love it desperately. That 3rd act is woof.
I do need to watch that Harley Quinn movie.
Thank You Lo!
I thought I was the only one. I felt the same about WW. I think it’s good for a DC movie, but that didn’t make it a good movie. It makes it an ok movie.
The 3rd act IS woof.
I think there is a definite impact from setting expectations for a film. From a psychology aspect it’s a framing issue. If you set your expectations really high, you are likely to be let down because the film won’t match those expectations. If you set them really low you might really like a movie far better. My best examples are Dude, Where’s My Car? and Grandma’s Boy. Neither was an insanely fantastic movie. But my expectations were so low for each of these that when they turned out to actually be really good movies, they became favorites for me.
Long story short… too late. Always set your expectations low for a movie. Go out and find a reason to set them low. Work at it. It will pay off in the long run.
The other side of this, from a psychology perspective, is to not overhype a movie when recommending it to a friend. It can have negative repercussions of setting their expectations too high.
And Clive Barker is 70 today!
Just saw him get photographed with the cast of the new Hellraiser adaption and I did not recognise him from when he was getting interview for the first Hellraiser film,
Hubbiless tonight. I guess that means life is back to normal in school since it’s back to in person parent-teacher interviews.
Go to and do a search for VELMA and see what happens.
I am pretty “meh” about this.
Eh, I think it’s a good move.
Latest She-Hulk episode was epic!
Agreed. However I have a lot of issues with a lot of the takes on it. No spoils here, but I have loved nearly every episode. It’s HER show after all.
Well anal bead cheat is possible even if the prototype looks rather eye watering:
They even ripping off a scene from the Battle of the Bulge…WTF.
Dolph Lungren ain’t no Robert Shaw
That shot of the u-boat coming up out of the water at the very beginning looks like someone did an extreme closeup shot of one of those toys that you would get in a box of cereal. The little sub that you would put baking soda in and it would alternately dive and come back up out of the water (and that never actually worked like it was supposed to).
Well late to the party, but got my bivalent covid booster today.
Getting a fine collection of little cards…
Will get mine next week.
Got my flu shot yesterday.
First place I scheduled was a complete and total cluster. 40 minutes after my appt time they had still not even processed me in so I got on my phone and scheduled at a CVS pharmacy down the road. The CVS was polite, efficient and everything the other place wasn’t. I had a 4pm appt there and they had me out of there by 4:04
Yeah mine was a bit of a palaver. Went to the first place, got told to go to another place, stood in the queue for half an hour and then was told to go back to the first place
Huzzah for two long weekend in a row!
Time for a rant!
I think I need a new dentist. Every time an appointment is made lately, they ask for it to be rescheduled. Today, they called a half hour before my actual appointment. I’m very lucky I can change my schedule with a drop of a hat, not everybody has that privilege.
Although, I don’t think they care at this point, just gave them over $4k to get work done. They have my money, who care about anything else
Lame! Sometimes good medical pros have terrible office staff. I’d move on too.
Yeah, the only reason I hadn’t moved already is because I still don’t have the new bridge I’ve paid an ungodly amount for. It theory it was supposed to go in this morning. Now, maybe Tuesday
CP: Speed King — Röyksopp
Last night I randomly watched an episode of “Atlanta“. I’ve just never managed to catch an episode of it.
I actually really liked it.
It had kind of a twilight zone feel to it.
Jimi Hendrix in 1970. This looks and sounds incredible.
Reinforces my thought that his later-era songs were less special, but that he never lost his performing edge. Damn, he is a first stop on the Time Travel circuit.
Ok at I’m a sucker for a certain type of story when it comes to monsters, Werewolf by Night did not disappoint. Worth 50 minutes of your time.
So the spinoff TV series of the movie is getting a new movie and that movie will have it’s own spinoff series. It was a descent enough movie. But I never thought it was that good.
Wait till the end for a small light at the end of the tunnel.
So Sonos released a firmware update for the Arc soundbar that completely buggered up using Sub woofer with the Arc. No fix yet released but a work around is to turn off Trueplay. So did this and yesterday watching a documentary with one of my sisters:
S: What’s that noise?
Me: Just the sun woofer kicking in
S: oh…
-n +b
Sonos – the product you’ll hate to love.
I don’t have time to re-watch shows like some folks do. Hell I barely have time to watch new shit. But I’d like to thank the disparaging comments about the Sopranos to make me wonder if I was just living thru nostalgia. I have started a re-watch of the Sopranos with a current eye and, yes, it’s still fucking brilliant.
I’m almost done with season 1. A lot more comedy than I’d expected.
It’s well-written, well-acted, and I’m invested in the characters.
Gobble, gobble Deadpan!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Canucksgiving!
We watched the Hellraiser reboot and followed with the original the following day. The original was as dated as I expected it to be, but I still find the story interesting. The new reboot was fun and it was nice to see what a modern take would look like. Ultimately these are B films, so they were never going to win any Oscars, but they are fun horror stories.
I’m curious to see this, but… Hulu ads…..
I’ll probably watch Interview with the Vampire first.
My real challenge, aside from my own limited free time is coordinating viewing times with Tiffany, who works nights.
Trying the dentist thing again today. Let’s see if it actually happens.
Fingers crossed!
Happy happy birthday Rhett!
Happy Birthday Rhett !
Happy Rhettro day!
I’d like this sickness to be done now. That’d be great.
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness Get up, come on, get down with the sickness.
My sympathies, Jack. Get well soon.
T Cat caught covid last week from some of our friends. I’m still testing negative, but it hasn’t been a fun week.
Oh no. Best wishes to everyone in the ditto/T-cat household. 🙁 My only advice: rest. Rest rest rest rest rest.
We’ve only had negative tests here, so it seems to be just a bad funk.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
Happy birthday!
Although I’ve heard of stuff he wrote I had not heard of him till today:
Ok, after finishing The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis, I will now cry BULLSHIT to the ‘different medium’ excuse for poor book adaptions.
Sure. But this has gotta be a case-by-case discussion. Some books translate to film better than others. And there have been times when filmmakers made cool innovations. The 1930s Frankenstein films, for example.
Or another example would be Blader- –
*dies of coughing fit*
If my eye balls were not attached they would have just rolled out on to the floor..
Like in Minority Report! Another PKD adaptation!
There have been plenty of great adaptations. And some that are better than the book.
One example: How To Train Your Dragon. The book is awful. Only 8 year-old boys will like it. The movie is a gem.
I’m just gonna have to put this out there – Bladerunner the movie is better than the book that inspired it.
I also like Harrison Ford’s narration version…
Ed, this is why I love you.
I am an “Ed From Texas” fan boy and damn proud of it.
I just finished a bunch of work on spec. A friend of mine mentors U of C writing students, as well as works as a writer in residence at a couple of libraries. I helped him redo some of his writer’s guides in the theory he’ll recommend me to some of the people he works with. Let’s see if it pans out.
Crap joke for the day:
Old priest wants to duck out to the pub for a schooner and a punt instead of hearing confession on Saturday afternoon.
So he tells the new priest that he will have to cover confession. New priest objects, and says, “It’s my first day.. I don’t know what to do.”
The old priest says “it’s easy … in the confessional there is the big book of sins: say someone comes in and confesses that they have missed mass on Sunday … look it up in the book and the penance is three hail Mary’s.”
It all goes well with a few old ladies coming in and confessing to the usual minor infractions.
But a good looking young girl comes in a confesses to a few minor sins, um’s and ahh’s a few times, and finally blurts out “I gave my boyfriend a head job.”
Well, the young priest thumbed through the book of sins, but the important sins were in Latin. So he did not know that the penance for head jobs was under fellatio.
In panic, he looked out of the curtain of the confessional and saw an alter boy.
“Hey son, what does Father give for a head job.”
“Two mars bars and a packet of chips!”
Saw Meshugga and In Flames Monday night. I think I lost all the hearing I have left, but it was worth it.
Saw your video and now know what hell will be like…
I’m falling really behind on the new shows. I blame that I’ve decided I’m going to once and for all make it through the book Silmarillion. And I have a nearly aphasia-like inability to remember names. I’m having to listen to a chapter, read a really long primer on the chapter ( and then listen to the chapter again. It’s really overwhelming my life.
We only just started this yesterday. Since we only watch an hour or so of TV a night, it takes us a while to get to things. Too many shows, too little time.
I know the feeling. We haven’t started this nor She-Hulk. And we haven’t finished Halo or Ms. Marvel either. Haven’t watched the recent Thor movie either.
We just started this season’s “Stranger Things”.
Glad we waited. It’s a good Spooky Season view.
The Bear has dropped on Disney+ outside the USA, not sci-fi but well worth a watch.
Same. Staying current on House of the Dragon and Rings of Power. Will probably catch up on Andor in a few weeks as both of those other shows are about to wrap their first seasons.
What a time to be alive!
Yes, we’re hopelessly behind on our shows. That’s all right, though. We are caught up on Andor!
“candidate refuses to be available on WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, KIK, IMO, Line, or WeChat until such time as the candidate’s children make it impossible to ignore emerging communication methods.”
Much as I love the first one. . . It’s not like these movies are sacred texts.
That said, how much more can really be done with the Airplane! 50-jokes-per-minute format?
I don’t really see a fresh take on this. I loved the first one, and even though I found the second one enjoyable, it already felt like they were pushing it.
On the other hand “Liam Neeson” is a similar name to “Leslie Nelson” so maybe most Americans will think the original actor is in it.
I was always kind of meh on these movies. Controversial I know
I love Airplane!, The Naked Gun, and Police Squad. But honestly, if it isn’t written by the Zucker, Abrams, Zucker team (and it won’t be) it simply won’t be those things that I love. It’s just one more remake/reivisioning/reimagining that I hate so very very much.
Much like “Blazing Saddles” I doubt seriously movies like Naked Gun and Airplane could get made today.
I’m not optimistic as to what such a result would be.
Although there were definitely specific jokes (e.g., a 9 year old girl saying she likes her coffee like she likes her men). I think most of the types of jokes (e.g., stop calling me Shirley, it’s a big building with patients but that’s not important right now, nearly anything Johnny says, visual humor like the guy walking out of the mirror, etc.) would be just fine.
As you brought up Mel Brooks, he is supposed to be working on a History of the World Part II series ( so I guess we’ll actually get to test whether or not his humor will hold up. I am intrigued as I really don’t see Mel Brooks altering his style of humor for anyone or anything.
I’ve never played any of the Dead Space games, but I’ve always wanted to. Now there is a remake of the first game. Maybe my procrastination has paid off?
I enjoyed all the Dead Space games and am looking forward to the new one.
The real life inspiration behind the Netflix show, The Watcher.
Certainly Rings of Power’s most egregious offense 🙂
This is funny
I’m actually glad RoP is over. Hubby looked forward to watching it, then constantly complained about how it went off cannon. Although, to be fair, I had a lot of issues and I’m not the Tolkienfile he is.
Seriously, would hobbits (harfoots) really abandon you to certain death simply because you broke your leg?
I haven’t finished RoP yet but I’ll say I’ve been as bored with it as I have been with House of the Dragon. Nothing really happening. Then I say the title of this article today:
So season 2 is when we’re going to start ramping up now? And I thought it was bad that shows were taking 3 episodes to ramp up because people like to give a show 3 episodes to see if they like it or not.
My comment on this seemed to have got lost in moderation hell
On the topic of films that couldn’t/ shouldn’t be made these days-
I was flipping channels last night and came across “Weird Science” as it was just starting. I watched it and I will have to say that even with all of it’s many MANY faults (bad script, bad acting, disjointed ideas/plot devices to name a few)
It still had a lot of stupid funny moments.
Weird Science is one of the most quotable movies ever.
So, we got tribbles as swag from the local Con last month. The little one was fascinated, so I got a DVD from the library to show her the original TOS episode. That disc was a “best of,” which had “The Trouble with Tribbles” and also “City on the Edge of Forever,” “Amok Time,” and “Balance of Terror.”
She enjoyed “Tribbles” and was curious for more. I figured “City” was too odd and maybe a little grim and deep for a 4-year-old. (“Well they had to let the nice lady die because…”)
Long story short: we watched Amok Time. I think she enjoyed it, but I also think she was baffled by it.
I wish the dvd had had “The Doomsday Machine.”
I just watched the 2nd episode of “the Irregulars”.
I really want to like it. The premise is fun but So far it fails to live up to what it could be.
The level of writing makes it seem like it’s aimed at a Middle School audience. I mean kids talking like modern American kids but with English accents in Sherlock Holmes’ London?
It’s distracting and just feels lazy.
It got cancelled so you can just stop now if you want.
I really wanted to like the newest from Filter. I almost did.
If it is for a “movie” and not a documentary, I have no problem with certain categories of “dramatic liscense”.
Combining secondary charactures, condensing time periods… I’ll even allow the addition of fictional love interests so long as none of the historical even is attributed to them.
I do have a problem with changing a main player’s motivations or inventing a plot point that never happened.
I wonder if the author of that article is aware that there was a 20th Century. . . .
I do recall the cheesy “based on real events” horror movie, “The Stepfather” just took the story of Westfield, NJ, murderer, John List (Westfield again!) and speculated about what might have happened next.
This was before he was found in his new life in Colorado.
I get disappointed when a film fires up the urge to find out more and then you find a lot of it was just made up. The Imitation Game took too many liberties with the truth and I never want to watch it again.
CP: Borders — MIA
Eye Dr Appt today, so my eyes are still buggin;
Just got my Covid Booster.
Here is hoping the next 24 hours aren’t as bad as after the previous booster.
Good luck!
I get my flu jab this week.
12 hours later and I’m not feeling so good.
But not nearly as bad as the last two Covid shots. Hope I can say that in the morning
I can’t.
Last night sucked. Got the high fever, shakes,chills, muscle/joint pain sometime after 1am. It had broken by 4pm though.
Today will certainly be a recovery day.
That is awful. I do hope thongs have improved! And that tomorrow is better.
My grandmother has been at the hospital for the past few days, most likely dying. At 105, it’s not overly surprising. Frankly, we all expected her to go sooner.
What is strange is, my mother keeps sending me pics of her in distress. They are actually more and more mortifying each time. I know it’s her way of coping, but I still find it very weird.
Still, 105, wow!
105 is pretty impressive.
Sorry about the weirdness. My father in law just went through this and one of his kids insisted on posting pictures like that. It made the Siblings furious because their dad had told him for years that going this way (helpless and confused about who he was) would be his worst nightmare for how to go.
It was not how he wanted anyone to remember him.
Family is weird.
Yeah, I’m sure that isn’t helping.
I hope for the best for everything through this.
So saw the new adaption of All Quiet on the Western Front today at the arty cinema.
Well worth a watch, coming to Netflix on the 28th October.
So we made it through ep 3 of She-hulk. My favorite parts of this show have been the little digs at toxic fake fan incel boys.
My least favorite parts have been the painfully unfunny bits and fucking dumb, dumb sitcom moments.
I like what this show is, I just wish it wasn’t so frequently dumb. Will we finish the season? Probably.
That’s sort of my take. If Marvel was going to make a show like Ally McBeal, aim it at a slightly younger audience, and make constant potshots at incels, it would be She-Hulk. I feel, at times the whole premise of the show is to troll incels and expectations in general. I still enjoyed it, although the constant fourth wall breaking takes a lot of the drama out of the guess characters. I wonder if it would have worked better as an animated series.
Yet you have no problem with Deadpool doing the same. Interesting.
This is top tier D+ Marvel
I guess I chalk that up to me not being familiar with She-Hulk in the comics. I understand that there was some fourth wall breaking there. I think of the emotional sacrifices of the Avengers in Infinity War and those same character actions are modified by fourth wall fiat seems to pull the curtain back a little too much for me. In Deadpool, everyone thinks his fourth wall breaking is a symptom of his insanity. I like that What-If is animated as it gives me a good separation between the different narratives. I’m not saying my take is the “correct” one, just relaying how I experience it. I will say that Tatiana Maslany elevates everything she is in.
Personally, I find the fourth wall breaking rather charming. I’ve not read the comic, but I’ve read that fourth wall breaking in the comics is kind of her thing.
Never seen Deadpool
Tis, sir. She predates Deadpool in that and in the comics she even threw the head writer off a cliff. Simply delightful.
Also have we really reached the point (not specified at you Ed Im just streaming here) that we are upset that a show goes after trolls? I don’t care if this shoes whole point (its not) is to go after misogynistic bully boys. I would watch 9, 30 min episodes, of Tatiana Maslany simply telling off trolls. “Uh derp this show’s whole point is to go after toxic fans”. Good.
I was saying that the toxic boy troll mockery is a good thing. The best thing. That never gets old.
Dumbass 80s-90s slapstick sitcom jokes are what’s unfunny. Forced comedy is the worst.
I liked some of She-Hulk’s 4th asides. They’re sometimes awkward, but they’re not the problem.
I will finish the series before I really weigh in.
I was laughing pretty hard at the Madisynn/Wong banter. I’d watch a show that was just them.
CP: Forget-U-Not — 9Nine
This reminds me more of the V1 attacks on London than the kamikaze pilots mentioned in the article;
The V1 & V2 are exactly what these reminded me of.
I also wondered why the media latched onto “Kamikaze drone”. In reality, these are nothing more then slow moving, extremely less expensive versions of a cruise missile.
Sadly … given Putin’s now widespread use of these, the rest of us should brace ourselves for domestic terrorists utilizing their own improvised versions of these.
I think one of the hardest parts of hubby’s job is parental custody issues.
Been on the other side of that.
I’m looking for supplies to go as Dr. Venture for Halloween (because I LOVE having no one who actually lives in my immediate vicinity know who they hell I am for Halloween). Found a listing for spirit gum on Amazon to attach the bald cap. The very first customer question is: “will it work to attach my baby to my chest so we can go as Kuato from “Total Recall”?” I want this person to be my new best friend
So watched episodes 3 and 4 of Julia today, it’s a lovely show and even if cooking is not your thing (/raises hand) it’s enjoyingbto watch how she became a famous chef on tv.
I dodged almost all of those. Some I’ve never even heard of.
At least Nothing But Trouble gave us that fantastic Digital Underground song.
Ok peeps. I’m looking for a graphic novel to read. Preferably one that has come to a conclusion so I can read the whole thing. I will be reading them digitally if that makes a difference. I know there are readers in this group. Suggestions?
Sherriff of Baghdad
My Favorite Thing is Monsters
Asterios Polyp
And I just read the full “Paper Girls” series, which was really good. Brian K. Vaughan can do no wrong, it would seem. (No idea how they could have pulled this off as a CGI live action TV show)
I can’t find Sheriff of Baghdad. Do we mean Sheriff of Babylon?
I’ve added the others to my want to read list and picked up Paper Girls. Right now, I’m doing this thing where I read a book then read a graphic novel, so I’m always on the lookout for GNs to read.
That’s a fun system! Is there a reason, or just because?
I’m reading far fewer comics/graphic novels these days, since Amazon wrecked Comixology.
I’ll also recommend “My Favorite Thing Is Monsters” but there is a long overdue volume 2 that is supposed to conclude it.
“Asterios Polyp” is good but trippy.
A bunch of stuff I’ve been reading are still ongoing, so I won’t recommend them.
If you don’t mind manga, “A Silent Voice” is 7 volumes and very well worth reading.
“Sentient” by Jeff Lemire is good, as is “Sara” by Garth Ennis.
“They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei is great. And I also loved “I Kill Giants” by Joe Kelly.
The sex comedy “Menage a 3” by Gisele Lagace is a lot of fun, and there are 10 volumes so there’s plenty to read.
I’ll stop here for now. 😀
Jack. It’s just because. I find it’s a good palate cleanser between books
ditto: I’ve added all of them to my want to read list. Manga is actually good. If I get it in the original Japanese, it’s a good excuse to practice
Always happy to pass on comics, graphic novel, and manga recommendations. I still read quite a few of those. And I’m happy to take recommendations too. 😀
And ditto, while you’re at it, can you please create the next ComiXology? Amazon is pretty clearly never going to restore it.
I’ve only read a handful of GN, I imagine you have heard of them all.
Watchmen (duh)
Kingdom Come
The Killing Joke
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
I’ve started reading Paper Girls. I would recommend anything by Brian K Vaughan.
The only one I haven’t read in those is Kingdom Come so I’ve added it to the list.
My favorites (that are common enough they have probably been read) are:
Locke & Key
Black Science
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac (Same guy who later went on to do Invader Zim)
+1 for Locke & Key
There’s also Sandman, of course, if you haven’t read it.
I also really enjoyed Kieron Gillen’s Darth Vader series.
And (just one more) There was an excellent recent graphic novel version of Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.
I’m up to about issue 32 of Sandman, so way past the first graphic novel. I was doing a lot of current stuff that came out monthly so I wasn’t really thinking about them as graphic novels. Gillen’s vader series was one of them. Low was also really good, and Scooby Apocalypse held me for a while. I’ll have to check out the Slaughethouse Five. One of my all-time favorite books.
Ok, not a big GN reader but ones I’ve liked in the past are:
Fray (set in the same universe as Buffy the Vampire slayer but in the future)
Strong Female Protagonist, a web comic series which has been collected into two volumes. Technically not finished but the writer and artist have went on to paid jobs so I doubt it will get finished, you can still read the webcomic at:
Alex + Ada (Alex gets sent a sex Android by his grandma and things get complicated when Ada is hacked to free her AI) The run consisted of 15 issues but it’s been collected into one volume.
Bandette – a very cute series about a young art thief in Paris, been collected into several volumes.
This sickness needs to GTFO of our house now. No one is fully over it and Tiffany is down and out with it now.
And also underlines how powerful that song is.
A youngster lacking knowledge of the songs origins might think it was written for the current situation in the Ukraine.
You know it’s a particularly nasty custody battle when the dad gives the principal the “I know where everybody lives so let me see my kid” speech (he doesn’t)
Hubby’s having a rough time at work right now
Uggghh. If Thanos could have modified his snap to only dust the truly horrible people, then I’d have been all for it.
Was just gonna post about this. Another damn show on my list! I recall scattered details of the book. I know it’s unhip to like anything from William Gibson after 1986, but I kinda dug it.
It’s as entertaining to watch as it probably is to drive.
Crap joke for the day:
A blonde was driving home one night and got caught in a severe hailstorm. Her car was badly dented, so the next day she took it to a repair shop.
The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun. He told her to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out.
So the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees & started blowing into her tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little harder, and still nothing happened.
Her blonde roommate saw her and asked, ‘What are you doing?’ The first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tail pipe in order to get all the dents to pop out.
The roommate rolled her eyes and said, “Uh, like hello!
“You need to roll up the windows first.”
It snowed over night
I need to find my snow boots
OK finally…. the wedding episode was less bad, and the one after that with Man-Bull was actually quite good.
The episode was about much more than Man-Bull, but that’s a non-spoiler way to reference it.
For goodness sake speak English man!
Are you talking about House of the Dragon?
Ugh. “Less bad”
Not usually my kind of film but Tom Hanks might pull of off:
This particular story line “grumpy old person needs re-socializing by younger person(s)” has been done a zillion times.
So I think this is the sort of film you go to see for a particular actors performance.
Kind of like seeing a remake of an Agatha Christie tale because of the new films cast.
I guess we need (?) a new one of these every few years.
Finally! A version of Top Gun that I can get behind. BTW, this actually ramps up to the promised title at around 2:53.
I found this in the comments utterly fascinating:
There’s an interesting fact about this recorded narration.
Tolkien made it before The Lord of the Rings had found a publisher. He was rather disillusioned, even despairing about its prospects, and had lost faith in his ability as a writer. He was visiting the house of a friend (I can’t recall who), and this friend had bought a fairly newfangled device: a tape recorder.
After mucking about with it a bit, recording The Lord’s Prayer (to exorcise any evil spirits in it, for Tolkien was a bit suspicious of new tech), his friend suggested that he record his favourite passage from his new book. Tolkien did so, and on replaying it, the friend said, ‘Surely you know that’s really good?’ Tolkien said, ‘Yes… This machine has made me believe in it again.’
It’s a sobering reminder that even the very greatest are plagued by self-doubt.
Everything about this!
Those old recordings of Tolkien are absolute treasures.
A weary traveler knocks on a farmer’s door late one night and the farmer opens the door. The traveler asks if he can sleep in the barn as he is wet, hungry & tired. The farmer welcomes him in and feeds him and lets him sleep in the spare bedroom overnight. In the morning the traveler offers to a days work for free, to repay the farmer. The farmer refuses the offer and says it is not necessary. The traveler says he is an animal whisperer, so the farmer agrees. Three hours later the traveler returns and explains what he had heard. I spoke to your horse and he says you have changed his bit from a round on to a triangular one and it hurts. OK, I will change the bit says the farmer. I spoke to your cows and they don’t like the automatic milking machine, it hurts. O.K I will return to hand milking says the farmer. The traveler then says he spoke to the sheep but the farmer quickly interrupts the traveler and says” Stop” they are ALL f’king liars!
It’s a shame that it took this long to give Jodie material to shine. But this was a good send of for her doctor. And a bit of a surprise at the end, though I had seen something a while ago that let me know this was happening.
A lot of people on twitter moaning about being denied a kiss.
I’ve been on my own for the Jody episodes, and I can’t get motivated to watch them.
Maybe I’ll just skip to watch this one.
Same here
I feel like this picture of David Tennet is just begging to be mashed up with the portrait of Kramer from Seinfeld.
So after Gregory House fakes his own death and spends the remaining months with his terminal best friend, Wilson, he forges a new identity as a psychologist in San Francisco. Or at least that is what I tell myself when watching the Hulu series, “Chance.”
Ten years ago Rhettro said: “Windows 8 isn’t wowing me over its feature set, but given its relative cheap upgrade cost ($40) I will at least upgrade one of my two XP machines. The 64bit version of Windows 7 is doing fine on my laptop and I don’t plan on upgrading it.”
Narrator voice: “He never did buy Windows 8 and instead held out for a free copy of Windows 10.”
Free is good.
James Gunn is the new “Kevin Feige” of the DCEU.
This is a very good thing.
I think this is a good thing.
Is this a good thing?
There’s a DCEU?
As long as he does one more Guardians of the Galaxy movie for “the competition.”
Guardians 3 already Gunn.
I mean done.
Snow tires on the husband’s car this morning. Yesterday they messed up and brought out the wrong tires. Had to wait while they got the right tires from their storage facility. On the upside, at least I know for sure the right tires are there
I’m sure he looked cool and felt comfortable in his final moment.
As a newish rider, I don’t really care if you wear a helmet or not. If you are aware of the risks and choose to take them and the consequences, it doesn’t affect me. I, however, will always wear a full-faced helmet and glove minimum. I know an acquaintance that had an old lady pull out in front of him and he smashed his face on her bumper (open-faced helmet). He had several years of reconstructive facial surgery. I think of that whenever the helmet feels a little hot.
Speaking of GotG – the upcoming Xmas special looks absolutely wholesome and delightful
I actually enjoyed Master of Djinn and did not feel disgusted by the fat man labouring up the stairs in the Egyptian heat.
In other news, I received my pallet of fake mail-in voting ballets for Maricopa County. They are made of bamboo and are watermarked with an image of Deng Xiaoping. Even though I really wanted to vote for Kari Lake, I won’t get paid unless I put Hunter Biden in as a write-in for governor. Just got email confirmation my ballet was excepted.
Goodness know when I will get round to actually read it though.
Finished Judgment on PC. Say anything you want about RGG studios, between this and the Yakuza games, they know how to tell a story. Next up, Lost Judgment.
Looks interesting. I just started “Control” myself. It isn’t bad, but I was hoping for more of a F.E.A.R. experience.
Currently addicted to Vampire Survivors, a simple game that plays nicely on the Steamdeck.
Boo’s car goes in for winter tires today. Last one, then we are all ready for the season
Those wind gusts on the highway were not fun to drive in
Andor is exactly what Star Wars has needed.
So many great, memorable characters, so much tension around every one of the mains. So many nuanced details about daily life under the Empire. I find the “boring” complaint a little strange.
It’ll be hard to accept any more Stephen J. Cannell product like Book of Boba Fett after this.
It’s a slow burn, but not boring.
It’s the opposite of boring.
To be honest it’s refreshing to have a SW show without the Jedi bullshit.
If you have a compatible DSLR you could help investigate atmospheric sprites:
Ah yes, I remember those. I grew up in a town neighboring Linden, NJ, which was a target, due to its numerous refineries and factories. Gotta love humans.
On the plus side, maybe Gamma World will make a comeback.
Bass of Rankin/Bass has departed. Time for an original Hobbit rewatch.
Rankin and Bass were a crazy talented team. Very high on my list of favorite animators. One of my latest tattoos is a wraparound at the elbow of Smaug from the Rankin/Bass version of The Hobbit.
Caught the first two episodes of The Peripheral on Amazon. Never read the source book, so coming in cold.
Digging it so far.
I have read the book, so I’m pretty stoked for the show.
What a night!
Halloween party at the littlest one’s Karate Dojo, where she won the “Cutest Costume” contest.
Then off to a downtown theater for devil music with Kreator and Mercyful Fate. Not there as press, just a regular slob.
I didn’t intend to have DJ Shadow in my earbuds this morning, but dayum!
Seems to be good visuals too.
You can tell you are getting old when you get pissed off people are celebrating Halloween today and not October 31st.
I Celebrate Halloween (to some extint) for 31 days.
So there.
I need a favour. Hubby’s birthday is in December. I want to get him this, but I can’t get it in Canada and Amazon US or Star won’t ship it to a CDN address
If I order it through Amazon US would I be able to send it to one of you and then have you ship it to me?
Thanks Jack. Could you send me your current address? I’ll probably place the order on Monday when John’s at work
Well that’s S3 of ST:Lower Decks put to bed, great series.
Oh and Star Trek Prodigy started airing it’s second half of the first season and it good too!
Watching Paws of Fury tonight. I guess this answers the age old question of whether Blazing Saddles could be made in modern times. The answer is most definitely yes. All you have to do is 1) substitute species (e.g., dog in a world full of cats) for race and 2) use a garbage load of really obvious and lazily written jokes.
To this day, I still count Alien Resurrection as one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in a theater. Maybe the worst.
I didn’t see it in the theater. But if you cut out the ending, I could see it as a passable B movie. For the worst I’ve seen at the cinema it’s a toss-up between “Raw Deal” and “The Fourth Kind.”
The Beastmaster is the absolute worst I’ve seen in the theater. Although Stallone’s Judge Dredd is pretty close.
Tired brain. . . . I didn’t see the Beastmaster in theaters, and I have fond memories of seeing it (Tanya Roberts) on cable.
I meant to type The Dungeon Master, featuring Richard Moll as the villain.
I think I saw “Dungeon Master” at the theater. Good God.
Nothing is worse than “Battlefield Earth”.
I’m sure you’re right, ditto. I saw the first 5 mins of “Battlefield Earth” on cable and was done.
You are all amateurs, the worst is On Deadly Ground, the only time I came close to walking out of the cinema.
“A mystical martial artist/environmental Agent takes on a ruthless oil corporation.”
Avatar: The Last Airbender was the worst movie I ever saw in theaters. I loved Beastmaster (and Tanya Roberts), Judge Dredd was meh at best, I saw Battlefield Earth on cable and fell asleep a few minutes in. Best nap ever. Don’t think I’ve seen Dungeon Master and can’t say as I remember anything about Alien Resurrection.
I can almost hear Patton Oswalt’s voice speaking through it.
So you did a 3D scan of your actual pumpkin?
Yep, Iphone 13 with Lidar.
That’s amazing!
So could you turn that into a small model that you could 3D print?
It would be cool to have a 3D model collection of each pumpkin you carve from here on out.
Yeah, any 3d model could be a candidate for printing. Alas, my older 3d printer totally burnt out after a handful of prints. But there are some interesting models in the $200 range that I may pick up for Christmas.
Now it’s all Hallow’s Eve! Have a happy one, everyone. I hope you enjoy the day and the trick-or-treating, however you experience it.
I’m going to the local cinema to avoid it all.
For the first time in a couple of years, we are giving out candy again. Not sure what the numbers will be since we’re suppose to get snow in the next couple of hours.
I did a last minute decoration flurry in a surge of optimism but the early hour just past with narry a costumed toddler.
They were our mainstay in the pre- Covid years
For once we predicted things just right. Gave out the last of the candy at 8:59 with a goal of shutting down at 9pm. Kids are pretty much done by 9pm in this area.
Bought a new Wi-Fi Mesh Network that arrived today.
Of course now I have to install it and get all the other Wi-Fi devices to work with it.
Can’t be arsed tonight it will have to wait till morning.
Oh and Tales of the Jedi on Disney+ was good.
We decided to watch the remastered version of the 1979 movie Phantasm. It turns out, this was not a very good movie at all.
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this from start to finish. The scary evil ball is fun in my memory.
Spent the evening out with my son’s 4H group at a community “trick or treat trail” event. Great weather and a lot of kids and families came out. So, a Happy Halloween indeed.
As for the movie topic, that’s a bit of a tough one as I’ve always been pretty selective about what I put money down on to see in a theater. Pretty sure we saw The Last Airbender in the theater and it sadly did not live up to it’s potential. I remember also being pretty disappointed in Event Horizon as it went from being a pretty promising sci-fi concept to a pretty schlocky horror flick.
Oh, god….I saw Prometheus in the theater. I had managed to forget that until you bastards triggered that repressed memory. So, thanks for that.
We have at least one devout Prometheus fan around here. Not me, but that probably isn’t even in my bottom 20 for worst theater movies. I paid money to go see Van Damme’s Cyborg, for chrissakes.
We had about two dozen kids last night. About the same number as pre-Covid so I guess that’s something
We ended up having 7 kids in three groups.
That’s the most since Covid so maybe things are picking up?
I think we had between 12 and 16 kids total, about average. Activity trailed off sharply after 8 PM.
We had 11 which was sharply down from previous years.
Our new neighborhood was really busy. Lots of trick-or-treaters – – including us! Leeloo pulled in a big candy haul.
Also – – is it just our new locale, or have the Nightmare Before Christmas decorations taken over? I’ve never seen so many inflatable Jack Skellingtons.
We have an inflatable Jack Skellington, if that is any indication. LOL Cali is a big fan of “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, so that’s why we have it.
Off to the city to visit the vampires this morning
Not only did the vampires take my blood, they gave me my flu shot too. Now chillaxing in the waiting room while the prerequisites fifteen minutes pass
Very nice.
Probably the best interpretation of that I have ever seen.
It’s a veritable blizzard out there and the husband will have to drive home in this. I’m not happy
I hope he can mush the dogs to get him home safely.
Hey Rhet,
I am still intrigued by your pumpkin scan.
What app did you use to do that?
I use Scaniverse, it works pretty well. Once scanned there are tools to crop down the model to the desired parts. I’ve been exporting FBX files to my Google Drive.
I know someone with an iPhone 13 and am interested in playing with this!
I can hide away with my 3D printer in my attic laboratory this winter and try it!
Until today, I didn’t know there was a Wayne Gretzky whiskey. I was a very cheap whiskey so I picked it up and will try it tonight. Given the price, I don’t expect it to be very good, but I still need to try it
It’s at it’s best on ice.
I think it starts off great, but then gets way too full of itself and fairly useless when its halfway through.
It’s a little harsh, but not too bad. I’ve had worse
Funny, that’s my typical review of beers that I buy because they are associated with a band (Iron Maiden, Queen, AC/DC, etc.)
LOL Jack.
I hear it pairs well with a super model
It’s getting too late in the day for me to make a hockey joke that is top-shelf, so I’ll make a general whiskey comment instead. For the longest time Teresa and I have enjoyed the excellent, but mostly affordable, Canadian Whiskey “Forty Creek”. But unfortunately, we were exposed to the pricy Irish whiskey “Writer’s Tears”. It’s our favorite now.
Ballantine’s is a decent cheap whiskey. They also make a higher end version that’s quite good, but for a budget, their blend is nice
I found another Ballentine’s fan!!!!
I ran across this brand back in the 90’s and bought it because it was cheep and I had no money.
In the 2000’s it suddenly got “en vogue” and became really expensive. Then because it was popular it became hard to find. Because it was hard to find people stopped buying it and by the 2010s the price of it dropped back down… If you could find it!
Now it is reasonable but I have not been able to find any in a year!
It’s a cheep scotch but I like what I like and I am tickled to find some one else who likes it!
I prefer Monkey Shoulder, but Ballantine is not bad. It’s good for mixing too.
You can’t find Ballentine’s Joe? Here, the cheap stuff is in every liquor store. The higher end 17 year old can only be found in one place in Airdrie, but the other is pretty much everywhere.
Yeh, that stuff has become impossible to find around here.
It’s good to know it is still out there.
I still struggle with this stuff. I have a giant Costco jug of Crown – – I have occasionally tapped into it, but have never found a way to make it enjoyable.
Just looked at the prices, ouch!
Van, price depends upon what you’re looking at. The inexpensive Ballentine’s I mentioned is only about $30 CDN. The 17 year old is closer to $100. We very rarely have the expensive one. The Wayne Gretzky bottle was also on sale for about $30. Unfortunately, it tasted like a $30 CDN whiskey. It’s ok, but, as I said, is a bit harsh.
Since the two of us only buy a bottle on the weekends and are dry during the week, we’re ok with $30. Every now and then though, we splurge and go for something higher end.
To put it in perspective a litre bottle of Bailey’s just cost me 13quid.
Visited two distilleries in Orkney when I was travelling with a friend. On one of the tours the guide came up-to me and asked if I liked whisky and was bemused when I said no, but I can force it down at a pinch.
Felt like an atheist in a church..
I felt much the same way when my wife and I toured Scotland a few years ago. I avoided all the whisky places. Unfortunately, I found out literally on my way out of the country (in the Edinburgh airport duty free shop) that Gin has actually been on a huge rise in Scotland and I could have been sampling Gin at nearly all those whisky places I avoided. Maybe next time.
Here is another thing I will add on this topic…
I like Bourbon but I can’t drink it because it gives me a headache. Sometimes the headache will start before I’ve even finished the whole glass! A friend of mine, hearing the story, ask if I had ever tried rye. I hadn’t but since then I have and for some weird reason I can drink rye but not straight bourbon.
Go figure.
I’ve had some similar problems with Bourbon for some reason. Have you tried Templeton Rye? It isn’t as sweet as other ryes and is a nice in-betwen rye and bourbon.
Since I’m allergic to smoke, I have problems with scotchs and bourbons that have a heavy smoke component. That’s what gives me the headache. You might have a “similar” problem with some kind of allergy.
Could be. Wood smoke will sometimes give me migraines
I remember trying Angel’s Envy – – that’s pretty good stuff. I didn’t realize it was a rye. Drank it when I drove my Chevy to the levee.
Curious: Has that smoke sensitivity ever affected you with bbq meats? Is it different with different woods?
No, fortunately.
There is an Angels Envy Bourbon.
Much less expensive than the Rye which is good news if it was the Bourbon that you tried.
Anyone up on the latest laptops? I’m trying to figure out the right balance between performance and price. I see massive performing systems like the MSI GF65. But, as a gaming machine, these do things like get really hot and may be much more than I really need. I don’t really do PC gaming, but if I want to pair my Quest 2 with a laptops I have to have a reasonable graphics card present. I don’t need powerhouse memory and processor speed, but if I cheap out on these things, then doing things that I’m want to do (such as have 20+ tabs open at a time in Chrome) will rapidly overwhelm my system. Any thoughts on whether I really need 12th gen i7 hex processor with 128GB or RAM or if I’m just throwing my money away at that point. I’m actually doing pretty well right now with my older Asus touchscreen with 8th gen i7 quad core and 16 gb RAM. But when I get a new system I don’t want to find myself getting stuck as new tech comes out.
128GB is overkill, if I were buying new I’d go for 64. For VR, graphics memory is more important. I don’t what is common for laptops these days, but 12 GB of graphics memory would be fairly future-proof, although I’d imagine 8 would be more available. CPU-wise, a fairly current i7 would work well. Current-gen AMD processors have been getting a lot of buzz for their power-to-price ratio.
Good to know about AMD. Back when I was paying attention to such things, they weren’t something you would want in a descent system. For me, the challenge has been finding the drive space that I need. I have a 2TB drive and it’s pretty full now. I’ve gone the route of the small SSD with a large alternative drive. It can be OK, but makes things like iTunes a massive pain when it simply can’t figure out what to do when your music isn’t where it expects it to be.
Oooh. Amazon says hubby’s birthday present has reached its US stop
We have the box!
Step one of my master plan is complete
Enola Holmes 2 was every bit as delightful as the first one. A recommend from Texas.
Pencilled in to watch on Sunday.
I very much enjoyed the first so I’m in.
Have a wonderful birthday Pixie!!!
Yea Pixie!!
Happy Birthday!
Hubby is principal of a k-4 elementary school this year. He thought it would be nice to start a beginning chess club for the younglings. He put out notice there would be twenty spots in this club, not sure if even that would be filled. He got 72 kids asking to sign up. He’s happy there was such interest. He’s also sad because he can’t accept them all. He has no idea how he’s going to choose twenty of of all those kids
I wonder if the Queen’s Gambit is to blame for the poplularity.
I don’t know how many eight year olds watch that show.
Might have watched it with their parents.
Perhaps he can have a bracketed Tournament.
Then Rank the players. Once a week the lowest Ranked player could be challenged by someone outside the club for that position.
Keep them on their toes.
Sounds like an opportunity to recruit some parents that can help with all those extra kids.
Surely some other folks up there know how to play chess?
This week I had two differrent, high ranked NASA people mention to me (in different social situations) concerns about the parallels between Howard Hughs and Elon Musk.
Amoungst themselves there is growing concern at administration level, about Elon going off the rails and what that would mean to the space program, given how many of their eggs are currently in his basket.
We’ll, the cat certainly has no concept of daylight savings, she expected to be fed at what is now 3am
Saving Enola Holmes 2 for another day and watching Run Sweetheart Run on Amazon Prime.
Pretty neat genre bending slasher flick.
It’s on Amazon Prime in the UK.
Busy weekend of activities.
The Scottsdale waterfront’s high-tech art convergence was basically Cyberpunk, just without the embedded fingernail blades. Pics will surely be posted.
Has anybody here tried Mastodon? I have a few friends who have moved over to that from twitter but, since I’m not really a twitter person, I haven’t decided what to do. Also, I’m not sure what “server” I should be on. I’m assuming, being a generic one but…
Yeah, I signed up for an account a few years back. I’m on but it’s very slow at the moment as the servers being overloaded with people preparing to jump ship from twitter.
From what I can gather you can follow people’s toots that people post on other servers by following them.
I don’t even remember if I’d tried Mastodon when it launched.
I might need to do it for book/graphic novel promotion – – I’ll make it known if I ever do.
My credit card came up for renewal. Now I have the exhausting task of going through and updating everything that comes off it. I’m already tired
I saw this mentioned in an article once as a great time to cul out those monthly subscriptions that you really aren’t using.
It is especially useful with those companies that make it really difficult to cancel your subscription. Since they only have the old credit card number.
Oh look, it’s Lost Ralph’s birthday. I know we don’t see him much here anymore but, Happy Birthday!
Cheers to lost Ralph!
Here’s a thing I just discovered.
I saw that this 1st round of student loan forgiveness involved 16 million people. So I did some research and the Median student monthly loan payment is $222
Doing the math shows that the forgiveness of 16 million loans could put 3.5 BILLION dollars back into the economy
That extra “discretionary income” has got to be good for local small businesses.
It’s a little creepy when WordleBot says this to you: “Sensational. We are as one.”
Resistance is futile!
We’re going out for our fourth Covid shot today. It’s currently -17C (-25 with wind chill). I really don’t want to go outside
I did, in fact, get outside to see the start of it. My pic was crap, so I didn’t bother to post it.
So according to twitter scuttlebutt, the Disney money for Doctor Who will mean the first season with the new Doctor with haves a budget of 10 million pounds per episode.
I fear the thing that will finally finish off DW is Disney funding.
It’s cold.
I have to go to the city this afternoon.
I don’t want to.
It’s cold.
Or in 5-7-5
It is cold today
To the city I must go
No please, It is cold.
Today is shaping up to be an historic day. For all the worst reasons. Let’s hope
– – the early polls were inaccurate
– – for no violence
I don’t plan to track anything. My vote was mailed 2 weeks ago.
I will be voting a little later today but I won’t be following it either. With all of the pre-voting, I suspect it will be a day or maybe more before everything is counted.
I am not optimistic for Democracy.
I am afraid that the fix is already in. Too many authoritarians have been appointed to the positions that accept the votes and to the courts that will hear their lawsuits.
At the Doc I wait
A Yearly trip to check skin
Missed cancer boat, yea!
How a weaker program can defeat the best AI Go player:
Rewatching Werewolf by Night and noticing the little flickering rings that were used in the old days to indicate to the projectionist to change the reel.
Great voice, and by all accounts, a truly sweet guy. Love Hurts. RIP
CP: Another Chorus — Violent Femmes
Unplugged from the world.
Made cookies and watched Enolia Holmes 2.
I was fun.
Well whatever happens looks like the Dog torturer Dr Oz is going to lose.
Overall, not as bad as predicted. Fingers crossed for AZ.
I did check this morning, and it’s basically 50/50 normal person vs. raving lunatic.
We’ve completed episode 3 of Rings of Power. I have gripes, but overall, I’m enjoying it.
As a lifelong Tolkien fan but never a scholar, so I can’t call out any deviations from the Silmarillion. And I think we knew from the start that differences were to be expected? These are variations on the legends?
I never knew this was the term for those sorts of flats:
I remember those from some Monty Python skits. (I think the author of the funniest joke in the world lived in one?)
Do we know them from any other famous British shows or movies?
Get Carter I think, the original and not the Stallone remake.
I’ve been doing a full catalog listen of all 16 Iron Maiden studio albums, in chronological order of release. On day 6, with only one album left to go. Not as a journalist, just as a fan, so I’m not taking notes or shutting out everything else to focus on the music.
It’s kinda tiring, but fun. I will definitely do this again with other artists. I recommend it! Pick an artist with a fairly extensive discography and go!
I’m currently halfway through Powerslave, so lots to go. I’ll share some thoughts once completed. I would recommend listening to Bruce Dickinson’s “Accent of Birth” and “Chemical Wedding” and then immediately follow with Blaze Bayley’s “Silicon Messiah,” once you are done with the Maiden studio albums.
Okay, I lied. I have a few comments. There is no denying the musical talent of Maiden, but I did notice the improvement in timing and precision by the fourth studio album. As great as the first two albums are, the songs sound better live after 30 years of practice.
That is a really good point. They’re absolutely a tighter, more mature songwriting and performing unit by the time the mid-80s rolled around.
The solo albums are another rabbit hole! There’s hours and hours of stuff from Bruce, Paul Di’Anno, Blaze, Adrian Smith, and even Steve Harris’s side project, British Lion. That could be a great future adventure, though.
You’re right, I will need to march through those other albums eventually. In regards to the Maiden journey, I think the two solo Bruce albums show what he wanted to do and couldn’t at that stage in Maiden. Likewise, there was the critique that Blaze didn’t get his chance to really shine in Maiden because the songs weren’t written for his vocal range. If you listen to “Silicon Messiah” I think you would find there is some merit in that notion.
Yeah, I like the idea of checking out Blaze Bayley’s solo albums. He’s a capable vocalist, but was unable to do much with the material on X-Factor or Virtual XI. I blame the lackluster songwriting, not him.
How well do you know those 90s Maiden albums?
I think I got Virtual XI and Accident of Birth through the Columbia tape club. LOL Accident got a lot more play. There’s a gap between 7th Son and Brave New World which I look forward to revisiting.
I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It. | ‘Almost Famous’ by Op-Docs
Gave my little one a few new-to-her choices for movie night and she chose Pinocchio. I was going to go with the 2022 version, but it got pretty universally panned by IMDB reviewers, so we watched the original. We should have watched the new one.
I haven’t seen this since I was a really young kid. I guess it’s fine for what it is, but I think the newer one would have resonated better. Eh, she liked it, so I guess that’s what matters.
Earth below us
drifting, falling
floating weightless
calling, calling home
Like 99 Red Balloons, it sounds better in German.
I didn’t even realize there was a German version. I can’t say that I like either of those songs better in German. But I did have the 99 Luftballons album at the time and equally like the German and English songs on the album.
Alex and Geddy play Rush classics with friends at the L.A. Taylor Hawkins tribute:
RIP Coolio:
Morning Pan
tomorrow is a stat holiday. Because the husband and I believe in the cause, we will spend at least a little bit of time watching some of the ceremonies on tv, and not just goof off the whole day.
CP: Sitting On A Poor Man’s Throne — Copperpenny
For a long time, I floated the idea of using a role-playing game to create fiction. Then I stumbled onto this podcast where the author does just that. It is well done.
I’ve heard of many modern High Fantasy novel with connections to D&D campaigns, but I’m curious about this author’s twist on it.
Looks like there won’t be a new Star Trek in theaters for awhile.
Honestly, the Paramount streaming shows seem to be scratching that itch pretty well.
You should get that looked at. It’s infected.
Goodbye to Google Stadia:
So for no apparent reason the catch up player for the main commercial terrestrial tv channel has recently dropped a load of 60s and 70s British sci-fi/fantasy shows.
So slowly going through Sapphire and Steel, a show I only ever caught the odd episode of when it originally aired. It’s a very low budget and creepy sci-fi show from the 70s. Bloody great it is too.
I talked to dUg Pinnick of King’s X today!
Nice get!
Did you ask him why Gretchen went to Nebraska?
Looks interesting:
This could be an interesting new trend. I get the excitement of being able to still be out there while retired. Just not sure how comfortable I would be with not having final say in what my likeness was associated with.
Wait… the internet lied to me? I’ve never been so shocked or insulted.
We bought some gin for a change. Now hubby has pulled out a guitar and is playing Cold Gin by Kiss, over and over and over…
We’ll all be happy to know he’s moved on to playing Hotel California
Maybe you should buy him some tequila, or perhaps some red red wine.
Back to Kiss with Detroit Rock City
Now it’s Bark at the Moon by Ozzy
We’re all over the place this afternoon
It will soon be Cold Gin time again. You know it’ll always win.
Good short summary of the formation of England
I somehow never heard this one during my Dr. Demento days, even though it’s apparently his most-played song (fact check?).
This guy strikes me as Bill Murray on cocaine.
That was always one of my Dr Demento favorites.
Although fortunately the version he played had half as much chatting.
30 minutes of relaxing nature scenes from the Studio Ghibli films:
If you haven’t already watch it, there is a little documentary on Netflix about the filming of The Queen’s Gambit, well worth 15 minutes of your time.
Finally watched the first Andor episode!
It’s good. All setup. I’m looking forward to seeing where all of this goes.
There’s a bit of a nip in the air this morning. It’s about time.
My friends back in the NYC area have said that this is a non-story. I do have a hard time believing that any Renfaire event would intentionally exclude anyone, but maybe I’m being naive.
I don’t have anything to add, except the first thought that entered my head was:
I blame society for my thought process.
Anyway, here’s my dUg Pinnick interview:
After you click the dUg Pinnick interview link, check out the new Wakanda trailer:
Looks good!
We’ve talked about the mostly very good but uneven Phase 4 of Marvel. I think this is when it starts to get put together
Also dUg!
Apologies. I should have responded to this post in 2022 language:
But Namor is played by a Mexican! Ah der ah der ah der!
Namor can’t be a Mexican! He is clearly a vulcan!
Ok, I’m watching the latest House of the Dragon episode and wondering if it will ever be explained why the King is ageing much faster than his brother.
Alicent is clearly sucking the life force out of him…
Tue elder daughter was down to go see Zeal & Ardor tonight. She had a blast. It was great to see her cut loose and have fun.
Oh, and the show was great too. This is a band that I thought were going to take over the world – – but here they were in a tiny club. But they were amazing.
They’re about as heavy as I get.
Morning Pan
I might need more sleep this morning.
I put in my first, “independent” quote yesterday. It was part of a bidding contract so I don’t actually expect anything to come of it but still, it was a strange feeling.
If it was a quote from “The Wrath of Khan” you can’t go wrong.
Sign the KHAAAAAANNNNN! …tract.
I hope you get it! Don’t hesitate to ask if you can benefit from a customer testimonial.
Even though the mornings start chilly, we’ve been getting above average days, weather wise. Normally we’d turn on the fireplace by now but it’s too hot to even have the pilot light going.
I can’t decide if I like this or not.
I’m hoping Canada heats up enough to be an option in case we have to flee fascism down here.
Just as long as it doesn’t reach Arizona temperatures.
So just watched the season finale of Kevin Can F**k Himself. I loved S1 of the show, S2 was was the last and boy did they stick the ending..just great.
Co-designed by the guy who created Pandemic
Could be fun.
I’m thinking this would be great place for a DnD campaign.
I wonder if they’re constantly chasing LARPers off of the property.
There’s a non-zero chance.
Not trying to vaguepost, but I don’t think it’s my news to share in detail.
I’ve just learned that the wife of an east coast podcast power couple is at the end with her cancer battle. They’ve been off Facebook for awhile, so I had no idea. Absolutely gutted by this news.
I will share more as it becomes appropriate.
Argle Bargle
Walgreens is apparently employing an existentialist AI as I just received the following message
“we are calling to inform you that you have prescriptions that are ready to be picked up or have been delayed.”
I now know exactly the same amount of information I knew before I received their phone call.
Schrodinger’s prescriptions.
The important point is that you do in fact have prescriptions. Whether you can pick them up or not…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, we have tix for the little one to see Disney on Ice show with her BFF tomorrow, but now she’s sick and will probably miss out.
Murphy’s Law appears to be the constant here.
Big events planned or no, I hate these days.
Is it wrong that, being a DC film, I have lowered expectations for Blac Adam?
Not to mention that it stars Dwayne Johnson.
(Does he have a GREAT movie to his name? Come at me!)
He does not make “great” films. He makes extremely fun, rewatchable films.
Dwayne Johnson gets a bad rap. He’s not Vin Diesel.
Actually, Moana WAS pretty great.
Moana is definitely his best. Well, aside from Southland Tales.
I actually have no problem with Dwayne or Vin Diesel, but neither will convince me to watch any movie.
I… dont think either is trying to convince. Either you wanna have fun at a film or you don’t.
Yes, they care very much what movies I watch!
How can you not see the brilliance that was Tooth Fairy???!!! It was, literally, the best movie ever made. There is no way that Dwayne Johnson didn’t see that right off the bat on seeing the title alone.
Well the DC track record has been pretty dismal so far, with the first WW film and Shazam being any good, so no.
Birds of Prey was fantastic. The Suicide Squad (shut up Jack) was great.
WW is maybe the most overrated film of all time. People wanted to love it desperately. That 3rd act is woof.
I do need to watch that Harley Quinn movie.
Thank You Lo!
I thought I was the only one. I felt the same about WW. I think it’s good for a DC movie, but that didn’t make it a good movie. It makes it an ok movie.
The 3rd act IS woof.
I think there is a definite impact from setting expectations for a film. From a psychology aspect it’s a framing issue. If you set your expectations really high, you are likely to be let down because the film won’t match those expectations. If you set them really low you might really like a movie far better. My best examples are Dude, Where’s My Car? and Grandma’s Boy. Neither was an insanely fantastic movie. But my expectations were so low for each of these that when they turned out to actually be really good movies, they became favorites for me.
Long story short… too late. Always set your expectations low for a movie. Go out and find a reason to set them low. Work at it. It will pay off in the long run.
The other side of this, from a psychology perspective, is to not overhype a movie when recommending it to a friend. It can have negative repercussions of setting their expectations too high.
And Clive Barker is 70 today!
Just saw him get photographed with the cast of the new Hellraiser adaption and I did not recognise him from when he was getting interview for the first Hellraiser film,
Hubbiless tonight. I guess that means life is back to normal in school since it’s back to in person parent-teacher interviews.
Go to and do a search for VELMA and see what happens.
I am pretty “meh” about this.
Eh, I think it’s a good move.
Latest She-Hulk episode was epic!
Agreed. However I have a lot of issues with a lot of the takes on it. No spoils here, but I have loved nearly every episode. It’s HER show after all.
Well anal bead cheat is possible even if the prototype looks rather eye watering:
On a more serious note, there is a flatter version that can be slipped into your shoe.
That can reach one’s anus? Impressive.
Today is worse than yesterday. Watching, waiting, checking temperature.
/ hugs Jack, I hope your daughter gets well soon.
I hope she gets better soon.
Temp is better, although let’s see what happens overnight. She’s still congested and a tiny bit cranky.
Negative for cold and flu, so there’s that.
Oh goodness this looks utter shite:
They even ripping off a scene from the Battle of the Bulge…WTF.
Dolph Lungren ain’t no Robert Shaw
That shot of the u-boat coming up out of the water at the very beginning looks like someone did an extreme closeup shot of one of those toys that you would get in a box of cereal. The little sub that you would put baking soda in and it would alternately dive and come back up out of the water (and that never actually worked like it was supposed to).
Just dug this up for a relisten. I’m still pretty darned proud of it.
RIP, Judy Tenuta.
That sucks. She was insanely funny.
I liked her weirdness.
Well late to the party, but got my bivalent covid booster today.
Getting a fine collection of little cards…
Will get mine next week.
Got my flu shot yesterday.
First place I scheduled was a complete and total cluster. 40 minutes after my appt time they had still not even processed me in so I got on my phone and scheduled at a CVS pharmacy down the road. The CVS was polite, efficient and everything the other place wasn’t. I had a 4pm appt there and they had me out of there by 4:04
Yeah mine was a bit of a palaver. Went to the first place, got told to go to another place, stood in the queue for half an hour and then was told to go back to the first place
Huzzah for two long weekend in a row!
Time for a rant!
I think I need a new dentist. Every time an appointment is made lately, they ask for it to be rescheduled. Today, they called a half hour before my actual appointment. I’m very lucky I can change my schedule with a drop of a hat, not everybody has that privilege.
Although, I don’t think they care at this point, just gave them over $4k to get work done. They have my money, who care about anything else
Lame! Sometimes good medical pros have terrible office staff. I’d move on too.
Yeah, the only reason I hadn’t moved already is because I still don’t have the new bridge I’ve paid an ungodly amount for. It theory it was supposed to go in this morning. Now, maybe Tuesday
CP: Speed King — Röyksopp
Last night I randomly watched an episode of “Atlanta“. I’ve just never managed to catch an episode of it.
I actually really liked it.
It had kind of a twilight zone feel to it.
CP: We Won’t Come Out — Silversun Pickups
News on Good Omens 2
This is excellent news
Jimi Hendrix in 1970. This looks and sounds incredible.
Reinforces my thought that his later-era songs were less special, but that he never lost his performing edge. Damn, he is a first stop on the Time Travel circuit.
I got chills, they multiplying.
Ah well, not unexpected.
A slice of history:
Good story indeed. Thanks
CW: The Midnight Club E1
Ok at I’m a sucker for a certain type of story when it comes to monsters, Werewolf by Night did not disappoint. Worth 50 minutes of your time.
So the spinoff TV series of the movie is getting a new movie and that movie will have it’s own spinoff series. It was a descent enough movie. But I never thought it was that good.
I haven’t seen Teen Wolf since it was fresh on VHS. I think I’m good.
Teaser of S5 of Discovery:
I second Van’s WBN review. It’s pretty damn brilliant. Laura Donnelly is breathtaking as usual.
Some wise words from Shatner:
Is WBN a one-off single episode?
Yes Jack, just 50 minutes of your precious viewing time.
Damn! Just for, I won’t watch it! That’ll show you.
What could go wrong?
Big Brother is Watching!
Utterly vile:
Wait till the end for a small light at the end of the tunnel.
So Sonos released a firmware update for the Arc soundbar that completely buggered up using Sub woofer with the Arc. No fix yet released but a work around is to turn off Trueplay. So did this and yesterday watching a documentary with one of my sisters:
S: What’s that noise?
Me: Just the sun woofer kicking in
S: oh…
-n +b
Sonos – the product you’ll hate to love.
I don’t have time to re-watch shows like some folks do. Hell I barely have time to watch new shit. But I’d like to thank the disparaging comments about the Sopranos to make me wonder if I was just living thru nostalgia. I have started a re-watch of the Sopranos with a current eye and, yes, it’s still fucking brilliant.
I’m almost done with season 1. A lot more comedy than I’d expected.
It’s well-written, well-acted, and I’m invested in the characters.
Gobble, gobble Deadpan!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Canucksgiving!
We watched the Hellraiser reboot and followed with the original the following day. The original was as dated as I expected it to be, but I still find the story interesting. The new reboot was fun and it was nice to see what a modern take would look like. Ultimately these are B films, so they were never going to win any Oscars, but they are fun horror stories.
I’m curious to see this, but… Hulu ads…..
I’ll probably watch Interview with the Vampire first.
My real challenge, aside from my own limited free time is coordinating viewing times with Tiffany, who works nights.
Trying the dentist thing again today. Let’s see if it actually happens.
Fingers crossed!
Happy happy birthday Rhett!
Happy Birthday Rhett !
Happy Rhettro day!
I’d like this sickness to be done now. That’d be great.
Get up, come on, get down with the sickness Get up, come on, get down with the sickness.
My sympathies, Jack. Get well soon.
T Cat caught covid last week from some of our friends. I’m still testing negative, but it hasn’t been a fun week.
Oh no. Best wishes to everyone in the ditto/T-cat household. 🙁 My only advice: rest. Rest rest rest rest rest.
We’ve only had negative tests here, so it seems to be just a bad funk.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
Happy birthday!
Although I’ve heard of stuff he wrote I had not heard of him till today:
I actually know the name, but not many of his works. Good candidate for a deep dive!
And yes, the elder 3 of us in the Mangan household enjoyed Werewolf By Night. Since I went in blind, I encountered a few pleasant surprises.
CP: Too Bad — Doug and the Slugs
..and it’s goodbye to Angela Lansbury:
A good age but still sad.
96 is pretty damn impressive. Go Angela!
Ok, after finishing The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis, I will now cry BULLSHIT to the ‘different medium’ excuse for poor book adaptions.
Sure. But this has gotta be a case-by-case discussion. Some books translate to film better than others. And there have been times when filmmakers made cool innovations. The 1930s Frankenstein films, for example.
Or another example would be Blader- –
*dies of coughing fit*
If my eye balls were not attached they would have just rolled out on to the floor..
Like in Minority Report! Another PKD adaptation!
There have been plenty of great adaptations. And some that are better than the book.
One example: How To Train Your Dragon. The book is awful. Only 8 year-old boys will like it. The movie is a gem.
I’m just gonna have to put this out there – Bladerunner the movie is better than the book that inspired it.
I also like Harrison Ford’s narration version…
Ed, this is why I love you.
I am an “Ed From Texas” fan boy and damn proud of it.
Interesting list.
Ray Parker Jnr’s vocals added to the C64 version of Ghostbusters theme tune:
That’s glorious.
I just finished a bunch of work on spec. A friend of mine mentors U of C writing students, as well as works as a writer in residence at a couple of libraries. I helped him redo some of his writer’s guides in the theory he’ll recommend me to some of the people he works with. Let’s see if it pans out.
Crap joke for the day:
Old priest wants to duck out to the pub for a schooner and a punt instead of hearing confession on Saturday afternoon.
So he tells the new priest that he will have to cover confession. New priest objects, and says, “It’s my first day.. I don’t know what to do.”
The old priest says “it’s easy … in the confessional there is the big book of sins: say someone comes in and confesses that they have missed mass on Sunday … look it up in the book and the penance is three hail Mary’s.”
It all goes well with a few old ladies coming in and confessing to the usual minor infractions.
But a good looking young girl comes in a confesses to a few minor sins, um’s and ahh’s a few times, and finally blurts out “I gave my boyfriend a head job.”
Well, the young priest thumbed through the book of sins, but the important sins were in Latin. So he did not know that the penance for head jobs was under fellatio.
In panic, he looked out of the curtain of the confessional and saw an alter boy.
“Hey son, what does Father give for a head job.”
“Two mars bars and a packet of chips!”
Saw Meshugga and In Flames Monday night. I think I lost all the hearing I have left, but it was worth it.
Saw your video and now know what hell will be like…
…awesome! I know, right?
Lots of Djent.
Episode 6 of Andor was amazing.
I’m falling really behind on the new shows. I blame that I’ve decided I’m going to once and for all make it through the book Silmarillion. And I have a nearly aphasia-like inability to remember names. I’m having to listen to a chapter, read a really long primer on the chapter ( and then listen to the chapter again. It’s really overwhelming my life.
We only just started this yesterday. Since we only watch an hour or so of TV a night, it takes us a while to get to things. Too many shows, too little time.
I know the feeling. We haven’t started this nor She-Hulk. And we haven’t finished Halo or Ms. Marvel either. Haven’t watched the recent Thor movie either.
We just started this season’s “Stranger Things”.
Glad we waited. It’s a good Spooky Season view.
The Bear has dropped on Disney+ outside the USA, not sci-fi but well worth a watch.
Same. Staying current on House of the Dragon and Rings of Power. Will probably catch up on Andor in a few weeks as both of those other shows are about to wrap their first seasons.
What a time to be alive!
Yes, we’re hopelessly behind on our shows. That’s all right, though. We are caught up on Andor!
CP: Guerre Sous Couvertures — The Offspring
How much more Prog can you get??
If Tim Burton’s Batman film was a silent movie:
You can watch the full film at:
Morning Pan
I woke up this morning with a bruised knuckle. I have no idea how I got it.
You should see the other guy!
A slice of history and how it reflects on what might happen:
Fascinating. Terrifying.
Those who ignor history are doomed to repeat it.
Sammy Hagar is 75 today!
He now drives 55 in the far left lane.
I feel skewered by so much of this.
“candidate refuses to be available on WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, KIK, IMO, Line, or WeChat until such time as the candidate’s children make it impossible to ignore emerging communication methods.”
A sneak preview of my newest. Not yet publicized.
Well that sounds fucked up:
How about No:
Much as I love the first one. . . It’s not like these movies are sacred texts.
That said, how much more can really be done with the Airplane! 50-jokes-per-minute format?
I don’t really see a fresh take on this. I loved the first one, and even though I found the second one enjoyable, it already felt like they were pushing it.
On the other hand “Liam Neeson” is a similar name to “Leslie Nelson” so maybe most Americans will think the original actor is in it.
I was always kind of meh on these movies. Controversial I know
I love Airplane!, The Naked Gun, and Police Squad. But honestly, if it isn’t written by the Zucker, Abrams, Zucker team (and it won’t be) it simply won’t be those things that I love. It’s just one more remake/reivisioning/reimagining that I hate so very very much.
Much like “Blazing Saddles” I doubt seriously movies like Naked Gun and Airplane could get made today.
I’m not optimistic as to what such a result would be.
Although there were definitely specific jokes (e.g., a 9 year old girl saying she likes her coffee like she likes her men). I think most of the types of jokes (e.g., stop calling me Shirley, it’s a big building with patients but that’s not important right now, nearly anything Johnny says, visual humor like the guy walking out of the mirror, etc.) would be just fine.
As you brought up Mel Brooks, he is supposed to be working on a History of the World Part II series ( so I guess we’ll actually get to test whether or not his humor will hold up. I am intrigued as I really don’t see Mel Brooks altering his style of humor for anyone or anything.
In praise of Jackie Brown
Morning Pan
Off to the city this morning.
Werewolf by Night was pretty darn good.
Goodbye to Robbie Coltrane:
Well Rings of Power season finale was a corker.
Bit of an Iron Giant vibe in one scene.
I have no idea what unit of measurement a corker is, but I thought the first season had a satisfying wrap up. Looking forward to more of this.
I believe it falls somewhere between
“a Pip” and “a crown jewel”.
A corker is a butt plug, Ed.
CP: Lovebomb — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Well that is not good:
I’ve never played any of the Dead Space games, but I’ve always wanted to. Now there is a remake of the first game. Maybe my procrastination has paid off?
I enjoyed all the Dead Space games and am looking forward to the new one.
The real life inspiration behind the Netflix show, The Watcher.
Interesting to me because I have a lot of history with Westfield.
Holy crap. I can’t imagine riding this.
Well now we know:
Fast Times at Höhenzug High.
Don’t click if you’re not caught up on Rings of Power
Certainly Rings of Power’s most egregious offense 🙂
This is funny
I’m actually glad RoP is over. Hubby looked forward to watching it, then constantly complained about how it went off cannon. Although, to be fair, I had a lot of issues and I’m not the Tolkienfile he is.
Seriously, would hobbits (harfoots) really abandon you to certain death simply because you broke your leg?
I haven’t finished RoP yet but I’ll say I’ve been as bored with it as I have been with House of the Dragon. Nothing really happening. Then I say the title of this article today:
So season 2 is when we’re going to start ramping up now? And I thought it was bad that shows were taking 3 episodes to ramp up because people like to give a show 3 episodes to see if they like it or not.
My comment on this seemed to have got lost in moderation hell
On the topic of films that couldn’t/ shouldn’t be made these days-
I was flipping channels last night and came across “Weird Science” as it was just starting. I watched it and I will have to say that even with all of it’s many MANY faults (bad script, bad acting, disjointed ideas/plot devices to name a few)
It still had a lot of stupid funny moments.
Weird Science is one of the most quotable movies ever.
So, we got tribbles as swag from the local Con last month. The little one was fascinated, so I got a DVD from the library to show her the original TOS episode. That disc was a “best of,” which had “The Trouble with Tribbles” and also “City on the Edge of Forever,” “Amok Time,” and “Balance of Terror.”
She enjoyed “Tribbles” and was curious for more. I figured “City” was too odd and maybe a little grim and deep for a 4-year-old. (“Well they had to let the nice lady die because…”)
Long story short: we watched Amok Time. I think she enjoyed it, but I also think she was baffled by it.
I wish the dvd had had “The Doomsday Machine.”
I just watched the 2nd episode of “the Irregulars”.
I really want to like it. The premise is fun but So far it fails to live up to what it could be.
The level of writing makes it seem like it’s aimed at a Middle School audience. I mean kids talking like modern American kids but with English accents in Sherlock Holmes’ London?
It’s distracting and just feels lazy.
It got cancelled so you can just stop now if you want.
I really wanted to like the newest from Filter. I almost did.
Morning Pan
I have nothing to do today but I still got up at 4am. What’s that about?
Ah dramatic license:
If it is for a “movie” and not a documentary, I have no problem with certain categories of “dramatic liscense”.
Combining secondary charactures, condensing time periods… I’ll even allow the addition of fictional love interests so long as none of the historical even is attributed to them.
I do have a problem with changing a main player’s motivations or inventing a plot point that never happened.
I wonder if the author of that article is aware that there was a 20th Century. . . .
I do recall the cheesy “based on real events” horror movie, “The Stepfather” just took the story of Westfield, NJ, murderer, John List (Westfield again!) and speculated about what might have happened next.
This was before he was found in his new life in Colorado.
I get disappointed when a film fires up the urge to find out more and then you find a lot of it was just made up. The Imitation Game took too many liberties with the truth and I never want to watch it again.
CP: Borders — MIA
Eye Dr Appt today, so my eyes are still buggin;
Just got my Covid Booster.
Here is hoping the next 24 hours aren’t as bad as after the previous booster.
Good luck!
I get my flu jab this week.
12 hours later and I’m not feeling so good.
But not nearly as bad as the last two Covid shots. Hope I can say that in the morning
I can’t.
Last night sucked. Got the high fever, shakes,chills, muscle/joint pain sometime after 1am. It had broken by 4pm though.
Today will certainly be a recovery day.
That is awful. I do hope thongs have improved! And that tomorrow is better.
Sad news:
So I found our next Deadpan Meetup activity.
I’ll be the blue guy that possibly didn’t make it.
Turn up the volume
I’d be up for it.
An interview with the star of I, Claudius:
My grandmother has been at the hospital for the past few days, most likely dying. At 105, it’s not overly surprising. Frankly, we all expected her to go sooner.
What is strange is, my mother keeps sending me pics of her in distress. They are actually more and more mortifying each time. I know it’s her way of coping, but I still find it very weird.
Still, 105, wow!
105 is pretty impressive.
Sorry about the weirdness. My father in law just went through this and one of his kids insisted on posting pictures like that. It made the Siblings furious because their dad had told him for years that going this way (helpless and confused about who he was) would be his worst nightmare for how to go.
It was not how he wanted anyone to remember him.
Family is weird.
Yeah, I’m sure that isn’t helping.
I hope for the best for everything through this.
So saw the new adaption of All Quiet on the Western Front today at the arty cinema.
Well worth a watch, coming to Netflix on the 28th October.
So we made it through ep 3 of She-hulk. My favorite parts of this show have been the little digs at toxic fake fan incel boys.
My least favorite parts have been the painfully unfunny bits and fucking dumb, dumb sitcom moments.
I like what this show is, I just wish it wasn’t so frequently dumb. Will we finish the season? Probably.
That’s sort of my take. If Marvel was going to make a show like Ally McBeal, aim it at a slightly younger audience, and make constant potshots at incels, it would be She-Hulk. I feel, at times the whole premise of the show is to troll incels and expectations in general. I still enjoyed it, although the constant fourth wall breaking takes a lot of the drama out of the guess characters. I wonder if it would have worked better as an animated series.
Yet you have no problem with Deadpool doing the same. Interesting.
This is top tier D+ Marvel
I guess I chalk that up to me not being familiar with She-Hulk in the comics. I understand that there was some fourth wall breaking there. I think of the emotional sacrifices of the Avengers in Infinity War and those same character actions are modified by fourth wall fiat seems to pull the curtain back a little too much for me. In Deadpool, everyone thinks his fourth wall breaking is a symptom of his insanity. I like that What-If is animated as it gives me a good separation between the different narratives. I’m not saying my take is the “correct” one, just relaying how I experience it. I will say that Tatiana Maslany elevates everything she is in.
Personally, I find the fourth wall breaking rather charming. I’ve not read the comic, but I’ve read that fourth wall breaking in the comics is kind of her thing.
Never seen Deadpool
Tis, sir. She predates Deadpool in that and in the comics she even threw the head writer off a cliff. Simply delightful.
Also have we really reached the point (not specified at you Ed Im just streaming here) that we are upset that a show goes after trolls? I don’t care if this shoes whole point (its not) is to go after misogynistic bully boys. I would watch 9, 30 min episodes, of Tatiana Maslany simply telling off trolls. “Uh derp this show’s whole point is to go after toxic fans”. Good.
I was saying that the toxic boy troll mockery is a good thing. The best thing. That never gets old.
Dumbass 80s-90s slapstick sitcom jokes are what’s unfunny. Forced comedy is the worst.
I liked some of She-Hulk’s 4th asides. They’re sometimes awkward, but they’re not the problem.
I will finish the series before I really weigh in.
I was laughing pretty hard at the Madisynn/Wong banter. I’d watch a show that was just them.
CP: Forget-U-Not — 9Nine
This reminds me more of the V1 attacks on London than the kamikaze pilots mentioned in the article;
The V1 & V2 are exactly what these reminded me of.
I also wondered why the media latched onto “Kamikaze drone”. In reality, these are nothing more then slow moving, extremely less expensive versions of a cruise missile.
Sadly … given Putin’s now widespread use of these, the rest of us should brace ourselves for domestic terrorists utilizing their own improvised versions of these.
I think one of the hardest parts of hubby’s job is parental custody issues.
Been on the other side of that.
I’m looking for supplies to go as Dr. Venture for Halloween (because I LOVE having no one who actually lives in my immediate vicinity know who they hell I am for Halloween). Found a listing for spirit gum on Amazon to attach the bald cap. The very first customer question is: “will it work to attach my baby to my chest so we can go as Kuato from “Total Recall”?” I want this person to be my new best friend
Oh…. my god…. (probably not a serious question)
So watched episodes 3 and 4 of Julia today, it’s a lovely show and even if cooking is not your thing (/raises hand) it’s enjoyingbto watch how she became a famous chef on tv.
I actually enjoyed the Wild Wild West.
I dodged almost all of those. Some I’ve never even heard of.
At least Nothing But Trouble gave us that fantastic Digital Underground song.
Ok peeps. I’m looking for a graphic novel to read. Preferably one that has come to a conclusion so I can read the whole thing. I will be reading them digitally if that makes a difference. I know there are readers in this group. Suggestions?
Sherriff of Baghdad
My Favorite Thing is Monsters
Asterios Polyp
And I just read the full “Paper Girls” series, which was really good. Brian K. Vaughan can do no wrong, it would seem. (No idea how they could have pulled this off as a CGI live action TV show)
I can’t find Sheriff of Baghdad. Do we mean Sheriff of Babylon?
I’ve added the others to my want to read list and picked up Paper Girls. Right now, I’m doing this thing where I read a book then read a graphic novel, so I’m always on the lookout for GNs to read.
Ah yes, it’s been a few years and my brain is mush.
That’s a fun system! Is there a reason, or just because?
I’m reading far fewer comics/graphic novels these days, since Amazon wrecked Comixology.
I’ll also recommend “My Favorite Thing Is Monsters” but there is a long overdue volume 2 that is supposed to conclude it.
“Asterios Polyp” is good but trippy.
A bunch of stuff I’ve been reading are still ongoing, so I won’t recommend them.
If you don’t mind manga, “A Silent Voice” is 7 volumes and very well worth reading.
“Sentient” by Jeff Lemire is good, as is “Sara” by Garth Ennis.
“They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei is great. And I also loved “I Kill Giants” by Joe Kelly.
The sex comedy “Menage a 3” by Gisele Lagace is a lot of fun, and there are 10 volumes so there’s plenty to read.
I’ll stop here for now. 😀
Jack. It’s just because. I find it’s a good palate cleanser between books
ditto: I’ve added all of them to my want to read list. Manga is actually good. If I get it in the original Japanese, it’s a good excuse to practice
Always happy to pass on comics, graphic novel, and manga recommendations. I still read quite a few of those. And I’m happy to take recommendations too. 😀
And ditto, while you’re at it, can you please create the next ComiXology? Amazon is pretty clearly never going to restore it.
I’ve only read a handful of GN, I imagine you have heard of them all.
Watchmen (duh)
Kingdom Come
The Killing Joke
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
I’ve started reading Paper Girls. I would recommend anything by Brian K Vaughan.
The only one I haven’t read in those is Kingdom Come so I’ve added it to the list.
My favorites (that are common enough they have probably been read) are:
Locke & Key
Black Science
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac (Same guy who later went on to do Invader Zim)
+1 for Locke & Key
There’s also Sandman, of course, if you haven’t read it.
I also really enjoyed Kieron Gillen’s Darth Vader series.
And (just one more) There was an excellent recent graphic novel version of Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.
I’m up to about issue 32 of Sandman, so way past the first graphic novel. I was doing a lot of current stuff that came out monthly so I wasn’t really thinking about them as graphic novels. Gillen’s vader series was one of them. Low was also really good, and Scooby Apocalypse held me for a while. I’ll have to check out the Slaughethouse Five. One of my all-time favorite books.
Ok, not a big GN reader but ones I’ve liked in the past are:
Fray (set in the same universe as Buffy the Vampire slayer but in the future)
Strong Female Protagonist, a web comic series which has been collected into two volumes. Technically not finished but the writer and artist have went on to paid jobs so I doubt it will get finished, you can still read the webcomic at:
Alex + Ada (Alex gets sent a sex Android by his grandma and things get complicated when Ada is hacked to free her AI) The run consisted of 15 issues but it’s been collected into one volume.
Bandette – a very cute series about a young art thief in Paris, been collected into several volumes.
This sickness needs to GTFO of our house now. No one is fully over it and Tiffany is down and out with it now.
Ok, are people up for doing a meet-up next year?
I’m open to it! Let’s discuss.
Ya, start discusserin.
Akron, OH
I’ve heard Tehran has a pretty big board game scene.
I’m up for the discussion
Ok why Vancouver or Ohio?
Orlando. Has more than enough to do and it wouldn’t require me having to travel. Just sayin’
Vancouver because of the Canucks.
Akron because it was a featured location in “No One Lives Forever 2”.
Calgary has bunches of stuff too.
I was actually disappointed we didn’t get one this year, so I’m definitely game for 23.
Ok then:
got my locks chopped this morning. Now I might need a shower because I’m all itchy
I figured War Pigs covers had been done to death, but Puddles the Clown has done something pretty amazing with it.
That clown is a national treasure.
And also underlines how powerful that song is.
A youngster lacking knowledge of the songs origins might think it was written for the current situation in the Ukraine.
You know it’s a particularly nasty custody battle when the dad gives the principal the “I know where everybody lives so let me see my kid” speech (he doesn’t)
Hubby’s having a rough time at work right now
Uggghh. If Thanos could have modified his snap to only dust the truly horrible people, then I’d have been all for it.
Does that me me truly horrible?
Apparently it does!
Nope, not horrible. I could go for that.
One of the best Gen X articles ever:
Pretty short read.
Well enjoyed the first episode of The Peripheral on Amazon Prime.
Was just gonna post about this. Another damn show on my list! I recall scattered details of the book. I know it’s unhip to like anything from William Gibson after 1986, but I kinda dug it.
Analog tank simulator:
It’s as entertaining to watch as it probably is to drive.
Crap joke for the day:
A blonde was driving home one night and got caught in a severe hailstorm. Her car was badly dented, so the next day she took it to a repair shop.
The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun. He told her to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out.
So the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees & started blowing into her tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little harder, and still nothing happened.
Her blonde roommate saw her and asked, ‘What are you doing?’ The first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tail pipe in order to get all the dents to pop out.
The roommate rolled her eyes and said, “Uh, like hello!
“You need to roll up the windows first.”
It snowed over night
I need to find my snow boots
OK finally…. the wedding episode was less bad, and the one after that with Man-Bull was actually quite good.
The episode was about much more than Man-Bull, but that’s a non-spoiler way to reference it.
For goodness sake speak English man!
Are you talking about House of the Dragon?
Ugh. “Less bad”
Not usually my kind of film but Tom Hanks might pull of off:
This particular story line “grumpy old person needs re-socializing by younger person(s)” has been done a zillion times.
So I think this is the sort of film you go to see for a particular actors performance.
Kind of like seeing a remake of an Agatha Christie tale because of the new films cast.
I guess we need (?) a new one of these every few years.
Finally! A version of Top Gun that I can get behind. BTW, this actually ramps up to the promised title at around 2:53.
Tolkien narrating the ride of the Rohirrim against the orcs at Pelenor
I found this in the comments utterly fascinating:
There’s an interesting fact about this recorded narration.
Tolkien made it before The Lord of the Rings had found a publisher. He was rather disillusioned, even despairing about its prospects, and had lost faith in his ability as a writer. He was visiting the house of a friend (I can’t recall who), and this friend had bought a fairly newfangled device: a tape recorder.
After mucking about with it a bit, recording The Lord’s Prayer (to exorcise any evil spirits in it, for Tolkien was a bit suspicious of new tech), his friend suggested that he record his favourite passage from his new book. Tolkien did so, and on replaying it, the friend said, ‘Surely you know that’s really good?’ Tolkien said, ‘Yes… This machine has made me believe in it again.’
It’s a sobering reminder that even the very greatest are plagued by self-doubt.
Everything about this!
Those old recordings of Tolkien are absolute treasures.
So many clocks:
Crap joke for the evening:
A weary traveler knocks on a farmer’s door late one night and the farmer opens the door. The traveler asks if he can sleep in the barn as he is wet, hungry & tired. The farmer welcomes him in and feeds him and lets him sleep in the spare bedroom overnight. In the morning the traveler offers to a days work for free, to repay the farmer. The farmer refuses the offer and says it is not necessary. The traveler says he is an animal whisperer, so the farmer agrees. Three hours later the traveler returns and explains what he had heard. I spoke to your horse and he says you have changed his bit from a round on to a triangular one and it hurts. OK, I will change the bit says the farmer. I spoke to your cows and they don’t like the automatic milking machine, it hurts. O.K I will return to hand milking says the farmer. The traveler then says he spoke to the sheep but the farmer quickly interrupts the traveler and says” Stop” they are ALL f’king liars!
It’s a shame that it took this long to give Jodie material to shine. But this was a good send of for her doctor. And a bit of a surprise at the end, though I had seen something a while ago that let me know this was happening.
A lot of people on twitter moaning about being denied a kiss.
I’ve been on my own for the Jody episodes, and I can’t get motivated to watch them.
Maybe I’ll just skip to watch this one.
Same here
I feel like this picture of David Tennet is just begging to be mashed up with the portrait of Kramer from Seinfeld.
Reflecting on how good Ultima VII was:
CP: Youth — Daughter
So after Gregory House fakes his own death and spends the remaining months with his terminal best friend, Wilson, he forges a new identity as a psychologist in San Francisco. Or at least that is what I tell myself when watching the Hulu series, “Chance.”
Apparently, tomorrow’s newsletter is my last act.
All the emotions!
wOOt! Now for the online gaming blog.
Happy Retirement!
Goodbye to Leslie Jordan:
Have a chilled out experience driving a car through a procedurally generated your browser:
Needs a physical keyboard, so won’t work on mobile.
Cool, but I keep expecting Bowser to jump out and throw bananas at me.
New Star Wars film being planned:
About damn time. And I’m thrilled they brought Lindeloff in.
Well off to see Black Adam at the cinema, after the scathing reviews my hopes are not high.
Not a terrible film, but would advise to wait till you cat watch it at home.
Getting snow tire put on my car today.
Good news for North American Doctor Who fans:
Jesus, Disney. . .
I guess this means it will drop from HBO.
I’d actually love more stories set in this world. I’d just like to see it done right, not as a slick big budget vehicle for action star du jour.
I got the final TEB Tyche newsletter.
Same here, but no sign off and no dolphins.
So watching the first two episodes of the Guillermo del Toro’s CABINET OF CURIOSITIES.
Reminds me of the horror anthology films that were popular in the 60s and 70s.
The second story is based on a Henry Kuttner short story..FFS could he not come with a story from a more modern writer!
So watching the first two episodes of the Guillermo del Toro’s CABINET OF CURIOSITIES.
Reminds me of the horror anthology films that were popular in the 60s and 70s.
The second story is based on a Henry Kuttner short story..FFS could he not come with a story from a more modern writer!
I mean I like Henry Kuttner short stories but for a show in 2022 it’s taking the piss.
Wait until they discover the Atari 2600.
Yeah, but when can we expect a mix of mouse and human neurons in the next Playstation?
Breaking down the creative decisions that made Andor so good:
Ten years ago Rhettro said: “Windows 8 isn’t wowing me over its feature set, but given its relative cheap upgrade cost ($40) I will at least upgrade one of my two XP machines. The 64bit version of Windows 7 is doing fine on my laptop and I don’t plan on upgrading it.”
Narrator voice: “He never did buy Windows 8 and instead held out for a free copy of Windows 10.”
Free is good.
James Gunn is the new “Kevin Feige” of the DCEU.
This is a very good thing.
I think this is a good thing.
Is this a good thing?
There’s a DCEU?
As long as he does one more Guardians of the Galaxy movie for “the competition.”
Guardians 3 already Gunn.
I mean done.
Snow tires on the husband’s car this morning. Yesterday they messed up and brought out the wrong tires. Had to wait while they got the right tires from their storage facility. On the upside, at least I know for sure the right tires are there
Maybe there is karma after all:
I’m sure he looked cool and felt comfortable in his final moment.
As a newish rider, I don’t really care if you wear a helmet or not. If you are aware of the risks and choose to take them and the consequences, it doesn’t affect me. I, however, will always wear a full-faced helmet and glove minimum. I know an acquaintance that had an old lady pull out in front of him and he smashed his face on her bumper (open-faced helmet). He had several years of reconstructive facial surgery. I think of that whenever the helmet feels a little hot.
Speaking of GotG – the upcoming Xmas special looks absolutely wholesome and delightful
I really hope these “Special Presentations” become more of a regular thing.
Can I get an amen?
Amen, Brother Rhett
SFF Big Fat Problem:
I actually enjoyed Master of Djinn and did not feel disgusted by the fat man labouring up the stairs in the Egyptian heat.
In other news, I received my pallet of fake mail-in voting ballets for Maricopa County. They are made of bamboo and are watermarked with an image of Deng Xiaoping. Even though I really wanted to vote for Kari Lake, I won’t get paid unless I put Hunter Biden in as a write-in for governor. Just got email confirmation my ballet was excepted.
-excepted +accepted.
It was good of George Soros to bankroll that.
So this was on offer on the kindle store:
Goodness know when I will get round to actually read it though.
Finished Judgment on PC. Say anything you want about RGG studios, between this and the Yakuza games, they know how to tell a story. Next up, Lost Judgment.
Looks interesting. I just started “Control” myself. It isn’t bad, but I was hoping for more of a F.E.A.R. experience.
Currently addicted to Vampire Survivors, a simple game that plays nicely on the Steamdeck.
Boo’s car goes in for winter tires today. Last one, then we are all ready for the season
Those wind gusts on the highway were not fun to drive in
Andor is exactly what Star Wars has needed.
So many great, memorable characters, so much tension around every one of the mains. So many nuanced details about daily life under the Empire. I find the “boring” complaint a little strange.
It’ll be hard to accept any more Stephen J. Cannell product like Book of Boba Fett after this.
It’s a slow burn, but not boring.
It’s the opposite of boring.
To be honest it’s refreshing to have a SW show without the Jedi bullshit.
If you have a compatible DSLR you could help investigate atmospheric sprites:
Oh, Hope Sandoval. . . .
There’s a youtube link and an option to download.
The return of the nuke map:
Ah yes, I remember those. I grew up in a town neighboring Linden, NJ, which was a target, due to its numerous refineries and factories. Gotta love humans.
On the plus side, maybe Gamma World will make a comeback.
John Cleese is 83 today!
Bass of Rankin/Bass has departed. Time for an original Hobbit rewatch.
Rankin and Bass were a crazy talented team. Very high on my list of favorite animators. One of my latest tattoos is a wraparound at the elbow of Smaug from the Rankin/Bass version of The Hobbit.
Caught the first two episodes of The Peripheral on Amazon. Never read the source book, so coming in cold.
Digging it so far.
I have read the book, so I’m pretty stoked for the show.
What a night!
Halloween party at the littlest one’s Karate Dojo, where she won the “Cutest Costume” contest.
Then off to a downtown theater for devil music with Kreator and Mercyful Fate. Not there as press, just a regular slob.
I didn’t intend to have DJ Shadow in my earbuds this morning, but dayum!
Seems to be good visuals too.
Notorious singer Jerry Lee Lewis dies aged 87
Oo, so his cousin is single now?
You can tell you are getting old when you get pissed off people are celebrating Halloween today and not October 31st.
I Celebrate Halloween (to some extint) for 31 days.
So there.
I need a favour. Hubby’s birthday is in December. I want to get him this, but I can’t get it in Canada and Amazon US or Star won’t ship it to a CDN address
If I order it through Amazon US would I be able to send it to one of you and then have you ship it to me?
We volunteer!
Thanks Jack. Could you send me your current address? I’ll probably place the order on Monday when John’s at work
Well that’s S3 of ST:Lower Decks put to bed, great series.
Oh and Star Trek Prodigy started airing it’s second half of the first season and it good too!
Watching Paws of Fury tonight. I guess this answers the age old question of whether Blazing Saddles could be made in modern times. The answer is most definitely yes. All you have to do is 1) substitute species (e.g., dog in a world full of cats) for race and 2) use a garbage load of really obvious and lazily written jokes.
Fascinating Tom Bombadil theory.
Also: Livejournal still exists??
He can still fuck off, even if evil he’s still bloody annoying
It was such an odd excursion – – and so early in the story too.
Well that is worrying:
Blecch. Booster 4 side effects. Mild but still blecch.
For those keeping score at home:
Gunky throat
I avoided the nausea and apparently replaced that with a low fever.
Still beats being dead.
It’s really bizarre how much She-Hulk redeemed itself in the final 3 episodes. Great stuff.
Damn, if the whole series had been like that!
Parents fucking up their kids yet again:
I still prefer Amelie:
I still prefer Amelie:
To this day, I still count Alien Resurrection as one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in a theater. Maybe the worst.
I didn’t see it in the theater. But if you cut out the ending, I could see it as a passable B movie. For the worst I’ve seen at the cinema it’s a toss-up between “Raw Deal” and “The Fourth Kind.”
The Beastmaster is the absolute worst I’ve seen in the theater. Although Stallone’s Judge Dredd is pretty close.
Tired brain. . . . I didn’t see the Beastmaster in theaters, and I have fond memories of seeing it (Tanya Roberts) on cable.
I meant to type The Dungeon Master, featuring Richard Moll as the villain.
I think I saw “Dungeon Master” at the theater. Good God.
Nothing is worse than “Battlefield Earth”.
I’m sure you’re right, ditto. I saw the first 5 mins of “Battlefield Earth” on cable and was done.
You are all amateurs, the worst is On Deadly Ground, the only time I came close to walking out of the cinema.
“A mystical martial artist/environmental Agent takes on a ruthless oil corporation.”
Avatar: The Last Airbender was the worst movie I ever saw in theaters. I loved Beastmaster (and Tanya Roberts), Judge Dredd was meh at best, I saw Battlefield Earth on cable and fell asleep a few minutes in. Best nap ever. Don’t think I’ve seen Dungeon Master and can’t say as I remember anything about Alien Resurrection.
The failure of ‘The Car of the Future’:
The “Car of the Future” really needed an airbag.
Yo, Jack!
Yeah Jack, E-Mail!
Well I never heard of this type of system till today:,you%20are%20now%20feeding%20it%20warm%20water.%20
Happy Halloween all 🙂
Happy Halloween Joe!
And because we are living in the future, here is a 3D scan of my MODOK pumpkin. I posted this on Facebook as well. Cheers!
I can almost hear Patton Oswalt’s voice speaking through it.
So you did a 3D scan of your actual pumpkin?
Yep, Iphone 13 with Lidar.
That’s amazing!
So could you turn that into a small model that you could 3D print?
It would be cool to have a 3D model collection of each pumpkin you carve from here on out.
Yeah, any 3d model could be a candidate for printing. Alas, my older 3d printer totally burnt out after a handful of prints. But there are some interesting models in the $200 range that I may pick up for Christmas.
Now it’s all Hallow’s Eve! Have a happy one, everyone. I hope you enjoy the day and the trick-or-treating, however you experience it.
I’m going to the local cinema to avoid it all.
For the first time in a couple of years, we are giving out candy again. Not sure what the numbers will be since we’re suppose to get snow in the next couple of hours.
I did a last minute decoration flurry in a surge of optimism but the early hour just past with narry a costumed toddler.
They were our mainstay in the pre- Covid years
For once we predicted things just right. Gave out the last of the candy at 8:59 with a goal of shutting down at 9pm. Kids are pretty much done by 9pm in this area.
CP: Can’t Ignore The Train — 10,000 Maniacs
Behind the scenes of filming She-Hulk:
Bought a new Wi-Fi Mesh Network that arrived today.
Of course now I have to install it and get all the other Wi-Fi devices to work with it.
Can’t be arsed tonight it will have to wait till morning.
Oh and Tales of the Jedi on Disney+ was good.
We decided to watch the remastered version of the 1979 movie Phantasm. It turns out, this was not a very good movie at all.
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this from start to finish. The scary evil ball is fun in my memory.
Spent the evening out with my son’s 4H group at a community “trick or treat trail” event. Great weather and a lot of kids and families came out. So, a Happy Halloween indeed.
As for the movie topic, that’s a bit of a tough one as I’ve always been pretty selective about what I put money down on to see in a theater. Pretty sure we saw The Last Airbender in the theater and it sadly did not live up to it’s potential. I remember also being pretty disappointed in Event Horizon as it went from being a pretty promising sci-fi concept to a pretty schlocky horror flick.
Oh, god….I saw Prometheus in the theater. I had managed to forget that until you bastards triggered that repressed memory. So, thanks for that.
We have at least one devout Prometheus fan around here. Not me, but that probably isn’t even in my bottom 20 for worst theater movies. I paid money to go see Van Damme’s Cyborg, for chrissakes.
We had about two dozen kids last night. About the same number as pre-Covid so I guess that’s something
We ended up having 7 kids in three groups.
That’s the most since Covid so maybe things are picking up?
I think we had between 12 and 16 kids total, about average. Activity trailed off sharply after 8 PM.
We had 11 which was sharply down from previous years.
Our new neighborhood was really busy. Lots of trick-or-treaters – – including us! Leeloo pulled in a big candy haul.
Also – – is it just our new locale, or have the Nightmare Before Christmas decorations taken over? I’ve never seen so many inflatable Jack Skellingtons.
We have an inflatable Jack Skellington, if that is any indication. LOL Cali is a big fan of “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, so that’s why we have it.
Off to the city to visit the vampires this morning
Not only did the vampires take my blood, they gave me my flu shot too. Now chillaxing in the waiting room while the prerequisites fifteen minutes pass
Were they freaked out by your garlic necklace?
Bloody hell:
Some lovely Ralph McQuarrie art as screensavers:
Looks like this is all of them:
So I guess Facebook is going to be nigh-unusable until the US election is over. Maybe I’ll get back into Twitter. Anything new over there?
Here comes the snow
I’m a bit annoyed that the WiFi coverage in the house is very good with just one node of the mesh network plugged in.
So I’m looking at the other two nodes in the box and thinking “Do I really need to use them and have I just wasted a chunk of money”.
Revenge of the Nodes.
Goodbye to
Julia Powell:
Moriarty does Shakespeare.
Very nice.
Probably the best interpretation of that I have ever seen.
It’s a veritable blizzard out there and the husband will have to drive home in this. I’m not happy
I hope he can mush the dogs to get him home safely.
Hey Rhet,
I am still intrigued by your pumpkin scan.
What app did you use to do that?
I use Scaniverse, it works pretty well. Once scanned there are tools to crop down the model to the desired parts. I’ve been exporting FBX files to my Google Drive.
I know someone with an iPhone 13 and am interested in playing with this!
I can hide away with my 3D printer in my attic laboratory this winter and try it!
AI can create videos from text prompts now. But sadly, it’s not available to us, hte unwashed masses.
Broken record here, but Andor has been so bloody good and episode 9 was good as well.
Hopefully tomorrow night.
Meanwhile, I’ve enjoyed the first 2 episodes of The Peripheral.
“Some rumblings that the release of this episode means there won’t be a S2”
Shows that some rumblings aren’t worth paying attention to. 😉
I’m tucking into humble pie as I type :-p
You can beat a simple sandwich, even one wrapped in pink paper:
Now I want one
John Petrucci tonight! With Mike Portnoy and Dave LaRue. I’ll probably promote it in the morning.
This is the strongest power trio working today. I wish they’d do more.
At some point, I’ll see Petrucci live.
I disagree with the article premise, but the scale is mind-boggling.
Modern fiberglass insulation is superior.
I thought it too was made from stray cats?
Is your house a pyramid??
Trailer for the new Avatar film has dropped:
Yuck. I’m glad I don’t have to drive into work this morning. Poor hubby.
“Disney’s Live-Action HERCULES Will Be an Experimental Modern Musical Inspired by the TikTok Generation”
Everything about this statement says I won’t like this movie.
Starring Urkel! Screech! Fran Drescher!
CP: World Turns — Rival Consoles
Some similarity to “Bunsen Burner” from The Cuts, but still enjoyable.
Some petty great art here:
Lots of Cthulhu.
Is it petty Jack? Or just great art…
How petty of you to point out my typos! 😀
Until today, I didn’t know there was a Wayne Gretzky whiskey. I was a very cheap whiskey so I picked it up and will try it tonight. Given the price, I don’t expect it to be very good, but I still need to try it
It’s at it’s best on ice.
I think it starts off great, but then gets way too full of itself and fairly useless when its halfway through.
It’s a little harsh, but not too bad. I’ve had worse
Funny, that’s my typical review of beers that I buy because they are associated with a band (Iron Maiden, Queen, AC/DC, etc.)
LOL Jack.
I hear it pairs well with a super model
It’s getting too late in the day for me to make a hockey joke that is top-shelf, so I’ll make a general whiskey comment instead. For the longest time Teresa and I have enjoyed the excellent, but mostly affordable, Canadian Whiskey “Forty Creek”. But unfortunately, we were exposed to the pricy Irish whiskey “Writer’s Tears”. It’s our favorite now.
Ballantine’s is a decent cheap whiskey. They also make a higher end version that’s quite good, but for a budget, their blend is nice
I found another Ballentine’s fan!!!!
I ran across this brand back in the 90’s and bought it because it was cheep and I had no money.
In the 2000’s it suddenly got “en vogue” and became really expensive. Then because it was popular it became hard to find. Because it was hard to find people stopped buying it and by the 2010s the price of it dropped back down… If you could find it!
Now it is reasonable but I have not been able to find any in a year!
It’s a cheep scotch but I like what I like and I am tickled to find some one else who likes it!
I prefer Monkey Shoulder, but Ballantine is not bad. It’s good for mixing too.
You can’t find Ballentine’s Joe? Here, the cheap stuff is in every liquor store. The higher end 17 year old can only be found in one place in Airdrie, but the other is pretty much everywhere.
Yeh, that stuff has become impossible to find around here.
It’s good to know it is still out there.
I still struggle with this stuff. I have a giant Costco jug of Crown – – I have occasionally tapped into it, but have never found a way to make it enjoyable.
Just looked at the prices, ouch!
Van, price depends upon what you’re looking at. The inexpensive Ballentine’s I mentioned is only about $30 CDN. The 17 year old is closer to $100. We very rarely have the expensive one. The Wayne Gretzky bottle was also on sale for about $30. Unfortunately, it tasted like a $30 CDN whiskey. It’s ok, but, as I said, is a bit harsh.
Since the two of us only buy a bottle on the weekends and are dry during the week, we’re ok with $30. Every now and then though, we splurge and go for something higher end.
To put it in perspective a litre bottle of Bailey’s just cost me 13quid.
Visited two distilleries in Orkney when I was travelling with a friend. On one of the tours the guide came up-to me and asked if I liked whisky and was bemused when I said no, but I can force it down at a pinch.
Felt like an atheist in a church..
I felt much the same way when my wife and I toured Scotland a few years ago. I avoided all the whisky places. Unfortunately, I found out literally on my way out of the country (in the Edinburgh airport duty free shop) that Gin has actually been on a huge rise in Scotland and I could have been sampling Gin at nearly all those whisky places I avoided. Maybe next time.
Here is another thing I will add on this topic…
I like Bourbon but I can’t drink it because it gives me a headache. Sometimes the headache will start before I’ve even finished the whole glass! A friend of mine, hearing the story, ask if I had ever tried rye. I hadn’t but since then I have and for some weird reason I can drink rye but not straight bourbon.
Go figure.
I’ve had some similar problems with Bourbon for some reason. Have you tried Templeton Rye? It isn’t as sweet as other ryes and is a nice in-betwen rye and bourbon.
I will have to give it a try because my favorite (Angel’s Envy is just embarrassingly, stupid expensive.
I might have to check that out.
Since I’m allergic to smoke, I have problems with scotchs and bourbons that have a heavy smoke component. That’s what gives me the headache. You might have a “similar” problem with some kind of allergy.
Could be. Wood smoke will sometimes give me migraines
I remember trying Angel’s Envy – – that’s pretty good stuff. I didn’t realize it was a rye. Drank it when I drove my Chevy to the levee.
Curious: Has that smoke sensitivity ever affected you with bbq meats? Is it different with different woods?
No, fortunately.
There is an Angels Envy Bourbon.
Much less expensive than the Rye which is good news if it was the Bourbon that you tried.
Anyone up on the latest laptops? I’m trying to figure out the right balance between performance and price. I see massive performing systems like the MSI GF65. But, as a gaming machine, these do things like get really hot and may be much more than I really need. I don’t really do PC gaming, but if I want to pair my Quest 2 with a laptops I have to have a reasonable graphics card present. I don’t need powerhouse memory and processor speed, but if I cheap out on these things, then doing things that I’m want to do (such as have 20+ tabs open at a time in Chrome) will rapidly overwhelm my system. Any thoughts on whether I really need 12th gen i7 hex processor with 128GB or RAM or if I’m just throwing my money away at that point. I’m actually doing pretty well right now with my older Asus touchscreen with 8th gen i7 quad core and 16 gb RAM. But when I get a new system I don’t want to find myself getting stuck as new tech comes out.
128GB is overkill, if I were buying new I’d go for 64. For VR, graphics memory is more important. I don’t what is common for laptops these days, but 12 GB of graphics memory would be fairly future-proof, although I’d imagine 8 would be more available. CPU-wise, a fairly current i7 would work well. Current-gen AMD processors have been getting a lot of buzz for their power-to-price ratio.
Good to know about AMD. Back when I was paying attention to such things, they weren’t something you would want in a descent system. For me, the challenge has been finding the drive space that I need. I have a 2TB drive and it’s pretty full now. I’ve gone the route of the small SSD with a large alternative drive. It can be OK, but makes things like iTunes a massive pain when it simply can’t figure out what to do when your music isn’t where it expects it to be.
The next time you’re called a Philistine:
That is a shame:
Oooh. Amazon says hubby’s birthday present has reached its US stop
We have the box!
Step one of my master plan is complete
Enola Holmes 2 was every bit as delightful as the first one. A recommend from Texas.
Pencilled in to watch on Sunday.
I very much enjoyed the first so I’m in.
Have a wonderful birthday Pixie!!!
Yea Pixie!!
Happy Birthday!
Hubby is principal of a k-4 elementary school this year. He thought it would be nice to start a beginning chess club for the younglings. He put out notice there would be twenty spots in this club, not sure if even that would be filled. He got 72 kids asking to sign up. He’s happy there was such interest. He’s also sad because he can’t accept them all. He has no idea how he’s going to choose twenty of of all those kids
I wonder if the Queen’s Gambit is to blame for the poplularity.
I don’t know how many eight year olds watch that show.
Might have watched it with their parents.
Perhaps he can have a bracketed Tournament.
Then Rank the players. Once a week the lowest Ranked player could be challenged by someone outside the club for that position.
Keep them on their toes.
Sounds like an opportunity to recruit some parents that can help with all those extra kids.
Surely some other folks up there know how to play chess?
The making of FTL:
If you have 2 C-64s lying around:
Which is better,
2 C-64s or one C-130?
Just don’t try this with your C-4.
I C what you did there.
This week I had two differrent, high ranked NASA people mention to me (in different social situations) concerns about the parallels between Howard Hughs and Elon Musk.
Amoungst themselves there is growing concern at administration level, about Elon going off the rails and what that would mean to the space program, given how many of their eggs are currently in his basket.
We’ll, the cat certainly has no concept of daylight savings, she expected to be fed at what is now 3am
Saving Enola Holmes 2 for another day and watching Run Sweetheart Run on Amazon Prime.
Pretty neat genre bending slasher flick.
It’s on Amazon Prime in the UK.
Busy weekend of activities.
The Scottsdale waterfront’s high-tech art convergence was basically Cyberpunk, just without the embedded fingernail blades. Pics will surely be posted.
My November piece is a bit fluffier:
Cat still hasn’t adjusted to the new time.
Has anybody here tried Mastodon? I have a few friends who have moved over to that from twitter but, since I’m not really a twitter person, I haven’t decided what to do. Also, I’m not sure what “server” I should be on. I’m assuming, being a generic one but…
Yeah, I signed up for an account a few years back. I’m on but it’s very slow at the moment as the servers being overloaded with people preparing to jump ship from twitter.
From what I can gather you can follow people’s toots that people post on other servers by following them.
I don’t even remember if I’d tried Mastodon when it launched.
I might need to do it for book/graphic novel promotion – – I’ll make it known if I ever do.
My credit card came up for renewal. Now I have the exhausting task of going through and updating everything that comes off it. I’m already tired
I saw this mentioned in an article once as a great time to cul out those monthly subscriptions that you really aren’t using.
It is especially useful with those companies that make it really difficult to cancel your subscription. Since they only have the old credit card number.
Oh look, it’s Lost Ralph’s birthday. I know we don’t see him much here anymore but, Happy Birthday!
Cheers to lost Ralph!
Here’s a thing I just discovered.
I saw that this 1st round of student loan forgiveness involved 16 million people. So I did some research and the Median student monthly loan payment is $222
Doing the math shows that the forgiveness of 16 million loans could put 3.5 BILLION dollars back into the economy
That extra “discretionary income” has got to be good for local small businesses.
It’s a little creepy when WordleBot says this to you: “Sensational. We are as one.”
Resistance is futile!
We’re going out for our fourth Covid shot today. It’s currently -17C (-25 with wind chill). I really don’t want to go outside
Happy birthday, LostRalph, if we find him!
I am all about this Pretty Reckless cover of the Soundgarden classic:
Not as good as the original but damn close.
CP: Should’ve Been Me — Mitski
No lunar eclipse yet. I don’t think I’m gonna make it.
I did, in fact, get outside to see the start of it. My pic was crap, so I didn’t bother to post it.
So according to twitter scuttlebutt, the Disney money for Doctor Who will mean the first season with the new Doctor with haves a budget of 10 million pounds per episode.
I fear the thing that will finally finish off DW is Disney funding.
It’s cold.
I have to go to the city this afternoon.
I don’t want to.
It’s cold.
Or in 5-7-5
It is cold today
To the city I must go
No please, It is cold.
Today is shaping up to be an historic day. For all the worst reasons. Let’s hope
– – the early polls were inaccurate
– – for no violence
I don’t plan to track anything. My vote was mailed 2 weeks ago.
I will be voting a little later today but I won’t be following it either. With all of the pre-voting, I suspect it will be a day or maybe more before everything is counted.
I am not optimistic for Democracy.
I am afraid that the fix is already in. Too many authoritarians have been appointed to the positions that accept the votes and to the courts that will hear their lawsuits.
At the Doc I wait
A Yearly trip to check skin
Missed cancer boat, yea!
How a weaker program can defeat the best AI Go player:
But also, there is that exhaust port that a trained pilot can fire a missile into.
If there was a sign that today might mark the beginning of the apocalypse, this might be it.
They should have done Freewheel Burning.
Rewatching Werewolf by Night and noticing the little flickering rings that were used in the old days to indicate to the projectionist to change the reel.
Goodbye to the lead singer of Nazareth:
Great voice, and by all accounts, a truly sweet guy. Love Hurts. RIP
CP: Another Chorus — Violent Femmes
Unplugged from the world.
Made cookies and watched Enolia Holmes 2.
I was fun.
Well whatever happens looks like the Dog torturer Dr Oz is going to lose.
Overall, not as bad as predicted. Fingers crossed for AZ.
I did check this morning, and it’s basically 50/50 normal person vs. raving lunatic.
We’ve completed episode 3 of Rings of Power. I have gripes, but overall, I’m enjoying it.
As a lifelong Tolkien fan but never a scholar, so I can’t call out any deviations from the Silmarillion. And I think we knew from the start that differences were to be expected? These are variations on the legends?
I never knew this was the term for those sorts of flats:
I remember those from some Monty Python skits. (I think the author of the funniest joke in the world lived in one?)
Do we know them from any other famous British shows or movies?
Get Carter I think, the original and not the Stallone remake.
CP: Supersatellite — Our Lady Peace
Netflix ‘secret’ codes:
I’ve been doing a full catalog listen of all 16 Iron Maiden studio albums, in chronological order of release. On day 6, with only one album left to go. Not as a journalist, just as a fan, so I’m not taking notes or shutting out everything else to focus on the music.
It’s kinda tiring, but fun. I will definitely do this again with other artists. I recommend it! Pick an artist with a fairly extensive discography and go!
I’m currently halfway through Powerslave, so lots to go. I’ll share some thoughts once completed. I would recommend listening to Bruce Dickinson’s “Accent of Birth” and “Chemical Wedding” and then immediately follow with Blaze Bayley’s “Silicon Messiah,” once you are done with the Maiden studio albums.
Okay, I lied. I have a few comments. There is no denying the musical talent of Maiden, but I did notice the improvement in timing and precision by the fourth studio album. As great as the first two albums are, the songs sound better live after 30 years of practice.
That is a really good point. They’re absolutely a tighter, more mature songwriting and performing unit by the time the mid-80s rolled around.
The solo albums are another rabbit hole! There’s hours and hours of stuff from Bruce, Paul Di’Anno, Blaze, Adrian Smith, and even Steve Harris’s side project, British Lion. That could be a great future adventure, though.
You’re right, I will need to march through those other albums eventually. In regards to the Maiden journey, I think the two solo Bruce albums show what he wanted to do and couldn’t at that stage in Maiden. Likewise, there was the critique that Blaze didn’t get his chance to really shine in Maiden because the songs weren’t written for his vocal range. If you listen to “Silicon Messiah” I think you would find there is some merit in that notion.
Yeah, I like the idea of checking out Blaze Bayley’s solo albums. He’s a capable vocalist, but was unable to do much with the material on X-Factor or Virtual XI. I blame the lackluster songwriting, not him.
How well do you know those 90s Maiden albums?
I think I got Virtual XI and Accident of Birth through the Columbia tape club. LOL Accident got a lot more play. There’s a gap between 7th Son and Brave New World which I look forward to revisiting.
I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It. | ‘Almost Famous’ by Op-Docs
In case you’re wondering, it’s still cold
Gave my little one a few new-to-her choices for movie night and she chose Pinocchio. I was going to go with the 2022 version, but it got pretty universally panned by IMDB reviewers, so we watched the original. We should have watched the new one.
I haven’t seen this since I was a really young kid. I guess it’s fine for what it is, but I think the newer one would have resonated better. Eh, she liked it, so I guess that’s what matters.
No you shouldn’t, you choose wisely.
You didn’t go with the Disney Animated classic!?!
John Wick 4 trailer.
The fuckers used Seasons in the Sun, they can just fuck off with that depressive shit.
CP: A Fistful of Dollars – The Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Good choice – those folks put on some impressive performances
I especially like their fish slapping number.
CP: Thunderbirds Theme – Band of the Hampshire Constabulary
CP: Mission Impossible theme – Folsom Lake Symphony Orchestra
CP: Popcorn – Drumorg
CP: Tetris Theme – Games in Concert
CP: La Valse D’Amelie – Douglas Borsatti
CP: Guaglione – Perez Prado and his Orchestra
CP; William Tell Overture – Grimethorpe Colliery Band
CP: Pruned — Natalie Holt
Just so you know, because of Andor, the husband has grown to hate episodic streaming releases. He wants the next episode NOW
Understandable, for me I’m enjoying looking forward to a new episode on Wednesdays.
I’m not a fan of taking away options. Drop all of the episodes at once and let me watch them at my chosen pace.
CP: Borders — M.I.A