But a I’ve noticed since Birds of Prey that I just don’t enjoy modern action flicks as much as I used too. What is weird this doesn’t seems to effect older films as I really enjoyed the rewatch of Aliens and The Fifth Element.
I HIGHLY recommend Nobody. Like highly highly.
Seen and enjoyed.
I’ve found that for new action movies and shows, I’m waiting for the action scenes to pass, so that the interesting stuff can resume again.
John Wick movies are the exception to this rule.
And so, the other night we watched the J-Pop Star Wars episode (skipped ep 1, fearing it might be a bit intense for a 3-yr-old).
Yeah…. It was…. ummm.
What have you all thought of this show? We have yet to watch any more.
We haven’t watched it yet. Don’t know when we’ll get to it.
This week I’ve been playing Rime, a game that was one of the monthly games for PS Plus. A good looking arcade adventure with a ending I was not expecting.
Now I just have play through Chapter 2 again to get 100% of the trophies
That’s cos if you need to ask you can’t afford it.
Reminder: we’re doing the Palooza thing today!
CW: The Many Saints of Newark
Well acted and took a while for the penny to drop as to why something happened near the end.
Hearing nothing but negative about this.
If you can believe it, I’ve never watched The Sopranos.
We tried watching it about a year ago. I’m sure it was ground breaking stuff back in the day, but it did not look like it had aged well to us and we gave up on it pretty quickly.
So, less than zero interest in some prequel series.
Crap joke for the evening;
Husband to wife ‘ am I the only one you’ve slept with?’
‘Yes’ replied my wife , ‘all the others were nines or tens ‘
Thanks for the fun talk all!
It was a blast! Thank you, everyone! And thank you, Amy for Zooming.
I’m already making billions selling all of your private data.
CP: Oh! — The Linda Lindas
I sense a disturbance in the Forcebook, as if a thousand voices wanted to cry out about political nonsense and were suddenly silenced.
Hey gang! The palooza was a blast. Definitely got a broader feel for the movie with other perspectives.
During the palooza I mentioned that I have set up a business for my wife who makes custom wood burning plaques. Apologies for the shameless plug, but if anyone doesn’t mind, please share the links. This is for the actual custom plaques.
No irony intended around yesterday’s outage and the day the earth stood still. . .
A classic that deserves being called a classic.
We’ve been in tumbleweed mode here too – – but I do wanna humbly request some support for my Led Zeppelin Facebook post on the Metal Hall of Fame main page.
Give it a “Like,” please! Every little bit helps to justify my existence.
Great book. I really recommend it. It’s one of the more original books I’ve read over recent years. I’m looking forward to reading the sequel.
10 years ago I would have thought the news headline of “Captain Kirk Rides Giant Robot Penis to Space” as dubious.
So that book I was reading? “Together We Will Go” by J Michael Straczynski?
Holy shit. Just wow.
Dark, funny, brilliant, thought-provoking, deeply moving. Even a hollowed out, jaded, bitter, old crusty like me was verklempt at a few places. Me!
And I truly never knew how it was going to turn out.
It’s JMS, but not Sci-Fi at all, even if the premise is a little far-fetched.
Sounds intriguing. I do see in the description “We get to know them through access to their texts, emails, voicemails, and the daily journal entries they write as the price of admission for this trip.”. Is it safe to assume that this would be much easier to access in print form than in audio form? I do most of my “reading” anymore in audio books but sometimes the format just doesn’t work well.
I did read with eyeballs, but I assume the right narrator could do the audiobook well.
Narration is definitely a key element, but I’m wondering if there is any kind of crazy visual format used. I once tried and audio book and was hopelessly lost until I looked it up and found that the “book” was put in the format of clippings from newspaper/magazine articles, journal entries, etc. If you couldn’t see the format the text was in, you really had no idea what you were supposed to be getting from it. Sounds like this book doesn’t necessarily have anything that crazy going on or it would have probably caught your attention.
So watched the Midnight Mass final yesterday. Enjoyed the series and it reminded me of Salem’s Lot.
So Black Widow has went ‘free’ on Disney+, I enjoyed it when it was released even though the side characters (especially Natasha’s sister) were more interesting than Natasha.
Today I think I’ll go in and do the early voting thing for our mayor
Watched “The History of Future People” on Netflix.
Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about the “reality” (science, math, physics) of your fiction and enjoy the story being told. This is one of those.
I give it “two thumbs up”.
I have just finished an oddysee that has taken me 10 days. Well technically, still 10% of the project to go but most of the back breaking stuff is over.
Why I did this it’s own post but I now have about 140′ of underground, 2″ conduit running from the utilities at the street back to my house. This involved passing under my driveway, going through the woods, under a sidewalk, accidentally ripping through buried gutter pipes, then passing through the hole I had to drill/chissel through my foundation into my crawl space. Oh, I also had to dig carefully as I had to un-earth existing cable/phone lines that had been buried 25 years ago … without damaging them.
I would work from early morning until dark. Then lay on an icepack for 20 minutes, hit the shower, grab some food and go to bed to start the whole thing again the next day.
Apparently I am not as young as I used to be. By day 3 even my fingers hurt. I could barely close my hand around a door knob and turn it.
I would have finished 3 days ago but the rain started. So add sucking mud and mosquitos to the fun. Oh, also delays caused by the ditch flooding when it rained really hard. Mud. Everything covered in so much mud.
Yesterday though, I finally got all the major piping and “pull through” boxes in place, re-ran my existing cable/internet and got it hooked up.
Now, I am ready to have them run fibre and high/speed internet back to my house. Hope it is worth it.
Today I rest.
This sounds like a triumph of the human spirit kind of a story. I am going to write this screenplay and sell it to Hollywood.
So I have to ask why you had to this and not the cable company?
Oh and do you not have a 5G broadband in your area?
Funny about that.
The salesman came out and said “Absolutely no problem. They can get the fibre back you your house.”
“They couldn’t a few years ago when I tried this.” I replied.
“Oh no, it will be no problem.” He insisted.
2 weeks later …
I walk up to the road to find 2 installer trucks and their drivers are just standing there looking at my property in stunned silence.
“Look at the thing the sales guy said would be no problem for YOU.” I offered.
One of the guys just slowly shook his head in disgust and said “Yeh. They’ll do that.”
There were there for hours just trying to find the “drop” which was run from their distribution box on the other side of the road. Finally they had to call their manager.
He came out and couldn’t find it either so after 20 minutes of looking he declared they couldn’t lay the fibre on the ground through the woods so they couldn’t do the install.
BTW – my current “cable” service can’t stream movies without intermittent buffering and their internet service drops in and out very briefly but frequently which is a problem for a lot of things.
Watching our music video channel and they played this video. While I’ve heard the song before, I don’t think I’ve seen the video before (either that or I scrubbed it from my mind). I really hope it’s a parody of 80s videos. If not… um, no. Just no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKjZuykKY1I
This is a song where I prefer covers over the original:
Yeah, it wasn’t so much the song as the video itself that I was commenting on.
Never liked the song. Glad I can now feel strong dislike for the video too.
Glam Metal was already a parody of music in the 80’s. The Darkness ended up being a parody of a parody, which doesn’t quite work.
So today I started a non fiction books about the first man into space.
The prolog covers a failed Vostok launch, a trial run before manned flights and it contained two dogs. The onboard bomb (yes the Soviets were that paranoid) didn’t explode so the parachute deployed and the capsule landed in Siberia. The dogs were stuck in the capsule, in sub zero temperatures for three days. When the capsule was finally reached the dogs had survived.
So that got me in the feels as I was walking home.
Sentimental is me.
Well, “What if…?” was a pretty satisfying ride
Agreed, it’s a pity we will not get to see more of Chadwick Boseman playing Starlord.
They all been pretty good, but the finale was especially satisfying.
The teen was calling out the plotholes in the finale. . . and yeah, they were there. . .
But it was still a fun way to end the series.
I kinda hope that none of this was setup for the next phase.
I live in a condo complex. For those who have been, think something similar to Jack’s place. The person who just delivered my food complained because her GPS took her to the complex but not right to my particular unit.
Not sure what she expected me to do about it.
Gotta love first world problems.
I have little experience with Doordash or any delivery services, but according to my daughter, the drivers who come into her boba shop are often super cranky.
No surprise, I liked the Resident Evil movies. The new one looks intense
Well everybody’s talking about so thought I would give it a go.
I started off with the English dub but it got annoying so switched back to English subtitles and the original Korean.
Intriguing start.
I’m not sure if I will watch it.
Seems like a repackaged version of that franchise where people wake up in some deadly “escape room” and this guy with a deep voice keeps giving them deadly things to do to try and escape.
Can’t remember the name of those films. Never watched more than a few minutes of any of them.
…and if that is the lremise for Squid Games., Desert Pixie out.
Teresa and I watched it over the course of four days. More Running Man than Hunger Games, and there were a lot of interesting things happening outside of the “game.” I would put the violence somewhere between the Matrix and Game of Thrones, I found GOT actually more gruesome. We like it though, I would recommend it and like Pixie, I can’t watch the SAW movies.
I mean nobody should be sacked for having a poor taste in music.
I’ll get my coat.
It’s okay to like British music.
Welcome to the 80’s
Run to the Hills!
Watched the Last Blockbuster docu on Netflix.
Eh, it was mildly informative and mildly entertaining. The woman who runs the store seems like a sweet old lady.*
Let’s see if the link works. Amazing that 50 years later, we’re still discussing the Beatles’ breakup. And it’s still interesting.
CW: Old Henry
A western l!
Tim Blake Nelson as the main lead, you don’t see that very often.
Enjoyed that film.
We visited the drive-thru animal attraction up in northern AZ today. Was fun. . . until the 2 hour drive home turned into 5 hours, due to traffic.
Happy Birthday Rhettro!
Happy birthday, Rhettro! Don’t let this be the year you actually begin to age.
Have a great birthday Rhettro!
Gobble gobble, Deadpan
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
My laptop has a touch screen and I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I’ve actually used the touch screen functionality.
I remember being a college-aged dude and debating the girlfriend about Columbus. I didn’t disagree with her that he was a racist oppressor, but I argued that he deserved credit for bravely exploring and changing global perceptions about the earth. (It was a friendly debate, btw.)
I can look back and admit that my point has not aged well. We’re slowly evolving and growing and figuring it out.
I like the new Tears for Fears song. They’ve both aged well, but it’s still jarring to see those kids from the 80s turned into old men.
I guess I never realized that Orzabal and Smith patched things up.
So just finished a book called Beyond by Stephen Walker.
If you have interest in space flight the bits that cover the Mercury program are going to be old hat but the coverage of the Soviet space programme is illuminating and there was much about Gagarin’s flight I hadn’t known.
Never underestimate the power of being shown “The big picture”
After Shatner climbed out of the capsule, he hugged Bezos. “What you have given me is the most profound experience I can imagine,” Shatner told Bezos through tears. “I am overwhelmed. I had no idea.”
So was it no big deal for Bezos when he went up?
I think you have to have a soul to be effected by an experience… but I’m no expert.
I’ve read 27 of them. Some were already on my to read list, some other I added.
I’ve read 22. But 2 of them I’m counting even though they don’t exactly match. The collected stories of Arthur C. Clark and The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov I’m counting because I feel like I’ve read enough of their short stories across other anthologies to count.
Also, I think the list should include Dreams with Sharp Teeth by Harlan Ellison.
I’ve read 29. I think it is a pretty good list. Like all lists, ymmv.
CW: In the Mouth of Madness
Only 1H 35 so decided to watch the film with my tea.
So much smoking in this film that is just the first 20 minutes.
Well that was ok(ish), not JC top tier.
The SFX haven’t aged well either.
I’ve been aware of this one, but somehow never seen it.
Carpenter + Lovecraft should be a sure thing.
Well I’’m interested but boy does that title suck balls:
1. Go to Google Translate
2. Type “Birth Control Pills” in English
3. Translate to German
Well, it’s not wrong
A reminder that Sturzkampfflugzeug means dive bomber, no fancy names for Germans oh no.
Morning Pan
Getting my flu shot this morning
Currently waiting to be stabbed
So that’s S2 of Star Trek Lower Decks put to bed.
Looking forward to S3.
Yesterday was rough, following COVID jab #3. Was exhausted and sore all damn day.
I think today will be better, but the jury is still out.
Feel better buddy. The 2nd dose put me under the following day. I imagine the booster will do the same. I’ll still get it though.
I’m at about 60-70% today.
I did take some life time back and went to a matinee of Venom 2.
Jesus, this movie is utter lunacy. A lot like the first, but they may have upped the crazy a bit further. Pure nonsense with no consistency of plot of rules or logic or anything. Like a B-movie with a giant budget. It’s ridiculous and fun.
Also (not a spoiler), can we please be done with the banshee scream superpower?
Gonna assume utter stupidity on the teacher here, but allow for the possibility that we’re not getting all the context. Maybe the educator had a bunch of disclaimers, and the point of the lesson was that sometimes there aren’t two equal and valid sides to an argument.
I’m not sure we can entirely pin this on the teacher. If this is in a place like Texas where teachers are required by law to do this–look up the recent controversy on teaching the Holocaust–then it could be more complicated than it appears.
Of course, the teacher could be 100% an asshat too.
JW: CopShop
Not as bad as I thought it would be for a Gerard Butler flick.
The trailer for the upcoming Batman flick has been released:
While it’s a solid trailer, I’m still struggling to get excited for yet another fucking Batman movie.
Yeah, I can’t say this was something I was wanting or desiring. I’ll catch it when it gets to whatever streaming service or blu-ray rental carries it someday.
Although, that’s about my attitude with just about everything movie wise these days.
Started A Bug’s Life for movie night for the sick little one.
About 20 minutes in….. I hope it gets better. I haven’t seen it since the theater.
Roddy McDowall’s last role.
Madeline Khan was in it too, which is pretty cool.
Eh, it does get better after a rough start, but it’s by far the worst movie of Pixar’s golden era.
I’m not that big on things like teaser trailers or posters for upcoming stuff. But 1000 times yes to Gwendoline Christie in anything and I am quite looking forward to Netflix’s Sandman. Just wish they would provide an actual release date already.
Oh, I was under the impression that yesterday’s Edmonton and Calgary mayoral races were a big deal.
I don’t live in Calgary. Airdrie voted in the same mayor so no change there. Even so, I’m fine with the woman Calgary voted in. *shrug*. From what little I know, she seems ok
I assume we’ll be seeing plenty more paeans to David Lynch’s Dune.
Fortunately my son (almost always nicknamed The Boy as in Homer Simpson referring to Bart) has Peacock so I was able to watch Halloween Kills. I thought it was a great ride. I’ve been lamenting the amount of good slasher films in the modern age of haunting and possession stuff. I don’t ever (since I was a young teenager) get actually scared in horror movies. So I’m just not taken in by stuff that builds a spooky atmosphere. The latest Halloween definitely did not disappoint on gore and the story was enough to carry it all. That’s all I really look for in horror.
You know, I’ve only seen the original and one of the sequels – – maybe part 4?
It is great that Jamie Lee Curtis is still involved with the recent Halloween films.
There is some definite oddness in watching these movies as everything up until the remakes (and arguably 3 which had nothing to do with anything) were the same story arc. Then there were the Rob Zombie sequels that I never watched. Then to add even more confusion, there was Halloween (2018) which was a direct sequel to the first movie (thereby ignoring all other sequels/remakes/etc.). The latest movie is a sequel to the (2018) movie, but pays a lot of homage to all of the other movies.
I give Marvel a lot of crap for involving too many characters and plot lines. But at least they tend to stick to one story.
This should be interesting. I love Mel Brooks to death. But his style of humor changed over the years and I just don’t know how well even he will pick up from his old style after so many years. He also just can’t get away with the kind of humor he was pulling off at that time in the current hyper politically correct environment. But if any can make it work it would definitely be Mel and I trust him to not cave in or alter his style for anyone or anything.
I can’t imagine “The jig is up!” going over well with modern audiences.
Mel Brooks continues to amaze, even as he pushes to become a 2000 year-old man.
And “the sheriff’s a near” is RIGHT OUT.
I always wondered if Mel’s comedy changed or if, as I aged, my tastes changed.
A lot of his humor seems aimed at 12-14 year old boys. Sadly, that is no longer me
CP: Accidents of Change — Yutaka Yamada
I wonder how longer the writer had to wait to finally use this pun in a headline:
I think the main difference between Gibson and the other guys named in the article is that Mel was once a powerful onscreen box office draw. The studio decision-makers probably still look at him and see dollar signs.
The rest are behind the scenes.
Early meetings are for the birds. No pun intended.
This is an awful story. I immediately thought of Brandon Lee.
I feel like Columbo needs to investigate this. Seems like some kind of nefarious murder plot made to look like an accident. Plus I just want to hear Columbo say “just one more thing” to Alec Baldwin until he can stand it no longer.
I was once shot in the face on a movie set I was working on.
It was the CU shot for a stunt scene in which the actor jumps of the top of a car, rolls to his feet and fires.
They got the scene set up and locked the camera down with a reflector board (lighting) on either side of the camera. The idea is to start camera and then the cinematographer gets out of there.
Except it was a little windy that day and the reflectors were wiggling, which made the light on the actor’s face move around. So the AD screamed at the gaffer who told me and another crew member to get in there and hold them still. It’s all about getting the shot and moving on and YOU don’t want to be the guy holding the team back. So I jumped on it.
SO… guy jumps, rolls, pops up and I am suddenly staring down the barrel of a big ‘ol hand gun from about 5 feet away. Seems like the “357 magnum” was the in gun back then.
I had enough time to think “Oh Sh” and BOOM!
Wadding hit me in the face. Left a pick mark on my cheek and took my sun glasses off my face.
I suspect without the sunglasses I would have sustained eye damage.
We got the shot though and everyone moved along without so much as a “sorry about that”.
It was a glamorous time in my life.
Holy crap!
(If you’d told this story 15 years ago here, the page would have devolved into endless *snickers*)
Well said, everyone. I loved it, but I know the book and the Lynch movie. A bunch of the scenes might feel like quasi-mystical mumbojumbo, if you aren’t as familiar with the story.
Hans Zimmer’s score is fantastic. The visuals are gorgeous. The pacing and storytelling are spot on.
Finally, Dune done right.
LMK if we need a spoiler discussion thread.
In a rare Mangan Parent’s Date Night.
We saw Dune, too!
I am not familiar with the books or movie. I did watch and enjoy the mini series, but don’t recall much from it.
I really enjoyed this movie. Alor. I think a theatrical viewing is a must. All of the acting was really good.
Oscar Isaac was wonderful and strong and sincere. He can also pull off a mountain man beard like nobody’s business.
Even Jason Mamoa was good.
I will be very annoyed if Part 2 doesnt happen. You cannot make these sagas without all of the parts. C’mon WB Studios.
We saw Dune last night too. Loved it. T Cat had one worm nitpick but other than that, this was an amazing adaptation.
We also had the same discussion about how much more enjoyable the movies is if you had read the book(s). I think there is enough there that if you don’t know anything about the story, the movie is still good. That seems to fall in line with some reviews I have read, but since I don’t know anyone like that, I’m just guessing.
I only really know the story from the first Dune film and brief mentions of the plot from a sci-fi encyclopaedia from the 70s.
Anyway I enjoyed it, judging from Twitter I was not the only one who thought the dialogue was too quiet at some points, almost like a Christopher Nolan film with the sound mixing.
Yes, there were a few times when the dialogue was quieter than the score and the sound effects.
In case you had some delusions that you’re not old:
I got my first one in 2006. Used it every day until it died, then got a new one that’s still going strong (even though I use it less frequently these days.)
I didn’t realize the first iPod came out in 2001.
CW: Locke and Key S2E1
Yes indeed, S2 has dropped on Netflix.
Replaced the fan on my Dell laptop. . . which crapped out about 1 month after the warranty expired.
What a royal pain that was.
I’d like to recommend a new company slogan that accurately reflects the customer experience:
Dell. Because fuck you.
The laptop I got my daughter for college was a Dell. I also bought a squaretrade warranty…which I’ve just finished using for the third time.
Bought her a new one this year as, even though the warranty still has another year of coverage, having to dance around sending it in and being without it for a couple of weeks while she borrows another one from my wife has become untenable.
Two times, the hinges that hold the display literally fell apart. This part summer, the whole main board just up and crapped out. I’ve never had a laptop experience so terrible.
Definitely done with Dell. Whatever they once were, it has well and truly fallen in the crapper.
“Dude! You’re getting a Dell”
You should upgrade to a Gateway. I hear their customer service is hella awesome.
So far, no rattle in the first 5 minutes since reassembling. Fingers crossed.
Actually, now I’m nervous that the fan will never turn on. . . .
My next laptop will be HP. Anything but Dell.
My last two laptops have been HP, I would reccomend them.
Only downside to HP is they keep selling obsolete hardware long past it’s sell by date so always check the model of CPU before buying.
I haven’t watched it all the way through since I saw it at the cinema back in 1979.
The first Bond film influenced by Star Wars, silly but fun.
Thus Sprach Zarathustra is played at the bird shoot. Also the little musical theme from Close Encounters is played out as the key combination to the laboratory in Venice.
Weird to think this was made before the Space Shuttle flew into space as it features so much in the film.
Just got my Covid booster.
To paraphrase “War Games” – The only way to win is not to play.
First concert in 22 months. We’re off to see Primus playing A Farewell to Kings ( Rush) in its entirety.
Just Pixie and me. We’re both triple-stuck, will both be (the only people in the theater who will be) masked the entire time.
Off to the city this morning. It’s snow tire week. Today, my Boo’s
Good grief!
About 8 hours after my shot, my body suddenly decided it had Covid and went to battle stations., I felt achy and tired.
It was about 11:30 and I crawled off to bed and it just got worse. Fever, aching joints all over, pain behind the eyes. Little or no sleep for me. Then about 5:30 this morning It lifted and I felt great… for about 30 minutes.
Since then it has been kind of in waves.
I’ll say this, if that is just a small taste of how you feel if you get Covid … I want nothing to do with it!
Apart from that, the injection site feels like I had a Tetnus shot.
Going to try and get some sleep now.
Yeah the wave thing I had when I actually caught covid the second time.
You’ve had covid? TWICE?!
Sorry to hear it, Joe. My third dose reaction was pretty rough, but I didn’t have any fever :(. I assume today will not be pleasant, but hopefully the waves calm.
I also don’t remember you mentioning a second bout, Van.
Yeah, last year and early this year, the second was much worse than the first.
Pretty sure I mentioned it, as the second time I had 10 days of fever that would break in the middle of night before rising again the next day. Since both sisters also caught it, there was nobody that could come over and help as we were all isolating.
I felt a little dizzy after my first shot, after the second one I had body aches all over the following day. Teresa caught Covid over the summer(thanks Delta), and even though I my sense of taste decreased for a couple of days, I never caught full blown Covid. In a sense, I almost feel like I got a booster having been exposed to Covid in my home. I’m guessing I will be just as under the weather after shot #3, but I think my prior shots saved me from catching Delta. I’m curious about Van’s second round of Covid.
Also, this article could have been written by Lo Pan.
China Mieville wrote a history book on the Russian Revolution? I’m going to have to read this one.
He’s been releasing books of all different kinds of styles for the past 20 years or so. Some specfic, some not.
I’ve abandoned a few, but damn – – when he’s on, he’s great.
Yup, read it a while back. It seemed rather dry at the time.
Just checked on Goodreads, read it back. In 2018 WTF!
Primus did a very good job with the Rush album. Les Claypool can’t hit the same vocal notes as Geddy Lee – – and he even said so – – but it was great to hear the songs from A Farewell to Kings.
RE: Van’s link above, I was thinking of this after seeing Dune the other night. . .
The only remaining “sacred” unfilmed text of my youth is Neuromancer.
Snow Crash was a big deal for me, but not quite Neuromancer, )and I think that’s underway(?)). I’d also really loved the Hyperion books, but fuck Dan Simmons.
To Be honest there have been so many good books in the 21st century I would rather more of them get adapted than much older books.
Most of what I read is older, but sure, we should focus on modern-day authors too. But I’m commenting on the formative books from my younger years. Most of those have now been adapted well.
It’s nigh-impossible for a book to come out now that could be as impactful or meaningful as Neuromancer, just because of the time in my life when I discovered it.
Two others that come to mind:
-A Wizard of Earthsea. Forget the awful Sci-Fy Channel miniseries
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. The animated version is just OK. The problem is that every Batman film adaptation since has been a partial rip-off of TDKR.
A newer book that I love, but is probably un-filmable, is Ann Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice”.
Fantasy wise I would love the Divine Cities trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett to be adapted.
Honestly I liked Snow Crash better than Neuromancer, but that just boils down to personal opinion. I don’t think either is worthy of more or less praise than the other.
As for a Neuromancer movie, Johnny Mnemonic wasn’t close enough for you? (ducks to avoid chair being furiously hurled in his direction)
I only read Snowcrash decades after it was released so didn’t have much impact on me unlike Neuromancer.
I read Snow Crash after Neuromancer as well, but I still consider Snow Crash a better book.
I’ve reread them both in the past 5 years.For me, Snow Crash is a 10/10 – it’s more fun, but Neuromancer is a work of art. I don’t think Snow Crash is even Neal Stephenson’s best.
The prose, the ideas, the imagery – – it’s just perfection.
The thing that was puzzling me is how this can be about the actual Buzz Lightyear that inspired the toy when it obviously takes place in the far future (many many many years after the toy was released). Looks like they have addressed that. Looks like it’s meant to be the movie about buzz lightyear that inspired the toy. So its a movie about a movie that inspires a character in another movie. Very Inception-like.
1. The Exorcist (1973) ·
2. Hereditary (2018) ·
3. The Conjuring (2013) ·
4. The Shining (1980) ·
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) ·
6. The Ring .
7. Halloween (1978)
8. Sinister
9. Insidious
10. IT (2017)
Interesting list. I’ve only seen 6.5 of them.
I have never found slasher movies to be scary, just gross and occasionally shocking.
And OK, The Ring is worthy, but really, it’s just that one incredible scene. The rest is pretty goofy.
Same with the slasher/splatter films.
I’ve only seen 3 on this list. I like spooky more than bloody. It’s easier to make “jump scare” slasher films then to write a really creative, scary script and I suspect they make the same amount of money.
I did get that Am I Evil? backer email out last night. Thanks for the nudge, Bunny.
Strange, I didn’t see it.
Nope, not in my junk mail either.
Weird. I’ll see if any other donors didn’t get it.
I dont see an email either.
I got the email, Jack.
I did too.
Got it yesterday.
It was in my spam folder, but I freed it and got it.
Those soundtracks are fairly different. The similarities to Bear McCreary’s work is striking.
But yes, if you are pulling in North African & Middle East influences there would be obvious similarities.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the “Lawrence of Arabia” soundtrack and I can see some of the influence of this in the “Dune” soundtrack, especially the quieter orchestral sections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr4ydFsIs9o
“The One” is a good example of that.
But in the more ominous, dark parts, it sounds much more like BSG than LoA imo.
“Herald of the Change”
This was the moment in the movie when the score really hit home.
Meh. There’s a McDonalds right across from the Pantheon in Rome and has been for a long time. I got used to this years ago. 😀
JW: Star Trek Prodigy E1
Aimed at kids it maybe be but that was a damn fine start for any ST series.
Really? We were kind of meh on it
Yeah, really enjoyed it.
It felt like an animated Star Wars series to us
Morning Pan
The weather people say there is a 100% chance of snow today
I leave for the city in half an hour. By the time I head home, the snow esp will be falling. I don’t want to go out
It felt too much like Star Wars animation
Sorry, this was meant for the Star Trek post
Well each to their own of course but the animation was far superior to any Star Wars animated series I’ve seen.
Not the animation so much as the story style
I think I ran over a squirrel. Traffic was around me so I couldn’t do a sudden stop. I didn’t feel anything so I hope that means he managed to get out of the way. In sad now
CP: Argyria — Esben and the Witch
TIL: Lenny Kravitz cowrote, produced, and even sang a bit on Madonna’s “Justify My Love.”
A bit of wet snow in the city. Coming home it was dry outside city limits
Hubby and I have been watching the newest season of The Movies That Made us on Netflix. Because of this, we watched the original Halloween earlier this week.
In a nod to that, I think today’s movie will be the 2018 remake.
The Netflix write up: A masked killer who went on a Halloween night murder spree 40 years ago escapes incarceration, targeting the victim who got away—and her family
A record player
Interviewing his doctor
Yeah dude, tie your shoelace
Do not cross the line under any circumstances
Yeah, that will never be listened too
The Kirk mask
Ok, that was weird
I wonder if they used painted gourds in this one
Money talks
(But it don’t sing and dance, and it don’t walk)
Do you believe in the boogeyman?
Exploding a pumpkin head
Get over it
Target practice
Side note: here comes the snow
Chugging wine
Missing dance class
Bus crash
Death is happening now
Boob shot
They’ve actually managed to capture some of the feel of the original in some shots
More dead bodies
The British Reporter is in trouble
All that for a Captain Kirk mask. He must really love Star Trek
Hidden basement safe room
Nobody’s home
It’s hammer time
Noe, it’s knife time
Wow that neighbourhood has a lot of kids
I didn’t hear anything
Famous last words
Messing with the kid
Side note: my toes are cold so I turned on the fireplace
Don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead
Shooting at mirrors
Who let the dogs out
They can’t find Allison
Oscar bit the dust
You know, in Far Cry 6 I use a bow. Mine has exploding arrows though
Ok, didn’t see that coming
No controlling the Michael
Wow, what strong leg muscles he has
I want a doll house that looks just like my real house
Ray can’t hear you anymore
The spotlight’s on him
Who wouldn’t be scared?
Way to give yourself away
Woah. More mannequins
She found Ray
That male mannequin is anatomically correct. How odd
Is he going to poker her with the poker?
He’s strong
She did start the fire
I think it’s time to leave
And they left
Movie’s over
It wasn’t bad actually
That’s the most positive thing I’ve ever heard about Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake. I’ve never seen it, I just know it was pretty universally hated.
This is the remake with Jamie Lee Curtis. Not the Rob Zombie one.
The Rob Zombie movie was 2007 this was 2018
Oh! My confused.
I have actually heard that the recent ones with elderly Jamie Lee Curtis are good.
Soooo. The 2018 isn’t a remake. It’s a direct sequel to the 1978 Halloween and the one that comes before Halloween Kills. If anything it could be said to be a remake of Halloween II because it completely ignores any of the other sequels.
It’s still snowing btw
We’ve been watching the What We Do in the Shadows tv series, which so far, has been pretty hilarious.
I’ve never seen the movie, but I’m told it’s not necessary.
I found the series is better than the movie
Talking about Shadows I’m currently watching a documentary about The Shadows, never knew Hank Marvin came from my neck of the woods.
Still my fav Cliff Richard and the Shadows appearance:
It’s not necessary, but it’s definitely good and worth watching.
It has stopped snowing. Fortunately it’s warm enough that it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Everything is wet but not white
Morning Pan
A nice dusting of snow on everything this morning
CW: Shazam
It’s on Netflix so decided a rewatch was in order.
Pity Mark Strong won’t be in Shazam 2 he’s a great bad guy in this.
Shazam, showing how fucking soulless that Snyder cut of Justice League was.
So we had to go to the specialty pet shop today to get frozen mice for the snake. Always fun to browse on there….
They had a Goliath Birdeater spider in a tank, which was pretty awesome. I’ve seriously never seen such a big spider. It looked fake. I wish I’d taken a picture.
I’m kinda creeped out even thinking that this thing is in the same state as me.
No, no, no!
Give us the co-ordinates so we can nuke it from orbit..
I didn’t remember any bullfighting stuff from the book, but it’s been many years and a lot of spice ago.
So after reading Twitter I discovered that the main overhead lighting in rooms is called the big light and a lot of people hate switching it on.
Care to chime in North Americans?
I vaguely remember a time with table lamps from when I was a kid. I don’t think I’ve owned anything but overhead lighting since the 90s. I do know there is a massive desire for “soft” lighting bulbs that don’t look so harsh. But even there I differ. I like to use the “daylight” bulbs and get things as bright as possible.
I’ve lived in both situations. I am not crazy about having the super bright lights on, unless I’m reading.
No real reason why. What is your preference? What’s the preference in the UK?
Old school, I don’t have any lamps so keep the main lights on in the evening. But I have never called them big lights.
Are we picking a date for Buster Scrubbs?
Sometime in November?
Which starts tomorrow?
I finally watched Event Horizon last night. I’ve heard for decades how terrible it is, but curiosity got the best of me, so I borrowed it from the library.
I liked it a lot more than I expected. It has flaws, sure, but I’m not sure why it’s considered to be a turkey.
We like Event Horizon
I thought it was just because it bombed at the box office.
CW: The Night House
Creepy horror film for Halloween.
Hubby and I watched Aliens last night. Instead of getting our copy out, we watched it on Disney+. Turns out, this is the theatrical version. It took us a bit to figure this out.
We kept wondering what happened to certain scenes, did they cut them? Nope, we just got use to the extended version.
Rewatched it with one of my sisters a while back and we realised it was the theatrical cut when a certain scene near the beginning was missing.
I saw someone on FB talk about the scene where Ripley learns her daughter died of old age while she was in cryosleep. That’s apparently a deleted scene.
Windows 11 update is a disaster so far. They seemed to have changed something crazy about the Documents, Music, and Pictures folders so that the path is no longer users/… So, Google Sync and iTunes have now gone kablooey on me until I figure out how to redirect them. Going to tell Mrs. Asshat to avoid the update until I can figure it out so she doesn’t have to go through the same issues. What surprises me is that the internet is not already flooded with questions/answers on this. I can’t possibly be the first to have this happen.
I take back the iTunes issue. It was just blocked up asking me to sign back in again. It is still connecting to the library file.
Apart from an audio issue that was quickly rectified installation went smoothly for me.
The article seems to question his true motives, and the amount of money he’s making off of these, but I still think he’s making a positive difference. E.g.: I, for one, thought that “Aged Vanilla” actually meant something more than “vanilla syrup.”
I don’t hold the same Nicolas Cage affection as most of our generation. He’s fine – – and Raising Arizona!! – – but otherwise, eh. I certainly won’t watch a movie just for him.
I loved him in Raising Arizona, didn’t like his mid period when he first turned to action movies. Lately he has been taking on really interesting new stuff and I’ve started liking him again. I think he’s definitely a Shatner-level over-actor (as opposed to an extremely talented actor like Alan Tudyk), but it’s fun to watch. Mandy was OK. Willy’s Wonderland was fantastic. Prisoners of the Ghostland was good, but I don’t see how they came to the conclusion that it was a horror movie.
I still have Pig to watch.
I think we’re on the same page. He probably got incredible paychecks for all of those weak action movies, so I guess I don’t begrudge him that. It’s not like I’ve ever sat down and watched Gone in 60 Seconds,
I got a lot of work done today. It think it’s time to reward myself with a piece of Japanese cheesecake
I had to google as I was wondering what the difference was:
Apologies if it was already posted…I didn’t see a mention when I was catching up on comments.
I loved these books. It would be cool to see The Shrike done right on film, but I’m torn.
Dan Simmons is a truly ugly, mean-spirited, awful person. It’s hard to separate art from artist in his case.
(I should practice what I preach, huh?)
I suspect it will fall into the trap of having to cut too much from the books plot and ends up pleasing nobody.
Morning Pan
A busy morning here in Bunnyland. At least I don’t have to go into the city today, so that’s a plus
Can someone move India closer to the US, so I can sleep in a little later every day?
So looking at an ad for a Sonos Roam and wondering when it became socially acceptable to play loud music when you are outside at the beach or camping.
If you are an aficionado of the beach, this has been a problem for a while now. As if the assumption that everyone wants to hear your music (instead of say … the surf) wasn’t bad enough, often all your neighbors can hear is either end of the sound frequency. So just the base or just the very high end.
In essence… even if your neighbor LIKES your music you are just inflicting noise.
Because we haven’t really been playing, we haven’t bought a new board game in quite some time. I’m hoping to fix that next year.
We’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of our Clank!, Betrayal, Exploding Kittens, and Flux games. Not sure what our next game will be but the Epic Encounters box sets for 5e look interesting.
So wait, you only have a handful of games? We must be doing something wrong with our wall full of them
I’m getting there.
Well that was one fucked up dream.
It was about a death if a friend and a large orchestra.
No fun 🙁
I believe I was hit on today. Took Leeloo to the park, and the only other people there were a mom and her 4-yo-son. She immediately introduced herself while the kids played, then within a minute told me she was single, was chatting me up, etc.
And she was attractive! Serious guns. And here I am out of shape with my terrible shaggy hair, my terrible shaggy beard, the Mangan hairline, etc. Completely taken by surprise.
And look, I was not playing into it, initiating, etc. Happily married and all that. I’m not a player, nor do I crush a lot. It was just weird.
She caught on pretty quickly to my hints (and my wedding ring maybe?), then asked what my wife does for work, then started talking astrology, asked my wife’s sign and mine, said that Capricorns (me) and Scorpios (Tiffany) are good romantic matches, then said that my sign and hers (Gemini) were fine for friendly conversations, but not a good pairing for romance.
Just recording the experience for posterity.
Well you know what they say, the only thing worse than being hit on is when you stop being hit on..
That sounded better in my head than typed out.
Van jokes about it … but As I’m reading this I’m realizing it has been a long time since I even had a gay waiter flirt with me… and even then they were clearly trying to up their tip but still I appreciated the effort.
Yea for you Jack!
Work. Ugh.
So this weekend I will be going to a concert for the first time in almost two years.
It involves a train journey and staying overnight.
Go me!
I prefer gravy granules myself.
Tony Mast needs to do a European festival called Blood SausageFest.
Medievalist Historian reviews Movies with medieval setting:
It’s safe for work it’s about the book that is in that genre.
Carrying on from the Facebook “conversation”.
I think when Dune 2: Dune Harder comes out it will make Dune a better film. As of know, for me, its just kinda…. there. Its a real pretty there, but still.
Sure thing, Van. 😉
“A better actor than Jason Momoa” is not much of a statement. See the different Conan films.
Although I thought he was fine as Duncan Idaho. (Others have said he was FINE as Duncan Idaho, bu that’s a different conversation)
Some may prefer their own private Idaho, I’m feeling Minnesota.
Underground like a wild potato.
I’m kidding I dgaf about either Momoa or Jordan being Duncan Idaho because I dgaf about the character of Duncan Idaho
You guys say that but there is water at the bottom of the ocean.
Although Rhett, you’re looking California.
Yeah, but when he’s not kissing babies, he’s stealing their lollipops!
Meh on “Down With the Sickness,” (it’s decent, sure) – – but this guy performs it in 20 different styles.
Faith No More and Earth, Wind, & Fire may be the best of them.
He outdoes himself with 51(!) styles for Master of Puppets.
There have been shows that were great, in spite of it: MASH, Taxi, Night Court, Seinfeld – but good riddance.
*canned laughter*
Lots of people hated the laugh track but I never minded it. Great jokes transcend canned laughter. Bad jokes…. it never helped
I think someone (not me), should go back and add a laugh track to all the old Deadpan episodes.
You are just a contrarian.
(Insert laughter here)
Am not!
Will add that this article completely edits out the influence of the 2007-2008 writers strike on the demise of the laugh track. Scripted comedy on TV went away for that period and never really came back with the same cultural dominance. When scripted TV returned there was now more room for other genre of entertainment.
(This strike also led to the rise of “Reality TV” dominance and THAT subsequently created the nightmare that is trump… but that’s another story.)
Happy Birthday, bday Buddy T-Bird!
We rock!
Surprised I haven’t seen this one here yet. Farewell you Spanish Peacock. Entirely possible I just missed the posting.
I intend to watch, but I can wait til it’s streaming.
So got a couple of rear speakers for my tv’s sound bar.
They sit there needing to be unpacked.
Apathy strikes at the most inopportune moments.
CW: Finch
Testing out the surround speakers with the latest Tom Hanks film.
That was not bad at all, worth a watch if you have AppleTV+
So last night we did NOT see Eternals, we instead saw the latest Bond film. Pixie’s choice, for her birthday.
Anyone else see it? Any non-spoilery reactions? I thought it was aight.
That’s in my pile of “maybe Redbox….maybe Netflix/HBO/etc….”
Honestly, with the wretched mess that was Spectre and the dubious thing that was Skyfall, I don’t have nearly the enthusiasm for a Bond flick that my younger self would have.
Perhaps because these are not the joyous romps that were offered to your younger self?
I enjoyed it but have no desire to watch it again.
Would have to like to have seen more of the newly graduated agent and the 007 woman in action.
Happy birthday Lost Ralph
I saw “Kate” the other day. Despite being, for the most part, a mediocre and muddled film, I liked the ending.
I also liked the BAND-MAID and Miyavi appearances.
CW: The Harder They Fall
Western time, recently arrived on Netflix.
Watched about the first 20 minutes. Going to finish up later this evening. Looks promising so far.
As the world awakens me so hard, my values have been changed
I make a promise to myself: Never again
A dusty godforsaken path, endless to my dismay
I know these are the badlands, somehow I’ll find my way
Brilliant song. Damn shame about Mike Howe.
Yes on both counts.
So Moana is really just a run-of-the-mill Disney flick, chock full of tropes. But damn, that Lin-Miranda Manuel knows how to get a song stuck in your head.
The big “How Far I’ll Go” epic is fine, but “You’re Welcome” and “Shiny” are both complete burrowers. The latter is the best Glam-Rock song since actual Bowie, maybe?
This one is full of inside jokes, lyrics quotes, and references which you may not get, but I’d still appreciate feedback to see if it makes sense and has a coherent point.
Looks good to me Jack. I got most of the “in-jokes” and based on seeing them I could use context clues as to what the other ones may be.
Not great: Cox cable dropping repeatedly, especially when I’m trying to conduct a Livestream interview with Beatallica.
Thanks everyone. It was a good birthday. 😀
Not sure if it’s me noticing all of a sudden or an actual trend. Seems like every single brewery and restaurant I go to has “live music” which ALWAYS consists of a single man (90% of the time) or woman (10% of the time) with nothing but an acoustic guitar doing slow acoustic covers of typical 70s, 80s, or 90s hit songs. I’m about at my wits end with this crap.
I used to be that guy at some local coffee shops and even one wine bar.
I don’t get out much to bars or breweries these days, but I do recall seeing it a bit pre-COVID, pre-baby.
I actually don’t mind live music, as long as I can hold a conversation with my dinner guests and the wait staff. Well, and as long as they’re not terrible.
First I’ll take my foot out of my mouth. Then I’ll clarify that I don’t have a problem with that particular style of live musician in general. Just wish I could get some variety. There used to be bands in multiple formats at different venues. now it just seems like the same thing everywhere I go. As a guy who typically only likes the first version of a song that I hear, I can say that one of the best things I’ve heard (and will likely, unfortunately never hear again) was a cover of The Beatles “Lonely People” with an insanely rocked out guitar solo jammed into it. But I don’t hear that kind of thing any more. Just slow acoustic versions of the same 20 songs.
You’re good! haha I didn’t mean a defensive response.
My daughter has made the same complaint recently. Apparently emo covers of old songs is a thing. She was telling me about a slow, dreary acoustic version of “Take on Me” by A-Ha in some video game she played.
Can we blame the guy who did that slowed down “Mad World” cover for starting this trend?
We can put the blame anywhere we want. Come to think of it, I have heard some slowed down remakes in very recent films. Can’t remember any offhand and I tend to expunge them from memory as fast as I can. Admitting we have a problem is the first step. Then we can start taking baby steps back to some sort of diversity.
Hubby and I are watching something on WW2. The narrator said they knew the area like the palm of their hand. So…not at all?
If is saw five pictures of just the palms of hands, I highly doubt I could pick mine out from any of the others
JW: Shang-Chi
Well that was a fun MCU film.
We’re going to watch it tonight.
I thought it was pretty entertaining. I also liked a certain character coming back for an extended cameo.
So I’m watching ‘ABBA on the BBC’, basically a collection of the groups appearance on BBC over the years.
Not a bad way to pass part of the evening.
A friend recently sent me this ABBA video, which is lots of fun:
Two movies tonight. Luca with the family. Eh. Pretty forgettable.
Shang-Chi. Good. On the Marvel scale of things, which is pretty high, it’s just OK.
I’d heard a lot about the bus fight going in, but I think there are better scenes in the movie.
Two post-credits scenes. I wonder about the state of one character’s arm.
If you want to keep running your PS4 for years after the closing of PSN:
The new James Bond flick was fine.
But a I’ve noticed since Birds of Prey that I just don’t enjoy modern action flicks as much as I used too. What is weird this doesn’t seems to effect older films as I really enjoyed the rewatch of Aliens and The Fifth Element.
I HIGHLY recommend Nobody. Like highly highly.
Seen and enjoyed.
I’ve found that for new action movies and shows, I’m waiting for the action scenes to pass, so that the interesting stuff can resume again.
John Wick movies are the exception to this rule.
And so, the other night we watched the J-Pop Star Wars episode (skipped ep 1, fearing it might be a bit intense for a 3-yr-old).
Yeah…. It was…. ummm.
What have you all thought of this show? We have yet to watch any more.
We haven’t watched it yet. Don’t know when we’ll get to it.
Soup ads and Terry Pratchett:
CP: Idiot Stare — Jesus Jones
Saw a dead bunny when I went to check the mail. Now I’m sad
I just published a new thing:
I hope it gets some laughs. I’ll probably wait til Monday to promote to the unwashed masses.
The LEGO was Trampled Under Foot.
Been watching “Midnight Mass”.
A new take on an old trope.
Good watching for Oct. I am enjoying it.
A co-worker recommended Midnight Mass. I know nothing about it, except that there’s a twist.
Damn, that show could be funny.
This week I’ve been playing Rime, a game that was one of the monthly games for PS Plus. A good looking arcade adventure with a ending I was not expecting.
Now I just have play through Chapter 2 again to get 100% of the trophies
CW: Midnight Mass Episode 1
Not one to watch if you have a cat.
Or dogs.
A brief history of Teletext:
CW: The Card Counter
Old school aspect ratio on this one, bigger than 4:3 but not quite 16:9.
Even the way the titles at the beginning looked old fashioned.
A very slow burn of a film, a change of pace after seeing the latest Bond flick yesterday.
Am I a bad person because I want to see the Venom sequel?
No, I shall be seeing it when it gets released.
That’s a Van no. 😉
I want to see it too
Just look at those prices! Look at them!!!!
That’s cos if you need to ask you can’t afford it.
Reminder: we’re doing the Palooza thing today!
CW: The Many Saints of Newark
Well acted and took a while for the penny to drop as to why something happened near the end.
Hearing nothing but negative about this.
If you can believe it, I’ve never watched The Sopranos.
We tried watching it about a year ago. I’m sure it was ground breaking stuff back in the day, but it did not look like it had aged well to us and we gave up on it pretty quickly.
So, less than zero interest in some prequel series.
Crap joke for the evening;
Husband to wife ‘ am I the only one you’ve slept with?’
‘Yes’ replied my wife , ‘all the others were nines or tens ‘
Thanks for the fun talk all!
It was a blast! Thank you, everyone! And thank you, Amy for Zooming.
It’s hard to fathom a live action Far Side movie:
With John Larocquette!
Apparently FB is down.
Guess that whistle blower blew really hard…
I switched to OpenDNS but it did no good, Facebook still down.
Looks like Jack is set up to be the next Zuckerburg.
I’m already making billions selling all of your private data.
CP: Oh! — The Linda Lindas
I sense a disturbance in the Forcebook, as if a thousand voices wanted to cry out about political nonsense and were suddenly silenced.
Hey gang! The palooza was a blast. Definitely got a broader feel for the movie with other perspectives.
During the palooza I mentioned that I have set up a business for my wife who makes custom wood burning plaques. Apologies for the shameless plug, but if anyone doesn’t mind, please share the links. This is for the actual custom plaques.
and this is her shop in general where we have sugar skulls, pre-burned plaques, and flight boards (coming soon).
Will pass along!
Facebook is still borderline unresponsive/unusable for me today.
I wonder if I can go back to MySpace.
I am way overdue for a rewatch:
An all-time favorite.
No irony intended around yesterday’s outage and the day the earth stood still. . .
A classic that deserves being called a classic.
We’ve been in tumbleweed mode here too – – but I do wanna humbly request some support for my Led Zeppelin Facebook post on the Metal Hall of Fame main page.
Give it a “Like,” please! Every little bit helps to justify my existence.
Gideon the Ninth is Tor’s free book this month;
Great book. I really recommend it. It’s one of the more original books I’ve read over recent years. I’m looking forward to reading the sequel.
10 years ago I would have thought the news headline of “Captain Kirk Rides Giant Robot Penis to Space” as dubious.
So that book I was reading? “Together We Will Go” by J Michael Straczynski?
Holy shit. Just wow.
Dark, funny, brilliant, thought-provoking, deeply moving. Even a hollowed out, jaded, bitter, old crusty like me was verklempt at a few places. Me!
And I truly never knew how it was going to turn out.
It’s JMS, but not Sci-Fi at all, even if the premise is a little far-fetched.
Sounds intriguing. I do see in the description “We get to know them through access to their texts, emails, voicemails, and the daily journal entries they write as the price of admission for this trip.”. Is it safe to assume that this would be much easier to access in print form than in audio form? I do most of my “reading” anymore in audio books but sometimes the format just doesn’t work well.
I did read with eyeballs, but I assume the right narrator could do the audiobook well.
Narration is definitely a key element, but I’m wondering if there is any kind of crazy visual format used. I once tried and audio book and was hopelessly lost until I looked it up and found that the “book” was put in the format of clippings from newspaper/magazine articles, journal entries, etc. If you couldn’t see the format the text was in, you really had no idea what you were supposed to be getting from it. Sounds like this book doesn’t necessarily have anything that crazy going on or it would have probably caught your attention.
So watched the Midnight Mass final yesterday. Enjoyed the series and it reminded me of Salem’s Lot.
So Black Widow has went ‘free’ on Disney+, I enjoyed it when it was released even though the side characters (especially Natasha’s sister) were more interesting than Natasha.
Don’t these people watch B Sci-Fi movies?
Morning Pan
Today I think I’ll go in and do the early voting thing for our mayor
Watched “The History of Future People” on Netflix.
Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about the “reality” (science, math, physics) of your fiction and enjoy the story being told. This is one of those.
I give it “two thumbs up”.
I have just finished an oddysee that has taken me 10 days. Well technically, still 10% of the project to go but most of the back breaking stuff is over.
Why I did this it’s own post but I now have about 140′ of underground, 2″ conduit running from the utilities at the street back to my house. This involved passing under my driveway, going through the woods, under a sidewalk, accidentally ripping through buried gutter pipes, then passing through the hole I had to drill/chissel through my foundation into my crawl space. Oh, I also had to dig carefully as I had to un-earth existing cable/phone lines that had been buried 25 years ago … without damaging them.
I would work from early morning until dark. Then lay on an icepack for 20 minutes, hit the shower, grab some food and go to bed to start the whole thing again the next day.
Apparently I am not as young as I used to be. By day 3 even my fingers hurt. I could barely close my hand around a door knob and turn it.
I would have finished 3 days ago but the rain started. So add sucking mud and mosquitos to the fun. Oh, also delays caused by the ditch flooding when it rained really hard. Mud. Everything covered in so much mud.
Yesterday though, I finally got all the major piping and “pull through” boxes in place, re-ran my existing cable/internet and got it hooked up.
Now, I am ready to have them run fibre and high/speed internet back to my house. Hope it is worth it.
Today I rest.
This sounds like a triumph of the human spirit kind of a story. I am going to write this screenplay and sell it to Hollywood.
So I have to ask why you had to this and not the cable company?
Oh and do you not have a 5G broadband in your area?
Funny about that.
The salesman came out and said “Absolutely no problem. They can get the fibre back you your house.”
“They couldn’t a few years ago when I tried this.” I replied.
“Oh no, it will be no problem.” He insisted.
2 weeks later …
I walk up to the road to find 2 installer trucks and their drivers are just standing there looking at my property in stunned silence.
“Look at the thing the sales guy said would be no problem for YOU.” I offered.
One of the guys just slowly shook his head in disgust and said “Yeh. They’ll do that.”
There were there for hours just trying to find the “drop” which was run from their distribution box on the other side of the road. Finally they had to call their manager.
He came out and couldn’t find it either so after 20 minutes of looking he declared they couldn’t lay the fibre on the ground through the woods so they couldn’t do the install.
BTW – my current “cable” service can’t stream movies without intermittent buffering and their internet service drops in and out very briefly but frequently which is a problem for a lot of things.
Watching our music video channel and they played this video. While I’ve heard the song before, I don’t think I’ve seen the video before (either that or I scrubbed it from my mind). I really hope it’s a parody of 80s videos. If not… um, no. Just no
This is a song where I prefer covers over the original:
Yeah, it wasn’t so much the song as the video itself that I was commenting on.
Never liked the song. Glad I can now feel strong dislike for the video too.
Glam Metal was already a parody of music in the 80’s. The Darkness ended up being a parody of a parody, which doesn’t quite work.
So today I started a non fiction books about the first man into space.
The prolog covers a failed Vostok launch, a trial run before manned flights and it contained two dogs. The onboard bomb (yes the Soviets were that paranoid) didn’t explode so the parachute deployed and the capsule landed in Siberia. The dogs were stuck in the capsule, in sub zero temperatures for three days. When the capsule was finally reached the dogs had survived.
So that got me in the feels as I was walking home.
Sentimental is me.
Well, “What if…?” was a pretty satisfying ride
Agreed, it’s a pity we will not get to see more of Chadwick Boseman playing Starlord.
They all been pretty good, but the finale was especially satisfying.
The teen was calling out the plotholes in the finale. . . and yeah, they were there. . .
But it was still a fun way to end the series.
I kinda hope that none of this was setup for the next phase.
This is gold.
So many ways to tie your shoe laces:
As long as you don’t get a low integrity knot.
Morning Pan
Hubby has a late night at work today. That hasn’t happened in awhile.
I think I’ll order in Greek food for dinner tonight. Hubby doesn’t like Greek food
Big WandaVision news, but I’m mainly posting for the guy’s hat:
Okie dokey artichokee!
So lose the big nose and have him be a dwarf:
I’ve actually heard good things about this version
A musical. Oh boy.
Peter Dinklage does have really good hair, which is the most important thing.
So Tetris, not just good for killing time:
I live in a condo complex. For those who have been, think something similar to Jack’s place. The person who just delivered my food complained because her GPS took her to the complex but not right to my particular unit.
Not sure what she expected me to do about it.
Gotta love first world problems.
I have little experience with Doordash or any delivery services, but according to my daughter, the drivers who come into her boba shop are often super cranky.
No surprise, I liked the Resident Evil movies. The new one looks intense
So now you know:
Morning Pan
Long weekend here in CanadaLand
Only 6 episodes!
Isn’t this the final season?
So now you know (what’s in a White Castle slider):
JW: Foundation Episode 4
I’m rather enjoying the slow burn of this tv series , reminding me of pre Star Wars sci-fi series and films.
I guess it helps I remember very little of the books, End of Eternity being my fav Asimov novel /shrugs
Just funny.
JW: Squid Game episode 1
Well everybody’s talking about so thought I would give it a go.
I started off with the English dub but it got annoying so switched back to English subtitles and the original Korean.
Intriguing start.
I’m not sure if I will watch it.
Seems like a repackaged version of that franchise where people wake up in some deadly “escape room” and this guy with a deep voice keeps giving them deadly things to do to try and escape.
Can’t remember the name of those films. Never watched more than a few minutes of any of them.
…and if that is the lremise for Squid Games., Desert Pixie out.
Teresa and I watched it over the course of four days. More Running Man than Hunger Games, and there were a lot of interesting things happening outside of the “game.” I would put the violence somewhere between the Matrix and Game of Thrones, I found GOT actually more gruesome. We like it though, I would recommend it and like Pixie, I can’t watch the SAW movies.
Oh, FFS.
I mean nobody should be sacked for having a poor taste in music.
I’ll get my coat.
It’s okay to like British music.
Welcome to the 80’s
Run to the Hills!
Watched the Last Blockbuster docu on Netflix.
Eh, it was mildly informative and mildly entertaining. The woman who runs the store seems like a sweet old lady.*
*probably not too much older than us
teaser trailer for S4 of Discovery is out:
Let’s see if the link works. Amazing that 50 years later, we’re still discussing the Beatles’ breakup. And it’s still interesting.
CW: Old Henry
A western l!
Tim Blake Nelson as the main lead, you don’t see that very often.
Enjoyed that film.
We visited the drive-thru animal attraction up in northern AZ today. Was fun. . . until the 2 hour drive home turned into 5 hours, due to traffic.
Happy Birthday Rhettro!
Happy birthday, Rhettro! Don’t let this be the year you actually begin to age.
Have a great birthday Rhettro!
Gobble gobble, Deadpan
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
My laptop has a touch screen and I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I’ve actually used the touch screen functionality.
I remember being a college-aged dude and debating the girlfriend about Columbus. I didn’t disagree with her that he was a racist oppressor, but I argued that he deserved credit for bravely exploring and changing global perceptions about the earth. (It was a friendly debate, btw.)
I can look back and admit that my point has not aged well. We’re slowly evolving and growing and figuring it out.
I think the Oatmeal is a good summation of my current feelings.
Yeah, there is a big push here in Canada to rethink Thanksgiving because of it’s questionable roots. I’m all for it.
And the Harry Potter movies greatly improved when he was replaced by other directors.
Also, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! It’s been a good one so far.
Your Art is your letter to the world:
It’s -6C right now. Autumn has definitely arrived
Is that an abrupt drop??
Nah. Yesterday morning it was about -3. Tomorrow morning at that time it’s suppose to be -4. *shrug*. It’s fall
It’s apparently snowing in Northern AZ today, where we were on Sunday.
An old Faith No More song that I don’t know! I still haven’t watched.
I cannot dedicate time during a workday to reading an article of this length, but I read a bit. Interesting premise.
Pretty spot-on performance of Robin Williams
I guess a biopic was inevitable
I like the new Tears for Fears song. They’ve both aged well, but it’s still jarring to see those kids from the 80s turned into old men.
I guess I never realized that Orzabal and Smith patched things up.
So just finished a book called Beyond by Stephen Walker.
If you have interest in space flight the bits that cover the Mercury program are going to be old hat but the coverage of the Soviet space programme is illuminating and there was much about Gagarin’s flight I hadn’t known.
The stuff of nightmares:
On the other hand, this could be quite valuable. I believe fragments from observed falls are sought after.
That is the day to play the lottery.
Morning Pan
Another chilly morning.
I’ll say, 13C here this morning.
A little light reading:
Appreciating Carpenter’s best movie. (No offense, Lo Pan)
reading this made me realise I’ve never watched In the Mouth of Madness all the way through, will have to remedy that this weekend.
Devo covering Jimi Hendrix is not necessarily beautiful, but mutated.
I’d never heard this, but it’s pretty great. Zombie Jimi is not nearly the weirdest thing in the video.
I’m not usually a fan of covers, but Devo’s insanity makes anything worthwhile. Great find!
This was new to me.
They were obviously on some interesting drugs.
CP: Eight-Six — Hiroyuki Sawano
Shot 3 is in me.
Speaking of the Shatner. This is some seriously impressive editing:
One of those covers I prefer over the original.
going to be hard to pull of the twist (also used in Bioshock) as everybody already knows it:
Never underestimate the power of being shown “The big picture”
After Shatner climbed out of the capsule, he hugged Bezos. “What you have given me is the most profound experience I can imagine,” Shatner told Bezos through tears. “I am overwhelmed. I had no idea.”
So was it no big deal for Bezos when he went up?
I think you have to have a soul to be effected by an experience… but I’m no expert.
Fascinating list.
The Most Influential Sci-Fi Books of All Time
I’ve read 27 of them. Some were already on my to read list, some other I added.
I’ve read 22. But 2 of them I’m counting even though they don’t exactly match. The collected stories of Arthur C. Clark and The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov I’m counting because I feel like I’ve read enough of their short stories across other anthologies to count.
Also, I think the list should include Dreams with Sharp Teeth by Harlan Ellison.
I’ve read 29. I think it is a pretty good list. Like all lists, ymmv.
CW: In the Mouth of Madness
Only 1H 35 so decided to watch the film with my tea.
So much smoking in this film that is just the first 20 minutes.
Well that was ok(ish), not JC top tier.
The SFX haven’t aged well either.
I’ve been aware of this one, but somehow never seen it.
Carpenter + Lovecraft should be a sure thing.
Well I’’m interested but boy does that title suck balls:
Don’t be that guy:
I’m glad the prevention messaging is finally being directed at the men.
What a deep dive this is! Though it looks like he majority can be skipped.
1. Go to Google Translate
2. Type “Birth Control Pills” in English
3. Translate to German
Well, it’s not wrong
A reminder that Sturzkampfflugzeug means dive bomber, no fancy names for Germans oh no.
Morning Pan
Getting my flu shot this morning
Currently waiting to be stabbed
So that’s S2 of Star Trek Lower Decks put to bed.
Looking forward to S3.
Yesterday was rough, following COVID jab #3. Was exhausted and sore all damn day.
I think today will be better, but the jury is still out.
Feel better buddy. The 2nd dose put me under the following day. I imagine the booster will do the same. I’ll still get it though.
I’m at about 60-70% today.
I did take some life time back and went to a matinee of Venom 2.
Jesus, this movie is utter lunacy. A lot like the first, but they may have upped the crazy a bit further. Pure nonsense with no consistency of plot of rules or logic or anything. Like a B-movie with a giant budget. It’s ridiculous and fun.
Also (not a spoiler), can we please be done with the banshee scream superpower?
I’m looking forward to watching it.
You don’t like this? 😉 https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Sean_Cassidy_(Earth-616)
Gonna assume utter stupidity on the teacher here, but allow for the possibility that we’re not getting all the context. Maybe the educator had a bunch of disclaimers, and the point of the lesson was that sometimes there aren’t two equal and valid sides to an argument.
I’m not sure we can entirely pin this on the teacher. If this is in a place like Texas where teachers are required by law to do this–look up the recent controversy on teaching the Holocaust–then it could be more complicated than it appears.
Of course, the teacher could be 100% an asshat too.
JW: CopShop
Not as bad as I thought it would be for a Gerard Butler flick.
The trailer for the upcoming Batman flick has been released:
While it’s a solid trailer, I’m still struggling to get excited for yet another fucking Batman movie.
Yeah, I can’t say this was something I was wanting or desiring. I’ll catch it when it gets to whatever streaming service or blu-ray rental carries it someday.
Although, that’s about my attitude with just about everything movie wise these days.
DC released a whole bunch of trailers today.
I’ve somehow never known of this song from my favorite Dracula movie (1991):
I have dug Annie Lennox since 1984, but I’ve never thought of her as sexual. It feels dirty looking at her cleavage.
I had forgotten about that song.
Sound on. . .
Started A Bug’s Life for movie night for the sick little one.
About 20 minutes in….. I hope it gets better. I haven’t seen it since the theater.
Roddy McDowall’s last role.
Madeline Khan was in it too, which is pretty cool.
Eh, it does get better after a rough start, but it’s by far the worst movie of Pixar’s golden era.
I’m not that big on things like teaser trailers or posters for upcoming stuff. But 1000 times yes to Gwendoline Christie in anything and I am quite looking forward to Netflix’s Sandman. Just wish they would provide an actual release date already.
Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer? That’s a rather inspired choice.
He looked more like a 70s teen heartthrob in the book – – that picture looks oddly accurate, while also being a progressive step forward.
She’s great. I’m down.
Morning Pan
Turning into a lazy morning
Colin Powell always seemed like a decent human. His colleagues notwithstanding.
The fucker still lied about Iraq having WMDs so yeah but no.
Most credible sources indicate he was given bad intel, and he disowned it afterwards. He definitely called that a “blot on his record.”
But look, I do agree with you that if he knowingly lied, then those led to innocent deaths. . . which is unforgivable.
(One of countless reasons why I’ll never join in on the retro fondness for fucking dubya)
Well The Expanse rewatch continues, finished S3 and started S4.
S4 was a bit of a misfire in my view but New Terra is just one huge BDO and that is a trope I love.
My last free Atlantic article for the month dispenses plenty of good info, without spending a lot of time complaining.
Curious to see if Bunny feels better about being in Alberta in the morning.
Did I miss something? What happened?
If it’s because of this, I don’t see an issue.
Oh, I was under the impression that yesterday’s Edmonton and Calgary mayoral races were a big deal.
I don’t live in Calgary. Airdrie voted in the same mayor so no change there. Even so, I’m fine with the woman Calgary voted in. *shrug*. From what little I know, she seems ok
I assume we’ll be seeing plenty more paeans to David Lynch’s Dune.
Fortunately my son (almost always nicknamed The Boy as in Homer Simpson referring to Bart) has Peacock so I was able to watch Halloween Kills. I thought it was a great ride. I’ve been lamenting the amount of good slasher films in the modern age of haunting and possession stuff. I don’t ever (since I was a young teenager) get actually scared in horror movies. So I’m just not taken in by stuff that builds a spooky atmosphere. The latest Halloween definitely did not disappoint on gore and the story was enough to carry it all. That’s all I really look for in horror.
You know, I’ve only seen the original and one of the sequels – – maybe part 4?
It is great that Jamie Lee Curtis is still involved with the recent Halloween films.
There is some definite oddness in watching these movies as everything up until the remakes (and arguably 3 which had nothing to do with anything) were the same story arc. Then there were the Rob Zombie sequels that I never watched. Then to add even more confusion, there was Halloween (2018) which was a direct sequel to the first movie (thereby ignoring all other sequels/remakes/etc.). The latest movie is a sequel to the (2018) movie, but pays a lot of homage to all of the other movies.
I give Marvel a lot of crap for involving too many characters and plot lines. But at least they tend to stick to one story.
This should be interesting. I love Mel Brooks to death. But his style of humor changed over the years and I just don’t know how well even he will pick up from his old style after so many years. He also just can’t get away with the kind of humor he was pulling off at that time in the current hyper politically correct environment. But if any can make it work it would definitely be Mel and I trust him to not cave in or alter his style for anyone or anything.
I can’t imagine “The jig is up!” going over well with modern audiences.
Mel Brooks continues to amaze, even as he pushes to become a 2000 year-old man.
And “the sheriff’s a near” is RIGHT OUT.
I always wondered if Mel’s comedy changed or if, as I aged, my tastes changed.
A lot of his humor seems aimed at 12-14 year old boys. Sadly, that is no longer me
CP: Accidents of Change — Yutaka Yamada
I wonder how longer the writer had to wait to finally use this pun in a headline:
Fascinating. https://picturing.climatecentral.org/
One of the locations is the Hotel Mar in San Diego, which might have been (if I recall correctly?) a stop during the last Deadpan MMMmmmeetup.
I really should think about doing something interesting
Did you do something interesting?
You’re all worthless and weak!
We’re scheduled to talk to one of the Twisted Sister guys today.
Ah Mel Gibson, he gets a lot work when he supposed to be cancelled:
No lies detected.
I think the main difference between Gibson and the other guys named in the article is that Mel was once a powerful onscreen box office draw. The studio decision-makers probably still look at him and see dollar signs.
The rest are behind the scenes.
Early meetings are for the birds. No pun intended.
The shortages hitting countries around the world.
Not again with the toilet paper!
CP: Toccata in DeMole — Mannheim Steamroller
Work done. House cleaned. Lunch eaten. Time for a nap
CP: The Needle’s Eye — Adia Victoria
More clever than I’d expected.
Deserts, not the wastelands that films like Dune make out:
More clever than I expected.
So good you posted it twice!
Not the first time I’ve had sugary cereals repeat on me.
It was cute
This is an awful story. I immediately thought of Brandon Lee.
I feel like Columbo needs to investigate this. Seems like some kind of nefarious murder plot made to look like an accident. Plus I just want to hear Columbo say “just one more thing” to Alec Baldwin until he can stand it no longer.
I was once shot in the face on a movie set I was working on.
It was the CU shot for a stunt scene in which the actor jumps of the top of a car, rolls to his feet and fires.
They got the scene set up and locked the camera down with a reflector board (lighting) on either side of the camera. The idea is to start camera and then the cinematographer gets out of there.
Except it was a little windy that day and the reflectors were wiggling, which made the light on the actor’s face move around. So the AD screamed at the gaffer who told me and another crew member to get in there and hold them still. It’s all about getting the shot and moving on and YOU don’t want to be the guy holding the team back. So I jumped on it.
SO… guy jumps, rolls, pops up and I am suddenly staring down the barrel of a big ‘ol hand gun from about 5 feet away. Seems like the “357 magnum” was the in gun back then.
I had enough time to think “Oh Sh” and BOOM!
Wadding hit me in the face. Left a pick mark on my cheek and took my sun glasses off my face.
I suspect without the sunglasses I would have sustained eye damage.
We got the shot though and everyone moved along without so much as a “sorry about that”.
It was a glamorous time in my life.
Holy crap!
(If you’d told this story 15 years ago here, the page would have devolved into endless *snickers*)
Time to put together a newsletter.
/drum roll
Get this in a James Bond film:
When did headboard become bedhead?????
To my knowledge, it has not.
Bedhead typically describes waking up with messy hair.
Jack, when you wake up in the morning do you have beard head?
Beard Head is now my new band name.
Or my new superhero name.
Or my new craft beer.
Or my new dwarven fighter RPG character.
RIP Peter Scolari.
At least Robert Sean Leonard is still alive.
CP: One Of The Three — James
Well, the new Dune was quite the spectacle. You can tell Dennis Villneneuve was a passionate fan of the material.
I enjoyed it, but I’m also well familiar with the books, the previous movie, and the Sci-Fi mini-series.
Like Blade Runner 2049, I’m not sure how well it’s going to connect with those who don’t have any background in the material.
Hopefully he gets to give us part 2.
I’m going to be perverse and watch it on my TV today:
Part 2 is still in doubt.
Well said, everyone. I loved it, but I know the book and the Lynch movie. A bunch of the scenes might feel like quasi-mystical mumbojumbo, if you aren’t as familiar with the story.
Hans Zimmer’s score is fantastic. The visuals are gorgeous. The pacing and storytelling are spot on.
Finally, Dune done right.
LMK if we need a spoiler discussion thread.
In a rare Mangan Parent’s Date Night.
We saw Dune, too!
I am not familiar with the books or movie. I did watch and enjoy the mini series, but don’t recall much from it.
I really enjoyed this movie. Alor. I think a theatrical viewing is a must. All of the acting was really good.
Oscar Isaac was wonderful and strong and sincere. He can also pull off a mountain man beard like nobody’s business.
Even Jason Mamoa was good.
I will be very annoyed if Part 2 doesnt happen. You cannot make these sagas without all of the parts. C’mon WB Studios.
We saw Dune last night too. Loved it. T Cat had one worm nitpick but other than that, this was an amazing adaptation.
We also had the same discussion about how much more enjoyable the movies is if you had read the book(s). I think there is enough there that if you don’t know anything about the story, the movie is still good. That seems to fall in line with some reviews I have read, but since I don’t know anyone like that, I’m just guessing.
I only really know the story from the first Dune film and brief mentions of the plot from a sci-fi encyclopaedia from the 70s.
Anyway I enjoyed it, judging from Twitter I was not the only one who thought the dialogue was too quiet at some points, almost like a Christopher Nolan film with the sound mixing.
Yes, there were a few times when the dialogue was quieter than the score and the sound effects.
In case you had some delusions that you’re not old:
I got my first one in 2006. Used it every day until it died, then got a new one that’s still going strong (even though I use it less frequently these days.)
I didn’t realize the first iPod came out in 2001.
CW: Locke and Key S2E1
Yes indeed, S2 has dropped on Netflix.
Replaced the fan on my Dell laptop. . . which crapped out about 1 month after the warranty expired.
What a royal pain that was.
I’d like to recommend a new company slogan that accurately reflects the customer experience:
Dell. Because fuck you.
The laptop I got my daughter for college was a Dell. I also bought a squaretrade warranty…which I’ve just finished using for the third time.
Bought her a new one this year as, even though the warranty still has another year of coverage, having to dance around sending it in and being without it for a couple of weeks while she borrows another one from my wife has become untenable.
Two times, the hinges that hold the display literally fell apart. This part summer, the whole main board just up and crapped out. I’ve never had a laptop experience so terrible.
Definitely done with Dell. Whatever they once were, it has well and truly fallen in the crapper.
“Dude! You’re getting a Dell”
You should upgrade to a Gateway. I hear their customer service is hella awesome.
So far, no rattle in the first 5 minutes since reassembling. Fingers crossed.
Actually, now I’m nervous that the fan will never turn on. . . .
My next laptop will be HP. Anything but Dell.
My last two laptops have been HP, I would reccomend them.
Only downside to HP is they keep selling obsolete hardware long past it’s sell by date so always check the model of CPU before buying.
Christopher Walken in a English sitcom…WTF:
Thanks for validating my Dell hate. I’m not just a complainer.
Ugh, I’m in my late 40s and I have product brand aversions. This is not my beautiful house!
CW: Needle in Timestack
Surely in the running for the worst title of a movie EVER!
Random thought:
Some bits of Vancouver looks like Scotland or Bits of Scotland looks like Vancouver.
That wasn’t too bad actually, a film done a disservice by it’s awful title.
Am I Evil? is fully thumbnailed! In filmmaking terms, this means we have the full storyboard from start to finish.
Great news!!
Im so effin proud of you, Love.
W00t !
Maybe do a backer email to that effect. Not all your backers are here
Yes absolutely, a backer email is in order.
That is super!
Well I jumped the gun and installing the Windows 11 upgrade, fingers crossed it doesn’t all go tits up.
Things appeared to go smoothly and my laptop booted up with no sound, everything appeared to be working but no sound.
luckily Realtek had released an update for the sound driver and once installed voila! sound was back.
Well now to install Windows 11 on the desktop computer, fingers crossed and all that.
Bluetooth audio problem this time, but solved by disconnecting and pairing my Bluetooth speaker.
So so far so good.
JRRT and the Great War:
Morning Pan
Already got a lot done this morning
CW: Moonraker
I haven’t watched it all the way through since I saw it at the cinema back in 1979.
The first Bond film influenced by Star Wars, silly but fun.
Thus Sprach Zarathustra is played at the bird shoot. Also the little musical theme from Close Encounters is played out as the key combination to the laboratory in Venice.
Weird to think this was made before the Space Shuttle flew into space as it features so much in the film.
Just got my Covid booster.
To paraphrase “War Games” – The only way to win is not to play.
First concert in 22 months. We’re off to see Primus playing A Farewell to Kings ( Rush) in its entirety.
Just Pixie and me. We’re both triple-stuck, will both be (the only people in the theater who will be) masked the entire time.
Off to the city this morning. It’s snow tire week. Today, my Boo’s
Good grief!
About 8 hours after my shot, my body suddenly decided it had Covid and went to battle stations., I felt achy and tired.
It was about 11:30 and I crawled off to bed and it just got worse. Fever, aching joints all over, pain behind the eyes. Little or no sleep for me. Then about 5:30 this morning It lifted and I felt great… for about 30 minutes.
Since then it has been kind of in waves.
I’ll say this, if that is just a small taste of how you feel if you get Covid … I want nothing to do with it!
Apart from that, the injection site feels like I had a Tetnus shot.
Going to try and get some sleep now.
Yeah the wave thing I had when I actually caught covid the second time.
You’ve had covid? TWICE?!
Sorry to hear it, Joe. My third dose reaction was pretty rough, but I didn’t have any fever :(. I assume today will not be pleasant, but hopefully the waves calm.
I also don’t remember you mentioning a second bout, Van.
Yeah, last year and early this year, the second was much worse than the first.
Pretty sure I mentioned it, as the second time I had 10 days of fever that would break in the middle of night before rising again the next day. Since both sisters also caught it, there was nobody that could come over and help as we were all isolating.
I felt a little dizzy after my first shot, after the second one I had body aches all over the following day. Teresa caught Covid over the summer(thanks Delta), and even though I my sense of taste decreased for a couple of days, I never caught full blown Covid. In a sense, I almost feel like I got a booster having been exposed to Covid in my home. I’m guessing I will be just as under the weather after shot #3, but I think my prior shots saved me from catching Delta. I’m curious about Van’s second round of Covid.
Also, this article could have been written by Lo Pan.
This essay needs a film adaptation.
With Samual L. Jackson?
China Mieville wrote a history book on the Russian Revolution? I’m going to have to read this one.
He’s been releasing books of all different kinds of styles for the past 20 years or so. Some specfic, some not.
I’ve abandoned a few, but damn – – when he’s on, he’s great.
Yup, read it a while back. It seemed rather dry at the time.
Just checked on Goodreads, read it back. In 2018 WTF!
Primus did a very good job with the Rush album. Les Claypool can’t hit the same vocal notes as Geddy Lee – – and he even said so – – but it was great to hear the songs from A Farewell to Kings.
Less than 10% of the attendees were masked.
Gawd no. We don’t need a movie of The Silmarillion.
I think I’d rather see a legit take on The Silmarillion than whatever Amazon is planning for their upcoming Middle-Earth series.
The CEO of Warner has strongly hinted that it is green-lit. There just hasn’t been an official announcement yet.
It’s now official: https://nerdist.com/article/dune-part-two-announced-legendary-warner-bros-denis-villeneuve/?utm_campaign=social+flow&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com
CP: If I Had A Tail — Queens Of The Stone Age
RE: Van’s link above, I was thinking of this after seeing Dune the other night. . .
The only remaining “sacred” unfilmed text of my youth is Neuromancer.
Snow Crash was a big deal for me, but not quite Neuromancer, )and I think that’s underway(?)). I’d also really loved the Hyperion books, but fuck Dan Simmons.
To Be honest there have been so many good books in the 21st century I would rather more of them get adapted than much older books.
Most of what I read is older, but sure, we should focus on modern-day authors too. But I’m commenting on the formative books from my younger years. Most of those have now been adapted well.
It’s nigh-impossible for a book to come out now that could be as impactful or meaningful as Neuromancer, just because of the time in my life when I discovered it.
Two others that come to mind:
-A Wizard of Earthsea. Forget the awful Sci-Fy Channel miniseries
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. The animated version is just OK. The problem is that every Batman film adaptation since has been a partial rip-off of TDKR.
A newer book that I love, but is probably un-filmable, is Ann Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice”.
Fantasy wise I would love the Divine Cities trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett to be adapted.
Honestly I liked Snow Crash better than Neuromancer, but that just boils down to personal opinion. I don’t think either is worthy of more or less praise than the other.
As for a Neuromancer movie, Johnny Mnemonic wasn’t close enough for you? (ducks to avoid chair being furiously hurled in his direction)
I only read Snowcrash decades after it was released so didn’t have much impact on me unlike Neuromancer.
I read Snow Crash after Neuromancer as well, but I still consider Snow Crash a better book.
I’ve reread them both in the past 5 years.For me, Snow Crash is a 10/10 – it’s more fun, but Neuromancer is a work of art. I don’t think Snow Crash is even Neal Stephenson’s best.
The prose, the ideas, the imagery – – it’s just perfection.
Pretty amazing what hobbyists at home can create these days.
Morning Pan
At the garage. Getting snow tires put in hubby’s car today
Ok, The next Pixar film is looking good:
I’ll just say it.
There is is no way the movie can be as good as that trailer.
What a trailer!
Interesting that they replaced Tim Allen with Chris Evans.
Well some people have opinions in that it seems:
My eyes can’t roll hard enough.
The thing that was puzzling me is how this can be about the actual Buzz Lightyear that inspired the toy when it obviously takes place in the far future (many many many years after the toy was released). Looks like they have addressed that. Looks like it’s meant to be the movie about buzz lightyear that inspired the toy. So its a movie about a movie that inspires a character in another movie. Very Inception-like.
1. The Exorcist (1973) ·
2. Hereditary (2018) ·
3. The Conjuring (2013) ·
4. The Shining (1980) ·
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) ·
6. The Ring .
7. Halloween (1978)
8. Sinister
9. Insidious
10. IT (2017)
Interesting list. I’ve only seen 6.5 of them.
I have never found slasher movies to be scary, just gross and occasionally shocking.
And OK, The Ring is worthy, but really, it’s just that one incredible scene. The rest is pretty goofy.
Same with the slasher/splatter films.
I’ve only seen 3 on this list. I like spooky more than bloody. It’s easier to make “jump scare” slasher films then to write a really creative, scary script and I suspect they make the same amount of money.
I did get that Am I Evil? backer email out last night. Thanks for the nudge, Bunny.
Strange, I didn’t see it.
Nope, not in my junk mail either.
Weird. I’ll see if any other donors didn’t get it.
I dont see an email either.
I got the email, Jack.
I did too.
Got it yesterday.
It was in my spam folder, but I freed it and got it.
Bloody vikings.
CP: Smells Like Teen Spirit — Malia J
If you need more Dune:
Maybe Friday I’ll watch a movie
Morning Pan
This morning it’s my car that gets servicing and snow tires.
I never knew there was a soundtrack for “The Crow” graphic novel. This was before the movie was made.
I must check this out.
Tangentially related: I have tremendous love for The Crow soundtrack for the first movie.
I can’t today today.
Trailer for Vonnegut documentary:
Hans Zimmer was clearly a BSG fan.
Or Lawrence of Arabia
Those soundtracks are fairly different. The similarities to Bear McCreary’s work is striking.
But yes, if you are pulling in North African & Middle East influences there would be obvious similarities.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the “Lawrence of Arabia” soundtrack and I can see some of the influence of this in the “Dune” soundtrack, especially the quieter orchestral sections:
“The One” is a good example of that.
But in the more ominous, dark parts, it sounds much more like BSG than LoA imo.
“Herald of the Change”
This was the moment in the movie when the score really hit home.
The track is available for streaming.
Yep, great piece, and one of the ones that remind me a lot of BSG.
Compare “Herald of the Change”:
with “Two Funerals”
Skip about 1:14 into both tracks.
Today I learned there is a Route 66 themed restaurant near the Leaning Tower of Pisa. My worldview is shattered.
You can get your kicks further afield now.
Meh. There’s a McDonalds right across from the Pantheon in Rome and has been for a long time. I got used to this years ago. 😀
JW: Star Trek Prodigy E1
Aimed at kids it maybe be but that was a damn fine start for any ST series.
Really? We were kind of meh on it
Yeah, really enjoyed it.
It felt like an animated Star Wars series to us
Morning Pan
The weather people say there is a 100% chance of snow today
I leave for the city in half an hour. By the time I head home, the snow esp will be falling. I don’t want to go out
It felt too much like Star Wars animation
Sorry, this was meant for the Star Trek post
Well each to their own of course but the animation was far superior to any Star Wars animated series I’ve seen.
Not the animation so much as the story style
I think I ran over a squirrel. Traffic was around me so I couldn’t do a sudden stop. I didn’t feel anything so I hope that means he managed to get out of the way. In sad now
CP: Argyria — Esben and the Witch
TIL: Lenny Kravitz cowrote, produced, and even sang a bit on Madonna’s “Justify My Love.”
A bit of wet snow in the city. Coming home it was dry outside city limits
Hubby and I have been watching the newest season of The Movies That Made us on Netflix. Because of this, we watched the original Halloween earlier this week.
In a nod to that, I think today’s movie will be the 2018 remake.
The Netflix write up: A masked killer who went on a Halloween night murder spree 40 years ago escapes incarceration, targeting the victim who got away—and her family
A record player
Interviewing his doctor
Yeah dude, tie your shoelace
Do not cross the line under any circumstances
Yeah, that will never be listened too
The Kirk mask
Ok, that was weird
I wonder if they used painted gourds in this one
Money talks
(But it don’t sing and dance, and it don’t walk)
Do you believe in the boogeyman?
Exploding a pumpkin head
Get over it
Target practice
Side note: here comes the snow
Chugging wine
Missing dance class
Bus crash
Death is happening now
Boob shot
They’ve actually managed to capture some of the feel of the original in some shots
More dead bodies
The British Reporter is in trouble
All that for a Captain Kirk mask. He must really love Star Trek
Hidden basement safe room
Nobody’s home
It’s hammer time
Noe, it’s knife time
Wow that neighbourhood has a lot of kids
I didn’t hear anything
Famous last words
Messing with the kid
Side note: my toes are cold so I turned on the fireplace
Don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead
Shooting at mirrors
Who let the dogs out
They can’t find Allison
Oscar bit the dust
You know, in Far Cry 6 I use a bow. Mine has exploding arrows though
Ok, didn’t see that coming
No controlling the Michael
Wow, what strong leg muscles he has
I want a doll house that looks just like my real house
Ray can’t hear you anymore
The spotlight’s on him
Who wouldn’t be scared?
Way to give yourself away
Woah. More mannequins
She found Ray
That male mannequin is anatomically correct. How odd
Is he going to poker her with the poker?
He’s strong
She did start the fire
I think it’s time to leave
And they left
Movie’s over
It wasn’t bad actually
That’s the most positive thing I’ve ever heard about Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake. I’ve never seen it, I just know it was pretty universally hated.
This is the remake with Jamie Lee Curtis. Not the Rob Zombie one.
The Rob Zombie movie was 2007 this was 2018
Oh! My confused.
I have actually heard that the recent ones with elderly Jamie Lee Curtis are good.
Soooo. The 2018 isn’t a remake. It’s a direct sequel to the 1978 Halloween and the one that comes before Halloween Kills. If anything it could be said to be a remake of Halloween II because it completely ignores any of the other sequels.
It’s still snowing btw
We’ve been watching the What We Do in the Shadows tv series, which so far, has been pretty hilarious.
I’ve never seen the movie, but I’m told it’s not necessary.
I found the series is better than the movie
Talking about Shadows I’m currently watching a documentary about The Shadows, never knew Hank Marvin came from my neck of the woods.
Still my fav Cliff Richard and the Shadows appearance:
I’ll get my coat.
It’s not necessary, but it’s definitely good and worth watching.
It has stopped snowing. Fortunately it’s warm enough that it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Everything is wet but not white
Morning Pan
A nice dusting of snow on everything this morning
CW: Shazam
It’s on Netflix so decided a rewatch was in order.
Pity Mark Strong won’t be in Shazam 2 he’s a great bad guy in this.
Shazam, showing how fucking soulless that Snyder cut of Justice League was.
So we had to go to the specialty pet shop today to get frozen mice for the snake. Always fun to browse on there….
They had a Goliath Birdeater spider in a tank, which was pretty awesome. I’ve seriously never seen such a big spider. It looked fake. I wish I’d taken a picture.
I’m kinda creeped out even thinking that this thing is in the same state as me.
No, no, no!
Give us the co-ordinates so we can nuke it from orbit..
So Uranium glass was a thing:
I didn’t remember any bullfighting stuff from the book, but it’s been many years and a lot of spice ago.
So after reading Twitter I discovered that the main overhead lighting in rooms is called the big light and a lot of people hate switching it on.
Care to chime in North Americans?
I vaguely remember a time with table lamps from when I was a kid. I don’t think I’ve owned anything but overhead lighting since the 90s. I do know there is a massive desire for “soft” lighting bulbs that don’t look so harsh. But even there I differ. I like to use the “daylight” bulbs and get things as bright as possible.
There are a few examples of UV-lighted cabinets for uranium glass on Reddit.
Wrong thread.
I’ve lived in both situations. I am not crazy about having the super bright lights on, unless I’m reading.
No real reason why. What is your preference? What’s the preference in the UK?
Old school, I don’t have any lamps so keep the main lights on in the evening. But I have never called them big lights.
Are we picking a date for Buster Scrubbs?
Sometime in November?
Which starts tomorrow?
I finally watched Event Horizon last night. I’ve heard for decades how terrible it is, but curiosity got the best of me, so I borrowed it from the library.
I liked it a lot more than I expected. It has flaws, sure, but I’m not sure why it’s considered to be a turkey.
We like Event Horizon
I thought it was just because it bombed at the box office.
CW: The Night House
Creepy horror film for Halloween.
Hubby and I watched Aliens last night. Instead of getting our copy out, we watched it on Disney+. Turns out, this is the theatrical version. It took us a bit to figure this out.
We kept wondering what happened to certain scenes, did they cut them? Nope, we just got use to the extended version.
Rewatched it with one of my sisters a while back and we realised it was the theatrical cut when a certain scene near the beginning was missing.
I saw someone on FB talk about the scene where Ripley learns her daughter died of old age while she was in cryosleep. That’s apparently a deleted scene.
Have spacesuit will hike:
Windows 11 update is a disaster so far. They seemed to have changed something crazy about the Documents, Music, and Pictures folders so that the path is no longer users/… So, Google Sync and iTunes have now gone kablooey on me until I figure out how to redirect them. Going to tell Mrs. Asshat to avoid the update until I can figure it out so she doesn’t have to go through the same issues. What surprises me is that the internet is not already flooded with questions/answers on this. I can’t possibly be the first to have this happen.
I take back the iTunes issue. It was just blocked up asking me to sign back in again. It is still connecting to the library file.
Apart from an audio issue that was quickly rectified installation went smoothly for me.
Morning Pan
Back to the city again this morning
New Sneaker Pimps song:
CP: So Far Gone
Comments saying this song has some history to it. Still dig it quite a bit.
Becoming X was such a great 90s album.
CP: Pretty Little Angel Eyes – Showaddywaddy
Has anybody else here watched the Netflix show Vinchenzo?
I watched the first episode and really like it. I hope it stays like this throughout all 20 hour and a half long episodes.
I’ve never quite gotten Porcupine Tree. I like them, but I don’t get the obsession. Anyway, here’s their new song. Get your Prog boots on.
The article seems to question his true motives, and the amount of money he’s making off of these, but I still think he’s making a positive difference. E.g.: I, for one, thought that “Aged Vanilla” actually meant something more than “vanilla syrup.”
Watched the Nick Cage madness that is Mom and Dad last night. Great movie, horrible-horrible-horrible ending. I’d still watch it again.
“Nick Cage madness.” Redundant? I haven’t heard of this one.
I’m still morbidly curious about Mandy (that’s the one with the giant chainsaw fight?)
Watched this movie of his a short while ago. I found it more baffling than anything else.
I don’t hold the same Nicolas Cage affection as most of our generation. He’s fine – – and Raising Arizona!! – – but otherwise, eh. I certainly won’t watch a movie just for him.
I loved him in Raising Arizona, didn’t like his mid period when he first turned to action movies. Lately he has been taking on really interesting new stuff and I’ve started liking him again. I think he’s definitely a Shatner-level over-actor (as opposed to an extremely talented actor like Alan Tudyk), but it’s fun to watch. Mandy was OK. Willy’s Wonderland was fantastic. Prisoners of the Ghostland was good, but I don’t see how they came to the conclusion that it was a horror movie.
I still have Pig to watch.
I think we’re on the same page. He probably got incredible paychecks for all of those weak action movies, so I guess I don’t begrudge him that. It’s not like I’ve ever sat down and watched Gone in 60 Seconds,
I got a lot of work done today. It think it’s time to reward myself with a piece of Japanese cheesecake
I had to google as I was wondering what the difference was:
I think I’d prefer this to American cheesecake.
I’m not quite sure how I feel about this one:
Apologies if it was already posted…I didn’t see a mention when I was catching up on comments.
I loved these books. It would be cool to see The Shrike done right on film, but I’m torn.
Dan Simmons is a truly ugly, mean-spirited, awful person. It’s hard to separate art from artist in his case.
(I should practice what I preach, huh?)
I suspect it will fall into the trap of having to cut too much from the books plot and ends up pleasing nobody.
Morning Pan
A busy morning here in Bunnyland. At least I don’t have to go into the city today, so that’s a plus
Can someone move India closer to the US, so I can sleep in a little later every day?
A brand new Godzilla short film from Japan:
So looking at an ad for a Sonos Roam and wondering when it became socially acceptable to play loud music when you are outside at the beach or camping.
If you are an aficionado of the beach, this has been a problem for a while now. As if the assumption that everyone wants to hear your music (instead of say … the surf) wasn’t bad enough, often all your neighbors can hear is either end of the sound frequency. So just the base or just the very high end.
In essence… even if your neighbor LIKES your music you are just inflicting noise.
Bulletproof ball gown:
That was cute
Because we haven’t really been playing, we haven’t bought a new board game in quite some time. I’m hoping to fix that next year.
We’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of our Clank!, Betrayal, Exploding Kittens, and Flux games. Not sure what our next game will be but the Epic Encounters box sets for 5e look interesting.
So wait, you only have a handful of games? We must be doing something wrong with our wall full of them
I’m getting there.
Well that was one fucked up dream.
It was about a death if a friend and a large orchestra.
No fun 🙁
I believe I was hit on today. Took Leeloo to the park, and the only other people there were a mom and her 4-yo-son. She immediately introduced herself while the kids played, then within a minute told me she was single, was chatting me up, etc.
And she was attractive! Serious guns. And here I am out of shape with my terrible shaggy hair, my terrible shaggy beard, the Mangan hairline, etc. Completely taken by surprise.
And look, I was not playing into it, initiating, etc. Happily married and all that. I’m not a player, nor do I crush a lot. It was just weird.
She caught on pretty quickly to my hints (and my wedding ring maybe?), then asked what my wife does for work, then started talking astrology, asked my wife’s sign and mine, said that Capricorns (me) and Scorpios (Tiffany) are good romantic matches, then said that my sign and hers (Gemini) were fine for friendly conversations, but not a good pairing for romance.
Just recording the experience for posterity.
Well you know what they say, the only thing worse than being hit on is when you stop being hit on..
That sounded better in my head than typed out.
Van jokes about it … but As I’m reading this I’m realizing it has been a long time since I even had a gay waiter flirt with me… and even then they were clearly trying to up their tip but still I appreciated the effort.
Yea for you Jack!
Work. Ugh.
So this weekend I will be going to a concert for the first time in almost two years.
It involves a train journey and staying overnight.
Go me!
I prefer gravy granules myself.
Tony Mast needs to do a European festival called Blood SausageFest.
Medievalist Historian reviews Movies with medieval setting:
The hole left by the slaughter of whales:
Santa themed erotica is a thing:
No ho ho ho, not clicking that link.
It’s safe for work it’s about the book that is in that genre.
Carrying on from the Facebook “conversation”.
I think when Dune 2: Dune Harder comes out it will make Dune a better film. As of know, for me, its just kinda…. there. Its a real pretty there, but still.
Sure thing, Van. 😉
“A better actor than Jason Momoa” is not much of a statement. See the different Conan films.
Although I thought he was fine as Duncan Idaho. (Others have said he was FINE as Duncan Idaho, bu that’s a different conversation)
Some may prefer their own private Idaho, I’m feeling Minnesota.
Underground like a wild potato.
I’m kidding I dgaf about either Momoa or Jordan being Duncan Idaho because I dgaf about the character of Duncan Idaho
You guys say that but there is water at the bottom of the ocean.
Although Rhett, you’re looking California.
Yeah, but when he’s not kissing babies, he’s stealing their lollipops!
Meh on “Down With the Sickness,” (it’s decent, sure) – – but this guy performs it in 20 different styles.
Faith No More and Earth, Wind, & Fire may be the best of them.
He outdoes himself with 51(!) styles for Master of Puppets.
And happy birthday to my main squeeze, Desert Pixie.
She makes my life, my home, my family. <3
<3 allllll the love for you and our family.
Well that is a bit depressing:
Happy birthday Pixie!!!
Happy birthday!
Yea Pixie !!!
And happy birthday to my main squeeze, T-bird!
… and to Desert Pixie as well.
Happy birthday to Rhett’s better half!
It’s a Birthday Palooza!
Happy birthday T-Bird!
CP: Devotion — Viva Voce
The end of the laugh track.
There have been shows that were great, in spite of it: MASH, Taxi, Night Court, Seinfeld – but good riddance.
*canned laughter*
Lots of people hated the laugh track but I never minded it. Great jokes transcend canned laughter. Bad jokes…. it never helped
I think someone (not me), should go back and add a laugh track to all the old Deadpan episodes.
You are just a contrarian.
(Insert laughter here)
Am not!
Will add that this article completely edits out the influence of the 2007-2008 writers strike on the demise of the laugh track. Scripted comedy on TV went away for that period and never really came back with the same cultural dominance. When scripted TV returned there was now more room for other genre of entertainment.
(This strike also led to the rise of “Reality TV” dominance and THAT subsequently created the nightmare that is trump… but that’s another story.)
Happy Birthday, bday Buddy T-Bird!
We rock!
Surprised I haven’t seen this one here yet. Farewell you Spanish Peacock. Entirely possible I just missed the posting.
I’ve been trying to pretend it isn’t so. ☹️
I’m not sure why this news has been rebounding. He died in Oct 2020.
If the Highlander franchise is any predictor, he’ll inexplicably return in the sequel.
I got tricked by the interwebs! Need to get better at checking before sharing.
I am always down to honor Sir Thomas Sean Connery, though. RIP, Zed.
Eternals not getting good reviews:
I intend to watch, but I can wait til it’s streaming.
So got a couple of rear speakers for my tv’s sound bar.
They sit there needing to be unpacked.
Apathy strikes at the most inopportune moments.
CW: Finch
Testing out the surround speakers with the latest Tom Hanks film.
That was not bad at all, worth a watch if you have AppleTV+
So last night we did NOT see Eternals, we instead saw the latest Bond film. Pixie’s choice, for her birthday.
Anyone else see it? Any non-spoilery reactions? I thought it was aight.
That’s in my pile of “maybe Redbox….maybe Netflix/HBO/etc….”
Honestly, with the wretched mess that was Spectre and the dubious thing that was Skyfall, I don’t have nearly the enthusiasm for a Bond flick that my younger self would have.
Perhaps because these are not the joyous romps that were offered to your younger self?
I enjoyed it but have no desire to watch it again.
Would have to like to have seen more of the newly graduated agent and the 007 woman in action.
Happy birthday Lost Ralph
I saw “Kate” the other day. Despite being, for the most part, a mediocre and muddled film, I liked the ending.
I also liked the BAND-MAID and Miyavi appearances.
CW: The Harder They Fall
Western time, recently arrived on Netflix.
Watched about the first 20 minutes. Going to finish up later this evening. Looks promising so far.
As the world awakens me so hard, my values have been changed
I make a promise to myself: Never again
A dusty godforsaken path, endless to my dismay
I know these are the badlands, somehow I’ll find my way
Brilliant song. Damn shame about Mike Howe.
Yes on both counts.
So Moana is really just a run-of-the-mill Disney flick, chock full of tropes. But damn, that Lin-Miranda Manuel knows how to get a song stuck in your head.
The big “How Far I’ll Go” epic is fine, but “You’re Welcome” and “Shiny” are both complete burrowers. The latter is the best Glam-Rock song since actual Bowie, maybe?
Morning Pan
I expect a quiet day today
Well now you know:
Man, I enjoyed Diwali last week (no early morning meetings).
So today watched the first episode of Arcane that is set in the world of The League of Legends game.
Pretty cool.
We’re still working our way through Vincenzo. The we have a lot of video on our to watch list.
CW: Dexter – New Blood E1
Dexter has changed his neighbourhood to somewhere much colder than Florida.
It’s that time again!
This one is full of inside jokes, lyrics quotes, and references which you may not get, but I’d still appreciate feedback to see if it makes sense and has a coherent point.
Looks good to me Jack. I got most of the “in-jokes” and based on seeing them I could use context clues as to what the other ones may be.
Thank you, sir!
CP: Radio Silence — Blue Peter
Goodbye to Dean Stockwell:
85! Wow, bravo for a great career, and hopefully a great life.
What do you mean I have work today? I’m pretty sure I’m on holidays
Busting myths about WW2:
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has become quite the eloquent and thoughtful writer:
“I say the next time this f*** head gets injured on the field. They should bring in Joe Rogan to fix the bones” -Howard Stern
Wow. Awesome article. Thanks for sharing, Jack.
CP: How Not To Drown — CHVRCHES & Robert Smith
Well, just finished “The Harder They Fall” on Netflix. A beautiful mess and a tragic waste of a brilliant cast.
The B-side to Van’s hated Seasons in the Sun: “Put the Bone In.”
I want to live in the universe where that was the hit and that utterly depressing shite song was quickly forgotten.
But sad songs say so much
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Elton John!
In the past is a link to a possible future:
It appears Lo’s hatred has had some effect on the gods of TV:
It sounded like most viewers hated it.
Hubby and I went out and got new winter coats today.
Good for you Denver, maybe you could persuade the British museum to return stolen artefacts:
Although there was one objection from a Dr. Henry Jones, Jr.
The story behind the now sought after Alien children’s toy:
Paul Rudd? Rhett was robbed!
Sexiest pot belly maybe.
Well there was that scene in Pulp Fiction.
CP: In My Room — Yaz
Solving the Entombed maze generator:
You don’t realize how dependent you are on your internet connection until it goes down. Fuckers.
You’be never heard Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell?
They paved paradise, put up a parking lot. With unreliable internet connection.
for some reason Windows 11 now shows the battery level on my bluetooth speaker.
so that happened..
Not unexpected with all the chip shortages but bugger:
CP: Spam — Save Ferris
Interesting read. I’ll reserve cynicism and snark.
Happy Birthday to ditto!
Ditto to what Van said, Ditto!
Happy birthday, ditto!
You have the same birthday as Wallace Shawn! Inconceivable!
Artemis is exciting stuff:
Not great: Cox cable dropping repeatedly, especially when I’m trying to conduct a Livestream interview with Beatallica.
Thanks everyone. It was a good birthday. 😀
Not sure if it’s me noticing all of a sudden or an actual trend. Seems like every single brewery and restaurant I go to has “live music” which ALWAYS consists of a single man (90% of the time) or woman (10% of the time) with nothing but an acoustic guitar doing slow acoustic covers of typical 70s, 80s, or 90s hit songs. I’m about at my wits end with this crap.
I used to be that guy at some local coffee shops and even one wine bar.
I don’t get out much to bars or breweries these days, but I do recall seeing it a bit pre-COVID, pre-baby.
I actually don’t mind live music, as long as I can hold a conversation with my dinner guests and the wait staff. Well, and as long as they’re not terrible.
First I’ll take my foot out of my mouth. Then I’ll clarify that I don’t have a problem with that particular style of live musician in general. Just wish I could get some variety. There used to be bands in multiple formats at different venues. now it just seems like the same thing everywhere I go. As a guy who typically only likes the first version of a song that I hear, I can say that one of the best things I’ve heard (and will likely, unfortunately never hear again) was a cover of The Beatles “Lonely People” with an insanely rocked out guitar solo jammed into it. But I don’t hear that kind of thing any more. Just slow acoustic versions of the same 20 songs.
You’re good! haha I didn’t mean a defensive response.
My daughter has made the same complaint recently. Apparently emo covers of old songs is a thing. She was telling me about a slow, dreary acoustic version of “Take on Me” by A-Ha in some video game she played.
Can we blame the guy who did that slowed down “Mad World” cover for starting this trend?
We can put the blame anywhere we want. Come to think of it, I have heard some slowed down remakes in very recent films. Can’t remember any offhand and I tend to expunge them from memory as fast as I can. Admitting we have a problem is the first step. Then we can start taking baby steps back to some sort of diversity.
Hubby and I are watching something on WW2. The narrator said they knew the area like the palm of their hand. So…not at all?
If is saw five pictures of just the palms of hands, I highly doubt I could pick mine out from any of the others
JW: Shang-Chi
Well that was a fun MCU film.
We’re going to watch it tonight.
I thought it was pretty entertaining. I also liked a certain character coming back for an extended cameo.
So I’m watching ‘ABBA on the BBC’, basically a collection of the groups appearance on BBC over the years.
Not a bad way to pass part of the evening.
A friend recently sent me this ABBA video, which is lots of fun:
Featuring Rick from the Young Ones as the record exec.
I am intrigued, entertained and completely creeped out by this video.
Have you not seen the ‘is she dead and talking about her killer’ video?
Russ Heath and Lichtenstein:
It’s a pity that Lichtenstein didn’t rip off “Cowgirls at War”.
The awkward thanksgiving letter:
Two movies tonight. Luca with the family. Eh. Pretty forgettable.
Shang-Chi. Good. On the Marvel scale of things, which is pretty high, it’s just OK.
I’d heard a lot about the bus fight going in, but I think there are better scenes in the movie.
Two post-credits scenes. I wonder about the state of one character’s arm.