By Request! We can keep up the general chit-chat on the other thread – – but this page can serve as a central MMMmmmeetup info and news space.
By Request! We can keep up the general chit-chat on the other thread – – but this page can serve as a central MMMmmmeetup info and news space.
Sitting at the airport waiting on Van
Boom chicks boom
Boom chicka boom
Waiting to get through customs.
Lots of Germans this trip.
Move your tush Van!
Geez. Who knew there was a new thread?
Guess I’m not in the In-Crowd this weekend.
It’s my fault. I demanded a mmmeetup thread. Sorry! 😉
Hides in CJ’s pocket.
Seriously, I’ll probably be nursing alcohol this weekend wishing I was there.
I’ll be not nursing alcohol, but wishing the same <3
So, am I the only one who just has Deadpan open in a browser all the time, refreshing upon my return home to see the latest comments?
I have it as an RSS in Feedly. Sometimes I can only manage to check it in my morning and after dinner home computer sessions. But, then there are good days where I can get to it more frequently.
I usually read the comments on my phone and leave a tab on the safari browser set to the current page.
Had a wonderful dinner/visit with the group. Now I think it’s time to settle for the evening.
Goodnight Pan
Sweet dreams! Enjoy your patio (though I don’t recommend sleeping out on it.)
Missed, you all are!
It’s 3.30 in Arizona, time for a crap joke;
A couple out walking came across a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a coin. The wife did likewise. But she leaned over too far and fell into the well.
“I never imagined theses things really worked.” said the widower.
Oh I thought you being up at 3:30 was the crap joke
The Thrill Is Gone, Long Live The King
BB King
Sept 16, 1925 – May 14, 2015
Amen brother
Stupid internal clock. I’m up, showered, and dressed. It’s still some time before I’m meeting ditto and Van
Yeah that sounds like a disaster…
Ah Lo. I’m glad I can count on you to put things in perspective 😉
Its the goggles that do it
beer goggles?
I am much too phone lazy to flip between here and the other page…
Bitches yes
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I think I hear an Englishman walking around in my home.
Hide very well…
I think everyone is afraid you said “Blow me” because it got really quiet.
Well if i didnt already have Van….
Heh! I blew you a kiss as I flew past Denver…
I knew I felt a disturbance in the…force…
We were going to go to the Grande Canyon today bit, apparently, there is heavy snow on the way there. We’re thinking of going to the airplane graveyard instead
Did it really take me 3 hours to get online at work and see this? Good luck and safe journeys, whichever way you go.
(And call to make sure all roads to the GC are open)
I’ve fallen.
That moment, when you sent a data text and suddenly remembering the person question has mobile data off, that.
Well, Bunny, don’t leave us hanging! What’d you all decide to do?
See above.
We went to the airplane museum. Currently on the bus for a guided tour of the airplane graveyard
Sorry the GC didn’t work out. 🙁
Next year *shrug*
I just booked a turnaround flight to Dallas on June 3rd. I leave Denver at 6 a.m. And land again in Denver at 8:10 p.m. I’m tired already!
What the actual shit??
I wish my DC trip in 2 weeks was like that.
I thought they would have had enough of you last month. How long is this one?
I’ll be in DC but you’ll have left already… in 4 weeks.
Hell of a commute.
The song track to the tumbleweed today is an album by The Monkees.
The rain in Phoenix falls gently on the plain.
The window will be open tonight so I can fall asleep to the noise.
Make sure Jack knows so he doesn’t step in tour puddle
Morning Pam
Another 6am start of me I see
Me too
If you’re bored, you’re welcome to knock on my door and share my coffee
We can prank text all the lazy bum Deadpanites who are still asleep
I’ve been awake since 6 too. Just takes me a while to get to my computer.
Well I’m being lazy and waiting for the alarm to go off to spring into action.
Boing, boing
The doors to my patio don’t seem to be sealed properly. There is a wet spot on the carpet right in front of them.
(Yeah,my rah. Insert wet spot comment here)
Yeah my rah? WTF auto correct?
A lot of people tend to think of me as a Star Wars Geek. But I self identify more as an animation geek. Found this one today that really does hit a lot of good points for me. What’s going on in the animation itself is just as interesting as the story (and in this case the music).
I’ll have to look at it later. The wifi is pretty flakey in my room
That was a visual feast.
Wifi is terrible this morning
So I left the window open last night to listen to the rain and wake to the sounds of tropical rainforest.
Still noisy though, do you get owls in Phoenix?
Or possibly a cuckoo.
..and that one sounds like a parrot.
Not an Ex-parrot, I hope. 🙂
Hopefully not a a Nordic Blue.
Enough procrastination, shower time.
We do get owls. The desert is full of wildlife.
Bad Yotes rumor.
This is a result of the Glendale politicians whining, i.e., acting like AZ politicians.
Other sources from the Coyotes are saying that the Canadian press is just stirring up shit.
We’ll see. Human pettiness and human greed are the true problems here, as is the case with most things.
Enough of this nonsense. I’m heading to the lobby to people watch
Be there soonish.
Stuffed, in a good way.
Indecision, our name is Deadpan 🙂
Indecision always calls for naps
I’m not sure what to do about it.
I saw what you did there.
The Ambassador is in the hizzzouse!
Now tired
I still can’t believe I won at CAH.
Goodnight :Greased Up Matthew McConaghey:
Will you look at that. I managed to sleep in an hour later than yesterday
Well, I think I’m going to see what there is to graze on
Wow. I actually slept in.
Well I suspose I had better get up.
I made it to the airport, checked my bag, purchased a saguaro cactus to see if it will thrive in Florida with my Peruvian cactus, and I’m waiting for my first flight. Thanks to all for making me feel like part of the family. And extra special thank to Ed for going out of his way to make sure I got everywhere. I’m definitely going to try to make it out again next year.
Safe travels
Well met, and safe travels to you!
Great seeing you again, UsedHat! Have a smooth trip home.
Wot they said.
Great seeing you. Have a good trip home
Silly me. Now I understand Ed’s comment to me about road construction on the 101 ramp.
Blame it the shock of Jack’s CAH win. I’m going to milk that one for days.
I was so close to get a zero close.
I did. 😉
Me too.
BBC weather tells me it will be 28C in Scottsdale today.
Better not forget the sun block.
So I suspose I should keep that I like tea to mast a bit in my mind and not spoken out loud.
I’m coherent. I didn’t mean to drink those beers,d but I did. Whoops. Thank you all for sharing some time in my home last night. I’ve been hemming an hawing all morning about attending today’s festivities, however my sick little boy has locked in my decision to stay home. 🙁
I feel so bad for him. He’s just not feeling his best.
Will miss you all until morning!
Thanks for your hospitality this weekend CJ. I’m sure we will be doing a game day again so you and Ralph can attend.
All is quiet today.
Tastefully subdued.
Something tasteful? Around here?
I and all my beer made it back just fine. Safe travels to all the other returning panites as they straggle away from the center of the universe.
Nicely done, asshat
Goodnight, deadpans everywhere.
Safe travels Ed.
So that moment when you spend all day with friends and not one of them tell you that you’ve been wearing your T-Shirt inside out..that.
Maybe they assumed that coming to America had filled you with the spirit of Kriss Kross and you were doing it on purpose.
-Thanks, Cj and Ralph, for hosting and feeding and shuttling and being fun with us.
-All the absent Deadpanites were sorely missed and talked of often.
-It’s been truly great being Deadpan with the crew this weekend.
goodnight :edge of the deadpan universe:
Looks like you guys had a great time!
6am it is then
I’m not sure how it happened but, magically, there are two chairs around the table on my patio. I say this is magic because I still have the original two i took, in my room
That coffee machine is really a replicator.
Hope they dont charge you for two chairs…
Chair Pixies…
Wow, Bessie was wonderful’
I’m at our breakfast spot holding us a nice roomy table. You’ll like our waitress. She’s one of my favorites.
I loved her tattoos.
That too 🙂
Sitting at the gate, relaxing. It’s been a fantastic weekend!
Cj and Ralph, thank you for co-hosting the Saturday night festivities once again. Rhettro, thank you for a fantastic gaming day on Sunday and for being a wonderful GM! We must arrange Roll20/Google Hangouts sessions. Ed and Ditto, thank you for providing taxi service. And of course, Jack and Pixie, thank you for hosting the whole weekend and for being awesome. Deadpan is the way!
Safe Travels!!!
Not forgetting Cynthia’s contribution to the food.
…oops. THANK YOU, Cynful!!!
Made it back OK.
Thanks for the great time, everyone! 😀
Well time to head home.
I think I thanked everybody in person, was a great weekend, thank you.
Made it to Vegas. Waiting to board the plane to Omaha.
Dammit, Call The Midwife…
Uh oh, is the new series up?
The finale was Sunday.
Oh yeah. . . back to reality tomorrow. . . Well, that’s going to suck.
This weekend did not suck, though. Thank you all for another MMMmmmeetup of great fun and bonding and memories.
So, are we continuing this thread, or back to the other one?
I vote there’s no going back!
Don’t look back. You can never look back.
I was satisfied with Mad Men from start to finish. Well done!
I wish I felt the same about this last season.
In the end … this season felt like a slow meandering slog that was apparently al just a set up to get to that very last punchline.
To avoid being spoilerific, that’s all I’ll say about that at this point.
Well hello Heathrow.
Rain causing chaos, flight to Newcastle delayed by over an hour.
Time to start wading through the hundreds of emails in my work inbox. 🙁
Mostly done with emails. Now I have the 5 conference calls to look forward to. 🙁
Morning Pan
Up, showered and dressed. Now it’s time to wrangle me up some chow
Hey ditto. In a WTF moment, when I put the chairs back on the patio, to door worked perfectly and didn’t need to be played with at all 😆
Figures. lol
New Holly Miranda album out today. I highly recommend it!
My awesome fiance ordered me the new FNM, and the CD arrived yesterday! I can’t believe I drove in to work today with new Faith No More to listen to.
and how was it? Did it put you in the mood, baby?
Well Pan, I’m packed and ready. In an hour I check out of my hotel and head to the airport
I want to thank Jack and Desert Pixie for hosting another great year.
Thank you to Cj and Ralph for an awesome Saturday night, and to Ralph for volunteering to drive me to the airport.
Thanks to Rhettro and his lovely wife for hosting Sunday gaming.
Cynful for helping to finance Cj’s awesome Saturday party
Thanks to everybody who made it out here, in person, or in spirit.
Generally, thank you.
I love you all
Safe travels!
So I’m home.
I beat the bunny :-p
Thanks to all for a great weekend.
I can see normality on the horizon..ack!
I knew after you spending 6 hours in the Phoenix Sun, that you would sleep on da plane. 🙂
Yup 🙂
I appreciate everything that everyone brought to the weekend. Everyone really went above and beyond. This podcast and community has been such a huge, positive part of my life for over 9 years now. Deadpan has gotten me through an unbelievable amount of turmoil and upheaval. I deeply appreciate all of your support and encouragement of my dumb creative endeavors over the years – – and especially your friendship and your own creative contributions.
Thank you, everyone. (group hug)
I’m really looking forward to seeing you all at next year’s MMMmmmarriage-up!
Now the long wait begins
Mad Max review from a friend of mine (a mild spoiler)
” It is definitely not a remake.
If I had to guess, I’d say it happens on a timeline BETWEEN Road Warrior and Thunderdome. I’m only saying that because one of the first things to happen is that Max crashes the Black-on-Black, which he had at the end of Road Warrior, but did not have at the beginning of THUNDERDOME. The director himself apparently controverts me on that, but what does he know?
Bottom line: SEE IT!! 98% on the Tomatometer, and about 25% of the reviews are genuinely rapturous. “
Sunday, Bloody Sunday.
So, under, “there’s no way I’d be that trusting”, the woman seated next to me asked me to watch her luggage while she went to the washroom. There’s her purse, presumably would have money in it, and her iPad.
I’d never be that trusting
Every time that occurs in the movies or on TV … you are almost immediately descended upon by a SWAT team who thinks the bags full of evil are yours … or there is an earth shattering KaBOOM!
In other news… I checked in comparatively late. It was less than12 hours before my flight. In a happy coincidence, there were only four seats to choose from and one of them was one I would have wanted regardless. I was happy. :happy:
finally finished watching S3 of The Americans..bloody hell.
Yeah, buddy. They’ve set up some interesting possibilities for next season.
I finished watching the series finale of Justified.
One of my Top 3 favorite TV series ever.
I was happy with that finale.
The bunny has landed
You will believe a bunny can fly!
I just synced up my Fitbit tracker and found out that on Monday, between the zoo, the airport, and everywhere else I went that day, I walked 15,806 steps – a new personal best! It only beats my old personal best by 24 steps, but still. :happy:
Reality comes with porridge and blues on the radio.
Are you in the 3 bears’ house?
All I can say is the porridge was neither hot or cold but just right…
While I know of this “rule”, I don’t see why it’s a big deal if it’s broken. If they want to switch sides, so what?
Exactly, you aren’t a delicate flower after all.
It’s just another example of the Thought Police on Twitter. I agree with Bunny: if they want to walk that way, let them.
This can’t be real. I think we’re being trolled.
Probably true.
I meant: you are probably right.
I think the thing that disturbs me about this the most, is that it is the centre of ANYONES attention.
So many real problems in this world and somehow we need to fabricate stuff like this to focus attention on?
Morning Pan
Last night I was cuddled.
Today I actually slept in and am well rested.
I’m ready for whatever the day brings.
Anyone with experience or opinions of Evernote?
Only a little bit. I was forced to use it because of another app, but dropped both once Microsoft started supporting mobile.
CP: Distant Early Warning — Rush
You sometimes drive me crazy, but I worry about you.
Well hello Jet Lag.
Thank you, employee, for having a meeting with me in my office and then telling me you puked twice today and need to go home.
Hopefully they’re pregnant?
Now THAT is an X-Wing board.
There’s a mission for you Jack.
Oooh, now we’re talkin!
which one is Porkins?
He got fried. 😉
This one is Porkins, Joe.
The Force is strong with this one.
Stay on target.
So this happened:
I haven’t seen the original yet.
Me neither. I’ll save this for later.
I still have faith in the Wachowski siblings. Missed that in the theater, but I’m looking forward to catching it on Netflix.
Morning Pan
It is another day.
Today’s spam mail subject was just confusing.
It said, “Where”
Is Waldo?
The Wild Things Are?
Did you find Carmen Sandiego?
CP: Bedroom Hymns — Florence + The Machine
I’m not alone:
Ah, I see the problem. While, I suppose it’s technically true, Blade Runner is based on the PKD novel, I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as a movie unto itself. It may be inspired by Do Androids, as opposed to based on, but that’s as far as I take it.
Blade Runner is a good movie, unto itself. Do Androids is a good book, unto itself. Don’t look for the two to meet, and you’ll be fine.
Don’t start talking sense to me Bunny!
This is DEADPAN!!!!!!!!!!
Oh it was good to find somebody else who doesn’t think the sun doesn’t shine out of Ridley Scott’s arse.
Well after watching the season finale of ‘The Flash’ , the season has been impressive enough to forgive it for leaving us with a cliffhanger.
Well at least this is one thing Van and I can agree on.
So the U.S. English voice on the Navmii app is called Ed, I did ask if it came from Texas but did not get reply.
Wee doggy.
That’s Wee Doggie to you, buddy!
CW: The Late Show with David Letterman Series Finale via Chromecast.
Thank you, Chromecast and to Jack Mangan for getting us Chromecast. FTW!
Bravo to Dave’s Final Top Ten List!
Anyone (as in Vanamonde) seen Ex Machina?
I did, and it’s worth checking out.
Just don’t go in expecting a blockbuster because it’s a throwback to serious scifi films that existed before Star Wars.
Thank you, everyone!
Jack, I prefer OneNote.
School’s out… I am working a lot so still not on the pan board like always is the case except for when it’s not.
Some of my co-workers have sung the praises of OneNote.
Over two decades of not managing people doesn’t make you suddenly capable of managing people.
My head just broke trying to picture Van saying, “Dude!”
In other news, I think I found something more dangerous to time than a link to TV tropes
Actually my comment was aimed at me. Some of my work colleagues decided I would be perfect for a job opening purely on the basis that I’ve been here a long time.
Ahhhh, a time honored tradition that has made so many great organizations … mediocre.
I also like the one where they keep promoting a guy/girl who is really good at their job until they get them into a position where they ARE NOT good and then they leave them there.
Gotta love the Peter Principle.
Yeah. Except we all know Van is not mediocre 😉
I would be as a manager! :-p
I would be TERRIBLE as a manager.
At the very least, I would hate almost every minute of it.
If you fancy a career change:
*Experience with sticky floors a plus*
Well Deadpan, I think it’s time.
Today’s post mmmmeetup movie is Seance: the Summoning
The PVR write up: Four college students break into a morgue to video themselves holding a seance. They summon a demon by mistake and try to find a way to destroy it before it can kill them all
There will be no theme today, jus a normal pbp
Hooray! This movie has all three parts that make a good B movie
Bruce Campbell, Lance Henriksen, and Kurt Russell?
There are two types of people on this earth
Those that believe in the spirit world
And those that do not.
The devil likes them both…
All the O’s in the credits look like pies. Now I want pie
Look at all the funky candles.
Wow, these girls are tLented. They were able to talk without moving their lips
That’s not the devil, that’s the God of pleasure and abandon
This will put hair on your tits
If you work security for a morgue, do they actually let you take the hearses out for pleasure rides. I. Mean, I’ve heard of getting a company car but really.
An old hospital converted to a morgue. Seems unlikely
Spicy Christian
Speaking of mediocre, she’s proving she’s medium. Er, a medium
Are we allowed down there
I’m the security guard, I cam go wherever I want
Can you say, ex security guard
The body freezer
The trocar sword
He’s dipping his joint in embalming fluid. Is that a thing?
Ack, she got locked in the kids room
She punched him. He deserved it
Hmmm. Just looked it up. I guess embalming fluid dipped joints is a thing
Time go a washroom break. Back in a moment
Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, the why I don’t believe this speech
Seriously? An ouija board? What kind of spirits wait around hoping someone will pull an old board from the cupboard, before haunting them? No wonder they are all pissed. It’s got to be terribly boring just twiddling your thumbs, hoping someone near by has an ouija board and will use it soon.
Seriously spirits, there’s got to be a better way.
Sorry. My own personal rant
Ghost p.o.v.
We are a third through this movie and nobody has gotten naked yet. If they count the candle of the naked girl as nudity, I’ll be a little upset. Especially since melted wax drops were covering the naughty bits
There’s something wrong
He broke the circle
Joey is a seer
Spirit cam is really weird
Surprise, surprise, one of them has had treatment for psychosis and is on medication
I’ve never judged what you do but…
There’s only one letter between witch and bitch, and you’re both
Joey broke the circle again
Do shirts really just rip off like that? I may have to experiment
He created a new circle… With the guy’s head
And, the phone is dead
Joey is the Easter bunny
Apparently hypnosis doesn’t work unless you give permission
She’s going to show him Marcus
Ummm, why did they take him there if they wanted to be somewhere else?
He’s going to go deep
I guess he didn’t like that question
Sigh. I just love it when movies give me sermons on how all will be ok if you just put your faith in god
The garbage can is eating her hand
Her screaming is turning the demon on
That must have hurt
More screaming. More demon getting off
Oh my god. You do not know how much this movie is pissing me ogg
Or pissing me off. Take your pick
I’m going with ogg.
Hey, Jude
Baby killer
Good god. If you’re dying, just effen do it and put us all out of our misery
GTW:Supergirl pilot
Nice touch having the film SG and the TV S playing her mom and pop.
Where is this? I don’t seem to have it on my TV schedule anywhere.
Ok, that was fun.
BitTorrent airways
Yeah, I caught that. Just wondering what station/date/time it was on originally. I looked it up. It hasn’t come out yet. I guess it was leaked to torrent and other sites several months early.
Kill the rat
Ew. Really?
This movie ended rather ambiguously. I’m going to go with evil won since that would make me happy
Isnt a seamce a summining? Why use two similar words in the title? Confuse us?
Maybe they raised an undead thesaurus.
By the way, the most this movie had was a bit of side boob, nipples covered, and a naked candle. I’m calling shenanigans on the nudity warning at the beginning.
The word of the year for 2015 is “shenanigans.”
I see what you did there
I just cant win. In 2015.
I know what I’ll be playing this weekend:
Went to see the U2s in concert tonight. Took the kids, and a good time was had by all. That Bono is still a helluva frontman.
There were a bunch of highlights, but “Bad”* was transcendent.
*Their own song, not a Michael Jackson cover.
U2s sounds like a covers band.
Congratulations Eire on voting yes.
Was just coming on here to post same thing ! Yah!!
So there are 15 US states more entrenched in the past than super-Catholic Ireland.
Well there still have Northern Ireland for company.
/rolls eyes
Morning Pan!
Question for ditto: Have you started playing Witcher III yet? I’m installing it now but will probably be another week or so before I start. Wanted to get your first impressions. Gamespot gave it a 10/10.
I got the special edition, that statue is a lot heavier than you’d think
I’ve played about 5 hours on Blood & Bones and really like it so far. I’m not sure what kind of difficulty level you like, but I’m not finding B&B too hard so far. You need to block, use alchemy, and pay attention, but at level 2 I’ve defeated a couple of level 5 wolves, so long as there aren’t too many. Strategic running is essential. 😀 I’ve heard people complain about the text size, which is a bit difficult to read. And your inventory may get cluttered, but I haven’t had a problem yet. All in all, the game looks beautiful, and it is very much fun to play.
I’m planning to cross-post on FB, but we oughtta start talking about continuing our Star Wars thingy on Roll20. This would put demands on Rhett’s time, of course, and require some schedule-herding, but I think we can make it happen. Rhettro, you should probably take point on the timing of it.
BTW, this is not exclusive to those who were present for the sessions in Colorado or last weekend in AZ. I’m perfectly willing to let other interested parties play or co-play my character as well. Just seems like a great opportunity to hang out together some more and roll funny-shaped dice – – real or virtual.
Let’s discuss.
Agreed. I will try and make this work.
There’s a google hangout app for iOS, will have to see if that can work on my iPad.
There’s an option on to launch it into a Google Hangouts session. I think this is the best way to do this as I think everyone has a Google account and if not, they are easy to set up.
So the steps would be:
1. Create a Google account(if you don’t have one)
2. Set up Google Chat to work with your microphone and speakers.
3. Go to and press the red Google Plus button to install the Edge dice tools app.
4. Click on the link I provide to connect to the game session.
If everyone who would like to play can get through number 3, I’d like to have you test out a session with me to make sure everything is working properly.
Not all ruins are open to tourists:
Why that got posted there is more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle.
Your crap joke for the witching hour:
A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As
she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his
stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest.
After a moment or two, the vet
shook his head and sadly said, “I’m sorry, your duck, Cuddles,
has passed away.”
The distressed woman wailed,
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead,” replied
the vet..
“How can you be so sure?” she
protested. “I mean you haven’t done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or
The vet rolled his eyes, turned
around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later
with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck’s owner looked on
in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his
front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from
top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and
shook his head.
The vet patted the dog on the
head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later he
returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also
delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat
back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and
strolled out of the room.
The vet looked at the
woman and said, “I’m sorry, but as I said, this is most
definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.”
The vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and
produced a bill, which he handed to the woman..
The duck’s owner, still in shock, took the bill. “$150!” she
cried, “$150 just to tell me my duck is dead!”
The vet shrugged, “I’m sorry. If you had just taken my word for it,
the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the
Cat Scan, it’s now $150.”
Considering it consists of two teams I loathe, this Western Conference finals is great
I will be the Western Conference winner’s biggest fan when they’re facing the NYR in the Finals.
Not so fast…..
You know it was a great concert when the Wee People are still talking about it days later.
Sometimes we do find what we’re looking for.
Off to the flicks to see Tomorrowland…it started earlier than Mad Max,,,
Which was fun but badly paced and a cardboard cut out baddie.
Goodbye to a beautiful mind:
This is awful news. 🙁
The new Ms. Marvel comics are a real treat. 🙂
TEB: I’m not sure what difficulty level you are playing, but if you are playing B&B, keep plenty of dried fruit in your inventory. Pretty useful for healing during combat.
So an article called ’10 facts you didn’t know about Hitler’ begins with the line:
Adolf Hitler is certainly one of the most controversial people in the history.
Poor Adolf, he was obviously misunderstood…..
He was the Kanye West of his time.
Turns out Kanye be leaving the country cause its racist.
CW: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell E1
not out here yet 🙁
I have the book and not got round to reading it. I enjoyed the first episode.
I listened to the audiobook and was somewhat underwhelmed. I expect those who like Neil Gaiman will enjoy it.
Who has the attention span for a 700+ page book?
I read it. It was ok.
Well bank holiday in the uK, best try and be as lazy as possible.
oh and Happy Birthday Jesse.
Morning Pan
A beautiful sunny day here in Canadaland.
Friends from NY flew down on Friday. We drank Friday night, hit a free downtown Pat Benatar concert on Saturday and Drove 2 hours each way to watch Rush last night. Got home from Rush at 1am then we got up at 5am to drive them to the airport. Good thing it’s a holiday today. I really need a rest right now.
Pat Benatar and Rush in one weekend!
Full disclosure: I would absolutely go see Pat Benatar.
If you do, you better run
Ok this could all be a crap joke, but these are claimed to be genuine complaints to a UK holiday company:
1. “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.”
2. “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.”
3. “We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.”
4. “We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.”
5. “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.”
6. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as white but it was more yellow.”
7. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers in Puerto Vallartato close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time — this should be banned.”
8. “No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.”
9. “Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.”
10. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local convenience store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.”
11. “The roads were uneven and bumpy, so we could not read the local guide book during the bus ride to the resort. Because of this, we were unaware of many things that would have made our holiday more fun.”
12. “It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.”
13. “I compared the size of our one-bedroom suite to our friends’ three-bedroom and ours was significantly smaller.”
14. “The brochure stated: ‘No hairdressers at the resort.’ We’re trainee hairdressers and we think they knew and made us wait longer for service.”
15. “When we were in Spain, there were too many Spanish people there. The receptionist spoke Spanish, the food was Spanish. No one told us that there would be so many foreigners.”
16. “We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.”
17. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.”
18. “I was bitten by a mosquito. The brochure did not mention mosquitoes.”
19. “My fiancée and I requested twin-beds when we booked, but instead we were placed in a room with a king bed. We now hold you responsible and want to be re-reimbursed for the fact that I became pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked.”
I call bollocks, but damn its funny
Those crazy Czechs:
And Mate….
So May 25, 2015 is a British bank holiday, US Memorial Day, International Towel Day, and the 3844th Anniversary of the release of Star Wars in 1977.
Setting my Inane FB Post Tolerance to Maximum.
Well I know where my towel is.
Hanging in the washroom like mine?
Are you spying on me? :-p
Oh you meant Ryah…
“Hanging in the washroom”
Way to go Samantha:
Fury Road achieved, Ex Machina up next.
No coded message, we’re just seeing 2 movies today.
Wow, these movies could not have been more different.
Excellent! Thank you for participating.
Srsly, I was trying to see if my phone’s fancy little images would appear in the comments. It failed. Otherwise, you’d now see an image of a ☁
is that a black cloud?
Our double feature movie day was a great success!
total spent: $1.50
fun had by us both
Off to see the Mad Mad film today.
Ummmm ok then.
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Well I enjoyed the BBC radio adaption of the first three Earthsea novels .
You have a link for those?
Yeah, time is running out though:
I’m re-reading the Earthsea novels now; I’d done the first 4 about 20 years ago. These are seriously great books.
Well, that was fun. Don’t know if it’s made the national news, but large chunks of the Houston area got flooded, with more than 10″ of rain falling in places since last night. We did ok with only 4.5″ in my area. I was supposed to chaperone my daughter’s band trip today, but it was canceled. But, I can’t yet get into work as the roads I need to get there are still under water.
Glad you are ok. We aren’t floating away here either… yet… but it would be great if it would stop raining.
Yikes – – stay safe, Ed and Texas family.
A river runs thru us
Happy Birthday Mr Flint.
You just beat me! 🙂
Yes, have a very happy birthday!
Happy Roaming Asshat Day!
Hi Deadpan! I am so far behind on things… Miss yous!
You is missed round here too, Ess!
Morning Pan
Rip Tanith Lee
I have to admit, along with le Guin, she was an author I never read as I devoured scifi.
In my youth
Bloody storage company lost one of my boxes.
Thankfully looks like I got all my books back.
Happy B-day oh ye asshat
Happy Sally Ride day as well also too
Thanks for the birthday wishes all. Much appreciated. Quite an interesting day so far as my boss (or at least the story of my boss) seems to be lost somewhere between “fired” and “quit”. Funny thing is it really has minimal impact on my team. We’re pretty self sufficient.
Hope you have an amazing birthday AH!
Phone: When I type “I hope your day has been”, why would you suggest the next word to be “blowing” ?
Your phone didn’t suggest the name “Felicia” after “your” did it?
I missed that Tabletop episode!
“Tabletop episode”
Oh. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Happy Birthday, R. Asshat!
Number 2, make it so
Holy Crap! What just happened to Gemma on Agents of Shield?!!!!
Isn’t that Peg Bundy on SoA?
That’s funny you mention that, as Mrs Bundy was in Pitch Perfect 2…
You stop that
This is just funny.
(Hope the link works)
A lazy morning before work in the afternoon.
Listen writers of iZombie, 17C is not cold.
Maybe they’re from Phoenix.
Morning Pan
Finished GTA V yesterday. Today I start Witcher 3. I had to go on line for a synopses of the first two to refresh my memory :silly:
Well Pan, after a six month break for life stuff, I start belly dance classes again this afternoon. Wish me luck.
Well since I actually thought you were doing ballet classes…
Good luck.
I don’t think I have the body for ballet dancing.
I’ve got one in the freezer in my garage.
You can borrow it if you want.
Good for you! We expect a performance at the wedding.
Code Pink is never a good thing. 🙁
A drill I hope.
Raspberry Pi 2 arrived today (model B), my tinkering sense is tingling.
I eagerly await your first FTL drive!
No pressure!
Holy crap, am I tired of meticulously constructing critical emails.
Hakuna potata
On a happeir note:
Happy 93rd birthday to Christopher Lee!
Holy shit!
And happier.
He’s been around the block a few times.
This guy is more than my hero.
Jesus, Lightning, could you have shit the bed more?
Time to lay off the booze.
Pretty sure Ben Bishop was sauced.
The Bishop!
His team just stopped playing in front of him. And Lundqvist was superhuman.
Let’s go Hawks ( I feel ill saying that). I want a game 7 of this series
Your wish is granted.
“Calling all girls of the opposite sex” – Electric Six
Your chance is coming up in 3 days!
Ed, btw, please swim up to the surface for a few minutes to check in and let us know that you and the family and the pairs of every animal species are ok.
Yes indeed. We’ve managed to stay high and dry since Tuesday. Though the bayou that runs behind our house is running at probably the highest level I’ve seen as all the water that fell north of us is now draining. Still, it would have to rise several more feet and cover a large amount of lower land before it threatened our house personally.
Sadly, there are quite a few homes in the greater area that have never flooded before and were considered in the flood plain that did get water. That rain pattern that formed Monday night was unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Good to hear you are ok.
The jetstream is split and locked. Not good.
Thanks for the update, Ed. I do continue to hope for the best. We don’t want to start calling you “Ed from Atlantis.”
God Damn! This is awful news and surreal when we just saw them 4 days ago.
Crap joke for the day:
A drunken man walked into a bar and, after staring for some time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her and kissed her. She jumped up and slapped him silly.He immediately apologized and explained, “I’m sorry. I thought you were my wife. You look exactly like her.”…“Why you worthless, insufferable, wretched, no good drunk!” she screamed.“Funny,” he muttered, “you even sound exactly like her.”
Code Pink cleared yesterday- never heard if it was real or a drill. My gut says it was a drill, but all is well.
Morning Pan
It’s a gloomy, grey day outside.
Today is our youngest’s birthday. 27. *sigh*
Feeling old yet?
Some days. :ermm:
CP: Web — Thee Oh Sees
TEB: What do you think about Witcher 3?
I’m only an hour or so into it but am quite enjoying it so far, ditto
I’m seriously frustrated today. /Stuart Smalley.
In your downtime, relax with another excellent FNM piece.
JW: Mr Robot
An impressive start and pisses on Scorpion from a great height.
Although at some points it did almost make me understand what depression feels like.
Are we talking about Styx and getting Rocked Like a Hurricane?
New series about computer hackers.
I prefer Jack’s
Here I am.
Well I updated my Mac (daddy) laptop to Yosemite OS.
At least, I’m trying to.
Why would you name your new OS after a short-tempered, violent little man best known for saying “Back off!” on mudflaps and for constantly getting outwitted by a rabbit?
Was that off the cuff or were you waiting for an opportunity to use that?
That was my gut reaction to Yosemite. I’d never heard of it until Tiff installed it.
I mean, what’s next – – Apple Fudd?
Gossamer sounds more like a name that would fit the Apple brand.
Awesome (in the true definition of the word).
Morning Pan
Last night hubby tried an Irish Cream Stout. He liked it but said you couldn’t really taste the Irish Cream. Sorry Van.
Well I suspect I would have agreed with him.
Did they tout it as actually being brewed with Irish Cream syrup? Because more than likely it was a Cream stout brewed in the Irish tradition – hence the reason he couldnt taste the Irish Cream as there was none.
Way to make me look at the bottle 😉
The flavour text says: Screaming Banshee has an Irish Cream flavour that gives this stout a smooth, defined sweetness. Try it with a hearty meal and, might we suggest, drizzling over ice-cream.
Based on that, I think they were going with the liquor, not the place. But, must turn to Google to see.
Ok, on rate beer (, it looks like it really is Irish Cream.
Beer advocate has it listed but doesn’t say much about it.
Can you say, irony?
Now it’s time to clean the washroom.
CP: Hungry Town — Big Pig
Bonk was a great late 80s album from an Australian band overshadowed by INXS and Shriekback.
I actually don’t remember them. What was their biggest song?
Probably their biggest hit:
Speaking of music from the soundtracks of my youth. I really need to leverage Spotify to find more of Pee Wee Herman’s girlfriend.
F in Friday today, stands for fuck today!
Washroom cleaned and laundry folded. Now to figure out how to play the new game I got in Arizona so we can try it this weekend.
CP: Everything Reminds Me Of My Dog — Jane Siberry
Ok, think I’ve got the basics of Alchemist. Let the testing begin!
One thing you should know: once you’ve brewed a recipe, you don’t need to make it any more. When you meditate, it will be replenished, usually with just one alcohol. I only recently found that out. 🙁
Umm. You’re referring to the Witcher, right? Not to the board game, Alchemist, I picked up on the Monday in Arizona?
Meditate with alcohol? Why didn’t I think of that?
On the Witcher, ditto, I’m hot on the trail of a griffin. I found it’s dead mate. I’ve also given “swallow” to the girl in the herbalists hut but enough time hasn’t gone by so I don’t know if it helped her or killed her.
Oh look, the Stampede guide has come in the mail. Let’s see what strange foods will be up this year…
Mini donut Popsicle
Peanut butter kabobs
Deep fried cheese pie
Jalapeño lime fudge
Peppercorn steak poutine?
Cockroach pizza
Red velvet chicken strips
Lobster corn dog
Flambé pastas
Cactus hamburger (made with cactus instead of meat)
Dragon hot dog (apparently it’s in the Guinness book of records
As a general rule of thumb, the only way I’ll pay for a hot dog is if it’s smothered in so much shit that I can’t really taste the hot dog any more. Looks like they’ve taken that idea to the extreme.
And what an utter waste of a wonderful sounding cognac.
Ogre cone (made with 4L of ice cream)
Crazy cones (corn tubes filled with ice cream)
Jalapeño poutine mini donuts
Glazed donut grilled cheese
Ginger sugar churros
Seriously, these are all real foods being served at the stampede this year.
Another reason to avoid the Stampede grounds
Made my tea of sausage,mash and gravy (with onion rings and roasted parsnips) almost virtuous in comparison.
How do you get all of that stuff into a tea bag?
That Cornish Pasty company gave me the idea…
avoid the Stampede grounds? I’m trying to figure out how to get there. I’ve never been fortunate enough to have carnivals near me with that kind of range of food. We only get gyros, Italian sausage and funnel cakes.
Tell me cockroach pizza is just a funny name.
Sorry Jack, its name is what it is
I would eat the shit out of a lobster corndog
I can’t watch it, Van.
/shakes fist at YouTube
*My* spirit just died a little.
I can watch it but I can’t watch it.
(I kid, I’ll check it out later. I love a good mashup, no matter how blasphemous).
Does the FIFA Presidential Election really require all of this media attention today?
It does when half the FIFA committee have been arrested.
Hubby and I watch football (a.k.a. soccer) so were interested in this. It bothers me that the current president was re-elected. Although, the scandals didn’t really surprise me. FIFA is alot like the IOC in that both are full up corruption and bribes.
Also has implications on the long arm of US law enforcement.
I joked to T Cat that there are so many presidential candidates running so they can “audition” to be the next FIFA head. 😉
It was on the front page of all 5 newspapers here at my hotel yesterday. Huge news!
Fully Invested Fraud Artists.
CP: Disc Wars (None Like Joshua Vocals Remix) — Daft Punk
So, the season finale of “Person of Interest” was pretty intense. I was surprised they used “Welcome to the Machine” from Pink Floyd. 🙂
Looking forward to Season 5.
Yes. Though, it was certainly reminiscent of the finale of Angel. Glad it got renewed.
Wisdom from Twitter:
@OKBJGM: there is no “indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark,” but maybe there should be “indiana jones and the idiocies of brand marketing.”
CP: Big Pig – I can’t breakaway, thank’s to ditto’s youtube link.
Man, there’s a song I haven’t heard in a long long time. I think I only ever had a copy of this song from taping it off the radio.
Yes, yes…now get off my lawn.
And, I just ordered a copy of the Bill and Ted soundtrack from Amazon. I think I may have actually had this on an actual cassette. $5 for a copy of the CD is too hard to pass up.
Never heard of it:
Lightning strikes.
Whelp there’s one team I dont give a shit about in the finals. Lets go for two
Hooray for indifference over loathing!
I think youve just nailed my Finals slogan…
Never not funny.
Crap joke for day:
John and Jessica were on their way home from the bar one night and John got pulled over by the police. The officer told John that he was stopped because his tail light was burned out. John said, “I’m very sorry officer, I didn’t realize it was out, I’ll get it fixed right away.”Just then Jessica said, “I knew this would happen when I told you two days ago to get that light fixed.”So the officer asked for John’s license and after looking at it said, “Sir your license has expired.”And again John apologized and mentioned that he didn’t realize that it had expired and would take care of it first thing in the morning.Jessica said, “I told you a week ago that the state sent you a letter telling you that your license had expired.”Well by this time, John is a bit upset with his wife contradicting him in front of the officer, and he said in a rather loud voice, “Jessica, shut your mouth!” The officer then leaned over toward Jessica and asked. “Does your husband always talk to you like that?”Jessica replied, “only when he’s drunk.
I fondly recall an uncle of mine telling this joke. His delivery was a joy.
Talking about laughter:
Not know a bad guy from Empire Strikes back and The Last Crusade..pfft!
So nice to be home!
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
New fav earworm
Good tune. I can see how you earwormed that.
I had to turn the volume down, all the way to zero.
Go fuck yourself Van
You bite everytime.
Your fetish is no secret
It is to ME!
I’m wondering if it’s a glitch, but Hulu has all the episodes of Aquarius up right now. It just started this week and is supposed to run through August.
No glitch. NBC did it on purpose
“At press time, a team of nautical engineers at Stanford University have announced their intention to design and build a Holy Diver, as soon as they figure out what the hell that is”
Ummm part 2:
I’m glad this kind of shitty exploitation is international.
I don’t know that glad is really the word I would look for here. I’d be happier at any reduction in shitty exploitation rather than seeing it as a world wide trend.
I do know what you meant though.
This is bloody brilliant and sobering:
Saw Dan Andreas today, it was what expected it to be.
(funny autocorrect)
Yes, San Andreas, a disaster film.
I’ve never read Dune, it’s £1.99 on Kindle today, hmmmmm.
It’s worth reading. I’ve read it several times. 🙂
But, personally, I wouldn’t bother with the rest of the series. It’s all downhill from the first book, imo.
CD: Howe Sound Imperial Hefeweizen
Hilarious phone autofill suggestion of the day:
Following up “problem with” with “Barry.”
I know one Barry who’s supercool, who I haven’t seen in 14 years.
Cone of shame covering all
You’re only happy when you’re pissing me off
What have you been drinking?
Roddy Boddums up!
Good day at PHX Comic Con. I ran into CJ and Ralph, scored some awesome art and got a laugh out of Katie Sackhoff.
(that’s for Rhett and Cj and Ralph. Katie Sackhoff ain’t bad either.)
I didnt get to see the Sackhoff at Denver CC (she didnt come) but I get see the Karen Gillan and yowzah!
Was that a gun in your pocket or were you just happy to see her?
Well I wasnt shooting bullets!
Not even rubber ones?
Oh I dare someone to run up to her next con and go “pew pew” with their fingers out gun style.
Sweating bullets?
Interesting developments in the season finale for Vikings.
Were you happy with season 3? Cause Im not sure I am. The show is called ‘Vikings’, not “Boring English and French Court”. Im also not happy with the ‘twist’ at the end that everyone saw coming a mile away. Its possible I just love the first two seasons so much that any kind of drop off in quality leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hope season 4 gets back to its roots
Okay, I’ll add my two cents. I did enjoy the majority of the finale episode. Without as many spoilers as I can, the beginning to the church scene were excellent bits of cinematography and writing. I could see the final scene’s importance to the development of next season, but I could do without seeing it now. As for the whole season, I agree somewhat with Lo in that it was slower and more a political dance than previous seasons. My problem is that I spoiled the season for myself halfway through by looking up the actual historical events. I saw where History channel took dramatic liberties and found some of them disappointing. That and they killed one of my favorite characters. Now I kind of know where they’re going in the next season and I will watch and probably enjoy. The photos they are sharing while filming have been entertaining at the least.
Morning Pan!
Another beautiful sunny day. Although, it was much too hot last night. Had a fan on in our room and hubby and I were still both sweating (yeah, yeah, insert your gutter thoughts here 😉 )
/whistles innocently
Was there heavy breathing?
“Was that a gun in his pocket or was he just happy to see you?”
@ChuckWendig: The Arizona state motto is just the sound of your skin and bones drying out.
What does that sound like?
Did you not hear as we walked round the zoo in Phoenix?
CP: Follow — Brandi Carlile
Really looking forward to the next Tomb Raider game. 😀
Add me to the list of those awaiting the next Tomb Raider
I loved the reboot. It got rid of all the things I hate about the original franchise while keeping the core idea and then adding a good story.
I wouldn’t mind raiding her tombs!
Is it pathetic to rehash old jokes from the Deadpan Pitfall skit? (Yes, it is.)
But still glorious.
CP: Breath Of Life — Florence + The Machine
Looks cool, but I don’t have $100k to pay for this. 🙂
Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket? 😉
Love the new FNM!
Far Noint Media?
Flying Nutella Monster?
Fucking New Media?
Fanciful Nut Maracas?
You’re both always right!
Wait… is that like saying “Yeah, right.”? 😉
Yeah, right.
Bazinga! 😉
Its seriously more than I could have ever hoped
Does no one wamt to comment after my awesome Caitlyn FKA Bruce Jenner post? I feel like everyone is afraid to continue the comments past the next post. . . (Paranoia)
To quote The Kinks, “Paranoia, big destroyer.”
Flinging Nasty Monkeys.
I have two (snarky? no, just curiously-toned) comments about this story:
1. Thank God she did not choose a feminine name that rhymes with Bruce or is the feminine of Bruce. At least she was creative.
2. It is Caitlyn with a “C” not a “K,” which I think is a big Fuck You to those damned Kardashians!
(without Google) what *is* the feminine form of Bruce anyway?
I think it might be Bryce?
Funny joke made up by my son:
Q: What do they feed the prehistoric snakes in Jurassic World?
A: Crisp rats.
Well Pan I’m off to Morpeth for a pub crawl with work colleagues.
The range of people who go to MacDonalds for breakfast always comes as a surprise.
And the horrendous decisions already have my head spinning.
Yes, bad decision. He’s becoming the king of the bad remakes.
Morning Pan
It’s a bit overcast outside. Will probably get some rain.
I’m hoping to have time this afternoon to bring you this gem
Well, hubby informed me, as he was walking out the door, that he’ll be home early today. I may not have a chance to do Jug Face.
“I may not have a chance to do Jug Face.”
CP: Key to Life on Earth (Water Extended) — Atanas Valkov
This is from the soundtrack to a short I posted on FB. You can think of it as the soundtrack to the Rosetta mission. It’s pretty good.
Last year, my grandmother moved to BC to die. However, BC seemed to agree with her and she’s now flourishing and talking about plans for her 100 birthday.
I called her yesterday to wish her happy birthday (96). She told me a story of a time, when I was five, I visited her and got so nervous about the visit, I wet my pants.
I asked her why she felt the need to tell me this. She said, she figured if she repeated a story enough, she would never forget them (sort of an exercise for her mind)
This is one story I’m quite ok with her forgetting :ermm:
Ah grandmothers. LOL I’m happy to her she’s doing well.
Go go granny!
Happy Coronation day….
Because you know I like random celebrations.
I failed self-control and bought “Imperial Assault”. Maybe someday I’ll find time to play it.
I have a long backlog of bought kindle books I have yet to read.
Hell of an investment! Call me if you need stormtroopers to blast.
It cost $30 less on Amazon versus the Outpost, but yeah, once I wrap my brain around it I’ll give you a call! I’m in desperate need of X-Wing practice too.
It’s fun. Hubby and I have been playing it.