349 thoughts on “Jack Mangan's Deadpan Unshow #23”
CD: BBC news is playing on the TV, I’m sipping a cup of milky tea, and catching upon some forums I read.
So the “D” is for “Doing”?
Looksie Hughie!!! Another new pan!!
Hughie sez: [john cleese impression] Oh tremendous, Im so happy! [/john cleese impression]
Silly Jackamo, D is for Deadpan
or Dick
Hugh sez: aaand we are back in the gutter ladies and gentlemen
Jack started it!
Hugh sez: how?
He sez Master Bait in the other thread 🙂
Hugh sez: LOL. He also said we can both cum
I think he said come not cum, hughie
Hughie sez: I’d rather cum
well you have to come over here to cum
Hughie sez: you are so wise, woman
Dear Jack
We swear upon this 7th comment to do some play by playing this weekend and attempt to catch up.
breast and cock,
dre and hughie
Hugh sez: HUGH not Hughie, woman!!
Hughs Economic Second:
Asian markets are looking good today. There might be some hope for a positive close tomorrow. But really did people expect things to change overnight? None of the bailout has been implemented yet.
ok pan we are going to go to bed and try an experiment
Our yoga teacher told us if we sleep in Savasana or ‘corpse pose’ (flat on your back, arms, head and legs straight, no pillow) supposedly we will get the best nights sleep evar.
hugh sez: Im going to miss our usual position 🙁
me too 🙁 Except I usually end up waking up and having to slip out from underneath you cuz you are crushing me
Hugh sez: sorry 🙁
its ok baby 🙂 you know i love it
Hugh sez: I know babe.
goodnight/day to paniacs everywhere
Good Morning, Pan!
I filled up at $2.95 yesterday morning and goshdarnit if it wasn’t $2.88 last night…
I tried that sleeping position a few times TSHs…it give me a bad back.
If you have a spare 45 grand just lying around under the floorboards, you may want to check out:
Ah the adolscent dreams of that lady in the oh so tight suit…
I don’t remember having those dreams, Van
I find certain smells very offputting…Earl Grey, coffee and fish are some examples.
Wow, I haven’t had a cup of Earl Grey since… July, I believe. I should go and get myself some.
I love the smell of Earl Grey and coffee. Fish? It depends on the fish I suppose.
I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I love the smell when my husband makes it in the morning for himself.
Well it begs the question TEB…did you have dreams about genre charcters in your youth?
Do people who put sugar in their tea know how to take their lumps?
Err no it doesn’t Rhettro, they all smell horrible to me… Fish that is.
Genre, maybe not. At that age we lived on the farm and only got one channel. However, I’m embarrassed to say, I do remember having a huge crush on Tom Wopat from Dukes of Hazzard, though. I even had a scrap book full of tabloid pictures and articles. 😳
If we stand up for royalty, does the queen sit down for royal tea?
I like the smell of fresh grilled salmon with a hint of dill. 🙂 Of course, the fish one would find in a can of cat food is particularly discusting. Then again if I were to choose a house hold deoderant, I would pick Apple Blossoms over Salmon & Dill. LOL
Oh, BTW, Rhettro. My husband sorted through his D & D minis on the weekend. It turns out he has 743. The new set comes out next month, so I imagine the number will go up soon.
Do guards drink securi-tea?
I think he beats me on a scale of 20 to 1, LOL. I’m almost done with Hordes of the Underdark, Deekin’s conversations with my lady Drow friend have grown quite funny.
We’ve finished The Keep on the Shadowfell and have moved onto The Thunderspire Labyrinth. There’s a NPC in the Keep named Splug. If you go into the D&D forums on WotC, some people were really mean to Splug. To me he was just there, I didn’t try to torture him, or use him as bait.
Sorry, wrong type of D&D. I couldn’t finish Hoards, it kept crashing at a certain spot and I never did find a patch that would properly fix it. 🙁
LOL, interesting TEB. Yeah, Hordes did crash about midway through, but I found out by patching to the latest version (1.69 I think) and turning off “shiney water” in the advanced graphic settings, it ran smooth as silk, no more crashes.
Maybe I’ll go back and try that. It’s been a while so I’m not sure what the last patch was that I put on it.
Well, it’s lunch time here. Maybe I’ll be back after. We’ll see how time goes.
Enjoy your lunch TEB.
Oooop. I’ve been posting in the wrong thread!
I’m thinking a hard-rock version of “Running Up That Hill” would be awesome.
CP: Bigmouth Strikes Again — Placebo
Sounds like a project for Lacuna Coil ditto. 🙂
Or maybe Jack could transpose it, he could play lead, I could play rhythm and my wife could sing it. LOL
That’s the version I was listening to. I’m thinking of something that starts and ends similar to Placebo’s version, but turns hard towards the middle; to reflect the sadness and anger in the song.
Buy that man a guitar. 😉
Lunch time! Gotta grab a burrito from the Safeway. BRB.
If I had a clue on how to write it, I would. 😉
CP: We’re In This Together — NIN
If you can learn how to program….
Personally, I’m still dabbing in music theory as applied to the guitar. That sounds more complex that it is, I’m still in the very beginning stages.
SRS? Isn’t that a disease? A big oh heaping helping of “Running Up that Hill”, today. wOOt!
Writing one is about as painful. 😉
CP: One More Astronaut — I Mother Earth
Lunch was ok. Watched the news – boring. The movie Flushed Away was on TV so I watched that while I sewed dragon wings. Now on to computer stuff.
CP: The Roadhouse #190
I’d say you should not worry too much about learning theory before you start making your own music. Mess around, find riffs of your own that you like. As you learn more theory, you’ll develop a better framework for your future ideas. My $0.02.
CP (do I admit this? Sure, why not): Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head – BJ Thomas
CP: This Velvet Glove – Red Hot Chili Peppers
I guess I’ve been wanting a little more structure to my playing. I still practice songs and riffs to build coordination and a better sense of rhythm, but I would like to better understand how scales play into chords etc. Trying to do equal portions of both. 🙂
It all seems like magic to me.
It’s equal parts art and science, that’s what makes it so tough.
I had fun playing “I Want Out” on Guitar Pro last night though.
Jack, you like Earl Green? They make a nice one at TeaSource in Saint Paul…
My brain hurts. I’ve really gotta cut back on all that thinkin and hard stuff at work.
All in favor?
90% done my current Gutenberg project, 120 pages proofed.
So MD, what you do for Project Gutenberg?
I save books.
Basically, I find books in the public domain, have them verified and approved, scan them, read and proof the the text, and upload them in multiple text versions.
I’ve had some decent Earl Greens, JB.
Tinnitus. Opeth concert was excellent.
Cool MD, so what is the latest book you are working on?
Although the originals probably never made it across the pond, worth checking out. 3D Ant Attack in particular has a nice look whilst keeping the original play mechanics.
Well work beckons (booooo!), but at least I will be off this weekend, later pan.
101, it’s not just for underwater basket weaving.
Morning Pan!
How are we on this Friday before a (Canadian) long weekend?
It’s Thanksgiving in Canada!
I am thankful for an extra day holiday 🙂
When I realized I was addicted to Thanksgiving leftovers, I decided to quit cold turkey.
Well, since my reports are running late, I will instead do the lovely job of cleaning my bathroom.
Back in a bit!
Bathroom’s nice and clean. (at least the upstairs one is. I don’t bother with the guest one unless we have people staying over). Now of to get groceries. No rest for the bunny!
of = off
CP: Brother — Toad the Wet Sprocket
Opeth oozed talent! Too bad the two opening acts were kinda meh! But Opeth more than made up for it! wOOt!
So, what should I listen to from Opeth?
Happy Thanksgiving to TEB, ditto, marlodianne, Mario Lemieux, Scott Stevens, 99, Jacques Lemaire, Devin Townsend, The Kids in the Hall, and fine Canadians (and Canadiens) everywhere.
ditto, their stuff is so diverse, and at times, extremely intense. It’s tough to pick a starting point. . . I usually recommend the song, “Windowpane” as an intro. For albums, I really like “Watershed”, their latest. Some songs do incorporate roaring vocals, so you’ll need to have a tolerance to really explore their catalogue.
Thanks, Jack. I like diverse. I’m just trying to see if I’m interested in them or not; that’s always hard to figure out with established bands that you aren’t familiar with.
Last night, I gave the PS2 game “The Red Star” a try. It’s an action game that got reviewed reasonably well. I love the comics, even if they publish them so infrequently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Red_Star
Anything on the “Damnation” album is a good place to start. I like “Death Whispered a Lullaby.”
I’ve got a shrinkwrapped of Red Star on my coffee table, just haven’t got round to playing the game yet…
The game or the comics, Rhettro?
Hey, y’all. Anyone wanna give me a brief overview of the DP action from the past couple of weeks?
Hows everyone? Ed weather the storm? SHs doing ok with the market doom?? Etc…
JfS! We’ve had kind of a skeleton crew lately. People are traveling – or just plain overrun with work. We do have marlodianne back. How are you and Kerry these days?
Oh and don’t look at 11trh Hour ditto, it will only make your blood boil..
Doing ok. Kerry quit and is tattooing one day a week until we figure out what to do (ie open our own shop here or elsewhere). I am still the same…work, rugby, work, rugby….
Went to Colorado really close to Boulder, but didn’t have the time to try to meet up with anyone (read: Alvie). It was a friend’s wedding.
Washing machine FAIL! Four years is wayyyyy too early for the motor to burn out, IMO. Apparently anytime after a year is reasonableto the warranty folks, tho. Between that and fixing annoying-but-liveable dishwasher problem we’re out $350.
At least it’s at a time where the financial state of the US economy is sound and no budget troubles loom for anybody…
Shh, nobody tell my wife, cuz she’d disapprove, but the new company is more relaxed-seeming about internet usage policy. I don’t plan on surfing dozens of sites a day or getting lots of rich-media content, but I think a re-emergence on the Pan during the day will occur shortly after we are off the old company’s net…
WHoa, a Jeremy sighting! Most excellent.
Short synopsis: We have been deadpan….and moving farther and farther away from retirement.
Hey, JB, what about EssBee??
Woops! JfS, rather! Sorry, JB – that was uncalled for.
Imminent Return of the Maki! Most excellent.
My show went well tonight. Tasty personal-size pizzas at this place. I wish you’d all been there.
*Deadpan 98 spoiler alert!!!!!*
you have been warned
Satan speak!
Hugh sez: pause!
Hugh sez: I need a refill
please refill me as well
Hugh sez: LOL
I mean… please refresh my beverage
Hugh sez: yeah, we all know what you REALLY meant
Well Deadpan.. now that I have you all to myself..
*cue porn music*
Soooooooo.. Palin abused her power eh??????????
OMG McCain redeemed himself slightly in my eyes. We saw something on CNN earlier tonight. Im sure I can you tube it…
thats someones recording of hte same story on MsNBC
McCain needed to do that. All that crap about Obama being muslim and Arab.
People actually questioning if he was an American.
Lemme see here..if I remember taking the constitution test like EVERY single American has to, one qualification for being president is being a natural born American citizen.
Hughs back! Save me from talking to myself baby
Hugh sez: what you have you been discussing?
that McCain clip we saw before we left for the movie
Hugh sez: oh yeah that was good.
and we went to see Religulous tonight
Hugh sez: it was pretty fucking funny. But only recommended if you have a sense of humor about your own religion. Seems some people can laugh at other peoples religions but get offended when their own is discussed.
Jack Mangan aka the shark that caught all the basketballs
1998 was 10 years ago
Hugh sez: My God I’m an old man
no you ain’t Hughie 🙂
Hugh sez: I’m turning 39 next month
you stop Hugh. Fine, you are old- but you are the hottest old guy I know
Hugh sez: *swooon*
*finds 1998 Jack*
*slaps him silly*
contents of radioactive fridge
Hugh sez: I hope she finds a ham sandwich in there
*heavy breathing*
geeky gilligan
live to survey monkey!
we were not too cool to take the pole
mmm Inara *swooooooooooon*
Hugh sez: *swoooooooon*
old William Shatner!!
we were listening to Dr Neil on NPR this week 🙂
why the hell did wordpress not like that comment
Hugh sez: it probably thought we laughed too much
it did contain 2 LOL’s in it 🙂
Adric from Dr Who!!! I loved Adric!! The best episode evar was when Adric died. OMG I remember crying for days. I had such a crush on him
Hugh sez: you were hot for Adric?
I was a wee girl, leave me alone
Hugh sez: heh
Who the fuck wrote in Jack Mangan???
Alvie/Ed duet 🙂
Hugh sez: Alvie’s voice makes me week in the knees
LOL!!!! 🙂
stolen from the 80s
I fucking LOVED Oingo Boingo in the day
Hugh sez: fuck yeah that band was good
why am I not remembering this candy talk song?
I want your candy
OH Yeah!!! Jesus and Mary Chain
Hugh sez: Duh to us
Jack just admitted he is cheap
Hugh sez: *swoooooon*
awwwwww!!! Jack guitaring
Hugh sez: *swoooooooon2*
I third your swooon! *swooooooooooooon*
Jacks singing makes me weak in the knees
I love Candlelight
Hugh sez: I’m developing a mancrush on Jack
So is Jack on your ‘I would turn gay for’ list?
Hugh sez: There is only 1 man I would turn gay for. No offense Jack.
I dont want you to be gay Hugh
Hugh sez: no worries
no worries! We were told we were “too Chicago” today for our use of No worries
Jack- we loved that song. Very very nice.
Hey the character in this stolen paragraph is Trig
So Sarah Palin isn’t too strange for calling her son Trig. Its almost common I guess 🙂
Hugh sez: No, its a weird name
ok then! 🙂
Hugh sez: wait, go back a second. Is ‘no worries’ a Chicago thing?
I dunno.. does anyone else here say no worries?
Hugh sez: Well fuck it. We’re from Chicago so we can talk like we’re from Chicago, right bitches?
more Alvie
this is an Alvie heavy epsiode
she didn’t find a ham sandwich in the fridge
Hugh sez: 🙁
jelly bean game
736 nipples!!!
Hugh sez: there are only 2 nipples that concern me
Rhetro had the biggest!!!! LOL
Hugh sez: Nice. LOL
raw, rough, live Jack
All Beautiful Things
see you on 99 or on the unshow
dno’t taint me bro
send in your shit
please, please please
he aint coming back after the music
Deadpan 98 out
Hugh, your choice?
Hugh sez: Ladies first
*swooon* he is such a gentlemen!!!
I guess that yes, he is coming back after the music
Is Jack coming back after the music game
Dre: yes
Hugh: no
Jack this song is nice too, but if i had to pick I liked the candlelight one better
Hugh sez: Yeah, but this one is good too
Yeah, I like this guitaring bit here
Hugh sez: me too.
[jack singing] beautiful things.. must die [/jack singing]
good song Jack, very sad
Hugh sez: Yeah, it had a very sad edge to it
Jack didn’t come back after the music 🙁
Hugh sez: I win! Get thine clothes off and get in the bed babe!!
w00t! 🙂 The will Jack come back after the music game: no matter what, everyone wins!
Alright pan, its been fun
Hugh sez: keep it real
no worries
Hugh sez: LOL. Yeah. Straight from Chicago, we send you a sincere- No worries
🙂 we are so Chicago Hughie
Hugh sez: Chicago fucking rules
word my brotha!!
night pan
As take a quick snap of the tumbleweeds, I ponder on the meaning of life as I wait for the film ‘Gomorrah’ to start.
Well it was certainly a worthy film, but a bloody depressing one.
Thanks, Smarty Hotties. I’m glad you liked the songs.
I don’t know if ‘Gomorrah’ has been release here, Van.
Last night went pretty well, Van. Thanks for asking. I think I’ll be doing mostly atmosphere and background noise at this place, but that’s fine with me.
So, since I’m nearly finished my current Gutenberg project, I had to score some more books. That part was easy. The ugly part came when my scanner refused to work with Vista.
It appears that Lexmark decided to refuse to make vista drivers for any of their devices, rendering all of their equipment, including my all-in-one, paperweights.
How brilliant of them.
So books I have, but I can’t make them electrons…:(
We spent the evening looking at art. It was cool, we saw some good shit, but depressing
Hugh sez: we want to show our new shit
we love our current work and haven’t been able to show it to anyone 🙁
Hugh sez: I anticipate 2009 will be the triumphant return of the smarty hotties to the chicago art scene
🙂 fuck yeah bay-bee!!!
goodnight jack
and goodnight everyone
sleep well, sweet dreams
Ripped from another conf, political systems explained using cows:
FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.
PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.
BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need.
FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.
PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.
RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.
CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government takes both of them and shoots you.
DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.
PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.
REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.
BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
PURE ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the cows and kill you.
LIBERTARIAN/ANARCHO-CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
When did ‘no worries’ become a Chicago expression rather than an Australian one?
I like your cows to explain politics, Van 🙂
Hugh sez: especially the surrealism one
I don’t know when no worries became a Chicago expression, I didnt realize it was either a chicago or Australian thing. A cousin of Hugh’s was saying we were such Chicagoans cuz we were saying no worries.
Hugh sez: The only other people we know who use no worries on a regular basis like we do is our friend Andy.
Yeah. Andy uses it more than we do. Everytime you greet Andy (hello, good morning, how ya doing, whats up) he responds with no worries.
Hugh sez: He was born and raised in Chicago, as were we
but do other native Chicagoans use no worries?
Hugh sez: we must do a scientific study on this
make sure you get us a million dollar grant in order to study this
Hugh sez: yes!
Speaking of Hughs cousin
We are supposed to have brunch with Hugh’s ginormous family, including said cousin, this morning.
Hugh sez: My cousin is visiting from Minneapolis
We were feeling very lazy and are waiting for Hugh’s brother and sister and spouses and their gaggle of kids to get here so we can go get brunch.
Hugh sez: seriously my family needs to fucking relax with the reproducing.
The visiting cousin announced he has impregnated his wife
Hugh sez: so my clan grows even larger. We will take over the world one day
you realize we are going to need a table for 50 at the restaurant
Hugh sez: LOL. We made a reservation and they are giving us our own room.
Oh!! and there is another Hugh family announcement!
Hugh sez: yeah! My older sister in NY is getting married 🙂 She got engaged Friday night
awwwww. and she asked Hugh to be her man of honor 🙂
Hugh sez: I hope she doesn’t try to put me in a brides maid dress, or expect me to dance with the best man.
🙂 I doubt it honey
but anyway while we wait for Hughs family to get here…
Unshow 18 spoiler alert!!
Jack and his central air welcome us to Deadpan
pee-wee herman and Michael Jackson are no longer interested.
uh-oh.. itunes freak out
Oh it was just the genius update that was tying up the iTunes
Hugh sez: we dont need no stinckin genius! We have me!
*eye roll* yes oh genius Hughie 🙂
orders of bidness
Greasy spoon nipples phase
EssBee- did you love ti Rhettro?
Smarty hotties- stop kissing Jacks ass
LOL.. we are sooo ghey
Vanamonde – they dont build em like that anymore
Greasy spoon Nipples Comments thru unshow 18
EssBee- 1
Smarty Hotties®- 1
Vanamonde- 1
Greasy beans
calling it at 525
563 wins…. Vanamonde!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugh sez: Vanamonde wins da grease
IHOP is international
Hugh sez: OMG that is funny
Well it IS International meguesses
well now it ISN”T a duplicate is it Mr smarty pants wordpress fucktardbot?
Listen to a real show if this is your first Deadpan
1st thing
Hugh sez: Jack is confused 🙂
Trucker Overdrive had Jack on the BS episode
Pod taint is not Jacks pod legacy
Hugh sez: Jack is spreading his taint across the land?
LOL.. ewww Jack
Morning, Smarty Hotties!
Morning, Pan!
Morning, Wood!
His legacy is not the guy who complains about taint
hugh sez: there is nothing wrong with a little taint between lovers
LOL.. Oh Hugh 🙂 get your mind out of the gutter
Hugh sez: I like my mind in the gutter, I wont take it out!! I wont I wont!!
yes sir!!!! yeesh!
Morning JB!
Jack wants feedback
he’s thinking about do a third season of duel of the fates!!!!
Hugh sez: *swooon*
send Jack your thoughts
that is the unshow
he has content for next week
send in more
thats 1 Loooong M
Hugh sez: oh baby thats hot. You shold record Jack a pervy sphericalJackmmmmmmmm like you just did. That made my jeans tight
🙂 if Jack would like it, I will do it
Central air is back on
hit stop
Grocery Day, cleaning house, etc.
Darcy is working costumes hardcore next two weekends, dress rehearsals pretty soon!
Deadpan 99 spoiler alert!!!
good luck with your show Darcy 🙂
Nice laugh
Like Get Smart this is 99
aka Foo nemesis of Dave Grohl
good content
this isn’t live?
Hugh sez: I thought this was live. I feel cheated
Jack is so FM 🙂
Jacks back!!
Hugh sez: HOws your dinner coming along Jack?
Current nipple count 381
boobie count!
Hugh sez: I count 2 boobies
Scott from Kalamazoo
Deadpan is the way
Hugh sez: the way to happiness is to marry Andrea
ok *ahem* where were we?
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
agreed. Worrying about what other people think about you is the 1st step towards unhappiness
I have no need to impress anyone.
Well I do try to impress Hugh, but not because I think he doesn’t like me. I just like trying to make him happy. I do things that i know he likes but not out of some need for Hugh to think I am cool.
Hugh sez: we did suffer from wanting to be cool when we were young
yeah we did, and it totally sucked didn’t it?
Hugh sez: and by sucked we mean in the bad way.
“you shouldnt be with someone if they are trying to change things about you”
amen brotha
Hugh sez: this dude speaks the truth, yo
Agreed. We drive our Prius because we want to support that industry, and we even got a used one. We’ve never been ones to buy stupid expensive things
Hugh sez: well except your shoe fetish
shoe fetish?!??!??!!!??? I dont buy expensive name brand designer shoes. Im not a designer name slut
Hugh sez: true, true I take back my comment your honor. You aren’t a designer name whore.
thank you
methinks this might be Hughs fam looking for parking outside…
Time to sleep off a large Sunday dinner.
If you are a fan of the Ben Hur:
-the or +THE if you think I was referring to the version of BH that starred Charlton Heston.
it is Hugh’s fam trying to park their ginormous van outside 🙂 Speaking of big expensive cars. BUT they need to drive that boat. Between Hugh’s brother and sister they have 11 kids and they live a few blocks from each other and they went in on this car together to cart the kids all around to school and after school functions and what not.
we’re going to go now
l8r paniacs
enjoy your Sundaze everyone
Quiet Sundaze. Text adventure fans should get a kick out of this:
Anybody miss me?
Well, I’ve a mountain of chores to do (not to mention laundry) and some audio for Ms. Amy so I may only be in “drive-by” mode today but I wanted to say “Good Morning”.
… and BTW-
Random Canadian election update:
Harper (current P.M., Conservative) says Dion (running for P.M, Liberal) can’t lead Canada because he is:
A) French
B) Hearing impaired
Now, that’s disgusting enough, but the worst part is the majority of Canadians appear to agree with him. WTF?
Have I mentioned today how much I hate people?
CP: Changing — The Moondoggies
j0e!!!!! I missed you 🙂
ummm.. please don’t say stock markets, or retirement accounts or any other related word in front of Hugh.
I’m trying to stay out of his way today. He’s been muttering to himself while he works all morning.
So I’m going to quietly work on my photography now 🙂
CP: The Truth — Jake One
Joe, you didn’t really want to retire someday, anyway. Apparently, I didn’t either.
*mutter mutter mutter*
Thanks all.
Back in briefly to grab a bit of food (didn’t have time for breakfast) and it’s back out again.
Ed – the horror … the horror … the horror …
Andrea – make sure you keep firearms and sharp objects away from Hugh!
marlodianne- it’s a good thing we are family and not people! 😉
Retirement? What an outdated concept, the new buzzword is “indentured servatude!”
Hugh keeps trying to tell himself we have 30-40 more years before we need the retirement money so we have time to make it up.
methinks he keeps trying to tell himself that so he will feel better.
I dont think its firearms or sharp objects I need to keep away from him, I think its the computer 🙂
currently playing
I Want to know your plans
by Say Anything
ok. Hugh just looked up from his computer and said “Thats it. I need to go out for a really long liquid lunch. This shit is driving me fucking crazy”
but then he turned back and went right back into it 🙂
I’ll give him another half hour, then go into understanding-comforting spouse mode and try and get him away from the computer
ummm not that Im not ALWAYS in understanding-comforting spouse mode 🙂
I haven’t been able to hang at Deadpan in months and the day I do no one else can 🙁
ah well, so rolls the Deadpan
curently playing:
Yellow Cat (slash) red cat
by Say Anything
It is only a loss if you cash out.
I watch my yellow cat invade my red cat in the yard.
The feline war has raged for years so I assume it’d be to hard
for me to drive my foot between them. I would never risk the scratch
just to prove to one or both of them a cat is just a cat.
It might be safer–and more cost effective–to just eat the money.
Plenty of fiber that way.
Ditto… awesome cartoon. I like the link to http://xkcd.com/162/ on the bottom of the page. Sent it off to my wife in an SMS. Feeling all ooey gooey.
I need to find bucket after that cartoon.
BP: Yeah. That is one of my favorites.
oh NOW everyone comes out 😉
I trust Hugh’s mad trading skillz. I’m not worried he will make a bad decision.
ditto- I liked that cartoon 🙂 it is so very true
well its been fun kids. Not sure if we will be around here for a bit, but maybe on the weekend. Got lots going on and then next week we are going to Houston for a week
So after watching the latest clone wars episode, I long for a scifi series of any kind that doesn’t treat nebulas in space as dense clouds that you can hide in…
Speaking of iTunes and DRM, Teresa has a large collection of iTunes songs on our older computer. The harddrive the files are located on is starting to fail, so it makes it tough to back those files up and reauthorise them. So I’m going to begin the lengthy task of de-DRMing the files. You basically have iTunes burn the files to CD, then rip the CD to MP3. =P
@rhettro I’ve done that with some of the stuff I bought from iTunes. It’s nice that they built *something* in that would let you get your music to a safe place. Even if it’s a total PITA to manage…
CP : History According to Bob : Roman Imperial Government
I belive Jack is going to be a guest on the next Evo@11, perhaps that’s two opprotunities to rib Evo? I’m not feeling particularly clever at the moment, I may take Evo on when I have all my wits about me. I know I’ll need them. LOL
You’re right Brad, at least we have the option.
@rhettro That’s true… you never want to step into a battle of wits with him unprepared.
And that’s why when I buy, I buy from Amazon. I still occasionally troll the newsgroups, but they aren’t nearly as reliable as they once were. I supposed they’ve moved on to torrents, but I’ve just never been able to get into that scene.
I’m also at a stage in life where $0.99 or less for a DRM free song that I’m free to put on my Ipod, the wife’s Ipod, and the daughter’s Sansa is a fair deal that I’m willing to pay for.
The new Evo@11 is out…with some Jack in it and a lot of bitching from D.
That’s what I do Ed when I can, I download from Amazon. Otherwise I’m inclined to buy real CD’s and rip them. The glut of free music from podcasts and artist’s websites keeps me pretty entertained though. 🙂
Looks like my ISP has finally gotten round to messing with p2p downloads, been getting 2/3k download speeds all day.
Interesting news. I need to get around to reading this before it gets made into a film.
Hopefully he will actually read the novel all the way through this time.
Not that I’m bitter you understand.
Re: Fun with Evo@11
Sadly, I have only time to post on one board today.
Sorry I could hang out and play today Andrea. You guys take care.
RE:DRM stuff.
I guess I am out of the loop on this stuff.
I rarely buy a song on-line … choosing instead to spend a couple bucks more and buy the whole cd from Ebay … having a “hard copy” just seems the only way to go because hard drives will ALWAYS eventually fail.
The few tunes I buy from iTunes (usually specialty stuff – Christmas, Sound FX, oldies or the like) eventually get burnt to discs as “normal” music cd’s (see my policy on wanting a hard copy back-up) so I’ve assumed I can always re-rip those cd’s (legally or not) to any computer I care to.
This has always been the way I’ve worked and so far it seems to have made the “DRM” issue a moot point.
Perhaps I’m missing something?
Van: I’m not sure how he could make a good movie out of that book without butchering it. And, yes, I really, really like the book.
Most of my new music in the past year were free legal downloads from Spinner and/or Pitchfork.
Love that xkcd, Brad. Used to have it posted to the fridge.
Rhett- I think there was a wave of shock and horror through the crowd when Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth said that he’d loved the Skid Row concert.
Jack – It sort of makes since that after listening to Skid Row you’d be motivated to form Opeth. LOL
CP: Would You Do It For Free– Sammy Hagar
“Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I’d think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through ”
I didn’t think you could get VD by beating the Axis.
CW: Lost in Austen episode 2 on DVD.
A fantasy where a modern day Pride and Prejudice fan enters the world of the book through a magic door and starts to bugger up the plot.
Sounds cheesey but so far has been rather fun.
So … in essence are they saying –
“Wrong, Do it again!”
“If you don’t eat yer prostitute, you can’t have any syphilis. How can you
beat the Axis if you don’t beat yer meat?”
“You! Yes, you behind the Deadpan, stand still laddy!”
… er, sorry about that.
Long day and I may have just hit the wall.
And JOe cements his “man crush” position with me. LOL
So weird news on the job front. I got another promotion. Yes I’m still on reduced hours as is the entire firm, but it looks like I’m not going to get laid off.
I think I’d avoid that pudding. . . .
A definate pass on the puding.
Van: My scientist wife watched Eleventh Hour and enjoyed it. She said they got enough of the science right for it to get a pass in her book. I haven’t seen it yet.
I’m going to count how many times the word science is mentioned in the next hour of 11th hour…
Morning Pan, back to work, meh!
-hour +episode
After telling the wife that 11th hour is originally a BBC series, she started recording it on BBC America. They started running the series from the beginning. It’s hard to go wrong with Patrick Stewart.
A few weeks back, BBCA started running commercials with all the shows that have since been “ported” to the US with the tagline “Where American television comes from.”
We don’t need no education…..unless Joe is teaching.
Ditto, that poster makes me feel bad for the poor girl. You know you really needed a paycheck when you agree to be *the* face of skanky dirty..
Van: Entering the work of Jane Austen, and you don’t speak of Jasper Fforde?
I’ve started listening to Indiana Jim’s Star Wars story on his podcast. The promo’s sounded a bit cheesy to me, but it’s actually proving to be quite engaging. This one is definitely an audio drama and not a “book”. I think he’s captured the spirit and feel of the original movies. It’s set shortly after Return of the Jedi.
With his production schedule, I think the folks over at “Children of the Gods” could stand some help from him. That’s another interesting audio drama that I picked up from a Slice interview a couple of years ago, but it seems to take them several months to get a new episode out.
Still, it’s all free, so I’m not inclined to complain. Itunes catches it all when it’s ready.
Thanks for the heads up Ed. I would like to hear Jim’s take on a SW universe story. I’ve listened to a couple of audio dramas based around Star Wars and a couple were quite good, but most were lacking. I need to find the definitive SW audio drama outlet, much like Darker Projects is the Star Trek outlet.
On another note, I can’t say I’m really enjoying Heroes at this point. I realize they are trying to shake things up, but the fact that the characters aren’t staying in character is really starting to bother me.
Yes I MD I was reminded of The Eyre Affair as I watched Lost in Austen.
Thursday Next…literary /swoooooon
Re: Heroes
I have all this season’s episodes on the TiVo but haven’t gotten to them yet. So far the feedback hasn’t made me rush to view them.
I almost watched the season opener last night but as I was about to push “play” I changed my mind and went for the season opener of “The Office”.
I laughed … so I am going to count it as a good choice.
Cheesey line from some song on the radio:
There ain’t no place on Earth that lonely ain’t been there first
^Interesting article on another son of a famous conservative.
I know this isn’t a revolutionary thought, but the Republican/Democrat system has caused too much damage. You want Washington reform? Start there. Get people thinking about the issues again, rather than just which side they’re supposed to take.
Random (or is it?) hitchhiker quote:
“a bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes,”
Excuse while I go and polish my hammer and sickle.
While Heroes seems to be floundering, Chuck may be the greatest show on TV.
I may have to make the switch to Chuck. 🙂
Jack: I agree.
Ed: I just started watching season 1 of Chuck. Loving it so far. I also find it highly amusing that people will complain about the fan service in anime, yet don’t seem to mind it when it is in a show like Chuck. 😉
The Middleman series was good for that, even if some of the references to Joe 90 and original Dr Who characters were probably wasted on most of the US audience.
fan service??
just watched “6 months leave” episode of “Mad Men” that show started off this season pretty slow but has now really hit it’s stride. IMHO
Hey Van did all the Dr.Who shows have all the pop cultural jokes?
That’s it !!!!
I’ve started cleaning THAT drawer in my kitchen. You know, the one under the counter that the answering machine sits on … the one that collects all that STUFF you don’t know what to do with …
… so I start pulling STUFF out and it’s been an hour and it’s still loaded with STUFF and I suddenly realize … IT’S NOT A DRAWER, IT”S A FRAKEN TARDIS !!!!
That’s the only reasonable explanation for how it can contain this endless supply of paper clips and twist ties and nail and screws and batteries of unknown condition and caps for pens long since lost and pencils with no point on them and old postcards and installation tools for long forgotten items and what ever the HECK this thing is! I have no idea what it is but I am SURE it was important!!!!
J0e, if you happen to see my old Buick Skylark in there, I was thinking of selling it. Let me know, OK?
At least we can go back to hating each other quietly…
CP: Lady GaGa – Just Dance
Morning Pan.
I indefinitely suspended the drawer project.
I found an SAS unit in there and it occurred to me that if I didn’t stop looking, I might actually find Osama Bin Laden.
That would have a distracting effect on the upcoming election so I thought it best to just back away slowly.
CP: Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah
RE: Saturday night live sketch.
It served to point out to me how dependent on current pop culture that show’s humor is.
I don’t keep up with Marky Mark so, past the “Wouldn’t this be lame if it were an actual show” premise … I just didn’t get the joke. 🙁
Joe, there wasn’t a joke. There usually isn’t in that show….It’s like the anti-funny.
*soapbox mode*
Some of these clowns on CNBC are really driving me NUTS.
They are trying to discuss the candidate’s economic plans and this one prick keeps saying “Obama’s increase in Capital gains taxes is BAD for the stock market.”
GOOD for the stock market isn’t always the same as GOOD for the economy, you jerk!
Case in point … Corporations have moved their jobs overseas. This decreased their costs, increased their quarterly profits and was GREAT for the stock market … for a while. Till all those laid off workers no longer had money to buy the goods and services.
“Good” for the market was BAD for the economy and eventual proved poisonous for the market.
You fix the economy FIRST you lunk head – and then the market will follow!
*/soap box mode*
I’ll have to check out the new ZP over lunch. I rewatched his review of Mass Effect and I thought it was funny that just him, I was halfway through the game before I figured out you could apply upgrades to the different weapons. LOL
I got 5 out of 10, some of those were pretty obscure.
Only 6/10 for me.
I saw an actual PDP (not working) at an exhibition on the history of computer games. They had to use a Vectrex running Space Wars to give an idea how it ran on the PDP.
I’m probably one of the few who put a quarter in to a Space Wars arcade game in the late 70’s. LOL
I did too. 🙂
They had one at a local arcade (Space Wars that is) but it had been rather neglected, some of the keys for player 2 didn’t work.
Which made for easy victories against my brotherinlaw.
CD: BBC news is playing on the TV, I’m sipping a cup of milky tea, and catching upon some forums I read.
So the “D” is for “Doing”?
Looksie Hughie!!! Another new pan!!
Hughie sez: [john cleese impression] Oh tremendous, Im so happy! [/john cleese impression]
Silly Jackamo, D is for Deadpan
or Dick
Hugh sez: aaand we are back in the gutter ladies and gentlemen
Jack started it!
Hugh sez: how?
He sez Master Bait in the other thread 🙂
Hugh sez: LOL. He also said we can both cum
I think he said come not cum, hughie
Hughie sez: I’d rather cum
well you have to come over here to cum
Hughie sez: you are so wise, woman
Dear Jack
We swear upon this 7th comment to do some play by playing this weekend and attempt to catch up.
breast and cock,
dre and hughie
Hugh sez: HUGH not Hughie, woman!!
Hughs Economic Second:
Asian markets are looking good today. There might be some hope for a positive close tomorrow. But really did people expect things to change overnight? None of the bailout has been implemented yet.
ok pan we are going to go to bed and try an experiment
Our yoga teacher told us if we sleep in Savasana or ‘corpse pose’ (flat on your back, arms, head and legs straight, no pillow) supposedly we will get the best nights sleep evar.
hugh sez: Im going to miss our usual position 🙁
me too 🙁 Except I usually end up waking up and having to slip out from underneath you cuz you are crushing me
Hugh sez: sorry 🙁
its ok baby 🙂 you know i love it
Hugh sez: I know babe.
goodnight/day to paniacs everywhere
Good Morning, Pan!
I filled up at $2.95 yesterday morning and goshdarnit if it wasn’t $2.88 last night…
I tried that sleeping position a few times TSHs…it give me a bad back.
If you have a spare 45 grand just lying around under the floorboards, you may want to check out:
Who you gonna call?
Morning Pan!
Got to sleep in an extra hour today, I need to to that every day 😉
A well rested bunny is always a good thing…
Then I’m a full of energy for kicking tonight
Off to Staples to spend money on World Fantasy. that seems to be what my life is about lately.
Morning, Deadpan!
I’m hosting a big conference this weekend (nothing so exciting as World Fantasy, I’m afraid), so will be sparse(r).
Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
Back from shopping. It’s chilly out there. -1 C. I guess winter is coming.
There, I made some of Captain Picard’s drink to warm me up 🙂
Gates open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30. 🙂
Did I miss something? What show, Rhettro?
An interesting version of Take on Me
I can’t get away with a tea that smells like it should be in a perfume bottle.
Earl Grey? I like Earl Grey. 🙂
Erin Grey even.
Earl Grey is good stuff, although I prefer Green.
Now you know.
I never thought about the smell before, Van.
*shrugs shoulders* It smells like tea to me.
Be de de de de de de…
Ah the adolscent dreams of that lady in the oh so tight suit…
I don’t remember having those dreams, Van
I find certain smells very offputting…Earl Grey, coffee and fish are some examples.
Wow, I haven’t had a cup of Earl Grey since… July, I believe. I should go and get myself some.
I love the smell of Earl Grey and coffee. Fish? It depends on the fish I suppose.
I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I love the smell when my husband makes it in the morning for himself.
Well it begs the question TEB…did you have dreams about genre charcters in your youth?
Do people who put sugar in their tea know how to take their lumps?
Err no it doesn’t Rhettro, they all smell horrible to me… Fish that is.
Genre, maybe not. At that age we lived on the farm and only got one channel. However, I’m embarrassed to say, I do remember having a huge crush on Tom Wopat from Dukes of Hazzard, though. I even had a scrap book full of tabloid pictures and articles. 😳
If we stand up for royalty, does the queen sit down for royal tea?
I like the smell of fresh grilled salmon with a hint of dill. 🙂 Of course, the fish one would find in a can of cat food is particularly discusting. Then again if I were to choose a house hold deoderant, I would pick Apple Blossoms over Salmon & Dill. LOL
Oh, BTW, Rhettro. My husband sorted through his D & D minis on the weekend. It turns out he has 743. The new set comes out next month, so I imagine the number will go up soon.
Do guards drink securi-tea?
I think he beats me on a scale of 20 to 1, LOL. I’m almost done with Hordes of the Underdark, Deekin’s conversations with my lady Drow friend have grown quite funny.
We’ve finished The Keep on the Shadowfell and have moved onto The Thunderspire Labyrinth. There’s a NPC in the Keep named Splug. If you go into the D&D forums on WotC, some people were really mean to Splug. To me he was just there, I didn’t try to torture him, or use him as bait.
Sorry, wrong type of D&D. I couldn’t finish Hoards, it kept crashing at a certain spot and I never did find a patch that would properly fix it. 🙁
LOL, interesting TEB. Yeah, Hordes did crash about midway through, but I found out by patching to the latest version (1.69 I think) and turning off “shiney water” in the advanced graphic settings, it ran smooth as silk, no more crashes.
Maybe I’ll go back and try that. It’s been a while so I’m not sure what the last patch was that I put on it.
Well, it’s lunch time here. Maybe I’ll be back after. We’ll see how time goes.
Enjoy your lunch TEB.
Oooop. I’ve been posting in the wrong thread!
I’m thinking a hard-rock version of “Running Up That Hill” would be awesome.
CP: Bigmouth Strikes Again — Placebo
Sounds like a project for Lacuna Coil ditto. 🙂
Or maybe Jack could transpose it, he could play lead, I could play rhythm and my wife could sing it. LOL
Something like this.
Or maybe Nightwish, sort of a hard rock Kate Bush.
Of course Kate’s “Rocket’s Tail” is a little on the heavy side.
Rhettr: Yep. I was thinking Lacuna Coil too.
Great minds think alike?
Ditto! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnHkmYTQg-I
There you go!
CP: The Day The World Went Away — NIN
Rhettro: Not quite what I was thinking, but not bad.
I like the Placebo version too.
That’s the version I was listening to. I’m thinking of something that starts and ends similar to Placebo’s version, but turns hard towards the middle; to reflect the sadness and anger in the song.
Buy that man a guitar. 😉
Lunch time! Gotta grab a burrito from the Safeway. BRB.
If I had a clue on how to write it, I would. 😉
CP: We’re In This Together — NIN
If you can learn how to program….
Personally, I’m still dabbing in music theory as applied to the guitar. That sounds more complex that it is, I’m still in the very beginning stages.
I’ve been listening to this dude’s podcast: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=37557&cmd=tc
It’ll be another year of the basics before I’m willing to branch out into song writting.
D’oh!!! I never realized the music that they used in the “300” promos was from NIN. How did I never recognize that before?!
I’m scared of music theory.
Ah the joys of writing a Software Requirements Specification (SRS).
Or – there’s this mashup of Sign O’ The Times and Running Up That hill:
SRS? Isn’t that a disease? A big oh heaping helping of “Running Up that Hill”, today. wOOt!
Writing one is about as painful. 😉
CP: One More Astronaut — I Mother Earth
Lunch was ok. Watched the news – boring. The movie Flushed Away was on TV so I watched that while I sewed dragon wings. Now on to computer stuff.
CP: The Roadhouse #190
I’d say you should not worry too much about learning theory before you start making your own music. Mess around, find riffs of your own that you like. As you learn more theory, you’ll develop a better framework for your future ideas. My $0.02.
CP (do I admit this? Sure, why not): Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head – BJ Thomas
CP: This Velvet Glove – Red Hot Chili Peppers
I guess I’ve been wanting a little more structure to my playing. I still practice songs and riffs to build coordination and a better sense of rhythm, but I would like to better understand how scales play into chords etc. Trying to do equal portions of both. 🙂
It all seems like magic to me.
It’s equal parts art and science, that’s what makes it so tough.
I had fun playing “I Want Out” on Guitar Pro last night though.
Jack, you like Earl Green? They make a nice one at TeaSource in Saint Paul…
My brain hurts. I’ve really gotta cut back on all that thinkin and hard stuff at work.
All in favor?
90% done my current Gutenberg project, 120 pages proofed.
So MD, what you do for Project Gutenberg?
I save books.
Basically, I find books in the public domain, have them verified and approved, scan them, read and proof the the text, and upload them in multiple text versions.
I’ve had some decent Earl Greens, JB.
Tinnitus. Opeth concert was excellent.
Cool MD, so what is the latest book you are working on?
James De Mille – The Dodge Club
A couple of nice remakes at:
Although the originals probably never made it across the pond, worth checking out. 3D Ant Attack in particular has a nice look whilst keeping the original play mechanics.
Well work beckons (booooo!), but at least I will be off this weekend, later pan.
101, it’s not just for underwater basket weaving.
Morning Pan!
How are we on this Friday before a (Canadian) long weekend?
It’s Thanksgiving in Canada!
I am thankful for an extra day holiday 🙂
When I realized I was addicted to Thanksgiving leftovers, I decided to quit cold turkey.
Well, since my reports are running late, I will instead do the lovely job of cleaning my bathroom.
Back in a bit!
Bathroom’s nice and clean. (at least the upstairs one is. I don’t bother with the guest one unless we have people staying over). Now of to get groceries. No rest for the bunny!
of = off
CP: Brother — Toad the Wet Sprocket
Opeth oozed talent! Too bad the two opening acts were kinda meh! But Opeth more than made up for it! wOOt!
So, what should I listen to from Opeth?
Happy Thanksgiving to TEB, ditto, marlodianne, Mario Lemieux, Scott Stevens, 99, Jacques Lemaire, Devin Townsend, The Kids in the Hall, and fine Canadians (and Canadiens) everywhere.
ditto, their stuff is so diverse, and at times, extremely intense. It’s tough to pick a starting point. . . I usually recommend the song, “Windowpane” as an intro. For albums, I really like “Watershed”, their latest. Some songs do incorporate roaring vocals, so you’ll need to have a tolerance to really explore their catalogue.
Thanks, Jack. I like diverse. I’m just trying to see if I’m interested in them or not; that’s always hard to figure out with established bands that you aren’t familiar with.
Last night, I gave the PS2 game “The Red Star” a try. It’s an action game that got reviewed reasonably well. I love the comics, even if they publish them so infrequently.
Anything on the “Damnation” album is a good place to start. I like “Death Whispered a Lullaby.”
Red Star looks interesting ditto. 🙂
I’ve got a shrinkwrapped of Red Star on my coffee table, just haven’t got round to playing the game yet…
The game or the comics, Rhettro?
Hey, y’all. Anyone wanna give me a brief overview of the DP action from the past couple of weeks?
Hows everyone? Ed weather the storm? SHs doing ok with the market doom?? Etc…
JfS! We’ve had kind of a skeleton crew lately. People are traveling – or just plain overrun with work. We do have marlodianne back. How are you and Kerry these days?
The US version of Eleventh Hour..meh!
A review of Korg DS-10:
A rom that turns your NDS into a mini synth.
Oh and don’t look at 11trh Hour ditto, it will only make your blood boil..
Doing ok. Kerry quit and is tattooing one day a week until we figure out what to do (ie open our own shop here or elsewhere). I am still the same…work, rugby, work, rugby….
Went to Colorado really close to Boulder, but didn’t have the time to try to meet up with anyone (read: Alvie). It was a friend’s wedding.
Washing machine FAIL! Four years is wayyyyy too early for the motor to burn out, IMO. Apparently anytime after a year is reasonableto the warranty folks, tho. Between that and fixing annoying-but-liveable dishwasher problem we’re out $350.
At least it’s at a time where the financial state of the US economy is sound and no budget troubles loom for anybody…
Shh, nobody tell my wife, cuz she’d disapprove, but the new company is more relaxed-seeming about internet usage policy. I don’t plan on surfing dozens of sites a day or getting lots of rich-media content, but I think a re-emergence on the Pan during the day will occur shortly after we are off the old company’s net…
WHoa, a Jeremy sighting! Most excellent.
Short synopsis: We have been deadpan….and moving farther and farther away from retirement.
Hey, JB, what about EssBee??
Woops! JfS, rather! Sorry, JB – that was uncalled for.
Imminent Return of the Maki! Most excellent.
My show went well tonight. Tasty personal-size pizzas at this place. I wish you’d all been there.
*Deadpan 98 spoiler alert!!!!!*
you have been warned
Satan speak!
Hugh sez: pause!
Hugh sez: I need a refill
please refill me as well
Hugh sez: LOL
I mean… please refresh my beverage
Hugh sez: yeah, we all know what you REALLY meant
Well Deadpan.. now that I have you all to myself..
*cue porn music*
Soooooooo.. Palin abused her power eh??????????
OMG McCain redeemed himself slightly in my eyes. We saw something on CNN earlier tonight. Im sure I can you tube it…
thats someones recording of hte same story on MsNBC
McCain needed to do that. All that crap about Obama being muslim and Arab.
People actually questioning if he was an American.
Lemme see here..if I remember taking the constitution test like EVERY single American has to, one qualification for being president is being a natural born American citizen.
Hughs back! Save me from talking to myself baby
Hugh sez: what you have you been discussing?
that McCain clip we saw before we left for the movie
Hugh sez: oh yeah that was good.
and we went to see Religulous tonight
Hugh sez: it was pretty fucking funny. But only recommended if you have a sense of humor about your own religion. Seems some people can laugh at other peoples religions but get offended when their own is discussed.
Jack Mangan aka the shark that caught all the basketballs
1998 was 10 years ago
Hugh sez: My God I’m an old man
no you ain’t Hughie 🙂
Hugh sez: I’m turning 39 next month
you stop Hugh. Fine, you are old- but you are the hottest old guy I know
Hugh sez: *swooon*
*finds 1998 Jack*
*slaps him silly*
contents of radioactive fridge
Hugh sez: I hope she finds a ham sandwich in there
*heavy breathing*
geeky gilligan
live to survey monkey!
we were not too cool to take the pole
mmm Inara *swooooooooooon*
Hugh sez: *swoooooooon*
old William Shatner!!
we were listening to Dr Neil on NPR this week 🙂
why the hell did wordpress not like that comment
Hugh sez: it probably thought we laughed too much
it did contain 2 LOL’s in it 🙂
Adric from Dr Who!!! I loved Adric!! The best episode evar was when Adric died. OMG I remember crying for days. I had such a crush on him
Hugh sez: you were hot for Adric?
I was a wee girl, leave me alone
Hugh sez: heh
Who the fuck wrote in Jack Mangan???
Alvie/Ed duet 🙂
Hugh sez: Alvie’s voice makes me week in the knees
LOL!!!! 🙂
stolen from the 80s
I fucking LOVED Oingo Boingo in the day
Hugh sez: fuck yeah that band was good
why am I not remembering this candy talk song?
I want your candy
OH Yeah!!! Jesus and Mary Chain
Hugh sez: Duh to us
Jack just admitted he is cheap
Hugh sez: *swoooooon*
awwwwww!!! Jack guitaring
Hugh sez: *swoooooooon2*
I third your swooon! *swooooooooooooon*
Jacks singing makes me weak in the knees
I love Candlelight
Hugh sez: I’m developing a mancrush on Jack
So is Jack on your ‘I would turn gay for’ list?
Hugh sez: There is only 1 man I would turn gay for. No offense Jack.
I dont want you to be gay Hugh
Hugh sez: no worries
no worries! We were told we were “too Chicago” today for our use of No worries
Jack- we loved that song. Very very nice.
Hey the character in this stolen paragraph is Trig
So Sarah Palin isn’t too strange for calling her son Trig. Its almost common I guess 🙂
Hugh sez: No, its a weird name
ok then! 🙂
Hugh sez: wait, go back a second. Is ‘no worries’ a Chicago thing?
I dunno.. does anyone else here say no worries?
Hugh sez: Well fuck it. We’re from Chicago so we can talk like we’re from Chicago, right bitches?
more Alvie
this is an Alvie heavy epsiode
she didn’t find a ham sandwich in the fridge
Hugh sez: 🙁
jelly bean game
736 nipples!!!
Hugh sez: there are only 2 nipples that concern me
Rhetro had the biggest!!!! LOL
Hugh sez: Nice. LOL
raw, rough, live Jack
All Beautiful Things
see you on 99 or on the unshow
dno’t taint me bro
send in your shit
please, please please
he aint coming back after the music
Deadpan 98 out
Hugh, your choice?
Hugh sez: Ladies first
*swooon* he is such a gentlemen!!!
I guess that yes, he is coming back after the music
Is Jack coming back after the music game
Dre: yes
Hugh: no
Jack this song is nice too, but if i had to pick I liked the candlelight one better
Hugh sez: Yeah, but this one is good too
Yeah, I like this guitaring bit here
Hugh sez: me too.
[jack singing] beautiful things.. must die [/jack singing]
good song Jack, very sad
Hugh sez: Yeah, it had a very sad edge to it
Jack didn’t come back after the music 🙁
Hugh sez: I win! Get thine clothes off and get in the bed babe!!
w00t! 🙂 The will Jack come back after the music game: no matter what, everyone wins!
Alright pan, its been fun
Hugh sez: keep it real
no worries
Hugh sez: LOL. Yeah. Straight from Chicago, we send you a sincere- No worries
🙂 we are so Chicago Hughie
Hugh sez: Chicago fucking rules
word my brotha!!
night pan
As take a quick snap of the tumbleweeds, I ponder on the meaning of life as I wait for the film ‘Gomorrah’ to start.
Well it was certainly a worthy film, but a bloody depressing one.
Thanks, Smarty Hotties. I’m glad you liked the songs.
I don’t know if ‘Gomorrah’ has been release here, Van.
So tonight’s retro game is Dropzone on the C64:
How did the Friday night gig go Jack?
Last night went pretty well, Van. Thanks for asking. I think I’ll be doing mostly atmosphere and background noise at this place, but that’s fine with me.
Err, ummm, words fail me.
So, since I’m nearly finished my current Gutenberg project, I had to score some more books. That part was easy. The ugly part came when my scanner refused to work with Vista.
It appears that Lexmark decided to refuse to make vista drivers for any of their devices, rendering all of their equipment, including my all-in-one, paperweights.
How brilliant of them.
So books I have, but I can’t make them electrons…:(
MD: You can try running an XP virtual machine on Vista. That might allow you to still run you equipment.
Lexmark will have to pony up to Vista eventually.
So Dan and CJ came out to see me tonight. http://www.lovelongandprosper.com/podcast/
They are really cool people.
And, my final thought for the evening —
I really wish I’d seen Elliott Smith in concert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnqjZzMscFo
Glad the shows are going well, Jack 🙂
We spent the evening looking at art. It was cool, we saw some good shit, but depressing
Hugh sez: we want to show our new shit
we love our current work and haven’t been able to show it to anyone 🙁
Hugh sez: I anticipate 2009 will be the triumphant return of the smarty hotties to the chicago art scene
🙂 fuck yeah bay-bee!!!
goodnight jack
and goodnight everyone
sleep well, sweet dreams
Ripped from another conf, political systems explained using cows:
FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.
PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.
BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need.
FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.
PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.
RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.
CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government takes both of them and shoots you.
DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.
PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.
REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.
BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
PURE ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the cows and kill you.
LIBERTARIAN/ANARCHO-CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
When did ‘no worries’ become a Chicago expression rather than an Australian one?
I like your cows to explain politics, Van 🙂
Hugh sez: especially the surrealism one
I don’t know when no worries became a Chicago expression, I didnt realize it was either a chicago or Australian thing. A cousin of Hugh’s was saying we were such Chicagoans cuz we were saying no worries.
Hugh sez: The only other people we know who use no worries on a regular basis like we do is our friend Andy.
Yeah. Andy uses it more than we do. Everytime you greet Andy (hello, good morning, how ya doing, whats up) he responds with no worries.
Hugh sez: He was born and raised in Chicago, as were we
but do other native Chicagoans use no worries?
Hugh sez: we must do a scientific study on this
make sure you get us a million dollar grant in order to study this
Hugh sez: yes!
Speaking of Hughs cousin
We are supposed to have brunch with Hugh’s ginormous family, including said cousin, this morning.
Hugh sez: My cousin is visiting from Minneapolis
We were feeling very lazy and are waiting for Hugh’s brother and sister and spouses and their gaggle of kids to get here so we can go get brunch.
Hugh sez: seriously my family needs to fucking relax with the reproducing.
The visiting cousin announced he has impregnated his wife
Hugh sez: so my clan grows even larger. We will take over the world one day
you realize we are going to need a table for 50 at the restaurant
Hugh sez: LOL. We made a reservation and they are giving us our own room.
Oh!! and there is another Hugh family announcement!
Hugh sez: yeah! My older sister in NY is getting married 🙂 She got engaged Friday night
awwwww. and she asked Hugh to be her man of honor 🙂
Hugh sez: I hope she doesn’t try to put me in a brides maid dress, or expect me to dance with the best man.
🙂 I doubt it honey
but anyway while we wait for Hughs family to get here…
Unshow 18 spoiler alert!!
Jack and his central air welcome us to Deadpan
pee-wee herman and Michael Jackson are no longer interested.
uh-oh.. itunes freak out
Oh it was just the genius update that was tying up the iTunes
Hugh sez: we dont need no stinckin genius! We have me!
*eye roll* yes oh genius Hughie 🙂
orders of bidness
Greasy spoon nipples phase
EssBee- did you love ti Rhettro?
Smarty hotties- stop kissing Jacks ass
LOL.. we are sooo ghey
Vanamonde – they dont build em like that anymore
Greasy spoon Nipples Comments thru unshow 18
EssBee- 1
Smarty Hotties®- 1
Vanamonde- 1
Greasy beans
calling it at 525
563 wins…. Vanamonde!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugh sez: Vanamonde wins da grease
IHOP is international
Hugh sez: OMG that is funny
Well it IS International meguesses
well now it ISN”T a duplicate is it Mr smarty pants wordpress fucktardbot?
Listen to a real show if this is your first Deadpan
1st thing
Hugh sez: Jack is confused 🙂
Trucker Overdrive had Jack on the BS episode
Pod taint is not Jacks pod legacy
Hugh sez: Jack is spreading his taint across the land?
LOL.. ewww Jack
Morning, Smarty Hotties!
Morning, Pan!
Morning, Wood!
His legacy is not the guy who complains about taint
hugh sez: there is nothing wrong with a little taint between lovers
LOL.. Oh Hugh 🙂 get your mind out of the gutter
Hugh sez: I like my mind in the gutter, I wont take it out!! I wont I wont!!
yes sir!!!! yeesh!
Morning JB!
Jack wants feedback
he’s thinking about do a third season of duel of the fates!!!!
Hugh sez: *swooon*
send Jack your thoughts
that is the unshow
he has content for next week
send in more
thats 1 Loooong M
Hugh sez: oh baby thats hot. You shold record Jack a pervy sphericalJackmmmmmmmm like you just did. That made my jeans tight
🙂 if Jack would like it, I will do it
Central air is back on
hit stop
Grocery Day, cleaning house, etc.
Darcy is working costumes hardcore next two weekends, dress rehearsals pretty soon!
Deadpan 99 spoiler alert!!!
good luck with your show Darcy 🙂
Nice laugh
Like Get Smart this is 99
aka Foo nemesis of Dave Grohl
good content
this isn’t live?
Hugh sez: I thought this was live. I feel cheated
Jack is so FM 🙂
Jacks back!!
Hugh sez: HOws your dinner coming along Jack?
Current nipple count 381
boobie count!
Hugh sez: I count 2 boobies
Scott from Kalamazoo
Deadpan is the way
Hugh sez: the way to happiness is to marry Andrea
ok *ahem* where were we?
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
agreed. Worrying about what other people think about you is the 1st step towards unhappiness
I have no need to impress anyone.
Well I do try to impress Hugh, but not because I think he doesn’t like me. I just like trying to make him happy. I do things that i know he likes but not out of some need for Hugh to think I am cool.
Hugh sez: we did suffer from wanting to be cool when we were young
yeah we did, and it totally sucked didn’t it?
Hugh sez: and by sucked we mean in the bad way.
“you shouldnt be with someone if they are trying to change things about you”
amen brotha
Hugh sez: this dude speaks the truth, yo
Agreed. We drive our Prius because we want to support that industry, and we even got a used one. We’ve never been ones to buy stupid expensive things
Hugh sez: well except your shoe fetish
shoe fetish?!??!??!!!??? I dont buy expensive name brand designer shoes. Im not a designer name slut
Hugh sez: true, true I take back my comment your honor. You aren’t a designer name whore.
thank you
methinks this might be Hughs fam looking for parking outside…
Time to sleep off a large Sunday dinner.
If you are a fan of the Ben Hur:
-the or +THE if you think I was referring to the version of BH that starred Charlton Heston.
it is Hugh’s fam trying to park their ginormous van outside 🙂 Speaking of big expensive cars. BUT they need to drive that boat. Between Hugh’s brother and sister they have 11 kids and they live a few blocks from each other and they went in on this car together to cart the kids all around to school and after school functions and what not.
we’re going to go now
l8r paniacs
enjoy your Sundaze everyone
Quiet Sundaze. Text adventure fans should get a kick out of this:
Haven’t clicked the link, but, yeah, MSP Ain’t Adventures (unless you’re Larry Craig)
Alright, where the hell did my weekend go? Has anyone seen it?
Did the Weekend Shop give you a tracking number?
How was it supposed to arrive?
Hmmm, you know, that guy on Ebay never did give me a tracking number. I suspect fowl play.
Jack, are you the VP candidate?
All kneel before Zod!
Iiiiiii’m Baaaaack.
Anybody miss me?
Well, I’ve a mountain of chores to do (not to mention laundry) and some audio for Ms. Amy so I may only be in “drive-by” mode today but I wanted to say “Good Morning”.
… and BTW-
Random Canadian election update:
Harper (current P.M., Conservative) says Dion (running for P.M, Liberal) can’t lead Canada because he is:
A) French
B) Hearing impaired
Now, that’s disgusting enough, but the worst part is the majority of Canadians appear to agree with him. WTF?
Have I mentioned today how much I hate people?
CP: Changing — The Moondoggies
j0e!!!!! I missed you 🙂
ummm.. please don’t say stock markets, or retirement accounts or any other related word in front of Hugh.
I’m trying to stay out of his way today. He’s been muttering to himself while he works all morning.
So I’m going to quietly work on my photography now 🙂
CP: The Truth — Jake One
Joe, you didn’t really want to retire someday, anyway. Apparently, I didn’t either.
*mutter mutter mutter*
Thanks all.
Back in briefly to grab a bit of food (didn’t have time for breakfast) and it’s back out again.
Ed – the horror … the horror … the horror …
Andrea – make sure you keep firearms and sharp objects away from Hugh!
marlodianne- it’s a good thing we are family and not people! 😉
Retirement? What an outdated concept, the new buzzword is “indentured servatude!”
Hugh keeps trying to tell himself we have 30-40 more years before we need the retirement money so we have time to make it up.
methinks he keeps trying to tell himself that so he will feel better.
I dont think its firearms or sharp objects I need to keep away from him, I think its the computer 🙂
currently playing
I Want to know your plans
by Say Anything
ok. Hugh just looked up from his computer and said “Thats it. I need to go out for a really long liquid lunch. This shit is driving me fucking crazy”
but then he turned back and went right back into it 🙂
I’ll give him another half hour, then go into understanding-comforting spouse mode and try and get him away from the computer
ummm not that Im not ALWAYS in understanding-comforting spouse mode 🙂
I haven’t been able to hang at Deadpan in months and the day I do no one else can 🙁
ah well, so rolls the Deadpan
curently playing:
Yellow Cat (slash) red cat
by Say Anything
It is only a loss if you cash out.
I watch my yellow cat invade my red cat in the yard.
The feline war has raged for years so I assume it’d be to hard
for me to drive my foot between them. I would never risk the scratch
just to prove to one or both of them a cat is just a cat.
If you need some distraction:
Dude. Evo… yes, that Evo… took a swipe at Jack in the comments on his blog (totally good-naturedly, of course)
Let’s show Evo what the Pan community can do to a blog comments section…
“This next song is about demons, and death, and sadness, and death, and darkness. Yes it’s another fucking masterpiece.” =)
The problem is, money is an asset that always loses value. We should be smart and invest in something solid, something we can use.
Like noms.
nom nom nom
Buy Swiss Francs is one option I’ve heard.
You can always use it to buy chocolate.
@vanamonde : The problem is that most of the chocolate I could afford with my US dollars is melamine-tainted…
Says it all:
It might be safer–and more cost effective–to just eat the money.
Plenty of fiber that way.
Ditto… awesome cartoon. I like the link to http://xkcd.com/162/ on the bottom of the page. Sent it off to my wife in an SMS. Feeling all ooey gooey.
I need to find bucket after that cartoon.
BP: Yeah. That is one of my favorites.
oh NOW everyone comes out 😉
I trust Hugh’s mad trading skillz. I’m not worried he will make a bad decision.
ditto- I liked that cartoon 🙂 it is so very true
well its been fun kids. Not sure if we will be around here for a bit, but maybe on the weekend. Got lots going on and then next week we are going to Houston for a week
take care of each other
l8r paniacs
Here is a guy not worried about retirement:
I’m in mod hell again. Sigh.
So after watching the latest clone wars episode, I long for a scifi series of any kind that doesn’t treat nebulas in space as dense clouds that you can hide in…
And we’ve not yet bopped Evo on the nose for picking on Jack yet… http://evoat11.com/2008/10/evoat11-09-beyond-fukudome/#comment-46
Speaking of iTunes and DRM, Teresa has a large collection of iTunes songs on our older computer. The harddrive the files are located on is starting to fail, so it makes it tough to back those files up and reauthorise them. So I’m going to begin the lengthy task of de-DRMing the files. You basically have iTunes burn the files to CD, then rip the CD to MP3. =P
@rhettro I’ve done that with some of the stuff I bought from iTunes. It’s nice that they built *something* in that would let you get your music to a safe place. Even if it’s a total PITA to manage…
CP : History According to Bob : Roman Imperial Government
I belive Jack is going to be a guest on the next Evo@11, perhaps that’s two opprotunities to rib Evo? I’m not feeling particularly clever at the moment, I may take Evo on when I have all my wits about me. I know I’ll need them. LOL
You’re right Brad, at least we have the option.
@rhettro That’s true… you never want to step into a battle of wits with him unprepared.
And that’s why when I buy, I buy from Amazon. I still occasionally troll the newsgroups, but they aren’t nearly as reliable as they once were. I supposed they’ve moved on to torrents, but I’ve just never been able to get into that scene.
I’m also at a stage in life where $0.99 or less for a DRM free song that I’m free to put on my Ipod, the wife’s Ipod, and the daughter’s Sansa is a fair deal that I’m willing to pay for.
The new Evo@11 is out…with some Jack in it and a lot of bitching from D.
That’s what I do Ed when I can, I download from Amazon. Otherwise I’m inclined to buy real CD’s and rip them. The glut of free music from podcasts and artist’s websites keeps me pretty entertained though. 🙂
Looks like my ISP has finally gotten round to messing with p2p downloads, been getting 2/3k download speeds all day.
Interesting news. I need to get around to reading this before it gets made into a film.
Hopefully he will actually read the novel all the way through this time.
Not that I’m bitter you understand.
Re: Fun with Evo@11
Sadly, I have only time to post on one board today.
Sorry I could hang out and play today Andrea. You guys take care.
RE:DRM stuff.
I guess I am out of the loop on this stuff.
I rarely buy a song on-line … choosing instead to spend a couple bucks more and buy the whole cd from Ebay … having a “hard copy” just seems the only way to go because hard drives will ALWAYS eventually fail.
The few tunes I buy from iTunes (usually specialty stuff – Christmas, Sound FX, oldies or the like) eventually get burnt to discs as “normal” music cd’s (see my policy on wanting a hard copy back-up) so I’ve assumed I can always re-rip those cd’s (legally or not) to any computer I care to.
This has always been the way I’ve worked and so far it seems to have made the “DRM” issue a moot point.
Perhaps I’m missing something?
Van: I’m not sure how he could make a good movie out of that book without butchering it. And, yes, I really, really like the book.
Machine gun responses (machine gun nipples? gross. . .):
I read every comment, btw.
Marlo, your mod purgatory sentence is up!
Most of my new music in the past year were free legal downloads from Spinner and/or Pitchfork.
Love that xkcd, Brad. Used to have it posted to the fridge.
Rhett- I think there was a wave of shock and horror through the crowd when Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth said that he’d loved the Skid Row concert.
Jack – It sort of makes since that after listening to Skid Row you’d be motivated to form Opeth. LOL
CP: Would You Do It For Free– Sammy Hagar
“Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I’d think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through ”
WWII Posters:
You can’t beat the Axis if you get VD
I didn’t think you could get VD by beating the Axis.
CW: Lost in Austen episode 2 on DVD.
A fantasy where a modern day Pride and Prejudice fan enters the world of the book through a magic door and starts to bugger up the plot.
Sounds cheesey but so far has been rather fun.
So … in essence are they saying –
“Wrong, Do it again!”
“If you don’t eat yer prostitute, you can’t have any syphilis. How can you
beat the Axis if you don’t beat yer meat?”
“You! Yes, you behind the Deadpan, stand still laddy!”
… er, sorry about that.
Long day and I may have just hit the wall.
And JOe cements his “man crush” position with me. LOL
So weird news on the job front. I got another promotion. Yes I’m still on reduced hours as is the entire firm, but it looks like I’m not going to get laid off.
I think I’d avoid that pudding. . . .
A definate pass on the puding.
Van: My scientist wife watched Eleventh Hour and enjoyed it. She said they got enough of the science right for it to get a pass in her book. I haven’t seen it yet.
I’m going to count how many times the word science is mentioned in the next hour of 11th hour…
Morning Pan, back to work, meh!
-hour +episode
After telling the wife that 11th hour is originally a BBC series, she started recording it on BBC America. They started running the series from the beginning. It’s hard to go wrong with Patrick Stewart.
A few weeks back, BBCA started running commercials with all the shows that have since been “ported” to the US with the tagline “Where American television comes from.”
We don’t need no education…..unless Joe is teaching.
Ditto, that poster makes me feel bad for the poor girl. You know you really needed a paycheck when you agree to be *the* face of skanky dirty..
Van: Entering the work of Jane Austen, and you don’t speak of Jasper Fforde?
I’ve started listening to Indiana Jim’s Star Wars story on his podcast. The promo’s sounded a bit cheesy to me, but it’s actually proving to be quite engaging. This one is definitely an audio drama and not a “book”. I think he’s captured the spirit and feel of the original movies. It’s set shortly after Return of the Jedi.
With his production schedule, I think the folks over at “Children of the Gods” could stand some help from him. That’s another interesting audio drama that I picked up from a Slice interview a couple of years ago, but it seems to take them several months to get a new episode out.
Still, it’s all free, so I’m not inclined to complain. Itunes catches it all when it’s ready.
Thanks for the heads up Ed. I would like to hear Jim’s take on a SW universe story. I’ve listened to a couple of audio dramas based around Star Wars and a couple were quite good, but most were lacking. I need to find the definitive SW audio drama outlet, much like Darker Projects is the Star Trek outlet.
On another note, I can’t say I’m really enjoying Heroes at this point. I realize they are trying to shake things up, but the fact that the characters aren’t staying in character is really starting to bother me.
Yes I MD I was reminded of The Eyre Affair as I watched Lost in Austen.
Thursday Next…literary /swoooooon
Re: Heroes
I have all this season’s episodes on the TiVo but haven’t gotten to them yet. So far the feedback hasn’t made me rush to view them.
I almost watched the season opener last night but as I was about to push “play” I changed my mind and went for the season opener of “The Office”.
I laughed … so I am going to count it as a good choice.
Cheesey line from some song on the radio:
There ain’t no place on Earth that lonely ain’t been there first
Interesting news on the geeky movie front:
Don Cheadle brings a lot of class.
^Interesting article on another son of a famous conservative.
I know this isn’t a revolutionary thought, but the Republican/Democrat system has caused too much damage. You want Washington reform? Start there. Get people thinking about the issues again, rather than just which side they’re supposed to take.
Random (or is it?) hitchhiker quote:
“a bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes,”
Excuse while I go and polish my hammer and sickle.
While Heroes seems to be floundering, Chuck may be the greatest show on TV.
I may have to make the switch to Chuck. 🙂
Jack: I agree.
Ed: I just started watching season 1 of Chuck. Loving it so far. I also find it highly amusing that people will complain about the fan service in anime, yet don’t seem to mind it when it is in a show like Chuck. 😉
The Middleman series was good for that, even if some of the references to Joe 90 and original Dr Who characters were probably wasted on most of the US audience.
fan service??
just watched “6 months leave” episode of “Mad Men” that show started off this season pretty slow but has now really hit it’s stride. IMHO
Hey Van did all the Dr.Who shows have all the pop cultural jokes?
That’s it !!!!
I’ve started cleaning THAT drawer in my kitchen. You know, the one under the counter that the answering machine sits on … the one that collects all that STUFF you don’t know what to do with …
… so I start pulling STUFF out and it’s been an hour and it’s still loaded with STUFF and I suddenly realize … IT’S NOT A DRAWER, IT”S A FRAKEN TARDIS !!!!
That’s the only reasonable explanation for how it can contain this endless supply of paper clips and twist ties and nail and screws and batteries of unknown condition and caps for pens long since lost and pencils with no point on them and old postcards and installation tools for long forgotten items and what ever the HECK this thing is! I have no idea what it is but I am SURE it was important!!!!
J0e, if you happen to see my old Buick Skylark in there, I was thinking of selling it. Let me know, OK?
This made me laugh. Even funnier that Marky Mark was a dick about it:
Joe, you’ve only got one of THOSE drawers?
Ah, election over.
At least we can go back to hating each other quietly…
CP: Lady GaGa – Just Dance
Morning Pan.
I indefinitely suspended the drawer project.
I found an SAS unit in there and it occurred to me that if I didn’t stop looking, I might actually find Osama Bin Laden.
That would have a distracting effect on the upcoming election so I thought it best to just back away slowly.
CP: Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah
RE: Saturday night live sketch.
It served to point out to me how dependent on current pop culture that show’s humor is.
I don’t keep up with Marky Mark so, past the “Wouldn’t this be lame if it were an actual show” premise … I just didn’t get the joke. 🙁
Joe, there wasn’t a joke. There usually isn’t in that show….It’s like the anti-funny.
Oh … then I DID get the joke! 🙂
Lest we forget – http://tinyurl.com/4f6oy3
CP: Once More With Feeling – Life’s A Show
CP: James Marsters – Smile
*soapbox mode*
Some of these clowns on CNBC are really driving me NUTS.
They are trying to discuss the candidate’s economic plans and this one prick keeps saying “Obama’s increase in Capital gains taxes is BAD for the stock market.”
GOOD for the stock market isn’t always the same as GOOD for the economy, you jerk!
Case in point … Corporations have moved their jobs overseas. This decreased their costs, increased their quarterly profits and was GREAT for the stock market … for a while. Till all those laid off workers no longer had money to buy the goods and services.
“Good” for the market was BAD for the economy and eventual proved poisonous for the market.
You fix the economy FIRST you lunk head – and then the market will follow!
*/soap box mode*
CP: Lullabye — Editors
ZP opens a can of worms with a review of S.T.A.L.K.E.R:Clear Skies
CP: Sleeping Satellite — Tasmin Archer
Van: Brilliant ending to that review! 🙂
I’ll have to check out the new ZP over lunch. I rewatched his review of Mass Effect and I thought it was funny that just him, I was halfway through the game before I figured out you could apply upgrades to the different weapons. LOL
CP: Where Is Everybody? — NIN
I’m looking forward to this:
CP: A Girl Named Pike — Throwing Muses
CP: Too Little Too Late — Barenaked Ladies
Computer quiz at:
I got 8 out of 10.
I got 5 out of 10, some of those were pretty obscure.
Only 6/10 for me.
I saw an actual PDP (not working) at an exhibition on the history of computer games. They had to use a Vectrex running Space Wars to give an idea how it ran on the PDP.
I’m probably one of the few who put a quarter in to a Space Wars arcade game in the late 70’s. LOL
I did too. 🙂
They had one at a local arcade (Space Wars that is) but it had been rather neglected, some of the keys for player 2 didn’t work.
Which made for easy victories against my brotherinlaw.
You can play the game at:
You need java installed.
In truth I think the version I played was called “Rip Off.”
I think I may have tried to play that (arcade version “space wars”) once.
I was joking about Pr0n with Patman and Gil over Gmail and got a funny targeted ad from ESPN. “Rocket not upset with Yanks, lacks desire to play”
I think my stomach is trying to eat itself.
The usually yogurt consumption ain’t working.
I managed a 6/10. My kung fu is a little weak today.
I first learned to program on a Commodore PET.
Same here, Ed.
Only got 3/10. Mostly guessed.
I’m having fun watching this new anime series:
6/10, not bad…
Only one lucky guess too…
I got the Pet (learned to program BASIC on that puppy) and that was it. 🙁
10?”Go to 10″