1,098 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #213: This is a Triumph

    • Why, oh why do people keep saying that the single picture of Anne Hathaway reveals anything about the new catwoman costume. You can’t even see the damn thing. I can see the arms and a part of her leg. How the hell am I supposed to know what that costume looks like.

      *gets off soap box*

    • What’s not so blatantly obvious … what if the kids in question, while wearing school identifying clothing (like a uniform) and while clearly on school property, take pictures of themselves in lewd or compromising poses … but post those pictures after hours on a non-school social network.

      That happened locally and I applaud the school for banning them from school activities for doing this. In effect … these kids were publically representing the school while being douche bags… and if the school chooses not to be publically represented by douche bags I think they should have that right.

  1. Is “penultimate” the word of the month? I’m sure I’ve never seen it before August and now I’ve observed about five different people using it. Is it a real english word? Has it only been recently invented?

  2. Great find, Ed. That would be the penultimate meeting of those two ships.

    It looks like we’ll be hitching rides with the Russians and maybe any other country whose space program matters more to them than their wealthiest citizens’ shopping sprees.

  3. Speaking of which … I just got a two page letter from Mitt Romney asking for money so he can be our next President. He didn’t say one thing in the letter about why he is more qualified then any of the other candidates. Nor did he give ANY ideas for what he would do to fix the economy. Just two pages of how evil Obama is.

    I guess he thinks he is the only guy running?

  4. Just listened to the this weeks DP episode.

    The Amy/Jack/Rhettro version of the Portal song sounds even better at x2 playback speed.

    I’ll get my coat..

  5. RE: Closing song

    You know, when the “Still Alive” song started, I was expecting Jack to cut in after a few seconds with another “No, that’s not it”. Then, as I continued listening, the idea started forming in my mind that “You know, that kinda sounds like Amy Bowen singing….” and then I was certain. And then a smile crept across my face as another thought formed “Awesome”

    Nice job to all involved in the “Still Alive” project.

  6. The reason I have not been here…

    I have been scouring the globe for a job.

    I found one… in Houston then it moves to Woodward OK…

    Houston – you have me coming to see you again… It has been so long,

  7. Hugh-n-Dre’s Deadpan play-by-play™

    Hugh and Dre

    Deadpan #213 This is Triumph

    R (for adult language and sexual content)

    No animals were hurt in the making of this Deadpan, any and all comments referring to real people were fully intended

  8. hugh sez: 2011 is the bestest year ever for us

    [singing] one day these boots are going to walk all over you [/singing]

    hugh sez: ooo baby!


    lol.. I liked that, whoever did that.

    Hugh sez: and we are glad it wasn’t Shania Twain

  9. why sure.. climb into my spoon



    the purring cat comments section

    is the a euphemism or what?

    My “cat” is “purring”

    Hugh sez: oh baby!!! I can make your “cat” “purr” with my “scratching post”


  10. Dear Deadpan

    I know I probably just lost many street cred points for not being able to spell cthulhu without Mr google’s help.

    But please forgive me

    You must know after years of reading my comments that I have a very basic knowledge of writing and spelting any words korrectly, as well as a laughably minute knowledge of punctuation and how it should be used in a sentence.

    humbly yours

  11. Lejon: cthulhu

    Van: new deadpan password

    joe: Tyson isn’t Sagan

    ditto: only kinky the first time

    ditto, I have to disagree with that. It is kinky EVERY TIME

    Hugh sez: I would say every time it gets kinkier

    Hugh you realize we have no idea what ditto was talking about and probably totally embarrassed ourselves here

    Hugh sez: of course i know this. Please hit the “Post Comment” button

  12. Dre’s 10 songs that make me happy (only 10?)

    1. Skinny Puppy Addiction remix
    2. Naked Raygun – Understand
    3. Urge Overkill – Sister Havannah
    4. The Kills – Last Day of Magic
    5. The Kills – DNA
    6. Airborne Toxic Event – Sometime Around Midnight
    7. Almost anything by Franz Ferdinand
    8. Almost anything by New Order or Joy Division
    9. Therapy? – Meat Abstract
    10. PJ Harvey – Oh My Lover

  13. OMG Hugh just noticed I didn’t mentiom Greg Dulli/Afghan Whigs/Twilight Singers once

    but all their songs make me happy and thats pretty much a given right? I mean c’mon

    Hugh sez: point taken

  14. Hugh’s 10 songs that make him happy

    1. Naked Raygun – all of them
    2. Big Black – all of them
    3. Nirvana – Smells like Teen Spirit
    4. Swervedriver – Kill the superheroes
    5. Black Flag – all of them
    6. Babes In Toyland – Handsome Gretel
    7. Jesus Lizard – All of them
    8. Cop Shoot Cop – All of them
    9. Pennywise – The Kids
    10. The Misfits – Astro Zombies

  15. hugh sez: wait wait wait.. pause it


    How to grow your geek?

    LOL, get your mind out of the gutter Hugh. I imagine that is a good family show

    Hugh sez: So, we can make our own version of how to grow your geek

    you are so bad


  16. Later panitos

    Thank you Jack and Co for another episode of pure Deadpan awesomeness.

    I bask in its glory and know that I am not worthy

    Hugh sez: we’re not worthy, we’re not worthy

    be safe, and remember to practice random acts of kindness

  17. And speaking of biting, there’s really nothing to recommend about Cowboys and Aliens. Not clever, not fun, not good. I’m glad the previous “meh” reviews had helped to lower my expectations.

    • I enjoyed the movie and thought it was predictable, but still pretty fun.

      You’re just full of humbugness.

      You should spend more time with Larry the Cable Guy…

    • I get to agree with Jack.
      I still say they spent their whole budget hiring big named actors and a Summer Glau look-a-like (couldn’t they have just hired Summer?)and had no money left for the little things … like a script … or editing.

      My real disappointment is that, as “mindless summer fun” films go, I think it could have been a really good movie. At least as good as Iron Man.

  18. Went to the movies yesterday and saw Harry Potter. I couldn’t find the theater (it was in theater 12, and I saw 11 and 13, but no 12). I felt like I was at the train station.

  19. Some possible bad news on the family front (it’s always a bad sign when a Doctor contacts a relative with blood test results).

    Further tests needed, and I’ve been sworn to silence by the person in question in regards to informing my sisters.


  20. Fairly expensive trip to the ABC store, but came away with a good haul. Over the next few days I will be drinking:

    Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout (because I’ve heard it hyped here so much)
    Billy’s Chilies (made with five different kinds of fresh chili peppers)
    Dogfish Head Midas Touch (handcrafted ancient ale with barley, honey, white muscat grapes and saffron)
    Alexander Keith’s Nova Scotia Style Brown Ale
    Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot (Barley-wine Style Ale)
    Highland Brewing Company Gaelic Ale

    • The Yeti is real good, UH. But the Oak Aged Yeti is the true holy grail.

      Does the Blithering Idiot turn you into just that? Must find.

    • Midas Touch is an interesting beer, and it really depends on your tastes in beer whether or not you enjoy it.

      Don’t most barleywines turn you into a blithering idiot, at least after a couple of bottle…

    • What they’ve said, plus I’ve liked everything I’ve had from Alexander Keith’s, but I’ve not had their brown. I’m very sad I can’t get any down here.

  21. Realized I’m being drained by all the negativity around me and in the world. Most of it, I can’t do anything about. So for at least one day, I am not watching/reading news about the economy or wars, I’m not reading political posts, I’m looking for the good and uplifting. Maybe I’m burying my head a bit in the sand, but the daily stress of worry about things I have no control over is unhealthy. Give me some positive stuff, guys!

  22. My nickname on Facebook is Eeyore, so you are out of luck with the positive from me.

    On the other hand I enjoyed ‘Rise of the Planet Of the Apes’, rather old fashioned as scifi movies go, but still enjoyable.

  23. The only positive stuff I have is mixed with negative:

    I have a court date so things are moving forward +
    to end my 8 year marriage + & –
    it is in December –

    I would like it to be sooner

      • I got lucky we can agree on every thing because there is next to nothing to agree on.
        We have no house, no savings, very little 401k. hense, my post yesterday about looking at bank accounts.
        We also didn’t have kids. she did and I never adopted them.
        I told her she could keep whatever I just don’t care.
        we also can’t afford to disagree and get lawyers.

  24. We took Fray in for her 9 month checkup and her height weight and head size are all good, right around 75 percentile. Afterwards she had bloodwork and was amazing. A little yelp when the needle pinched, but that was it.

    That’s my good news. m/

  25. What fun! They are jackhammering at the street level under our building and my chair and my monitor are vibrating. And there is a plume of dust.

      • Oh… I feel like I’ve been locked up tight For a century of lonely nights Waiting for someone To release me

        You’re licking your lips and blowing kisses my way But that dont mean I’m gonna give it away Baby, baby, baby (baby, baby, baby)

        Oh whoa… My body’s saying let’s go Oh whoa… But my heart is saying no (no)

        If you wanna be with me, baby There’s a price you pay I’m a DEADPAN in a bottle You gotta rub me the right way If you wanna be with me I can make your wish come true You gotta make a big impression I gotta like what you do

        I’m a DEADPAN in a bottle, baby Gotta rub me the right way, honey I’m a DEADPAN in a bottle, baby Come, come, come and let me out

  26. Ummmm………… so is anyone surprised that this week will be silent?
    Some of you know where I am. Where I am has no access to my podcasting laptop.

    Next week.

    In other news, I did have dinner with Chris the Fixed Kitty tonight!

  27. Hey Deadpan

    I think things have finally calmed down and life can go back to normal. At least my version of normal anyway

  28. I won’t be going back and looking at the comments I missed. A week is just too much for my little brain to handle. If I’ve missed birthdays, anniversaries, or anything else consider my congrats a given.

  29. In a couple of hours I’m taking poor hubby to the dentist to get a crown. I think I’ll call him “king” for today :cheerful:

  30. Good Morning Pannites.
    So far no construction outside but somebody left a barbecue grill in the parking lot.
    So…. how do you keep your motivation up when you know that your “lay off date” is two weeks away? Any suggestions?

    • Sorry.
      Been through that.
      I know I tried to focus on spending what time I could, getting prepped for the job search. Making resume’, searching the net for possible openings and such.
      Of course I had management that allowed such things.
      My department also took things into our own hands. Everyone in the company knew this was coming and we watched others getting picked-off. My group was small and basically couldn’t do our job with any less personnel then we had … so we sat down and figured out how long it would take to finish all projects that were underway … and then had our dept. manager go to the V.P. and say, “Hey, how about laying us all off during the week of (can’t remember the date).
      The VP was stunned. This had ever happened.
      I have to say there was some satisfaction in taking ones fate into one’s own hands. It was also a great relief not worrying about “when” they were coming for you.

    • Thank you all. Yeah, I’ve known for a month now. I’ve reached the point of I’m ready to move on, just trying to find the next opportunity. While they are open to giving me time to conduct interviews etc, I’m in a pretty open floor plan (literally six people can see my computer screen at any time) and can’t spend all day on the boards. They are also mixed on what they give me to work on since they don’t want to give me anything important and I am growing bored with what I do have.

  31. For those who may remember, I had to get my Boo a car as she was in an accident and her’s was written off. In a, I don’t know how it happened moment, her good used car turned into us getting a new car instead. We pick it up this afternoon. Boo will get hubby’s old car.

  32. My experiment with focusing on positive news and avoiding negative news yesterday seems to have worked and I’m feeling much better today. I know you can’t (and shouldn’t) ignore all the negative stuff, but making sure positive gets equal billing is important. The world doesn’t completely suck.

  33. I’m so not caught up 🙁 I will read everything here, but probably not until this weekend.

    Desdemina, I think it’s really wise to filter your negative and positive data input – – as well as your output.

    • *sigh*
      What I felt was Penn’s over arching point of that piece seems to be lost on those that have posted comments.
      He’s not opposed to helping people. He’s not even opposed to our government helping people. He’s just plainly stating that he doesn’t know what the best way to do that is and that he doesn’t believe any, single other person does either.

    • There need to be electronic sensors in the puck and embedded beneath the goal line ice, only used in situations of uncertainty. The new green line will help, but it’s not enough.

      • Thank you!
        That is immediately what sprang into my mind. This is old tech. You have what is basically a digitizing tablet under the ice in the goal and you put a sensor in the puck. Then you’d have the exact path of where the puck traveled in the net.

  34. ..and fingers crossed and rabbit feet touched, but the relative with possible bad news, has been told that it may have been a blip and not to worry.

  35. Poor hubby was raving against the weather last night. We picked up his new car in the afternoon and by bed time it was hailing. We don’t have a garage. He was not a happy camper. It wasn’t really bad hail. I think the car will be fine. I don’t know though, he left for work before I woke up. Damn cat wouldn’t let me sleep last night.

  36. The convention I was working on this year, and occurred last weekend. Those of you in the know will be happy to hear I sent an e-mail to the group telling them I’m taking a more passive role this year. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick to it. 😉

  37. I need help pan…. So our assignment is very similar to what was done here recently. “Instead of the traditional short anecdote about your favorite song, or what it means to you, I’d like to know what you want your intro music to be. In the same way the President gets ‘Hail to the Chief’ whenever he walks on stage, or a ball player gets some kind of rock music when he steps up to the plate. We are going to have Toastmasters intro music. It can be a song that gets you pumped up before a game, or you can use it to set the mood of the audience, whatever you would like played while you walking up to the podium. Keep in mind that it will only be a 10 sec portion of the song, so if there is something specific, please let me know.”

    I have to think of my theme song, what is yours?

  38. For those of you who don’t remember the rules:

    I pick a very B horror movie. Today it’s Growth http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1300159/, and give play by play.

    It will not make sence unless you’ve either seen the movie or are watching it with me.
    Spoilers are a given
    Spelling will be wrong – especially when the iPad’s auto correct takes over
    Also, because of stupid WordPress, there will be an extended version once Jack releases the comment.

  39. Ok, now…

    This movie is so great, the DVR has given no write up whatsoever. It was one of e few ones I actually check out imdb before I started

    Pushing play now

      • I may have asked this before. My Apple earbuds are failing again (volume getting lower and lower in right bud). Any recommendations for a earbuds/mic combination that would work with an iPhone4/iPad.

  40. think I am going to make this for dinner tonight


    Having a couple of Hugh’s work friends over for dinner. 3 guys that have worked on his team with him forever.

    I love having dinner parties 🙂 I like to entertain. Picking my recipes for tonight right now.

    Of course Hugh’s chef brother will have to give me 1000 tips on the recipes I pick, which I of course love 🙂 I highly recommend convincing someone if your family to go to cooking school. Your stomach will forever thank you.

  41. no play by play for us to do this weekend it seems- which is of course fine Jackamo 🙂 I know you were be workafied this week

    Hope everyone has a great weekend 🙂

    later panites

  42. HnD sighting!

    So here is my Julia Child story.

    I guy I worked with went to college somewhere in the North (I can’t remember, Boston maybe?) in the city where Julia Child lived. One night while he was cooking a meal for a girl he was dating (and trying to impress) he got in an argument with her for how some part of it should be prepared. Being a 20 year old and full of, well … being a 20 year old guy – he told her that even Julia Child would back him up. The girl friend called his bluff so he pulled out the phone book and low-and-behold … there was a number for Julia Child.
    The girlfriend said he would never call her so of course, now he HAD to.
    He dialed the number and to his shock, she actually answered!
    Not only was she NOT annoyed that he had called, she wanted to know what else he was serving and offered tips on how to prepare things.

    Pretty swell, eh?

    • OMG what an awesome story!! Julia Child is da bomb yo!!!! Her story was pretty incredible. I may not love french cuisine as much as some others, but I have cooked so many things from her cookbook I can’t even tell you. My Mom had her book and we used it all the time. Her chocolate cake is still the fucking best (and her chocolate almond cake), as is her beef bourguignon.

      I would imagine that calling Sean Penn would cause a very different ending to that story. There will probably be someone maimed as a result.

      I am happy to report that the food is all cooking away and I have nothing to do until they arrive but make myself pretty.

  43. I’ve got a Groupon for scanning up to 1000 4×6 photos. I’ve been going back through photo albums and and boxes collecting pictures. It’s been quite the trip through memory lane.

    • all I got from Groupon was a $35 manicure and pedicure 🙁

      at least it was to the place I always go to 🙂

      I would love to be able to scan 1000 4×6 photos.

      ah well

      ciao panitos de muerte

    • Dude, we are so there… well, actually not so much. Today we might also tackle yardwork, but more likely, I will do it tomorrow while the kiddos are in school.

      3 day work week for me on the horizon!

      We are also going to attempt to get to Bass Pro Shops today. Just gotta shower and suit-up for the day.. whee!

  44. My cool tech moment of the day, streaming an episode of Trueblood, from my laptop to my phone(over 3G), when the laptop was at home and I was out shopping (watched the rest of the episode as I travelled home on the bus).

    Off to see Cowboy & Aliens later.

    • Your school year is just starting? Here in my part of California, it started as far back as the 11th for many public school districts, and on the 15th for universities and colleges that are on the semester system. I do know of one private school that’s starting today.

  45. Question for the tech savvy crowd here. I’m in the market for a pair of laptops. In the old days, one could simply look at the speed of the processor and know what one is getting. Comparisons were extremely easy. It was simply a game of numbers (processor speed, RAM, HD size). Now there are core i3, i5, i7 from Dell and AMDs new A8s. Nothing lists speeds, and from what I can tell, raw speeds are no longer all that matters. I’ve looked for comparisons that can tell me what is equivalent to what, but no easy lists seem to exist. One laptop will simply be a replacement for the family machine in the kitchen and will have little more than web surfing and music/video streaming done on it. The other is a replacement for my desktop and will have to have the capability to run things like Adobe Audition and record incoming music. I’m guessing that one of the cheap i3 computers with 2-4 GB RAM will be fine for the family machine. Are the i3 computers good enough for Adobe Audition or will I have to go up to an i5 or an i7? Will a significantly cheaper A8 work as well as an i5 or an i7? Any suggestions?

    • I can’t answer your power questions UH. I moved from a dual core laptop to a i7 quad core desktop last year. What I will tell you though, is do not get less than 4GB of ram. Windows 7 is a memory hog. Less so than Vista but still. With Windows you will come pretty close to reaching your peak with 2 GB. Adding anything to that will really push the system.

      That’s my advice anyway.

    • Just about any computer in the $500 dollar range can handle those tasks. My current laptop, a Lenovo has an i5 quad core processor, 6 gigs of RAM and I’m running Windows 7 in 64bit to take advantage of the extra RAM. It does great for computational heavy tasks. I haven’t heard any news about the A8’s.

    • http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+A8-3850+APU+with+Radeon+HD+Graphics
      This might help some but it doesn’t have the core i3 so I have to assume it is lower on the scale but you are right it is hard to find what that really means. from my understanding the i7 is more efficient than the i5 or i3 so you will get more battery life and it is faster. I really like AMD but I don’t know anything about there new processes. My newest AMD it getting close to 2 years old.
      I wouldn’t but anything thing with less that 4gb or ram unless it is very ease to add 2gb later.
      so if it has 2gb and one free slot to add another 2gb later.

      • Oh, that chart is exactly what I was looking for. Considering that the AMD A8 is probably better than the older processor in the desktop that I am replacing, it certainly seems to produce a big bang for the buck. Now I just need to wait until the right system with the right price comes up.

        • I’ve got a netbook with the E350 chipset, not a powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination, but it will happily run games like Plants Vs Zombies, emulators and of course do things like email and web browsing. The low power means the battery life is good, and the graphics hardware means it will happily play HD videos..when I bother to download them.

  46. Also time for the first ever Stroke by Stroke event. That’s where I play a game of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 golf on my Wii. I’m not that good so it should be pretty humorous.

  47. I playing the west coarse at Wentworth as part of the London Inventational. Hole 1 is a par 4, 452 yards. Here goes the first shot.

  48. Hmmm… Yesterday when I played this hole I ended up in the sand to the right so I aimed left of the fairway. Ended up behind a tree on the left side. Then hit a low 6 iron shot back into the fairway. 55 yards to the pin left.

  49. And in not sad news… basically neutral news:

    I went to court for my photo radar ticket… they say to show up at 9am.. I’m like ok let’s get this done.

    Yeah, I get there and they call me to schedule another day a month from now.

    *le sigh*

      • I have no idea what I’m doing, to be honest. I am just gonna show up and try to look like an innocent person who would not go 11 MPH over the speed limit. Gah.. at 10 the radars don’t set off and for all I know, I was passing someone. grrr.

        • I got a photo ticket for running a red light in Orlando. I don’t remember running it, but the car in the picture was definitely mine. I’ve been told that they have the ability to set the timing such that the light can turn red while you’re in the intersection, which I could potentially have fought. Unfortunately, I have also been told that the $157 photo ticket does not get reported to my insurance and does not take any points off my license. If I had gone to court and lost (which I’m told EVERYONE does) the fine would have been doubled and there would have been a report to my insurance company and points off my license. I paid the ticket.

  50. Hole 7 is a 362 yard par 4 attempt. I have a 3 MPH breeze at my back. I have to clear a lot of cabbage patches to hit the fairway on this first shot.

  51. Hole 8 is a par 4. I hit it safely to the middle of the fairway. 135 yards to pin, but stiff 12 MPH wind into my face. The caddie is giving me the pitching wedge, I’ll opt for a 9 iron.

  52. Chipped it out of the sand to the edge of the green, then putted it inches from the hole, tapped in for another bogey. +3 for the round. Need some birds to take the edge off.

  53. Made it! +3 for the first half of the course. I need to do much better for the second half or the announcers will just be dicks to me.

  54. I thought it would go long, so I played it with a softer swing. Ended up short of the green in the rough. Again I hope for a close chip shot to save par.

  55. CD: cooling heels at the cinema waiting for Cowboys and Aliens to start.

    Had to goto a later performance, as nephew’s forced labour ‘job’ doesn’t finish till 3pm.

  56. First shot, looked straight to me, but I ended up to the right of the fairway with a pretty substantial hedge in my field of view. 94 yards to pin, but hard to control hitting out of the rough.

  57. Second shot was not as good. Short of the green, but I missed the big tree to the left. Hoping for a close shot to the pin to save par.

  58. The leader of our official opposition just passed away from cancer. No matter what you think of his politics, it’s always sad when someone goes before their time

  59. Hole 14 is a tough par 3. 147 yards, but severely up hill, as in 32 feet up hill. The tee off box sets behind a tall bunker, so you can’t see the hole from tee off position. Lots of trees and sand traps to avoid as well.

  60. Argh, tapped it and it rolled down the hill off the green, chipped close and putted for one over. +4 for the day. I’d have to birdie the last four holes to end up even for the day.

  61. Hole 15 is again described as hard. 443 yards and par 4, the hole sets down 14 feet from where I’m teeing off. The announcer recommends a shot to the left.

  62. On a related note, I ordered the super duper special edition a Skyrim today. Another $150 edition game. Hubby will be pleased :ninja:

  63. I ended up hitting it straight instead, there was a pretty stiff 11 MPH wind pushing me left anyways. Ended up in the center of the fairway. 158 yards to go and it looks like several tree canopies between me and the pin as well.

  64. So I “punched” it, hitting a low ball under the trees, made it to the green but long 43 foot putt for bird. Honestly I’ll be lucky to save par.

  65. Bounced it out of the rough (and back into the fairway) on the first shot, but 288 yards isn’t bad. 270 yards to hole. Hmmm… could possible hit the green with a 3 wood.

  66. Well Cowboys and Aliens was pretty forgettable, with an oh so silly plot (gold mining..really?), but I’ve seen worst movies.

    My nephew took his shoes off while watching the movie, I couldn’t smell anything, but the couple sitting front of us, move further along the row they were on…

  67. I think I’ve discovered a new level of hell. Having your gums swollen and painful from the filling you had on Friday while listening to older people complain that they can’t use your services on the web because they don’t own a computer and how dare you take away their phone option. Oh yeah, and they spend xxx amount of money on your client every week. 🙁

  68. Hey pan got a Motorola Xoom from Verizon to test today to test. Pretty cool so far but at this point anything is an upgrade from only having internet on my blackberry at home

  69. I might actually get a comment out if I could get used to a touch screen.
    I typed my email wrong on this xoom I got to test.
    :ftb: don’t care for gmail spelled gmil or something like that

  70. Very anoying thing in Pandora:
    “I love this song!!!!!”
    Check the play list
    “Hey that dosen’t fit this list”
    Crap what to do now…

    • Pandora (the big interface on the computer, not the phone app) allows you to choose that you like the song but that it belong on a different station. I was really happy when they allowed that, because all my stations had been in the process of becoming the same thing.

      Now I just use Grooveshark because I can choose what I want to listen to, when I want to listen to it. No Pink Floyd or Beatles, but I can always listen to them on my phone or at home or whatever.

  71. And btw: I almost missed this exchange from earlier, which is a shining example of what is best in life:

    Jack Mangan
    August 22, 2011 at 12:39 am · Reply
    Is there such a thing as a beero?

    Ed from Texas
    August 22, 2011 at 3:45 am · Reply
    I think they make something to treat that.

    justa J0e
    August 22, 2011 at 7:02 am · Reply
    Did you ever know that you’re my beero,
    you’ve had everything I’d like to drink?
    You are much higher than is legal,
    oh, now you’ve passed out beneath my seat.

    August 22, 2011 at 8:35 am · Reply
    We don’t need another beero (beero).
    We don’t need to know the way home….

    justa J0e
    August 22, 2011 at 10:10 am · Reply
    And be a juke joint beero, got bars in his life, he’s a juke joint beero
    He took one funnel, juke joint hero, bars are his life
    Juke joint beero, (bars in his eyes) He’ll barf it up tonight

  72. “Portions For Foxes” – Rilo Kiley

    There’s blood in my mouth ’cause i’ve been biting my tongue all week.
    I keep on talking trash, but i never say anything.
    And the talking leads to touching,
    And the touching leads to sex,
    And then there is no mystery left.

    And it’s bad news, baby i’m bad news
    I’m just bad news, bad news, bad news

    I know i’m alone if i’m with or without you,
    But just being around you offers me another form of relief
    When the lonliness leads to bad dreams,
    And the bad dreams lead me to calling you,
    And i call you and say “c’mere!”

    And it’s bad news, baby i’m bad news
    I’m just bad news, bad news, bad news

    And it’s bad news,baby it’s bad news
    It’s just bad news, bad news, bad news
    ‘Cause you’re just damage control
    For a walking corpse like me,
    Like you,
    ‘Cause we’ll all be portions for foxes.
    Yeah, we’ll all be portions for foxes.

    There’s a pretty young thing in front of you
    And she’s real pretty, and she’s real into you
    And then she’s sleepin’inside of you.

    And the talking leads to touching, then the touching leads to sex
    And then there is no mystery left.

    And it’s bad news. I don’t blame you,
    I do the same thing. I get lonely too.
    And you’re bad news; my friends tell me to leave you,
    That you’re bad news, bad news, bad news

    You’re bad news,baby you’re bad news
    And you’re bad news, baby you’re bad news
    And you’re bad news
    I don’t care i like you
    And you’re bad news
    I don’t care i like you
    I like you

  73. Look at that, a serenade from Van to kick off the day 🙂

    And, yes, that Beero sequence needs to be permanently etched in Deadpan memory.

  74. This episode of Deadpan has been brought to you by the miracle of BEERO.

    Has work spoiled the day for you? Do you just need some time to relax and enjoy yourself? Then sit back, and open a fresh BEERO. This magical elixir will wash away the day’s troubles, leaving you refreshed and happy.

    BEERO is easy to take. Just remove the freshness seal with a handy opener, pour into a clean glass, sit back, and enjoy the taste of refreshment. Remember, BEERO is first-aid for your day.

    BEERO — the magic drink.

  75. Interesting tech thing.

    In a few weeks I am going to have to do some driving in a big city that is completely foreign to me … so I am using google earth to “virtually” drive the route ahead of time … familiarize myself with what the intersections will look like and such … and I have noticed that occasionally there will be a sign or billboard that has part of it blurred out.
    This amazes me and 2 questions pop to mind –

    1) What in the world do they feel like they have to censor? They don’t blur the image of the people on the street so why blur the face of the model on the billboard? What were the words the blurred out on what I thought was an informational sign? Hmmmm

    2) Did some one really sit down and scan every one of these street view picture looking for this “non-viewable” content? Do they have a piece of software that can recognize just these little bits of images that they don’t want me to see … and then accurately JUST blur that bit.

    I am agog at it all.

    • I believe that Google uses a software face recognition program to blur faces, which may explain why faces get blurred out on billboards. I’m not sure what other things rise to the level of getting blurred. I have observed that shows on the Discovery channel will often blur out t-shirts that have advertising on them. I guess they don’t want to give out free advertising. Not sure if the same thinking applys to Google.

  76. Hola from NYC, Deadpan. I’m gonna be rather quiet the next couple weeks Don’t anyone doth protest too much…

    Hope you all are/have been well.

  77. I had a weird occurance at the house yesterday. The large vanity mirror behind the lavatory sink in my bathroom came unglued from the wall. It dropped five inches and wedged itself behind the lavatory. It didn’t break, but now I’m trying to figure out who to call to remount it. Glass company, handiman? I suppose I could try and fix it myself, but I think I would need one of those suction cupped tools for moving large sheets of glass.

      • Could be, I just need to make sure whatever adhesive I use to remount it with is ghost resistant. Funny thing about that is my wife reported some odd things happening to her when she traveled to a hotel in Fort Worth last month. I wonder if it followed her home.

  78. My grasp of Canadian geography is limited at best, so asking TEB if she felt the Tremors from an Earthquake in Toronto might be a dumb question.

    • There are certainly quite a few people on Facebook in the Toronto area claiming to have felt the tremor, I had forgotten how far west TEB was.

    • I hear it was felt in Ontario, so it was probably felt in some of the eastern provinces as well.

      Alberta is further from the quake than I am, so TEB probably didn’t feel anything. Alberta is above Montana and is next to British Columbia, which is the west coast of Canada.

  79. So far the biggest suffering from this is being endured by the TV news outlets who have gone to DEFCON BAZILLION on this and so far (thankfully) have nothing to show. There all on their zillionth interview with a person who can add nothing more than “Yes. I felt it.”

    Let’s hope this continues to be nothing more than a novelty event.

    Meanwhile a Hurricane bares down on the Carolinas.

  80. A friend of mine got married this week and told nobody about it. We all found out when he and his girlfriend changed their facebook status. They went on holidays last week and haven’t come back yet. I always thought eloping was for the young. I guess I was wrong.

  81. :jack: people in Miami will say anything. It was probably a performance of “The Rhythm is Gonna Get You” that was shaking things up down there.

  82. Van, funny about geography. We watched this flick recently called Snow Cake. This British actor (guy who plays Snape) goes to Canada to visit someone and books his flight MILES and MILES away from the person and ends up driving for days. I won’t spoil the movie – was a good one – but it was funny geography-wise.

  83. FYI – no unusual shaking occured in Texas today.

    Though, that didn’t stop the local news from sending me a text about it.

  84. Now just chillaxing on the couch with my kitty

    Hubby was right. Taking the day off was good for me. Althoug, the day in the sun made my arm freckles come out in force 🙂

  85. I admit that I’m a bit of an aviation geek, uncovential airplanes usually pique my interest. Did anyone else catch the NatGeo video about the Horton 229 aka “Hitler’s Stealth Fighter”?


    Engineers build a full scale mockup and test its stealth characteristics which were pretty good. A little digging on the internet and it appears that a few independant RC hobbiest have built their own flyable scratch built planes.


  86. For the benefit of the Facebookless:

    Today I learned that the secret to getting a six year old boy to practice his sight words is to let him say “FART!” after each one and laugh.

    Don’t think you’ll see that one mentioned in the “how to raise your kids” section of the book store 🙂

    • Here is a reading tip for youngsters that I ran across.
      Better reading through comics!
      Check out ebay for someone selling large lots of Disney comics from the 70’s … if you can get like 20 to 50 of them, you might get them for like 50 cents a piece. Then you hand them out to your kids as rewards for good class work or whatever. Since they are mostly graphics … it helps the kids figure out what the words are.
      Just be ready to explain that goof’s words aren’t necessarily “real” words. “Garsh!” 😉

  87. Silly story from today:

    You know you work in the IT industry when you have to explain to a coworker that, in an email written by someone in the medical industry, “outpt” is shorthand for “outpatient,” not “output.”

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