Jack Mangans Deadpan #164: When I'm 164


(No Levelator again – feedback welcome)

Jack Mangans Deadpan #164: When I’m 164

These are the Happy Days of Deadpan

Promo – Erotica A La Carte (http://www.eroticaalacarte.com/)

Favourite Deadpan Memories as recorded at the Deadpan mmmmmeetup

Dumbass Memory from EssBee (not with the good kind of vibration – oh baby)

Dumbass Nipples
Ed From Texas
Johnny Null
Amy Bowen
DJ Bunny
Vanamonde (first of the week)

More Favourite Deadpan Memories

Jack talks about irrational hatred

The first round of the Hockey Playoffs are done. Singers, where are your songs?

Jack’s happy news. We are all happy for you Jack and hope for many more in the future.

Outro Babble

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music is part two of the unnamed “sloppy demo” recorded in Jack’s living room

Jack gives us something to think about

384 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #164: When I'm 164

  1. Tomorrow morning you can all help me with the resume updating. Tonight – we sleep.

    Oh yeah and I guess we are getting our new (to us) car tomorrow.

    I have no idea how much change I can handle in one week.

  2. My biggest complaint with the survey was when it asks what listening to podcasts is replacing, like conversations and so on. It replaces nothing for me. If I want to conversate, I pause. Or turn it down.

  3. Catching up:

    Fingers crossed on the new job app, Cj
    Cool to the car Cj
    Still snowing here, EssBee

    Ok, I’m done for the moment

  4. So my new computer came with a cool headset/mic combination and stupid Audacity won’t recognize the mic. The computer settings say everything is ok and recognizes the mic, it’s just Audacity that’s being dopey.

    Back to the old mic.

  5. EssBee I’m angry about the snow. That just means they’ll push back the date for my yard being redone. I want it done now!!!

  6. I gave SModcast a listen, don’t think it’s for me. I’ll give it another go. Kick in the Dice Bags seems worthy of keeping, CPing.

  7. My @-@ shirt came today. I will save it for Saturday when I can torment my Mandalorian friend.

    Which is, I’ll point out, Cj’s fault. She said I had to keep the shirt instead of gifting it. [evil grin]

  8. NS: I should probably point out that after the Zach and Miri “disappointment”, SModcast became a lot more difficult to listen to. I have completely dropped it from my subscriptions. It stopped being enjoyable… but it was always hit or miss, and usually had at least one gut-laugh for me… the laughs ultimately did not outweigh the crap, however

  9. I want a pile of files from Wolf too. I only got the one. 🙁

    Baid-and in place, time to re-export, re-convert, and re-upload. Instead of going to bed like a sane person. Mwuahahahahahaha.

  10. I listened to one Smodcast years ago (they were discussing overweight people getting unfair treatment on Disney rides). It had some laughs, but I still didn’t feel compelled to keep going.

    I hate to trashtalk, but I think the brilliant, edgy Kevin Smith we all saw in the original Clerks was pretty quickly dulled by success and yes-men.

  11. Tend to like Kevin Smith as a stand-up act rather than his movies typically. Althought Jay and Silent Bob is a good movie to watch drunk.

  12. I recall Kevin Smith’s spat with Tim Burton over that Superman script, and also that Smith had ended the whole thing with a pretty classy public statement in praise of Burton’s films (even after Planet of the Apes).
    I like Kevin Smith – – he’s a wiseass, hockey-loving Jersey guy – – he’s my people. I just wish his movies lived up to his brilliant potential.

  13. So – saw a sneak preview of the “Babies” movie tonight. It definitely goes all out for the “awww” factor, kinda like a bunch of home movies. It’s still a pretty interesting documentary, though, about different cultures.

  14. EssBee, it might not have been so bad but I was running out of daylight and I only had time to cut the 40ft trunk in to 5 sections and roll them to the shed. turning a 5ft chunk of wood like that is not easy. funny thing is my had hurts the worst because I forgot to grab a hat. My head looks like a tomato.

  15. My first round pick summary.
    1 point for getting the winning team and 1 for getting the number of games right.

    Washington vs Montreal — Washington in 5 (Montreal won in 7)
    0 points
    NJ vs Philadelphia — NJ in 6 (Phily won in 5)
    0 points
    Buffalo vs Boston — Boston in 7 (in 6)
    1 point
    Pittsburgh vs Ottawa — Pittsburgh in 7 (in 6)
    1 point
    SJ vs Colorado — SJ in 5 (in 6)
    1 point
    Chicago vs Nashville — Chicago in 4 (in 6)
    1 point
    Vancouver vs LA — Vancouver in 5 (in 6)
    1 point
    Phoenix vs Detroit — Phoenix in 7 (Detroit won in 7)
    0 points

    Total 5 points out of 16. 🙁

  16. My 2nd round picks:
    Pittsburgh vs Montreal — Pittsburgh in 6
    Boston vs Philadelphia — Boston in 7
    San Jose vs Detroit — San Jose in 7
    Chicago vs Vancouver — Chicago in 5

    Dang. And I was hoping a Canadian team stuck around.

  17. The job posting I was expecting didn’t post so I’m still waiting on that, but I did receive an email that the departmental area in which I’m interested is mutually interested in me!

    The job is, of course, in the office farthest from my house, but it would be well worth the trip to get this position!

  18. Good Luck CJ!!!
    Although is it really luck…
    I mean they meet you and the charming smile that you have – They don’t stand a chance.
    Plus you are smart and witty.

    Nope they don’t stand a chance.

  19. A company that got a big green grant from the Obama administration moved in across the street, and Joe Biden is coming for the ribbon cutting today. Our entire block is locked down – I guess I’m in the office for the day! Secret service is everywhere.


  20. I was too busy last night to check results, so I still don’t know how any games went – and so – here are my uninfluenced 2nd round picks:

    Penguins over Canadiens in 5
    Boston over Philadelphia in 5
    Detroit over San Jose in 7
    Vancouver over Chicago in 6

    I just know my picks went horribly wrong in round 1.

  21. Finley cough up on comments and here is my 2 cents:
    smodcast: hit or miss but it is an hour a week I can skip through the bad
    KitDB: interesting but gets a bit deeper in gaming than i get. again only an hour a week so I will stick with it for a while.
    Video Game Show: like it but I won’t bother with old shows.

  22. I’ll not be on ‘Pan most likely for the weekend. Finally get to spend quality time with Lady J. Also, we’re going to see “Tommy” Saturday. Not a The Who fan, but I’ll enjoy it. Hopefully.

  23. I feel like I should be sitting on the porch, waving to everyone, saying “be careful!”

    Nice v-words, Lejon……… (I’ll let that just hang there). Just no voracious violent eviscerating.
    You visiting eVfn this eVening?

  24. Random comments.

    Amy: Enjoy Santa Barbara

    Jack / Everyone: Any plans to attend Phoenix Comic Con?

    Everyone: For any of yous computer artist types out there, you may want to checkout “Inkscape.” http://www.inkscape.org

    It’s a nice program comparable to Coreldraw and Adobe Illustrator, except it’s less crash prone and costs nothing.

  25. LCMod bit of nonsence news……
    For all you Hockey Fans….the Detroit Red Wings bought some of the LED lights that the company i work for made. They will be used I think on Sunday or sometime next week for player intros.
    ok yeah I’m a little giddy about it.

  26. Rhettro: I’ll be at Phx Comicon all 4 days. Hooray for real vacation approvals!

    Thank you everyone for the job well-wishes!

    I took this nummy Oreo cheesecake to EVFN tonight for Debbie (Spellwight)’s birthday and it was gobbled up! Apparently it was quite delicious. I love to see people enjoy my cooking! *squeee!* it makes me so happy!

  27. Comicon is on.

    I’m sorry I missed the cake and Debbie’s birthday at EVFN. I’d been planning on attending, but I just couldn’t manage the timing.

    We did get to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Van, did you catch that one? It was a brilliant story. . . Excellent film, although there are a couple of disturbing moments.

  28. There used to be a US Hwy 666 up near Four Corners. I drove it once, right before it was renumbered to US 491. I’d probably have snagged a sign if I’d known it was about to change.

  29. Anyone who has ever been a Beatles fan should check this out: http://vimeo.com/11237479

    Just last night I was talking with my son about how I found the whole idea of “tribute bands” to be kind of silly (probably why I love the movie “Rock Star”). And then I stumbled on that link. I’ve watched it 5 times today and I’m stunned every time.

  30. Hubby shaved his head yesterday at school. Not sure I like it. Maybe it’s just because I’m not use to it.

  31. Bunny, I shaved my head on my birthday in mid June. it looked funny for 2 -3 weeks while my tans matched up. but at that point i could spend lots of time outside to get a tan.

  32. Oh and when I first shaved my head many, many moons ago, people thought it was strange, they soon got used to it.

  33. Reaper I refer you to Strontium Dog comic strip, when Johnny Alpha was introduced in the 80’s for the first time, he takes out a baddie using a time bomb that shifts the bad guy in time and not space..with a similar effect to what is seem in that comic you linked too.

  34. Bunny, we need pics.

    EssBee, I’ve only seen “How to Train Your Dragon”, which exceeded all expectations.

    dreadpirate, I saw an NPR article way back about the Faux Four, I think one or two of them are in Paul Schaffer’s Late Night band. That link is fantastic – I’ve always thought that Abbey Road medley is possibly the greatest thing the Beatles ever did.

  35. The wife and I put the kids to bed and watched “Moon” last night. I agree it best to go in with minimal knowledge. Quite the head trip and we enjoyed it.

    Definitely another winning recommendation from Deadpan at the Movies.

  36. Hmm,

    Alright, I just went and added a book in “visual bookshelf” on Facebook. (Yes, it’s been a long time and I have several things I need to add).

    What disturbs me is that, on the home page of the app, I see several updates from EssBee and Andrea, but those have not appeared in my regular Facebook feed like they used to.

    I wonder if I inadvertently turned something off, or if this happends to everyone thanks to one of the latest redesigns?

  37. Thanks for the VMs, Maki!

    So. . . .I went out on the bike for a little while yesterday afternoon, and it was simultaneously sweltering and chilly. I don’t even know how that’s possible.

  38. The best part of the Ninja story is the cop’s quote about the kid being crazy.

    “Me being a police officer and not a clinical person, I can’t really say one way or the other, [but] one might surmise that,” he said.”

  39. Rhettro: Thanks! I did enjoy my trip to Santa Barbara. I probably won’t actually buy admission to Comic-Con, but if I can make it happen, I plan to go down there sometime that weekend to meet up with Cj and J.R. Murdock. You’re welcome to join us, too. 🙂

    WNDRWolf: *high five* Looking forward to hearing the clip show! 🙂

    Ed: For me, my friend’s activities in 3rd-party apps on Facebook show up in the “Most Recent” feed on the homepage, not on the “Top News” feed. The two links are in the upper right corner of the center column.

  40. I’m sure you can bask in a lot of the SD Comicon experience, Amy, without actually buying a ticket.

    Busy geek month here in Phoenix! We have LepreCon in 2 weeks, then our own Comicon in 4 weeks.

  41. Yes. Specifically I was talking about Phoenix Comic Con at the end of this month. I probably won’t be able to make SD Comic Con this year. 🙁

  42. Yeah I agree with the comic. When a publisher buys the rights to a game, they usually don’t have enough budget left over for design. A few exceptions, the original Spiderman movie game was pretty cool, (with voice over from Bruce Campbell no less). The Lord of the Rings – Battle for Middle Earth games are pretty good. From what I’ve heard, you are supposed to stay as far away as possible from Iron Man, Transformers and Evil Dead games as possible. LOL

  43. Ah, but of course, Jack beat me to it. http://amzn.to/bgG8wP
    That Podthology does have a lot of great authors and their stories in it. I have now ordered my copy and I may order another to give as a gift. Still pondering.

    So Jack, get that pen ready, ‘cuz I’ll have another book for you to sign. 😉

  44. Jack: Rock on! re: The book

    Though I must personally disagree on the 2600 Raiders game.

    Aaaand I’m ditching the SModcast.

    I have other things in my brains, but I am currently listening to the suffocate.

  45. Jack: Seems like a cool band. Kind of NIN-ish, the first clip adds a dash of Daft Punk-iness. At least that’s my take. I could be wrong. It could all be fiddles played on the peaks of Thailand. Do they have peaks?

  46. Kaboom! on the 2600..and the relatively recent Thrust remake for the 2600 was rather cool.

    Great news Jack.

    CW: Latest Breaking Bad.

  47. Oddly, I interpreted the CTRL-ALT-DEL exactly the opposite of Rhettro.

    Games are merely bad. Movies shit on our childhoods. I think, perhaps, because more people watch movies than play games.

  48. Good Morning, Pan! Hope everyone’s weekend went well…

    reaper said: “I have only heard one book or movie address this situation

    reaper: was that book “Bearing an Hourglass”, by any chance?

    I will never need to listen to pop music, not ever again… Nope

    Jack: Congrats!

    a homeopathic bomb… Let me just see if I follow the logic before I follow the link… they made a bomb by disolving explosives in water to the point where they’re chemically equivalent to water, BUT THE WATER REMEMBERS, so it’s 10 times as potent… maybe I should read the link…

    Dear god… I was right…

    HAPPY Birthday Van… Hope the hangover goes easy on you…

  49. Jack: w00t for a new Reznor project, and w00t to me for picking a vibe out. Lady J will be so proud of me. So I’m guessing he just wanted to start anew, since people were giving him a hard time with the new direction he was taking NIN. Not the reason he gave, taking a break, and so on.

    Vanamonde: A happy birthday to you!

  50. Lejon, no it was something I listed to on Podiobooks. I might have to check that one out.
    I didn’t think he was the only one but so many people ignore that problem.

  51. reaper: agreed. It’s not at all obvious that traveling through time necessitates moving through space… Piers Anthony’s Bearing an Hourglass is pretty detailed when it comes to the time/space travel business. Apparently Anthony did a lot of research into relativity before writing it. The science is WAY solid for a fantasy book

  52. And Happy B-day Van. I had a dram about you two nites ago. It was weird, considering I have no idea what you look like. Or why I was in Britain.

  53. So. Good morning.

    The Dark Crystal was the movie I saw on my very 1st “date”.

    We were 13 years old and my mom dropped us off at Paradise Valley Mall to see the movie.


  54. I vote “Pregnancy for Celebrities”

    It’s good for them. It gets them off the silver-screen and gives them what they ostensibly want: a family. And it avoids the dicey questions of interracial adoption.

    I mean, if Sandra REALLY wanted to be controversial, she could date a person of color and have his kid…

    BTW, I really don’t see what the big deal is, I’m just being contrary.

  55. Something Sly B just said made me aggressively agree:

    It’s amazing how bigots come out of the closet over some issues.


  56. I do have a shameless request…
    If you’ve read Spherical Tomi, then would you mind writing an honest review for the eBook? My secondary request would be that you don’t engage the trool.

  57. ZOMG, Jack. What a prick. When my bloodpressure reaches normal limits, I’ll write a review. I dug the book. I work with a guy who has a similar writing style to good ole Roy. Total wank.

  58. We found a house we love! Makeing an offer tonight. Waiting for the bank to approve it may take some time. But we are excited!

  59. I’ve read Spherical Tomi…


    Whether I can write an acceptable review is beyond me. I’m not good at reviewing things. I don’t even Yelp.

    I did enjoy the book very much. I’ll find a nicer way to put that with big words and stuff.

  60. Dan sold our beat up old red truck in less than 2 hours on Craigslist.

    Broken a/c, windshield and all – and it sold for $200 over our asking price.

    yay Craigslist.

  61. Morning Pan, off to London today, ah the ‘joys’ of being stuck in a box for 4 hours…least the scenery will be nice.

  62. Will write review for you, Jack. Ill have to read the book again, its been years. But I enjoyed it thoroughly so thatll be easy. Ol’ Roy’s review was a great piece of comedy gold tho. Amazon trolls are awesome.

  63. Congrats, LCMoD!

    Jack, I’ll try and write a review later this week. People should also click on “No” for “Was this review helpful?”

  64. Van, the job never opened up for applications as I was told it was. I’m still waiting for it to be available so I can apply for it.

    I have been contacted by some other depts in the company that want me to come learn more about them so I’m ready when the opening IS there… I have a leg up on that at least.

    Thank you for asking 🙂

  65. Only the techies have been decrying the iPad. While I don’t really want one at the moment, I recognize it for what it is: a commodity computer. It is a harbinger of things to come.

  66. about 6 years ago through work I had a convertible laptop and it was heavy. that is the one and only thing I didn’t love about it. Even with XP and some tools the experience was awesome a little buggy at the time but still awesome.

  67. I played with an iPad at work. I’m in a contest to win one and although I’m sure I’d enjoy it, as would the kids, I just really wasn’t that impressed… yet

    I do appreciate Van’s earlier link though.

  68. The iPad is an interesting product. My son bought an iPod Touch with his own money and he really likes it. So I can see a larger version of that doing well. Basically a large, easy to use internet device that can play “Flash” like games. I personally have a bigger need for a laptop, as my mobile needs require beefier processing. What I’d love is something simular to the iPad, with a detachable keyboard and ability to run full Windows programs. I predict that Micro$oft will have a product like that out in 5 years.

  69. I need a word that .. that means creative… comes up with ideas.. not ingenious but to explain the way children are when they are creatively coming up with ways to climb over a fence.

    Oh. never mind.. “resourceful” is the word I wanted.

    Thank you!

  70. I’m probably going to buy the iPad when we finally get to see the damn thing in the UK. Just the wifi version, as I won’t be taking it outdoors (got the phone for that).

    Mainly for the games, and I won’t ditch my netbook as I will need it to sync the iPad with.

  71. Jack: yes, they have though that isn’t the important aspect if the iPad. It is a very mobile commodity computer. The way people interact and consume resources with an iPad is very different from traditional models, but it is the same direction that all consumer computing is moving towards. The traditional PC market will be largely dead in 5 years.

  72. Holy shit! I just saw a picture of Justin Bieber. I’ll have to ask his mother if he sleeps through the night yet. It’d be rude to ask if she’s still breast-feeding.

  73. So I accidentally clicked on his link. So the kid f’ed up. He’s what, 10? 12? Do people really expect him to be 100% all the time, and while on camera to boot? Why not just kick him in the nuts while you’re at it (or at least when they descend).

    What about holding adults to such ideals? Why give others a pass?

  74. Yeah, off the stupid Yahoo launchpad thing. Yahoo has been more wonky than ever.

    Apparently, he didn’t recognize the word “German” or “Germany”. Perhaps in his defense, the interviewer was a kiwi. Kiwi, right? That’s not a slur, is it? I’m not up on my racial epithets. But really, it took me probably at least three shows until I could figure out what the hell the host of Starship Sofa was saying. I can see a thick accent throwing off a pre-teen.

  75. Jack: I used to think that way. NFL gets a similar rap. I’ve come to the conclusion that humanity just likes something shiny and non-threatening. It’s a system looking for its lowest energy state.

  76. CP (on my left): The Final Countdown – Europe

    CP (on my right): My Humps – Black Eyed Peas (?)

    Two different cubicles are having an all-out radio war.

    It’s like crazy.

  77. Jack, I need you for two things.

    Gotta find the time.

    I’ll forget what they are when we are both actually available though.

    Remind me.

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