THAT is excellent!
This must be a fun song to cover. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a “bad” cover of it. I’ve only heard a handful but in each case the band doing it made it their own and it worked.
Yay, I get to get in on the ground floor of one of these for once! 🙂
FYI, I’m participating in the Dog Days of Advent challenge. There’s a “Podcast Feeds” page at to subscribe to just me, or, I’m included in the master feed at dogdaysofpodcasting DOT com if you want to hear everybody.
I’m glad you’re still carrying the torch, Amy!
I’ll subscribe today.
Hooray for Deadpan Secret Santa AND xmas cookies!!!!!!!
Haunting of Hill House: horrifically, hellaciously high-quality heartrending. Happily highly recommended.
I’ve narrowed down my Secret Santa gift to three options. Time to roll a die and see what I’m giving.
The Die has spoken.
Amazon has my SS order. It should take less time to deliver it than had I sent it by post.
The old lady fight has my eyes rolling. But I stopped there. I’m still 100% down.
Of course, my eldest is wondering why she’s Carol Danvers and Supergirl is Kara Danvers.
Next she’ll wonder why Deathstroke is Slade Wilson and Deadpool is Wade Wilson.
And Finkle IS Einhorne FFS!
Damn, Lo Pan going with the deep cut. I had to break out the Googly to refresh my memory. Recognized it, but these older brain cells couldn’t quite place it.
I know all there is to know about the Ventura Game.
I walked into the break room, one of the TVs was tuned to ESPN, where the headline was “10 HS Football Players Suspended for Running onto Field Nude with Oreos in their Butts.”
Completely changed my coffee experience.
You know, why is it always dudes doing this? You never hear stories like this from the girls’ volleyball team.
Even as a horny teenager, I think I would have passed on girls with Oreos in their butts. . . .
(OK, with that set up, I have to follow through with the punchline. . . )
I always preferred Nilla Wafers.
Well DPSS bought and according to the company should get delivered to North America in less than two weeks.
DPSS gift off and away…
Hope it finds a good place with its new owner.
For the next 10 hours, Udemy are having a sale on their classes. Most of them are $199, but these are $10 on sale today. They have everything from web development to learning an instrument to making spitlballs in their course catalog (doublecheck on that last one). I’ve heard positive feedback. I signed up for one on Selenium through the dayjob today.
Udemy is new2me.
Soooo many interesting courses!
How does this work? (the web page seems to be short on explanation)
How long do you have to take the course after you purchase? I can’t possibly study everything I am interested in, anytime soon. 🙁
You may have missed the big sale – – but they have them pretty frequently.
I’ve never done a Udemy course, but I’ll be taking one next month. It won’t be anything fun, like Wire Kung Fu or Irish Riverdancing, but I can give some feedback then.
You have the course available to you indefinitely after you purchase. I have a couple sitting on my account I’ve been meaning to finish.
Replying to Jack’s post above – Thank you! Your subscription means a lot to me. 🙂
It’s a chilly morning. I’m kind of wishing I had a laptop, then I could work by the fireplace.
The laptop gets warm too, like its own little fireplace on your lap.
It’s about time that the deaths of prostitutes and drug takers are not just swept under the table;
I have someone close to me that likes to go off on how private space travel is so much cheeper because they don’t have to go through the vast number of “stupid regulations” that NASA has to follow.
I usually respond with, “Maybe with Space Travel, there is a reason you need so many tests and quadruple checks.
Maybe here is one of those reasons.
A lot of these people think such regulations are stupid because they neither understand the scope of the problem nor simple economics. There’s a great little scene from the old TV show “The West Wing” that illustrates this with the $400 ashtray.
Ah, the “Privatize Everything” crowd. They’re back at work on the USPS again too.
My best guess: the idea trickles down from mechaneurozillionaires who want every human activity to be exploitable for more massive profits to add to their zillions.
Without doubt that is the driving force. Unfortunately they enlist lots of misguided people that think they can reason about unfamiliar things using “common sense”. Common sense is a crappy reasoning tool for almost all situations.
My list is usually very different from Rich’s, but we had a bunch of albums in common this year.
This seems to be the year for metal album lists. My Google news list seems to keep giving me hits for lists. More so this year than any other.
This is obviously the only one that matters.
I’m channeling my inner ten-year-old and having bread and peanutbutter for lunch
Boy, Amazon has made the process of shipping to multiple addresses a whole lot more tedious.
So.. my daughter saw Space Jam and is now overly obsessed with Marvin the Martian. Makes Christmas shopping easy for at least one of my kids.
Why are teenage boys so difficult to shop for? *sigh*
Cool that Space Jam was her gateway. Has she seen the classic cartoons yet that made him so iconic?
It’s all we have in our house currently. Non-stop Looney Tunes.
I had a cat named Marvin the Martian. He was the most awesome cat ever!
He played fetch with his little furry fluff ball toy. He would leap into the air and catch it, then bring it to you and sit and wait for you to toss it in the air again. He was a tuxedo cat and he was an amazing pet.
Unfortunately, he got diabetes at the age of 3 and died within six months. It was devastating.
Okay.. enough of that blubbery nonsense. The point is, Marvin the Martian is one cool dude.
Metallica purists will be sure to piss all over this acoustic version of an old-time deep album cut – – but I kinda like it, as a purely separate entity unto itself. I’d like to hear them do stuff like this with new material on a new record.
Is it too late to legally change my name to Mr. Murderbritches?
Would anyone here pay for a podcast subscription?
Just curious.
Maybe. This question led me to the following train of thought: “Who am I supporting on Patreon? Let me go see. … Patreon still has my old CC number. Whoops! Fixed now.”
Anyway. I am already paying for access to bonus episodes of a couple of podcasts via Patreon.
That is an interesting philosophical question for me.
Probably not. I definitely am trying to eliminate any more “monthly payments” from my life.
Caveat – if it was a spectacularly good podcast that had someone or some info that I couldn’t hear anywhere else … maybe.
ON THE OTHER HAND – I do a yearly donation to Escape Artists because I regularly consume and enjoy their episodes.
I also throw some coin at because I listen the heck out of them every October.
Some would say these count as a subscription … but I had to listen for free for quite some time before I decided that I REALLY valued what they were providing enough to pitch in.
I think the comment filter ate my first attempt at this comment. Let me rephrase: Your comment made me go and actually check my Patreon user account for the first time in quite a while. I am using it to pay for bonus episodes of a couple of podcasts created by people I care about.
Your post made me go check Patreon for the first time in a while. I did use it to sign up to support a couple of creators I care about, which gets me access to bonus episodes of their podcasts.
(Jack/Tony, please disregard my first two attempts at this comment. I had ‘Amelia Bowen’ autofilled in the ‘Name’ field, forgetting that I only ever use ‘Amy Bowen’ on here, and the comment filter ate them.)
Morning Pan
Amazon says my sis recipient will get their gift on Saturday.
I don’t get Saturday mail service. I don’t even get door to door service.
This morning I went down stairs, made a cup of tea and had breakfast. I then came upstairs and am in my office. For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, I brought the TV remote up with me.
It’s the first sign (says the guy who can’t find his car in the parking lot anymore).
The power just went out. I guess I’m done work for the time being
I think I’m just not gonna weigh in on Aquagate (why the internet hates Jason Momoa today).
Seems like an immature prank played by an actor who is bored, seeking attwntion, and has too much time and money on their hands.
Ease up, internet trolls, FFS
God I’m sorry I semi-weighed in. Dumb.
Huzzah! I am powered up
If I go by my community facebook page, I think the world ended when the power went out. Not sure if life was revived when it came back on an hour later.
Technically I have this week off, but I’m going to put in a bit of work any way. I should get a lollipop.
There. I’m done my work for the week.
Stupid postal labour dispute. I ordered something on Monday with two day expedited shipping. I wanted it for a Christmas exchange on Saturday. It’s still not here so we had to scramble Saturday morning and find something locally.
(Yeah I know, first world problems. Right to strike. etc. but it’s all about ME, you know)
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
I think I’ll skip this one this year
They know what boys like, too
Dear DP SS recipient,
I know you don’t know that you’re you, but I couldn’t directly ship the gift to you. I have to be my own middleman and therefore I’m not even revieng it til the end of this week and therefore LATENESS ABOUNDS!!!!!
Me. Lo Pan. Apologize
can you translate that into english?
revieng = receiving
Already is. Don’t be a dickeroo
Oh ho ho. You’re a RICH on to be commenting on other’s typos
You took the piss out of me making typos by making a typo.
You are drunk.
All in a day’s work my fine fuckweather friend…
Don’t you forget it punk!
Does a dickeroo have a pouch?
I thought you wore it under a collarless shirt ?
STOP! Youre both right…
Oh my.
The “special report” I just got from Wired Magazine, on this past few day’s court filings, seem to indicate that things are going to be going down for realz.
“The investigation is now entering the worst-case scenario: Russia intelligence definitely targeted and penetrated the Trump campaign. In fact, contacts between Trump associates and Russia began earlier, and were more extensive, than we have long believed.”
Trump could best be described as “unhinged” when he thought all was going well. Now? Best fasten your seat belts.
The real question, though: no matter how egregious his crimes are proven to be, will he face any real consequences? It was reported last month that he’d committed tax fraud amounting to millions, and that news was met with a shrug.
I own a Jackson! So now I can say that Jeff Loomis sounds like me.
You can and did!
DPSS ordered and being shipped directly to recipient
Morning Pan
Made dough this morning. Tomorrow it’s all about baking and decorating gingerbread cookies
Sitting I. A restaurant after seeing Mortal Engines at the cinema.
It was a pleasant surprise, heavily influenced by Star Wars/ Dam Busters
Ah yes, the great I.A. Restaurant… architect and engineer.
Intrigued to hear that. The previews made it look like kind of a mess. With lots of unfollowable, exploding action shots.
Now I shall put it back on my “to see” list.
In spite of the King Kong and Hobbit mess, I still believe in PJ. I’m totally down for not seeing in this the theater but wanting to.
I liked King Kong. I’m the one.
Rhett has crystallized my thoughts eloquently – – although I never saw the Hobbit extended editions. The theatrical releases were already extended more than was reasonable.
With some editing, King Kong could have been a good film. Also, I’m not sure Jack Black was the correct lead. While I found the Hobbit, just north of okay in the theater, I quite like the extended versions. ME looks pretty cool, I have the same apprehensions as jOE about being able to make sense of the action.
I admit I squeed when I found out that Liz Fair is playing a small show here next year. Problem is, which part of her career will show up? I’m hoping it’ll be very Exile in Guyville friendly as it was just reissued.
I have a comfy chair to assemble and I can already feel my mind going in to full procrastination mode.
The comfy chair?!?
Poke him with the soft cushions!!!!
Does it come with the Pipe and Smoking Jacket?
What about a smocking jacket?
Is this a catch-22? How can one procrastinate without a comfy chair to do it in?
It didn’t come with any assembly instructions..WTF!
Can’t help you with that. Wanna see a picture of my duck?
Does it have a pouch?
I thought I wore it under a collarless shirt…
I have a comfy chair.
Bravo! Feel manly!
I saw your related pic on FB. When you said “comfy chair,” I was picturing something with padding and cushions, not a comfy office chair.
Compared to a hard plastic bucket seat it’s a very comfy chair.
Spark? Shameless? Christmas lights? Butt? De La Soul?
Man, I really need to install a plug-in to translate this site into English one of these days.
This is probably of limited appeal. But I love me some Geddy Lee.
Watching a “Frontline” about Facebook.
Becoming more convinced that the strange ad Pixie got WAS due to that one sentence she had in a FB post she had made some weeks before.
Today my Boo is coming over and we’re making gingerbread cookies!
That sounds like a lovely day!
They’re less fun to smash than a gingerbread house.
“SNL sucks now!” “Buncha liberal cucks!” “SJWs” “It hasn’t been good since the 70s” “It hasn’t been good since the 80s” “It hasn’t been good since the 90s”
In less cranky news, it was nice to get a shoutout from Mottow Soundz on their FB page for my review of My Diligence.
“High praise for the My Diligence upcoming release Sun Rose. Journalists who can listen, analyse and write are going the way of the Dodo bird, which makes this review even more enjoyable. Thank you”
That album rules, tho for real
CP: While My Guitar Gently Weeps — Regina Spektor
DPSS gift arrived today, don’t know who you are but thank you.
My SS gift says it was delivered awhile ago. However I haven’t heard them say anything here (or FB) so I’m hoping all went well
If necessary, you could ask an intermediary, just to make sure they got it.
“The data also found films that passed the Bechdel test, meaning two women characters had a conversation about something other than a man”
Wow, what a concept. Most entertainment that really tries to break the mold seems to be on the small screen these days.
Interesting that the latest Star Wars films – – along the highest-grossing of all-time – – didn’t count, because the geezers were billed above Daisy Ridley.
This is encouraging. I still believe that social progress is slowly erasing the small-minded types. That’s just not the news that sells.
If you knew, then it wouldn’t be a secret Santa, would it? 😛
Speaking of intrigued …
My progeny are all home for the Holiday and they, being “hip” and “tuned in” and what ever – they had me watch “Stranger Sings” with them.
It is the backing track that would go with episode 1 of Stranger Things … if Stranger Things were actually a musical. You turn the TV audio off – then go to Netflix and start the show at the same time you start the youtube track.
Some very funny moments but impressive for the sheer amount of work that had to have gone into it. Has a MST3K feel to it.
That is some serious dedication. Holy crap.
It’s rather windy out today
The wind chill is always what got me during NJ winter.
I think I posted a link to this before? Fascinating slice of 80s culture and video game history.
It’s a shame this was done so poorly, with the worst game show host of all time. I’d love to see an updated version, but still using the classic arcade games.
Yeah we still watch youtube vids of this show. It held my kids’ attention for all of 5 minutes. I still love it.
The other video game game show of that time was aptly titled The Video Game. Barely better host. Crazy ass announcer. Bad ass theme song.
News is saying semi trucks are toppling over from the wind.
The amusing piece is how it’s even too windy for the wind turbines and they had to be shut down. Who knew?
Had a huge scare yesterday. Tried playing the iPod in the car, but it kept crapping out. I looked at it, and the battery was on the brink of death. But I’d just charged it the night before! :O
I charged it again last night, and it worked OK this morning – – but I’m still nervous. Thoughts and prayers accepted at this time.
Ok. Wasn’t sure if you were talking about the iPod or the car … either way, fingers crossed!
I guess my overdramatic tone confused the matter. I meant the iPod.
This up there with defending Hitler level of bullshit.
I’m not going to listen to this podcast, but I can guess what was said. Anyway, if anyone wants to know how much Stalin was concerned about his fellow man, read this.
Also not going to give them the download – – unless a trusted source tells me it’s worth listening.
I’ll never understand the mindset that romanticizes monsters. Whether it be Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, Ed Gein, Dane Cook. . .
They made some good points about fascists in the Ukraine and Stalin wasn’t solely responsible for all the shit that happened in the USSR but they lost me at portraying Robert Conquest as some conspiracy theorist inflating death tolls to make Stalin look bad.
How dare you invoke the name of D*ne C**k. Monster.
This week I’ve watched some episodes of two new sci-fi tv series, Nightflyers and Origin.
The first episode of NF I found very offputting, Origin is better even though it’s trying to be ‘Lost’ set in Space.
DPSS away! Finally…
So Into the Spiderverse sounds goddamn amazing. And at 97% fresh after a whopping 232 reviews it’s most def one of the best reviewed films of the year. Think I’ll give this one my cash over Aquaman
Let us now how that goes because I am pondering seeing it as well!
Will do!
My DPSS Target also has not said anything, though Amazon says it was delivered. They post more on FB than here. . .
Now that is interesting…
If I was wise
I would see
I’m a child
Still asleep
I never liked the “outbuying your opponent” aspect of MtG. This could be a game that I’d enjoy.
There should be a special corner of hell for a visitor to ignore an opened bottle of milk and open another bottle of milk.
In that part of hell, the butter is full of crumbs from someone else’s toast.
Me: I need a new monitor.
Old Monitor: But I still work well with this new PC.
Me: Hmmm
Old Monitor: Also, spin me around and you can play old arcade games in portrait mode? Can new monitors do that?
Me: Damn it!
Old Monitor: hahahaha
Narrator: He didn’t buy a new Monitor.
Thanks SS Van! 😀
Hope you enjoy it.
I made the mistake of watching the first episode of Carnivale.
So now I want to watch the two series again.
Also that scene where Ben cures the little girl and kills the crops ..that is creepy as fuck.
I’ve never seen it.
Finally watched the Cohen Bros’ made for Netflix Western.
Beautiful film making again.
Liked it.
*Ballad of Buster Scruggs
This is one I’m interested in watching. Foshizzle.
It IS the Cohen Bros so prepare yourself for the inevitable, WTF moments.
It turns out that Raising Arizona was filmed about 10 minutes from our current place.
I learned this because a friend posted pictures from his yard, compared to frames from the movie. Of course – – the spot where H.I.’s trailer was is now a hoity-toity neighborhood.
Is there a spherical object laying in the middle of the road?
Did someone say “Spherical?”
Ticket booked to see Into the Spiderverse tomorrow.
Sorry to go there, but FFS. Who the fuck supports this? – – – and yes, if the children are fenced in and can’t leave or be taken out by their parents, then it is imprisonment.
Who the fuck supports this? Unfortunately way too much of an entire section of this fucking country
On less cranky notes. . . .the best and the worst thing about working with IT folks is that a 2-minute question can lead into a 20-minute discussion of Star Wars video games and tabletop games from 80s til today.
Dark Crystal was one of the few stand-alone films/books with a deep mythos and background setting, but there’s obviously hunger for more stories and creatures in this world, so it’s cool to see this happening.
BOOM! Comics did do an official sequel last year but this more in line of what i wanna see
Crap joke for the day:
You are driving in a car at a constant speed.
On your left side is a ‘drop off’ , (The ground is 18-24 inches below the level you are travelling on), and on your right side is a fire engine travelling at the same speed as you …
In front of you is a galloping horse , which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it .
Behind you is a galloping zebra . Both the horse and zebra are also travelling at the same speed as you .
What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation ?
Get off the merry-go-round, you’re drunk!
Into the Spiderverse was great.
Go and see it.
The post credit sequence is not really worth waiting for in my view.
How does it rate up against other Spider-films?
Just below Homecoming for me.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s birthday today.
Happy Birthday to HubbyBunny!!!
Happy birthday to John! *played on the high end of the neck, using a blend of ionian and dorian phrasing*
Although, yes. . . . Kylo and Rey’s relationship is obviously based in the real world. Kylo is a classic narcissistic rage-filled manboy, and no one should ever go near him. . . . Let alone elect him as President.
Wait, what were we talking about again?
It’s all fun and games until you get stabbed in the side and betrayed by your minion
Can we just watch the video where this fight is set to Fleetwood Mac’s ‘The Chain’ and forget everything else?
This is a fascinating read, no matter what you think of religion or of Ghost’s music. Not an endorsement of his views, but I think the article writer does a good job exploring the topic.
Morning Pan
Cleaned 2.5 washrooms today. Tomorrow I’ll do the kitchen and floors, then I’ll be ready for Christmas company
Today’s thought to ponder.
What are the chances that Russia HASN’T been manipulating the anti-vaxer movement with the same sort of false, social media campaign that they’ve used to divide us politically and socially.
Weakening a nation by getting a percentage of them kill themslves and infect others is much cheaper then using missiles and troops.
Sadly, the antivaxxer movement goes all the way back to the first use of vaccines. It’s just that mainstream media is finally now paying attention to this dangerous corner of the internet noise after recent outbreaks in the US.
Oh yes. I don’t mean to imply that they started it … but it really seem take off and get a LOTS of exposure in the last 5 years … almost all of that being internet based and focused around a proliferation of vacuous memes and fwded Blog Posts that all seem to reference each other as sources (if they referenced any sources at all).
I got ambitions. I just finished cleaning my kitchen and floors.
I still haven’t watched this – – so my pre-trailer take: this pairing of lead actors is what makes me interested. If it was Wil Smith again, it’d be a hard pass.
Nah. Wil Smith was the best part of the films. MIB 3 was not only the best of the films, it was a great film period.
I only saw MIB 1. When I still found Wil Smith charming and hilarious. To clarify, I’m just in a state of Wil Smith fatigue right now.
I’m told I should see the 3rd, but not the 2nd.
It’s a brilliant film. You need not see 2.
Why Wil fatigue? I couldn’t even tell you what he’s done in the past 5 years besides Suicide Squad
I’d like Lucasfilm or Disney to make some kind of official comment on the quote being circulated today about them “reconsidering the brand” and “giving fans time to heal.”
Call me skeptical.
Is this regarding the delay in releasing the trailer for episode 9?
All I can guarantee is that JJ will destroy the magic that Rian created
No…. I saw a link on FB to an article claiming that Disney said those things, and that they’ve cancelled all Star Wars films and events after Episode IX.
If you Google for it, you find a bunch of sites repeating this claim – – but I haven’t seen anything like that from the major entertainment sites, EW, E!, etc.
So the figure skater chose “Christmas at Ground Zero” by Weird Al – – 100% on her own with no influence from Dad – – for her Christmas program routine. The Ice Show was tonight, and it went great!
And all thumbs up!
I am proud for you !
That is fantastic!
Good Good stuff!
Way to go!
In case you haven’t seen it …
Glitter bomb for package thief.
Excellent choice! I hope to get out and see her perform some time!
I wrote that above thingie as a reply to the ice skating post. I don’t know why it didn’t thread unless I didn’t do it right which is entirely possible.
It’s so Friday that I’m Fridaying like a Fridayer on Friday.
Happy Friday!!! 🙂
I will put out the word for her next Ice Show. Probably in the Spring. Or you can travel to Alabama with us in the Summer for the nationals.
I was gonna make a crack about needing the elevators full of blood, but then I saw they’d done it.
I only just realized today was 21/12!
May all the gifts of life fill your hallowed halls.
That explains why everyone was in such a rush.
… such a “rush”
Get it ?
Get IT ?!?!!!!
JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control.
Just got basck from seeing Venom. You can tell it’s mos def not a Marvel Studios film but a pretty good first film in what could end up being a nice little franchise. It did feel extremely rushed but hey, what superhero films that arent Marvel Studios dont anymore?
I still expect to take the teenager to see that in the cheap theater. Even though it’s out for rent now.
I’m telling you… I dunno how your cheap theater is but 13$ for 2 tickets, medium popcorn, and medium Icee?? Can’t beat it
Just got back from the airport. Our youngest and her s.o. Are spending Christmas with us
Very nice! Will they help, interfere, or play no part whatsoever in cookie baking?
Don’t know. We still have a lot of. Ollie’s left from the last baking bTch
I’m sure there is a universe out there where that statement made sense.
Good read on that film. So much of it rings true – – all year, not just at Xmas
If there’d ever been a follow up , though, it would have shown Potter eventually winning, and George still broke and never seeing anything outside of Bedford Falls. Sprry — Pottersville.
Interesting. Disney truly does co from all of our media, in some way – – for good or ill.
Speaking of great films, Hulu ruins “A Charlie Brown Christmas” with frequent commercial breaks in the middle running 5+ minutes. And we already pay Hulu for this privilege.
Maybe they didn’t get the message in the show about rampant commercialism?
Bah humbug.
Hey, it’s past midnight here…which I know because I can’t seem to sleep. So, Merry Christmas, Deadpan!
Your crap joke for Xmas day:
Today I bought myself some sensible walking boots and a little rucksack and went up to the lake district, walked for about 5 miles stopped and sat on a stone wall and had a flask of coffee. Then I walked another 5 miles and had a biscuit and then I……….
I only ever played the PC version. And always with natural disasters turned off.
That’s pretty cool.
Now that is a cool story. My first exposure to Sim City was the SNES version, and I remember playing it quite a bit back in the day.
Though, the callout to Raid on Bungeling Bay for the Commodore 64 really brought back some memories. I had no idea those game had such close family history.
CW: Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines
CW: elder daughter playing Detroit Become Human.
Well, the first Die Hard still holds up. It had been a bunch of years.
I hate to be a killjoy, but I don’t care at all about the Christmas movie debate. Enjoy it as a Christmas movie or just as an action movie. It’s all good.
Cheers ! (Raises glass)
Well, what a whirlwind of a Christmas for me this year. It was great fun to see the smiles on all of my Loves’ faces over the past two days.
So I’m glad we waited for the cheap theater. Venom is hokey as fuck – – but still a cheese blast. It reminds me of the Schwarzenegger/Stallone action flicks of their heyday. I sincerely hope they make the sequel that was set up in the post-credits scene.
Yes to this.
Okay it’s almost New Year and I guess we should start talking about whether a meet-up will be possible in 2020.
I ask (as usual) because I need to put in for holidays early.
Would this be the year for Archon? (more importantly: Tony Nast and Sausagefest)
What’s Archon’s date in 2019?
Maybe you could start a thread in the Deadpan group about meet-up 2019?
Bandersnatch was the name of one of two supergames that a company called Imagine was developing but never released as it went bust when a BBC documentary crew was filming.
I fear this will be met with mockery. But I suppose if it saves one life. . .
Liverpool? Shouldn’t they all…Ringo… instead?
It’s not the only thing that is creepy AF.
Good morning, Pan.
Y’all are awesome.
I’m thinking of shutting my Facebook down for the new year until I get back from my cruise. I wonder if I could handle it…
Facebook is so evil. And it’s filtering is annoying. And it’s full of aggressive cretins.
For me, it’s only good for jokes, keeping in touch with people, and the occasional big announcement.
This will always be the place for my brain dumps, as long as someone’s reading.
A short story, by JustaJoe.
Facebook is lost to the dark side.
It’s creators had the best of intentions but when the first reports of their child exhibiting “anti-social, psycopathic behavior” started coming in- they refused to believe it.
“It’s still young. It will grow out of it. The community will police its behavior.”
Then the developers started feeling pressure to have their child start bringing home some income. “We just need to buy some time for our child to become better adjusted.” So they decided to sell their child’s less savory activities to anybody willing to pay. “Just till we get through the IPO “.
But once the money starts rolling in, it became easier and easier to overlook how their child was embracing the dark side. How it was being used to harm society. How it was being so effectively used to spread evil.
“It’s not our fault” they told themselves, and the stock holders smiled.
Now here we are.
I don’t want to post a joke, then come back hours later to find people pissed off at me and calling each other names.
Bandersnatch (black mirror) was a blast to play/watch.
Unless you have a Apple TV..
CW: Michael Palin in North Korea
I’m not a fan of travel documentaries but I enjoyed this one.
It’s a dictatorship, so I know he was only shown what they wanted home to see, but the humanity of the North Korean people showed through.
I know he’s made a second career of travel documentaries.
After he retired from being an Inquisitor.
Thought of the day:
I dream of a day, when a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned
I think Frogger has some kind of dark motive.
Moments away from leaving to see the Spiderverse movie.
Movie senses tingling.
Annnnnnd. . . ?
As a wise man once said …
It’s the only Spider-Man movie that ever needed to have been made!
Oh im not sure about that… Spiderman had been a strong set of films minus the Andrew Garfield ones. And those were just unessesadt. Still tho this one does sound like belongs at the top
The “Into the Spider-Verse” preview at the end of Venom was pretty meh, but I won’t dismiss it just for that. I loved the trailer with Peter Porker, and I’m seeing the universal geeking out over it. I may not see it until it’s available at home, though.
I loved Tobey Maguire, but really only loved the Doc Ock one of his.
To be more detailed in my review …
I found it to have a good, solid, well thought out story line that had much more complexity in it than I was expecting. IMHO – Above the average for action films. But didn’t cross into the land of “a mess to hard to follow”,
I also really liked the dialogue. Given the dramatic visuals in this film they could have gotten lazy and just let the dialogue be background filler … or gone the other way and made it schmaltzy platitudes and cliches’. I feel like they didn’t. There was some good dramatic dialogue and a lot of clever repartee.
I enjoyed this film.
Pinch hit crap joke:
A truck driver stopped at a roadside diner for lunch and ordered a cheeseburger, coffee and a slice of apple pie. As he was about to eat, three bikers walked in.
One grabbed the trucker’s cheeseburger and took a huge bite from it. The second one drank the trucker’s coffee, and the third wolfed down his apple pie. The truck driver didn’t say a word as he paid the waitress and left.
As the waitress walked up, one of the motorcyclists growled, “He ain’t much of a man, is he?”
“He’s not much of a driver, either,” the waitress replied. “He just backed his 18-wheeler over three motorcycles.”
A couple of those looked promising and I’ve added them to my “want to read” list. A lot of it looked pretty … derivative.
I’ve only heard of maybe 2 or 3 of those authors. Maybe some new voices are breaking out?
Spending the day leveling my new 3D printer and trying to figure out the correct configuration settings.
Oh … and there is sports on in the background.
Oooh! Print me a working TARDIS!
Nice! Which model? As it so happens, I have been doing the same thing. 🙂
Kathy Ireland
I have the CR10S.
I am using “Tinkercad” to make my 3D models. It seems pretty capable but also … pretty cumbersome/clunky to use. It is also free.
I am using “Slic3r” to create my gcode. So many setting options. So many.
Finally thought I had the settings optimized then my daughter tried a print that kept falling over. I tried to import it into the 3D program to add supports … and found that it was too large to do so.
Based on the review … I searched for them and found what I guess to be their first CD, just titled “Shumaun”. Gave it a listen.
I really liked how clean their sound was. When your schtick is precision licks and complicated rhythms, it’s nice to be able to hear all the parts.
Over all though … can’t really say I enjoyed it.
I found it moody and depressing. I would describe it as “RUSH gets together with YES … forms a band and then for some reason, they lose all hope and decided to suck all the joy from life.”
Humans have such capacity for being horrific.
The headline is misleading but yeh, humans can be horrific.
Morning Pan
Sent the youngest back home yesterday. I love the girls but we hubby and I were happy to have the house to ourselves again
An. Archon is October 4-6. I notice the hotel is already sold out. They haven’t opened up the Con registration yet
Right now, I’d say it’s 50/50 on whether I can make that date
Perhaps give Archon a miss then. It’s a bit late in the year as well.
Thanks for checking on that, Ryah. I guess we’d need to commit to Archon 2020 then? I will raise the question on FB. I will probably limit the viewers of the post.
Alex Winter also crashed, but security had him removed.
A crap joke for NYE:
A Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate.
During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how pretty his roommate was.She had long been suspicious of a
relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious….
Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and
his roommate than met the eye.
Reading his mom’s thoughts, his son volunteered,
“I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just
About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
“Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”
He said ,”Well, I doubt it, but I’ll email her, just
to be sure.” He sat down and wrote :
Dear Mother:
I’m not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate But the fact
remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
your son.
Several days later, he received an email from
his Mother which read:
Dear Son:
I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your roommate, and
I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with her.
But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she
would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow…
Is it wrong my first thought was, who cares if he’s sleeping with her?
Lo your Xmas card arrived today, thank you.
The Starbucks machine is kind of fascinating to watch in action.
My iPhone wanted me to install something. Strangely, the PC worked.
Fuck him. This must be how wrestling fans felt when Hulk Hogan turned into the evil Hollywood Hogan.
Honest question. If he wasn’t a disgusting human being and still just the cutting edge comic that we once knew him as, would we be reacting like this? Would there be this outrage and disgust would it be more, “Well that’s Louis being Louis!”
A fair question. The whole schtick on that video isn’t that far off from his “look how edgy I am” bits of the past, but I say “fuck him” for jokes about scared kids in a school shooting.
To me, that’s him embracing the trump crowd after he got outed as a creep. They elected a molester as President, so they’d obviously have no issue going to see a (White) molester comedian.
I ask because I’ve been called out before for calling out non creepy entertainers on thier comedy pertaining to similar stuff. And I’ve been called out by folks I like and trust. So I dunno
I never thought LCK was very funny to begin with. I can’t recall the last time I watched anything he’d done.
I did used to be a fan.
Interesting that people gave you shit for drawing the on questionable jokes from “good” comics. Hypothetically, if edgy but non-creepy Lewis Black had made these same asshole jokes, I’d have said “way uncool,” but I wouldn’t have given up on him.
This shit coming from creep LCK, however: this pretty much kills any chance of acceptance in time from me.
But fuck louis ck! Netflix just put up a 1991 special by Bill Hicks. Go watch a true comedian
Amen to that.
Bill Hicks: A true American Hero.
It’s past midnight, so Happy New Year Deadpan from the future.
Everything is fine, we are still h…
*Doctor Who Theme playing*
Well, we were going to visit friends for gaming, but baby’s upset tummy kept us home. A quiet NYE in the Mangan house is fine too. I hope yours is/was fun.
Happy 2019 from AZ!
Hooray! No Y2019 Bug! We all live.
I do half-expect some sort of dystopian apocolypse to happen at some point. Fiction or non-fiction.
Along the same vein, Winter has arrived. WT..brrrrr
Wait, 2019? Are we sure? Dammit, I was just getting consistent with writing 2018 on my checks!
People still write cheques? I don’t think I even have a chequebook. Definitely not since we moved to the new home a couple of years ago
I write plenty of checks. I can’t guarantee I write any cheques tho
Damn Americans 😉
It is the American Way.
“Son, your body’s writing checks you just can’t cash.”
Morning Pan
As usual, hubby and I went to bed well before midnight. I don’t think we missed much.
Happy New Year Deadpan!
Hope gets a reset.
Other than the “everybody has a nasty stomach bug” part of it, it’s been a stellar year so far,
You know, I knew that the JJverse version of the Enterprise was scaled up from the original series and Kirk era movie size versions. I hadn’t appreciated just how much bigger they made it. Cool little video I stumbled on showing the different Enterprises compared to one another.
Though, I understand that the model makers designed the ship to be comparable to the original TOS and Movie era Enterprises. So, instead of the Kelvin timeline Enterprise having twice as many decks, at least from the outsize, the decks are just twice as tall – you can see it in things like the sizes of the windows in the saucer sections.
I’ve always been a Trek fan, but never on this level. Pretty impressive dedication.
I was always under the impression these were supposed to be like space-faring cities. All of the bridge characters had quarters the size of nice apartments. Does that mean the redshirts are all cramped into coffin rooms, like those Japanese hotels?
One more thing: I’ve created a separate Facebook events page. If it’s possible to post in the main Deadpan page to a select audience, then I don’t know how to do that.
I posted
CP: Lash Out — Alice Merton
Hey Lo!
We got your card today. You need to update your records as it went to the wrong house. Not 2803 but 2003
I still find it weird that his card to me reached me before you.
+His one to you
+yours to him and he’s to yours
We still have a backlog from the postal strike in late November/early December. I’m surprised it got here this soon.
That’s not an update needed… that’s a typo. Or writeo as it were
Anyone here want to deep geek with me about Travelers?
You need to meet my wife. That’s definitely one of hers.
Oh man! And what an ending to S3!!!!
Started watching S2 after I stopped 5 episodes in, currently watching U235.
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes…
This is huge news. Granted, I don’t watch the news daily, but shouldn’t this be the biggest story on every news outlet today? To be fair, it’s less important to human history than Kanye and Kim being pregnant with another child.
Oh! This deserves a nice sit and watch with a whiskey
Not once did Burgess Meredith do the Penguin laugh.
So let’s look at the main points in just the first two weeks of the shutdown so far shall we? National Park infrastructure is crumbling, it has become increasingly less safe to fly, and 800000 people are about to file for unemployment and food stamps. This self-proclaimed genius in chief is about to find that he’s going to have no country left to protect with his beloved wall.
Isn’t that the plan?
100%. It’s an Authoritarian’s M.O.
Here’s the fun bit.
When he finally stops screwing around with … well, everything – things will start to get better.
He will undoubtably take credit for those improvements … improvements from dumpster fires he started to begin with.
It’s a great plan really.
It is HARD to solve real problems. So create a bunch of problems and then solve them by NOT DOING what you did to cause them to begin with.
Clearly half the population will hail him as a savior.
Im not ony convinced he has zero plan but I’m convinced he in no way has the intelligence to even conceive of this notion. He’s treating the country like a company he can just declare bankruptcy in if shit doesn’t go his way.
Van, you’re really gaxing a lot into the abyss lately.
Ha! That was supposed to be gazing. Your gaxing is your own business.
Last Saturday of holidays. I wish I could stay on holiday’s permanently. But then, don’t we all?
It was a gaming holiday for us. Hubby and I both got computer games. We also got two board games (Ascension & Formula D) as well as two expansions to Terraforming Mars. Today was spent trying them out before we introduce them to the masses next weekend.
I think Formula D is surprisingly fun. I don’t know if it has a lot of replayability.
You obviously don’t live with someone who watches the Formula One races. He’s already talking about getting some of the other track boards.
There’s also an advanced mode where you micro manage your gearbox, engine, and tires. We haven’t played that yet.
I look at it as either a game that can be played with a large group of people, or, since it’s a quick game, as a filler when you’re either between longer games or have a little bit of time after a long game
Booked a ticket to see ‘The Favourite’ tomorrow.
I’m not a fan of periods dramas, buf this one has been getting good reviews.
Tiffany just got back from seeing that with her sister. Neither of them loved it.
I enjoyed it, but the ending is rather abrupt. It is not a typical “feel good” movie but is well acted.
Ohhhh I just got home from seeing this with my sestra.
We both enjoyed it quite a bit. It was odd, quirky, entertaining, strange, sad, funny, all with excellent performances by all of the major characters.
When you have to download a film so that you can watch the 20 minutes you missed by falling asleep at the cinema…that.
I can’t believe how tired I am today. I must not be completely rid of this stupid thing. Fish n Chips last night probably didn’t help.
Watching Bandersnatch.
I guess we keep making the wrong decision(s).
Shit. This movie
Yeah. Not thought-provoking. Not entertaining. Not edgy. The interaction wasn’t all that fun. It’s a thumbs down from me. Intriguing premise, but it missed the mark.
Couldn’t disagree more. But then I had 80s rose tinted specs on as well.
Was gonna say – – I also got zero 80s nostalgia from it, other than the 10 seconds of the games.
The sf&f reviewer definately has a preferred type, which doesn’t mesh with mine so much.
Woah. New thread. I’m pretending it’s blue
Metal Mr. Grinch Song
oops, here’s the link
THAT is excellent!
This must be a fun song to cover. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a “bad” cover of it. I’ve only heard a handful but in each case the band doing it made it their own and it worked.
Be kind to crows:
Good morning!
I can’t believe my children are officially 13 and 15…
Make it stop.
Next up: driving. After that: college/movin’ out.
Yup. Sarah will be getting her permit in just a few months here. *gulp*
Hold on. . . to 13 and 15!
I just had one turn 17 !!! How did THAT happen?
Wait until they reach 30, then you can start to cry.
So on that long trip to Kansas in 2017, Lo Pan alerted me to the existence of the WTF podcast.
In the latest episode, Tim Blake Nelson was getting interviewed and he name drops Mark Wing Davey…the original Zaphod Beeblebrox!!
I’m feeling the warm glow of nerdism or I may have just peed myself..
He gets some good people. I’m listening to Roger Daltry now.
Also- that’s def piss
And that’s not a problem now that we’ve all reached that age where we’re wearing Depends!
I’ve nerded in my pants!
Kahn could sing, well I say sing…
Let me rockya
I thought it was Singh
Shiva is coming for you.
Yay, I get to get in on the ground floor of one of these for once! 🙂
FYI, I’m participating in the Dog Days of Advent challenge. There’s a “Podcast Feeds” page at to subscribe to just me, or, I’m included in the master feed at dogdaysofpodcasting DOT com if you want to hear everybody.
I’m glad you’re still carrying the torch, Amy!
I’ll subscribe today.
Hooray for Deadpan Secret Santa AND xmas cookies!!!!!!!
Haunting of Hill House: horrifically, hellaciously high-quality heartrending. Happily highly recommended.
I’ve narrowed down my Secret Santa gift to three options. Time to roll a die and see what I’m giving.
The Die has spoken.
Amazon has my SS order. It should take less time to deliver it than had I sent it by post.
Still looking good:
The old lady fight has my eyes rolling. But I stopped there. I’m still 100% down.
Of course, my eldest is wondering why she’s Carol Danvers and Supergirl is Kara Danvers.
Next she’ll wonder why Deathstroke is Slade Wilson and Deadpool is Wade Wilson.
And Finkle IS Einhorne FFS!
Damn, Lo Pan going with the deep cut. I had to break out the Googly to refresh my memory. Recognized it, but these older brain cells couldn’t quite place it.
I know all there is to know about the Ventura Game.
CP: Upside Down — Boom Boom Satellites
Envy, I haz it:
Perhaps if you haz these, your envy will lessen.
I walked into the break room, one of the TVs was tuned to ESPN, where the headline was “10 HS Football Players Suspended for Running onto Field Nude with Oreos in their Butts.”
Completely changed my coffee experience.
You know, why is it always dudes doing this? You never hear stories like this from the girls’ volleyball team.
Even as a horny teenager, I think I would have passed on girls with Oreos in their butts. . . .
(OK, with that set up, I have to follow through with the punchline. . . )
I always preferred Nilla Wafers.
Well DPSS bought and according to the company should get delivered to North America in less than two weeks.
DPSS gift off and away…
Hope it finds a good place with its new owner.
For the next 10 hours, Udemy are having a sale on their classes. Most of them are $199, but these are $10 on sale today. They have everything from web development to learning an instrument to making spitlballs in their course catalog (doublecheck on that last one). I’ve heard positive feedback. I signed up for one on Selenium through the dayjob today.
Udemy is new2me.
Soooo many interesting courses!
How does this work? (the web page seems to be short on explanation)
How long do you have to take the course after you purchase? I can’t possibly study everything I am interested in, anytime soon. 🙁
You may have missed the big sale – – but they have them pretty frequently.
I’ve never done a Udemy course, but I’ll be taking one next month. It won’t be anything fun, like Wire Kung Fu or Irish Riverdancing, but I can give some feedback then.
You have the course available to you indefinitely after you purchase. I have a couple sitting on my account I’ve been meaning to finish.
Replying to Jack’s post above – Thank you! Your subscription means a lot to me. 🙂
It’s a chilly morning. I’m kind of wishing I had a laptop, then I could work by the fireplace.
The laptop gets warm too, like its own little fireplace on your lap.
It’s about time that the deaths of prostitutes and drug takers are not just swept under the table;
I think I need another cup of tea.
RE: a strange phenomenon on the Deadpan Facebook page:
Tiffany posted a link, but only 2 people saw it. Anybody understand the algorithm? It was a fun image about ballsacks!
I saw it, but didn’t get that far into the details. Perhaps Facebook got the gender wrong. LOL
Honouring the people behind Spacewar!!
I did play the arcade version in the 70s
Honouring the people behind Spacewar!!
I did play the arcade version in the 70s.,,
Loved this game on the Atari 800 (aka, 8-bit).
They’re just trolling the Fox & Friends crowd now. 😀
Talking of 8bit computers:
More for Van than anyone else, but probably of interest to all. Gotta respect any list that contains Steeleye Span.
Morning Pan
Some days I feel older than others
Enough work. Time to do some house cleaning
I have someone close to me that likes to go off on how private space travel is so much cheeper because they don’t have to go through the vast number of “stupid regulations” that NASA has to follow.
I usually respond with, “Maybe with Space Travel, there is a reason you need so many tests and quadruple checks.
Maybe here is one of those reasons.
A lot of these people think such regulations are stupid because they neither understand the scope of the problem nor simple economics. There’s a great little scene from the old TV show “The West Wing” that illustrates this with the $400 ashtray.
Ah, the “Privatize Everything” crowd. They’re back at work on the USPS again too.
My best guess: the idea trickles down from mechaneurozillionaires who want every human activity to be exploitable for more massive profits to add to their zillions.
Without doubt that is the driving force. Unfortunately they enlist lots of misguided people that think they can reason about unfamiliar things using “common sense”. Common sense is a crappy reasoning tool for almost all situations.
CP: Song for the Fields — Fields’s Top 25 albums of 2018:
My list is usually very different from Rich’s, but we had a bunch of albums in common this year.
This seems to be the year for metal album lists. My Google news list seems to keep giving me hits for lists. More so this year than any other.
This is obviously the only one that matters.
I’m channeling my inner ten-year-old and having bread and peanutbutter for lunch
Boy, Amazon has made the process of shipping to multiple addresses a whole lot more tedious.
So.. my daughter saw Space Jam and is now overly obsessed with Marvin the Martian. Makes Christmas shopping easy for at least one of my kids.
Why are teenage boys so difficult to shop for? *sigh*
Cool that Space Jam was her gateway. Has she seen the classic cartoons yet that made him so iconic?
It’s all we have in our house currently. Non-stop Looney Tunes.
I had a cat named Marvin the Martian. He was the most awesome cat ever!
He played fetch with his little furry fluff ball toy. He would leap into the air and catch it, then bring it to you and sit and wait for you to toss it in the air again. He was a tuxedo cat and he was an amazing pet.
Unfortunately, he got diabetes at the age of 3 and died within six months. It was devastating.
Okay.. enough of that blubbery nonsense. The point is, Marvin the Martian is one cool dude.
Buzzcocks singer Pete Shelley dies at 63:
Metallica purists will be sure to piss all over this acoustic version of an old-time deep album cut – – but I kinda like it, as a purely separate entity unto itself. I’d like to hear them do stuff like this with new material on a new record.
Kidding. I could never be a Metallica purist
Is it too late to legally change my name to Mr. Murderbritches?
Would anyone here pay for a podcast subscription?
Just curious.
Maybe. This question led me to the following train of thought: “Who am I supporting on Patreon? Let me go see. … Patreon still has my old CC number. Whoops! Fixed now.”
Anyway. I am already paying for access to bonus episodes of a couple of podcasts via Patreon.
That is an interesting philosophical question for me.
Probably not. I definitely am trying to eliminate any more “monthly payments” from my life.
Caveat – if it was a spectacularly good podcast that had someone or some info that I couldn’t hear anywhere else … maybe.
ON THE OTHER HAND – I do a yearly donation to Escape Artists because I regularly consume and enjoy their episodes.
I also throw some coin at because I listen the heck out of them every October.
Some would say these count as a subscription … but I had to listen for free for quite some time before I decided that I REALLY valued what they were providing enough to pitch in.
I think the comment filter ate my first attempt at this comment. Let me rephrase: Your comment made me go and actually check my Patreon user account for the first time in quite a while. I am using it to pay for bonus episodes of a couple of podcasts created by people I care about.
Your post made me go check Patreon for the first time in a while. I did use it to sign up to support a couple of creators I care about, which gets me access to bonus episodes of their podcasts.
(Jack/Tony, please disregard my first two attempts at this comment. I had ‘Amelia Bowen’ autofilled in the ‘Name’ field, forgetting that I only ever use ‘Amy Bowen’ on here, and the comment filter ate them.)
It’s all good, Amy.
Thanks! 🙂
These aren’t filled with candy:
Morning Pan
Amazon says my sis recipient will get their gift on Saturday.
I don’t get Saturday mail service. I don’t even get door to door service.
This morning I went down stairs, made a cup of tea and had breakfast. I then came upstairs and am in my office. For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, I brought the TV remote up with me.
It’s the first sign (says the guy who can’t find his car in the parking lot anymore).
The power just went out. I guess I’m done work for the time being
I think I’m just not gonna weigh in on Aquagate (why the internet hates Jason Momoa today).
The hell?
This is the sound of me not weighing in.
Seems like an immature prank played by an actor who is bored, seeking attwntion, and has too much time and money on their hands.
Ease up, internet trolls, FFS
God I’m sorry I semi-weighed in. Dumb.
Huzzah! I am powered up
If I go by my community facebook page, I think the world ended when the power went out. Not sure if life was revived when it came back on an hour later.
It’s here
Fill your boots Lo:
For my money his best performance was Bad Lieutenant.
Deadpan Secret Santa present has been ordered! It will be shipping directly to the recipient.
Mine is still pending shipping. Get out of the warehouse! It’s right there on the shelf, next to those other things. Put it in a box and ship it!
I’m actually conflicted on what film to see tomorrow (this one, the communist one or the Robert Redford one):
Life is short. See em all.
I went for the commie one, well a piss take of captilism.
Everything old is …well something, but I find it catchy.
Mangan’s probably going to give me an eye roll.
I prefer the California roll.
This one needs a taquito roll.
I do prefer the “gotta dance” 80s version to this one, but no one can top the Young Frankenstein version.
Sorry to Bother You was one crazy ass ride,
The movie backlog grows long. I hear this is actually a SciFi flick? (And hopefully not a SyFy flick)
It doesn’t start off that way but it ends up that way.
Vaccinate your hens for salmonella you fucktards and then you wouldn’t have to issue this warning:
Or just don’t use eggs in cookie dough.
But if you vaccinate them, you’ll end up with autistic chickens!
My package said it was delivered yesterday so, here’s hoping it actually was.
Well if you recipient was Lo, he got it.
Well if you recipient was Lo, he got it.
It actually was, also thank you for the gift! Pictures at Facebook to follow. 🙂
Whoa! Rare double post.
I forget, do you get double points AND a bonus for that or just the double score?
Thank you, Santa From Texas for the super fun Princess Bride Playing Cards and collector’s coin!
I love playing cards & have a few different fun decks!
I finally found those and knew I’d struck something. You’re actually lucky that they shipped directly without getting “lost” at my house 🙂
DPSS gift purchased!
It was a tough one this year.
Another slice of computing history:
Morning Pan
Technically I have this week off, but I’m going to put in a bit of work any way. I should get a lollipop.
There. I’m done my work for the week.
Stupid postal labour dispute. I ordered something on Monday with two day expedited shipping. I wanted it for a Christmas exchange on Saturday. It’s still not here so we had to scramble Saturday morning and find something locally.
(Yeah I know, first world problems. Right to strike. etc. but it’s all about ME, you know)
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
I think I’ll skip this one this year
They know what boys like, too
Dear DP SS recipient,
I know you don’t know that you’re you, but I couldn’t directly ship the gift to you. I have to be my own middleman and therefore I’m not even revieng it til the end of this week and therefore LATENESS ABOUNDS!!!!!
Me. Lo Pan. Apologize
can you translate that into english?
revieng = receiving
Already is. Don’t be a dickeroo
Oh ho ho. You’re a RICH on to be commenting on other’s typos
You took the piss out of me making typos by making a typo.
You are drunk.
All in a day’s work my fine fuckweather friend…
Don’t you forget it punk!
Does a dickeroo have a pouch?
I thought you wore it under a collarless shirt ?
STOP! Youre both right…
Oh my.
The “special report” I just got from Wired Magazine, on this past few day’s court filings, seem to indicate that things are going to be going down for realz.
“The investigation is now entering the worst-case scenario: Russia intelligence definitely targeted and penetrated the Trump campaign. In fact, contacts between Trump associates and Russia began earlier, and were more extensive, than we have long believed.”
Trump could best be described as “unhinged” when he thought all was going well. Now? Best fasten your seat belts.
The real question, though: no matter how egregious his crimes are proven to be, will he face any real consequences? It was reported last month that he’d committed tax fraud amounting to millions, and that news was met with a shrug.
…and the winner is:
“Frey, who shot to fame”
As someone who was a Jackson Guitar fan before becoming a Jeff Loomis fan, this news makes me really happy.
I own a Jackson! So now I can say that Jeff Loomis sounds like me.
You can and did!
DPSS ordered and being shipped directly to recipient
Morning Pan
Made dough this morning. Tomorrow it’s all about baking and decorating gingerbread cookies
Sitting I. A restaurant after seeing Mortal Engines at the cinema.
It was a pleasant surprise, heavily influenced by Star Wars/ Dam Busters
Ah yes, the great I.A. Restaurant… architect and engineer.
Intrigued to hear that. The previews made it look like kind of a mess. With lots of unfollowable, exploding action shots.
Now I shall put it back on my “to see” list.
In spite of the King Kong and Hobbit mess, I still believe in PJ. I’m totally down for not seeing in this the theater but wanting to.
I liked King Kong. I’m the one.
Rhett has crystallized my thoughts eloquently – – although I never saw the Hobbit extended editions. The theatrical releases were already extended more than was reasonable.
With some editing, King Kong could have been a good film. Also, I’m not sure Jack Black was the correct lead. While I found the Hobbit, just north of okay in the theater, I quite like the extended versions. ME looks pretty cool, I have the same apprehensions as jOE about being able to make sense of the action.
I admit I squeed when I found out that Liz Fair is playing a small show here next year. Problem is, which part of her career will show up? I’m hoping it’ll be very Exile in Guyville friendly as it was just reissued.
I have a comfy chair to assemble and I can already feel my mind going in to full procrastination mode.
The comfy chair?!?
Poke him with the soft cushions!!!!
Does it come with the Pipe and Smoking Jacket?
What about a smocking jacket?
Is this a catch-22? How can one procrastinate without a comfy chair to do it in?
It didn’t come with any assembly instructions..WTF!
Can’t help you with that. Wanna see a picture of my duck?
Does it have a pouch?
I thought I wore it under a collarless shirt…
I have a comfy chair.
Bravo! Feel manly!
I saw your related pic on FB. When you said “comfy chair,” I was picturing something with padding and cushions, not a comfy office chair.
Compared to a hard plastic bucket seat it’s a very comfy chair.
Spark? Shameless? Christmas lights? Butt? De La Soul?
Man, I really need to install a plug-in to translate this site into English one of these days.
This is probably of limited appeal. But I love me some Geddy Lee.
Watching a “Frontline” about Facebook.
Becoming more convinced that the strange ad Pixie got WAS due to that one sentence she had in a FB post she had made some weeks before.
New Godzilla trailer.
Morning Pan
Today my Boo is coming over and we’re making gingerbread cookies!
That sounds like a lovely day!
They’re less fun to smash than a gingerbread house.
“SNL sucks now!” “Buncha liberal cucks!” “SJWs” “It hasn’t been good since the 70s” “It hasn’t been good since the 80s” “It hasn’t been good since the 90s”
This was funny:
In less cranky news, it was nice to get a shoutout from Mottow Soundz on their FB page for my review of My Diligence.
“High praise for the My Diligence upcoming release Sun Rose. Journalists who can listen, analyse and write are going the way of the Dodo bird, which makes this review even more enjoyable. Thank you”
That album rules, tho for real
CP: While My Guitar Gently Weeps — Regina Spektor
DPSS gift arrived today, don’t know who you are but thank you.
My SS gift says it was delivered awhile ago. However I haven’t heard them say anything here (or FB) so I’m hoping all went well
If necessary, you could ask an intermediary, just to make sure they got it.
Maybe a lowlife Amazon bandit got it instead! :O
“The data also found films that passed the Bechdel test, meaning two women characters had a conversation about something other than a man”
Wow, what a concept. Most entertainment that really tries to break the mold seems to be on the small screen these days.
Interesting that the latest Star Wars films – – along the highest-grossing of all-time – – didn’t count, because the geezers were billed above Daisy Ridley.
This is encouraging. I still believe that social progress is slowly erasing the small-minded types. That’s just not the news that sells.
If you knew, then it wouldn’t be a secret Santa, would it? 😛
The Scott Pilgrim writer might be a clue..
Ya think? <3
Voyager 2
Nicely done pig. Nicely done.
Very impressive, V-GER.
Intrigued and intrigued!
Speaking of intrigued …
My progeny are all home for the Holiday and they, being “hip” and “tuned in” and what ever – they had me watch “Stranger Sings” with them.
It is the backing track that would go with episode 1 of Stranger Things … if Stranger Things were actually a musical. You turn the TV audio off – then go to Netflix and start the show at the same time you start the youtube track.
Some very funny moments but impressive for the sheer amount of work that had to have gone into it. Has a MST3K feel to it.
That is some serious dedication. Holy crap.
It’s rather windy out today
The wind chill is always what got me during NJ winter.
I think I posted a link to this before? Fascinating slice of 80s culture and video game history.
It’s a shame this was done so poorly, with the worst game show host of all time. I’d love to see an updated version, but still using the classic arcade games.
Yeah we still watch youtube vids of this show. It held my kids’ attention for all of 5 minutes. I still love it.
The other video game game show of that time was aptly titled The Video Game. Barely better host. Crazy ass announcer. Bad ass theme song.
News is saying semi trucks are toppling over from the wind.
The amusing piece is how it’s even too windy for the wind turbines and they had to be shut down. Who knew?
CP: Caught on a Breeze — The Joy Formidable
I must get my hands on this beer!!!
Trash Panda by Parallel 49
It’s Canadian.
I’m going to cry. I need this beer.
Does it taste like raccoons?
In other news: the world is full of creeps.
Had a huge scare yesterday. Tried playing the iPod in the car, but it kept crapping out. I looked at it, and the battery was on the brink of death. But I’d just charged it the night before! :O
I charged it again last night, and it worked OK this morning – – but I’m still nervous. Thoughts and prayers accepted at this time.
Ok. Wasn’t sure if you were talking about the iPod or the car … either way, fingers crossed!
I guess my overdramatic tone confused the matter. I meant the iPod.
Watch it with the light outs:
If corporations are people, then J&J’s can go to jail for this, right?
A point of some disagreement, round these parts.
Seems pretty much on the nose. Not sure where any disagreement to the article could come in.
Because Jack hates fun and good films, that’s why!
I’m with Lo on this one, good film.
It’s a bloody good film with decent bad guy.
(It’s not)
I know. 😛 And I know I’m in the minority on this one. It’s cool. I’ve liked every other Capn America film.
This up there with defending Hitler level of bullshit.
I’m not going to listen to this podcast, but I can guess what was said. Anyway, if anyone wants to know how much Stalin was concerned about his fellow man, read this.
Western propaganda indeed.
Also not going to give them the download – – unless a trusted source tells me it’s worth listening.
I’ll never understand the mindset that romanticizes monsters. Whether it be Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, Ed Gein, Dane Cook. . .
They made some good points about fascists in the Ukraine and Stalin wasn’t solely responsible for all the shit that happened in the USSR but they lost me at portraying Robert Conquest as some conspiracy theorist inflating death tolls to make Stalin look bad.
How dare you invoke the name of D*ne C**k. Monster.
This week I’ve watched some episodes of two new sci-fi tv series, Nightflyers and Origin.
The first episode of NF I found very offputting, Origin is better even though it’s trying to be ‘Lost’ set in Space.
DPSS away! Finally…
So Into the Spiderverse sounds goddamn amazing. And at 97% fresh after a whopping 232 reviews it’s most def one of the best reviewed films of the year. Think I’ll give this one my cash over Aquaman
Let us now how that goes because I am pondering seeing it as well!
Will do!
My DPSS Target also has not said anything, though Amazon says it was delivered. They post more on FB than here. . .
Now that is interesting…
If I was wise
I would see
I’m a child
Still asleep
Indeed. Great story. Nice to know this can be a thing.
Wow — 99 times out of 100, Charles Barkley stories are about him being an ass. This is a good one. Good on him.
Morning Pan
We have a rare weekend with just the two of us.
A new season of Travelers is available.
Can I bing watch ease?
Binge watch please, ffs.*
CW: Wonder Boys
Time is the flame in which we burn:
Let’s rock!!!
A nice IPA, a nice coffee, and a Vikings binge watch. This morning may just work out!
I never liked the “outbuying your opponent” aspect of MtG. This could be a game that I’d enjoy.
There should be a special corner of hell for a visitor to ignore an opened bottle of milk and open another bottle of milk.
In that part of hell, the butter is full of crumbs from someone else’s toast.
Me: I need a new monitor.
Old Monitor: But I still work well with this new PC.
Me: Hmmm
Old Monitor: Also, spin me around and you can play old arcade games in portrait mode? Can new monitors do that?
Me: Damn it!
Old Monitor: hahahaha
Narrator: He didn’t buy a new Monitor.
Thanks SS Van! 😀
Hope you enjoy it.
I made the mistake of watching the first episode of Carnivale.
So now I want to watch the two series again.
Also that scene where Ben cures the little girl and kills the crops ..that is creepy as fuck.
I’ve never seen it.
Finally watched the Cohen Bros’ made for Netflix Western.
Beautiful film making again.
Liked it.
*Ballad of Buster Scruggs
This is one I’m interested in watching. Foshizzle.
It IS the Cohen Bros so prepare yourself for the inevitable, WTF moments.
It turns out that Raising Arizona was filmed about 10 minutes from our current place.
I learned this because a friend posted pictures from his yard, compared to frames from the movie. Of course – – the spot where H.I.’s trailer was is now a hoity-toity neighborhood.
Is there a spherical object laying in the middle of the road?
Did someone say “Spherical?”
Ticket booked to see Into the Spiderverse tomorrow.
Mash of film trailers released in 2018:
Morning Pan
One week left until holidays for hubby
Possibly the greatest shame of our lifetimes – – although Trump isn’t done yet.
Sorry to go there, but FFS. Who the fuck supports this? – – – and yes, if the children are fenced in and can’t leave or be taken out by their parents, then it is imprisonment.
Who the fuck supports this? Unfortunately way too much of an entire section of this fucking country
On less cranky notes. . . .the best and the worst thing about working with IT folks is that a 2-minute question can lead into a 20-minute discussion of Star Wars video games and tabletop games from 80s til today.
One more:
Dark Crystal was one of the few stand-alone films/books with a deep mythos and background setting, but there’s obviously hunger for more stories and creatures in this world, so it’s cool to see this happening.
BOOM! Comics did do an official sequel last year but this more in line of what i wanna see
Crap joke for the day:
You are driving in a car at a constant speed.
On your left side is a ‘drop off’ , (The ground is 18-24 inches below the level you are travelling on), and on your right side is a fire engine travelling at the same speed as you …
In front of you is a galloping horse , which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it .
Behind you is a galloping zebra . Both the horse and zebra are also travelling at the same speed as you .
What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation ?
Get off the merry-go-round, you’re drunk!
Into the Spiderverse was great.
Go and see it.
The post credit sequence is not really worth waiting for in my view.
How does it rate up against other Spider-films?
Just below Homecoming for me.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s birthday today.
Happy Birthday to HubbyBunny!!!
Happy birthday to John! *played on the high end of the neck, using a blend of ionian and dorian phrasing*
My own personal insecurities seem small in comparison to this:
RIP, schlameel or shlamozzel. 🙁
Great in front of camera. Great behind camera
What Lo said.
She has a theory:
OK then! (what I said on FB too)
Although, yes. . . . Kylo and Rey’s relationship is obviously based in the real world. Kylo is a classic narcissistic rage-filled manboy, and no one should ever go near him. . . . Let alone elect him as President.
Wait, what were we talking about again?
It’s all fun and games until you get stabbed in the side and betrayed by your minion
Can we just watch the video where this fight is set to Fleetwood Mac’s ‘The Chain’ and forget everything else?
You can go your own way.
Link please
Well argued:
The author knows their stuff, that’s for sure.
Great album. Great great album
This is a fascinating read, no matter what you think of religion or of Ghost’s music. Not an endorsement of his views, but I think the article writer does a good job exploring the topic.
Morning Pan
Cleaned 2.5 washrooms today. Tomorrow I’ll do the kitchen and floors, then I’ll be ready for Christmas company
It’s Buzzfeed, I know . . . I know. . .
Today’s thought to ponder.
What are the chances that Russia HASN’T been manipulating the anti-vaxer movement with the same sort of false, social media campaign that they’ve used to divide us politically and socially.
Weakening a nation by getting a percentage of them kill themslves and infect others is much cheaper then using missiles and troops.
Sadly, the antivaxxer movement goes all the way back to the first use of vaccines. It’s just that mainstream media is finally now paying attention to this dangerous corner of the internet noise after recent outbreaks in the US.
Oh yes. I don’t mean to imply that they started it … but it really seem take off and get a LOTS of exposure in the last 5 years … almost all of that being internet based and focused around a proliferation of vacuous memes and fwded Blog Posts that all seem to reference each other as sources (if they referenced any sources at all).
I got ambitions. I just finished cleaning my kitchen and floors.
You missed our kitchen tile here.
Ok, i’ll Be right over
Well now you know:
“Lick the Iron” is going to be the name of our new retro Metal album.
Holy. Shit. Yes.
Morning Pan
I expect a quiet day today. Maybe I’ll do a movie this afternoon
My good deed for the day: drove a panicking high schooler to school, rather than send her on the bus, so she can chill out a bit about finals week.
My DPSS arrived last night and ZOMG it’s all kinds of awesomesauce.
Thank you thank you thank you Long Pan!
Happy Panidays!
I decided that my secret santa gift must have been taken from the person’s porch or something. I have people looking into the matter
I also received my DPSS gift. Thank you, mystery person! They’ve been washed, and will be used soon.
Pictures will go up on the FB page soon too.
(No, they’re not baby pigs)
Ok kids, it’s that time
Today’s movie is Santa Claws
I don’t know any of these people in the opening credits
The trailer for the new MIB is out:
Santa’s allergic to cats?
He broke the record
A Polaroid? Who still uses those?
You’d be surprised.
He kissed his Christmas decorations
No tree for Tommy
She’s mean
Making a mess
Christmas music
Wow this movie is bad
She’s using a spraw bottle to clean broken glass
They ruined the Christmas decorations
He needs super glue
Now he did it
Secret Christmas tree
Taking away his Christmas tree
Sniffing crayons
Here’s Santa
Taking a picture of the carnage
He fell off the roof
Santa’s dead
Carrie’s turn
Another Christmas ruined
She ate Santa’s cookies
Dude, you have some serious issues
A giant sand box
Evil laugh
Making a break for it
Setting a trap
Santa’s not real
Now she believes
She’s calling the cops
Santa is real
There will be mass chaos
He can help them
Hacking the Santa network
They tried to kill Santa
Marcus is playing with the kittens
Santa is gross
Who are the bad guys in this movie?
Ummm. Maybe the mom and the neighbour. It wasn’t really clear
Movie’s over
I had so many issues with this movie, I don’t even know where to start.
Movie’s over
I had so many issues I don’t even know where to start
An old ghost story has been annotated:
And the circle is now squared – my SS gift has come through. I shall resist the urge to read the directions.
I dig it – MiB: International
I still haven’t watched this – – so my pre-trailer take: this pairing of lead actors is what makes me interested. If it was Wil Smith again, it’d be a hard pass.
Nah. Wil Smith was the best part of the films. MIB 3 was not only the best of the films, it was a great film period.
I only saw MIB 1. When I still found Wil Smith charming and hilarious. To clarify, I’m just in a state of Wil Smith fatigue right now.
I’m told I should see the 3rd, but not the 2nd.
It’s a brilliant film. You need not see 2.
Why Wil fatigue? I couldn’t even tell you what he’s done in the past 5 years besides Suicide Squad
I’d like Lucasfilm or Disney to make some kind of official comment on the quote being circulated today about them “reconsidering the brand” and “giving fans time to heal.”
Call me skeptical.
Is this regarding the delay in releasing the trailer for episode 9?
All I can guarantee is that JJ will destroy the magic that Rian created
No…. I saw a link on FB to an article claiming that Disney said those things, and that they’ve cancelled all Star Wars films and events after Episode IX.
If you Google for it, you find a bunch of sites repeating this claim – – but I haven’t seen anything like that from the major entertainment sites, EW, E!, etc.
So the figure skater chose “Christmas at Ground Zero” by Weird Al – – 100% on her own with no influence from Dad – – for her Christmas program routine. The Ice Show was tonight, and it went great!
And all thumbs up!
I am proud for you !
That is fantastic!
Good Good stuff!
Way to go!
In case you haven’t seen it …
Glitter bomb for package thief.
“Revenge of he Nerd” indeed.
Excellent choice! I hope to get out and see her perform some time!
I wrote that above thingie as a reply to the ice skating post. I don’t know why it didn’t thread unless I didn’t do it right which is entirely possible.
It’s so Friday that I’m Fridaying like a Fridayer on Friday.
Happy Friday!!! 🙂
I will put out the word for her next Ice Show. Probably in the Spring. Or you can travel to Alabama with us in the Summer for the nationals.
I clicked that looking for an article about Joe Haldeman’s classic novel, and instead got stupid reality.
Five years ago and I’m only just seeing this now?
They’ve elevated it to an artform.
Silly me. I was all worried my gift wasn’t received. I see it was, I just missed the post way back when. :happy:
I was gonna make a crack about needing the elevators full of blood, but then I saw they’d done it.
I only just realized today was 21/12!
May all the gifts of life fill your hallowed halls.
That explains why everyone was in such a rush.
… such a “rush”
Get it ?
Get IT ?!?!!!!
JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control. JustaJoe has assumed control.
Just got basck from seeing Venom. You can tell it’s mos def not a Marvel Studios film but a pretty good first film in what could end up being a nice little franchise. It did feel extremely rushed but hey, what superhero films that arent Marvel Studios dont anymore?
I still expect to take the teenager to see that in the cheap theater. Even though it’s out for rent now.
I’m telling you… I dunno how your cheap theater is but 13$ for 2 tickets, medium popcorn, and medium Icee?? Can’t beat it
Just got back from the airport. Our youngest and her s.o. Are spending Christmas with us
Very nice! Will they help, interfere, or play no part whatsoever in cookie baking?
Don’t know. We still have a lot of. Ollie’s left from the last baking bTch
I’m sure there is a universe out there where that statement made sense.
This is the greatest nerdiest NASA-est thing ever.
Most excellent. Several references gave me a chuckle.
The one of them in the Star Trek uniforms is awesome. AWESOME !!!
There’s no way I printed these all full-size from my $30000 work printer. Nope. Wouldn’t do that.
No wait! I thought this was the link to the Voyager posters…
So after visiting Saltburn by the Sea I want all seaside towns to add ‘by the sea’ to their names.
I’m afraid I have no options left. I’m going to have to clean off my desk.
That means making a lot of small decisions about “stuff”.
A lot.
the horror
the horror
the horror
You don’t need that paper clip sculpture.
My paper shredder is full but my desk is not empty.
So I took a break to watch Sean if the Dead.
Where John Carter goes ice skating:
Morning Pan
Hope you all have a good Christmas Eve
Our day will be playing board games with the kids.
Happy holidays, everyone!
Merry Eve, melon farmers!
We’re off to have a pasta extravaganza at the sister-in-laws. Anyone else away from home for the Eve?
CW: Lawrence of Arabia
First time watching this film.
I’ve only seen it once, but goddamn, is it an amazing experience. I hope you’re not watching it on a tiny black and white screen.
Great film. I’ve seen it several times.
Good read on that film. So much of it rings true – – all year, not just at Xmas
If there’d ever been a follow up , though, it would have shown Potter eventually winning, and George still broke and never seeing anything outside of Bedford Falls. Sprry — Pottersville.
Past midnight here.
Merry Christmas Deadpan.
Interesting. Disney truly does co from all of our media, in some way – – for good or ill.
Speaking of great films, Hulu ruins “A Charlie Brown Christmas” with frequent commercial breaks in the middle running 5+ minutes. And we already pay Hulu for this privilege.
Maybe they didn’t get the message in the show about rampant commercialism?
Bah humbug.
Hey, it’s past midnight here…which I know because I can’t seem to sleep. So, Merry Christmas, Deadpan!
Your crap joke for Xmas day:
Today I bought myself some sensible walking boots and a little rucksack and went up to the lake district, walked for about 5 miles stopped and sat on a stone wall and had a flask of coffee. Then I walked another 5 miles and had a biscuit and then I……….
Sorry, I’m rambling
Merry Christmas you old savings and loan !
Whattaya know about that?!
Merry Christmas Deadpan!
MerryXmas, everyone! The dwarves have mined Present Mountain for precious gifts.
A rare NES game has been found:
I only ever played the PC version. And always with natural disasters turned off.
That’s pretty cool.
Now that is a cool story. My first exposure to Sim City was the SNES version, and I remember playing it quite a bit back in the day.
Though, the callout to Raid on Bungeling Bay for the Commodore 64 really brought back some memories. I had no idea those game had such close family history.
CW: Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines
CW: elder daughter playing Detroit Become Human.
Well, the first Die Hard still holds up. It had been a bunch of years.
I hate to be a killjoy, but I don’t care at all about the Christmas movie debate. Enjoy it as a Christmas movie or just as an action movie. It’s all good.
Cheers ! (Raises glass)
Well, what a whirlwind of a Christmas for me this year. It was great fun to see the smiles on all of my Loves’ faces over the past two days.
I hope everyone here in DPLand had some joy.
So Rand was a piece of shit:
Opening Pan
Had a good Christmas Day. It was the firs time in a long time both girls and their significant others together with us for dinner
Disappointing failures:
So. Much. Schadenfreude.
I had never heard of tis failed sequel:
That will eventually get remade. Cool McQuarrie images.
All good Irish know that today is St. Stephen’s Day. Take your Imperialist British Boxing and shove it!*
*Not directed at Van.
And now I want to be “Wrath of Khan” Santa when I grow up…
What about Star Trek: The Search for Rudolph?
I enjoyed Bumblebee, that is all.
Bumblebee was good, that is all.
We heard you the first time!!!!
Getting our Venom on!
So I’m glad we waited for the cheap theater. Venom is hokey as fuck – – but still a cheese blast. It reminds me of the Schwarzenegger/Stallone action flicks of their heyday. I sincerely hope they make the sequel that was set up in the post-credits scene.
Yes to this.
Okay it’s almost New Year and I guess we should start talking about whether a meet-up will be possible in 2020.
I ask (as usual) because I need to put in for holidays early.
Would this be the year for Archon? (more importantly: Tony Nast and Sausagefest)
What’s Archon’s date in 2019?
Maybe you could start a thread in the Deadpan group about meet-up 2019?
The trailer for the Black Mirror film is out:
Bandersnatch was the name of one of two supergames that a company called Imagine was developing but never released as it went bust when a BBC documentary crew was filming.
Good cause but creepy AF:
I fear this will be met with mockery. But I suppose if it saves one life. . .
Liverpool? Shouldn’t they all…Ringo… instead?
It’s not the only thing that is creepy AF.
Good morning, Pan.
Y’all are awesome.
I’m thinking of shutting my Facebook down for the new year until I get back from my cruise. I wonder if I could handle it…
Facebook is so evil. And it’s filtering is annoying. And it’s full of aggressive cretins.
For me, it’s only good for jokes, keeping in touch with people, and the occasional big announcement.
This will always be the place for my brain dumps, as long as someone’s reading.
A short story, by JustaJoe.
Facebook is lost to the dark side.
It’s creators had the best of intentions but when the first reports of their child exhibiting “anti-social, psycopathic behavior” started coming in- they refused to believe it.
“It’s still young. It will grow out of it. The community will police its behavior.”
Then the developers started feeling pressure to have their child start bringing home some income. “We just need to buy some time for our child to become better adjusted.” So they decided to sell their child’s less savory activities to anybody willing to pay. “Just till we get through the IPO “.
But once the money starts rolling in, it became easier and easier to overlook how their child was embracing the dark side. How it was being used to harm society. How it was being so effectively used to spread evil.
“It’s not our fault” they told themselves, and the stock holders smiled.
Now here we are.
I don’t want to post a joke, then come back hours later to find people pissed off at me and calling each other names.
Bandersnatch (black mirror) was a blast to play/watch.
Unless you have a Apple TV..
CW: Michael Palin in North Korea
I’m not a fan of travel documentaries but I enjoyed this one.
It’s a dictatorship, so I know he was only shown what they wanted home to see, but the humanity of the North Korean people showed through.
I know he’s made a second career of travel documentaries.
After he retired from being an Inquisitor.
Thought of the day:
I dream of a day, when a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned
I think Frogger has some kind of dark motive.
Moments away from leaving to see the Spiderverse movie.
Movie senses tingling.
Annnnnnd. . . ?
As a wise man once said …
It’s the only Spider-Man movie that ever needed to have been made!
Oh im not sure about that… Spiderman had been a strong set of films minus the Andrew Garfield ones. And those were just unessesadt. Still tho this one does sound like belongs at the top
The script for Into the Spiderverse:
The “Into the Spider-Verse” preview at the end of Venom was pretty meh, but I won’t dismiss it just for that. I loved the trailer with Peter Porker, and I’m seeing the universal geeking out over it. I may not see it until it’s available at home, though.
I loved Tobey Maguire, but really only loved the Doc Ock one of his.
To be more detailed in my review …
I found it to have a good, solid, well thought out story line that had much more complexity in it than I was expecting. IMHO – Above the average for action films. But didn’t cross into the land of “a mess to hard to follow”,
I also really liked the dialogue. Given the dramatic visuals in this film they could have gotten lazy and just let the dialogue be background filler … or gone the other way and made it schmaltzy platitudes and cliches’. I feel like they didn’t. There was some good dramatic dialogue and a lot of clever repartee.
I enjoyed this film.
Pinch hit crap joke:
A truck driver stopped at a roadside diner for lunch and ordered a cheeseburger, coffee and a slice of apple pie. As he was about to eat, three bikers walked in.
One grabbed the trucker’s cheeseburger and took a huge bite from it. The second one drank the trucker’s coffee, and the third wolfed down his apple pie. The truck driver didn’t say a word as he paid the waitress and left.
As the waitress walked up, one of the motorcyclists growled, “He ain’t much of a man, is he?”
“He’s not much of a driver, either,” the waitress replied. “He just backed his 18-wheeler over three motorcycles.”
*throws leather jacket
A couple of those looked promising and I’ve added them to my “want to read” list. A lot of it looked pretty … derivative.
I’ve only heard of maybe 2 or 3 of those authors. Maybe some new voices are breaking out?
Spending the day leveling my new 3D printer and trying to figure out the correct configuration settings.
Oh … and there is sports on in the background.
Oooh! Print me a working TARDIS!
Nice! Which model? As it so happens, I have been doing the same thing. 🙂
Kathy Ireland
I have the CR10S.
I am using “Tinkercad” to make my 3D models. It seems pretty capable but also … pretty cumbersome/clunky to use. It is also free.
I am using “Slic3r” to create my gcode. So many setting options. So many.
Finally thought I had the settings optimized then my daughter tried a print that kept falling over. I tried to import it into the 3D program to add supports … and found that it was too large to do so.
At an impasse with that.
First review of 2019 posted!
Hmmmm….high praise
Based on the review … I searched for them and found what I guess to be their first CD, just titled “Shumaun”. Gave it a listen.
I really liked how clean their sound was. When your schtick is precision licks and complicated rhythms, it’s nice to be able to hear all the parts.
Over all though … can’t really say I enjoyed it.
I found it moody and depressing. I would describe it as “RUSH gets together with YES … forms a band and then for some reason, they lose all hope and decided to suck all the joy from life.”
Grover was always the most gangsta of the Sesame Street crew.
Couldnt hear “Yanni”. Couldnt see the blue dress. Cant hear “fuckin” here.
How US aid kills people:
Humans have such capacity for being horrific.
The headline is misleading but yeh, humans can be horrific.
Morning Pan
Sent the youngest back home yesterday. I love the girls but we hubby and I were happy to have the house to ourselves again
An. Archon is October 4-6. I notice the hotel is already sold out. They haven’t opened up the Con registration yet
Right now, I’d say it’s 50/50 on whether I can make that date
Perhaps give Archon a miss then. It’s a bit late in the year as well.
Thanks for checking on that, Ryah. I guess we’d need to commit to Archon 2020 then? I will raise the question on FB. I will probably limit the viewers of the post.
I don’t think Cameron covered this in the film:
CP: Dope Queen Blues — Adia Victoria
CW: Detroit Become Human
Wolverine and Professor X will have really tough acts to follow. Magneto will have 2 tough acts to follow.
Alex Winter also crashed, but security had him removed.
A crap joke for NYE:
A Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate.
During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how pretty his roommate was.She had long been suspicious of a
relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious….
Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and
his roommate than met the eye.
Reading his mom’s thoughts, his son volunteered,
“I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just
About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
“Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”
He said ,”Well, I doubt it, but I’ll email her, just
to be sure.” He sat down and wrote :
Dear Mother:
I’m not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate But the fact
remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
your son.
Several days later, he received an email from
his Mother which read:
Dear Son:
I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your roommate, and
I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with her.
But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she
would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow…
Is it wrong my first thought was, who cares if he’s sleeping with her?
Lo your Xmas card arrived today, thank you.
The Starbucks machine is kind of fascinating to watch in action.
What a fucking dick, Lewis CK.
My iPhone wanted me to install something. Strangely, the PC worked.
Fuck him. This must be how wrestling fans felt when Hulk Hogan turned into the evil Hollywood Hogan.
Honest question. If he wasn’t a disgusting human being and still just the cutting edge comic that we once knew him as, would we be reacting like this? Would there be this outrage and disgust would it be more, “Well that’s Louis being Louis!”
A fair question. The whole schtick on that video isn’t that far off from his “look how edgy I am” bits of the past, but I say “fuck him” for jokes about scared kids in a school shooting.
To me, that’s him embracing the trump crowd after he got outed as a creep. They elected a molester as President, so they’d obviously have no issue going to see a (White) molester comedian.
I ask because I’ve been called out before for calling out non creepy entertainers on thier comedy pertaining to similar stuff. And I’ve been called out by folks I like and trust. So I dunno
I never thought LCK was very funny to begin with. I can’t recall the last time I watched anything he’d done.
I did used to be a fan.
Interesting that people gave you shit for drawing the on questionable jokes from “good” comics. Hypothetically, if edgy but non-creepy Lewis Black had made these same asshole jokes, I’d have said “way uncool,” but I wouldn’t have given up on him.
This shit coming from creep LCK, however: this pretty much kills any chance of acceptance in time from me.
But fuck louis ck! Netflix just put up a 1991 special by Bill Hicks. Go watch a true comedian
Amen to that.
Bill Hicks: A true American Hero.
It’s past midnight, so Happy New Year Deadpan from the future.
Everything is fine, we are still h…
*Doctor Who Theme playing*
Well, we were going to visit friends for gaming, but baby’s upset tummy kept us home. A quiet NYE in the Mangan house is fine too. I hope yours is/was fun.
Happy 2019 from AZ!
Hooray! No Y2019 Bug! We all live.
I do half-expect some sort of dystopian apocolypse to happen at some point. Fiction or non-fiction.
Along the same vein, Winter has arrived. WT..brrrrr
Wait, 2019? Are we sure? Dammit, I was just getting consistent with writing 2018 on my checks!
People still write cheques? I don’t think I even have a chequebook. Definitely not since we moved to the new home a couple of years ago
I write plenty of checks. I can’t guarantee I write any cheques tho
Damn Americans 😉
It is the American Way.
“Son, your body’s writing checks you just can’t cash.”
Morning Pan
As usual, hubby and I went to bed well before midnight. I don’t think we missed much.
Happy New Year Deadpan!
Hope gets a reset.
Other than the “everybody has a nasty stomach bug” part of it, it’s been a stellar year so far,
You know, I knew that the JJverse version of the Enterprise was scaled up from the original series and Kirk era movie size versions. I hadn’t appreciated just how much bigger they made it. Cool little video I stumbled on showing the different Enterprises compared to one another.
Though, I understand that the model makers designed the ship to be comparable to the original TOS and Movie era Enterprises. So, instead of the Kelvin timeline Enterprise having twice as many decks, at least from the outsize, the decks are just twice as tall – you can see it in things like the sizes of the windows in the saucer sections.
I’ve always been a Trek fan, but never on this level. Pretty impressive dedication.
I was always under the impression these were supposed to be like space-faring cities. All of the bridge characters had quarters the size of nice apartments. Does that mean the redshirts are all cramped into coffin rooms, like those Japanese hotels?
2019 – Day one.
So far I am un-impressed.
Meaning: same here, and I blame ditto.
I blame me too. I’m such a troublemaker. 😀
I enjoyed the Dr Who NY Special.
Roll on 2020.
Morning Pan
Today we took down the Christmas decorations and cleaned the house
I would have done that yesterday – – but was too damn sick. Bah stomachbug.
We leave ours up until the 6th, so we’ll be taking them down next week. Outside lights will have to wait until it is warmer.
This is brutal:
RIP Super Dave 🙁
Also loved him as Funkhauser.
Sad. SDO was awesome. 😀
One more thing: I’ve created a separate Facebook events page. If it’s possible to post in the main Deadpan page to a select audience, then I don’t know how to do that.
I posted
CP: Lash Out — Alice Merton
Hey Lo!
We got your card today. You need to update your records as it went to the wrong house. Not 2803 but 2003
I still find it weird that his card to me reached me before you.
+His one to you
+yours to him and he’s to yours
We still have a backlog from the postal strike in late November/early December. I’m surprised it got here this soon.
That’s not an update needed… that’s a typo. Or writeo as it were
Anyone here want to deep geek with me about Travelers?
You need to meet my wife. That’s definitely one of hers.
Oh man! And what an ending to S3!!!!
Started watching S2 after I stopped 5 episodes in, currently watching U235.
I hope it catches on for you, Van
Alright then:
Seems accurate.
Goodnight mush.
So … day 2, 2019 comes to an end.
It rained all day with temps in the upper 40’s.
My eldest flew back to Colorado :/
Come on 2019. Step it up.
It’s been talked about in sci-fi and science for decades but kudos to the Chinese for actually doing it:
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes…
This is huge news. Granted, I don’t watch the news daily, but shouldn’t this be the biggest story on every news outlet today? To be fair, it’s less important to human history than Kanye and Kim being pregnant with another child.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t care about a Ripley’s reboot, but. . .
Wowza. The quiets.
A socialist having fun..the horrror:
Yeah, they especially hate her.
While I’m certainly not a fan of her…I am rather baffled that anyone thought this would be damaging for her.
Tried to comment, but it didn’t go through…I’m probably going to end up with a double post now:
While I’m certainly no fan of her, I really don’t understand how anyone thought this video was supposed to be damaging for her.
Now this:
As a big fan of hers I can agree that this trolling makes no sense.
Morning Pan
Saw Aquaman yesterday. It was a mess, but still fun
Oldest daughter has the vomit now. 🙁 Happy New Year!
Well this happened:
A friend of mine posted this comedian routine – – I hadn’t seen it before:
I like John Roy.
“Books depend on ME!”. Truer words!
Welcome to Britain:
Oh! This deserves a nice sit and watch with a whiskey
Not once did Burgess Meredith do the Penguin laugh.
So let’s look at the main points in just the first two weeks of the shutdown so far shall we? National Park infrastructure is crumbling, it has become increasingly less safe to fly, and 800000 people are about to file for unemployment and food stamps. This self-proclaimed genius in chief is about to find that he’s going to have no country left to protect with his beloved wall.
Isn’t that the plan?
100%. It’s an Authoritarian’s M.O.
Here’s the fun bit.
When he finally stops screwing around with … well, everything – things will start to get better.
He will undoubtably take credit for those improvements … improvements from dumpster fires he started to begin with.
It’s a great plan really.
It is HARD to solve real problems. So create a bunch of problems and then solve them by NOT DOING what you did to cause them to begin with.
Clearly half the population will hail him as a savior.
Im not ony convinced he has zero plan but I’m convinced he in no way has the intelligence to even conceive of this notion. He’s treating the country like a company he can just declare bankruptcy in if shit doesn’t go his way.
Amy, you Christmas card arrived today, thank you.
Jack & Pixie, your card arrived today, thanks.
Dear god…
This is why Eddie Vedder became what he became.
Just back from seeing the Poppins movie.
It is the film I didn’t know I needed to see right now.
Thankfully I did.
An excellent article.
It doesn’t get much more fucked up then this:
Only in this time would anyone call her a hero.
Fill your boots with cardboard scenery and a dog that breaks down:
Just when you thought there was a bottom to the barrel:
I cant even with this story.
Van, you’re really gaxing a lot into the abyss lately.
Ha! That was supposed to be gazing. Your gaxing is your own business.
Last Saturday of holidays. I wish I could stay on holiday’s permanently. But then, don’t we all?
It was a gaming holiday for us. Hubby and I both got computer games. We also got two board games (Ascension & Formula D) as well as two expansions to Terraforming Mars. Today was spent trying them out before we introduce them to the masses next weekend.
I think Formula D is surprisingly fun. I don’t know if it has a lot of replayability.
You obviously don’t live with someone who watches the Formula One races. He’s already talking about getting some of the other track boards.
There’s also an advanced mode where you micro manage your gearbox, engine, and tires. We haven’t played that yet.
I look at it as either a game that can be played with a large group of people, or, since it’s a quick game, as a filler when you’re either between longer games or have a little bit of time after a long game
Booked a ticket to see ‘The Favourite’ tomorrow.
I’m not a fan of periods dramas, buf this one has been getting good reviews.
Tiffany just got back from seeing that with her sister. Neither of them loved it.
I enjoyed it, but the ending is rather abrupt. It is not a typical “feel good” movie but is well acted.
Ohhhh I just got home from seeing this with my sestra.
We both enjoyed it quite a bit. It was odd, quirky, entertaining, strange, sad, funny, all with excellent performances by all of the major characters.
The ending was, well…
There’s alot to digest. Damn Brits
That was a strange film.
the real history is here:,_Queen_of_Great_Britain
Strange how cameras thought worthless a few years ago are now being sought out:
We’re an hour into Bird Box. Here to see what the fuss is all about.
The next challenge is finding a Fotomat to get your film rolls developed.
I assume film will be the new vinyl.
I’m not sure why my Bird Box comment was a reply to Van.
We finished the movie. Intense stuff.
I Kill Giants was excellent and depressing as hell. Just like the comic.
I agree. It was very heart wrenching.
Looking at the plot On wiki it is very reminiscent of A Monster Calls.
When you have to download a film so that you can watch the 20 minutes you missed by falling asleep at the cinema…that.
I can’t believe how tired I am today. I must not be completely rid of this stupid thing. Fish n Chips last night probably didn’t help.
Watching Bandersnatch.
I guess we keep making the wrong decision(s).
Shit. This movie
Yeah. Not thought-provoking. Not entertaining. Not edgy. The interaction wasn’t all that fun. It’s a thumbs down from me. Intriguing premise, but it missed the mark.
Couldn’t disagree more. But then I had 80s rose tinted specs on as well.
Was gonna say – – I also got zero 80s nostalgia from it, other than the 10 seconds of the games.
Morning Pan
Back to work for the Bunny household